Right to vote

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One of the basic rights of citizens in a broad sense
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Right to vote not constitution "Approved" right Rather, it is the rights that the people "create" through the Constitution that are associated with Popular sovereignty Contact best familiar The right. The attribute of its right is manifested as its renunciation, interest and will. Its power attribute shows that it can determine the interests and fate of others (candidates), but the right attribute and power attribute of the right to vote are incomplete. The right to vote is an individual right, not a collective right. Voting rights and State power Its relation to the "men" of state power is direct (producing them) - influencing power by producing the men of power.
Chinese name
Right to vote
Citizens have the right to participate in elections in accordance with the law
Includes 1
Participate in nominating candidates for deputies
Includes 2
Participate in discussions and consultations on the list of candidates for representatives
Includes 3
Go to the polls
One of the basic rights of citizens


Right to vote
The right to vote means that citizens enjoy the right to participate in elections in accordance with the law, including participating in nominating candidates for deputies, participating in discussions, deliberations and consultations on lists of candidates for deputies, and participating in voting.
The right to vote is fundamental to citizenship Political right One of them. According to Article 34 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, all citizens of the People's Republic of China who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election, regardless of ethnic origin, race, sex, occupation, family background, religious belief, education, property status, or length of residence. But according to the law Deprivation of political rights Except for the people. Elections are divided into direct elections and indirect elections; Equal and differential elections
Where does suffrage come from? Is it a natural right? "In the 18th century French Revolution During this period, some people regarded the right to vote as an inherent right of citizens. The so-called inherent rights, that is, the rights naturally enjoyed by nationals, are neither necessary National constitution Or given by law, nor can it be taken away by the constitution or laws of the state. This theory is based on Rousseau The theory of sovereignty." But "those who advocate it were only trying to counter the electoral system of the European countries of the seventeenth and eighth centuries, because the right to vote was limited to the nobility, monk And the propertied class, not the people in general. Such restrictions should naturally be removed; But to advocate inherent rights is to overcorrect."
Right to vote
The right to vote is not a gift but a gift from man, but this "man" means the people and not the state, and the right to vote is created by the people through the constitution and not by the state through the law. The constitutional right to vote is the right granted to individual citizens by the people as framers of the Constitution Electoral law As the law is the result of the implementation and refinement of the constitutional rights of citizens by the state, the electoral law itself does not and cannot "give" (only refine) the right of citizens to vote, and the right of citizens to vote comes not from the state but from the people as the framers of the constitution. The people are a whole, citizens are individuals, the people are composed of citizens, and the people are all citizens, so the right to vote is the right granted by the people as a whole to each individual to participate in state affairs, yes Popular sovereignty A form of "breaking the whole into pieces". [1] [2-3]


