The Timurid Empire

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synonymThe Timur Empire(Timur Empire) generally the Timurid Empire
The Timurid Empire (Farsi: Ebony Mojijije, English: Timuriddynasty; April 10, 1370 [15 ] - 1507 [16 ] ), yes Central Asia In the river Region of western Chagatai Mongol nobility Tamerlane An empire founded in 1370. The capital was originally Bari Black And then moved the capital one after another Samarkand , Herat Herat (also translated as Harry, Herat).
Timur was the founder Thirst stone territorial Tujue, a nationality in ancient China Barulis' Emir And later married East Chagatai Khanate Royal family Black son of fire The daughter is concubine. Black son fire in the eyes of the people is Genghis Khan Of the descendants, so Timur himself acquired Political power The legitimacy of... Timur's early occupation of the river as a core for expansion. After the death of Timur, his descendants fought each other for the throne, followed by his four sons Shaharu Unified most of the empire and maintained prosperity for nearly half a century. Shaharu and his son Gurubor After his death, the Timurid empire gradually fell apart and was finally destroyed in 1507 Uzbek Replace. The fifth grandson of Timur Babur He fled to Kabul and established himself in South Asia The Mughal Empire .
Timurid Empire conquered East Chagatai Khanate , Midriver area , Khwarizm , Mesopotamia , Asia Minor , Caucasian and Greater Iran District, and with Ottoman Empire Fighting, trying to revive Mongol Empire But in the end it was Timur who invaded China Ming Dynasty The period (1404-1405) was interrupted by his death. The empire's heyday stretched from Asia Minor to India Delhi West Asia, Central Asia and South Asia Fergana Basin , from the North Syr and Aral Sea , Nam Giet Arabian Sea and The Persian Gulf The Great Empire.
The Timurid Empire absorbed the excellent cultural achievements of different nationalities, blended and merged, and showed that Tujue, a nationality in ancient China The characteristic new cultural appearance further developed Turkic-Iranian culture. Timur's family is in the capital Samarkand The founding of the university, gradually replacing the cultural status of Baghdad, became Moslem The academic center.
Chinese name
The Timurid Empire
Foreign name
Timurid dynasty
Time frame
10 April 1370 to 1507 [15 to 16 ]
Bari Black , Samarkand , Herat
Major city
Herat Tashkent, Yulong Jerch, Kandahar, Isfahan, Tabriz, Baghdad, etc
Political system
Absolute monarchy
National leader
Population number
28.5 million (1405)
Major nationality
Turkish people , Persians , Mongols Etc.
Major religion
Land area
About 4.6 million square kilometers (1405)

Title of a kingdom

Temur (1336-1405) : Mongolian for "iron". "Timur" is the transliteration of Temur, and Tamerlane is the Western name for him. [1 ]



