
[gǎn lǎn]
Olive of the olive family
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Olive, an arborophyte of the genus Oliaceae, having leathery, elliptic lanceolate leaflets with short stalks; Flowers small, bisexual or heterogenous, calyx cupped, petals white or greenish-white, disk conspicuous; The fruit is ovate and fusiform. Flowering period from May to July, fruit period from August to November. [10] Olives get their name from the fact that they can be eaten fresh when the fruit is still green. [11]
Olive origin China In the south, it is famous for subtropical specialty fruit trees, [11] Now it is cultivated in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Japan and the Malay Peninsula. [12] Olive love warm to high temperature, wet, sunny place, the growth temperature is suitable for 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, strong nature, heat and cold resistance, drought resistance, barren resistance, often wild in the gully and hillside forest below 1300 meters above sea level, or cultivated in the garden, the village next to it, its reproduction methods are sowing, breeding and grafting. 12 - [13]
Olive is a good windproof tree and street tree, wood can be shipbuilding, sleeper, furniture, farm tools and building materials; Fruit can be eaten raw or salted; Nuclear engraving is one of the Han carving arts. [14] "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "South Yunnan Materia Medica" recorded olive taste glycolic acid, flat, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridian, has the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, eliminating phlegm and thirst, thirst and thirst, and eliminating boredom and wine, suitable for sore throat, thirst and cough, phlegm and blood, etc. [3] [15]
Chinese name
Latin name
Canarium album (Lour.) Rauesch.
Yellow olive, green fruit, mountain olive, white olive, red olive, green fruit, Remonstrance fruit, Zhong fruit
The door
The outline
Dicotyledonous plants
rutales [2]
Belong to
Kind of
Primitive perianth [2]
Rutinae [2]
Namers and years
(Lour.) Raeusch., 1797

History of botany

olive [17]
Olives are famous subtropics Specialty fruit trees. Cultivation has a long history, in the ancient book" Harmony of the people requires skill There is a record of olives in the book. Han Dynasty" Three supplementary yellow map He wrote in the book Emperor Wu of Han Yuan Ding six years...... From the Fuli Palace, we got strange plants and trees, longan , litchi , Areca nut There are more than 100 copies of olive, thousand years old and orange. This shows that the cultivation of olives in China was very common in the Han Dynasty, at least 2,000 years of history. [4]

Morphological characteristics

arbor It is 10-25 (-35) m tall and has a diameter of up to 150 cm. Branchlets 5-6 mm thick, young yellow-brown villous, quickly glabrous; There are columnar vascular bundles around the medullary part and several vascular bundles in the center. Stipule, present only when budding, proximal petiole On the basal branches. Leaflets 3-6 pairs, papery to leathery, lanceolate or elliptic (to ovate), 6-14 cm long and 2-5.5 cm wide, glabrous or on abaxial side Leaf vein The upper seta is scattered, the dorsal side has a very small warty projection; Apex acuminate to abruptly narrow acuminate, cusp about 2 cm long, obtuse; Base cuneate to rounded, deflected, entire margin; Lateral vein 12-16 pairs, midvein developed.
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inflorescence Axillary, lightly villous to glabrous; Male corymbose, 15-30 cm long, multiflowered; Female flowers are racemose, 3-6 cm long, with less than 12 flowers. The flowers are sparse and fuzzy to hairless, male 5.5-8 mm long, female about 7 mm long; calyx 2.5-3 mm long, 3 shallow teeth on male flowers, nearly flat on female flowers; stamen 6, hairless, more than 1/2 of the filaments united (several full-length united in female flowers); Disk globose to cylindrical in male flowers, 1-1.5 mm tall, 6-lobed, central cavity or absent, upper part with a few bristles; In female flowers ring, slightly 3-undulate teeth, 1 mm high, thickly fleshy, inner surface sparsely hairy. pistil Densely pubescent; Small or absent in male flowers.
Fruit sequence 1.5-15 cm long, with 1-6 fruits. Fruit calyx flat, 0.5 cm in diameter, calyx teeth curved. Fruit oval to fusiform, subrounded across section, 2.5-3.5 cm long, glabrous, yellow-green at maturity; The outer pericarp is thick and wrinkled when dry; The fruit core is acuminate, the transverse plane is round to hexagonal, there is a shallow groove between the blunt rib Angle and the nuclear cap, the nuclear cap has a slightly raised middle rib, and the outside is shallow undulate; The lid is 1.5-2 (-3) mm thick. Seeds 1-2, sterile chamber slightly degenerated. Flowering period from May to July, fruit period from August to November. [2] [10] [16]

