Travel in the book province

The Yuan Dynasty implemented a first-level administrative region directly under the jurisdiction of the central government
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In the line of the book, Yuan Dynasty (The Middle system, Solstice element It was implemented directly under the jurisdiction of the central government First-level administrative region The folk is referred to as "province" or "province". From the Yuan Dynasty Shiji (1321-1323) to principal (1341-1369).
Yuan Dynasty four levels of the country Administrative system In the belly region where the capital is located (today Hebei (Province) , Shandong (Province) , Shanxi (Province) and Henan (Province) , Inner Mongolia In some areas) by Chinese book province Direct jurisdiction, Tibetan regime in ancient China (now Xizang ) due to Xuan Jeongwon Govern. At that time, the Xingzhongshu Province was mainly a military administration, in charge of money and grain, armaments, seed storage, water transport and other military and political affairs in the province under its jurisdiction.
Chinese name
Travel in the book province
Foreign name
Executive Secretariat
Abbreviated form
Local institution


Yuan Dynasty The highest local administrative body, replacing the road and for First-level administrative region Name, civil abbreviation "province" or "province". Yuan book provincial premier national government affairs, also known as the province; Due to the Vast territory In addition to the abdominal areas (present-day Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi and Henan, Inner Mongolia Some areas) Zhili In the book province, Tibetan regime in ancient China locality Xuan Jeongwon Outside the jurisdiction, ten provinces were set up in major cities to administer each region. Mongol Khanate Period, Mongol rulers Mongo (后称为元宪宗皇帝)在位时(1251~1260年),蒙古本部以外的征服地区划为三大行政区,即三大 The Ministry of Commerce and the Province , respectively: Yenching (Beijing) and other places Shangshu Province , Don't miss eight miles ( Beiting ) and other lines of Shangshu province, Amu Darya (now Central Asia District), etc. The latter two provinces administered the Western regions (Xinjiang) and Central Asia. This is the earliest establishment of the Ministry of Commerce in our history. At this time, the Xingshangshu province had the form and meaning of what was later called the province. But officially the province as a Political system It was implemented in the country after the Yuan Dynasty completely unified the country. [1]
In Sejo, Vouzon The establishment of three short-term Shangshu Province During the period in charge of government affairs, the book province was also renamed the book Province. Yuan called its system: "All provinces hold the world's opportunity, ten provinces divide the world's governance."
According to scholars Qian Mu It is said that the Xingzhongshu province established by the Yuan government means "Zhongshu province of action", that is, the central government to maintain its rule in Local administration The plenipotentiary organs established above have different sources of power from local governments with a certain degree of autonomy.
Under the "book province", the Yuan Dynasty successively changed the roads of the Song Dynasty into roads, and the states were upgraded to roads, and some counties were upgraded to states, at the same level as counties. Zhili State outside), the implementation of provincial, road, road, state (county) four levels of place Administrative system .

Generation background

The seal of the Xuan Government
The system of provinces did not begin in the Han Dynasty or Ming Dynasty, but in the Yuan Dynasty. It can also be said that the Jin Dynasty already had provinces. But it was the Yuan Dynasty that officially became an institution. As we call it Jiangsu (Province) A surname Zhejiang Province Province is like a regional name. However, in history, the provincial character was originally a yamen name, not a regional name.
In the Jin and Yuan dynasties, there began to be a book province. Zhongshu Province is the central prime minister's office at that time, generally known as the capital province. The province is a branch of the central Prime Minister's office (capital province) stationed outside.
This is because the Mongols conquered China, dare not disperse the political power, to fully grasp the centralization. If something happens somewhere, one or two people will be sent by the central Prime Minister's Office to control it, and the province is an active province. formerly Imperial historian's desk We have sent people to inspect local administration, and they are here today and there tomorrow.

