The Champs-Elysees

A famous street in Paris, France
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synonymThe Champs-Elysees(Champs-Elysees) generally refers to the Avenue Champs-Elysees
The Champs-Elysees [1] (French: Avenue des Champs-Elysees), located in France Paris Downtown business district,
The Champs-Elysees is located between the Louvre and The new Triumphal Arch The central axis, also known as Triumph Avenue, is one of the world's three major bustling central streets, and is also known as the world's top ten charming pedestrian streets. She traversed the capital Paris The east-west main road, a total length of 1800 meters, the widest point of about 120 meters, two-way eight lanes, from the east Place de la Concorde , west to Charles de Gaulle Place (also known as Star square ), the eastern section is dominated by natural scenery; The two sides are flat Inns lawn , quiet and peaceful; The western section is a high-end business district with world famous brands, Outfit shop Perfume shops are concentrated here, the fire tree silver flower, graceful and luxurious. This is why it is called "the beautiful street of the world". Per annum July The French Bastille Day parade on the 14th was held on this avenue.
Many novels about the 18th and 19th centuries, for example Alexander Dumas 's Count of Monte Cristo ", Alexander Dumas 's La Dame aux Camelias ", Honore de Balzac 's Old Goriot "And other works have described the prosperity of the Champs-Elysees Avenue, and the Avenue has also become the entertainment paradise of the aristocracy and the emerging bourgeoisie in literary works. [2]
Local time on May 11, 2022, to welcome Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games The transformation project of Champs-Elysees Avenue in Paris was officially launched. The revamp, estimated to cost 260 million euros, will make the Champs-Elysees greener and less polluted. [5]
Chinese name
The Champs-Elysees
Foreign name
Avenue des Champs-Elysees
Geographical position
Paris Downtown business district
Climatic condition
Temperate maritime climate
Opening hours
Whole day
Ticket price
Home country
Play time
A day or so
1,915 m
70 m

Development history


17th century

Autumn view of the Champs-Elysees
Champs-elysees Pastoral Avenue It was founded in 1616, when the Empress Marie de Medicis decided to turn it into a Louvre A swampy field outside has been transformed into a tree-lined avenue. So at that time the Champs-Elysees was known as the "Queen's Boulevard".
The Champs-Elysees has a similar history Paris The history of municipal development is closely linked. According to historical records, in 1667, the royal family horticulturist Legente To expand the horizons of Tuileries Garden, bring something from this royal garden Central axis Extending west to Polka Dot Square, this is the prototype of the avenue. At that time, the road was still flanked by wilderness and swamps.
Mid-17th century, landscape designer at Versailles Palace Legente (Le Notre) Right Louvre anterior Tuileries Garden The redesign was extended Garden center The length of the trail, new alameda From the Louvre to the present-day Champs-Elysees Circular square . Sun King Louis XIV Along this unobstructed road, you can watch the enchanting sunset that disappears on the western horizon every day.
The Champs-Elysees

18th century

In 1709 it was planted on both sides elm The completion of the central Pedestrian Street outlined the initial prototype of the Champs-Elysees. The street also became the main venue for celebrations and gatherings in the city of Paris.
In 1724, the Duke of Antin and the Marquis of Marigny took over Royal garden During this period, they completed the full line planning of the Champs-Elysees, and since then the Champs-Elysees has become Paris The most prestigious, important and attractive street.

19th century

In 19th century France capitalism In the "Belle Era" of rapid development, the western section of the Champs-Elysees complied with the needs of economic development and became an important commercial avenue, while retaining the elegant atmosphere of French style.
The Champs-Elysees
In 1806, Napoleon in Battle of Austerlitz After the defeat of the Austro-Russian allied forces, he led his troops home from this street.
In 1814, the anti-French Coalition forces entered Paris, where Prussian and British soldiers camped.
In 1828, the avenue was fully owned by the city, and later designers Hittorf and Alphand changed the original plan for the Champs-Elysees: they added a fountain, footpath And gas street lights. Make it into French garden The first boulevard in history.
The Champs-Elysees
Second Empire Period, Napoleon III It took 18 years (1851-1869) to build a vigorous expansion of Paris, which he commissioned Seine Governor Osman presided over the expansion. For rearranging traffic in the clogged city, Osman put intersection Change the square to Transportation hub To this end, many street squares were expanded, such as Star square , Place de la Bastille Let's wait. Connecting parts Grand square The intersection is straight and wide Phoenix tree Tree Avenue, flanked by luxurious five - and six-story buildings; In the vista, each avenue leads to a monument. This pattern made the city magnificent and smooth traffic flow, which was followed by many metropolises in the world at that time. To the eye, it still looks good Practical standard with Aesthetic standard A model of combination.
It is this expansion project that makes the Champs-Elysees truly become a" France First Avenue ". Haussmann widened the original five avenues and built seven more, making the square the center of 12 radiating avenues. The Champs-Elysees is extended from Polka Dot to Star Square, becoming one of 12 avenues. After the expansion of Paris, the Champs-Elysees ushered in the spring of its development history. Entrepreneurs have built houses there, opened a rich French fashion stores, high-end cosmetics stores, banks, high-end cars, high-end cabaret And so on.
1885, great writer Hugo The funeral procession passed here.

