Kherson Oblast

Administrative unit in southern Ukraine
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Kherson Oblast is located Ukraine South, southwest and southeast are close to each other The Black Sea , Azov Sea , our Northern neighbor Dnipropetrovsk Oblast , the east neighbor Zaporozha Oblast , our western neighbour Nikolayev Oblast , our south neighbor Crimea . Founded on March 30, 1944, it covers an area of 28,500 square kilometers and has jurisdiction over 18 districts, 9 cities, 31 urban villages and 658 villages. The current population is 1.055 million (as of January 2018), of which 61.16% are urban and 38.84% are rural. Ukrainian nationality About 82%, Russian nationality About 14%, as well as Belarusian, Armenian, Tatars, Moldovans and other ethnic groups. [1]
Chinese name
Kherson Oblast
Subordinate region
Geographical position
Southern Ukraine
Area product
28500 km²
Subordinate area
There are 18 districts, 9 cities, 31 urban villages and 658 villages
Government premises

Establishment evolution

In 1737, Russo-turkish War (1735-1739), Russian Empire On the site of the modern city of Kherson, the army built the Alexander-Shanetz Fortress (destroyed in 1738, rebuilt during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74).
In 1778, Catherine the Second The Empress decided to build the city of Herson on the site of the fort (named in honor of Ancient Greek The city of Hersonnes).
From 1785 to 1794, Russian Black Sea Fleet The headquarters of Kherson. [2]
On August 9, 1995, Kherson Oblast and Shandong Province To become sister provinces (states). [1]
On October 19th, 2022, President of Russia Putin Declaring a state of war in Kherson State, It will be implemented at midnight on December 20 Proclamation of martial law . [7]

Geographical environment

Khersun State has a mild climate, grassland landform, large black soil area, abundant sunshine, and more than 200 days a year when plants are suitable for growth. [1]


Kherson is a large state of agricultural industry industrialization, enjoying the reputation of "bread basket of Ukraine", growing wheat, corn, rice, sunflower seeds, vegetables and fruits, grape cultivation and animal husbandry is relatively developed. The state has a strong industrial potential, the main industrial sectors are shipbuilding and ship repair industry, machinery manufacturing, energy fuel production, glass production, wood processing, pulp production, light industry and food production, a total of more than 200 production enterprises. [1]


Saldo, acting governor of Herson State. [10]

Related event


Russian occupation

On March 15, 2022, Konashenkov announced, Russian army Has taken full control of all of Kherson State. [9]

Referendum on joining Russia

On October 3rd, 2022, Russian State Duma The State Construction and Law Commission approved the accession of four regions, including Kherson State Russian Federation Draft constitutional law [3] ; On the morning of October 4th, Federation Council of Russia Four of the four regions, including Kherson Oblast, were unanimously approved to join Russia as federal subjects treaty [4] . On October 5, the Russian legal portal published the Russian President Putin The decree signed on the 4th ratified four treaties on the accession of four regions, including Kherson Oblast, to Russia as federal subjects. At this point, all the legal procedures for the ratification of the four regions' treaties into Russia have been completed, and the treaties come into force from the date of publication. [5] On October 12, 2022 local time, United Nations General Assembly A non-legally binding resolution was adopted not to recognize the results of four regional referendums, including Kherson. [6]

Withdrawal of Russian troops

On the 9th local time, the Russian Defense minister Shoigu Ordered the Russian army from The Dnieper River Move from the right bank to the left bank and withdraw the Russian forces from Kherson. Commander of the Joint Forces in the area of special Military operations of Russia against Ukraine Surovikin Said that after a comprehensive assessment of the existing situation, the recommendation along The Dnieper River Left bank organized defense. [8]