The subject of the right to vote should be the citizen (or national) rather than the people, and most of the constitutions of many countries have relatively clear provisions on this, such as the 26th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the third article of the Constitution of France, and the third article of the Constitution of France. Constitution of Japan Article 15, Article 24 of the Constitution of Korea, Constitution of China This is provided for in Article 34, etc. As a right, one of the differences between the right to vote and other rights is that it has the characteristic of "joint exercise". The right to vote belongs to individual citizens, but the outcome of an election is determined jointly by many plebiscites, and it is impossible to look at the vote of a single person to produce an election result, only countless citizens can vote at the same time to produce representation, which is different from the exercise of other rights by citizens, which is usually an individual exercise (e.g Property right , Right to work , Personal right And such individual exercise can directly produce corresponding results significantly differently. In elections, citizens sometimes only vote as individuals, but in more cases they form coalitions to vote "together". For example, political parties and social groups play an important role in elections. "The national is by no means a mechanical collection of individuals living for independent individuals, but a variety of classes, groups with different interests and ideas in economy, society and politics. And other power units.
However, the right to vote is still an individual right, not a collective right; it is the individual who votes rather than the collective; the subject of the right to vote is the individual rather than the collective. Secret ballot is modern Democratic election A basic principle of the system, its purpose is to protect the voters can truly reflect their own will, eliminate external interference and pressure (including the whole of their own pressure on themselves), individual voters can vote with their own political party, community or other organizations, but also can not be consistent, they can join together to vote. You can also vote as an individual. Together, they will make their vote more powerful, but this only shows the influence of political parties, associations or other organizations on individual voting. They can indeed influence the election results to a certain extent, but it does not show that they are the subject of the right to vote, and their role still needs to be exercised by individual citizens. They can influence, but can never replace, individual citizens in voting.
The right to vote is not only closely related to the people's sovereignty, but also closely related to the state power, and the right to vote directly produces the carrier of state power State organ . In a sense, the right to vote is a bridge between citizens' rights and state power. Without the right to vote, the building of state power cannot be built. The result of the exercise of the right to vote is the creation of a state organ (parliament), but this election only elects the "men of power" and does not determine the "power" itself. People's representative Power comes not from the people's election, but from the constitution. Thus the right to vote is not directly related to the power of the state, but only to the power of the state "people" (to produce them). The relationship between the right to vote and the power of the state is indirect, it is through the generation of power people to influence power Persons in power Power can only be exercised. "Elections don't make policy, they just decide who makes policy." The right to vote is focused on choosing "people" rather than deciding "things", and although the two are not completely unrelated, we elect Zhang SAN over Li Si, not only because Zhang SAN's character and ability are better than Li Si's, but also because we understand and agree with Zhang SAN's thoughts and opinions, and agree with his policies and measures (this is what he should tell us in the election). We actually elected him in part to defend and realize our interests through him. Therefore, the election of citizens does not legitimize the power of the state, but legitimizes the establishment and existence of a certain state organ, and it is the authorization of the Constitution that legitimizes the power of the state.
Organs of state power By election, but not as a result of the transfer of the right to vote by the citizens, the right to vote is not transferred, it still belongs to the individual citizens, but is temporarily frozen - after it has fulfilled its mission (the election of some state organ), it is temporarily suspended until the next election. But this is only the freezing of the right to vote, not the transfer of the right to vote, and the power of parliament is the result not of the exercise of the right to vote by citizens, but of the transfer of power (the right to decide) by the people when they make a constitution.
It turns out that "every one of them is elected Public office It has to be visible and tangible. ... The principle of 'clear accountability' of officials must come into play so that voters can make informed choices and democracy can become truly effective." As for judges, most countries in the world are elected not by election but by executive appointment or professional recruitment, and the judges elected by election are mainly in France during the Revolution, Former Soviet Union , most U.S. states as well Sweden In countries such as the United States, where nearly half of state judges are elected by popular vote, "some of these states (mostly in the West and upper Midwest) hold nonpartisan caucuses to nominate candidates and hold nonpartisan voting elections." ... Interest in the election of judges is often not strong, and voter turnout is generally low. The highest turnout was in elections with the president, Governor of a state Or in a competitive judicial election held at the same time as partisan elections for senators." There are four states ( Connecticut , Rhode Island , South Carolina and Virginia Judges are constitutionally elected by state legislatures. Other unelected judges are basically one Appointment system , or "appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation by the State Senate" (in two states, approval by a commission is required); Or adopt a modified appointment plan that would allow the court to be appointed when there is a vacancy Special nomination committee Three candidates are proposed, and the Governor chooses one of them to be a judge for a term of not less than one year. In the next general election, it is up to the voters to decide whether the judge will be reappointed.




Right to vote
As a right, the right to vote is volitional, that is, citizens have the right to choose candidates, to vote for three or four or not to vote. However, the selectivity of the right to vote is more limited than other rights in some aspects, such as the time, place, procedure and result of the exercise of the right. When and how should other rights be exercised obligee (As long as it does not violate the law), and the exercise of the right to vote must be in the uniform time prescribed by the law, a large number of voters "common" exercise, no matter which citizen can not exercise the election right before or after this, and exercise every few years is clearly stipulated by the law, not citizens can exercise whenever they want to exercise; The result of election voting is difficult for individual citizens to influence, and the election of representatives does not necessarily have a direct relationship with their own vote.


