
Islamic Republic of Iran
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The capital of The Islamic Republic of Iran (Farsi: Kuo Mai Tui Chi Je Tui Je Nu nu), the Islamic Republic of Iran Teheran , located in Asia Southwest, same Turkmenistan , Azerbaijan , Armenia , Türkiye , Iraq , Pakistan and Afghanistan Adjacent, facing south The Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman , north Septum Caspian Sea with Russia and Kazakhstan Look at each other. It has a total area of 1,645,000 square kilometers and a coastline of 2,700 kilometers. The territory of many plateaus, the east basin and desert . It has a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers. The country has 31 provinces. The population of Iran is 88.55 million people, mainly Persians , Islam for State religion .
Iran is a country with a history of more than 5,000 years Ancient civilization , formerly known as Persia . 6th century BC, ancient Persian Empire At the height of time. After the 7th century, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, and Afghans successively invaded and ruled Iraq. Late 18th century, northeastern Iran Turkmen The Khaja tribes unified Iran and established the Khaja Dynasty. After the 19th century, Iran became a semi-colony of Britain and Russia. In 1925, The Pahlavi Dynasty Set up. 1978-1979 under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini Islamic revolution , overturn The Pahlavi Dynasty . On February 11, 1979, Khomeini Formally assuming power, the Islamic Republic was established on April 1 of the same year, Khomeini He became the supreme leader of the Iranian Revolution.
Iran is located in the heart of West Asia, known as the "Eurasian Land bridge" and the "East-West Air corridor", has a long history and culture, rich religious heritage, petroleum Reserves rank fourth in the world, Natural gas World's largest reserves In a second place [16] Is the Middle East and Bay area Iran's political, economic, cultural and military power, unique geographical location, rich oil and gas resources make Iran's strategic position more prominent. 2022, Iran Gross domestic product 413.5 billion dollars, Gross domestic product per capita It's $4,670.
Chinese name
Islamic Republic of Iran
Foreign name
The Islamic Republic of Iran [1] (English)
Kui Qi Qi Qi Qi Luo Luo Luo Luo Wu Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi treacherous treacherous river (in Farsi)
Abbreviated form
Teheran [1]
Major city
Mashhad , Isfahan , Tabriz , Abadan , Shiraz Etc. [1]
National Day
February 11, 1979
Country code
Official language
Farsi [1]
Time zone
Political system
National leader
Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei (Supreme Leader) , Mohammed Mukhbel [38] (Acting President)
Population number
88.55 million
Population density
51.68 people/km2 (as of September 2022)
Major nationality
Persians , Azerbaijanis , Kurds [1]
Major religion
Islam [1] (Shia)
Land area
1645000 km² [1]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$413.5 billion (2022)
Per capita GDP
$4,670 (2022)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the right
Legal system
Political system
National motto
"Independence, freedom, Islamic Republic"
The national flower
Largest city
Human development index
0.797 (65th) - High (2019)

Historical evolution

Iran is a country with a history of more than 5,000 years Ancient civilization In ancient times, it was called Persia, and the Chinese Han Dynasty called it Rest in peace.
Western Iran was inhabited as early as 100,000 years ago during the Paleolithic Period.
Around 2700 BC, the Elamite people living in the southwest Karon River valley of the Iranian Plateau established the Kingdom of Elam (Elam).
2000 BC, a branch of the Indo-European species Aryan They moved south from Central Asia to the Iranian plateau, and gradually integrated with the local indigenous population to form the main body of the Iranian people, and established the first Aryan state in Iran's history, the "Kingdom of the Media".
In the 6th century BC, Cyrus, the Achaemenid tribe of Persia, unified the various parts of Iran and established the Achaemenid Dynasty, known as the Persian Empire. During the reign of the third generation of Persian King Darius I, it reached its peak and became the world's first empire spanning Asia, Africa and Europe.
The Persian Empire was destroyed by Alexander in 330 BC, and after the division of Alexander's empire, Iran came under Seleucid rule.
In 129 BC, the Iranian Parthians defeated the Seleucid kingdom and established the Benthian Dynasty.
In 224, the Sassanid dynasty overthrew the Benzoin Dynasty, occupied the entire territory of Iran, and actively expanded to the east, establishing Zoroastrianism as the state religion, creating the most glorious period of ancient Iran. The Sassanid Empire fought the Romans for more than 200 years and was destroyed by the Arabs in 651 AD. Since then, Iran has been ruled by states founded by Arabs, Seljuk Turks, and Mongols.
In 1502, Ismail I, who claimed to be a descendant of the Sassanid Persians, established the Safavid Dynasty and established the twelve Imams of Shia Islam as the state religion, which at its peak included Afghanistan and made Isfahan its capital.
In 1722, the Safavid dynasty was overthrown by the Afghans.
In 1736, Nadir, a tribal leader in the Khorasan region of Iran, led an army to expel the Afshar people and establish the Afshar dynasty centered on Mashhad.
In 1749, Kareem Khan established the Zander Dynasty with Shiraz as its center.
From 1779 to 1921, the Turkmen in northeastern Iran established the Khagar Dynasty and made Tehran their capital. During the Khagar dynasty, the Western powers increased their competition for Iran.
In 1801, Russia merger Georgia Britain waged three wars against Iran, which ceded territory to pay reparations and recognized Afghan independence.
In the early 19th century, Russia invaded Iran three times and occupied northern Iran. Since then, France, Austro-hungarian Empire The United States forced Iran to sign unequal treaties.
In the second half of the 19th century, Britain and Russia intensified their rivalry in Iran.
Between 1907 and 1915, Britain and Russia divided Iran twice: the northern part belonged to Russia, the southern part belonged to Britain, and the central part was a buffer zone.
In 1921, the Persian Cossack brigade officer Reza Khan launched a coup d 'etat, overthrew the Khagar dynasty, established the Pahlavi Dynasty in 1925, and changed the country's name to Iran in 1935.
In 1978-1979, Khomeini Led the Islamic revolution that toppled the Pahlavi dynasty.
On February 11, 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini officially took power, and this day is celebrated as Iran's National Day.
On April 1, 1979, Khomeini Declared the establishment of the Islamic Republic and became the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution, implementing the system of theocracy.
On October 24, 2023, local time, Saudi Ambassador to Iran Abdullah Anzi presented his credentials to Iranian President Lehi in Tehran, the capital of Iran. [23]
On January 31, 2024, South African Foreign Minister Pandol said Iran has confirmed its membership as a full member of BRICS. [31]
On May 20, 2024, local time, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed his condolences over the death of Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan and other senior officials in a helicopter accident. He also said that in accordance with Article 131 of the Iranian Constitution, First Vice President Mohbel will be responsible for the temporary management of the government. [36]
On May 20, 2024, according to CCTV news, Iran's official news agency said that after Iranian President Lehi attended the inauguration ceremony of a dam in East Azerbaijan province, his helicopter crashed on the way back to Tabriz, including Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan, Governor of East Azerbaijan Rahmati and other personnel on board were killed. [37]

Geographical environment


Regional location

Iran is located at 25-40 ° north latitude and 44-63.5 ° East longitude, in the southwest of Asia, bordering North Turkmenistan , Azerbaijan and Armenia Be on the verge of Caspian Sea , and Russia and Kazakhstan Facing each other across the sea; Nishiyo Türkiye and Iraq Border on; Eastern neighbours Pakistan and Afghanistan ; South septum The Persian Gulf The Gulf of Oman borders Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia. It has a total area of 1,645,000 square kilometers and a coastline of 2,700 kilometers.


Topographic map of Iran
Iran is a country of plateau and mountain, with an average altitude between 900 and 1500 meters, plateau and mountain account for more than half of the total territory, 1/4 of the territory is desert, and the rest is arable land. North of the Alborz (Alborz) mountain range, 2400~3000 meters above sea level, the main peak Damavand (Damavand) 5671 meters above sea level, is an extinct volcano, the highest peak in Iran.
Northwestern Iran is part of the Armenian Plateau, a mountainous basin with the country's largest Lake, Orumieh Lake. There are many parallel mountains in the southwest and south, and the Zagros mountain range in the west stretches for about 1,500 kilometers in Iran, with an average elevation of more than 2,000 meters, separating the interior of Iran from the sea. The eastern region is a dry basin, with many deserts, deserts and wastelands accounting for more than two-thirds of the country's area. The coastal areas of the Caspian Sea in the north and the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman in the south are flood plains.


The eastern part of Iran and the mainland belong to the continental subtropical grassland and desert climate, hot and dry summer, cold and windy winter; The western mountainous area is mostly subtropical Mediterranean climate, the average annual precipitation is more than 500 mm; In the eastern desert, precipitation drops to about 100 mm; The Caspian Sea area has a mild and humid climate, with an average annual precipitation of more than 1000 mm, and the average precipitation of the central plateau is less than 100 mm. The highest temperature in the capital Tehran in July, the average minimum and maximum temperature are 22℃ and 37℃ respectively; The lowest temperatures are in January, with average minimum and maximum temperatures of 3 ° C and 7 ° C, respectively. The average elevation is about 1220 meters.


The main rivers in Iran are Karun (Karum) and Sefid River. The Karon River is the only navigable river in Iraq, with a total length of 850 km. The Seifed River flows through the Alburz Mountains, the current is fast, not suitable for shipping, a total length of about 1,000 kilometers.

