Greek language

Indo-european Greek languages
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Greek (Greek: Ελλην ικά; English: Greek language), is the language of the Greeks, belongs to Indo-European Greek group , widely used in Greece , Albania , Cyprus And other countries, as well Türkiye In some parts of the region, the number of users is about 12 million [3] . Ancient Greek originally had 26 letters, Homeric period Later, it evolved and was determined to be 24, which is still used in modern Greek. The Greek language developed vowels, and the Greek population increased vowel . Because of the Greeks Writing instrument is Stencil plate Sometimes, after the previous line is written from right to left, it is written from left to right, becoming the so-called "cultivated land". boustrophedon It gradually evolved into writing all the way from left to right. [1]
Chinese name
Greek language
Foreign name
Ε lambda lambda eta argument ι kappa ά predominate (ellenika)
Hellenic the Language
Application area
Greece Et al.
Character alphabet


Greek language
The Greek people who created the Greek language started in 2000 BC Balkan Peninsula Migrating to the Greek Peninsula and its adjacent areas. Greek was the first great language of Western civilization, and many consider it the most effective and admirable of all languages Communication tool . Because the structure is clear, the concept is thorough and clear, and there are a variety of Expression mode There seems to be an infinite number of them, which can suit the needs of both the serious thinker and the talented poet. We can only guess: Ancient Greek How pleasant it sounds, but, Written language May be as beautiful as spoken English. Greek eventually divided into four dialects: Aeolic, Ionic, Acado-Cyprian, and Doric. Homer's epic poem, written around the 9th century BC, Iliad "And" Odysseus, "which were written in the Ionian dialect. In the next few hundred years, with the rise of the city of Athens, an Ionian dialect called Athenian was born Classical period Great work of literature. Athenian became the main form of Greek Lingua franca The foundation of (Koine). The Athenian language was spoken far beyond the borders of modern Greece. After Alexander the Great's expedition, Athenian was spoken as far east as India; afterwards Roman Empire I believe in Athenian Second language . The New Testament is written in the common language; To this day, Orthodox Church Still using this Bible.

Evolution process

Modern Greek example sentences
On the basis of Phoenician alphabet remodeled Greek alphabet It has been around since 1000 BC. There are vowels, there are vowels consonant The first of alphabet . The Semitic language family Languages have different alphabets. They only have consonant . The Greek alphabet originally looked like it Semite Letters like that, written from right to left. But later it was written alternately from right to left and left to right, and later it was written in a left to right order. An early Greek script called B-type was explained in 1952, a relic of 1500 BC, but it was largely obsolete by 1200 BC.
From the 4th to the 15th centuries, the Greek was The Byzantine Empire The official dialect of China; During the later period of Turkish rule, Greek was still spoken in Greece. Modern Greek began to take shape around the 9th century and by the 19th century became Kingdom of Greece the Official language . By the 21st century, Greek was spoken by about 10 million people, including Cyprius Over half a million people on the island. Beyond the popular Lingua franca Besides, it also restored a kind of pure Ancient Greek The imitation language, as a literary expression.
Ancient Greek originally had 26 letters, Homeric period Later, it evolved and was determined to be 24, which is still used in modern Greek.

Characteristic introduction

Ancient times
Greek language
The Greek is Indo-European One of the first written languages in China. In modern Greek, ancient Musical accent It becomes aspirated stress, and the difference between short and long vowels has disappeared. The grammatical structure has lost even numbers, the desired mood, and the past narrative tense.
Modern times
Modern Greek has received a great deal from neighboring or ruling nations loanword , while Written language There are still many Ancient Greek Words. On account of Ancient Greek philosophy , science, logic With the development of mathematics, a large number of words created by it are still in use.
Many modern disciplines also borrow Greek words and create new words to express new concepts according to the rules of Greek word formation.

Letters and phonology

The written use of Greek Greek alphabet , as mentioned above, in Greek alphabet There are 24 letters in total, including 7 vowels and 17 consonants.
There are two kinds of sigma Lowercase letter ς is used in the beginning or in the middle of a word, while ς is used only suffix Use. (Example: άσκηση, σκύλος) and does not change when capitated. (Example: ΣΥ γδι ΑΣ μσ)
The seven vowel letters include: Αα Εε Η Η ιοΥ Υ Ωω
Ancient and modern phonological comparison of Greek alphabet
Ancient phonetics
Modern phonetics
Latin alphabet phonetic notation
[a], [a:]
[g] [g]. [G]
[ɣ], [ʝ] (before [e], [i])
[eg] (γ, ξ, χ before)
Zeta zeta
[ɛ ː]
e, the cat
[t ʰ]
/ theta.
[i], [i:]
[i], [j]
[k], [c] (before [e], [i])
c, k
[l], [text] (before [i])
Xi Xi
[k ʰ s]
PI (Π)
Rho (rho)
r, rh
Sigma (final)
[y], [y:]
u, y
Φ φ
[p ʰ]
[k line], [k line s]
[x], [c] (before [e], [i])
ch, kh
[p] ʰ s
[ɔ ː]
o, pomado

