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Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere

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Run JavaScript Everywhere Node.js® is a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that lets developers create servers, web apps, command l...


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% node example.jsServer running at Here is an example of a simple TCP server which listens on port 1337 and echoes whatever you send it: v...

node.jsInstallation tutorials - Related blogs - Developer Search

167,000 reads
Begin to learnNodeJSJust to figure out what is itnodejs, what can be done, how to use... What isnodejs? Scripting languages need a parser to run, JavaScript is a scripting language, there are different parsers in different locations,...
Short letter
472,000 readings
According to their own computer system and bit selection, I choose here windows64.msi format installation package.msi format difference:.msi is Windows installer developed program installation file, it allows you to install, modify, uninstall...
ZOL Download
node.jsThe official version is a very professional browsing AIDS software. This software operation is very simple, the function is also very strong; Is a Javascript runtime.
This article, written on August 11, 2019, is now more than two years away from April 4, 2022. During this period, the author's experience level increased, fornodejsThe understanding of a lot of profound, so will be from today, slowly recalibrate and supplement this article...
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releases | node.js

Node v20.14.0 (LTS) ReleasesNode v20.14.0 (LTS) Node v18.20.3 (LTS) ReleasesNode v18.20.3 (LTS) Node v22.2.0 (Current) Node v20.13.1 (LTS) ReleasesNode v20.13.1 (LTS) Node v22.1.0 (C...

Node.js — Download Node.js®

Download Node.js the way you want. Install Node.jsv20.14.0 (LTS)onusingnvm Package managers and their installation scripts are not maintained by the Node.js proje...

Node.js — Download Node.js®

Download Node.js the way you want. Install Node.jsv20.14.0 (LTS)onusingnvm Package managers and their installation scripts are not maintained by the Node.js proje...

Node.jsChinese documentation | Node.js Chinese website

Node.jsIt is a JavaScript runtime environment based on Chrome V8 engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and efficient. Node.js package manager npm, is the world's largest open source library...

Node.js- Node v6.10.1 (LTS)

March 21, 2017 Node v6.10.1 (LTS) : The performance of several APIs has been improved. up to 35% faster on average. (Brian White)#10927 buffer.t...

Node.js- Node v18.7.0 (Current)

July 26, 2022 [7762e463d6] - deps: update corepack to 0.12.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #43965 [1256c4dad5] - deps: update hast-util-raw (Moshe Atlow) #43927 [aac97c2d2a] - deps: update un...

Node.js- Node v17.4.0 (Current)

January 18, 2022 [e339220511] - meta: update AUTHORS (Node.js GitHub Bot) #41322 [d0d595f8f2] - meta: update node-api team name (Richard Lau) #41268 [a53fa2010b] - meta: move one or mor...