Natural resources

Oil and gas resources
Iran is rich in oil and gas resources, most of the crude oil is stored in the Khuzestan region of southern Iran, and The Persian Gulf . The gas is mainly distributed in Khuzestan region and South Pars region. By the end of 2019, Iran had proven oil reserves of 155.6 billion barrels, or about 21.4 billion tons, accounting for 9% of the world's total reserves and ranking fourth in the world. At the end of 2017, proven natural gas reserves stood at 33.5 trillion cubic meters, ranking second in the world, accounting for 17% of total global natural gas reserves, and natural gas liquid production was 555,000 barrels per day by the end of 2019.
Since the US re-imposed sanctions in 2018, Iran's oil production has fallen sharply, with annual oil production of about 160.8 million tons by the end of 2019, with an annual growth rate of negative 28.4%, and daily production of 2.98 million barrels of crude oil and condensate, with an annual growth rate of negative 30%. In December 2019, Iran's oil production fell to 1.9 million barrels per day and exports 133,000 barrels per day. In March 2020, Iranian crude oil shipments fell to 160,000 b/d. After Joe Biden was elected president of the United States, Iran's oil production and exports gradually recovered. Since March 2020, Iran's crude oil exports have increased to 600,000 to 700,000 barrels per day. The Iranian government plans to pump 4.5 million barrels of crude oil and condensate per day in the new fiscal year and increase oil exports to 2.3 million barrels per day.
Mineral resources
Iran is also one of the most mineral-rich countries in the world, known as the "world mineral museum" reputation. It has proved 68 kinds of minerals, with proven reserves of 38 billion tons, accounting for 7% of the world's total reserves, ranking 15th in the world, and has potential mineral reserves of more than 58 billion tons. Iran has mined 56 kinds of minerals, annual ore production of 150 million tons, accounting for 0.55% of the total reserves, accounting for 1.2% of the world's total mineral production. Zinc ore Reserves of 230 million tons, ranking first in the world; Copper ore Reserves of 3.3 billion tons, accounting for about 4% of the world's total reserves, ranking third in the world; Iron ore 4.7 billion tons, ranked 10th in the world. Other major minerals identified are: coal (2.1 billion tons), chromium (15 million tons), manganese (3.6 million tons), titanium (250 million tons), uranium (5000 tons), gesso (1.7 billion tons), limestone (7.2 billion tons), decorative stone (3 billion tons), building stone (3.8 billion tons), Alum stone (1 billion tons), phosphates (16.5 million tons), feldspar (1 million tons), silicon (2 million tons), asbestos (70 million tons) and perlite (17.5 million tons). Among them, copper, zinc and chromite are rich deposits of great mining value, with grades as high as 8%, 20% and 45%, respectively. In addition, Iran has a certain amount of gold, cobalt, strontium, molybdenum, boron, kaolin, bentonite, fluorine, dolomite, mica, diatomite and barite and other mineral reserves.
Iranian mineral deposits are widely distributed throughout the country, from East Azerbaijan Province in the north to the Strait of Hormz in the south. The provinces with rich mineral resources are mainly Isfahan, Khuzestan, Kerman, Yazd, Khorasan Razavi, Hamadan, Zanjan and East Azerbaijan. At present, Iran has about 2,886 mines in operation, about 343 state-owned and about 2,543 private. The more important large state-owned mines include the "four state-owned iron mines" (Guhar Zammi, Gol Ghar, Chador Maru, Sangan Markaz); Large open pit copper mines in Songgon, Salcesme and Meduk; Angulan zinc ore, Jiajian aluminum ore and so on.
In addition, there are a large number of manganese, antimony, lead, boron, barite, marble and other mineral resources.

Administrative division


Zoning details

Governorates are the highest administrative region in Iran, and there are 31 governorates in the country, which are: Aldabil, Erburz, Bushehr, Chahar Mahal - Bakhtiya, East Azerbaijan, Isfahan, Fars, Gilan, Qazvin, Gulstan, Hamadan, Hormuzgan, Ilam, Kerman, Kermanshah, Khorasan Razavi, North Khorasan, South Khorasan, Khuzstan, Kohejruye - Buye Ahmad, Kurdistan , Lorestan, Central, Mazandran, Qom, Semnan, Sistan-Baluchistan, Tehran, West Azerbaijan, Yazd, Zanjan.
Subdivisions of Iran
Subdivisions of Iran
The province of Alburz
Chahal Mahal-Bakhtia Province
Kohejruye Buye Ahmad governorate
Gulestan Province
Sistan-baluchistan Province
Khorasan Razavi Province

Major city

Views of Tehran
Teheran Yamato Tehran Province The capital is also the capital of Iran and is the political, economic, cultural center and transportation hub of Iran. Tehran is located at the southern foot of Mount Elburz, high in the north and low in the south, with an altitude of 1,200 to 1,900 meters (about 70 kilometers to the northeast of the Damavand peak at 5,671 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in Iran). With a population of more than 14 million and an area of 750 square kilometers, July is the month with the highest annual temperature, and the average minimum and maximum temperature are 22℃ and 37℃ respectively. The month with the lowest annual temperature is January, with an average minimum and maximum temperature of 3 ° C and 7 ° C respectively.
Views of Tehran
Tehran city wide streets, green better. The main industries are textiles, cement, sugar, cigarettes, glass and products, shoes, ceramics, electrical appliances, medicine, automobiles, oil refining, etc. Its industrial output value accounts for about 35% of the country (except the oil industry).
In February 2014, Tehran and Beijing, China became sister cities. [10]
A view of Mashhad
Mashhad It is the second largest city in Iran and the capital of Razavi Khorasan Province. Located in the northeast of Iran, 900 km from Tehran, with an area of 475 square kilometers and a population of about 3.37 million (2015 statistics), it is 985 meters above sea level and has a mild and dry climate. Mashhad, meaning "place of martyrdom", was named after the eighth Shia imam who was killed there in the early ninth century AD, and has since become one of the centers of Shia Islam for the Hajj
On November 15, 2012, Mashhad became a sister city with Urumqi, China. [10]
Isfahan Shah Mosque
Isfahan It is the third largest city in Iran, located in the central region of Iran, the capital of Iran's Sfahan province, with a population of about 2.24 million and an altitude of 1590 meters. The city has a long history, was founded during the Achaemenian dynasty, several dynasties were founded here, beautiful scenery, with a variety of 11th - 19th century Islamic style architecture. In 2006, it was elected as the "Cultural Capital of the Islamic World" and the "Civilization and Culture Capital of Iran". Isfahan is also the textile industry and handicraft manufacturing center of Iraq, in history has been rich in the world, is the ancient "Silk Road" south of the road to stop, the Iraqi folk "Isfahan half a day under" said.
On May 7, 1989, Isfahan became a sister city with Xi 'an, China. [10]
A view of Shiraz
Shiraz It is the capital of Fars province, located in the central south of Iran, in the 6th century BC was the center of the Persian Empire, is one of the oldest cities in Iran, more than 900 kilometers away from Tehran, 1600 meters above sea level, with a population of about 1.87 million. Shiraz is one of Iran's famous cultural and tourist cities. The main industries are chemical, cement, sugar, light machinery and automobile assembly. It is also famous for its handicrafts such as silver making and carpet weaving.
On October 11, 2005, Shiraz became a sister city with Chongqing, China. [10]
In addition, Isfahan province is one of the most important industrial centers in Iran, with a full range of industries, including: steel, oil refining, defense, medicine, manufacturing, chemicals, textiles, handicrafts, etc. Khuzestan province is rich in oil and gas resources, accounting for 75% of the country's reserves, and is a major petrochemical industry town. Khorasan Razavi province is Iran's industrial and agricultural province, its saffron production ranks first in the country, wheat production ranks second, the province's automobile manufacturing and parts production, food processing, textile and other industries in Iran occupies an important position. East Azerbaijan province is an important commercial and agricultural province of Iran, as well as an important industrial base.

National symbol

National symbol
National symbol
The national flower
Rectangular in shape, the ratio of length to width is about 7:4. From top to bottom, it consists of three parallel horizontal strips of green, white and red. In the middle of the white horizontal stripe, inlaid with the red emblem of Iran. At the intersection of white, green and red, the words "God is great" are written in Arabic, 11 sentences each, for a total of 22 sentences. This is to commemorate the victory Day of the Islamic Revolution - February 11, 1979 AD, the Islamic solar calendar is November 22. Green on the national flag represents agriculture, symbolizing life and hope; White symbolizes holiness and purity; Red indicates that Iran is rich in mineral resources.
Flag of Iran
National emblem
It consists of four curved crescent moons, a sword and a Quran, which combine to form a variant of the Arabic word for "Allah". The new moon symbolizes the religion - Islam; The Quran is at the top, symbolizing Islam above all else and the basis of the Republic's code of conduct; The sword is a symbol of firmness and strength, like the giant blade of the sky, and the force of the "demon". The four crescent moons and the Qur 'an form the word "Allah" in Arabic; The whole pattern is circular, symbolizing the earth, indicating that the Islamic idea of "Allah" is universal.
Coat of arms of Iran


The population of Iran is 88.55 million. The most populous provinces are Tehran, Isfahan, Fars, Khorasan Razavi and East Azerbaijan. Persians make up 66% of the country's population, Azerbaijanis 25%, Kurds 5%, and the rest are Arabs, Turkmen and other minorities.
According to the Statistics Center of Iran (SCI), as of March 20, 2021, the number of the labor force (aged over 15 years) was 62.613 million, accounting for 74% of the total population, and the labor force with university education or above accounted for 10.9% of the total labor force. Major cities in Iran include (with a permanent population of more than 1 million) : Tehran (7.153 million), Mashhad (2.307 million), Isfahan (1.547 million), Karadhi (1.448 million), Shiraz (1.255 million), Tabriz (1.425 million).




On April 1, 1979, after a referendum in which 98.2% voted in favor of the Islamic Republic, Khomeini proclaimed the Islamic Republic of Iran. Since then, Iran has implemented a unique system of government that differs from most countries in the world: theocracy The system.
The characteristics of the regime can be summarized as: theocracy, Islamic parliamentary democratic republic, feudalism and capitalism combined with the separation of powers system. The social basis of the regime is a mullah-controlled monasteries, seminaries, and a large number of devout Muslims. Iran promulgated its first constitution in December 1979, establishing a political system of jurist tutelage (Fakih tutelage). According to the constitution, Iran implements a theocratic regime, theocracy is above all, all acts of the state must conform to Islamic principles, the Koran is the basis of all laws, and the Supreme Leader has supreme power and is above all authorities. In April 1989, the Iranian Constitution was partially amended to further emphasize the theocracy, republicanism and inviolability of the power of the leader, and the separation of powers among the executive, legislative and judicial powers under the leadership of the Supreme Leader.


