Autonomous Republic of Crimea

The only autonomous republic of Ukraine
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The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is Ukraine One and only Autonomous republic With an area of 26,000 square kilometers, "Crimea" derives from Tatar language "Creme." Yes Tartar The name of an early king. Population 1.969 million, of which Russian nationality About 59.7%, Ukrainian nationality About 24.9%, Tatars 13.1%. April 15, 1996 and China Hainan Province Establish friendship provinces (states). The capital for Simferopol City.
Chinese name
Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Foreign name
Government premises
Abbreviated form

Historical evolution


Ancient and modern times

It has a long history, dating back to 438 BC The Kingdom of Bosphorus It was established here and has been successively Roman Empire , The Byzantine Empire Occupy. The year 1449 Crimean Khanate Establish, belong to Mongolia The Golden Horde After surrender to Ottoman Turkey It was incorporated in 1783 Tsarist Russia The map. The Autonomous Socialist Republic of Crimea was established in 1921, 1954 The Soviet Union Presidium of the Supreme Soviet The gram is assigned Ukraine Joining republic . Collapse of the Soviet Union After, gram through referendum Become an autonomous republic of Ukraine. In 1997, Ukraine and Russia signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperative Partnership Black Sea Fleet Agreement was reached on stationing troops in Ukraine, and Russia recognized Croatia as Ukrainian territory.

Parliamentary resolution

On 6 March 2014, the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea of Ukraine passed a resolution to advance the referendum on the status of Crimea, which had been scheduled for 30 March, to 16 March.
With regard to Ukraine issue The European Union's special summit on the 6th Brussels Hold. Prime Ministers of Ukraine Yatsenyuk After meeting with leaders of the European Union and its key member states, he said the resolution of the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was "illegal" and therefore "we call on the Russian government not to support Ukraine. separatism The act of ".
The Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea passed Crimea on the 6th Federal subject The identity of joining Russian Federation The resolution of... but Yatsenyuk On the same day in Brussels said that the Crimean parliament made the same day to join the Russian Federation resolution invalid. Federation Council of Russia (Parliament The House of Lords ) and Duma (Parliament House of Commons Lawmakers said they would not clarify their position on Crimea until after the referendum.
It is reported that the scope of the referendum includes Russian Black Sea Fleet encampment Sevastopol The whole city inside Crimea region The following questions will be voted on: whether to support the reunification of Crimea with Russia on the basis of its rights as a subject of the Russian Federation; Is in favor of the restoration of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Crimea and in favor of Crimea as part of Ukraine. [2]

Hold a referendum

According to the Agence Presse People in the Crimea region of Ukraine referendum It officially started at 8 a.m. local time on March 16, 2014. The referendum will determine whether Crimea will remain part of Ukraine or join the Russian Federation.
It is reported that the referendum will vote on two questions: "Do you support the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a federal subject?" "Do you support the restoration of the 1992 constitution of the Crimean region and Crimea's status as part of Ukraine?"
Chairman of the referendum Committee of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Malyshev held on the 15th Press conference The referendum began at 8 a.m. on the 16th local time and ended at 8 p.m. The result of the referendum is expected to be announced on the 17th.
Malyshev said that the referendum has 27 local voting committees, 1205 Polling station . The only document required for residents to vote in the referendum was a passport with a local Crimean address. But voters can only choose a polling station according to the address on their passport.
Malyshev revealed that during the referendum, a total of people from Russia, the United States, Poland , Republic of Lithuania Nearly 135 international students from 23 countries Observer Perform observation tasks.
Malyshev estimated that more than 1.5 million Crimeans would vote in the referendum. He said that according to previous surveys, 90 percent of them supported Crimea joining Russia.
In addition, Prime Minister Aksyonov of the Republic of Crimea said on the 15th that in order to prevent the Ukrainian side from losing power during the referendum, the Crimean side has purchased 900 generators.
According to previous reports, a total of 15,000 security personnel have been deployed for the referendum. About 5,000 of them were from the Crimean Interior Ministry, while the rest were made up of "vigilantes."
The referendum decision on Crimea, Ukraine Kyiv Central government Expressed firm opposition, calling it unconstitutional and illegal, and took a series of measures to prevent it, but said it would not intervene militarily in Crimea. However, the Russian side said that the referendum is completely legal and that Russia respects the "free expression of the will of the Crimean people."
It was previously reported that due to Russian nationality Population of Crimea supermajority The local Russian community naturally supports Crimea's accession to Russia for historical, cultural and linguistic reasons. It is widely predicted that Crimea is more likely to join Russia as a result of the referendum. [1]

