
Arab Republic of Egypt
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The Arab Republic of Egypt (Arabic: Pu Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo H ‎), referred to as "Egypt", the capital Cairo , Across Asia and Africa, most of them are located in Africa Northeast, West Company Libya , South to Sudan , the east Face Red Sea Merge with Palestine , Israel Bordering on the north Mediterranean . Northern littoral Mediterranean type climate The rest of the region belongs to Tropical desert climate . It consists of plains, valleys and plateaus, and its main resources are oil and gas resources and iron ore. The total area is 1000145 square kilometers, the coastline is about 2900 kilometers, and the country is divided into 27 provinces. As of September 2022, Egypt has a total population of about 104 million people, mainly believers Islam , mainly the Eastern Hamm ethnic group, the official language is Arabic . [5-6]
Egypt is Four ancient civilizations in the world One of them. In 3200 BC, Menes Unified Egypt established the first Slave state It went through the Early Kingdom, Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom and post-Dynastic periods. By the time the new Kingdom became more productive, it began to expand abroad and became a military empire. In the post-dynasty period, the national power was declining due to internal troubles and foreign attacks. In 525 BC, Egypt became Persian Empire One of the provinces. Over the next thousand years, Egypt was conquered by the Greeks and Romans. In 641, Arab After the invasion, Egypt became increasingly Arabized and became an important center of Islam. In 1517, it became Ottoman Empire The province of... In 1882, after the British occupation, it became British. Protectorate state ". On February 28, 1922, Britain declared Egypt an independent country. On June 18, 1953, the Republic of Egypt was established. On September 1, 1971, it was renamed the Arab Republic of Egypt. [5]
Egypt is League of Arab States The location of the headquarters, yes African Union It plays an important role in Arab, African and international affairs. Egypt is the third largest economy in Africa, an open market economy with relatively complete industrial, agricultural and service systems. 2021, Egypt Gross domestic product It was $385.58 billion. [6]
Chinese name
Arab Republic of Egypt
Foreign name
The Arab Republic of Egypt
Abbreviated form
Africa , Asia
National Day
July 23, 1952
National song
My Country
Country code
Official language
Egyptian pound
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leader
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (President) , Mustafa Madbouly (Prime Minister)
Population number
About 104 million [5] (September 2022)
Population density
104.7 persons/km2 [5] (2021)
Major nationality
Arab , Copts
Major religion
Islam (Sunni) , Christianity (Coptic Church)
Land area
1001449 km²
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$385.58 billion [5] (FY2021/2022)
Per capita GDP
$3,780 [5] (FY2021/2022)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Keep to the right
Leading institution
Cairo University , Alexandria University Etc.
Color taboo
Dull, purple
The national flower
Water lily
National bird
State structure
Unitary system
Main river
The Nile
Geographical highest point
Catherine Mount (2642 m above sea level)

Historical evolution



By 6000 BC, A surname The introduction of crops and livestock The Nile River basin, in Lower Egypt delta the El Fayyum The earliest known farming and herding culture in Egypt emerged in the oasis.
By 5000 BC, agricultural settlements had spread from the delta of Lower Egypt to Upper Egypt Aswan The first falls are even further upstream The Nile Both sides. Agriculture laid the material foundation for the emergence of civilization.
In 4000 BC, Egypt entered predynastic The pre-dynastic period is also known as The culture of Nijada During this period, the Nejada culture was named after the Nejada site in southern Egypt, and the Nejada culture was also called the Amla culture. The image of a red crown, one of the symbols of royal power, was found on a black-roofed clay pot in tomb 1610 of Nejada Place cobra As its symbol). A pottery tablet found in a tomb belonging to the Gersay period (Tomb 1540 of Negada) is painted with a symbol of the title of the king Horus The image of the eagle God (which is also one of the symbols of kingship). [6]

Early kingdom

In 3200 BC, Menes Unified Egypt established the first Slave state . Early dynastic period include First Dynasty of Egypt (3150 BC ~ 2850 BC) and Second Dynasty of Egypt (2850 to 2686 BC), the period from the pre-dynastic period to 2686 BC, until the Old Kingdom period. Information about this period comes from a small number of sites and other objects bearing the Pharaoh's name, the most important of which is the Narmai Tablet. Apart from simple writings on the Narmai tablets, no detailed records of the first and second dynasties have been found. [5]

Old Kingdom period

Third Dynasty of Egypt (2686 BC - 2613 BC), from Neteriknet-Djeser to Hony (Houni), there were five Kings. The era of Joser's reign was the beginning of power and victory, when the emergence of Ishakara Step pyramid The complex is represented by the magnificent stone architecture. The architect of the complex, medical sage and scholar Imhotep, became one of the first great figures to appear in the history books. This was the period of the development of a strong centralized monarchy, with the monarch sitting in the capital Memphis Governors were assigned to rule the country. King Zoser reign Sinai Peninsula Launched several expeditions and conquered the local peoples; He also sent men to mine there turquoise And copper and other minerals.
Fourth Dynasty of Egypt (2613 BC - 2494 BC), from Snevlou From Snefrou to Skepseskaf, there were six or seven Kings. Judging by the magnificence of the pyramids, Snefru, Cheops and Khafra The period of his reign was the peak of this era. In Dashar, the pyramids built by Meton and Kisa show the dynasty's good governance and economic prosperity.
The Fourth Dynasty is the history of ancient Egypt Old Kingdom period The second dynasty, Ancient Egyptian civilization reached unprecedented heights in this era, such as the largest pyramid Khufu pyramid It was built by Pharaoh Khufu of this era. Therefore, the Fourth Dynasty is considered the "age of honor" in ancient Egypt.
Fifth Dynasty of Egypt (2494-2345 BC), from Ouser to Ounas (Ounas) there were nine Kings. The most famous are Sahoure and Djedkare-Isesi, Sahula is Usechaf And Khentkaues I, the eldest son, reigned for fifteen years, which he chiseled together Mediterranean and Red Sea The Bubasti Canal and built a huge fleet. Expand the territory.
Sixth Dynasty of Egypt (2345 BC - 2181 BC), from Tete From Teti I to Nitocris, there were seven Kings, including Pepi I and Pepi II, who lived to be over 100 years old. Although the Sixth Dynasty was prominent in civil and military affairs, and organized military and commercial expeditions as far as the southern tip of Africa, the growing power of some governors led to a centralized authority Memphis Was threatened, which led to civil unrest. [6]

First intermediate stage

First intermediate stage (2181 BC - 2040 BC) includes Seventh Dynasty of Egypt (2181-2173 BC), Eighth Dynasty of Egypt (2173-2160 BC), the ninth and tenth dynasties of Egypt (2160-2040 BC).
After the collapse of the central government in the late Old Kingdom, the government was no longer able to maintain economic stability, and the ensuing food shortages and political debates escalated into famines and minor civil wars. Despite the difficulties, local rulers stopped paying tribute to the king and used their newfound independence to maintain the prosperity of their provinces. Once in control of their own resources, the provinces became more economically prosperous, and at the time of the explosion of creativity, the artists in the provinces inherited and adapted the cultural motifs of the Old Kingdom in the service of kingship, and the scribes developed and enriched the literary style, showing the creativity and optimism of the period.
After the chaos and turmoil of the Seventh and Eighth Dynasties of Egypt, two major centers of power gradually formed in Egypt: One was the Heracleopoli in central Egypt, which unified the northern delta and the vast area of central Egypt and established the Ninth and tenth dynasties of Egypt. The other center is southern Thebes . Thebes established the 11th Dynasty, which controlled southern Egypt and for a time extended its power south to the First Falls. [6]

Middle kingdom period

Middle kingdom period (2040 BC - 1786 BC) includes Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt (2133 BC - 1991 BC) and 12th Dynasty of Egypt (1991-1786 BC).
From the middle of the 22nd century BC, Heracleopolis and Thebes were engaged in a struggle for supremacy and unification of Egypt. Initially, both sides had a winner. Finally, king of the eleventh Dynasty of Egypt (Theban Dynasty) Montuhotep II That defeated Heracleopoli Tenth Dynasty of Egypt And reunified Egypt. Egypt's history entered the Middle Kingdom period. After reuniting Egypt, Montuhotep II sought to strengthen the central authority and its control over the localities. He appointed members of the royal family to the newly created post of governor of the Lower Egyptian Palace, and replaced the governor of the state of Hiut, which had been hostile to Thebes. However, as the monarchy remained weak, the Middle Kingdom in its early years did not touch the other governors of the former Heracleopolis dynasty or the southern governors who supported Thebes.
The Kings of the Middle Kingdom restored prosperity and stability to the country, stimulating a revival of art, literature, and monumental architectural projects. In foreign relations, the Kings of the Middle Kingdom were more active in seeking new lands and resources for expansion and trade. Amenemhet I, Sinusselt the First King, Sinusette III of the South Nubia And northeast Syria , Palestine Military operations in the region.
By the 12th Dynasty of Egypt, the rulers had begun drastic reforms and overhauled local governments. At the end of the Middle Kingdom, various domestic contradictions were very sharp, the royal power was weakened again, the unity was destroyed, and Egypt once again fell into a state of division and chaos. Thus began the second intermediate period. [6]

Second intermediate stage

Second intermediate stage (1786-1567 BC) includes 13th Dynasty of Egypt (1786 BC - 1633 BC), 14th Dynasty of Egypt (1786 BC - 1603 BC), Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt (1674 BC - 1567 BC) "Great Hyksos Dynasty", 16th Dynasty of Egypt (1674-1567 BC) "Minor Hyksos Dynasty", 17th Dynasty of Egypt (1650 BC - 1567 BC) Theban Dynasty ".
The Hyksos In the eastern part of the Delta, two dynasties were established, the fifteenth and the sixteenth, initially opposing the thirteenth and Fourteenth dynasties, but gradually expanding their power. Ahmose captured the Hyksos' capital, Awaris, in 1567 BC and drove the Hyksos out of Egypt. Ahmose founded the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, and Egypt entered the New Kingdom period. [6]