The right to vote is undoubtedly a right, with various attributes of rights, but as a right, the right to vote is not so standard right, it is a discounted right.
Right to vote
The right to vote is waivable as a right. The right to vote is a choice, a choice that involves more than just voting Zhang SAN Still choose... Li Si And that includes not electing anyone and not standing for election at all. In the sense that individual citizens can abdicate their right to vote, and the state cannot force citizens to vote, the right to vote is a right, not a duty. "Social duty theory" holds that the right to vote is granted by the state and is "a social duty of the voter". From this theory, it is naturally inferred that the state has the right to implement "compulsory voting" on citizens. "They regard the right to vote as a social function, or as a right that contains a social function, so that those who have the right to vote also have the obligation to vote."
"Elections are both a right and a function. Right, means the right to affirm citizenship... A function is the ability to confer on an individual with citizenship the public task of electing." "We conclude that elections are a function, and that voters' must 'exercise the right to vote, just as government officials must exercise certain functions." "The right to vote is not so much a means by which citizens assert their demands on society as a means by which citizens exercise themselves in the conduct of society. duty Means." In practice, the theory's main concern was that so many citizens would abstain from voting that the elected parliament would not be democratically representative. However, "compulsory voting" is not feasible in practice, because "even if people can be forced to report to the polling place, but people still have the freedom not to vote and cast invalid ballots, the state still has no way to compel them; Therefore, compulsory voting still fails to achieve its original purpose, which is to compel the electorate, or a large majority of the electorate, to express their true opinion on political issues."
At the same time, the law is difficult to punish citizens who do not vote, "because every election, the number of voters in various places to give up the right to vote, or tens of thousands of people, the court interrogation and punishment is always very difficult." In Spain, for example, voting was compulsory in the past, but in each electoral district elector Those who have given up the right to vote sometimes still account for 40 to 80 per cent of the total electorate, and in such a situation the sanctions provided for in law are, of course, only empty words." "Compulsory election" is contrary to the "right" attribute of the right to vote, and citizens are allowed to have the right to give up because citizens' enthusiasm for elections is inconsistent, and this inconsistency should be a normal, and therefore should be recognized and even protected.
"Some people spend almost all their time outside of sleep on politics and hold firm opinions, while others are observers or bystanders who don't care much about politics." The diversity and complexity of human beings is also expressed in the political sphere, where the demand for agreement runs counter to the spirit of freedom. The abstention by some of the citizens entitled to vote should be regarded as an endorsement of the results of other people's votes, acquiescing to those elected by citizens who actively exercise the right to vote (not actively for, but at least not against - if against, you should vote against). Even if an individual renounces the right to vote, this renunciation does not affect the final outcome of the election, which is determined by the votes of all those who participate in the election. What citizens give up in an election is usually the concrete right to vote rather than the abstract right to vote. To give up voting this time does not mean to give up voting the next time, and even to give up voting several times in a row does not mean to give up voting forever. The abstention of one citizen does not mean that other citizens abstain from voting, and the abstention of some citizens does not mean that all citizens abstain from voting.