Referendum result

In 2014, the Ukrainian Autonomous Republic of Crimea referendum preparatory and implementation Committee Chairman Mikhail Malyshev announced after more than half of the vote count on the 16th, the final turnout of the referendum was 82.71%; The vote in favor of joining Russia was 95.5 percent.
Previously conducted by the Institute of Political Society of the Republic of Crimea Exit poll According to the results, 93 percent of voters voted in favor of reuniting with Russia.
With more than half of the votes counted, 3.5 per cent were in favour of a return to 1992 Constitution of Crimea For greater autonomy to remain in Ukraine; Exit polls put the figure at 7 per cent.
The 2014 referendum was Crimean Peninsula Third time in history. Crimea also held referendums on autonomy in 1991 and 1994.
The 2014 referendum offered two options: joining the Russian Federation; The second is to restore the 1992 Crimean Constitution and seek greater autonomy to remain part of Ukraine.
The Committee for the Preparation and Implementation of the Referendum of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea plans to announce the final official results of the referendum on 17 March 2014.
Before Mikhail Malyshev announced the final turnout, some of the foreign observers involved in monitoring the referendum briefed reporters that they found no major problems in the voting process and that the referendum was organized and conducted in accordance with European standards.

Russian recognition

President of the Russian Federation Putin 17 signed "on the recognition of the Republic of Crimea" Presidential decree The recognition of the Republic of Crimea (including Sevastopol City) is sovereign Independent state .
The Russian presidential press service confirmed the news in the evening. In view of the will of the Crimean people expressed in the referendum held on March 16, 2014, the Republic of Crimea, including the city of Sevastopol, is recognized as a sovereign and independent State with special status.
The presidential decree shall enter into force on the date of its signature.
On the 17th, the total number of votes in the referendum of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol was counted, and 96.6% of the votes were in favor of Crimea joining the Russian Federation. The Crimean parliament passed a resolution on the same day, declaring Crimea's independence and applying to join the Russian Federation.

Accession to Russia

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the 18th The Kremlin With the Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea, the Speaker of Parliament and Sevastopol The mayor signed the treaty, the Republic of Crimea (including the city of Sevastopol) officially joined the Russian Federation, and will form a new federal subject.
The Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea "on the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of a new Federal Subject" stipulates that, since Signing of treaty The Republic of Crimea joins the Russian Federation; The land border of the Republic of Crimea is the border of the territory of the Russian Federation with Ukraine; The Black Sea with Azov Sea The maritime boundaries of the Russian Federation are based on those signed by the Russian Federation International treaty And norms of international law.
Prime Minister Aksyonov of the Republic of Crimea, Speaker Konstantinov and Mayor of Sevastopol Chare officially signed the above treaty with Putin in the afternoon of St. George Hall of the Kremlin, members of the Russian Federation Council, representatives of the Russian State Duma, leaders of federal subjects, representatives of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, And representatives of the citizens of the Russian Federation attended the signing ceremony. [3]

Exchange with China

In November 2006, he was Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin 2 days ago, he visited Simferopol, the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Ukraine.
On the same day, Jia met in Simferopol with Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Gritsenko and Chairman of the Council of Ministers Plakida.
Jia said that sub-national exchanges and cooperation are an important part of and beneficial complement to bilateral relations, and the sound development of bilateral relations has also created favorable conditions for sub-national cooperation. China actively supports friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries at the local and non-governmental levels. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea enjoys a favorable geographical position and abundant resources in various fields, and enjoys good prospects for cooperation with relevant Chinese provinces and cities. Since China's Hainan Province and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea became sister provinces and states in 1996, their exchanges have become increasingly active and their cooperation has gradually expanded. It is hoped that the two sides will continue their efforts to set a good example for China-Uzbekistan sub-national cooperation.
Gritsenko and Plakida extended a warm welcome to Jia Qinglin for his visit to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. They said that in recent years, with the continuous development of bilateral relations, local exchanges between the two countries are booming, and economic and trade cooperation and educational exchanges between the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and relevant provinces and cities in China are increasing. We are willing to cooperate with Hainan Province The two sides should strengthen friendly exchanges, consolidate friendship, explore new ways of cooperation and push for in-depth development of bilateral relations through close local cooperation.
Jia Qinglin met with Yalta City Soviet Chairman Boyalchuk and acting mayor Kirichenko on the 3rd. The two sides held talks on strengthening exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Ukrainian cities in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. On the same day, Jia Qinglin inspected the local economic, social and cultural development.
On the afternoon of October 3, Jia Qinglin ended his official friendly visit to Ukraine and left by special plane Simferopol Return to your country. Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Gao Yusheng Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Gritsenko waited at the airport to see him off. [4]