New Kingdom period

New Kingdom period (1567-1085 BC) includes 18th Dynasty of Egypt (1567 BC ~ 1320 BC), 19th Dynasty of Egypt (1320 BC ~ 1200 BC), 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1200 BC - 1085 BC).
The 18th Dynasty of Egypt (1567 BC ~ 1320 BC), the first dynasty of the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt, is also the most powerful dynasty in ancient Egyptian history, after the expulsion of the Hyksos, immediately began to expand from a regional kingdom in the Nile Valley and the delta to a great empire across West Asia and North Africa in about a hundred years. Its sphere of influence, Nanda Ethiopia , North Da The Aegean Islands , Crete , Cyprus , Palestine , Syria And other areas.
From the New Kingdom, the Kings of Egypt began to be addressed as "Kings." Pharaoh ". The original meaning is "big house". In the Old Kingdom, the term referred only to palaces and courts, not to the king himself. Towards the end of the Middle Kingdom, it began to be used in eulogy to the king, such as "King, long life, good health and good health."
In 1085 BC, Temple of Amun The New Kingdom period ended when the priest Herihor usurped the throne and established the 21st Dynasty of Egypt. [6]

Third intermediate stage

Third intermediate stage (1085-664 BC) includes The 21st Dynasty of Egypt (1085-945 BC), The 22nd Dynasty of Egypt (945 BC ~ 712 BC), The 23rd Dynasty of Egypt (818 BC ~ 715 BC), The 24th Dynasty of Egypt (730 BC ~ 715 BC), The 25th Dynasty of Egypt (752 BC ~ 664 BC).
21st Dynasty of Egypt: Hrihor proclaimed himself King of Egypt, while retaining the position of chief monk of Amand. Such measures will no doubt meet with some resistance. Meanwhile, in Tanis The city had a king named Smentis, who controlled all of the Delta and most of Central Egypt.
The 22nd Dynasty of Egypt: composed of 9 Kings of Bubastes (according to Avlicanus), of which 3 retained the names Sesonchis, Osoltun, and Takailotis, apparently equivalent to Sheshank, Osolkon, and Takailoth; the remaining 6 have not been preserved. Manitou records the 22nd Dynasty totaling 230 years.
23rd Dynasty of Egypt: The founding pharaoh was Padubas I, also known as Patubatus, who proclaimed himself king in the Delta region in the eighth year of the reign of Sheshank III of the 22nd Dynasty, establishing a new dynasty in the delta Leonteporis, which Manitou called the Tanis Dynasty. Thus the situation of the Northern and Southern Dynasties reappeared.
The 24th Dynasty of Egypt was a short-lived dynasty of ancient Egypt in the 8th century BC, lasting only a little more than ten years, with its capital in the west Seeis , rule Nile delta The area was finally destroyed by the 25th Dynasty of the South.
25th Dynasty of Egypt Nubian dynasty (Ethiopia) was a dynasty that ruled from the middle of the 8th to the middle of the 7th century BC, and its monarch originated from Kush, also known as "Kush" or "Cush"; namely Nubia At about the present time Sudan North, and later conquered Egypt. The 25th dynasty Assyrian The invasion and decline of the last pharaoh in the twenty-sixth dynasty sent troops to occupy Thebes Then return to Nubia. [6]


The post-dynastic period (664-332 BC) includes The 26th Dynasty of Egypt (664 ~ 525 BC), 27th Dynasty of Egypt (525 ~ 402 BC), The 28th Dynasty of Egypt (404 BC ~ 399 BC), The 29th Dynasty of Egypt (399 BC ~ 380 BC), The 30th Dynasty of Egypt (380 BC ~ 343 BC), The 31st Dynasty of Egypt (343-332 BC).
In 525 BC, Egypt became Persian Empire One of the provinces. For more than a thousand years, Egypt was destroyed Greece and Roman Conquer.
In 332 BC, Alexander's crusade When Egypt was occupied, Egypt became Alexander Empire Part of it. [6]

The Ptolemaic Dynasty

The Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 BC), is in Macedonian Empire Governor of Egypt after the death of King Alexander the Great Ptolemy the First Founded a dynasty that ruled Egypt and the surrounding region. Following the previous Egyptian model, a government was established, with Alexandria as its capital. The city tried to show the power of the ruler and was famous for it Library of Alexandria As the core, it has become the world's cultural and academic center.
Ptolemy I, founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, proclaimed himself king in 305 BC and Pharaoh of Egypt. The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled Egypt until 30 BC as Queen of Egypt Cleopatra VII It took 275 years until she was defeated and committed suicide.
Although the Ptolemaic dynasty was ruled by the Greeks, it did not stifle Egypt's own cultural traditions, and even built a number of Egyptian temples, the most famous being Filae At the Temple of ISIS, at this time the Egyptian and Greek cultures began to fully integrate, even including religious beliefs, and many deities began to share divinity, such as Ammon Equal to Zeus , Horus Equal to Apollo , Toth Equal to Hermes Let's wait. At the same time, a large number of ancient Greek scholars came to Egypt to study and record Egyptian history, mythology, technology, etc. Most of the ancient Egyptian works we see today were recorded and written by the Greeks during this period.
Alexandria is The Ptolemaic Kingdom It was the capital of the Hellenistic world and a major center of civilization and trade. The Ptolemaic Dynasty is recognized by world historians as the last dynasty in the history of ancient Egypt, and its monarchs are also recognized by historians as pharaohs. [7]

Post-egyptian period

In 641, Arab The invasion, Egypt gradually Arabized, became Islam An important center.
In 1517, Egypt was Turk Conquer, become Ottoman Empire The province of...
In 1882, Egypt was occupied by the British Army and became British. Protectorate state ".
On February 28, 1922, the United Kingdom declared Egypt an independent state, but retained control over issues such as defense, foreign affairs, and minorities.
On July 23, 1952, to Gamal Nasser chief Free officers overthrow Farouk dynasty A revolutionary Steering committee was set up to take control of state power.
On June 18, 1953, the Republic of Egypt was established.
Egypt, February 1958 Syria amalgamation United Arab Republic .
In 1961, Syria withdrew from the Arab League after a coup d 'etat.
On September 1, 1971, it was renamed the Arab Republic of Egypt. [5]
On January 31, 2024, S.Africa Minister of Foreign affairs Pandor Said Egypt has been confirmed as BRICS Full member. [27]

Geographical environment


Regional location

The land of Egypt was divided between Asia and Africa Mediterranean Looking at Europe. Egypt is mostly located in northeast Africa, with only Suez Canal east Sinai Peninsula It is located in southwest Asia. It covers an area of 1000145 square kilometers, ranking 30th in the world, and 94% of the land is desert. East approach Red Sea Merge with Palestine , Israel Bordering, west and Libya As neighbors, south and Sudan Bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the north. The coastline is about 2,900 km long. The Nile It runs 6,700 km from north to south and 1,530 km inside Egypt. [6]


Egypt can be divided into four parts: the Nile Valley and the delta region are flat, Cairo South general Upper Egypt To the north is Lower Egypt It covers an area of about 33,000 square kilometers. western Desert of Libya is Sahara Desert The northeast part is a plateau sloping from south to north, covering an area of about 671,000 square kilometers; The east Arabian desert From the Nile Valley in the west to the Red Seashore in the east, it covers an area of about 225,000 square kilometers; Sinai Peninsula The area is about 60,000 square kilometers, most of which is desert, and the southern mountains have the highest mountain in Egypt, Mount Saint Catherine, which is 2,629 meters above sea level. [6]


There is little rain throughout Egypt, Nile delta And the northern coastal areas Subtropical Mediterranean climate Most of the rest of the region belongs to Tropical desert climate . The annual rainfall in Cairo is about 18 mm, the average temperature in summer is 34.2℃, the minimum is 20.8℃, and the winter temperature is 19.9℃ and the minimum is 9.7℃. Mediterranean coastal cities Alexander The average annual rainfall is about 200 mm. The average temperature in the southern region in summer is up to 42℃ and down to 20.8℃, while in winter it is up to 25.8℃ and down to 9.6℃. [6]

Natural resources

Water resources
97% of Egypt's water supply The Nile . Egypt and Sudan The Nile Water Resources Allocation agreements were signed in 1929 and 1959 respectively, stipulating that Egypt uses 55.5 billion cubic meters of the Nile's annual water volume of about 84 billion cubic meters, Sudan uses 18.5 billion cubic meters, and the remaining 10 billion cubic meters are counted as evaporation. Egypt uses less than 600 cubic meters of water per person, less than The United Nations The per capita water consumption standard (1000 cubic meters) is defined as a "water scarce country". To make up for the shortfall, Egypt has increased the reuse of water for agriculture (13 billion cubic meters) and the use of groundwater in the Nile Valley and Delta (6.5 billion cubic meters). Irrigation accounts for 90% of Egypt's water use. [6]
Oil and gas resources
At the end of 2019, Egypt's oil reserves were 3.2 billion barrels (400 million tons), ranking sixth in Africa and accounting for 0.2% of the global total. Natural gas reserves of 2.1 trillion cubic meters, ranking third in Africa, accounting for 1.1% of the global total. The main reserves of natural gas are: Western desert Regions account for about 40%; The Mediterranean region accounts for about 25%; The Nile Delta region accounts for about 15%; Other producing areas include Gulf of Suez , Eastern desert Sinai and Upper Egypt. Egypt's average daily crude oil production reached 711,500 barrels, natural gas production reached 168 million cubic meters, domestic consumption of natural gas accounted for 70% of the total natural gas production, the remaining 30% for export. In 2015, Egypt's offshore waters discovered the largest natural gas field in the Mediterranean to date, with potential gas reserves of 850 billion cubic meters. [5-6]
Mineral resources
As of late 2019, Egypt has been discovered phosphates About 7 billion tons of reserves, 60 million tons of iron ore, and manganese Coal, gold, zinc , chromium , silver, molybdenum , copper and talc Such resources. [6]

