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Literary value

Chinese vocabulary
The necessary ideas and ideas embodied in such literary works as poetry, fiction, prose, and drama Spiritual value . Literary value depends on the quality of literary works, including aesthetics, ideology, Core value Concept, etc., mainly refers to the inner of literary works Artistic value . Values that have positive meaning for people. The positive role played by literary works.
Chinese name
Literary value
wen xue jia zhi
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poesy , novels, prose Isoliterary works
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Spiritual value
This essay is very informative - a shoddy work is nothing
【 Extension 】 Famous writer Yin Qian In his collection of essays "Yin Qian's Essays" in the literary value has made a detailed discussion: "the author's personality situation and Humanistic quality It interprets the text Necessary condition In other words, a work reflects the author's attitude toward the reader and the relationship between the author and reality - whether he can make the reader experience poetic meaning and pure beauty, whether he can create a world of truth, good and beauty with healthy and active interest; Can he describe with a feeling full of compassion and compassion the human nature and sociality The experience of content, get rid of narcissism and egoism The tendency to make the words under his pen become people's real spiritual food; Can he provide the reader with warmth and light on the way forward, can he Cultural consciousness Objective discovery of social disabilities and symptoms; Can he defend his ideals and his inner dignity and freedom, can he not become a slave to the market but whitewash reality and avoid history with entertainment and falsehood, can he speak the truth to his readers? The ability to confront power and fight it; Can he get rid of the destruction of his mind by the babbabs and describe and narrate it with sublimation force, can he get rid of the negative influence of alienated forces such as money and power, can he take the pen as the banner with sufficient education and sound personality, and write to carry the way... True writers and literary works should contain these measures, that is, the universal values of the text."
Therefore, the value of literature is not only reflected in the level of practical utility, but also a kind of spiritual value.