After the Islamic Revolution, the first constitution was promulgated in December 1979, which stipulated that Iran would implement theocracy. In April 1989, the Iranian Constitution was partially amended, emphasizing that the Islamic faith, system, religious rules, republic, and the absolute power of the Supreme leader cannot be changed. In July of the same year, Khamenei formally approved a new constitution approved by a popular vote. [1]


The Islamic Parliament is the highest national legislative body in Iraq, with a unicameral system. Laws passed by parliament must be approved by the Guardian Council before they take effect. A total of 290 members are directly elected by voters for four-year terms. The Parliament has a bureau and 12 special committees. The Presidium is composed of 12 persons, including the President, two Vice-presidents, three officers and six secretaries, who serve a term of one year and can be re-elected by the vote of the members after the expiration of their term. The elections for the 12th Parliament were held in March 2024, with 245 deputies elected and the remaining seats to be elected in a second round of voting in May. The new parliament is not yet in office. [33]


The President is the head of state and adopts the presidential cabinet system. There is no prime minister, but the First Vice President presides over the day-to-day work of the government and attends multilateral meetings attended by heads of government. There are also several vice presidents who assist in other specialized matters. The current First Vice President is Mohammed Mukhbel. [33]
The main government departments responsible for economic affairs in Iran are: the Planning and Budget Organization, the Statistical Center of Iran, the Ministry of Petroleum, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade, the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, and the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. Other ministries of the Iranian Government include: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Scientific Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, etc.


The Judicial Director is the head of the country's judicial system and is appointed by the Supreme Leader for a five-year term. The President of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General are appointed by the Attorney General for a term of five years. The Minister of Justice, recommended by the Director of Justice, appointed by the President and approved by the Parliament, is responsible for coordinating the relationship between the executive and the judiciary. Under the leadership of the Judicial Director, there is also an administrative justice Court and a State Supervision General Administration to hear public lawsuits against government organs and supervise the work of state organs, respectively. The current judicial director, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejheyi, the president of the Supreme Court, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, Attorney General Mohammad Movahedi Azad.
Head of justice
The Head of the judiciary in Iran is appointed by the leader to the post of judiciary Director, the highest position in the judiciary, for a term of five years by a talented person who is well versed in theology, public affairs and judicial affairs. Its function is to form the necessary judicial bodies and to appoint and remove judges; The President of the Supreme Court and the Attorney-General are appointed after consultation with the judges of the Supreme Court. Under the leadership of the Head of the judiciary, administrative public tribunals and "State supervisory organizations" were established to hear people's lawsuits against government organs and supervise the work of State organs respectively. The Minister of Justice, recommended by the Director of Justice, appointed by the President and approved by the Parliament, is responsible for coordinating the relationship between the executive and the judiciary.
Guardian council
It consists of 12 members, six religious jurists appointed directly by the Supreme Leader and six ordinary jurists selected by the Judicial Director among the jurists and recommended to the Parliament, which votes to take office for a term of six years. Responsible for supervising the Assembly of Experts, presidential and Islamic parliament elections and referendums, approving the credentials of parliamentarians and interpreting the Constitution; To examine and confirm the bills passed by the Parliament, decide whether they are in conflict with the Islamic teachings and the Constitution, and return them to the Parliament for reconsideration and amendment. If there is a dispute with Parliament over the bill and it cannot be resolved, it is referred to the Committee for Determining the National Interest for arbitration. The head of the council is the "Secretary of the Guardian Council" and the current secretary is Ahmad Janati.
Determine the National Interest Committee
It was established in March 1988 and confirmed by the Constitution in July 1989. His main duties are to advise the Supreme Leader on the formulation of national policies, to assist the Supreme Leader in the supervision and implementation of major policies, and to arbitrate when the Parliament and the Guardian Council of the Constitution disagree on bills. The current president is Sadegh Larijani.

Political party

After the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Khomeini, in order to consolidate theocracy, gradually banned most political parties and organizations, and directed the establishment of the Islamic Republican Party with jurists as its main members. In October 1981, Iran promulgated the Political Party law, and in 1985 Iran declared a one-party system, the Islamic Republican Party was the ruling party, and other political parties and their factions were banned. To prevent political strife, Khomeini ordered the dissolution of the Islamic Republican Party in June 1987. In December 1988, Iran amended the Political Party Law, and the activities of various political parties in the country began to gradually resume. In 2016, Iran's Interior Ministry confirmed that 242 political parties and organizations were registered in Iran. In October 2016, the National Interest Committee passed an amendment to the Law on Political Parties, tightening the criteria for political parties and requiring parties to resubmit registration materials. In March 2019, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior said that a total of 98 political parties and organizations had submitted registration materials as required.
In the design of Iran's political system, political parties play a limited role, except for a few national political parties can play a certain role in political participation and discussion, the vast majority of the nature of the loose association, limited influence, or even nominal. Although most political parties are directly involved in the election campaign, the real electoral competition is not between political parties, but between different political factions. Since the collapse of the Islamic Republican Party, Iran has not had a ruling party, and all political factions have used political coalitions to win elections. Political parties in Iran are mainly divided by reform and conservatism, with distinct political tendencies and strong religious colors, but there are no ideological differences and no obvious line differences on issues concerning the major national interests.
The political parties active in Iran can be roughly divided into two groups according to their political views and ideological tendencies: the reform group, the influential Tehran Fighting religious people's Association, the Construction of Public Servants Party, Islamic Labor Party, etc.; Conservative groups, the greater influence of the Tehran fighting Religious Association, Islamic United Party and so on. The president is directly elected by the people, by a simple majority, and does not have a political party identity. Current President Hassan Rouhani is a moderate conservative who calls himself a "centrist."


Supreme leader
The Supreme Leader's duties include setting the general policy of the state; To command the armed forces of the country; To appoint or remove the Chief of the general staff of the three armed Forces, the Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Commander of the army, the commander of the Security forces and the commander of the Mobilization forces; The head of the judiciary; Chairman of Audio-Visual Organization; Sign the letter of office of the President-elect; The right to remove the President from office after the Supreme Court finds him guilty of misconduct and the parliament finds him incompetent to govern; The right to decide on referendums, declarations of war, armistice and amnesties; Coordinating and resolving the differences between the three powers; Adjudicate on all issues that cannot be resolved through normal means. The Office of the Supreme Leader has the following immediate organs: the Foundation for the Poor, the Strategic Committee for Foreign Relations, the 3.15 Foundation, the Martyrs' Foundation, the Housing Foundation, the Movement for the Blind, the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution, the Islamic Propaganda Organization, and the Land Distribution Committee.
The current Supreme leader is Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei (4 June 1989 - present).
Leadership expert meeting
The Constitution adopted in 1979 established the Assembly of Experts as a permanent body, consisting of 88 jurists and religious scholars elected by referendum. Its job is to select and remove the Supreme Leader. It meets twice a year. The sixth Assembly of Experts was elected in March 2024 and will officially assume its duties at the end of May. [33]
Presidents of Iran
The President of Iran, as head of state and head of government, is nominally second only to the leader of the country, and is directly elected by popular vote for a four-year term, which can be re-elected for one term, but may not be re-elected for three consecutive terms. The president has executive leadership in addition to the leadership of affairs; Responsible for the implementation of the Constitution and the signing of decisions taken by Parliament and referendums; The President has the power to appoint and dismiss ministers, subject to parliamentary approval; Cabinet ministers are accountable to the President and Parliament; The President is directly responsible for the implementation of state programs, budgets, administration and employment. Ambassadors abroad are nominated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and approved by the President. The President signs the credentials of diplomatic missions abroad and receives the credentials of foreign diplomatic missions.
Mohammed Mukhbel
Mohammed Mukhbel : Acting President. Born in 1955 in Dazfur, Iran, he is the first Vice President of Iran [39] . On May 20, 2024 local time, Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei, according to Article 131 of the Iranian Constitution, First Vice President Mukhbel will be responsible for the temporary management of the government, and Mukhbel is obliged to arrange the presidential election within a maximum of 50 days together with the speaker of Parliament and the director of the judiciary [38] .




Iran is rich in oil, and the oil industry is one of the main sources of economic pillar and foreign exchange income, with oil income accounting for more than half of foreign exchange income. In recent years, US sanctions and other factors have had a greater impact on Iran's economic growth. According to the World Bank, Iran's GDP in 2022 is about $413.5 billion, with a per capita GDP of $4,670.
From 2004 to 2007, Iran's economy maintained rapid growth. But since the 2008 world economic crisis and the imposition of Western oil embargoes and financial sanctions on Iran in 2012, crude oil exports have been limited to about 1 million barrels per day, nearly half of what they were before the sanctions intensified. Its gross domestic product growth has slowed significantly, foreign trade growth has lacked momentum, foreign investment has collapsed, and inflation and unemployment are persistently high.
In July 2015, Iran joined forces with the P5 + 1 (five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany Reached the Iran nuclear agreement, Europe and the United States partially lifted the nuclear-related sanctions on Iran, Iran promoted privatization reform, promoted foreign investment, controlled inflation, and realized normal foreign economic exchanges.
In January 2016, after the lifting of sanctions, Iran took advantage of the limited dividend of the Iran nuclear agreement to vigorously increase crude oil production and achieve rapid economic growth. In 2016 and 2017, the Iranian economy achieved rapid growth. However, after the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement in May 2018 and re-imposed sanctions on Iran, Iran's economy entered a recession again, especially after the United States canceled Iran's oil export exemption in May 2019 and continued to increase sanctions on Iran, Iran's economy grew by 7.6% in 2019, and various economic indicators performed poorly. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has further exacerbated Iran's economic deterioration.
Under the dual impact of sanctions and the epidemic, Iran is beset with internal and external difficulties, facing greater pressure on economic development, and the domestic economic and social development situation is not optimistic. At the same time, the currency devaluation is large, unemployment is rising, inflation is high, and residents' income is falling. According to the report of enterprises in Iran, Iran also has opaque law enforcement, government funds are tight, financial services are not in place, foreign exchange control is not reasonable, and administrative efficiency is not high business environment problems.