Classical Greek

Classical Greek is very different from modern Greek. First of all, many words have different meanings. Some old words disappear while others take on new meanings. Secondly, in terms of grammar, classical Greek law is more complicated, while modern Greek law is simpler. In addition, modern Greek is relatively simplified in terms of writing. Many of these simplifications were the result of an artificial effort to unify language in the 1980s. In fact, due to national complexity, as well as political and religious reasons, the Greek language has changed all the time in history. But Classical Greek is really a treasure trove of words that contain many extremely precise meanings, such as precision It also has a deep origin, so that many modern names are borrowed from classical Greek.
For comparison purposes, there are many examples of grammar:


Classical Greek nouns generally have five "cases" (πτ dosiσ η), respectively Nominative case (ονομαστική), Genitive case (γενική), dative (δοτική), accusative (αιτιατική), vocative (κλητική), modern reduced to 3 (nominative, genitive, accusative); Ancient or modern, nouns generally can be divided into three kinds of sex (gamma which argument &western ς) : negative (theta eta lambda nu kappa ό predominate) and positive (alpha rho sigma epsilon argument ι kappa ό predominate) and neutral (&western nu delta which tau epsilon rho &western); Ancient nouns were also divided into three types of numbers: singular, even, repeating, and majority, but even numbers were abolished in modern Greek. In addition to the fact that sex is a given noun (and sometimes not necessarily, some words have different meanings when they are different), the above numbers and cases all reflect endings.
Case and declassification types
Masculine noun
α-variable type
O - Variant type
Type of consonant inflection
Now it's passive
Active now
Past initiative
Past passivity
Active completion
The main
ης ας
&western ς
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon argument &western ς
Lambda ύ omega argument
Lambda ύ sigma alpha ς
Lambda nu theta epsilon ί ς
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa damage degree ς predominate
Belong to
Tau &western ῦ
&western nu
Lambda nu &western mu which argument &western nu
&western ς
Lambda ύ &western argument tau &western ς
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau &western ς
Lambda nu theta which argument tau &western ς
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau &western ς
Tau ῷ
ῃ ᾳ
Lambda nu &western mu which argument ῳ
Lambda ύ &western argument tau ι
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau ι
Lambda nu theta which argument tau ι
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau ι
Tau ό argument
ην αν
&western argument
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon argument &western argument
Lambda ύ &western argument tau alpha
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau alpha
Lambda nu theta which argument tau alpha
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau alpha
The main
&western ἱ
Alpha ι
&western ι
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon argument &western ι
Epsilon ς
Lambda ύ &western argument tau epsilon ς
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau epsilon ς
Lambda nu theta which argument tau epsilon ς
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau epsilon ς
Belong to
Tau ῶ argument
Omega argument
Omega argument
Lambda nu &western mu which argument omega argument
Omega argument
Lambda ύ &western argument tau omega argument
Lambda nu sigma ά argument tau omega argument
Lambda nu theta which argument tau omega argument
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau omega argument
Tau &western ῖ ς
Alpha ι ς
&western ι ς
Lambda nu &western mu which argument &western ι ς
Sigma ι
Lambda ύ &western argument sigma ι (argument)
Lambda ύ sigma alpha sigma ι (argument)
Lambda nu theta epsilon ῖ sigma ι (argument)
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό sigma ι predominate (argument)
Tau &western ύ ς
Alpha ς
&western nu ς
Lambda nu &western mu which argument &western nu ς
Alpha ς
Lambda ύ &western argument tau alpha ς
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau alpha ς
Lambda nu theta which argument tau alpha ς
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau alpha ς
Feminine noun
α-variable type
O - Variant type
Type of consonant inflection
The main
η αα
&western ς
Belong to
Tau ῆ ς
ης ας ης
&western nu
&western ς
Tau ῇ
ῃ ᾳ ῃ
Tau ή argument
ην αν αν
&western argument
The main
Alpha ἱ
Alpha ι
&western ι
Epsilon ς
Belong to
Tau ῶ argument
Omega argument
Omega argument
Omega argument
Tau alpha ῖ ς
Alpha ι ς
&western ι ς
Sigma ι
Tau ά ς
Alpha ς
&western nu ς
Alpha ς
Neuter noun
α-variable type
O - Variant type
Type of consonant inflection
Now it's passive
Active now
Past initiative
Past passivity
Active completion
The main
Tau ό
&western argument
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon argument &western argument
Lambda ῦ &western argument
Lambda ῦ sigma alpha argument
Lambda nu theta which argument
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate ς
Belong to
Tau &western ῦ
&western nu
Lambda nu &western mu which argument &western nu
&western ς
Lambda ύ &western argument tau &western ς
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau &western ς
Lambda nu theta which argument tau &western ς
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau &western ς
Tau ῷ
Lambda nu &western mu which argument ῳ
Lambda ύ &western argument tau ι
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau ι
Lambda nu theta which argument tau ι
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau ι
Tau ό
&western argument
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon argument &western argument
Lambda ῦ &western argument
Lambda ῦ sigma alpha argument
Lambda nu theta which argument
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate ς
The main
Tau ά
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon argument alpha
Lambda ύ &western argument tau alpha
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau alpha
Lambda nu theta which argument tau alpha
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau alpha
Belong to
Tau ῶ argument
Omega argument
Lambda nu &western mu which argument omega argument
Omega argument
Lambda nu ό argument tau omega argument
Lambda nu sigma ά argument tau omega argument
Lambda nu theta which argument tau omega argument
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau omega argument
Tau &western ῖ ς
&western ι ς
Lambda nu &western mu which argument &western ι ς
Sigma ι
Lambda ύ &western nu sigma ι (argument)
Lambda ύ sigma alpha sigma ι (argument)
Lambda nu theta epsilon ῖ sigma ι (argument)
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό sigma ι predominate (argument)
Tau ά
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon argument alpha
Lambda ύ &western argument tau alpha
Lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau alpha
Lambda nu theta which argument tau alpha
Lambda epsilon lambda nu kappa ό predominate tau alpha


