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Fighting for the fifthNational science centerOnly 4 cities in the country were selected, which cities have the chance to be selected
Introduction: Fight for the 5th National science centerOnly 4 cities in the country were selected, which...
Source: NetEase News Release time: 2023-04-26
The 4 cities applyNational science centerTwo of them are in the west, who can get what they want
Introduction: These 4 cities apply National science centerTwo of them are located in the west, who can like...
Source: NetEase News Release time: 2022-12-18
Approved comprehensiveNational science center! Xi 'an, the 5th in the country!
Introduction: Approved comprehensive National science center! Xi 'an, the 5th in the country!
Source: iQiyi Release time: 2023-05-26
Hefei comprehensiveNational science center
Source: Good looking video Released: 3 months ago
The fifth seatNational science centerStart a battle for the city
Source: Good looking video Release time: 2023-04-16
Science and technology Policy: From 0 to 1, why did Shenzhen becomeNational science centerThe Fourth City?
Introduction: Strengthening "from 0 to 1" basic research, what is the impact on scientific research workers...
Source: Station B Release time: 2020-03-13
Hefei is the second comprehensive city after ShanghaiNational science centerWhat's so great about it
Introduce: Hefei big scienceWhat are the devices?
Source: Good looking video Release time: 2021-05-29
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