Special attention

Beijing TV people's livelihood news program
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"Special Attention" is a livelihood news program broadcast by Beijing Radio and Television, its predecessor is Beijing TV set "Beijing Noon News" and Beijing Cable TV "Special Attention".
The program always adheres to the purpose of "paying attention to social development and getting close to people's lives". Through the media to report the people's concerns, the things around, the difficulties, the troubles, listen to the people's voices, reflect the social hot spots, for the people to solve the problems, to build Bridges for the government.
The show starts every day at 12:00 Beijing Satellite TV , Beijing Radio and Television News channel Premiere.
Chinese name
Special attention
Foreign name
Beijing Noon News
Generic type
People's livelihood news program
Production country/region
China Peking
Production company
Beijing Radio and Television
Premiere time
16 November 2000
Network playback platform
Beijing time [1]
Broadcast status
On air
Duration per episode
60 minutes
First seeding
12:00 every day

Program characteristics

"Special Attention" is a news column aimed at people's livelihood news. Its predecessor is Beijing TV set "Beijing Noon News" and Beijing Cable TV "Special Attention".
Always adhere to the "concern about social development, close to the people's lives" column purpose. Strive to use the express speed, special perspective, special means, to report the people's concern, the things around, the difficult things, the troublesome things. True and objective interpretation of news events, rational and meticulous attention to people's lives. Listen to the voices of the people, reflect social hot spots, solve problems for the people, and build Bridges for the government.
Premiere Time: 12:00 every day (BTV- Beijing Satellite TV, news broadcast live, until December 28, 2012) (including Beijing TV's "Beijing Noon News" and Beijing Cable TV's "Special Attention") has been a daily 12:30 premiere
Replay time : daily 06:02 (day before replay), 16:47 (day of replay) (BTV- News channel replay)
Special place
"Special Attention" is the vanguard of the livelihood news program of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and the reason why it has been in the forefront of the audience for a long time has its own special place.
At 1 o 'clock every day, for Sang Zhaohui, the anchor of "Special Attention", it is his "prescribed action" to finish the live broadcast of half an hour and make a cup of tea to moisten his voice. Sitting in the anchor seat for 6 years, accustomed to the point of time to "talk", but also used to use the TV thinking frame by frame to calculate their own rest time, tired or happy? Sang Zhaohui, who is usually low-key and does not love to talk, once he sits on the anchor position, he becomes witty, "Can communicate with thousands of viewers every day, how many people can do it?" It must be happiness."
"Special Attention" pays attention to the people's livelihood, pays attention to the people, reports on the people every day, "if you are used to standing on the" people "standpoint to think about problems, people's varied life, will stimulate people's desire for communication and responsibility." Sang Zhaohui said that the fresh content of "Special Attention" every day is the driving force that he can enjoy.
In fact, "Special Attention" is precisely in the "exchange" emphasized by Sang Zhaohui, and step by step become Beijing Radio and Television People's livelihood news column Iconic brand . Focusing on social development and close to people's lives, "Special Attention" has always ranked among the top five ratings in Beijing. However, in the view of Liu Jianhui, the chief editor of the column, "Special attention" has achieved high ratings at the same time, the audience's love is also becoming a strong pressure, this invisible baton is always motivating the column group, and virtually forging the column group reporters and editors into an iron army (blog). Dozens of reporters of the column group are busy in the streets and alleys of Beijing every day and night, just as the name of "Special Attention", many reporters of the column group have also trained very "special" skills.
Xia Lei is a senior reporter of the column, in his eyes, the "special attention" team is really worth saying, after years of training, many reporters of the column are extraordinary, some have practiced martial arts, and some are familiar with local dialects, these skills provide "convenience" for them to do interviews. "Like we do secret interviews, many interviewees are malicious, vigilance is very high, if I can talk to him in dialect, invisible their guard will be a lot less, of course, martial arts sanda, can also improve some self-protection, after all, some interviews are too dangerous, some interviewees are carrying weapons."
Xia Lei joked that in order to do some negative reports, the reporters of the column group will transform, performing skills are not inferior to professional actors, goose traders, coal buyers, military buyers, contractors, milkmen and so on have been their starring "roles", but there is one point, "actors can play, but we can not reveal any flaws." In fact, a flaw means a danger to life, and many times, behind the news that has caused a strong social response, the reporter's pay is little known.
Liu Jianhui, chief editor of the program, said that it is the professional attitude of journalists that "Special Attention" has maintained a sustained influence, "after the news is broadcast, the pain and fatigue of journalists will disappear, and a strong sense of social responsibility supports the whole program group, completing the interview task again and again, and not slack off." Liu Jianhui gave reporters an example, not long ago, a column report "more than 10 households in the dark for more than a year", reflecting the 97 courtyard of Xuanwai Street, due to a number of units. The electricity reform project can not be carried out, due to arrears by the power supply department for more than a year, more than a year, more than 10 households in the courtyard can only live in the dark, many residents have to go home after 12 o 'clock in the night, just to sleep. The column reporter conducted an investigation and interview, visited several relevant units and departments, and the third day after the broadcast of the program, residents of No. 97 courtyard had access to electricity. "The people are happy, in fact, the reporters and editors of the column are also very excited. That's the fun of people's news. You can see the changes brought about by our efforts."
Liu Jianhui said that in order to make "Special Attention" bring more freshness to the audience, more theme planning will be launched in the future to bring more and more practical help to the people. The upcoming May Day, the column reporter will also visit a lot of people and things interviewed in the past, "special attention is not short-term attention, our attention to some things will be long-term, so as to be closer to the people." In Liu Jianhui's eyes, the brand value of "Special Attention" is long-term.