Empire building

Tamerlane (1336-1405) was the founder of the Timurid Empire, where Timur was born, in In the river Within the jurisdiction of a monarch named Hashem, Thirst stone Near the city. He was born on August 25 (April 8, 1336) in the year of the Rat. Pass on its ancestors and Genghis Khan Same clan. There are Harazal The Yan is said to be the brother of Genghis Khan, the ancestor of Timur. Timur's inscriptions list his lineage, saying that the Tumeur was the son of Ha 'i, the son of Ha 'i Chibaru, the son of Yilan Chibaru, the son of Khura Nayan, the son of Khura's son, the son of Khura's son, the son of Khura's son, the son of Khura's son, the son of Talahai, the son of Talahai's son, Timur's son. A direct successor to Timur Shaharu Once widely researched. [1 ] Judging by his family, it was a powerful one in Timur's father's day, The Western Chagatai Khanate The royal family intermarried with them. In 1357, Isamir Khan was assassinated, and anarchy returned to the river. In 1358, Qazhan's son Mirza Abdalah was expelled by Tamerlane's uncle, the Thirstite king Haji, and another regional Turkic noble named Bayan. However, neither Haji nor Bayan had the political acumen to navigate the Turkic nobility of the river. Moreover, Ghazhan's grandson Miri Hushin established himself as an important monarch in Afghanistan, with territories including Kabul , Bari Black , Kunduz And Badakshan. It was a feudal state in the river Kingdom. Yili prefecture The Chagatai Khan Timur Tukuru Taking advantage of the chaos, the people invaded and conquered the river, so that under his rule, the original Chaihetai Wulus was restored (according to the Book of Martial Arts in March 1360). Timur's uncle Haji gave up his futile struggle and fled from Thirststone Khorasan . [19 ]
In 1361, Tamerlane Khan took advantage of the chaos in the river and led his troops to seize its territory. Timur, along with his brother-in-law Isamyhushin, took refuge in the tribes of Niguri and Hezareth at this time. Tukuru Timur Khan took it Samarkand And he commanded his son Also inside the teeth of the fire Keep him under guard and appoint Timur as his advisor. Soon after, Timur was insulted by the fire meditator of Yaliya, so he abandoned his post and joined forces with Isomyhusin to restore him to the river. Soon after, Toulu Timur Khan died. In 1364, Tamerlane and Isomyhushin went to war. Also in the tooth thought fire and battle can not win, then cross again Wuhu River , retreat unprickly There is a complaint home different Mihalding, use the potential to kill also tooth thought fire, slaughter its family. Also in the teeth of the fire of the sons, only Qisi son of the fire of a person to take off, later his descendants of the King's landing can be lost, duck to see two places. The Khanate then came into the possession of Hamardin, who was driven out by the force of Temur five times before he was killed. [20 ]
In 1370, Timur killed Husin, installed the puppet ruler, and became the supreme ruler of the river. He declared himself to be The Chagatai Khanate The heir, fixed capital Bari Black He later moved his capital to Samarkand and established the Timurid Empire. When Timur came to the throne, it began with the Tsurai, Khwarizm These campaigns began between 1369 and 1370 and ended in 1380. These were his most difficult battles, which were well documented by Shevuddin, with four battles against Khwarizm and five battles against Zadeh. Timur attacked his former ally Husin, besieging Bari and taking the city, and Husin surrendered. Timur pretended to allow him, ordered him to go to the holy place, and had him killed on the way. Tamerlane declared himself the heir of the Genghis Khanate in Samarkand, the king of the Chagatai Khanate, and marched to Khwarazm with an army of fanatic followers, scholars, poets, musicians, and teachers whom he had received. [20 ]
At the time of the Khinchak rebellion, in 1375, The White Horde Ruth Khan of the same Crimean Khanate the disorientation The Khan had his own land to fight against each other. Totuo lost his way, went to Timur, and Timur helped him with his army. The following year, the lost retook the land of Kipchak. Four years later, Timur did Slavs Contact. The Great Horde Khanate He was defeated by the rebellious Mithri Dong Sikuo. Timur took advantage of this situation to order Totol Lost to attack his country, kill the Mamai Khan, and force Mitri to become a minister. The Mitri did not comply, so the Tartars invaded Orus Border. [20 ]

