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Timur Tukuru

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Timur Tukuru
synonymTimur the Bald black(Tuhulu Timur) generally refers to Tuhulu Timur
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Tughlugh Timur, The year 1329 - The year 1363 ), The year 1347 On the throne. East Chagatai Khanate Khan. Genghis Khan The seventh Son (some say he was also the first not to spend the son), he was the first to publicly announce his acceptance Islam the Mughal Stan Khan, he is made of Dugrat subordinate Akzo Brought in to take the throne. Before he became Khan, he met He Zhuo Jamaruddin once asked a question, yes Tajik Better than dogs, or dogs better than Tajiks, He Zhuo Saying that if he had faith, then he was stronger than the dog, and if he did not have faith, then the dog was stronger than him, so that Bald ulu Timur had a great feeling, and replied that he could become religious after sweating.
Timur Tukuru
Date of birth
The year 1329
Date of death
The year 1363
Foreign name
Tughlugh Timur
Don't spend it yet After his death, he had no children and remained empty for more than ten years. The Dugrat sought him out as Khan. His accession to the Dugrat ministry was obtained Kashgar For fiefdom. The other big thing is in The year 1353 by He Zhuo ersidine Officiating at his initiation. 160,000 Mughals are enrolled, except for the Chulis Emir A little hesitation. According to the Haydar He said that he discussed his missionary policy with Hezhuo and decided to meet the nobles one by one, if they were religious, they would have no problem, if they were not, they would be put to death as idolaters. But not without a fight, Alimari the nestorianism The mutineers took advantage of his river conquers. During his reign, the Chagatai Khanate was reunited and attacked in 1361 In the river ( Thirst stone And keep his son Also inside the teeth of the fire Governor of the river. by Tamerlane , Conry Man Bejik, Qarluc Man Hamid acts as assistant. After his death, the Khanate fell into chaos again.