There are 6 tenses (χρόν ο) : Present tense (epsilon argument epsilon damage degree tau sigma tau alpha) and future (mu which lambda lambda &western argument tau alpha), unfinished (alpha rho alpha of PI tau alpha tau ι kappa ή predominate) were "doing", uncertain of the past (alpha ό rho ι sigma tau &western) "to do", is complete (sigma nu argument tau epsilon lambda epsilon sigma mu which argument &western) "done", more than in the past when (nu PI epsilon rho sigma nu argument tau which lambda ι kappa &western predominate) "had done". In addition to reflecting in the end of the verb, some tenses in classical Greek are prefixed, such as the imperfect and simple past tense with "ε-", the perfect first syllable is repeated, and the past tense with the first syllable is repeated in addition to "ε-", for example, the imperfect of "λ ύον" (meaning "solution") is "έλυον". Simple past tense is "λλ υσα", perfect tense is "λλυ κα", Past perfect tense It's "ελελύκειν," and, of course, there are many more detailed rules and irregularities. Of course, there are three types of verbs in addition to tenses voice (φωνή) : active, passive, and intermediate (μέση φωνή), where "intermediate" usually refers to one's own action. Voice is also reflected in the change of the end of the word.

Verb grammar

Verb grammar
Active voice
Middle voice
Passive voice
State directly
State directly
State directly
Lambda ύ omega.
Lambda ύ epsilon ι ς
Lambda ύ epsilon ι
Lambda ύ &western mu epsilon argument
Lambda ύ epsilon tau epsilon
Lambda ύ &western nu sigma ι (argument)
Lambda ύ omega.
Lambda ύ eta ς
Lambda ύ eta
Lambda ύ mu omega epsilon argument
Lambda ύ eta tau epsilon
Lambda ύ omega sigma ι
Lambda ύ &western ι mu ι
Lambda ύ &western ι ς
Lambda ύ &western ι
Lambda ύ &western ι mu epsilon argument
Lambda ύ &western ι tau epsilon
Lambda ύ &western ι epsilon argument
Lambda ῦ epsilon.
Lambda nu which tau omega
Lambda ύ epsilon tau epsilon
Lambda nu ό argument tau omega argument
Lambda ύ epsilon ι argument
Sigma ι
Mu epsilon argument
Tau epsilon.
Argument sigma ι
Lambda ύ &western mu alpha ι
Lambda ύ ῃ
Lambda ύ epsilon tau alpha ι
Lambda nu ό mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda ύ epsilon sigma theta epsilon
Lambda ύ &western argument tau alpha ι
Lambda ύ mu alpha omega ι
Lambda ύ eta
Lambda ύ eta tau alpha ι
Damage degree mu lambda nu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda ύ eta sigma theta epsilon
Lambda ύ omega argument tau alpha ι
Lambda nu &western ί mu eta argument
Lambda ύ &western ι &western
Lambda ύ &western ι tau &western
Lambda nu &western ί mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda ύ &western ι sigma theta epsilon
Lambda ύ &western ι argument tau &western
Lambda ύ &western nu
Lambda nu which sigma theta omega
Lambda ύ epsilon sigma theta epsilon
Lambda nu which sigma theta omega argument
Lambda ύ epsilon sigma theta alpha ι
Mu alpha ι
Sigma alpha ι
Tau alpha ι
Mu epsilon theta alpha
Sigma theta epsilon.
Argument tau alpha ι
Past imperfect tense
ἔ lambda nu &western argument
ἔ lambda nu epsilon ς
ἔ lambda nu epsilon (argument)
ἐ lambda ύ &western mu epsilon argument
ἐ lambda ύ epsilon tau epsilon
ἔ lambda nu &western argument
Mu epsilon argument
Tau epsilon.
ἐ lambda nu ό mu eta argument
ἐ lambda ύ &western argument
ἐ lambda ύ epsilon tau &western
ἐ lambda nu ό mu epsilon theta alpha
ἐ lambda ύ epsilon sigma theta epsilon
ἐ lambda ύ &western argument tau &western
Mu eta argument
Sigma &western
Tau &western
Mu epsilon theta alpha
Sigma theta epsilon.
Argument tau &western
In the future
Lambda ύ sigma omega
Lambda ύ sigma epsilon ι ς
Lambda ύ sigma epsilon ι
Lambda ύ sigma &western mu epsilon argument
Lambda ύ sigma epsilon tau epsilon
Lambda ύ sigma &western nu sigma ι (argument)
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι mu ι
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι ς
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι mu epsilon argument
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι tau epsilon
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι epsilon argument
Lambda ύ sigma epsilon ι argument
Sigma ι