Administrative division


Zoning details

Subdivisions of Egypt
Egypt is divided into 27 provinces and 8 economic zones, each consisting of one or more provinces. [6]
Subdivisions of Egypt
Economic zone
Provincial capital
Cairo District
Cairo governorate
Gailube Province
Delta region
Manufia Province
Spence Koum
Dumyat Province
Dakaria Province
Kafra Sheikh Province
Kafra Sheikh
Northern region of Upper Egypt
Beni Suef Province
Benny Suff
Fayoum Province
El Fayyum
Minia Province
Southern region of Upper Egypt
Sohaj Province
Aswan Province
Red Sea Province
Luxor Province
Esyut District
The province of Esyut
New Valley province
Alexandria district
The province of Alexandria
Bukhara Province
Suez Canal Zone
North Sinai Province
South Sinai Province
Port Said Province
Port Said
Ismailia Province
Suez Province
Eastern Province
Matru District
Matruh Province
Source: Egyptian Government website [6]

Major city

Views of Cairo
Capital of Egypt Cairo locate Nile delta 14 kilometers south of the summit, north Mediterranean 200 km, is the political, economic, commercial and cultural center of Egypt. Cairo governorate , Giza The Greater Cairo region, which consists of the Qalyubi province, It has an area of about 3,085 square kilometers and a population of about 22.8 million (2017). The average temperature in summer is 34.2℃ and 20.8℃ respectively. In winter, the highest is 19.9℃ and the lowest is 9.7℃. [20] It is the most populous city in the Arab and African countries and the 16th largest metropolitan area in the world. The ancient Egyptians called Cairo "the mother of the city", and the Arabs called Cairo "Kahel", meaning conqueror or victor.
Alexander : located at The Nile West of the port, about 200 kilometers from the capital Cairo, is the second largest city in Egypt and the largest port city of cargo throughput in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean region. 332 BC, Greece Macedonia King Alexander the Great After occupying Egypt, he founded the city and named it after him. With beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, Alexandria is the summer capital and summer resort of Egypt, known as the "bride of the Mediterranean". Alexandria is an ancient and medieval city, a political, economic, cultural and East-West trade center on the Mediterranean coast, and one of Egypt's shipping and export-oriented industrial centers.
Port Said : One of the major port cities of Egypt, located in Africa and Asia, Mediterranean and Red Sea The intersection point of the city has a higher level of comprehensive development. In 1859, with Suez Canal It was built by excavation and named after the governor of Sederpasha, who was stationed at that time.
Sharm el-Sheikh : located at Sinai Peninsula The south end, historically uninhabited, was occupied from 1967 to 1982 Israel Occupation, 1982 Camp David accords Return to Egypt. Sharm el-Sheikh is a famous tropical seaside resort, and thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year for sightseeing and vacation. Several important peace conferences have been held in Sharm el-Sheikh in recent years. UNESCO The City of Peace Award 2000-2001 was presented to Sharm el-Sheikh in recognition of the city's special role in the Middle East peace process. [6]

National symbol


Country name

It is generally believed that the English word "Egypt" comes from Ancient Greek Language evolved. Arab Egypt is called Misr, in Arabic It means "vast country". Egypt is also known as pyramid The land of cotton.


Flag of Egypt
Flag of Egypt Rectangular in shape, the ratio of length to width is 3:2. Top-down by red, white, black three parallel equal horizontal rectangular composition, the white part in the middle of the national emblem pattern. Red symbolizes revolution, white symbolizes purity and a bright future, and black symbolizes the dark days of Egypt's past.

National emblem

Coat of arms of Egypt
Coat of arms of Egypt It's a golden eagle called the Saladin Eagle. The golden eagle stands tall and spreads its wings, symbolizing victory, courage and loyalty. It is the embodiment of the Egyptian people's freedom to fly high in the sky despite the scorching sun and storms. On the front of the eagle is the red, white and black flag design in the shape of a shield, and on the base sash of the seat is written "Arab Republic of Egypt" in Arabic.

The national flower

Blue lotus
The national flower of Egypt is Blue lotus The scientific name is water lily. Blue lotus originated in ancient Egypt Nile valley It is also the national flower of Egypt. After conquering ancient Egypt, the ancient Greeks brought the blue lotus to the rest of the world because of its beautiful, sacred, spiritual and medicinal properties. Blue lotus in Egypt means love, wisdom and life.


According to the Egyptian Central Public Mobilization and Statistics Agency (CAPMAS), as of May 2021, the population of Egypt is over 100 million, concentrated in the country Nile delta And coastal areas, the labor force accounted for about 29%. Of these, 10.16 million were in Cairo Province, 9.32 million in Giza Province, 7.74 million in Eastern Province and 5.43 million in Alexandria Province. Affected by the epidemic, the total number of overseas Chinese in Egypt currently does not exceed 10,000, mainly concentrated in Cairo , Alexander Ain Sukhna and other areas.
Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and the third most populous country in Africa, with more than 50% of the population under the age of 25. The main ethnic groups are the Eastern Hamm (Egyptian Arabs, Copts , The Bedouins , The Berbers ), 99% of the population, Nubian , Hellenic , Armenian Italian and French people make up 1% of the population. [6]




The government of Egypt is republicanism . According to the Constitution, the Egyptian Cabinet is the highest executive and management body of Egypt, the People's Assembly is the highest legislative body of Egypt, and the Parliament is bicameralism The president is the head of state.


The original constitution was adopted by referendum in September 1971, amended three times in 1980, 2005 and 2007, and in 2011 Mubarak After stepping down, it was abolished. In December 2012, Egypt approved a new constitution with 63.8% of the vote. On 3 July 2013, the Egyptian military announced the suspension of the 2012 constitution. In January 2014, the new draft constitution was approved by a national referendum with 98.1% support (38.6% turnout). In April 2019, Egypt held a referendum and passed constitutional amendments with 88.83% support (44.33% turnout), mainly including extending the presidential term, establishing the Senate, the vice president, and so on. [11]


In April 2019, the Constitution was amended to make parliament unicameralism instead bicameralism . The House of Representatives has legislative, supervisory, and financial powers, while the government has jurisdiction over House of Representatives Be responsible and subject to its supervision; The term of office is 5 years and the number of seats is not less than 450. The new Senate was an advisory body whose main function was to advise the House of Representatives and the President on important matters such as legislation, treaty making, and foreign policy. The term of office is five years, with 300 seats. In 2020, Egypt held the Senate and the House of Representatives elections, and the current speaker of the House of Representatives Hanafi Jabali The Speaker of the Senate, Abdul Wahab Abdullazig. [5] [11]


According to the Constitution, the Egyptian Cabinet is the highest executive and governing body of Egypt, composed of the Prime Minister and ministers, the current prime minister is Mustafa Madbouly . The main ministries responsible for the economy are the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of International Cooperation, the General Administration of Investment and Free Zones, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Relics. The main members are Foreign Minister Shukri, Defense Minister Zazi, Interior Minister Tawfik and so on. [6]
In August 2022, the Egyptian government was reorganized, and Madbouly remained as Prime Minister. The current cabinet consists of 33 members. The main members are Foreign Minister Shukri, Defense Minister Zazi, Interior Minister Taufig and so on. [6] [11]


The judiciary is divided into the general judiciary and the administrative judiciary. The highest branch of the common judiciary is the Supreme Court of Appeal, with Hossein as president. The highest branch of the administrative judiciary is the Supreme Administrative Court, the president of which is Hafez. Cairo also houses the Supreme Constitutional Court, which interprets the constitutional nature of laws and regulations, under President Bulos Fahmy. The prosecutorial authority includes the General Prosecutor's Office and the District Prosecutor's Branch, and the Attorney General Hamada Savi. [11] [23]
The People's Assembly is the highest legislature in Egypt, and its main functions are to legislate and amend the constitution, review and approve agreements and treaties, review and approve the government's policy program and budget, discuss major national policies, approve the declaration of wars and states of emergency, and supervise the daily work of the government. [6]

Political party

Political party
Establishment time
The Free Egyptians Party (Free Egyptians Party)
July 3, 2011
It is the largest party in parliament with 65 seats. It advocates the establishment of a secular state and an independent judiciary, the preservation of the original social values and customs, and the freedom of belief, democracy and freedom for all citizens. Women should play a social role and participate in construction in all fields. The Chairman is Issam Khalil.
Fatherland Future Party (Nation's Future Party)
In July 2015
Formerly known as the Future of the Fatherland Movement, which currently holds 53 seats in parliament and is the second largest party in the parliament, it describes itself as the political party of Egypt's youth and was founded with the aim of replacing street politics with "party politics" and enabling youth to participate in political life in a peaceful manner. The party currently has about 100,000 members and its chairman is Ashraf Rashad.
Xinhua left the party (New Wafd Party)
February 1978
The predecessor is Waffle defected , was the main opposition party under Mubarak. It currently holds 35 seats in Parliament, making it the third largest party in parliament. They called for accelerated political, economic and social reforms, guarantees of fundamental freedoms and human rights, and closer relations with Arab and Islamic countries, with a focus on developing relations with African countries. The president is ABU Shaker.
Homeland Defenders Party
February 2014
It currently holds 18 seats in Parliament, making it the fourth largest party in parliament. The party, founded mainly by retired military officers, advocates rational participation in politics and contribution to the defense of the country, rather than political mania. The party is open to other parties and does not advocate confrontation between parties or groups. The Secretary-General is Jalal Mahmoud Khalidi. [6]


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
Current President: Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Born in 1954, he graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy in 1977 with a bachelor's degree. He received a master's degree from Command and Staff College, Egypt, in 1987. He studied at the United States Army Combat College in 2005-2006. He served in the army infantry, as battalion commander of the mechanized infantry battalion, chief of the Intelligence and Security Department of the Ministry of Defense, military attache of the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, Chief of staff and commander of the Northern Military District, and Director of the Egyptian Military Intelligence Agency. He served as Minister of Defense and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in August 2012, led the military ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, and served as first Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense in the interim government. He resigned from all positions in March 2014 to run for president and won the election, and was sworn in on 8 June 2014. Sisi was re-elected president in June 2018. He won the Egyptian presidential election in December 2023. He will be sworn in on April 2, 2024. [32] 31 -
Current Prime Minister: Mustafa Madbouly Born in 1966. He received his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. Since 2000, he has worked in the Ministry of Housing, and successively served as Technology Minister, Deputy Director and director of the General Administration of Urban Planning, until 2012 United Nations Human Settlements Programme Director General of the Arab Region, Minister of Housing since 2014 and Prime Minister since June 2018.
Current Speaker of the House: Hanafi Jabali He was born in 1949. He graduated in 1975 Cairo University Law School, obtained in 1987 Ain Shams University PhD in law school. He has worked in the Ministry of Justice, the Presidential Palace, the Supreme Constitutional Court and the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Bahrain. He was Secretary General of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts from 2010 to 2011 and President of the Supreme Court of Egypt since June 2018. On 12 January 2021, he was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives for a five-year term.
Current President of the Senate: Abdulwahab Abdullazig, born 1948. He graduated in law from Cairo University in 1969. He has worked in the General Prosecutor's Office, the Administrative Court, and the Supreme Constitutional Court. He served as President of the Supreme Constitutional Court from 2016 to 2019. In 2019, he was appointed chairman of the Fatherland Future Party. He became President of the Senate in October 2020. [5]