Institutional origin

The provincial system originated from Wei and Jin dynasties table . In the Northern Dynasty, Sui Dynasty and the early Tang Dynasty, there were rows (or Taiwan Shangshu province To exercise the functions and powers of Shangshu province in other states, also established Order of a minister Officers such as servant shooting, Shangshu, cheng, Lang, etc., but they need not all be prepared. If the incumbent has a high position of authority, it is called Main bank . Most of them were temporary institutions set up for military needs, which were cancelled after Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty. At the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, he had set up Taiwan Shangshu province Bianjing , to cure Henan land After that.
Jin Zhangzong During the period (1190 ~ 1208), Shangshu provincial rulers were sent out to battle, guard the border or deal with major local affairs, and they were allowed to act cheaply, saying that the province was somewhere. Jin, in order to resist the Mongols and suppress peasant uprisings, often ordered the rulers to go out of the town, or awarded the title of prime minister governor All are called provinces, and have been placed in the daimyo, Hebei, Shaanxi, Hedong, Zhongdu, Shandong, Dongping , Eastern and southern parts of Liaoning Province , Shanghai, Eidu Jingdong and other provinces.
At the same time, most of the gold land occupied by Mongolia was surrendered Jin Dynasty Officials or local warlords ruled, and according to the Jin Dynasty officials called the appropriate office, whose jurisdiction of the land, also granted provinces, such as Shi Mingan , The stone is too salty Father and son for Yanjing province, strictly Shandong West Road Province (or East parallel platform), Zhangrong is Shandong province (or Jinan Road province), Li Quan Huainan province of Shandong (or Yidulu However, they did not carry the title of prime minister, which was different from the provinces of the Jin Dynasty. Later, this category of provincial names was gradually eliminated.
After the Mongol annihilation of gold, set Middle State magistrate To command the civil affairs of the Central Plains, he set up an official office in Yanjing Yanjing line Shangshu province , or Yanjing line, Zhongdu line. Similar authorities were established in Central Asia and Persia. After Monge ascended the throne, he reappointed the above three regions directly under the Great Khan Chief executive , be called Yenching and other line Shangshu province Matter, Don't lose eight miles and other line Shangshu province A surname Amu river and other line Shangshu province Thing.
Mongolia at that time Excessive sweating The government has not yet set up a province, only to arbiter The government and punishment, the post is slightly similar to the central plains official system of prime minister; The magistrates, which divided the major regions, were traditionally called provinces by the Han Chinese and were not customized by the Mongols. Such as Yanjing province Buzhi 'er, the Mongolian title is actually "Dadu (should be made in the capital) to do all the world. Roya Can be Zaruhurch ".

Yuan Dynasty built

Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan
Yuan Shizu In the first year of the Middle Dynasty (1260), in accordance with the Han Law, the province of Zhongshu was set up to lead the national government affairs, and the Prime Minister was set up Peace and tranquility govern affairs , Zuo Cheng , A surname Governor and other executive officers. Subsequently, the provinces were established in various regions. Early, still used Previous generation The system, with the provincial governor of the book to lead the provinces, called a place in the book to save trouble.
Since then, such provinces have in effect become permanent local administrations, and unlike the temporary contingent institutions established in the previous generation, the provincial governors have remained as the central provinces Prime minister (in feudal China) The provincial title, and the book province authority no difference, suspected in the foreign heavy, thus revise Official system, only called an official in a certain province, no longer with the title of prime minister of the province.
In the twenty-third year of the Yuan Dynasty (1286), the government decided on the provinces, Taiwan, the courts, and the ministries, abolished the prime ministers of each province, and only made the political affairs of Ping Zhang the highest officials. In order to Don't tell the difference. Later, prime ministers were appointed in some of the most important provinces.
Yanyou Seven years (1320), all the ministers of the provinces were reinstated, and those who had been placed were reduced to the administration of the Peace chapter.
After the reign of Thaiding (1324-1328), some provinces had prime ministers, depending on the need and the position of the incumbents. In each province, there are generally two political officers ( First rank ), one right Cheng, one left Cheng ( Principal and principal substances ), two councillors ( Secondary grade ), its rank and provincial officials are the same; Sashi , Yushi Unite as one, set up as one, Scholars and foreigners , metropolis Rank is lower than provincial.
At the end of the Yuan, some provinces also added "adding" Pingzhang, right cheng, left cheng, participating in politics and other officials. The provinces are in charge of money and grain, armaments, seed storage, water transport and other important matters of the military state within their territory, and command roads, prefectures, counties; For places far away from provincial administration, another Department of Propaganda Unified, as the provincial agency.
Chinese book province
Jiangbei Province of Henan
Lingbei Province
Liaoyang Province
Shaanxi province
Gansu province
Sichuan province
Yunnan province
Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces
Jiangxi province
Huguang Province