The right to vote as a right is not standard, because there are some power factors permeated in this right, but the right to vote as a right is also incomplete. Citizens exercising the right to vote in the sense of the result is to participate in the public interest, but not to determine their own interests, which is common to countless citizens Personal interest It always ends up being a public good. The representatives elected by the citizens have the right to decide on important affairs of the state, and they usually take the opinions of the voters fully into account when making these decisions, so the citizens realize the right to vote in a certain sense by exercising the right to vote State power The participation of...
Decisions on public interests are the characteristics of "power", but such decisions made by voters through representatives are indirect. When citizens "decide" public affairs through their elected representatives, what really "decides" public affairs is the representative, and citizens can only "influence" decisions on public affairs through representatives (although this influence may be great). Sometimes even critical). Therefore, this does not constitute a reason for "the right to vote is a right", because the exercise of the right to vote is only an indirect exercise of power, and we generally believe that power should have a directly determined attribute.
Citizens exercise the right to vote to decide on others (candidates) Fate To decide who gets elected and who holds power on our behalf, "for political activists, the vote is the difference between success and failure." It is concrete, clear and realistic, it is happening now, it is immediate, it is directly due to the votes of the voters Legal consequence Some people are elected and some people are not elected, and this is the real reason why the right to vote has a power character. Therefore, the exercise of the right to vote not only determines the interests and fate of the electors themselves, but also determines the interests and fate of the public, and at the same time, it also determines the interests and fate of others (candidates) Public interest Only the decision on the fate of others (candidates) is direct. What voters can decide immediately is the choice of elected representatives.
Right to vote
After all, the power attribute of the right to vote is incomplete, for example, the mandatory force of voters on candidates is limited, voters can not force someone to be their representative, and candidates are voluntary. Once elected, candidates are not completely obedient to the voters will They can often change their campaign promises without fully fulfilling them. At the same time, voters may (but are not required to) exercise their right to vote in the public interest, which is a characteristic of the exercise of power, but are more likely to exercise their own interests, which is a characteristic of the exercise of power, but in any case not in the interests of the elected. It is characteristic of power to safeguard the interests of the other side (e.g Executive power If the exercise of power is aimed at the interests of the power holders themselves, it is the use of power for personal gain, while the right to vote allows the right holders to pursue their own interests and realize the public interest through the pursuit of their own interests, which reflects a certain combination of their own interests and public interests.




Secret ballot Also known as A secret ballot It is opposed to secret voting or the method of publicly expressing one's will by standing up, raising hands, clapping, etc., and refers to a voting method in which voters write their ballots and put them into sealed ballot boxes without submitting their names. The current Electoral Law stipulates that "the election of deputies to the people's congresses at the national and local levels shall be conducted by secret ballot." If a voter is illiterate or disabled and cannot write the ballot paper, he or she may entrust the writing to someone he or she trusts." This requires that the electors only need to indicate their agreement or disagreement under the name of the official representative candidate at the time of election, and they can also elect someone else or abstain without signing their name, and the electors will personally put the ballot into the ballot box after filling in the ballot paper. In this way, the expression of the electors' will is carried out in secret and no one else has the right to interfere. Therefore, as one of the basic principles of China's electoral system, secret voting provides an important guarantee for the free expression of will in democratic elections, so that voters can choose the people they trust to enter the state organs according to their own wishes and exercise state power on behalf of the people without being influenced by external forces.


The universality of the right to vote is in terms of the scope of subjects who enjoy the right to vote, which refers to the wide degree of citizens in a country who can enjoy the right to vote. According to the Constitution and the Electoral Law, all citizens of the People's Republic of China who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election, regardless of ethnic origin, race, sex, occupation, family background, religious belief, education, property status or length of residence, except those who have been deprived of political rights according to law. It can be seen that there are three basic conditions for enjoying the right to vote in China: first, to have Chinese nationality and be a citizen of the People's Republic of China; At least 18 years of age; Third, we enjoy political rights in accordance with the law. In addition, citizens shall not be restricted or deprived of the right to vote because of any external difference, such as race, race, sex, property status, length of residence, level of education, etc. Moreover, according to the 1983 National People's Congress Standing Committee Certain Provisions concerning the Direct election of deputies to the People's congresses at or below the county level To be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, Penal servitude If a person who is deprived of political rights is in custody and is being investigated, prosecuted or tried, the People's Procuratorate or People's court Any person who has not decided to stop exercising the right to vote shall be allowed to exercise the right to vote. In this way, the number of people over the age of 18 who are deprived of political rights and stop exercising the right to vote will be even fewer, which fully shows that the universal right to vote has really been realized in our political life.