Egypt It is an open market economy with relatively complete industrial, agricultural and service systems. Services account for about Gross domestic product 46%. Industry is dominated by light industries such as textiles and food processing, accounting for about 36% of GDP. The rural population accounts for 55% of the total population, and agriculture accounts for 18% of the GDP. Oil and gas, tourism, remittances and Suez Canal It is the four major sources of foreign exchange earnings.
The unrest in Egypt since the beginning of 2011 has had a severe impact on the national economy. The Egyptian government has taken measures to restore production, increase income and reduce expenditure, attract foreign investment, improve people's livelihood, and sought international support and assistance to tide over the economic difficulties. After the interim government came to power in July 2013, the economy faced considerable difficulties, and with the help of substantial financial support from Gulf Arab countries, the economic situation has improved. Since the formation of the new government in June 2014, it has made great efforts to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood. Key economic data are as follows:
Gross Domestic Product (FY 2022-2023) : EUR 10.2 trillion.
Gross Domestic Product per capita (FY 2022-2023) : 96,294 EPD.
Economic growth rate (FY 2022-2023) : 3.8%.
Currency name: Egyptian pound .
Official exchange rate (January 2024) : 1 USD ≈31 Egyptian pounds [25]
in World Economic Forum In the 2019 Global Competitiveness Index report, Egypt ranks 93rd out of 141 countries. According to the World Bank's 2020 Ease of Doing Business Report, Egypt ranks 114th out of 190 countries and territories worldwide. As of May 2021, international rating agencies Moody Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings Egypt's sovereign credit ratings are rated B2, B/ and B+, respectively, with stable outlooks. [5-6]


Egypt is a traditional agricultural country, the rural population accounts for 55% of the total population of the country, the agricultural employment of about 5.5 million people, accounting for 31% of the total national labor force. The Egyptian government attaches great importance to expanding the area of arable land and encouraging youth farming. The country's arable land area is 3.1 million hectares, accounting for about 3.7% of the total land area. In recent years, with the development of the Egyptian economy, the proportion of agricultural output in the gross domestic product has declined. Cotton is the most important cash crop in Egypt, mainly medium long staple cotton (below 35mm) and super long staple cotton (above 36mm), known as a "national treasure". After the reform in recent years, agricultural production has achieved steady growth, and it is the sector in which economic opening has produced the fastest results. But as its population grows, Egypt still needs to import food and is one of the world's largest food importers. [5] [15]


Egyptian industry is dominated by light industries such as textiles and food processing. Industry accounts for about 36% of GDP, industrial exports account for about 60% of total commodity exports, and industrial employment is 2.74 million, accounting for 14% of the country's total labor force. [5] [23]
Oil and gas industry
Egypt is an important oil and gas producer in Africa, and the oil and gas industry is one of the main pillars of the Egyptian economy, accounting for 13.6% of the total GDP. The Egyptian oil and gas management system is under the unified leadership of the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, and is composed of the Egyptian National Oil Company (EGPC), the Egyptian National Gas Company (EGAS), the Egyptian Southern Oil Company (Ganope), the Egyptian Refining and Chemical Company (Echem) and other units. From 2016 to 2019, foreign companies invested $35 billion in Egypt's oil and gas sector, with the fuel and energy sector accounting for 27 percent of Egypt's GDP.
Textile industry
Egypt has the largest cotton and textile industry cluster in Africa, from cotton planting to spinning, weaving, to garment manufacturing can be produced, the industrial chain is relatively complete. In the garment manufacturing has a strong ability, weaving and printing links are relatively weak, need a large number of imports. There are more than 7,000 textile enterprises in Egypt, 90% of which are small and medium-sized enterprises, absorbing about 1.5 million jobs, accounting for one-third of the national industrial employment population, and the textile industry accounts for about 3% of GDP. In recent years, textile (including garment manufacturing) exports accounted for about 10.6% of total exports, the main export markets for Europe, the United States, Turkey and Italy. [6]
Automobile industry
Egypt has no local autonomous car production line, and the vehicle supply is basically dependent on imports and local assembly. It has 12 car assembly plants, 8 bus assembly plants (8 production lines) and 5 truck assembly plants (9 production lines). [6]
Iron and steel industry
Egypt is the number one producer and consumer of steel in Africa and ranked 21st in the world in steel production in 2018. The steel industry is a pillar industry in Egypt, and its products are widely used in construction, shipbuilding, industrial manufacturing and other fields. At present, the overall surplus of steel production in Egypt, but the production technology is relatively backward, the production cost is high, high-grade steel and special steel still need a large number of imports. [6]

Finance and finance

In addition to taxes, the financial sources mainly rely on tourism, oil, overseas remittances and Suez Canal income. [14]
Central bank
Central Bank of Egypt The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) was established in 1960 as a banking authority directly under the Cabinet. Its main functions include issuing currency, supervising the operation of the banking system, formulating credit and banking policies, managing foreign exchange reserves, regulating the foreign exchange market, supervising the payment system, and tracking and managing foreign debts. [6]
Commercial bank
In 1975, Egypt promulgated the Banking Law No. 120, which defined the business scope and operation mode of all banks in the country, mainly divided into commercial banks, investment banks and professional banks. Commercial banks operate general storage operations and provide funds for various market transactions. Investment banks can accept deposits to finance foreign trade operations, but mainly invest in medium - and long-term businesses, such as supporting emerging industries and financing investment in fixed assets. Specialized banks mainly serve the country's specific industries and provide long-term financial support for the development of real estate, industry and agriculture.
Egypt has a total of 40 licensed banks, including 5 state-owned banks, 28 private and joint venture banks, and 7 foreign bank branches. National Bank of Egypt The National Bank of Egypt is the largest commercial bank in Egypt and has opened a branch in Shanghai. The Bank of Egypt (Banque Misr) is the second largest commercial bank with an office in Guangzhou. Commercial International Bank (CIB) is the largest private bank in Egypt. [6]
Foreign bank
The larger foreign banks in Egypt include Qatar National Bank (QNB), HSBC (HSBC), Commercial International Bank (CIB), etc. In 2003, Egypt promulgated and implemented the new Banking Law, welcoming foreign banks and financial institutions to participate in the privatization process of Egyptian banks and enter the Egyptian financial market through equity participation and acquisition. [6]
Brics New Development Bank
On March 30, 2023 local time, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi issued Republic Decision No. 628 of 2022, approving Egypt's accession Brics New Development Bank . [13]
Insurance industry
At the end of June 2019, there were 39 insurance companies in Egypt with a total premium of £35.2 billion. Among them, there are 15 life insurance companies, 22 property insurance companies, 1 export insurance company and 1 insurance cooperative. Of these companies, three are state-owned and the remaining 29 are privately owned. In addition, there is another reinsurance company. In the 2018/19 fiscal year, the insurance sector contributed 9% to GDP and premiums increased by 19% year-on-year. Insurance funds are mainly invested in bank deposits, government bonds and non-government bonds. [6]
Securities market
The Egyptian capital market dates back to the 19th century and is one of the oldest markets in the Middle East and North Africa. The Alexandria Exchange was founded in 1888 and the Cairo Exchange (now called the Egyptian Exchange) in 1903. In the 20th century, the Egyptian Exchange was considered the fifth largest exchange in the world. The Egyptian government enacted the Capital Markets Law in 1992.
There are two major stock exchanges in Egypt: the main board is the Egyptian Exchange (EGX) and the SME board is the Nilex. The benchmark index is EGX30, which represents the 30 most liquid and active companies on the Egyptian exchange, as well as the EGX50, EGX70, EGX100 and other weighted indexes. The EGX30 index closed at 9,865.59 points on June 17, 2021, its all-time high of 18,363.2 points (April 2018). In June 2021, Egypt EGX has more than 200 listed companies with a total market value of about 630 billion Egyptian pounds. [6]
Credit card use
By the end of 2019, Egypt had 3,375,100 credit cards, 88,400 POS machines, and 13,300 ATMs. Major international credit card issuers have a certain degree of cooperation with Egyptian banks, such as VISA and Mastercard Let's wait. Credit cards are generally used in Egypt and are widely used in high-end hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets and tourist destinations in Cairo and other major cities.
China UnionPay The Bank card consortium Egyptian Banks Co (EBC, branded 123) was selected as the partner in Egypt. Since January 2010, including National Bank of Egypt More than 3,000 ATMs in Egypt, including major banks such as the Bank of Egypt, accept UnionPay cards, and the coverage rate is almost 100%, basically making UnionPay card visitors to Egypt unimpeded. The service of UnionPay card in Egyptian ATMs is cash withdrawal (Egyptian pound) and balance inquiry. [6]


Egyptian legal tender is Egyptian pound (L.E.). On November 4, 2016, Egypt implemented a floating exchange rate, and the Egyptian pound depreciated sharply. After severe fluctuations, it began to stabilize in 2017 and appreciated slightly after 2019. On March 31, 2021, the central Bank of Egypt announced an official midpoint rate of about 15.67 Egyptian pounds for 1 US dollar and 2.41 Egyptian pounds for 1 Chinese yuan. Since 2019, major commercial banks in Egypt have opened RMB business and can settle accounts with Egyptian pounds by opening RMB accounts. [6]