Proximate distinction

Branches and leaves
Leaflet leathery, elliptic-lanceolate, short petiolate
Leaves oblong or obovate lanceolate; Inflorescence axillary, subglabrous
Flowers small, bisexual or heterogenous, calyx cupped, petals white or greenish-white, disk conspicuous; The fruit is ovate and fusiform
Cylindroid male, ring female, fringed; Fruit order superaxillary or axillary, fruit green, fusiform, pit sharp triangular to circular transverse section
Fang Lam

Habitat of origin

Olives are native to southern China, [1] China Fujian (Province) , Taiwan , Kwangtung , Guangxi Yunnan and other areas are cultivated, distributed in Vietnam North to central. Japan (Nagasaki, Okinawa) and Malay Peninsula There is cultivation. [2] In China, Fujian Province is the largest distribution, and Sichuan, Zhejiang, Taiwan and other parts of the country are also distributed. In addition to China, olive is cultivated in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, India and Malaysia. [1]
It is wild in the valley and hillside forest below 1300 meters above sea level, or cultivated in gardens and villages. [2] Wild olives are found in Hainan and Taiwan provinces and in Xichang area of Sichuan Province. [1]

Growth habit

Olive love warm to high temperature, wet, sunny place, strong nature, heat and cold resistance, drought resistance, barren resistance, the growth period needs appropriate high temperature to grow vigorous, good results, years Mean air temperature Above 20 ° C, it is best to grow in areas without severe frost damage in winter, and can tolerate low temperatures of minus 3 ° C for a short time in winter, but it will be serious when the temperature drops below 4 ° C Cold damage . rainfall It can grow normally in the area of 1200-1400 mm. Wide adaptability to the soil, river banks, hills, red and yellow soil, gravel soil can be cultivated, as long as the soil layer is deep, good drainage can grow well. [5] 12 - [13]

Propagation method



Seed collection and treatment: The fruits of the olive left as seeds must be fully developed and mature, and the seed core shell part turns to red carbon color, about late October to November. Combine fresh olives with salt Mix with the weight 10:1 and pour into the bowl. Step on the meat cores with your feet until they are separated. Soak in water for 7-8 hours.
Olive seeds need to be processed through the lamination to complete the post-ripening stage, choose a cool indoor shelter, with clean river sand stratification, humidity to hand into a group without water droplets, and can be dispersed into small pieces after release. The ratio of seeds to river sand is 1:3, and one layer of river sand is one layer of seeds, so that 4-5 layers are piled up alternately. Pay attention to check during the lamination, control the temperature and humidity, and prevent mildew and over-drying.
C. Sowing: Next year Sowing in February to March, soaking the seeds in warm water for 5-6 hours before sowing is beneficial germinate Neat, easy to fertilize, spray, spray and other management. Prepare the seedbed in the original garden Grafting propagation The plant and row spacing is about 12 cm ×15 cm, too wide soil utilization rate is low, and weeds grow vigorously; Too narrow grafting is not convenient, and the seedlings grow badly, which is not conducive to strong seedlings. Used for the sale of seedlings or transplanting small seedlings, which can be planted densely. Evenly spread 300-400 seeds /m 2 After that, the seeds are pressed into the earth with a wooden board and covered with 2-3 cm of fine soil straw Do a good job of insulation and moisturizing.
Seed and seedling cultivation and management: garden direct seeding seedling survival rate is high and management is convenient. The seedlings unearthed 40-50 days after sowing are generally based on frequent application of decomposed human and animal manure, and keep the seedbed suitable for temperature, humidity and attention Diseases and insect pests Prevention and treatment; Transfer into the nutrition bag cultivation management requirements are very strict, but the survival rate of nursery planting of seedlings is 97%-100%, which is deeply recognized by the majority of fruit farmers, breeding should pay attention to several main links.
The seed nutrition bag selection: nutrition bag specifications: 25 cm long, 15 cm wide, to prevent or reduce the seedling taproot growth too fast and through the nutrition bag.
Transplanting seeds: cultivate soil-based fertilizer at the bottom of the bag, move it into the bag for cultivation when the seedling is 2 leaves and 1 heart, and the main root long can be bent appropriately shallow planting. According to 8-10 bags for a row, each two rows of a small row, the interval of 10-15 cm, placed into the plot, and finally the middle gap and around the crushed soil, anti-watering loss and sun plastic bag aging.
Seed management: A small layer of crushed dust is sprinkled over the bag of seedling soil sawdust , Peanut shell At the end, it has the functions of moisturizing, heat preservation, reducing the growth of weeds, etc., which is very beneficial to the survival and growth of seedlings. summertime Heat and drought, cover the shade. Take care to prevent root injury when pulling weeds or loosening the soil. [6]