Mu epsilon argument
Tau epsilon.
Argument sigma ι
Lambda ύ sigma &western mu alpha ι
Lambda ύ sigma ῃ
Lambda ύ sigma epsilon tau alpha ι
Lambda nu sigma ό mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda ύ sigma epsilon sigma theta epsilon
Lambda ύ sigma &western argument tau alpha ι
Lambda nu sigma &western ί mu eta argument
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι &western
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι tau &western
Lambda nu sigma &western ί mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι sigma theta epsilon
Lambda ύ sigma &western ι argument tau &western
Lambda ύ sigma epsilon sigma theta alpha ι
Mu alpha ι
Sigma alpha ι
Tau alpha ι
Mu epsilon theta alpha
Sigma theta epsilon.
Argument tau alpha ι
Lambda nu theta ή sigma &western mu alpha ι
Lambda nu theta ή sigma eta/sigma epsilon ι
Lambda nu theta ή sigma epsilon tau alpha ι
Lambda nu theta eta sigma ό mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda nu theta ή sigma epsilon sigma theta epsilon
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma &western argument tau alpha ι
Lambda nu theta eta sigma &western ί mu eta argument
Lambda nu theta ή sigma &western ι &western
Lambda nu theta ή sigma &western ι tau &western
Lambda nu theta eta sigma &western ί mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda nu theta ή sigma &western ι sigma theta epsilon
Lambda nu theta ή sigma &western ι argument tau &western
Lambda nu theta ή sigma epsilon sigma theta alpha ι
Mu alpha ι
Sigma alpha ι
Tau alpha ι
Mu epsilon theta alpha
Sigma theta epsilon.
Argument tau alpha ι
Indefinite past tense
ἔ lambda nu sigma alpha
ἔ lambda nu sigma alpha ς
ἔ lambda nu sigma epsilon (argument)
ἐ lambda ύ sigma alpha mu argument
ἐ lambda ύ sigma alpha tau epsilon
ἔ lambda nu sigma alpha argument
Lambda ύ sigma omega
Lambda ύ sigma eta ς
Lambda ύ sigma eta
Lambda ύ sigma mu omega epsilon argument
Lambda ύ sigma eta tau epsilon
Lambda ύ sigma sigma ι omega
Lambda ύ sigma alpha ι mu ι
λύσαις (λύσειας)
λ λσαι (λ λσειε)
λσαιμεν (λελκοιμεν)
λσαιτε (λελκοιτε)
λσαιεν (λσειαν)
Lambda ῦ sigma &western argument
Lambda nu sigma ά tau omega
Lambda ύ sigma alpha tau epsilon
Lambda nu sigma ά argument tau omega argument
Lambda ῦ sigma alpha ι
Mu epsilon argument
Tau epsilon.
ἐ lambda nu sigma ά mu eta argument
ἐ lambda ύ sigma omega
ἐ lambda ύ sigma alpha tau &western
ἐ lambda nu sigma ά mu epsilon theta alpha
ἐ lambda ύ sigma alpha sigma theta epsilon
ἐ lambda ύ sigma alpha argument tau &western
Lambda ύ sigma mu alpha omega ι
Lambda ύ sigma eta
Lambda ύ sigma eta tau alpha ι
Lambda nu damage degree mu epsilon sigma theta alpha
Lambda ύ sigma eta sigma theta epsilon
Lambda ύ sigma omega argument tau alpha ι
Lambda nu sigma alpha ί mu eta argument
Lambda ύ sigma alpha ι &western
Lambda ύ sigma alpha ι tau &western
Lambda nu sigma alpha ί mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda ύ sigma alpha ι sigma theta epsilon
Lambda ύ sigma alpha ι argument tau &western
Lambda ῦ sigma alpha ι
Lambda nu sigma ά sigma theta omega
Lambda ύ sigma alpha sigma theta epsilon
Lambda nu sigma ά sigma theta omega argument
Lambda ύ sigma alpha sigma theta alpha ι
Mu eta argument
Sigma &western
Tau &western
Mu epsilon theta alpha
Sigma theta epsilon.
Argument tau &western
ἐ lambda ύ theta eta argument
ἐ lambda ύ theta eta ς
ἐ lambda ύ theta eta
ἐ lambda ύ theta eta mu epsilon argument
ἐ lambda ύ theta eta tau epsilon
ἐ lambda ύ theta eta sigma alpha argument
Lambda nu theta ῶ
Lambda nu theta ῇ ς
Lambda nu theta ῇ
Lambda nu theta ῶ mu epsilon argument
Lambda nu theta ῆ tau epsilon
Lambda nu theta ῶ sigma ι
Lambda nu theta epsilon ί eta argument
Lambda nu theta epsilon ί eta ς
Lambda nu theta epsilon ί eta
Lambda nu theta epsilon ῖ mu epsilon argument
(lambda nu theta epsilon ί eta mu epsilon argument)
Lambda nu theta epsilon ῖ tau epsilon
(lambda nu theta epsilon ί eta tau epsilon)
Lambda nu theta epsilon ῖ epsilon argument
(lambda nu theta epsilon ί eta sigma alpha argument)
Lambda ύ theta eta tau ι
Lambda nu theta ή tau omega
Lambda ύ theta eta tau epsilon
Lambda nu theta which argument tau omega argument