Cao Yinan

Height: 1.80 meters
Weight: 77 kg
Birthday: July 4th
Sign: Cancer
Native place: Jiangsu
Nationality: Han
Host program: "Special Attention" Beijing Radio and Television "Special attention" host, full of affinity smile and years of experience in the news is his killer. Previous awards: Third prize for excellent broadcasting and hosting works of China Radio and Television Society; Central Propaganda Department, All-China Journalists' Association Two awards for outstanding propaganda works in the Fight against SARS; China Radio and Television Society TV legal program second prize.

Sang Zhaohui

Date of birth: December 9
Animal Sign: Rat
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 174cm
Blood type: B
Major: Broadcasting and hosting
Native place: Changchun, Jilin Province
Nationality: Han
Hobbies: morning running, cooking
Favorite book: Non-fiction, martial arts novels Yuming Zao: As long as you work hard! Do not deceive others, and do not deceive yourself!
Host: A lot of... And now "Special Attention."
Sang Zhaohui, Beijing Radio and Television News program Center "Special attention" "City evening peak" host, a broadcaster, as a "special attention" "City evening peak" column anchor, fresh and natural and no shortage of humor, good at improvisation hosting style is impressive! He graduated from Communication University of China in 1994 Broadcasting and hosting major After graduation, he entered the editorial department of Beijing Radio and Television News Center.

Zhao Binbin

Date of birth: 27 July
Place of birth: Heilongjiang
Native place: Shandong
History: Graduated in 1997 Zhejiang University of Communication In the same year, he began to work at Beijing Radio and Television Station
Host program: "Special Attention"
Testimonials: Touching people with sincerity and sincerity should be sincere in order to succeed
He graduated from Zhejiang University of Media and Communication in 1997 and began to work at Beijing Radio and Television Station in the same year.
Host column: "Special attention".
" The abdomen has poetry gas from Hua "TV news requires and sharpens TV news anchors from its characteristics. Only by constantly improving ourselves and keeping up with the pace of the development of the media can we give TV news a fresh life, make news play an efficient role, and enable the audience to quickly grasp the information, feel the life, and correctly and calmly understand the change.

Column introduction

"Special Attention" column is a special column of life information and service reports about people's livelihood services [2] .
The "Special Attention" column provides comprehensive coverage related to the quality of people's lives, pays attention to the protection of consumer rights and interests, in-depth analysis of the current hot news topics and displays the most real events to the TV audience with the screen. The coverage scope of the column covers the release of policy information related to the quality of people's lives, the work dynamics of relevant government functional departments, and the timely and accurate reporting. Knowledge, service strong, by the majority of TV viewers love and welcome.
Taking the quality of people's living clothing, food, housing and travel as the viewpoint, reporting on maintaining the interests of people's life, promoting healthy consumption knowledge as its responsibility, paying attention to the quality of people's life, and guiding a safe, healthy and harmonious life.

Column positioning

1. Column content positioning
News and information programs. Report on the national policies and regulations with strong livelihood orientation, and report on the relevant departments' closely related work dynamics on the quality of people's life and the protection of people's rights. "There are no small things around the people", reporting the people because the quality of the products around them is not guaranteed, the basic rights and interests of the people in life can not be maintained "livelihood events", the content is small and the service is strong.
2. Column form positioning
Information services, the content of the plate is "short, flat and fast", and the policy information, dynamic reports and interactive services are combined.
3. Column audience positioning
Youth, middle age, middle and old age, the vast population of all ages.
1, with Hebei Province Administration for Industry and Commerce, Hebei Food and Drug Administration , Hebei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security Direct cooperation, while relying on the Hebei Technical Supervision Bureau, Hebei Provincial Health Supervision Bureau and other administrative regulatory departments as policy information support units, to ensure the authority and professionalism of the program.
2. Combine in plate setting Mobile digital television Audience characteristics, short and fast information reporting, strong orientation of content selection policies, regulations and people's livelihood, event reporting close to the people, strong audience interaction service and other unique reporting perspectives favored by the people.