Provincial construction


Principal province

During the Yuan Dynasty, there were 10 Xingzhongshu provinces under the direct rule of the Yuan Dynasty, except Zhongshu Province, which administered the Fuli area where the capital was located, and Xuanzheng Yuan, which administered the Tubo (present-day Tibet) area. From the Yuan Dynasty, China officially implemented the provincial system throughout the country.
Song Lian "Yuan History · Geography" "There are ten provinces in the book: say Lingbei, say Liaoyang, say Henan, say Shaanxi, say Sichuan, say Gansu, say Yunnan, say Jiangzhe, say Jiangxi, say Huguang, say east." [2]
Lingbei and other lines in the book province (referred to as "Lingbei Province")
Liaoyang and other lines in the book province (referred to as "Liaoyang Province")
Henan Jiangbei and other lines in the book province (referred to as "Henan Jiangbei Province")
Shaanxi and other lines in the book province (referred to as "Shaanxi West Travel Province")
Sichuan and other lines in the book province (referred to as "Sichuan Province")
Gansu and other lines in the book province (Gansu Province for short)
Jiangzhe and other lines in the book province (referred to as "Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces")
Jiangxi and other lines in the book province (Jiangxi Province for short)
Huguang and other lines in the book province (referred to as "Huguang Province").

Special province

Levy east and other lines in the book province In order to the kingdom of Koryo (referred to as the province of East travel, also known as the Japanese province or the Japanese province), the prime minister of the province by the king of Koryo concurrently, the government, wealth does not enter the province.
Different from the nature of other provinces in the Yuan Dynasty, mainly through Make peace with relatives Collecting weapons means, both stipulated that the king of Goryeo should marry the Mongolian princess, the Yuan Dynasty imperial family and courtiors married Goryeo noble women as concubines, The Southern Song Dynasty The army married civilian widows, orphans, wives of rebels, daughters of monks, wives and daughters of criminals, etc.
Cochin Province ( Annam province ), in order to Annam The prime minister of the province is chosen by the state King Annam Concurrently, self-establishment of the official, wealth does not enter the province, and the nature of other provinces in the Yuan Dynasty different.
Jinghu occupied the city in the book province ( Champa Province), to the state of Zhancheng, the county king by the king of Zhancheng Heli I Yaxin and eight Ma Hadiwa concurrently, to Instigate a capital For You Cheng, Liu Shen for Zuo Cheng, Also black lost ( Also black lost ) is Participate in political affairs . It seeks to impose direct rule over its territory and use it as a base from which to operate the South China Sea. Kublai Khan also decided to officially start the military conquest of overseas areas in the first month of the following year, and ordered the king of Zhancheng County to provide military provisions for the 10,000 Yuan army who participated in the expedition.
Myanmar-china Province , the State of Myanmar ( Bagan dynasty The Prime minister of the province Burma The king concurrently held the office, and the wealth did not enter the capital province, which was different from other provinces in the Yuan Dynasty.

Explain in detail


Lingbei Province

In the eleventh year of Dade, He set up the province of Helin and ruled Helin. Emperor Qing In the first year (1312), the province of Helin was renamed Lingbei Province He Lin changed his name to He Ning and remained under provincial rule. Jurisdiction includes Mongolia The whole territory, Inner Mongolia of China, part of Xinjiang and Russia Siberia Area.