Grafting technology points: olive planting into the fruiting period takes 6-8 years, and tall plants, management is not convenient, the coefficient of variation is large. Grafting can advance the results of 3-4 years, and has the effect of dwarfing plants and speeding up the improvement and renewal of excellent varieties.
Grafting time: seedling in February to the end of March, the temperature is stable in the sunny day above 15-16℃, that is, the best when the tree juice begins to flow; The roots of adult trees are deep and the soil temperature is relatively slow, so the high grafting time can be postponed accordingly and can be extended to April-May grafting.
C. Scion collection and treatment: scion in Spring shoot Sprouting cut, in the fine high-yield and stable yield of mature trees, select short internode, full eyes, thickness and rootstock equivalent, born in crown Outer autumnal fringe. Cut off the leaves immediately after cutting, bundle with wet cloth, and put on a plastic bag outside to prevent water loss. It needs to be stored for a long time, and attention should be paid to the humidity and nutrient supply in the bag to prevent mildew, and attention should be paid to protect the eyes and cortex from damage during transportation.
Grafting method: There are 2-5 scions to choose eye Tongue grafting and cutting were used as the main methods. In order to reduce the oxidation of wound tannins and wound flow problems, the grafting speed should be fast. stock Align with the cambium of scion and insert tightly, seal and bind, and tighten the single layer at the bud eye. The adult trees are mainly inserted and cut, while leaving part of the crown as pumping branches to protect the normal growth of the tree.
5. The wound healing ability of olive trees is slower than that of other fruit trees, the use of degraded films does not need to decompose the film normally, and the individual tie tightly needs to be lifted, and the membrane can be decomposed only after the interface tissue is completely healed and firm, to ensure the smooth growth of ear buds. Rootstocks are easy to germinate adventitious buds, which should be erased in time to reduce the risk of disease panicle Negative effects such as competing for nutrients and occupying space. [6]

Cultivation technique


Garden plot

Olives have the characteristics of warm and strong drought resistance, every year temperature At 18-20 ° C, year rainfall Anywhere from 1200 to 1600 mm is suitable for olive growth. The best soil for the garden is deep and loose soil with rich organic matter or sandy loam. Towards a closed col with no strong westerly light or cold air and frost. According to the actual situation of the garden, choose the slope land or terrace land with convenient transportation, rich water and pollution-free, and relatively flat terrain. [6]