Egypt has a long history, many places of interest, with good conditions for the development of tourism. The government attaches great importance to the development of tourism. The main tourist attractions are pyramid , The Sphinx , Luxor Temple , Aswan High Dam , Sharm el-Sheikh Let's wait. In the 2022/2023 fiscal year, Egypt's tourism revenue reached $13.6 billion, an increase of 26.8%. [6] [15] [20] [25]

Service industry

The service sector plays an important role in Egypt's national economy. In recent years, the share of services revenue in GDP has been above 50%, mainly from tourism, Suez Canal revenue and so on. The surplus of trade in services makes up for the huge trade deficit in goods to a certain extent, and the shortage of foreign exchange is solved by remittances, aid or borrowing. [6]

foreign trade

Egypt has trade relations with more than 120 countries and regions, and its main trading partners are China, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Egypt's total foreign trade in the 2022/2023 fiscal year was $110.407 billion, with imports of $70.783 billion and exports of $39.624 billion.
Egypt's main imports are machinery and equipment, cereals, electrical equipment, fossil fuels, plastics and their products, steel and their products, wood and wood products, vehicles, animal feed, etc. The main export products are fossil fuels (crude oil and its products), cotton, ceramics, textiles and garments, aluminum and its products, iron and steel, grains and vegetables. Egypt's exports mainly go to Arab countries. [25]

Foreign investment

In June 1974, the Egyptian government promulgated the first Investment law. Since the mid-1990s, Egypt's rate of attracting foreign direct investment has accelerated. Since the second half of 2014, the situation in Egypt has gradually stabilized and the investment environment has improved. In 2014, the total foreign direct investment in Egypt reached about 18 billion US dollars, ranking first among African countries. In June 2017, Egypt promulgated a new Investment Law, which is conducive to attracting foreign investment and provides preferential policies in terms of land transfer model, income tax reduction, investment protection, and the number of local employees. [11]
According to the World Investment Report 2021 issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Egypt will attract foreign investment flows of 5.85 billion US dollars in 2020. By the end of 2020, the stock of foreign investment had reached 132.477 billion US dollars. According to the Central Bank of Egypt, in the fiscal year 2019/2020 (July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020), Egypt attracted net foreign direct investment of $7.45 billion, down 9.6% year-on-year. Europe, Arab countries and the United States are the main sources of foreign investment in Egypt. [6]
Chinese investment in Egypt
According to the statistics of China's Ministry of Commerce, China's direct investment in Egypt in 2020 will reach 27.34 million U.S. dollars. By the end of 2020, China's stock of direct investment in Egypt stood at $1.19 billion. According to the Egyptian General Administration of Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), there are more than 1,500 Chinese companies registered in Egypt, focusing on oil and gas extraction and services, manufacturing, construction, information technology and services. More than 140 Chinese enterprises and institutions have registered and carried out economic and trade activities in the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, of which 80 are officially registered in Egypt, and the rest are informal liaison offices and project departments. [6]
American investment in Egypt
According to public data from the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, US direct investment in Egypt in the fiscal year 2019/2020 reached $1.41 billion, an increase of 4.4% over the previous year, accounting for 8.9% of Egypt's FDI inflows that year. The United States was Egypt's fourth largest source of foreign direct investment that year. The largest U.S. investment is Apache's investment in Egypt's oil and gas sector. In 2019, ExxonMobil The acquisition of the Egyptian gas concession marks the company's approval to enter the Egyptian gas sales market.
At the end of 2018, the stock of US non-oil and gas direct investment in Egypt totaled $2.6 billion and is active in most sectors of the Egyptian economy. Non-oil and gas investments are as follows:
The financial services industry accounts for 42%, and the main investment companies are American International Group , American Express Bank of New York Mellon, mastercard , Citibank and VISA Let's wait.
Manufacturing accounts for 33 percent, and the number of companies in Egypt accounts for nearly a quarter of all U.S. companies. Big investors in the space include 3M , Abbott Laboratories , American standard , Coca-Cola , Colgate - palmolive , GE ( General Electric ), GM ( General Motors ), Gillette , Heinz , Johnson & Johnson Group, Pepsi , Pfizer , Proctor & Gamble Let's wait.
The service sector accounts for 17% of investment and nearly 40% of all U.S. companies in Egypt. Areas covered include business services, consulting, healthcare, education, construction and more. Investors in the communications and information technology sector include Cisco , Hewlett Packard , IBM , Oracle ( Inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones ) and Microsoft . In the construction sector, there are companies such as Bechtel. Franchised restaurant brands include: KFC , McDonald's , Pizza Hut , Starbucks , Buzz Robin, Burger King , Chillis, Cool Holy Stone, Dairy queen Friday, etc. [6]
Eu investment in Egypt
According to media reports, as of the end of 2018, European Union Egypt has invested 42.8 billion US dollars in direct investment, registered 6,339 companies and created 192,000 jobs. In addition to the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium investment is also relatively large, but the main reason is Brussels As an important offshore financial center in Europe, many EU third country funds flow into Egypt via Belgium.
British investment in Egypt
The UK has a long history of economic and trade ties with Egypt and is one of the largest sources of foreign investment in Egypt. According to media reports, the UK has actually invested about $46 billion in Egypt, mainly in the oil and gas industry, about $40.5 billion. Major enterprises include BP , Vodafone , GlaxoSmithKline , Actis Capital, etc. According to the statistics of the relevant Egyptian authorities, as of the end of 2018, the United Kingdom against Egypt FDI The stock is about $5.6 billion, and the number of companies is more than 1,600.
French investment in Egypt
According to media reports, as of the end of 2018, the direct investment stock in Egypt was 5 billion euros (about $5.6 billion), 160 active registered companies, providing more than 30,000 jobs, and the 2016/2017 fiscal year, operating income of 4.3 billion euros (about $4.8 billion). Major enterprises include Orange , Total , Credit Agricole Let's wait.
German investment in Egypt
According to the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the main German investment projects in Egypt include: DEA invested $800 million in oil and gas exploration and production, and entered the Egyptian market for more than 45 years, and the projects are located in the Gulf of Suez, Desouq and the northern waters of Alexandria; Egyptian German Industrial Corporation, established in 1991, currently has three factories, mainly producing polypropylene, PVC, brass and other industrial products. Other well-known German brands and enterprises have registered companies, engaged in production activities, such as Mersedes-Benz (Mersedes-Benz). Daimler Group ), Basf ( BASF ), BMW ( BMW ), Henkel (Henkel), Leoni (Henkel) Lenny ), SAP , Symrise ( The scent of virtue ), ThyssenKrupp ( ThyssenKrupp ), Duravit ( Duravit ), Bayer ( Bayer ), DMG MORI (Demagison Seiki, German-Japanese joint venture), etc. Metro ( Metro Invested in a supermarket chain business in Egypt. [6]

External assistance

The United States is Egypt's main aid donor. Other countries and international organizations providing assistance to Egypt include Germany, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, Italy and other countries World Bank , The International Monetary Fund And the ABU Dhabi Fund for Development. [11]
Egypt receives foreign aid mainly in the form of grants, low (no) interest loans, and non-interest bearing foreign currency deposits. Among them, most of the free assistance is provided by the United States and Europe, loans are provided by international and regional development financial institutions, and non-interest bearing foreign currency deposits are mostly injected by Gulf countries. After the 2011 revolution, aid to Egypt from some countries and institutions was reduced or suspended. Since President Sisi came to power, international aid to Egypt has gradually resumed. Due to differences in geographical relations and interest relevance, the scale and purpose of aid to Egypt by relevant countries and institutions are different. [6] The United States is Egypt's main aid donor. Other countries and international organizations providing assistance to Egypt include Germany, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, Italy, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the ABU Dhabi Fund for Development. [5]
European and American developed countries and multilateral financial institutions. Due to geographical and security considerations, Egypt has been one of the Arab countries receiving the most assistance from the United States and Europe, with the main starting point of enhancing regional strategic cooperation and strengthening security guarantee. The United States provides $1.5 billion in annual aid to Egypt (including $1.3 billion in military aid and $200 million in economic aid), which was suspended in 2015. In 2020, United States Agency for International Development The United States Agency for Development (USAID) is providing $125 million in aid to Egypt for projects in areas as diverse as agriculture and rural development and seawater desalination. In 2020, the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation and USAID signed seven bilateral agreements to support development in the areas of health, basic education, higher education, science and technology, technology, agriculture, governance and trade, and investment.
From 2014 to 2020, the EU provided €756 million in bilateral assistance to Egypt under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), which focuses on supporting Egypt's economic modernization, energy sustainability, social development and social protection, and the building of a stable and modern democratic state. By the end of 2020, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development The EBRD has provided a cumulative funding of €7.316 billion, covering 130 projects. The German government has provided 2.13 billion euros in development assistance. In 2020, the German government provided Egypt with a grant of 80 million euros to support cooperative projects in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, irrigation, water resources, sanitation services and solid waste management. The UK government provides around £120 million in development aid across 35 projects. In 2020, the French Development Agency and the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation signed an agreement for a total of 150 million euros in development funds for the reconstruction of French universities, Damietta The railway line, Helwan Sewage plants and other projects.
For international financial institutions, as of the end of March 2020, The International Monetary Fund The IMF has extended a cumulative balance of $8.6 billion to Egypt. Since 2016, the IMF has provided a total of $12 billion in Extended Fund Program (EFF) loans for three consecutive years; World Bank Cooperation projects in Egypt totaled $8 billion; African Development Bank (AfDB) has 30 projects in Egypt with a total value of $2.8 billion.
Overview of China's assistance to Egypt
Projects implemented with the assistance of the Chinese government include: Cairo International Convention and Exhibition Center, Suez Economic Zone Investment Service Building, October 6 City Egyptian-China Friendship Model School, Suez Canal University 16 complete sets of projects, including aquatic training centers and rural schools, as well as providing 1,000 motor vehicles to the Egyptian government, assisting the Egyptian customs with two sets of container testing equipment, assisting the Egyptian power plant solar street lights, medical supplies and other materials projects, and sending agricultural experts to carry out technical cooperation projects. At present, the assistance projects being implemented or discussed by China and Egypt include: Satellite assembly and integration Test Center, distance education renovation and expansion, Egypt 2 Remote sensing Satellite, Vocational Training Center of Suez Economic Zone, Aquatic Teaching and Training Center of Suez Canal University, Technical assistance and equipment project of Suez Canal University Egyptian-China Institute of Applied Technology. For some large-scale infrastructure projects, the two sides have also made useful attempts to make use of China's concessional loans and improve the concessionality of loans. [6]