Liaoyang Province

Solstice element In the first year, the province was set up in Beijing (now Inner Mongolia Yongseong West), called the province of Beijing; Two years, change Department of Propaganda , scribe province. Six years later, he moved to Tokyo Liaoyang , the current genus Liaoning (Province) Province), known as the Tokyo province, later moved to Beijing. Fifteen years later, he became the Ministry of Consolation. Twenty-three years, to the northeast Kings of the ministry of a miscellany, the ministry of comfort light, insufficient town, and then set up the Tokyo province, the same year. Twenty-four years, because A surname Rebellion, restoration Liaoyang Province In order to take control of Northeast state counties. Its jurisdiction included present-day Liaoning, Ji Lin The three provinces of Heilongjiang and the areas north of Heilongjiang and east of the Wusuli River.

Jiangbei Province of Henan

In the fifth year of the Yuan Dynasty, due to the needs of the Song war, he established Henan province . Ten years, separate Jinghu, Huaixi Two lines Privy Council Take charge of the Song, stop the province, Henan (Province) The road is still directly affiliated with the province of Zhongshu. Twenty-eight years, standing Jiangbei Province of Henan , rule Bianliang (present Henan Province Break a seal ), and cut Jianghuai Province lead North of the river State and county A subordinate. Its jurisdiction includes the present Henan Province and the three provinces of Hubei, Anhui and Jiangsu Yangtse River To the north.

Shaanxi province

In the first year of the Middle Dynasty, Qin Shu Province (also known as Shaanxi Sichuan Province, Shaanxi Shu province, etc.) was established and governed Beijing trillion (Present Shaanxi Xi 'an ) and was subsequently removed twice Hung Yuen (Present Shaanxi Hanzhong ); To Yuan eight years, to Beijing Zhaozhu road direct Lihua province. In the following year, he made the prince Busy Gura the king of Anxi, with Jingzhao as its division, and placed the king under the government. In seventeen years, Busy Gura died, struck the king's house, and restored Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces to Beijing; Eighteen years, separate Sichuan province, so only called Shaanxi province . Its jurisdiction included parts of present-day Shaanxi and Gansu provinces and Inner Mongolia.

Sichuan province

To Yuan eight years, stop Shaanxi Sichuan The province, Sichuan province in Chengdu; After ten years of separation, Nishikawa in the Privy Council . Fifteen years later, the two schools were abolished, the provinces were restored, and the following year they were abolished. In eighteen years, it separated from Shaanxi Province and Sichuan Province and set up a province in Chengdu. After that, it once again joined the province of Shaanxi and was divided again in twenty-three years Two provinces . He moved to Chongqing in 25 years and returned to Chengdu in 27 years. Its jurisdiction included most of today's Sichuan Province and parts of Hunan and Shaanxi.

Gansu province

Two years, standing Zhongxing province of Western Xia , rule Zhongxingfu (now Ningxia Yinchuan To Yuan three years, change the comfort division, Lizhong book province. Eight years, restored; Ten years, again. Eighteen years, standing again. The following year, separate provinces were established Ganzhou (now Gansu (Province) Zhangye), called Ganzhou province, twenty-two years. Twenty-three years, emigrated to the western Xia province to govern Ganzhou, renamed Gansu province . Its territory included Gansu Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and parts of Inner Mongolia.

Yunnan province

To Yuan ten years set, governance Zhong Qing (now Yunnan (Province) Kunming). Its jurisdiction includes the whole of today's Yunnan Province, parts of Sichuan and Guangxi, and Thailand Some places in northern Myanmar.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces

To the thirteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, set Jianghuai province in Yangzhou, unified Huainan and Huaihe provinces , Liangzhe Ground, also known as East of Huaihe Province, Yangzhou Province. Twenty-one years, moved to the province of Hangzhou, said Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces . In 23 years, he also ruled Yangzhou and was renamed Jianghuai Province. In 26 years, he moved to Hangzhou again. Twenty-eight years, to Jiangbei county, Henan province, renamed Jiangzhe province. Da De three years (1299), stop Fujian province It is located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Its jurisdiction includes southern Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province and parts of Jiangxi.

