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Starry night sky

Songs sung by Zheng Yi
"Starry Sky" is a Mandopop song recorded by Zheng Yi on January 2, 1989, and released by Keteng Records as part of the album Weekend Ps. I Am Lonely.
Starry night sky
Issue date
January 2nd, 1989
Zheng Yi
I am lonely on weekends
The unmasked expression of loneliness
Repeated searches in the crowd
I want you to comfort my heart churning in the dark
Like the starry night sky
Gentle gentle tolerance of my feelings
Starry night sky
Light me Light my silent eyes
Can look up to you
Call you
Pulling us together
Every dream of love
Beautiful and forgettable memories
Traces of pain that can't be erased
Waiting for you
Never stop
Tell me where is the hope
Like the starry night sky
Gentle gentle tolerance of my feelings
Starry night sky
Light me Light my silent eyes
Can look up to you
Call you
Pulling us together
Every dream of love
Starry night sky
Gentle gentle tolerance of my feelings
Starry night sky
Light me Light my silent eyes
Can look up to you
Call you
Pulling us together
Every dream of love