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Huang Haiqing

Vice President of Alibaba Group and President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Business Group China
unfold16 entries with the same name
Huang Hai Qing, born in December 1975, independent, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Master of Business Administration. Founder of Shanghai Detuo Information Technology Co., LTD Tencentcloud Vice President. [1] [3]
Hold the office of Alibaba Group Vice President, Aliyun President of Intelligent Business Group China. [1] [4] [7]
Chinese name
Huang Haiqing
Date of birth
December 1975
Vice President of Alibaba Group and President of Alibaba Cloud China [5-7]
Alibaba Group

Character experience

He has worked for Dell, IBM, Oracle and other companies.
2016 plus Joined Tencent Cloud, started business development work, and then became vice president of Tencent Cloud.
After leaving Tencent Cloud in 2018, Huang Haiqing became the CEO of Detuo Information. [2]
In April 2022, he was appointed president of Alibaba Cloud China. [1] [4]
Member of the 14th Shanghai Committee of the CPPCC [9]

Job change

On April 12, 2022, Huang Haiqing replaced Ren Geng as the president of Aliyun Intelligence China, overseeing 16 war zones across the country. [1] [4]

Honor received

In 2014, IT won the title of the 13th "Shanghai IT Youth Top Ten New Talents"; In 2015, he won the "Zhiyuan Award of Outstanding Alumni of Shanghai Jiao Tong University"; In 2018, it was awarded the title of "Top Ten Outstanding Young Businessmen in Yangtze River Delta", the title of "Shanghai Leading Talents" in 2018, and the title of "Shanghai Leading Pioneer in Smart City Construction" in 2020. [8] [3]