Iran's industry is dominated by oil mining, in addition to oil refining, steel, electricity, textiles, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, food processing, building materials, carpets, household appliances, chemicals, metallurgy, paper, cement and sugar, but the foundation is relatively weak, and most industrial raw materials and spare parts rely on imports.
Oil and gas industry
Iran is rich in oil and gas resources. By the end of 2020, Iran's reserves have increased by 34.1% due to the discovery of large oil fields with reserves of 53 billion barrels, ranking third in the world and natural gas reserves ranking second in the world. Relying on superior natural resource endowments, Iran's petrochemical industry has flourished, and the petrochemical industry is one of the main sources of Iran's economy and foreign exchange earnings. The oil, gas and petrochemical industry in Iran is dominated by state-owned enterprises, including the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), the National Iranian Natural Gas Company (NIGC), the National Refining and Marketing Company (NIORDC) and the National Petrochemical Company (NPC). In 2020, due to the impact of US sanctions and the epidemic, Iran's oil production fell to less than half of 2018's daily production (4.715 million barrels), about 143 million tons. Iran's daily crude oil exports in 2019 were only 570,000 barrels per day, down about three-quarters from 1.85 million barrels per day in 2018 and 2.15 million barrels per day in 2017, but rose to about 750,000 barrels per day in April 2021. In terms of petrochemicals, Iran produces up to 350 petrochemicals and exports them to 30 countries in Asia, Europe and South America. There are currently 56 petrochemical plants in operation, producing 54 million tons of petrochemical products per year, with a total investment of $53 billion in the sector.
Industrial and mining industry
Industry and mining in Iran include mineral development, manufacturing, water and electrical supply, and construction. Iran is one of the industrial powers in the Gulf and West Asia. Iran's industry is dominated by petroleum exploration and development, in addition to oil refining, petrochemicals, steel, electricity, textiles, automobile tractor assembly, motorcycle assembly, food processing, building materials, mechanical processing, carpets, household appliances, chemicals, nonferrous metals, metallurgy, paper making, pharmaceuticals, cement and sugar crushing. However, Iran's industrial and mining base is relatively weak, and most industrial raw materials and spare parts rely on imports.
Automobile industry
The automotive industry is the second largest pillar industry in Iran, contributing more than 10% to GDP growth. In 2019, the number of cars in Iran was 178, and it has its own three major car companies IKCO, SAIPA and SAPCO. However, since the United States imposed sanctions on Iran's auto industry in August 2018, subject to poor financial channels, and major foreign auto brands have suspended or stopped their Iran-related business, resulting in a shortage of spare parts supply, Iran's auto industry is facing greater difficulties, and car production has declined significantly. According to the International Automobile Association (OICA), Iran produced a total of 881,000 passenger and commercial vehicles in 2020.


Agriculture plays an important role in Iran's national economy. Iran is rich in agricultural resources, the country's arable land area of more than 52 million hectares, accounting for more than 30% of its land area, has cultivated an area of 18 million hectares, of which 8.3 million hectares of irrigable land, 9.4 million hectares of dry land. The agricultural population accounts for 43% of the total population, and farmers have 5.1 hectares of farmland per capita. The degree of agricultural mechanization is low, and the number of comprehensive harvesters and tractors is 13,000 and 360,000, respectively. In recent years, the Iranian government has attached great importance to and vigorously developed agriculture, and its food self-sufficiency rate has reached 90%.
Iran is a traditional farming and animal husbandry country, agriculture accounts for about 12% of its GDP, creating 20% of the country's employment opportunities, agriculture and agricultural trade in the national economy and non-oil trade occupies an important position. Iran's main agricultural products include: wheat, rice, barley, cotton, tea, beets, fruits, dried fruits, dairy products, caviar, wool, etc.


The Central Bank of Iran (Central Bank of Iran) was established in 1960. According to the Iranian Monetary and Banking Law, the Central Bank's primary responsibility is to formulate and implement monetary and credit policies in line with the country's overall economic policies. Its main functions are to maintain the value of the national currency, maintain the balance of payments, provide economic and trade facilitation and improve the country's development potential. In order to accomplish these tasks, the Central Bank of Iran has been granted special powers to issue banknotes and coins, regulate banks and credit institutions, make regulations on foreign exchange policy and transactions, make regulations on gold transactions, and make regulations on national currency flows. As the government's bank, the central bank is entrusted with managing the government's accounts, issuing large amounts of credit to government enterprises and agents, and authorizing other commercial banks to conduct government bond sales and other legitimate banking operations. On July 25, 2018, the government of Iran announced Abdu Nasser Hamati as the Governor of the Central Bank.
Bank Melli (National Bank of Iran), founded in 1928, has a history of more than 90 years and is the first commercial bank in Iran. In 1932, the National Bank of Iran became the only bank in Iran to issue banknotes. Its main business includes: adjusting currency circulation, currency preservation, adjusting deposit and loan interest rates, maintaining account balance and supervising the national banking system. In 1961, after the promulgation of the Iranian Monetary and Banking Law and the establishment of the Central Bank, some of the functions of the National Bank were transferred to the Central Bank, and the current business is mainly focused on commerce and trade.
Bank Mellat (National Bank of Iran) was established by the resolution of the General Assembly of Banks on December 20, 1979, and the provisions of Article 17 of the Banking Regulation Law through the merger of 10 pre-revolutionary private banks. The initial equity capital was 33 billion rials. In 2009, Bank Mellat was privatised, selling some shares to foreign and domestic private investors and shifting its focus to the energy sector. In the same year, the bank's assets increased significantly. The bank has 1,774 branches in Iran and five branches in Turkey and South Korea.
The Export Bank of Iran (Bank Saderat) was established on September 6, 1952, when it was registered at the Tehran Company and Trademark Registration Office as "Bank Saderat Va Ma-aden Iran" with an initial capital of 20 million rials. It opened on 13 November 1952. The bank has around 3,500 offices in 12 countries and regions in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, with around 10 million customers.
Bank Sepah, founded in April 1925 and opened in Rasht city in the same year, is the earliest bank established in Iran and one of the main commercial banks in Iran. There are numerous branches throughout the country and branches in European cities such as Frankfurt, London, Paris and Rome.
The Commercial Bank of Iran (Bank Tejarat) is the first bank established after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in which the government has a full stake, and its business scope includes: opening and operating cash and transfer accounts, accepting short and medium term savings and similar deposits, issuing guarantees, and providing bank credit services within the framework of Islamic contracts. The bank currently has more than 2,000 branches across the country and around the world and is the first bank in Iran to achieve ISO 9002 certification. Commercial Bank of Iran established a representative office in Beijing, China in August 2003.
Bank Refah (Welfare Bank of Iran) : Established in July 1960 and converted into a state-owned commercial bank in 1979. The initial funding was 400 million riyals provided by the Social Security Organization of Iran, which was increased to 960 billion riyals in 2002 (the Social Security Organization holds 96% of the shares). There are 1,067 branches and 10,900 employees. The main business is to provide financial credit services to the Iranian public, especially to the Social security Organization, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health and other departments and their affiliated institutions.
Bank Tose-e Saderat (Bank for Export Development of Iran) : Established in July 1991. With an initial capital of 50 billion riyals and an existing capital of 1,545 billion riyals, the main business is to provide financial support and credit services for the export of non-oil products and other economic and trade activities. The Export Development Bank of Iran is the export-import bank of Iran, which is fully state-owned and provides financial and other banking services to Iranian exporters and investors.
Agricultural Bank of Iran (Bank Keshavarzi) : Founded in 1934, it has a history of more than 80 years. At the beginning of its establishment, it was called "Agricultural and Industrial Bank" with an initial capital of 20 million rials, mainly providing credit for agricultural development and serving more than 70 kinds of projects. The bank now employs 11,600 people and has 1,690 branches at home and abroad.
Iranian Housing Bank (Bank Maskan) : Founded in 1939. It was originally named "Iran Loan Bank". As a specialized bank for the housing and construction industry, the initial capital is 200 million rials. In 1980, according to the Banking Management Law passed by the Islamic Revolutionary Committee, the Bank became a consortium of Iran Pawnshops, Bank of Iran Construction Investment Company and other housing savings and loan companies across the country, and thus changed its name to "Housing Bank" and became a state-owned specialized bank in the construction industry. In 1981, the Housing Investment Company was established to provide a large number of residential houses for the people. Housing Bank has 750 branches across the country and employs about 8,800 people, making it one of the more reputable banks in Iran.
Securities market
The Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) is an important capital market in the Middle East. The initial idea of establishing a stock exchange in Iran began in the 1930s and feasibility studies were carried out by the National Bank. However, with the outbreak of World War II, this project was interrupted. In February 1967, the TSE was officially listed, and only six companies were listed on the TSE in its first year. Initially limited to the trading of government bonds and securities, from 1967 to 1978, the number of listed companies increased from 6 to 105, including 22 private banks, 2 insurance companies, and 81 industrial enterprises. The stock market value increased from 6.2 billion riyals to 240 billion riyals.
The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, followed by the Iran-Iraq war, had a big impact on the Tehran Stock Exchange's business. As a result of state intervention in the economy, the demand for private capital fell. After the establishment of the new banking system, the issuance of interest-bearing shares was banned, which accelerated the deterioration of the TSE's business, which was in a depression.
After the Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988 [24] The government began to implement the post-war reconstruction plan, drawing up the first five-year economic development plan, and the privatization policy was proposed for the first time in the five-year plan. Since then, TSE has entered a new period of development. In 1995, the turnover of shares on the Iranian stock market was $800 million. In 2010, stock market turnover exceeded $40 billion. By the end of 2002, there were 324 companies registered with the TSE, with a stock market capitalization of SR114.397 trillion. Since November 2003, foreign capital has been allowed to enter the Iranian stock and securities exchange market, and the Tehran Stock Exchange has consolidated its leading position in the Middle East stock market.
In 2004, the capital market of the Tehran Stock Exchange was further developed with the opening of new stock exchange centers in 11 provincial capitals and the listing of agricultural products for the first time. In that year, there were 423 listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange, with 14.27 billion shares traded and about 11.4 billion US dollars traded, and the stock market capital increased to 387.547 trillion riyals (about 43 billion US dollars), up 81.1%, 55.8% and 20.15% respectively over the same period last year. Since 2005, due to the conservative control of the cabinet, the Iranian nuclear issue shaken investor confidence, and the impact of the world financial crisis, the development of the Tehran stock Exchange has slowed down, but in 2009, the exchange has recovered, the number of listed companies, the market value reached 58.698 billion US dollars.
In November 2014, Iran's Securities Exchange Organization announced that Iran would soon open its foreign exchange market. On May 20, 2017, with Rouhani's re-election, the Tehran Stock Exchange Composite Index broke through the round mark of 81,000 points. On June 17, 2018, the index exceeded 100,000 points and closed at 102,452 points; On April 15, 2019, the index broke through 200,000 and closed at 201,805. In 2020, despite the epidemic and US sanctions, Iran's domestic currency overissuance, high inflation, exchange rate depreciation and other factors, and the society's search for safe haven assets led to continued virtual hot stock market. The Tehran Stock Exchange Composite Index broke through a record high of 2 million points in the middle of the year, and gained more than 200% during the fiscal year, creating a new historical record. Since then, the stock market has risen and fallen, and currently stands at about 1.3 million points.
Credit card use
As the United States restricts global financial institutions from conducting any form of financial remittance business in or to Iran, foreign citizens in Iran cannot use mastercard, visacard or credit cards bearing the UnionPay logo to pay primarily in cash. Local residents can open savings accounts at the bank, pay by check, open telephone banking, online payment and other functions.