Equality of the right to vote means that each voter can only have one right to vote in one place in each election, and it does not recognize or allow any voter to enjoy special rights in the election due to differences in nationality, race, occupation, property status, family origin, and length of residence, nor does it allow any voter to illegally restrict or discriminate against the exercise of the right to vote. This is the concrete embodiment of the principle of "all citizens are equal before the law" in the electoral system.
Ideally, the equality of suffrage should include not only the aforementioned equality of opportunity for voters, but also the equality of the outcome of voters' votes. However, the equality of suffrage in our country focuses on the equality in substance, not just the formal regulation. Therefore, the understanding of this issue should not be absolutist. For example, according to the provisions of China's electoral Law, the number of deputies to the people's congresses at all levels is based on a certain number of people, but the proportion of population represented by each urban and rural deputy is different, that is, the population represented by each rural deputy is four times that of each urban deputy. This is because the majority of the population in our country is in the rural areas, so when the number of people is far smaller than that of farmers, if we only pay attention to formal equality, it will make a large proportion of farmers in the people's congresses at various levels, so that workers and other classes and professions do not have enough representatives. Working class State power The leading position of China and its role in socialist modernization can not be duly reflected.
Therefore, such differences and de facto inequalities truly reflect the reality of our country and are in line with the fundamental and long-term interests of the vast majority of the people, so they are necessary and reasonable. But, with Socialist economy With the development of cultural undertakings, especially the narrowing of the differences between urban and rural areas, workers and peasants, this formally unequal electoral system will be replaced by a completely equal electoral system. In addition, the electoral law of our country also stipulates a different proportion of the population represented by each representative of the ethnic minorities and the Han nationality. This is also to ensure the political life of the various minorities in our country Equal right The People's Republic of China will truly become a big family of equality, friendship and unity among all our ethnic groups.

Direct and indirect

China's election law stipulates that cities without districts, municipal districts, counties, autonomous counties, townships, National township Deputies to the people's congress of a town shall be directly elected by their electors; The National People's Congress Deputies, provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central Government, cities divided into districts, Autonomous prefecture The deputies to the people's Congress shall be elected by the people's congress at the next lower level. It can be seen that what China has adopted in the election is Direct election and Indirect election The principle of use.
The so-called direct election refers to the election by direct vote of the voters State representative Election of representatives of organs and public officials. Indirect election refers to the election of representatives of State representative organs at the next level or representatives (or electors) elected by voters at the next level to elect representatives of State representative organs and state officials. There is no doubt that direct election is a more ideal way to vote than indirect election. It not only enables voters to directly select people they trust to enter the organs of state power according to their own will and manage the state on their behalf, thus enabling voters to directly reflect their opinions and demands to the deputies and supervise the work of the deputies, but also enabling the deputies to contact the voters, be accountable to the voters and report on their work. This will help increase voters' sense of ownership and enthusiasm for participating in and discussing state affairs, and stimulate deputies' sense of responsibility as public servants of the people. Therefore, with the development of politics and economy in our country, the people's democratic consciousness has strengthened and strengthened Cultural quality Our country will further expand the scope of direct elections,

Women's suffrage

Women's suffrage To his suffragette proposition. The movement was a major liberal and democratic movement in many Western democracies in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when suffragettes strongly advocated equal rights for men and women and the right to vote for women. Notable figures include Kate Sheppard, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Emmeline Pankhurst, Lucretia Mott, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
By the end of the nineteenth century, women's suffrage had become the most powerful social movement in New Zealand. The movement was promoted by the Women's Christian Self Control Alliance (formerly an underground group) and led by Kate Hopa.
In the United States, Alice Paul, leader of the National Women's Party (NWP), was a well-known supporter of women's suffrage

Male suffrage

Male plebiscite, votes of equal value.

Equal suffrage

Equal suffrage is sometimes confused with universal suffrage. Equal election means that the votes are of equal value, without any difference according to the income, wealth, or social status of the voters.

Qualifying election

Eligibility election is the opposite of universal suffrage, meaning that voters are not equally qualified to vote, depending on their rank (for example, higher income earners have more votes than lower income earners). As a result, those within the limits have the right to vote, usually based on property, but may still be eligible for a general election, as long as everyone meets their eligibility criteria.

Compulsory suffrage

Compulsory suffrage A system by which citizens who are entitled to vote are compelled by law to vote. This system is practiced in Australia


In Britain and Ireland, Roman Catholics were not allowed to vote until 1829.