Lambda nu theta ῆ argument alpha ι
Mu epsilon argument
Tau epsilon.
Argument sigma ι
Present perfect tense
Lambda which lambda nu kappa alpha predominate
Lambda which lambda nu kappa alpha ς predominate
Lambda which lambda nu kappa epsilon predominate (argument)
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa alpha mu predominate epsilon argument
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa alpha tau predominate epsilon
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa alpha sigma ι predominate (argument)
λελυκὼς ὦ
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa omega predominate
λελυκὼς ᾖς
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa ῃ predominate ς
λελυκὼς ᾖ
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa ῃ predominate
λελυκότες ὦμεν
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa omega mu predominate epsilon argument
λελυκότες ἦτε
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa eta predominate tau epsilon
λελυκότες ὦσι
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa sigma ι omega predominate
λελυκὼς εἴην
λελ ύκοιμι/ -οίην
λελυκὼς εἴης
λελύκοις /-οίης
λελυκὼς εἴη
λελ ύκοι/ -οίη
λελυκότες εἴημεν / εἶμεν
λελυκότες εἴητε /εἶτε
λελυκότες εἴησαν /εἴεν
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa &western predominate ι epsilon argument
Mu epsilon argument
Tau epsilon.
Argument sigma ι
Lambda which lambda nu mu alpha ι
Lambda which lambda nu sigma alpha ι
Lambda which lambda nu tau alpha ι
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda which lambda nu sigma theta epsilon
Lambda which lambda nu argument tau alpha ι
λελυ μμμμν ος ὦ
λελυ μμμμν ος ᾖς
λελυ μμμμν ος ᾖ
λελυμ μ μ μ μ μ ν οιὦ μεν
λελυ μμμμμν οιἦ τε
λελυ μμμμμν οιὦ σι
λελυ μμμν ος εἴην
λελυ μμμμνος εἴης
λελυ μμμμν ος εἴη
λελυμμεἴ ημεν λενοιεἶ μεν
λελύμμμενοιεἴ η τελλεύοιεἶ τε
λελυμένοι εἴησαν λελυμένοι εἶεν
Lambda which lambda nu sigma &western
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma theta omega
Lambda which lambda nu sigma theta epsilon
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma theta omega argument
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma theta alpha ι
Mu alpha ι
Sigma alpha ι
Tau alpha ι
Mu epsilon theta alpha
Sigma theta epsilon.
Argument tau alpha ι
Past perfect tense
ἐ lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa epsilon predominate ι argument
ἐ lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa epsilon predominate ι ς
ἐ lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa epsilon predominate ι
ἐ lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa epsilon predominate ι mu epsilon argument
ἐ lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa epsilon predominate ι tau epsilon
ἐ lambda epsilon lambda ύ kappa epsilon predominate ι sigma alpha argument
Mu epsilon argument
Tau epsilon.
Argument sigma ι
(ἐ) lambda epsilon lambda ύ mu eta argument
(ἐ) lambda which lambda nu sigma &western
(ἐ) lambda which lambda nu tau &western
(ἐ) lambda epsilon lambda ύ mu epsilon theta alpha
(ἐ) lambda which lambda nu sigma theta epsilon
(ἐ) lambda which lambda nu argument tau &western
Mu eta argument
Sigma &western
Tau &western
Mu epsilon theta alpha
Sigma theta epsilon.
Argument tau &western
Future perfect tense
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma &western mu alpha ι
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma eta/sigma epsilon ι
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma epsilon tau alpha ι
Lambda epsilon lambda nu sigma ό mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma epsilon sigma theta epsilon
Epsilon lambda ύ sigma &western argument tau alpha ι
Lambda epsilon lambda nu sigma &western ί mu eta argument
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma &western ι &western
Lambda nu theta ή sigma &western ι tau &western
Lambda epsilon lambda nu sigma &western ί mu epsilon theta alpha
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma &western ι sigma theta epsilon
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma &western ι argument tau &western
Lambda epsilon lambda ύ sigma epsilon sigma theta alpha ι