Islam It is the main religion of Egypt, and its followers are mainly Sunni, accounting for 84% of the total population. There are also Coptic Orthodox churches, Catholicism , Greek Orthodox Church, Christianity in Armenia , and Protestantism And other Christian denominations (about 16%). Another 6 million people live abroad. The Coptic Christian Orthodox Church is a traditional Egyptian Christian church, an independent denomination of the Eastern Christian Orthodox Church, Egypt Copts Most belong to this sect. [6]


Every Friday is" Main hemp day gathering ceremony There are a large number of believers, and they abide by the religious rules 5 times a day, that is, the morning ceremony, the afternoon ceremony, the feeding ceremony, the evening ceremony, and the night ceremony. [6]
In Egypt, it is necessary to prepare some 1 Egyptian pound, 5 Egyptian pound, 10 Egyptian pound change in advance, and pay tips after enjoying the service, ordinary service can be within 10 Egyptian pounds. [10]


Between women out of politeness or to show affection, more use of gentle veneer, generally the right side is pasted once, after the left side pasted once. Men of the opposite sex usually shake hands, and only relatives do bise. Men and women do not shake hands; men must rise from their seats while shaking hands, but women do not. Home visits by foreigners are not taboo in Egypt, but visits by members of the opposite sex are forbidden. [6]


Egypt is a Muslim country and should respect local religion and customs. Women should dress appropriately, do not wear revealing clothes, and try to avoid traveling alone. Do not engage in intimate gestures such as hugging in public. Don't drink hard alcohol in public. It is forbidden to take photos in sensitive areas such as government offices, military facilities, hospitals and prisons. Do not take pictures of women without their permission. in masjid Museum photography should be approved by the site management in advance. Ramadan During the day, avoid eating, drinking and smoking in public places. [10]
Egyptians believe that "right is better than left", right is auspicious, things to start from the right hand and right foot, shake hands, eat, delivery things must use the right hand, dress first wear the right sleeve, wear shoes first wear the right foot, enter the house and mosque first step right foot. Therefore, it is impolite to shake hands or hand something to others with your left hand.
According to Islamic teachings, a woman's "attractive features" are not to be seen by anyone other than her husband, so short, thin, revealing and revealing clothing is forbidden. Egyptians are more tolerant of foreigners, but it is strictly forbidden to wear vests, shorts and miniskirts into mosques. Shoes must be removed and women must wear headscarves when entering the mosque. [6]


The Book of the Dead
There are three forms of fresco painting in ancient Egypt, the first is "line engraving", which is to depict the image of people and animals through flat modeling on the stone. The paintings in these murals are similar to those in the "Paintings", which appeared around 1100 BC. Book of the Dead The painting style that appears in "The Book of the Dead" is also related to tombs, is a kind of ancient Egyptian burial items, and is a spell created by ancient Egyptians to help the dead overcome difficulties and get eternal life. The essence of the ancient Egyptian murals is similar to the painting style of this kind of buried varieties, and its essence is a kind of art form between sculpture and painting.
The second is like the song "with hieroglyphics "Engraved forever" is a kind of pictograph as the theme to depict the style of mural works, the original form of these pictographs is to use a symbol instead of an actual corresponding item, such as people, birds, lions and other animals and various plant images, can be graphically and vividly drawn through the way of pictograph, and each symbol is an independent painting. Later, with the evolution and development of the ancient Egyptian era, although hieroglyphics gradually developed in the direction of understanding, the basic element of hieroglyphics has never changed, and hieroglyphics generally appear in the picture and relief background, with some functions similar to those in Chinese painting. Preface and postscript That is, the introduction, etc., of course, in addition to the function of "introduction", there is a strong decorative effect. [7]
Egyptian frescoes
The third type of ancient Egyptian fresco is the tomb fresco, which is also the most important form of ancient Egyptian painting.
First, in terms of structure, the murals of ancient Egyptian tombs are usually arranged in horizontal bands, and in the division and division between paintings, horizontal lines are usually used as the "38th line". Second, in terms of composition, the murals of ancient Egyptian tombs usually arrange people and objects in a straight line, and the image size of the figures in the picture is arranged according to the status and distance to orderly "occupying" problems, especially focusing on the overall plane arrangement effect of the picture, similar to the sense of film.
Third, from the content of the picture, the ancient Egyptian tomb murals pay great attention to the narrative of the picture, even if the picture is limited, it is necessary to try to achieve detailed content, and the portrayal of the plot and characters in the picture is also very focused on the depiction of fine and small. Fourth, from the sense of rules, the basic mode of the ancient Egyptian tomb frescoes is relatively consistent, and it can even be said that the character modeling is very stylized, but in addition to the template character modeling, the ancient Egyptian tomb frescoes also have their own changes, the combination of realism and deformation decoration, and the style of using pictographs and pictures is a major feature.
Egyptian frescoes
In general, ancient Egyptian frescoes have two most obvious and basic characteristics, that is, they not only pay attention to the readability of paintings, but also show the painterliness of words. These two characteristics make ancient Egyptian frescoes look like a movie left on the wall. At the same time, the charm of its language and illustrations is like a totem-like sacred feeling, but at the same time, they are not too rigid and rigid. Full of play, imagination appreciation space and beauty. [7]


Muslims strictly abide by Islamic rules, do not eat pork, do not drink alcohol. Fasting during daylight hours in Ramadan; Do not talk to others when eating, do not make noise when drinking hot soup and drinks, do not return to the food after the mouth, do not touch the utensils and food with the left hand. Ramadan eats braised broad beans and desserts; Eid al-Fitr Snack on dried fish and sprinkled with sugar; The hearsay Festival Eat salted fish, green Onions and scallions; Id al-Adha Eat roast lamb and fried flatbread. [6]
The weather in Egypt is hot and the food is easy to spoil. Please pay attention to food hygiene. Egypt Hepatitis C The incidence is high, try not to eat in places with poor sanitary conditions. Egypt is a Muslim country and do not drink in restaurants that do not have permission to sell alcohol. During Ramadan, most restaurants in Edu are closed at noon, so please prepare food in advance. [10]


Major holidays in Egypt are: Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, New Year, Army Day (October 6), International Workers' Day (May 1), National Day of Egypt (July 23), Coptic Christmas (January 7), Liberation Day of Sinai (April 25), as well as important religious and folk festivals such as the Feast of the Prophet, Ramadan, the Festival of the Rise of the Nile and Muhammad's birthday (April 12). Egypt has a five-day work week, with Fridays and Saturdays as public holidays. [6]
Eid al-Fitr
It is one of the major holidays in Islam. Together with Eid al-Adha, it is known as the two major festivals of Islam. A paraphrase of the Arabic word "Elder Fittur". Farsi It is called "Ruzi Festival". Adult Muslim men and women in the Islamic calendar in September (commonly known as" Ramadan Fasting for one month, daily from before dawn to sunset, abstaining from eating, sleeping and all impropriety, in order to examine oneself and repent and wash away sin. According to Muhammad's injunctions on "Fasting at the new moon, fasting at the new moon", Ramadan begins every year in the Islamic calendar at the beginning of September when the new moon appears and ends in the beginning of October when the new moon is seen.
Id al-Adha
Is one of the major Islamic festivals, also known as Eid al-Adha . "Eid al-Adha" means "sacrifice" and "sacrifice", one of the main rituals of the Hajj, which takes place on December 10 of the Islamic calendar, the last day of the Hajj period. On that day, pilgrims are to slaughter animals. Financially well-off Muslims must kill their animals within three days of the 10th to 12th day of the Islamic calendar.
The hearsay Festival
It's a traditional Egyptian festival. It began around 3000 BC and is said to be the day when the God of good overcame the God of evil. After about 5,000 years of historical evolution, people in the" The hearsay Festival The custom of wishing peace and eternal spring in the world is enduring, and the festival is one of the oldest traditional festivals in Egypt.


The official language of Egypt is Arabic ; Nubians in Egypt spoke the Nubian language; Coptic (descended from ancient Egyptian) survived only as a religious language. Upper-middle class people generally communicate in English or French. [6]

Military affairs

Egypt implements a military service system combining conscripts and volunteers, and conscripts serve for three years. The armed forces have a total strength of 450,000 and a reserve force of 254,000, including 320,000 army, 20,000 navy, 30,000 air force and 80,000 air defense force. There are also 60,000 national guards, 14,000 border guards, 60,000 public security forces and 7,000 coast guards. [5]


Transportation is convenient, and the transport capacity of sea, land and air has grown rapidly in recent years. [11]


Egypt has a relatively complete road transportation system, with a total mileage of about 180,000 kilometers. The Nile Cross-strait and Red Sea The coast is the main artery of its road network, connecting to the south Aswan , north to Alexander The major cities along the Nile River. In order to Cairo As the center, to Nile delta The road network of regional radiation is also more developed and convenient. Road transportation is the most important mode of travel for residents, and about 94% of goods are transported by road.
Since 2014, Egypt has implemented national road construction projects, including Cairo-Esyut, Cairo-Suez and other highways, and the global road quality ranking has risen from 118th to 73rd in 2019, and the length of national highways has increased from 24,000 kilometers in 2014 to 49,000 kilometers in 2019. Six trans-Nile road Bridges have been completed and 10 more are still under construction. [6]