Social class

As late as the 19th century, many Western democracies still had property restrictions on the right to vote, and only those who owned land could vote. Today, such anachronistic laws are largely obsolete. In some countries, however, there are still implicit restrictions that require voters to have a place of residence in order to vote. Such requirements effectively limit many people who do not rent or own property, such as homeless Exercise public power. Moreover, many countries discriminate against people with criminal convictions or mental health records (see below), sometimes even on the basis of class or race.


Tube only General election The best way is that all democracies have an age system for electors and prohibit underage voters Legal voting age The national referendum. Those who are below the legal voting age generally account for about 20 to 50 per cent of the population, but have no public representation. The voting age is not uniform throughout the world, not only from country to country, but also sometimes within the same country, usually between 16 and 21 years of age.
All democracies exclude persons of minor age from national and regional elections, and the age limit is generally 18. The need for a fixed form of testing to ensure that individuals are responsible for selecting merit and ability is still widely debated. An analogy is that the right to drive a vehicle is granted, and few people would think that a driver of any age does not need to demonstrate sufficient skill and knowledge to be on the road.
Britain has proposed lowering the voting age to 16, one of the disputes is that the legal legal marriage, military, tax age is 16, this age should have the right to participate in the development of the country, [4]



Electoral security

Material security
If the basic principles of China's electoral system are to be compared with capitalism If the basic principles of the national electoral system are not very different in form, then because of the major difference in the existence of material security, the objective impact of the two on the vast number of working people in political practice is also very different. The fundamental reason why we say that elections in capitalist countries are false to the working people is that the working people have no material guarantee for their right to vote and to stand for election. However, China's electoral Law clearly stipulates that "election funds for the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at various levels shall be spent by the state Treasury." In this way, on the one hand, the material conditions guarantee the normal and smooth conduct of the entire election activities; on the other hand, every voter and candidate can avoid any restrictions or disadvantages in the election due to the disparity in property ownership, and some people can avoid using economic power to control and manipulate the election.
Legal guarantee
Moreover, China has strict legal protection for citizens' right to vote. This aspect is reflected in the election Law and other legal documents related to elections in our country, which stipulate the principles, organizations, procedures and methods of elections in our country, so that our election system can be legalized and cultured, thus not only the deprivation of the right to vote, but also the right to vote. Eligibility of electors It also stipulates that the standing committees of people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Law and in light of the actual conditions of their respective regions, formulate detailed rules for the implementation of elections to ensure the smooth conduct of elections. On the other hand, it is reflected in the sanctions on the sabotage of elections. The Electoral Law of China provides in a special chapter that administrative or criminal sanctions shall be imposed on anyone who commits the following illegal acts: (1) uses violence, threats, deception, bribery and other illegal means to disrupt an election or hinder voters' free exercise of the right to vote and the right to stand for election; Forging election documents, falsely reporting the number of electoral votes or committing other illegal acts; 3) suppressing or retaliating against those who accuse or report violations of electoral law, or against those who ask for the removal of deputies. These provisions not only legally guarantee the free exercise of the right to vote by voters and deputies suffrage It also ensures the normal conduct of election work.