Iranian currency is Riyal Iran's "Money and Banking Law" does not make specific provisions on whether the rial is freely convertible, but ordinary residents can exchange it at local banks and banks with personal identification, and the exchange amount is capped. Currently, the yuan and the rial are not directly convertible.
Iran has always implemented two exchange rates: the free market rate and the official rate set daily by the Central Bank of Iran. The Iranian government has been working for years to raise the official exchange rate and bring it closer to the free market rate. In response to unprecedented volatility in the foreign exchange market, the Iranian government announced in April 2018 that the official exchange rate would be adjusted to 42,000 rials per US $1. However, under the pressure of US sanctions, the rial has continued to depreciate against the US dollar.


Iran has thousands of years of civilization, rich in natural geography and ancient civilization heritage. Before the Islamic Revolution, millions of tourists visited Iran every year. The Iran-Iraq War caused great damage to Iran's tourism industry. Since 1991, the Iranian government has been actively engaged in the development of tourism, and tourism has gradually recovered. Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, Kerman and Mashhad are the main tourist areas in Iran.

foreign trade

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs of Iran, in the fiscal year 2020/2021 (March 2020 to March 2021), Iran's total imports and exports amounted to $73.88 billion, of which exports amounted to $34.99 billion and imports amounted to $38.89 billion. Iranian products are exported to 143 countries and imported from 123 countries. Iran's top five export destinations are: China ($9.77 billion), Iraq ($7.44 billion), the United Arab Emirates ($4.66 billion), Turkey ($2.53 billion), and Afghanistan ($2.3 billion). The top three sources of imports were China ($9.84 billion), the United Arab Emirates ($9.75 billion) and Turkey ($4.4 billion). Nearly 50% of exports are petrochemical and petroleum products, 20% are mineral products, 18% are agricultural and food products, and about 10% are industrial products, condensates and handicrafts.
Iran mainly exports oil, natural gas, metal ores, leather, carpets, fruits, dried fruits, caviar, etc., and mainly imports grain, oil, food, medicine, transportation, machinery and equipment, livestock, chemical raw materials, beverages, tobacco and so on.

Foreign investment

According to the World Investment Report 2021 issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, in 2020, Iran will absorb foreign direct investment flows of 1.342 billion US dollars; By the end of 2020, Iran had attracted a stock of foreign direct investment of $58.711 billion.
In order to attract foreign investment, the Iranian Ministry of the Interior announced on May 13, 2020 that foreign investors who invest more than 250,000 US dollars or deposit an equivalent amount of US dollars in an Iranian bank or credit institution can apply for a five-year residence permit in Iran. Driven by this policy, according to Iran's report, the foreign investment attracted by Iran from March 2020 to February 2021 reached $1.821 billion. From the perspective of foreign investment fields, Iran's foreign investment is mainly concentrated in crude oil, natural gas, automobiles, minerals, petrochemicals, food and medicine industries. From the perspective of sources of foreign investment, Asia and Europe are the most important sources of foreign investment in Iran.
According to the Tehran Times, Iran's Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade approved 158 foreign investment projects worth about $2.469 billion in the year 1399 (March 2020-March 2021), an increase of 189% over the previous year. Among them, the industries with the highest approved foreign investment are chemical materials and products, base metals, paper and paper products, and transport and logistics. China, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Canada and Austria are the top five countries investing in Iran.
Since the United States reimposed sanctions on Iran in May 2018, European foreign companies have withdrawn from Iran, and Asian companies have also withdrawn or continued to reduce the scale of their operations, including well-known companies such as Total, Siemens, Daimler, and Samsung.

Foreign aid

Iran is cautious about international assistance. Affected by US sanctions and long-term diplomatic isolation from the West, Iran rarely accepts assistance from international organizations, international financial institutions and other countries, and even if it does, it carries out assistance in the name of international cooperation, mostly in the field of humanitarian non-sanctions. Due to the problem of payment channels, the form of aid is mainly material, and the scale is not large.




Iran is famous Ancient civilization One of them. The industrious and brave Persians created a splendid culture, especially in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, architecture, music, philosophy, history, literature, art and crafts. Medical scientist Avicenna Written in the 11th century AD Medical Canon It has a great impact on the medical development of Asian and European countries. The Iranians built the world's first astronomical observatory and invented a day dial that was basically similar to the clocks used today. Many mathematical works by Iranian scholars have reached a very high level. Persian poets Ferdowsi The epic Book of Kings, Saadi 's rosette And so on not only Persian literature Treasures, but also the world's literary treasures.


The official language of Iran is Persian. Turkic languages are also spoken (mainly in the five north-western provinces) and Arabic (concentrated in Khuzestan Province).


Islam is the state religion of Iran and is practiced by 98.8% of the population, of which 91% are Shia and 7.8% are Sunni. In addition, there are Christianity, Judaism and Zoroazrianism.


Iran is a very religious country. Women must wear a head-to-toe chadul (a kind of black robe) or windbreaker when they go out, and visiting foreign ladies are no exception. Men and women are not allowed to shake hands when they meet, and buses in some areas, including the capital Tehran, are physically segregated, with male and female passengers getting on and off separately. Iranian female drivers drive taxis marked on the body to carry only female passengers, men are not allowed to get on. Iranians mainly eat barbecue, do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not eat pork and scaleless fish. Iran forbids marriage with people who do not follow Islam.
1. Dress: Women (except pre-school children) must wear a headscarf. Wear long sleeves, over the hips, loose, opaque coat or trench coat, official occasions should wear a dark color of long trench coat, do not show the legs and ankles. Men are not allowed to wear tank tops or shorts outside.
Two, diet: alcohol, pork, dog meat. During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, even non-Muslims are not allowed to eat or smoke in public during the day (after sunrise to before sunset).
Gambling and prostitution are prohibited in Iran, and women are not allowed to engage in singing, dancing and other professions. Those who steal from others will be punished in accordance with Islamic law. Armed robbery and rape are punishable by death.
Men should not take the initiative to shake hands with Iranian women, and women generally do not take the initiative to shake hands with Iranian men; If a woman offers to shake hands, a man should respond politely.
Iranians do not like to have close physical contact with foreigners, do not arm with Iranians (such as when taking photos). Do not touch a child's head with your hands. No thumbs up when weighing. Avoid pointing your index finger at others and talking loudly. Iranians pay attention to hygiene, spitting, throwing debris phenomenon is rare, the mouth odor will cause aversion, will be considered a lack of culture.
Six, the bus must be separated between men and women, women take the rear of the bus, the subway has a special carriage for women, men are not allowed to enter, but women can take the men's carriage. You can mix it up by taxi. [10]


Major holidays in Iran
Fatuman - Date of death of Muhammad's daughter and Ali's wife
February 9th
Victory day
February 11th
The anniversary of the return of the oil industry to state ownership began in 1951
On March 20th
Birthday of the First Imam Ali
On March 20th
Naruz, the Iranian New Year
From March 21 to 24
Republic Day
April 1st
Spring Outing Day
April 2nd
Muhammad became the Prophet Day
April 3rd
The birthday of the Twelfth Imam Muhadi
April 21st
Day of the death of the first Imam Ali
On May 26th
The day of Khomeini's death
June 4th to 5th
Eid al-Fitr (2 days)
June 5th
Sixth anniversary of the death of Imam Gyalfa
June 29th
Eid al-Adha
August 12th
The anniversary of Ali becoming the first Imam
August 20th
Asura, Day of the Death of the Third Imam Hussein (Yom Kippur)
September 10th
40th anniversary of the death of the first Imam Ali
October 20th
The anniversary of Muhammad's death
October 28th
Anniversary of the death of the eighth Imam Reza
October 29th
11th Imam Hassan's death
November 6th
The birthday of Muhammad
November 15th
In addition to Thursday and Friday for the government office holidays (the Chinese Embassy in Iran is closed on Friday and Saturday), most private enterprises on Thursday morning is still a working day, Iran has a total of 26 days of holidays every year. If public holidays coincide with holidays, they are not counted twice.

Military affairs

The Iranian Armed forces are composed of the army, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the security forces. The Supreme Leader is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. At present, the total strength of the armed forces is about 1.27 million, including 430,000 troops, including the army about 365,000, the navy 30,000, the air force 35,000 and air defense forces; The Revolutionary Guard is about 440,000 strong; The security forces number about 400,000. There are also about 11 million militiamen. Compulsory military service with a term of 2 years.
Supreme National Security Council
The Supreme National Security Council is responsible for formulating defense and security policies and coordinating political, intelligence, social, cultural and economic activities related to the general policy of the State of Iran; Use the country's material and economic wealth to counter domestic and foreign threats. The members of the Council are: the Heads of the Troika, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the Chairman of the Planning and Budget Organization, two representatives of the Leadership's decision, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Intelligence and a relevant minister, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Guard, automatically chaired by the President. Decisions made by the Supreme National Security Council must be confirmed by the Supreme Leader before they can be implemented.