It consists of 28 lines with a total length of 10,08 kilometers and a total of 796 passenger stations, with a daily passenger volume of 2 million. Cairo currently has three metro lines, with a total length of 89.4 km, at a total cost of 12 billion Egyptian pounds. Metro Line 4 is under construction in three phases. [11]
As of the fiscal year 2019/2020, Egypt has more than 5,000 kilometers of railway, and the annual passenger volume is 270 million. Only about 40% of the main lines operated by the National Railway Administration are dual-track, and about 60% of the railways are still single-track mixed passenger and cargo railways. Railways are mainly located along the Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Egypt's entire railway system is outdated and inefficient, and needs to be upgraded. 85% of the railway signaling system has not been automated, and serious train accidents have occurred in recent years. Due to aging infrastructure, rail freight capacity is declining, and the total freight accounted for only 4% of rail transport, about 3 million tons per year.
In terms of urban public transport, metro construction is mainly concentrated in Cairo. The Cairo Metro, which began operation in October 1987, has three lines, of which Line 1 and Line 2 are 65 kilometers long and carry more than 3 million passengers a day. In 2012, the first and second phases of Line 3 were officially opened, and the third and fourth phases are still under construction. Line 4, Line 5 and Line 6 have been planned. Egypt's National Tunnel Authority plans to build six new metro lines by 2032 to connect Greater Cairo with the surrounding suburbs. [6]

Air freight

Egypt has a total of 30 airports, including 11 international airports, Cairo airport is an important international airport. In 2008, Egyptair Formally join Star Alliance . [11] In the Global Competitiveness Report 2018-2019, Egypt's Airport Competitiveness Index ranked 52nd in the world. Between 2007 and 2018, the total number of passengers at Egypt's airports exceeded 400 million. Cairo International Airport It accounted for 37.8% of Egyptair's total passenger traffic, with Sharm el-Sheikh Airport accounting for 6.5% and Hurghada Airport accounting for 11%. In 2018, the total number of passengers on international flights was 35.58 million, accounting for 85% of the total number of passengers, and 4.1 million on domestic flights. Cairo International Airport handles 99% of Egypt's cargo air traffic, with 405,000 tons of international traffic and 16,000 tons of domestic traffic in 2018. [6]

Water transport

Suez Canal
Transport by river
The Nile River in Egypt is navigable in its entirety, and the total length of the navigable waterway is about 3,500 kilometers, but the utilization rate is not high. More commonly used routes are Cairo to Aswan route, 980 km long; Cairo to Alexandria, 205 km; Cairo to Dumietta, 241 km.
Communicates the Mediterranean and the Red Sea Suez Canal 190.25 kilometers long, 280~345 meters wide, 22.5 meters deep, is one of the world's busiest shipping routes, the canal traffic accounted for about 10% of the global shipping, container traffic accounted for 25% of the world. In 2015, the expansion of the new canal was successfully completed at a cost of about $8.2 billion, and the canal's navigable capacity and navigable convenience were greatly improved. [6]
Suez Canal revenue in 2021 increased by 12.2% to $6.3 billion, a record. Suez Canal waterway net tonnage reached a record high in 2021, up 8.5% year on year to 1.27 billion tonnes, and the number of transit vessels increased by 10% to 20,700. [8]
Sea transport
Egypt has a coastline of 2,900 kilometers, seven international shipping routes, and 62 ports such as Alexandria, Port Said, Dumyat and Suez, with an annual handling capacity of 8 million containers and a seaport trade volume of 101 million tons. Alexandria is the largest port in Egypt. Port Said is becoming Egypt's largest container transfer hub. [6]




The education system in Egypt is divided into the general education system and the Al-Azhar education system. The general education system is managed by the Ministry of Education and Technical Education and includes vocational education schools and higher education institutions. The Al-Azhar education system is managed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Al-Azhar Council, We will implement a system of universal compulsory primary education. There are 42,184 schools for basic education (including primary, middle, high school and secondary technical education), of which 37,218 are public schools and 4,966 are private schools. There are 34 universities in total, including 18 public universities and 16 private universities. Be famous for Cairo University , Alexandria University , Ain Shams University , Al-azhar University Let's wait. The average enrolment rate in higher education is 32%. [6] [20]

Science and technology

Egypt has more than one million scientific and engineering workers. According to the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Research, there are 125,000 scientific research positions in Egypt, mainly in government research units and public universities. There are more than 20 major scientific research institutes under the Egyptian government, of which 12 belong to the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, including the Institute of Scientific Research and Technology, the National Research Center, the National Bureau of Remote Sensing and Space Science, the City of Scientific Research and Technology Application, the National Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, the Central Institute of Metallurgy and so on. In 2019, around the "2030 Egyptian National Science and Technology Innovation Development Strategy", Egypt's science and technology research and development investment reached 23.6 billion Egyptian pounds. [6]


Big cities in Egypt have relatively complete first aid facilities, and the first aid speed is faster. There are more public hospitals, but the medical facilities are poor and there are more patients. Private international hospitals have better medical conditions and better doctors, but their fees are more expensive. Egyptian hospitals and pharmacies are separate, and there are more pharmacies, and the supply of drugs is more adequate to meet general needs. [10]
According to the World Health Organization According to statistics, in 2017, Egypt's national recurrent health expenditure accounted for 5.29% of GDP, and the per capita recurrent health expenditure was $613.81 according to purchasing power parity calculations. In 2018, life expectancy in Egypt was 71.8 years. According to data released by Egypt's Central Public Mobilization and Statistics Agency (CAPMAS), the average life expectancy in 2017 was 73.6 years for women and 70.8 years for men. In the fiscal year 2019/20, Egypt's education and health sector budget increased by a record 326.8 billion Egyptian pounds. Of this, the health budget is 124.9 billion EGP, the drugs budget is 9.7 billion EGP, in addition to 1.5 billion EGP for infant formula subsidies, and 1.3 billion EGP for the new universal health care system. [6]


There are more than 500 newspapers and periodicals in Egypt, including more than 180 newspapers and 300 magazines. The main official Arabic newspapers in Egypt are Al-Ahram, Izvestia, Cumhuriyet, Al-Ahram, Picture Weekly, Ruz Youssef weekly, etc. The main English-language newspaper is the Egyptian Gazette. The main private newspapers are: "Seven Daily", "Egyptian Today", "Sunrise" and so on. The main portals are: "Seven days network", "National Echo" and so on.
Middle East News Agency The Egyptian State news Agency is currently the largest news agency in the Middle East and the Arab world, founded in February 1956. [19] Publicize government policies and publish articles in Arabic, English and French.
Radio stations: There are 269 radio stations in the country, broadcasting an average of 478 hours a day. National Radio Station, founded in 1928. At present, 80 frequencies and 38 languages are broadcast to domestic and foreign countries every day. The Middle East Radio Station, founded in 1964, serves mainly commercial purposes. Radio Alexandria Founded in 1960, it broadcasts in Arabic. In 2000, Egypt began broadcasting satellite and satellite broadcasts via the "Star of Africa" Nile satellite When we launch a broadcast, we can cover the whole world.
Television: Occupies a prominent position in the Egyptian media. Egyptian television It was built in 1960. At present, Egyptian TV channels are divided into dozens of channels in four categories: central, local, satellite and special topics, covering Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and other regions. In June 2001, private satellite television channels were allowed to begin broadcasting. [5]


Egypt's power generation capacity ranks first in Africa and the Middle East, and its energy structure is dominated by natural gas, with a small proportion of hydropower, wind power and solar energy. In the 2018/2019 financial year, the construction progress of power generation projects slowed down, and the installed capacity increased slightly, with the total installed capacity reaching 56,556MW. Among them, Renewable energy The installed capacity (hydropower, wind power, solar power) was 4,340 MW, accounting for 7.9% of the total installed capacity. As of March 2019 World Economic Forum According to the Energy Transition Index, Egypt ranks 89th out of 115 countries and regions, with a low share of renewable energy contributing to its poor level of energy sustainability.
Egypt has built a national power grid, which is operated, managed and maintained by the Egyptian Transmission Company (EETC). Transmission voltage classes include 500&400kV, 220kV, 132&66kV and 33kV. Upper Egypt uses 220kV, 132kV &66kV systems, and is building a 500kV power grid. The 500kV, 220kV and 66kV systems are used in Lower Egypt; The two areas are connected by a 500kV main road along the Nile River. The Egyptian government attaches great importance to the construction of cross-border power grids. The Egyptian power grid is the hub and an important part of the power grid in North Africa and the Middle East. Egypt plans to build a power export and trading hub covering North Africa, the Middle East and Southern Europe. [6]


Egypt has access to and operates 17 submarine cables, accounting for 17% of the global total, ranking second in the world after the United States. Telecom Egypt began deploying national broadband in 2014. From 2014 to 2018, through the implementation of the national coverage MSAN The National Broadband Project has greatly improved the speed of the network, from 0.5M bandwidth per line in 2014 to 16M bandwidth per line. In 2019, the bandwidth quota allocated by Telecom Egypt to the country is 2.6Tbps, but the actual use is only 1.9Tbps, and the international bandwidth per Internet user is 27kbit/s, which is still far from the level of 114kb/s in Arab countries.
As of June 2020, the penetration rate of mobile phones in Egypt reached 95.73%, and the total number of mobile users was 96.58 million. There were 9.89 million fixed-line subscribers, including 7.48 million in urban areas and 2.39 million in rural areas. The number of mobile Internet users reached 41.79 million. The average Internet speed in Egypt has increased from 5.7Mbps in June 2018 to 15.5Mbps, and the Egyptian Ministry of Communications aims to reach 40Mbps by 2021. As of October 2020, Egypt ranks 90th out of 176 countries in the world for fixed network speed. [6]