Tetrahedral expansion

Once Timur had gained control of the river, he expanded further into the surrounding areas. Between 1375 and 1379, Timur attacked the Chagatai Khanate in the east. Starting in 1380, they took it Persia and Afghanistan . He was 45 years old at this time, and led his army across the Uhu River into Khorasan, attacking the capital of the kingdom of Hur, Hareh, whose king Zizen Din Ali asked for surrender. Timur came in Yudhuai County Ye teacher 88 Sanghu. After Sarahar's arrival, Timur went to Zainuddin Abbek, the ceremonial sage of Tagbah. Turn to out of son lost thought, son Milansha to meet, the king of the Mufei dynasty Sha Shuzha sent to see. In that year Timur spent the winter in Samarkand, where his wife Leshahab and his elder sister, Kurtulu Huilakhan Ahob, died. From 1382 to 1383, Timur began his crusade against the idolatry of the Mongols, and then invaded the northern Persian states. Timur's invasion, though not long in coming, was met with some stiff resistance, and the garrison of the city of Kiri, where Timur had gathered a skull in several other cities, died in defiance of the battle. Ali Mahathir, king of Sabzava, surrendered along with several local Kings, and Ali, king of Khorasan, saw that resistance was futile and also surrendered. Timur was lenient and still ordered such monarchs to rule their states without a fight, and decided to build some places such as Tahar, and also to army Samarkand. Commander Harlie died, the whole army of the Khur rebelled, and killed a number of Turks and Mongols. At that time Miranshah was stationed in the Muerhob River with a division from the north of Persia, and was ordered to revolt, to kill the princes, and to destroy the city. Accelerated Ding Ali first hid its treasures in Kejisan, to go to its place, Miransa killed it, sent the king of the Hu dynasty to Samarahan, by the death of the Hu Dynasty. The Kings of the Sabertel dynasty, Shahudubudin, the king of Xistian, were also captured and sent to Samarkand. [17 ]
From 1386 to 1387, Timur embarked on a great expedition. The battle was extended for two years, and the result was that Faersi, Irahel, and Ajerbai were divided into three regions. The first to attack the king of Luo Yashiding, then defeated the Luchier and Hulinmaba, and developed Tiboris. Salathan Almazariyar is defeated, Penna Qizhewang. Timur wintered in Tiberis, and the best craftsmen of the city sent them to Samarkand. In the autumn, he crossed the Arath River, took Gath and Tifrith, destroyed the land of the valleys, and wintered at Harbar. In the first few months of 1387, Timur restored Asia Minor, including Babayayi, Erjerumu, Erzan, Muh, Ahereti, Wanzhucheng, Salemath, and Urmiya. The Mujiphir ruler Nalabidin refused to enter the court, so Timur imposed a heavy tax on the city of Yisfahang, and the people could not bear the heavy tax, so there was a revolt, killing most of the officials. Tamerlane led his army into the city of Falsi, massacred seventy thousand people in the city of Falfa, and gathered its skull for the capital. Zaynal Abidin ran from his brother uncle lost 忒儿 chief Shaman speed son of the place. Shaman Speer was thrown into prison, and the Kings of his clan and other local monarchs descended to Timur. [17 ]
Conquered in 1388 Khwarizm . From 1389 to 1395, he attacked the Kipchak Khanate several times, destroying its capital Salai Burkle And other cities, rule Armenia Hoa Caucasian . He invaded India in 1398 Delhi sultanate capital Delhi He slaughtered about 100,000 prisoners of war and occupied northern India. Egypt, which defeated the Mongol armies The Mamluks For refusing to ally with the Timurid Empire, 1400 Tamerlane Lead troops to attack Syria Sultan Faraji himself led the army resistance to no avail, the entire territory of Syria was occupied, the city Damascus Be burned ( Syrian war ).
In the spring of 1402, Timur mobilized around 140,000 troops and the offensive was on the rise Ottoman Empire . On July 20th Battle of Ankara The defeat of the Ottoman Empire and the capture of its sultan was "Lightning." Bayesette I Making its empire from Delhi to India Asia Minor , Mesopotamia The Great Empire.
His defeat of the Ottoman Empire, which was expanding at the time, indirectly brought relief Islamic culture The infiltration of Christian culture and the whole of Europe. The artists, craftsmen and scholars brought back from Asia Minor were left to Samarkand Countless priceless heritage buildings make the site its grandchild Gurubor Under the management, it became the center of gravity of Islamic culture in Central Asia.
In November 1404, Timur invaded the Ming Dynasty, and died of illness on February 18, 1405, so that the expedition ended without success.

Internal chaos arises

During his lifetime, Timur divided his territory among his descendants and designated his eldest grandchildren Pierre Horse Black hemp (son of Timur's eldest son Jahangir) as heir. Immediately after the death of Timur, his descendants began to struggle for the throne. Pir Mahmah was in Afghanistan, and Samarkand became another grandson of Timur Halil He took possession of it and made himself Khan. Pir Maheema led an army to claim the position, but was defeated by Khalil and retreated Afghanistan He was later killed by his men.


Timur's fourth son Shaharu In order to avenge the name of PI Mahelma, he marched into the river, seized the throne of Thamur, and made Irahel the fief of Khalil. Thus, all the territories of the original Timurid dynasty except Sipos Except, it was all united by Shaharu. The descendants of Timur of Western Persia were soon followed by the Turkmen Black Sheep Dynasty Destroyed. Shaharu's control was confined to the middle of the river, Afghanistan and eastern Persia.
In addition to martial arts, Shaharu also paid special attention to the construction of culture and education. The university was founded in the capital Samarkand, which gradually replaced the cultural status of Baghdad as the academic center of the river. During the reign of Shah Haru, there was a constant exchange of tributary envoys with the Ming Dynasty of China, and official and private trade was very active.
Shaharu ordered his eldest son Gurubor In the town of Samarkand, guarding the river, he remained Herat For the capital.