Fuel prices in Iran are low (the price of ordinary 92# gasoline is about 1.5 yuan/liter, and the price of 95# gasoline is about 1.75 yuan/liter), and roads are the main force of the transportation industry. According to the official website of the Iranian Transportation Infrastructure Construction and Development Company (CDTIC), the total length of roads in Iran has been put into use is about 44,000 kilometers, about 6,032 kilometers are under construction, and 3,142 kilometers are under planning research. Among them, about 2,685 kilometers of expressways, 1,185 kilometers are under construction, and 1,882 kilometers are under planning and research. Expressway mileage accounts for about 6.1% of the total highway mileage.
Iran has good road connections with neighboring countries, and Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan are all connected by road, and land transportation is convenient. At present, India is building the Dilanam-Zalangi highway in Afghanistan, which will be connected to the Iranian port of Chabahar in the future. [9]


According to the official website of the Iranian Transportation Infrastructure Construction and Development Company (CDTIC), the total mileage of Iranian railways has been put into use, with 3,276 kilometers of railways under construction and 6,312 kilometers of railways under planning and research. According to the report of the Central Bank of Iran for fiscal year 2018/2019, the national railway network transported 50.5 million tons of cargo and 28.1 million passengers in that year. Iran has yet to build a high-speed railway.
Iran's railway network is centered in Tehran and extends to the surrounding areas, connecting major cities such as Mashhad, Tabriz, Isfahan, Ahvaz and Bandar Abbas, as well as neighboring countries such as Turkmenistan, Pakistan and Turkey. Iran's railway gauge is mainly 1.435 m, and the 94 km of track near the border with Pakistan has a wide gauge of 1.676 m. At present, Iran and Iraq are building the Iran-Iraq railway (Basra-Salamzi railway line); Helping Afghanistan build a railway line from Haf to Herat in Iran; China will promote rail network connectivity with Azerbaijan and Armenia. According to Iran's 20-year development Plan (2005-2025), the total mileage of Iran's railways in 2025 is targeted at 25,000 kilometers.
In order to alleviate urban traffic congestion and air pollution, Iran is vigorously promoting the construction of urban subways. At present, Tehran Lines 1, 2 and 4, Tehran Line 5 (Tehran-Karaj Metro line), Mashhad Lines 1 and 2, Isfahan Line 1, Tabriz Line 1 and Shiraz Line 1 have started operation; Cities such as Qom, Ahvaz and Karaj are also promoting the construction of metro lines and suburban railways. According to the new master plan of Tehran City in 2020, in the future, there will be four new metro lines 8, 9, 10 and 11, suburban railway lines will be developed, and two new express lines A and B will be built. Construction of the project will continue until 1420 (2041 Gregorian calendar year). When completed, the project will connect Tehran's urban and suburban areas to form an integrated urban transport network. [9]

Water transport

Iran is connected to the Caspian Sea in the north, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean in the south, and the main seaports are concentrated in the Persian Gulf, such as Bandar Abbas port, Khomeini port, Bushehr Port, Asaluya Port and the newly built Chabahar Port, etc. Iran's main port in the Caspian Sea is Anzari Port. By 2020, Iran's national port handling capacity will reach 250 million tons. Bandar Abbas Port and Khomeini Port ranked first and second in handling capacity, with a throughput of 76.24 million tons and 42.93 million tons, respectively, and the throughput of the two ports accounts for about 85% of the total throughput of Iranian ports. In the 2018/2019 fiscal year, the port transported 139.6 million tons of cargo, of which 44 million tons of oil cargo and 95.6 million tons of non-oil cargo; It carried 17.9 million passengers that year. In the fiscal year 2019/2020, 147 million tons of cargo were transported, of which Chabahar port developed rapidly, handling nearly 3 million tons of cargo, an increase of 600,000 tons over the previous year.
On May 8, 2018, the United States withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement and announced the resumption of sanctions against Iran, only Air Iran (National shipping of the Islamic Republic of Iran) was still undertaking Iran's shipping business, and other shipping companies had stopped undertaking. There is no formal waterway freight between Iran's Khomeini port, Assaluya Port, Bushehr Port and Abbas, and container mother ships are mainly attached to Abbas Port, and Iranian domestic small barges ship goods to Iran. [9]

Air freight

Khomeini International Airport, Iran
The Iranian Airports Company (IAC) manages 54 airports in Iran, including 13 international airports (mainly in Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Qom, Ahvaz, Arak, Bandar Abbas, Kish Island and Qeshm Island). According to the report of the Central Bank of Iran for the fiscal year 2018/19, Iranian airports handled 29.6 million passengers and 12,600 tons of domestic air cargo that year. According to media reports, Iran plans to complete 29 airport development projects to further improve the passenger capacity of airports across the country. These include the expansion of Tehran Khomeini International Airport, Tehran Mehrabad International Airport and Mashhad International Airport, which will increase the annual passenger capacity of Mehrabad International Airport from 14 million to 28 million.
Due to the impact of Iran's nuclear sanctions, it is difficult for Iran to buy Western technology, and the passenger planes in operation are relatively old. According to the Central Bank of Iran's fiscal year 2018/2019 report, Iran has a total of 311 passenger aircraft, with 144 in operation. After the US announced its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, the US Treasury Department revoked the licenses it had previously issued to Boeing and Airbus to sell aircraft to Iran.
Some airlines have suspended flights to Iran due to the sanctions. Before the epidemic, the main routes for Chinese citizens to Iran were: Beijing - Urumqi - Tehran (China Southern Airlines), Beijing - Dubai - Tehran (Emirates Airlines), Beijing (Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen) - Tehran (Mahan Air Iran), Beijing - Doha - Tehran (Qatar Airways), Beijing - Istanbul - Tehran (Turkish Airlines). After the outbreak of the epidemic, only the Guangzhou-Tehran route was in operation. [9]



Science and technology

The Cabinet of the President of Iran has a special vice president in charge of scientific and technological affairs, and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Government is responsible for the management of international and domestic cultural and scientific activities of universities, academic societies and research institutions. There is a Minister, a First Deputy Minister, and five Deputy Ministers for education, finance and resource management, research and technology, legal and parliamentary affairs, culture and society. Affiliated institutions include the Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology, the Organization of University Student Affairs, the Organization for Educational Evaluation, the Higher Education Research and Planning Agency, the National Center for Science and Policy Research, the Institute of Culture and Society, and the Institute of Scientific and Technological Information. There are science and technology bureaus in all provinces and cities.
Over the past 40 years, despite the sanctions Iran has faced, it has made considerable progress in science and technology through education and training. Iran's scientific output has reportedly grown at one of the fastest rates in the world in recent years. Iran has made great progress in different fields, including aerospace, nuclear science, medical development, and stem cell and cloning research. In 2019, Iran ranked 16th in the world for production science and research, 4th in the world for nanotechnology, and 5th in the world for the number of engineers trained.


The Iranian government has established a Ministry of Education, which is responsible for the management of kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and some teacher colleges in Iran. There is a Minister, a First Deputy Minister and six Deputy Ministers for Planning and development, primary and secondary schools, legal and parliamentary affairs, moral education and culture, sports and health. Affiliated institutions include the Secretariat of the Supreme Education Council, the Education Research and Planning Organization, the School Innovation and Development Organization, the Private School Organization, the Overseas School Center, the Teaching Quality Evaluation Center, and the Information Technology Center. There are education bureaus in all provinces and cities.
After the 1979 Islamic Revolution, education in Iran was fully Islamized. Under Khomeini's orders, the education system was purged of professors, students, and staff close to the former regime, and a nationwide cultural revolution began, forcing the closure of all universities until November 1982. The Qur 'an became a compulsory subject, and a number of Islamic religious universities were established. In recent years, in order to meet the needs of economic construction, Iran's educational policy has also been adjusted, making it clear that the purpose of education is to consolidate the country's cultural and economic independence, promote the country's economic growth, and enhance the country's ability to resist foreign cultural and economic invasion.
We will provide free primary and secondary education. Attach importance to higher education and encourage private higher education by providing loans and material and policy support. 82.5% of the population over the age of 6 has received education. At present, there are 2,515 institutions of higher learning in China, with nearly 4.4 million students. The University of Tehran is the oldest and largest institution of higher learning in Iran. The education structure in Iran is roughly as follows: 6 years of primary school, 3 years of middle school, 3 years of high school (including vocational high school), and 4 years of university. There are about 60,000 schools in the country, most of which were established after the Islamic Revolution. The government invests heavily in education, implements 12 years of free education, has a high education penetration rate, and the education level is at the middle and high level among Middle Eastern countries. From primary school to high school, boys and girls are different schools, and the current enrollment rate of children is 95%, and the education rate of young people aged 15 to 24 is 97%, with no significant gender difference.
Higher education: 1 year of preparatory university, 4 years of university (including college, undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees), and free education in national universities. There are over 300 institutions of higher learning in Iran.
In order to meet the needs of the middle and upper income class, Iran allows the establishment of fee-paying schools from primary school to university, which are private schools with higher fees, but better school conditions and relatively higher quality of education.

Medical treatment

The Iranian constitution stipulates that citizens enjoy basic health care, which is achieved through the government's public health system, private hospitals and non-governmental (NGO) medical assistance. Although there is no free medical care in Iran, the government has implemented a subsidy policy, and the cost of medicine is low, and low-income residents can get basic protection for medical treatment. According to Wikipedia, about 90 percent of the Iranian population has some type of health insurance, and the total cost of health care in Iran in 2017 was about $96 billion.
The ratio of Iran's urban population to rural population is roughly 7:3, more than 95% of the population has access to clean drinking water, and immunization coverage is 95%. According to the World Health Organization, Iran's total national health expenditure accounted for 6% of GDP in 2017, down from a peak of 7.3% of GDP in 2010. Iran's healthcare market is expected to maintain a compound annual growth rate of 5% until 2021. Iran produces 90% of its own medicines for the domestic market, but the quality of medicines is not high. Nearly 90% of medical devices are imported into Iran, with a higher proportion for some special equipment. On average, there are 0.89 pharmacists, 7 doctors, 1.41 nurses and midwives per 10,000 people, and 17 hospital beds. According to the World Clock Network, the average life expectancy in Iran in 2020 is 77.3 years, 76.2 years for men and 78.5 years for women. Iranians pay more attention to hygiene, and infectious diseases caused by food hygiene problems are rare. [9]
Iran's medical and health care is more advanced, the country has about 800 large general hospitals and medical centers, its affiliated health centers and medical centers 6,000, managed by the state, private, charitable organizations. In addition, the Ministry of Health has set up more than 14,000 clinics in villages across the country. The main hospitals in Tehran include: Tehran Clinic Hospital; Milad Hospital; Iranmehr Hospital, Iran.
Foreigners in Iraq are not covered by health insurance. According to the provisions of the Iraqi government, travel insurance is available, with the maximum insurance amount of about 30,000 US dollars. [10]


According to the report of the Central Bank of Iran for fiscal year 2018/2019, Iran's total power generation reached 310.9 billion kWh, of which 56.3% came from private sector power plants, 42.1% from power plants belonging to the Ministry of Energy, and 1.6% from other large institutions. In the same year, Iran's total electricity consumption reached 261.4 billion kWh, of which 6.3 billion kWh of electricity was exported to neighboring countries, 2.6 billion kWh of electricity was imported from neighboring countries, and 3.8 billion kWh of electricity was net exported. [32] Electricity imports are mainly from Turkmenistan (49.8%) and Armenia (47.3%); Electricity export destinations were Iraq (78.7 per cent), Afghanistan (11.6 per cent) and Pakistan (8.2 per cent).