Jiangxi province

-- To the yuan fourteen years, the rule of Longxing (now Jiangxi (Province) Nanchang ), also known as Long Hing Province. Fifteen years later, it was incorporated into the newly created Fujian Province Quanzhou ). In the same year, he set up a province in Ganzhou, and the next year, he still ruled Longxing. Later, the province of Jiangnan was reduced Redundant officials Jiangxi and Fujian provinces have been several times disjunction . Dade three years of Fujian province into Jiangzhe, Jiangxi is a single A province . Its jurisdiction included most of the present-day Jiangxi Province Kwangtung Most of the province.

Huguang Province

-- In the eleventh year of the Yuan Dynasty, he initially set up Jinghu Province in Ezhou (now Wuchang, Hubei Province). The following year, Yuan Jungui Jinghu South Road Land, the province in Jiangling to rule it, called Jingnan travel province. Fourteen years, removal Tanzhou (now Changsha, Hunan Province), called Tan Zhou province or Hunan province. In the same year, Ezhou province merged into Tanzhou, and with the new Guangxi territory, it is also called Huguang Province . In eighteen years, he moved to Ezhou. Its jurisdiction includes most of today's Hunan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces and some parts of Hubei.

Other provinces

In addition, the Yuan Dynasty also Korea buy Levy eastward province But the prime minister of the province Kings of Goryeo At the same time, the Yuan court also sent a supervisory body, and obtained the crown from itself, the original regime and system of the state of Koryo did not change, and the property did not enter the capital province, which was different from the nature of the provinces in the Yuan Dynasty.
In addition to the above-mentioned provinces that ruled the major regions, the Yuan Dynasty also set up several provinces that were dedicated to major campaigns.
One was set up in the Song Dynasty, only called "line book province", not place names; The first is the name of the country to which the troops were deployed, such as the Province of the East (the Province of Japan), Cochin Province (Annam province), Myanmar-china Province (Levying Myanmar province), Jinghu occupied the city in the book province sign Champa Provinces) and so on. Another is to authorize a province to be responsible for the military expedition of a country, the name of the province and the name of the country, such as Jinghu Zhancheng Province. These are all temporary constructions, and they are over.
At the end of the Yuan, the provincial system had begun to be chaotic. Release several provinces, The peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan After the outbreak, the Yuan government in order to suppress and resist the peasant army, successively within the jurisdiction of Zhongshu Province Jining (present Shandong Province Juye County ), Changde (now Anyang, Henan Province ), Jining (now Shanxi Province Taiyuan ), Baoding, genidine Present-day Hebei Positive definite ), Datong isoposition Chinese books are divided into provinces .
It also successively established Huainan Jiangbei Province (in Yangzhou in the 12th year), Fujian Province (in Fuzhou in the 16th year), and then divided into Quanzhou and Jianning provinces), Shandong Province (to 17 BC), Guangxi Province (to 23 BC) and Fujian Jiangxi province (until 26 years).
The peasant rebel army also established provinces as local administrations in imitation of the meta-system, such as Tianwan government Jiangnan Province, Bianliang Province, Longshu Province, Jiangxi Province, Jiangnan Province, Yidu province of the Song Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang Located in Jiangxi Province, Huguang Province, Jianghuai Province, Jiangzhe province.
In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), part of Jiangxi province under the jurisdiction of Guangdong was re-divided and merged with other places, and Guangdong became one of the thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty and changed to Guangdong Road Guangdong and other lines in the book province Haibei Hainan Road will be transformed into a scribe Kwangtung [3] .

Future significance

Yuan Dynasty Provincial system A surname Chieftain system The establishment of the Chinese administrative system is a major change. Light and light After that, the province was changed to the Secretary of Chengxuan, but it is still customary to call the province, generally referred to as the province. The name of the province as a local level administrative region has been used until modern times.
In the Yuan Dynasty, Zhongshu province was central Prime minister's palace In order to control the Han people and prevent local power from rising, the Zhongshu Province dispatched central officials to each region, called the Hangzhongshu Province (referred to as the province), and thus, the central government Direct control Local, Lingbei, Yunnan (Province) Then use packet Control system .