The 20th century

In 1942, the Nazi army made a show of force against the peaceful forces of the world.
In 1944, Free Paris The army is here to receive the cheers of the people;
In 1970, on the same boulevard, the French observed a moment of silence for General de Gaulle.
From the 1980s onwards, along with Urbanization process The acceleration of the Champs Elysees appearance was destroyed. Many urban planners and designers pained to point out that the Champs-Elysees is also not immune to the common problems of metropolitan streets.
The biggest problem is that the position of the relationship between pedestrians and vehicles is reversed, and more than half of the pedestrian side roads are parked with various vehicles, coupled with traffic congestion, and pedestrians are blocked.
And then there's the confusion on street view, from Telephone booth to newsstand , from billboard To the AD column, everything Art form A mixed story. Even the building itself, it's covered Leave a message And all kinds of colorful advertisements. Third, there is the danger of evolving into noisy high streets. greasy Wrapping paper And the neon lights of the shopping mall, gradually covered its noble and elegant image.

21st century

The Champs-Elysees - Avenue of Light is one of the most famous pedestrian streets in the world. The Champs-Elysees is known as perfect [6] The straight line from Louvre To the museum Arc de Triomphe Connected and located Place de la Concorde Between the two great squares of Cape Lande. The road is covered with two hundred year old trees. At the same time, on both sides of the road are shops of every famous brand in the world. Walking down the street, you can easily get to the most attractive of Paris Tourist destination Such as the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, The Grand Palace And Petit Palais.... Witness all the exciting moments in the city's history. Today, the Avenue is still the venue for major city and national events. [4]
Local time on May 11, 2022, to welcome Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games The transformation project of Champs-Elysees Avenue in Paris was officially launched. The revamp, estimated to cost 260 million euros, will make the Champs-Elysees greener and less polluted. [5]

Environmental layout

Bird's eye view of the Champs-Elysees
The Champs-Elysees is divided into two sections bounded by the Polka Dot Square: the eastern section is Treaty 700 Meter length The boulevard is dominated by natural scenery and the road is a flat English lawn. The western section is a high-end business district of about 1200 meters, and it is also the place where the world's famous brands are most dense. while Outfit shop Perfume shops, near the Arc de Triomphe the most shops. The Champs Elysees Close to Seine The first part is parallel, south of the avenue, is the Seine River. Two are 8-lane streets, which rise and fall in between. Down the road is Arc de Triomphe .

Protective measure

1914, the famous leather goods manufacturing company" Louis Vuitton After entering this avenue, the "Committee for the Defense of the Champs-Elysees" was launched, and later changed its name several times.
In 1980 it was renamed the Champs-Elysees Committee, whose mission was to "defend the reputation of the most beautiful promenade in the world". The committee consists of about 400 people, all volunteers, representing businesses and residents on both sides of the Champs-Elysees. The committee is funded by membership fees, so it can be used by individuals or Interest group Be independent and give advice for the public good.
1985 The Committee has been following up on the destruction of the Champs-Elysees since 1985 and in 1989 came up with the "Save the Champs-Elysees Plan".
In February 1992, at its prompting, Paris The city government started the renovation project, the main purpose of the project is to restore the original appearance of the promenade, to make room for pedestrians Activity space .
Champs-elysees and Arc de Triomphe
The main contents are:
one , Cancel Roadside parking A five-storey underground car park with 850 parking Spaces will be constructed and 4 hectares of pavement will be reclaimed footpath .
Second, the pavement pavement, with light gray between small blue dots granite Laying, giving a sense of calm and calm.
Third, after widening the sidewalk, and planting two rows of parasol trees, there are four rows of trees on both sides of the avenue, and there is a walking avenue landscape covered by green trees.
Evening on the Champs-Elysees
4. Reset the "furniture" of the avenue, including reinstalling street lights, bench , bus Bus shelter , poster post, newsstand Let's wait. Arts and crafts designer They combine the Kit Kat concept with traditional style, integrating modern style with classical sentiment. The tone of the new "furniture" is grey and black, and the accessories are shiny dark cast iron, maintaining the elegant and solemn style, faithful to the traditional image of the Champs-Elysees.
In September 1994, after more than two years of renovation, the Champs-Elysees project was completed. The whole project cost 240 million yuan franc (about 37 million euros), not including the 30 million francs (4.6 million euros) spent on renovating the facades on both sides of the avenue. At the completion ceremony, Chirac, the mayor of Paris at the time, boarded the Arc de Triomphe and lit the trees on both sides of the avenue Strip light . emerald The ribbon of light changes in waves through the branches of the trees, which is spectacular. Chirac told the jubilant crowd: "Champs-Elysees, people subconsciousness The wonderful place has restored its reputation."
French folk have protection Historical and cultural heritage The tradition of... After more than 300 years of evolution, the Champs-Elysees Avenue has become the most scenic and humanistic avenue in France, and the French people call it "the most beautiful promenade in the world" without modesty. [3]

Festival activity

Every year on July 14th, Bastille Day, President of France Will attend the military parade on the Champs-Elysees.
The Champs-Elysees is also traditionally The Tour de France The end of the last leg.
On the last day of each year, the Champs-Elysees becomes a pedestrian street where people celebrate the New Year.

Traffic line

Paris Metro Line 9, Line 6, Line 13, etc. will go to the Champs-Elysees Avenue, as long as you see the direction to champs-elycees-clemenceau.
Take subway lines 1, 2 and 3 Charles de Gaulle - E toile Stand.