Species and evolution

Varieties of Greek
proto-Greek (Πρωτοελληνική)
The development branch of Western writing [2]
Mycenaean Greek (μκη να ακή Ελληνική)
Classical Greek (κλασική Ελληνική)
  • Aeolian Greek (αιολική)
  • Acadian Cypriot Greek (Αρκαδοκυπριακή)
  • Attica Greek (Αττική)
  • Doric Greek (δωρική)
  • Ionian Greek (Ιωνική)
Common Greek (Ελληνιστική Κοινή)
Middle Old Greek (μεσαιωνική Ελληνική)
Modern Greek (νexponentially α Ελλη Ν ική)
  • Peripheral dialect
    • Τ sigma alpha kappa damage predominate argument ι kappa alpha predominate
    • Cappadocian Greek (καπαδοκική διάλεκτος, about 2,800 people, cpg)
    • Ponti Greek (πον τιακά, spoken by about 200,000 people, pnt)
    • Southern Italian dialect (Greek: Κατωιτα λιπτικα, Italian: Griko, dialect, spoken in Southern Italy and Sicily)
  • Core dialect
    • Popular Greek (Δημοτική)
    • Κ alpha theta alpha rho epsilon ύ &western nu sigma alpha
    • Cypriot Greek (Κυπριακή)
    • Yevanic dialect (spoken by a group of Greek Jews, rho ωμανιῶτες, nearly extinct)
    • Romano-Greek (Greek mixed with Romani, almost extinct)
Hebrew A combination with Greek
Crete And the native Greek Clan society Has produced several more complex Ideographic writing and Phonetic writing . These writing systems are closely related. Of the Cretans Linear A And of the Achaeans Line B , are two of the most prominent. In the midst of all this, Linear script B, in turn, is derived from linear A. The Cretan transcribes modified the linear A in order to record what was expressed in Greek. In nearly 500 years of use, linear B has changed little, showing considerable stability. In Minoan, there were three writing systems. The first two are hieroglyphics The latter is linear (i.e., linear A). None of the three scripts can be deciphered, and it is not even possible to know which language they recorded. Knowledge of these three writing systems was once limited to assumptions: Could it have been a Semitic language? Early Indo-European? Or an older language?
Linear B, probably A palace script developed from linear A in the 17th century BC. It was first used in Mycenae and continued to be used after the Achaean conquest of Crete. The script has 88 symbols, most of which are derived from linear A.
In 1951, British scholars finally deciphered linear B, which was the greatest achievement of script research in this century. Several conclusions are drawn from this. First of all, the writing on the notepad belongs to a very old Greek script, more than Homer's epic More than 500 years earlier. The hypothesis that the first Greek settlers appeared in 2000 BC is thus confirmed. Therefore, the Greek language and Aegean Sea perfection Anatolia The Hittite languages belong to the Indo-European language family.
We have a lot of data in our hands, especially Economic activity Information on land ownership, clan herd The management, the work of the blacksmith and his supervision, and the existence of slaves), can now at last be read... The reason why there is no religious reference to the board is that the sacrificial activities are very frequent, and the sacrificial rituals need to use pottery POTS, incense and incense Sesame oil All paid from the clan Treasury.
These texts seem to have been used primarily for counting and counting. merely Asia At this point, the consonant system has begun to appear and can be avoided Syllabic writing The use of suffering, and has been developed very complete. This system was quickly adopted Aegean Sea The other side of the "intelligentsia" adopted and became the language used by the Greek city-states.
No one thought that just because of the discovery of a few symbols that no one understood, after a century of research, research and interpretation, made Prehistoric man Thousands of years of lost history came back to earth.
1900, England archaeologist Arthur John Evans is here Crete Knossos In the ruins of ancient palaces, some were found Clay plate Fragments, apparently with some writing on them.
The oldest clay fragments are written about 2000 to 1650 BC. The more recent clay fragments are written between 1750 and 1450 BC, which is what Evans said Linear A It is like the Festus mud disk symbol, which has not yet been able to really decipher. According to Evans' research, it is unknown when A new script replaced linear A, and he named the new script Linear B. There are many clay tablets with linear inscriptions, and Evans proposed many hypotheses and clues about linear B before his death in 1941. He also painted one for the palace of Knossos Reconstructed map . According to him, the original site of Knossos is about 4 kilometers from the sea, and the city has about 80,000 residents.
In 1936, Evans was in London Give an academic lecture on the "Lost Civilization on the Greek island of Crete and the mysterious Writing of this prehistoric magical people". Among the audience was a 14-year-old middle school student who was fascinated by ancient languages. His name was Michael Ventris, and after his lecture that day, he was determined to find out Linear script The secret. He corresponded and discussed with the experts, and in the end, he won where other experts had been frustrated.
Michael Ventris read it first Linear literal B It also points out that this script was used by the Mycenaeans in inland Greece, who lived there at that time and later became the legendary heroes of Homer's epic poems. Ventris reached this conclusion in that he looks into the trifles and contradictions in their findings. His genius lies in the bewildering, strange and changeable history Literal symbol Identify the patterns and constants, and from here open the gap to discover the hidden truth. It is a common characteristic of great scholars to understand and understand the connotation of order from the surface of disorder.
After Ventris, linear writing continued to be studied, but no significant progress was made. Minoan linear script A, Festus clay script, part Mayan and Easter Island The symbols on the boards are mysterious and puzzling.
Yet with human patience, zeal, and insight, scholars have deciphered almost all of them Ancient writing Systems, including Scandinavia's ancient Nordic Letters, as well as in Ireland And the oldest found in Wales Ogan script .