Planting: The olive taproot is developed, the side root is less, especially its xylem texture ratio longan The xylem of fruit trees such as lychee is loose and the surface tissue is rich in milk. It is difficult to absorb water from the soil in time after planting, and more water evaporation and SAP damage during transplantation lead to the destruction of water balance between the above-ground part and the underground part of the tree. Choose a season with plenty of rain ( Lesser fullness , Grain in ear When taking seedlings, reduce root damage as much as possible, and remove 2/3-3/4 of the leaves in time, and seal the trunk of young trees without soil with degradation film to reduce water evaporation. The hole pit should be dug deep, the seed should also be buried deep or the soil should be high, and then the appropriate part of the soil should be dug up after determining the survival. In the garden with sufficient water supply, the water is mixed into mud in the hole, or the paddy field mud is better, and the root is placed in the mud to cover the soil. When planting, do not apply inorganic fertilizer or organic fertilizer that is not fully decomposed to prevent root injury from affecting survival.
⒉ Maintenance measures: insert Bamboo pole Protect against livestock hazards and take shade measures, tree tray can be mulched or covered with straw and other measures to maintain humidity to survive the summer.
Plastic pruning: the growth potential of olive trees is strong, which is easy to cause excessive nutritional growth and affect reproductive growth. Generally take the advantage of weakening the top, with light cutting, thinning or appropriate truncation, to promote the formation of uniform and compact tree crown at all levels of branches. Olive flowering and fruit have the characteristics of outer end dominance and most of the bearing branches are developed from the summer and autumn shoots of the previous year. When pruning after picking fruit, pay attention to cultivating the summer and autumn tips outside the crown of the tree, and promote the fruiting branches that are drawn from the beginning of spring to the awakening of insects Bear fruit The best rate. The production is also combined with water control, root breaking, ring tying, chemical regulation and other flower promotion measures, ring cutting treatment should be carefully operated, should not be advocated.
Fertilizer and water management: The fertilization period and fertilizer amount are determined according to tree age, tree potential, fruit amount, soil fertility, etc. Fertilizer is generally applied before flowering in March, with medium and quick acting fertilizer combined with farm fertilizer; From August to September, apply strong fruit fertilizer, partial quick-acting fertilizer and plant growth regulator topdressing; After picking fruit, farmers should be heavily applied organic fertilizer and N , P , K , Ga A large number of elements are added, and try to turn the soil, deep application, and cover. Rainy, dry and sunny days should be drained and irrigated in time to ensure the normal growth of the tree, especially in each shoot period and fruit expansion period to ensure appropriate water supply. [6]


Pick olives
According to the use and market demand, timely harvest. Olive fruit has more tannin, which is easy to lose water and shrink after harvest. When picking, it is collected according to sales, processing amount or order. At the same time, pay attention to protect the top buds of the fruit branches to draw the fruit branches of the next year, and try to do light picking, light loading, and transport without damaging the fruit. Maintaining proper and stable temperature and humidity is the key link of olive preservation. Then according to the use of different processing procedures, in order to achieve the best economic benefits. [6]

Disease and insect control

Olive gall disease
Compared with citrus, jujube and other fruit trees, olive disease is lighter, mainly anthracnose , Gummy disease Tree gall disease, etc. In recent years, the development of diseases and pests has become increasingly rampant, and neglect of management is easy to cause a large number of pests, resulting in yellow olive leaves, falling off, dry branches, some plants die, and gradually affect the growth of surrounding olive trees. The main pests are Psyllids, Little yellow leaf roll moth , Whitefly nigrospiny , scale, longicorn and so on. Measures of "prevention first and comprehensive prevention and control" should be taken. [6]
Do a good job of cleaning the garden, eliminate the source of infection; Strengthen management, enhance tree growth, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. In view of the trees seriously damaged by diseases and insects, new varieties of retracted or dwarfed grafting and interplanting other fruit trees and crops are carried out. [6]
To master the living habits and harm degree of various pests and carry out drug control. Be diseased in shoot Spread or early onset, up to 70% Methyl tobuzin 1500 times liquid or 50% carbendazim 800 times liquid spray control; Infestation available 90% trichlorphon 1000 times liquid +10% prophidrin 2000 times liquid +40% Lesburn 1500 times liquid, or 5% Regent 1500 times liquid +5% Acter 12500 times liquid spray control. Combined with artificial killing, the cotton dipped in liquid medicine is stuffed into the insect path to kill. [6]

Primary value



Olives are rich in nutrients and contain a lot of flesh protein , carbohydrate , fat , Vitamin C As well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, the content of vitamin C is Apple 10 times, pear, peach, 5 times, calcium content is also very high, and easy to be absorbed by the human body, especially suitable for women and children. In winter and spring, chewing two or three fresh olives a day can prevent upper respiratory tract infection, so the folk have the reputation of "winter and spring olives ginseng". [7] Domestic and foreign research data show that olive fruit also contains Marcinolide , Scopolide , (E) -3, 3-dihydroxy-4, 4-dimethoxystilbene, Gallic acid , regallic acid, brevifolic oxylphenol, hypericin And some Triterpenoids , Essential oil , Flavonoids . [8]


