
Cities in northern Italy
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Ravenna, also translated as "Ravenna", "Ravenna", "Ravenna", is Italy The northern city. Located distance The Adriatic Sea 10km Coastal plain Up. Bologna 111 kilometers east of here. It was an ancient Roman seaport, and became one in the 5th and 6th centuries The Ostrogoth Kingdom The capital, sixth to eighth centuries Eastern Roman Empire Ruling the center of Italy.
Ravenna is a hub for agricultural products. Industry by oil refining, Synthetic rubber Textile, chemical, sulfur smelting, footwear and food production. The railway, Highway junction , there is Canal It is connected to the seaport Marina di Ravenna, 15 km to the northeast. Crude oil import port. For retention Ancient Rome especially Eastern Roman Empire The architectural remains of the period are known to have "Italian. Byzantium The reputation of [1] .
Chinese name
Foreign name
Subordinate region
Geographical position
Northern Italy

Historical evolution

Ravenna is ancient Western Roman Empire , Odovaca, The Ostrogoth Kingdom The capital city, too Eastern Roman Empire in Italy The ruling center. Located distance The Adriatic Sea 13km Coastal plain , Bologna 113 kilometers east of here. It became a Roman commonwealth in 89 BC, 49 BC Julius Caesar therefrom March on Rome . At the end of the 2nd century, it was the capital of Flaminia and Emilia. In 402, the Western Roman emperor Henorius abandoned Rome and made it his capital. Subsequent arrangement Germanic King Odoakel, king of the Ostrogoths Theodoric Rule in succession. The 6th to 8th centuries are Eastern Roman Empire The centre of Italian rule and the centre of maritime trade at the time. It was occupied by the Lombards from 751 to 754. After 754 it was controlled by the Archbishop.
At the time of the Byzantines' departure, Ravenna was ruled by a series of popes, one of them Papal states . [4] In the 19th century, it was part of the Republic of Chisalpini; In 1861, it was annexed Kingdom of Italy (now Italy The Republic).

City overview

Ravenna is a city in northern Italy, located on a coastal plain 10 km from the Adriatic Sea, 111 km east of Bologna. It has a population of 158911 [2] (2015). The harbour of ancient Rome. 493. Ostrogoth Theodoric the First Murder at the Feast of Ravenna Italy The ruler, Odovacac, controls Italy. In the 5th and 6th centuries, Ravenna became The Ostrogoth Kingdom The capital, sixth to eighth centuries Eastern Roman Empire Ruling the center of Italy.
In 2015, Ravenna was selected for Italy Famous cultural city [3] .

Main attraction

Important existing buildings are:
Western Roman emperors Honorius The tomb of his half-sister Galla Plascidia, built by Emperor Honorius in 420 [5] , flat cross 12 meters deep and 10 meters wide, the tomb is decorated with marble wapskirt The wall is decorated with frescoes made of marble fragments, which is the oldest surviving cross-style building in Europe.
It was built between 526 and 548 AD Church of SAN Vitale The Basilica of San Vitale has a double plan octagon The main space is covered with a dome, and the pillars inside the church are typical Byzantine architecture style [5] .
The Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe, built between 530 and 549, is well preserved and Christian Basilica Typical of a church Byzantine architecture layout [5] .
It was built between 449-452 orthodox baptistery It is an octagonal building.
In addition, there are evangelize The Church of St. John (6th century), the Memorial of SAN Lorenzo (6th century), the Church of SAN Piermacchio (6th century), as well as palaces, castles, fortresses, etc [5] .