Everyday speech


Common Greek

Common expressions
Greek language
Γ epsilon ι alpha.
How are you?
Πως ταπας?
Long time no see!
Χρόνια κα ιζ αμάνια.
What's your name?
My name is......
Πως σε λενε?
μελφν ε...
Where are you from?
I'm from.......
Απόπούε ίσα ι?
αρχομα ααπό...
Α argument tau ί &western.
Have fun!
Καλή διασκseeds δαση! καλ ή διαση!
Good luck to you!
Καλή τύχη! κα λή τύχη!
Sorry, I don't quite understand.
Συγγνώμη, δεν καταλαβαίνω ακριβώς.
Please write it down.
παρακαλπγράψ τετο.
Can you speak Chinese?
Μπορείς ν αμιλ ήσεις κιν ς ζικα?
I'm sorry.
Με συγχωρείς.
Thank you! / You're welcome!
Σας εχαριστπ. / Δενκάνειτίποτα.
Excuse me, where's the bathroom?
Συγγν πούείν α ιη τούα λάτα?
I miss you so much.
Μουλε ίπεις πάραπολύ.
I love you.
Σ 'alpha gamma alpha PI damage degree.
Β &western ή theta epsilon ι alpha!
Call the police!
Κάλεσε την αστυνομία!
It's on fire!
Π nu rho!
We need help!
Χρειαζ όμαστεβοή θεια!
Someone's hurt! / I'm hurt!
Κάποιος χτ πησε! κάποιος! /Είμα ιπλη γωμμμμνος!
Happy New Year! / Happy birthday!
Ευτυ χισμμήν ον ος τος! /Χρόν απολλά!


Digital correspondence table
Έ argument alpha.
Δ ύ &western
Τ rho ί alpha
Τ which sigma sigma epsilon rho alpha
Π which argument tau epsilon
Έ factor ι
Ε PI tau ά
Ο χ tau damage degree
Ε argument argument which alpha / Ε argument argument ι ά
Δ which kappa alpha predominate
Π epsilon argument ή argument tau alpha
Ε kappa alpha tau predominate ό
Χ ί lambda ι alpha
δδκα χιλιάδες
Εκα τόεκα τομμύρια