Public security

Anti-government groups in Egypt include the pledge of allegiance." Islamic State The "Sinai State" branch organization, as well as with Muslim Brotherhood Related" resolve "Organization, etc. These groups are also designated as terrorist organizations, and their activities mainly focus on Sinai Peninsula and Western desert In the region, the targets are military forces, government departments and religious sites, etc., and terrorist activities are carried out in densely populated areas of cities from time to time.
Under the strong control of the Egyptian government, the overall security situation is better, but local areas are still more sensitive. Chinese citizens should not go to the northern Sinai Peninsula without permission Matru To travel to remote areas such as the western desert, avoid going to sensitive areas such as local large-scale religious venues and military restricted zones, and follow official advice when traveling or activities to choose safe routes. After President Sisi came to power, the social security situation has improved significantly. Egyptian citizens are generally friendly to foreigners, and there is no organized crime targeting Chinese citizens and companies. In the Chinese concentrated areas such as Kairoadi, there are occasional cases of burglary and robbery. [6]
To ensure the personal safety of Chinese citizens in Egypt, the Chinese Embassy in Egypt recommends the following:
1. Pay close attention to the local security situation, improve the awareness of safety precautions and self-protection, and try to avoid going to religious sites, sensitive areas or crowded places.
2. Do not travel to North Sinai Province of the Sinai Peninsula.
3. Try to travel to Egypt through regular domestic travel agencies, do not choose free travel. Go out together, do not go to undeveloped areas or informal tourist attractions to visit.
4. Do not carry large amounts of cash when going out, properly keep your passport and other identity documents, and carry a copy of your passport with you.
5. Frequent traffic accidents in Egypt, you should always pay attention to traffic safety when going out, take minibuses and minibuses carefully, and be careful when crossing the road.
6. Egypt's sea conditions are complex, go to the sea to play or dive to pay special attention to personal safety, avoid going to the sea after long-distance travel. Try not to travel by hot air balloon in Aswan and Luxor.
7. Egypt's summer climate is hot, tourists are prone to heat stroke, shock and other emergencies, should pay attention to timely water. Middle-aged and elderly people should have a full understanding and grasp of their physical conditions, prepare emergency medicines, and reasonably choose their travel time to Egypt.
8. In order to ensure the safety of tourists, according to the regulations of the Egyptian Tourism Police, all tourist groups in Egypt during the tour, the Egyptian local tourist police may accompany the tour with guns, tourists do not need to be nervous. [10]


There have been no major natural disasters in Egypt in recent years. In winter, flash floods occasionally break out in southern Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula, causing certain personnel and property losses.
Sandstorms are severe in Egypt in winter and spring. The summer is hot, the average temperature is above 40℃, especially in Luxor, Aswan and other southern regions, the heat is unbearable, easy to cause heat stroke, shock and other uncomfortable reactions, should try to avoid choosing in June, July, August and three months to travel to Egypt. [10]



Foreign policy

Egypt plays an important role in Arab, African and international affairs. Cairo is now League of Arab States On July 1, 2016, former Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit was appointed as the new secretary General of the Arab League. In March 2021, Aboul Gheit was re-elected Secretary-General of the Arab League.
Egypt pursues an independent, non-aligned policy and stands for the establishment and strengthening of a new international political and economic order based on mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs North-south dialogue and South-south cooperation . China has highlighted Arab and Islamic characteristics, actively carried out peace diplomacy, and committed itself to strengthening unity and cooperation among Arab countries and advancing the Middle East peace process. Oppose international terrorism. Initiative to establish a zone free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East and Africa. We attach importance to major-country diplomacy, actively develop relations with emerging countries, and become more active in regional and international organizations. Egypt has established diplomatic relations with more than 160 countries. On 1 January 2024, Egypt officially joined BRICS Mechanism. [5] [25]

External relations

Relations with African countries
African countries have deep historical and cultural ties with Egypt, and are of strategic significance to Egypt's national security, especially water resources security. African countries occupy a prominent position in Egypt's foreign policy. After President Mubarak came to power, he emphasized Egypt's African character and attached importance to friendly cooperation with African countries. Egypt takes an active part in African affairs and is committed to the building of the African Union.
with BRICS
December 2021, headquartered in Shanghai Brics New Development Bank It was officially announced that Egypt will be a new member state on December 29. [4]
On the morning of August 24, 2023 local time, the 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting held a special press conference to announce the expansion of the BRICS membership. Egypt was invited to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism. On January 1, 2024, Egypt became a full member of BRICS. [21-22] [24]
with America relation
Relations between Egypt and the United States were strained under President Nasser. The year 1967 The "June 5" War Later, Egypt announced the severing of diplomatic relations with the United States. In 1973" October War Since then, relations between Egypt and the United States have improved and developed significantly.
Relations with EU countries
Gamal Nasser During his time in power, Egypt had frosty relations with major Western European countries. When Sadat came to power, he began to pay attention to improving the situation Western Europe State relations. After the "October War" in 1973, the relations between Egypt and Western European countries have developed greatly. Mubarak After taking office, he made frequent visits to EU countries and maintained close exchanges between the two sides.
Relations with Russia
In 1943, Egypt and Former Soviet Union Diplomatic relations were established at the level of minister and upgraded to ambassadorial level in 1954. During Nasser's time, the Esu-Soviet relationship was close. Relations between the two countries deteriorated during the Sadat administration. Relations between the two countries gradually improved after President Mubarak came to power.
Relations with Qatar
On June 5, 2017, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that whereas Qatar Supported terrorist activities and announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Qatar. [1]
In January 2021, full diplomatic relations with Qatar were restored. [2] On January 20, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that Egypt and Qatar agreed to restore diplomatic relations on the same day. [3]
Relations with Hungary
February 28, 2023, Egypt vs Hungary The two sides signed a joint statement on strategic partnership between the two countries. [12]
Relations with Turkey
On May 29, 2023, the Egyptian Presidential Palace issued a statement saying that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Türkiye Pres. Erdogan Agreed to immediately upgrade diplomatic relations between the two countries and exchange ambassadors. [16]
On July 4, 2023 local time, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement, appointing Amr Elhamami Ambassador of Egypt to Ankara. Egypt and Turkey have announced the upgrading of diplomatic relations between the two countries to ambassadorial level. 17 - [18]
On February 14, 2024, local time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in the Egyptian capital Cairo on the same day to open his official visit. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi greeted him at the airport. This is Erdogan's first visit to Egypt in 12 years. According to Turkish media reports, during the meeting with Sisi, the two sides will discuss bilateral relations as well as the Palestinian-Israeli situation and other hot issues. 28 - [29]
On February 14, 2024 local time, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and visiting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed a joint statement on the reorganization of the High-level Strategic Cooperation Committee between the two countries. [30]

China-egypt relations

Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Egypt on May 30, 1956, bilateral relations have been developing smoothly. In April 1999, the two countries established strategic cooperative relations. In May 2006, the foreign ministries of the two countries established a strategic dialogue mechanism. In June 2006, the two countries signed an implementation outline on deepening strategic cooperative relations. In May 2007, the National People's Congress of China and the Egyptian People's Assembly established a regular exchange mechanism. Since January 27, 2007, China and Egypt have exempted visa holders of Chinese diplomatic and service passports and Egyptian diplomatic and special passports from each other. In December 2014, China and Egypt established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In January 2020, the two sides agreed to upgrade bilateral relations towards the goal of building a China-Egypt community of shared future in the new era.
In November 2006, Egypt announced that it recognized China's full market economy status. In recent years, the two governments have actively encouraged and promoted enterprises of the two sides to expand economic and trade cooperation, and bilateral trade has sustained development. In 2013, the trade volume between China and Egypt exceeded 10 billion US dollars for the first time, reaching 10.213 billion US dollars. In 2022, bilateral trade reached 18.19 billion U.S. dollars. In 2023, bilateral trade reached 15.81 billion U.S. dollars.
China and Egypt have active exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, journalism, science and technology. In recent years, the two sides have held cultural weeks, film festivals, cultural relics exhibitions, photo exhibitions and other colorful activities, which have been well received by the two peoples.
China and Egypt signed the Agreement on cultural cooperation in 1956, and since then, the two sides have signed a total of 10 implementation plans for cultural cooperation. In 2002, China set up a Chinese Cultural Center in Cairo.
The two countries began to exchange students in 1955 and have increased each year since then. In 1997, the two ministries of Education signed an agreement on mutual recognition of academic qualifications and degree certificates. At present, 10 universities in Egypt offer Chinese majors. In 2007, Peking University with Cairo University Established the first company in North Africa Confucius Institute . There are four Confucius Institutes and four Confucius classrooms in Egypt. In September 2020, China and Egypt signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the inclusion of Chinese as an optional Second foreign language in Egyptian primary and secondary schools, marking the entry of Chinese teaching into the Egyptian primary and secondary education system. In September 2022, a pilot project for Chinese education in middle schools in Egypt was launched. In November 2020, China set up 2 institutes in Egypt Luban Workshop Officially built.
Since 2002, when the two countries signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation plan of Chinese group tourism in Egypt, the number of Chinese tourists to Egypt has grown rapidly. In 2018, 500,000 Chinese tourists visited Egypt. Direct passenger flights between China and Egypt include Chengdu - Cairo route on Sichuan Airlines, Shanghai - Cairo route on China Eastern Airlines, Shenzhen - Cairo route on Hainan Airlines, Cairo - Beijing route, Cairo - Hangzhou route, Cairo - Guangzhou route and Cairo - Shanghai route on EgyptAir. There are now 17 pairs of sister provinces and cities between the two countries. [26]
2022年10月,埃及社会主义党总书记沙班祝贺习近平当选中共中央总书记。 [9]
应国家主席习近平邀请,埃及总统塞西将于5月28日至6月1日对中国进行国事访问并出席中国—阿拉伯国家合作论坛第十届部长级会议开幕式。 [33]



Famous scenic spot

Nile scenery
(Beautiful and beautiful)
(Li Wu Wu)
(م د ي ن ة an ل إ س ك ن د ر ي ة)
(An approach that determines the size of the mill)
(Xi 'an Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Xu Dai Dai)
(Hizb heave heave heave heave)
(In the offi Guson uson uson Uson overhead)
(Handles handles handles handles handles handles handles handles handles)
(I Shisheng-Gøl)
(Phoenix Axle axle axle beam)
(Motion picture, motion picture and motion picture)
(an ل س د an ل ع an ل ي ف ي أ س organisation an ن)
(Combustiv Combustion combustiv)
Temple of Edford
(I Aslew Tengku tengku tengku Tengku)
(ق ل ع ة ص ل an ح an ل د ي ن)
(an ل م ت ح ف an ل م ص ر ي)
(قلعة كاتبا)
(I Bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge lamp)
(Modulo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo
(I Yu Xu Xu Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang)
(Nirvana Jianxu Nixing Gag) (Nirvana Jianxu Nixing Gag)

Cultural site

Serial number
Memphis and its cemetery pyramids
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
The ancient city of Thebes and its burial grounds
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
The Nubian ruins from Abu Simbel to Philae
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
Ancient Islamic Cairo
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
The Christian site of Abmina
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
The Santa Catalina area
World Cultural Heritage (2002)