As of January 2019, 123.7 million mobile phones were registered in Iran, with a penetration rate of 150%, and mobile broadband (3G and 4G) users accounted for 59%; 72.94 million Internet users, with a penetration rate of 89%; There were 63.63 million mobile Internet users, with a penetration rate of 77%; There are 47 million active social media users, with a penetration rate of 57%. The average mobile network speed is 30.58 megabits per second; The average fixed speed is 12.82 megabits per second. Iran's fixed network operators are TCI, and mobile communication operators are mainly MTNI, MCCI and RighTel.
As of January 2019, 94 percent of the Iranian population over the age of 15 had an account with a financial institution, 26 percent had a mobile banking account, and 46 percent had used online payments for online purchases. E-commerce is developing rapidly in Iran, with major shopping sites including Digikala, Okala, Tezolmarket and others. After the outbreak of the epidemic, the delivery business has developed rapidly, and the main service provider is Snapp. Internet penetration in Iran is high, but Internet speeds are slow. [10]


The basic situation of major Iranian media is as follows:
NewsAgency: The Islamic Republic NewsAgency (IRNA) was founded in Tehran in 1936 as the Persian NewsAgency, and changed its name after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. It is now affiliated to the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, with funds allocated directly by the Ministry of Culture and Reference, and the president appointed directly by the Minister of Culture and Reference, and is the only official news agency in Iran. In 2003, the bureau opened in Beijing, and in August 2019, the Chinese website was opened.
Radio and Television: Radio Iran began broadcasting in 1926, television stations were established in 1958 and merged into the National Radio and Television of Iran in 1966. In 1979, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, it changed its name to Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Also known as the Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The organization is directly under the leadership of the Supreme Leader, and its president is directly appointed by the leader. The organization includes radio and television stations. Under the program research and development center, Islamic studies, international exchanges, broadcasting development, television program coordination, policy research, public relations and other departments. The organization owns TV stations including IRIB1 to 5, Sports TV, Education TV, IRINN (Islamic Republic of Iran News Network), etc., covering most of the country, and broadcasting to the Middle East, Europe, South Asia and other countries by satellite. The radio station includes 16 national channels such as comprehensive, economic, cultural, youth, and Quran, and 32 foreign languages, and began broadcasting in Chinese in 1994., the organization's Persian Today news network, has a homepage in 26 languages, including Chinese.
Newspapers: There are more than 1,700 newspapers and periodicals in Iran, most of which are published in Tehran. The main Persian-language newspapers are Iran, Izvestia, El Mundo, Citizen, Oriental, Sun, etc., and English newspapers are Tehran Times and Iran News.
Online media: The main online media in Iran include Iran News Agency, Iran Daily, Tehran Times, Iran Financial Tribune, Tasnim News Agency and so on.
Iran's mainstream media are generally friendly to China, but there are also some negative reports on the quality of Chinese products and the difficulty of financing from China. On the epidemic prevention and control situation in China, the mainstream media in Iran mainly reported positively with a relatively objective stance, and did not publish negative or discriminatory remarks against Chinese companies due to the epidemic. When China provided a large number of medical supplies to Iran, almost all local mainstream media made a lot of positive publicity.
On May 13, 2024, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said that Iran has launched a "virtual embassy" in Palestine within its diplomatic network system. [35]

Public security

Iran is a theocratic country, the crime rate is relatively low, the social security situation is generally good. Local residents can legally own shotguns.


Iran became a member of the United Nations on October 24, 1945, and participated in various subsidiary committees of the United Nations. In addition, Iran has joined all 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations, and so far 16 of the United Nations and its related agencies have established representative offices in Iran. Iran joined the International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) in 1958, became a founding member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 1960, joined the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in 1970, joined the Group of 77 (G77) in 1964, and formally joined the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in 1984. It became a founding member of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in 1985, a member of the G8 in 1997, a member of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in 2002, a member of the Organization for Asian Cooperation and Dialogue (ACD) in 2004, and a member of the Boao Forum for Asia in 2003. In 2006, it joined the Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO).
In June 2005, the World Trade Organization (WTO) voted unanimously to admit Iran as an observer. In July 2005, during the meeting of the SCO Heads of State Council, Iran was admitted as an observer state of the organization. Since 2008, Iran has applied to become a full member of the SCO.
On January 31, 2024 local time, Vice Consul of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bekdali said that Iran announced the unilateral visa exemption for 28 countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. Since February 4, citizens of the 28 countries can travel to Iran for tourism purposes without a visa, and only need to purchase a ticket. [30]

Foreign policy

We will pursue an independent, non-aligned foreign policy and oppose unilateralism, hegemonism and power politics. It advocates dialogue among civilizations and the establishment of a just and reasonable new international political and economic order. We believe that a country's sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and that every country has the right to choose its path of social development in accordance with its own history, culture and religious traditions. We oppose Western countries interfering in other countries' internal affairs or imposing their own values on other countries under the pretext of democracy, freedom and human rights. We believe that Israel is the main source of tension in the Middle East, support the just struggle of the Palestinian people for the liberation of the occupied territories, oppose peace talks between Arab countries and Israel, but do not interfere with or hinder the Middle East peace process. We believe that peace and security in the Gulf region should be achieved by the coastal countries through understanding and cooperation, oppose external interference and foreign military presence, and are willing to make positive contributions to promoting regional peace and stability.
During the New Delhi Summit in July 2023, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization officially granted Iran membership. On January 1, 2024, Iran became a full member of BRICS.
On January 31, 2024 local time, Vice Consul of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bekdali said that Iran announced the unilateral visa exemption for 28 countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. From February 4, citizens of the 28 countries will be able to travel to Iran for tourist purposes without a visa and only need to buy a plane ticket.