with Latin Greek, too, is a great classical language. Homer's epic poem, written around the 9th century BC, Iliad "And" The Odyssey "were written in the last four dialects of Greek. On account of Greek culture before Roman culture Many Greek words were borrowed into Latin. So in the Old English period or Middle English Period, Greek in English Foreign word It was borrowed mainly through the medium of Latin. But here it is Renaissance During this period, educated Britons became interested in research Greek literature "And borrowed words directly from Greek. As a result, many Greek words were borrowed directly into English. Most of them are technical terms. Ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates Hippocrates (460-377 BC) wrote quite a few Medical literature Became the originator of Western medicine. Thus, many Medical terms It comes from Greek. E.g. cardiology, hepatitis hepatitis ), heliosis ( sunstroke ), heliotherapy ( heliotherapy ), stethoscope ( stethoscope ) and so on. People not only borrowed Greek words directly from Greek, but also borrowed the beginning and end of Greek words, because such a prefix or suffix can often be derived from dozens of words. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to use Greek prefixes or suffixes borrowed from English to form new words to express a new concept. Common Greek borrowed prefixes: anti- (anti), geo- (earth), hydro- (water), micro - (small), poly- (many, many), psycho- (psychological), tele- (remote), auto- (self, automatic), holo- (all), homo- (same), etc. A common source is the Greek suffix: -gy (...) Learn), - meter (meter, table, instrument), - graph (written), -phone (sound), -scope (instrument) and so on. Some loanwords of Greek etymology retain the plural form of Greek, such as crisis→ crises ; emphasis→emphases; Emphasis → EMphases; Some add -s or -es to the end of the word according to English custom, such as: system, dogma , climax, etc.


Greece The country of the Thousand Islands. The largest island in the Aegean Sea Crete As early as 4,500 years ago, there were splendid" The Minoan civilization ", become Ancient Greek civilization The origin of... There are others Santorini Islet, Mykonos Island And respectively have" Mediterranean "Pearl" and "Island of Dreams" Rhode Island and The island of Naxos Charming natural scenery, cultural monuments everywhere. Country Name: Hellenic Republic (The Hellenic Republic) Greece ). National flag: consists of five blue stripes and four white stripes. Blue represents the blue sky and white represents faith in Christianity. National tree : olive Language: Greek is a separate language of the Indo-European family, with 24 letters, and is one of the oldest and richest languages in the world. Ancient Greek It has had a great influence on European languages, and many scientific and political terms come from Greek. For example: "democracy", "economy", "politics", "marathon" and so on. Greek is spoken mainly in Greece and is spoken by more than 7 million people. There are also varying numbers of users in other countries.
The official language of Greece is Greek. English is also used in tourist areas, airports, hotels, etc. For diplomatic and business dealings, French, English, German and Italian . Famous cities: Athens, Olympia, Marathon plain , Crete, Heraklion , Hania, Saint Nikolaos , Marada, Pareohora, Samalia Canyon Lassi-tin plateau, etc. Places of Interest: Acropolis , The Parthenon , Temple of the victory of Athena , Temple of Zeus , Olympic Stadium Ruins, National Archaeological Museum .


The Greek word mousike is not English music?
The original Greek text of Phaedo (with Latin alphabet Transliteration) is: O, Sockrates ephe, mousikenpoieikaiergazou Leob The English text is:" Socrates, 'it said, make music and work at it. " Greek It should be translated as:" Socrates Ah, 'said it, make and engage mousike C 'mon! '"
But what the word "mousike" should mean here is debatable.
The Greek mousike means anything made up of nine" Muse The "arts" of the Muses - especially music or lyricpoetry, but in the broader sense mousike refers to any spiritual "art" as opposed to gymnastike, including literacy, literature Or music in the modern sense. Ancient Chinese Comparing "wen" with "Wu", the broad mousike is somewhat similar to this "wen". The adjective mousikos can be "musically skilled," or "cultured," "refined," or "educated." In short, "mousike" refers to the modern "music" in the narrowest sense, but it is by no means completely equivalent to the English "music" and "music" German language The Musik. If mousike is translated in music or Musik, it needs to be annotated, otherwise it is misleading.
Nietzsche's understanding of mousike as "Musik" is motivated by a need for "prejudice" because Wagner It is "musician" (note: the writer mentions Nietzsche, hence the explanation). However, according to the Phaedo, mousike here refers to "literature and art" in general, and "poetry" in the Greek sense in particular - the Chinese word for "poem" and "song". Combination theory A certain "musicality" has been demonstrated. I advocate the translation of "mousike" as "literature" rather than "music" in the context of the original text. It helps us to understand that Socrates went on to engage in "poetry" (poiema) and "philosophy" (philosophy). philosophia Are said to be a kind of mousike. mousike even includes tragedy, comedy, astronomy and geometry Wait for all this "cultural creation."
In addition, poiein can mean "to make" in general, but also in the Greek sense. Poetry creation So "poetry" is poiema. The ancient Greeks may have regarded the creation of "plays" as a kind of "poiein," so that playwrights and writers of poetry are poietes Modern Chinese "Poet" can also be misleading, it is in a sense closer to what we mean by "writer".