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the olive taste of glycolic acid, flat, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridian, has the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, eliminating phlegm and phlegm, thirst and thirst, eliminating boredom and wine, suitable for sore throat, thirst and cough phlegm and blood. " Rihua seed herbal "Said its" appetizer, qi, diarrhea." " Compendium of Materia Medica "Said its" produce body fluid, stop boredom and thirst, cure sore throat, chew pharyngeal juice, can solve all fish and crab poison." " Southern Yunnan herbs "Said its" cure all laryngeal fire on inflammation, big head plague, can solve damp heat, spring temperature, produce fluid thirst, phlegm, solve fish poison, wine, stagnation." Root medicinal, has the effect of relaxing tendons and activating collaterals. [7] [18 ]


Olives are a good windbreak tree and street tree, [14] The wood of olives can be used for shipbuilding and for making tie Furniture, farm tools and building materials, etc., for carving, seeds can be eaten, and oil can also be extracted for making soap or lubricating oil. [2]

Plant culture


Origin of name

Olives get their name from the fact that they can be eaten fresh when the fruit is still green. [11]

Nuclear carving

Olive core carving Also known as Lam carving, is one of the Han carving art, Lam carving technology inherits the style characteristics of Lingnan culture, beautiful and elegant shape, smooth lines, dynamic and delicate, its overall artistic characteristics can be summarized as: fine carving, small and exquisite shape, its techniques to relief, round carving, hollow carving mainly.
Olive core carving
Engraving on the olive pit, its difficulty is imaginable. It is precisely because of the high difficulty of its operation that the nuclear carving technique is rarely passed down. As early as the Ming Dynasty Purge esoterica "In the Ming Dynasty Xuande period, there is a name Summer white eye I can carve 16 dolls on an olive pit. Or engraved son mother nine chi, lotus flower nine, its coil bend fly away about the state, into the square inch small core." Ming Dynasty Wang Shuyuan The peach stone of fine carving, the walnut of Xing Xian's fine carving, and the olive stone of Xia Baiyan's fine carving can be described as the three unique nuclear carving, whose works have been handed down to the world. In the Qing Dynasty, there were also many famous nuclear carvers with superior skills, and Du Shiyuan, a folk artist in Suzhou in the early years of Qianlong (1736), also used a peach stone of less than an inch to carve the theme of "Su Zi traveling to the Red Cliff". Nuclear boat The nuclear boat is different, and the nuclear sculpture was called "ghost work" at the time. [9]

Folk customs

According to... Chituno language According to records, olives are also known as "Remonstration fruit", "loyal fruit" and "green fruit". Because the first taste of olives is astringent, but put it in the mouth for a long time, it will feel a sweet aftertaste, Happiness comes after suffering Just like "good medicine tastes bitter" and "honest advice is hard to hear." It was a valuable fruit in ancient times. According to the "Southern vegetation" records, (this fruit) Wu year tribute to the near minister.
On the western side of the isolated island of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, a tall olive tree, said to date from the Ming Dynasty, stands on the wall of the present museum Wanli During the year of Dinghai (AD 1587), Wei Chengfang, the governor of the county, proposed to move the "Zhuogong Temple" in the southern corner of the county to this and Xingqing Temple. The old temple has long been abandoned, but the old olive tree is still standing for more than 400 years. In this olive tree is to commemorate Zhuo Gong, Zhuo Gong for the Ming Dynasty of Zhejiang Ryan people, Hongwu Jinshi, he is honest, he dares to speak out, Yongle early, for migration and martyrdom, loyalty and undomineer, death, touched the Wenzhou people, people planted olive trees to commemorate his "character loyal, bold and net remonstrance" spirit.


Olive variety resources are extremely rich, quality or cultivation more widely are: sandalwood , Hui Yuan, Gong this, hunting waist olive, tea cellar olive, green heart. [1]