External relations

Relations with China
The friendly exchanges between China and Iran date back to the 2nd century BC. Ban Chao's deputy, Gan Ying, had been to Iran (Benzoic Dynasty) and opened up the communication line from China to ancient Rome through Iran, that is, the Silk Road. Since then, exchanges between the two countries have continued. On August 16, 1971, China and Iran established diplomatic relations.
According to Chinese "historical books", Emperor Wu of Han A surname Zhang Qian Send his deputy to visit Rest in peace (i.e., Persia), the king of Rest ordered 20,000 cavalry to welcome him, and the etiquette was extremely grand.
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was a crown prince and a Buddhist monk An Segal He also visited Han and stayed in China for many years.
In the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China, Persia sent envoys to China's Northern Wei Dynasty more than 10 times. With the friendly exchanges between the two sides, the Han culture spread to the Western regions, and the Western regions culture came to China. The "Silk Road" between China and Iran was also fully unimpeded, opening up a new era of economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries. Chinese silk, porcelain, well drilling, iron making, lacquer making and silk reeling were introduced to Iran and other West Asian countries, and Iranian products such as broad beans, alfalfa, grapes, walnuts and pomegranates were also introduced to China.
By the Tang Dynasty, the exchanges between the two countries had reached a peak. Later, Persia was invaded by foreign countries, the Persian king personally visited the Tang Empire and asked for aid, Tang Emperor Gaotong named him governor, sent troops to escort him back to China, but the return did not succeed in dying in Chang 'an. His son Niles failed in his attempt to restore the state and died in Chang 'an during the Jinglong reign of Emperor Zhongzong. At that time, Neres led thousands of Persians, some of whom became generals, diplomats, astronomers, medical scientists, and scholars during the Tang Dynasty.
During the war-torn Song Dynasty, the overland "Silk Road" was interrupted several times. At this time, the shipbuilding industry began to develop, and the compass needle was used one after another. Many Persians came to China by sea to do business in Guangzhou, Yangzhou and Quanzhou, and some even settled down there. This is what later generations call the "ceramic road" on the sea. According to records, the Chinese method of issuing banknotes spread to Persia during the Yuan Dynasty, and later, Chinese characters are also preserved on the images on Persian banknotes . At that time, historians of the two countries also co-compiled history books "Shi Shi". Western music and dance from Persia and other countries were also popular in Chang 'an.
In the Ming Dynasty, Ming Chengzu and Central Asia Shaharu The prince has sent a large delegation of 300 and 500 people to each other. During Zheng He's seven voyages to Asia and Africa, three of them were to the Persian Gulf Hulumus today Hormuz ). At that time, Fei Xin, who accompanied Zheng He on his visit, wrote poems describing local customs and specialties. In 1516, the Persian traveler Ali Akbar wrote a book called China Jixing Later, the book became a precious historical record and an important witness of China-Iran friendly exchanges. According to research, over the years, the spread and transplantation of plants in the two countries reached dozens of species. Persian Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism were also popular in China.
The two countries have carried out steady practical cooperation in various fields. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Iran is 14.66 billion US dollars, of which China's exports are 10.08 billion US dollars and its imports are 4.58 billion US dollars. In March 2021, China and Iran signed a comprehensive cooperation plan. In January 2022, China and Iran announced the start of the implementation of the comprehensive cooperation plan.
The two countries have maintained close cultural and people-to-people exchanges. China and Iran have actively carried out cultural exchanges within the framework of the Agreement on cultural, scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries, and art groups of the two sides have exchanged visits and participated in art activities in each other's countries many times. In recent years, China and Iran have jointly held a series of "Happy Chinese New Year" activities in Tehran, which have been well received by the local people. [34]
On August 16, 1971, China and Iran formally established diplomatic relations. On September 28, 2015, Xi Jinping President in New York The United Nations Meeting with the President of Iran Rouhani . [3]
On March 27, 2021, China and Iran signed a 25-year Comprehensive Cooperation Plan to upgrade bilateral relations . [5]
Xinhua News Agency on October 20, 2022, in The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China On the occasion of the meeting, General Secretary of the Islamic United Party of Iran Badamzian He said that the 20th CPC National Congress will provide a good opportunity for the new development of Iran-China bilateral relations and bring more opportunities for the two ancient Asian civilizations with a long history to expand cooperation in various fields. [8]
On 10 March 2023, Mr. Wang Yi, Representative of the People's Republic of China, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, Mr. Musaid Bin Mohammed Al-Abban, Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Minister of State, Member of the Cabinet and National Security Adviser, Ali Shamkhani, representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, signed the" Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Islamic Republic of Iran " . [13]
China and Iran cooperate in Iran Tehran University (October 2007) and Mazandran University (November 2016) Confucius Institute Five universities in Iran have opened Chinese majors. The year 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran, and the two sides have held a series of cultural celebrations, including concerts, Sinology education seminars, historical documentation exhibitions, and joint issuance of commemorative stamps.
Relations with the United Kingdom
On 28 November 2011, Iran's Guardian Council approved a bill passed by parliament the previous day calling for a reduction in diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom. Under the bill, Iran's foreign ministry must downgrade relations with Britain from ambassadorial to charge d 'affaires level within two weeks. In addition, the bill also requires the Iranian government to downgrade the level of economic and trade relations between the two countries. On November 30, Britain expelled all Iranian diplomats and closed the Iranian embassy in Britain. Since then, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Italy have recalled their ambassadors to Iran.
Relations with Egypt
Since Egypt was exiled in 1979 King Pahlavi Offering political asylum, Iran announced a deal Egypt End of friendship. The two countries have not restored full diplomatic relations, but each has an interest section in the other.
Relations with Yemen
On October 2, 2015, Yemen The government announced that it was severing diplomatic relations with Iran with immediate effect. The Yemeni government has accused Iran of supporting the Houthi militant group in an attempt to overthrow the Yemeni regime, a charge Tehran denies. [2]
Relations with Iraq
Iran and Iraq have long had border, sectarian and ethnic disputes. Relations between the two countries deteriorated in the 1980s. The Iran-Iraq War broke out in September 1980. Following international mediation, a ceasefire was declared in August 1988.
On January 16, 2024, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry recalled Iraq's ambassador to Iran, Nasser Mohsen [26] .
Relations with Saudi Arabia
In January 2016, Saudi Arabia The two countries have severed ties since the execution of a group of prisoners, including a prominent Shia cleric, on terrorism charges sparked protests in Iran and stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran.
On March 10, 2023, the People's Republic of China, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a joint statement in Beijing announcing the restoration of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran [12] .
On April 6, 2023, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan and Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal met in Beijing to discuss steps to reopen the embassy and other bilateral issues and issued a joint statement. The two sides stressed the importance of discussing ways to expand bilateral relations and launching a security cooperation agreement and a general agreement on cooperation in the economic, trade and investment fields. The two sides agreed to reopen diplomatic missions at the agreed time and to take necessary steps to open the embassies of the two countries in Riyadh and Tehran and the consulates General in Jeddah and Mashhad. In addition, the two countries will continue to carry out necessary coordination between technical delegations to explore ways to expand cooperation between the two countries, including the resumption of official delegations, private sector visits and flights to facilitate the issuance of visas between the two countries. [15]
In September 2023, Saudi Arabia and Iran sent their ambassadors to be stationed in each other's countries, formally ending a seven-year diplomatic rupture between the two countries. Saudi Arabia's new ambassador Al-Enezi and Iran's new ambassador Alireza Enayati arrived in Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh at the same time. Both sides made moves at the same time to signal the formal restoration of their diplomatic relations. [20]
Relations with Morocco
Morocco He severed diplomatic relations with Iran in 2009. In January 2017, Morocco and Iran restored diplomatic relations. On May 1, 2018, Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Alain Burida announced that Morocco had severed diplomatic relations with Iran. [4]
Relations with Kuwait
In August 2022, Kuwait returned its ambassador to Iran for the first time in six years, and the relations between the two countries have been upgraded to ambassadorial level. [6]
Relations with Ukraine
On September 23, 2022, citing Iran's decision to provide drones to Russia, Ukraine announced that it would downgrade diplomatic relations with Iran, revoke the credentials of the Iranian ambassador to Ukraine, and significantly reduce the number of diplomatic staff at the Iranian Embassy in Ukraine.
On September 24, 2022 local time, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani responded that Iran regretted Ukraine's decision to downgrade diplomatic relations between the two countries, and that the decision of the Ukrainian government was based on unconfirmed reports, and Iran "will respond appropriately." [7]
Relations with Maldives
Iran and Maldives established diplomatic relations in 1975. On May 17, 2016, the Maldives issued a statement saying that it believes that Iran's policies in the Middle East are "detrimental to regional peace and security, and even affect the stability, peace and security of the Maldives in many ways," and therefore decided to sever diplomatic relations with Iran [21] .
On March 10, 2023, the government of Maldives announced its decision to restore diplomatic relations with Iran in view of Saudi Arabia's rapprochement with Iran after seven years [14] . On September 23 local time, the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a joint statement between Iran and the Republic of Maldives, stressing that the decision to restore diplomatic relations between Iran and the Maldives is in the interests of both countries [21] .
Relations with the BRICS countries
On the morning of August 24, 2023 local time, at the special press conference of the 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting held in Johannesburg, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the BRICS countries decided to invite Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to become full members of the BRICS cooperation mechanism from January 1, 2024. 18 [19]
On January 1, 2024, Iran became a full member of BRICS [25] .
Relations with Sudan
On October 9, 2023 local time, the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a joint statement between Iran and Sudan. Following meetings and contacts between senior Iranian and Sudanese officials, the two sides decided to restore diplomatic relations to serve the common interests of the two countries. [22]
Relations with Pakistan
On January 17, 2024, the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said it had decided to recall the country's ambassador to Iran. [27]
On January 17, 2024, the Information Minister of Balochistan Province said that Pakistan has indefinitely closed all border crossings with Iran. [28]
On January 19, 2024, Pakistan announced that it would restore full diplomatic relations with Iran. [29]
Relations with the United States
On June 3, 2024, Iran's acting Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri, who is visiting Lebanon, confirmed in Beirut that Iran is holding "low-key" talks with the United States in Oman. [40]



Main attraction

Iran has more than 5,000 years of civilization, numerous historical sites and rich tourist resources. According to Iranian media reports, in addition to a large number of natural landscapes, Iran has tens of thousands of historical and cultural landscapes, and more than 4,000 registered historical and cultural sites. At present, Iran has 24 natural and cultural heritage sites in the world, ranking 10th in the world. Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, Kerman and Mashhad are the main tourist areas in Iran.
Main attraction
City name
City introduction
Shiraz It is a famous historical and cultural city in Iran, here is the capital of Fars province, which was once the capital of the Persian Empire in history, and it is also the hometown of the famous Persian poets Hafez and Saadi, thus known as the hometown of Iranian poets. In the city of Shiraz, there is a unique pink mosque. Built in the late 19th century, this religious site, with its carved stone columns, colored tiles and glass, even looks a little like an old European church at first glance, making it a perfect spot for good photography.
Shiraz is the famous "City of nightingales and roses" in Iran. It is the birthplace of Persian civilization, home to gardens with "songbirds singing, flowers blooming and fountains flowing" as in the tales of the Arabian Nights, and home to two giants of Iranian ancient poetry, Saadi and Hafez. [11]
To understand the former glory of the Achaemenid dynasty of the Persian Empire, there is no better place than Persepolis on the outskirts of the city. Once the capital of the Persian Empire, it was built by Darius I in 520 BC and took 70 years to complete. More than 200 years later, the Macedonian king Alexander marched east to destroy Persia, and a fire ended the glory of this palace city. In 1979, Persepolis was listed as a World Heritage Site. [11]
Ancient ruins of Persepolis
The Old City of Yazd
The Old city of Yazd is located in the Kavir Salt Desert and retains the most traditional elements of Iran. It has been inhabited for 7,000 years. Today, some traditional handicraft workshops in the old city are still in operation and have lasted for hundreds of years.
"Isfahan half a day down", said that the city used to gather business travel from all over the world, bustling equivalent to "half the world". [11]
The Old City of Yazd
Founded about 2,000 years ago, Isfahan has twice been the capital of Iran. For more than ten centuries, whenever the Silk Road was smooth, Isfahan was a hub for East-West trade and a veritable southern Silk Road.
This historic and cultural city is also one of the cores of the medieval Islamic world and the "soul" of modern Iran, where the most important architectural arts and crafts culture of Iran in the Islamic period are gathered here. Isfahan tourist attractions are concentrated, most of the monuments can be completed by walking, the Grand Bazaar gathered around the most cheap hotels, is a concentration of backpackers. There are more than 200 mosques in the city, and Imam Square is a World Heritage site. In addition, the "Aricap", the residence of Abbas the Great, and the "Palace of Forty Columns" where he entertained guests, as well as the 33-hole bridge over the Zaindru River, also have distinct medieval Islamic characteristics and are popular among foreign tourists. [11]

World heritage site

As of 2012, 15
World heritage site
Estate name
A given year
Division of estate
Chagao Jambir (Pagodas and buildings)
Tchogha Zanbil
The year 1979
World cultural heritage
The year 1979
World cultural heritage
Isfahan Princes Square
Meidan Emam, Esfahan
The year 1979
World cultural heritage
Taht Suleiman
Takht-e Soleyman
The year 2003
World cultural heritage
The year 2004
World cultural heritage
Located 87 km northeast of Persepolis
Bam Castle And its cultural landscape
Bam and its Cultural Landscape
The year 2004
World Cultural Heritage in danger
The leaf city of Soldani
The year 2005
World cultural heritage
West of Tehran
Monuments in Bisothong
The year 2006
World cultural heritage
Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran
The year 2008
World cultural heritage
Northeast part
Ancient water system in Shushtar
Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System
The year 2009
World cultural heritage
The Sheikh Safeddin mausoleum and temple complex in Al-Dabil
Sheikh Safi al-din Kh ha neg ha and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil
The year 2010
World cultural heritage
Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex
The year 2010
World cultural heritage
The Persian Garden
The year 2011
World cultural heritage
There are 9 gardens in 9 provinces
The gardens of Pasalgard
Ancient Pardis Garden of Pasargadae
Elam Gardens in Shiraz
Paradise Garden Bagh-e Eram: Shiraz
The Forty Pillars Palace in Isfahan
Bagh-e Chehel Sotun: Esfahan
Finn's Garden in Kashan
Bagh-e Fin: Kashan
Abbas-abad Garden in Bushehr City
Bagh-e Abas Abad: Behshahr
Prince's Garden in southeastern Kerman province
Bagh-e Shahzadeh: Kerman
"Durat Abad Garden" in Yazd
Bagh-e Dolat Abad: Yazd
Pahrupur Garden in the Mehriz district near the city of Yazd
Bagh-e Pahlavanpur :Mehriz
Akbariya Garden in Birgend district
Bagh-e Akbariyeh: Birjand
Gonbad-e Qābus
The year 2012
World cultural heritage
Northeast part
Friday mosque in Isfahan
Masjed-e J ha me of Isfahan
The year 2012
World cultural heritage