Electoral classification

Electoral organization
According to the provisions of relevant laws, there are two kinds of organizations presiding over elections in our country: one is in places where indirect elections are conducted, such as National People's Congress The Standing Committee of the People's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall conduct the election of deputies to the people's congresses at their respective levels; Second, in places where direct elections are practiced, election committees are set up to preside over the election of deputies to the people's congresses at their respective levels.
Constituency demarcation
Electoral districts refer to the areas where direct elections are conducted on the basis of a certain number of people to return deputies to the People's Congress, and they are also the areas where deputies contact voters to carry out activities Basic unit . In places where direct elections are held in China, that is, in cities without districts, municipal districts, counties, Autonomous county The number of deputies to the People's congresses of townships, nationality townships and towns shall be allocated to various electoral districts and elected by voters by direct vote.
Voter registration
In the process of demarcating electoral districts, the principle of making it easy for voters to exercise their rights and for representatives to contact voters and accept their supervision must be followed based on specific circumstances. Therefore, according to the current election law, constituencies can be divided according to residence status, production units, public institutions, and work units. Voter registration is the legal recognition of voter qualification, and it is an important issue related to whether citizens have the right to vote and be elected and whether they can exercise the right to vote. According to the provisions of the Electoral Law, all Chinese citizens over the age of 18 who have not been deprived of political rights should be included in the voter list.
The nomination of candidates for deputies is the basic link of democratic election and the key to the full development of democracy and the selection of people's deputies. According to the provisions of the Electoral Law of China, candidates for deputies to the people's congresses at the national and local levels shall be nominated by electoral constituencies or electoral units. Moreover, the Electoral Law stipulates that voters or 10 or more deputies may jointly recommend candidates for deputies, and political parties and people's organizations may jointly or individually recommend candidates for deputies. Specifically, there are two levels: First, in units that practice direct election, candidates for deputies are nominated and recommended by voters in their constituencies and by political parties and people's organizations. After compiling the list, the Election Committee shall publish it 15 days before the election day, and after repeated deliberation, discussion and consultation among various voter groups in the constituency, the official list of candidates for deputies shall be determined on the basis of the opinions of the majority of voters, and the list shall be published 5 days before the election day.
Second, in units that practice indirect elections, candidates for deputies are nominated and recommended by political parties, people's organizations and deputies. When local people's congresses at or above the county level elect deputies to the people's congresses at the next higher level, the presidium of the people's congresses at or above the county level shall submit the lists of candidates for deputies put forward by political parties, people's organizations and deputies to all deputies for repeated deliberation, discussion and coordination, and determine the official list of candidates for deputies on the basis of the opinions of the majority of deputies.
At the same time, the Electoral Law stipulates that the election of deputies to people's congresses at all levels shall be conducted by competitive elections. A contested election is an election in which the number of candidates exceeds the number of candidates. The Electoral Law also stipulates that the election committee or the presidium of the people's Congress shall introduce information about the candidates for deputies to the voters or deputies. Political parties, people's organizations, voters and deputies that recommend candidates for deputies may also introduce information about the candidates they recommend at groups of voters or meetings of groups, but must stop making introductions to the candidates for deputies on election day.
Voting is the last step for voters or representatives to exercise their right to vote. The Electoral Law stipulates that in places where direct elections are held, the election committee shall conduct the polling and election, and the voting may be conducted by holding an election assembly, setting up voting and floating ballot boxes. When a local people's congress at or above the county level elects deputies to the people's congress at the next higher level, the presidium of the people's congress at that level shall preside.
After the election, the votes are counted and verified. In this regard, the Electoral Law stipulates that the number of votes cast in each election is invalid if it is more than the number of votes cast and less than the number of votes cast, and that the number of votes cast for each election is more than the number of deputies to be elected is invalid if it is less than the number of deputies to be elected. At the same time, in places where direct elections are practiced, the election shall be valid if more than half of all the voters in a constituency participate in the voting, and a representative candidate shall be elected if he obtains more than half of the votes of the voters who participate in the voting. In places where indirect elections are held, candidates for deputies must obtain a majority of the votes of all deputies to be elected.
Recall by-election
Recall is to prevent the people's representatives from being removed Public servant It degenerates into officials who are superior and detached from the people, thereby ensuring that state power always belongs to the people. The electoral Law of our country stipulates the measures of supervision, recall and by-election of deputies in a special chapter. The Electoral Law stipulates that the recall of a directly elected deputy must be approved by a majority of the voters of the constituency in which he was elected. The removal of a deputy elected indirectly must be approved by a majority of the deputies of the unit that elected him or, when the congress is not in session, by a majority of the members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress at that level. The deposed deputies may attend the above-mentioned meetings or submit written appeals. The removal resolution must be reported to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress at the next level for the record. At the same time, the Electoral Law stipulates that when a people's deputy becomes vacant during his term of office for any reason, a by-election shall be held in the constituency or by the unit that elected him. A deputy to the National People's Congress or to the people's Congress of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, city divided into districts, or autonomous prefecture may submit his resignation to the Standing Committee of the People's Congress that elected him. [3]