Decay and perish

After Shaharu's death, the Timurid Empire fell into chaos. During the war for the throne, Gurubus was killed by his own son Abra Radib He was killed, and the latter was killed by one of his cronies. Power in the river region fell last Miransa In the hands of his grandson ABU Saeed. while Khorasan The region was the second son of Timur Umal Shahei Mirza Occupied by the descendants of Sultan Hussein Baikala. Shaharu's Temur dynasty was split in two.
In 1451, AbuSa'idMirza (AbuSa 'idmirza) united most of the old Timurid Empire and defeated its powerful eastern enemies The Chagatai Khanate And reintroduced the tentacles of the Timurid empire into Persia. He then made an agreement with his ally Jahan Shah, ruler of the Black Sheep Dynasty, to divide Persia. In 1466, the Black Sheep king Jahan Shah invaded Aries Dynasty , by Aries male master Uzon Hassan At the request of Jahan Shah, ABU Said Mirza also participated in the battle, but was successively defeated by Uzun Hassan, and in 1469 ABU Said Mirza was captured and killed.
After the death of ABU Said Mirza, the Timurid empire fell apart, and the Khorasan Timurid dynasty was ruled by Haissein Mirza, while the rest of the empire was divided Ahmed reigning Bukhara , Samarkand Hissar (the three lands split after Ahmad's death), under Umar Mirza Fergana , Mahmood reigning Barch And under Mirza Uluha Kabul .
1500, Mongolia Reddish reddish skin Line progeny Sibanihan command Uzbek nationality Nomadic tribes conquered Bukhara and Samarkand and established Bukhara Khanate The Timurid Empire fell.
In 1501, the Uzbek Khanate defeated the Temur dynasty in the river region; In May 1507, the Khorasan Timurid dynasty was destroyed. The river region formed a feudal dynasty founded by the Uzbeks. But Timur's family did not disappear altogether, the fifth grandson of Timur Babur After a failed attempt to restore the empire from Kabul, he entered India and founded it in 1526 The Mughal Empire . Thus, in a sense, the Timurid Empire continued.
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Timur's time
( Atlas reference [9-10] )



Sphere of domination

At the end of the reign of Timur, the Timurid Empire reached its largest territory, stretching from North India in the east, the Euphrates River in the west, the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf in the south, and the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea in the north. By the time of Shah Haru's accession, control was limited to the Middle Rivers, Afghanistan, and eastern Persia, but remained largely maintained. After the death of Shaharu and his son, Gurub, the empire was divided.
Map of the Timurid Empire at the beginning of the 15th century [18]

Vassal state

In addition to the areas directly under central administration, the Timurid Empire was governed and administered in the manner of a Turkic-Mongol nomadic regime. Parts of the conquered territory were given to members of the Timur family, the generals of the imperial army, and the Emir, the ruler of the original region. The city of Harith was the fief of Shah Haru; Samargan was the fief of Timur's grandson, Maheimar Sandan; Bari, Kunduz, Kabul, Kandahar and other places were the fiefdom of Pir Mahema, grandson of Timur. During the reign of Shah Haru, the empire's territories were divided again in addition to those of his father, with his eldest son, Gurub, ruling the river lands; The second son, Ibrahim, ruled over Bariher; Shaharu himself ruled Khorasan and the western part of the Empire. The vassals inherited their own fiefdoms, but the regional administration was administered by officials sent from the center, and the vassals only enjoyed the taxes paid by the peasants of the fiefdoms. [4]
In some areas of the Empire (mainly Khorasan and its west), Timur retained a number of dynasties ruled by natives, which became protectorates of the Empire. The rulers of these dynasties had to pay a considerable amount of taxes. For example, the Sabzwar family, under the aegis of Timur, continued to maintain autonomy. However, of these autonomous dynasties in the western part of the Steppe Empire, only the Shalbeddar State lasted longer, and the rest were destroyed by rebellions against the Empire. [4]



King Khan ruled the state

The Tamerlane family was not a Mongol noble of the Genghis Khanate, so Timur strongly defended the legitimacy of the Genghis Khanate at the beginning of the nation. He appeared as the successor of the Chagatai Khanate and retained the king of the Chagatai line. He also wanted legitimacy through intermarriage. In addition, the Timurid Empire for a long time to Chagatai Mongol aristocracy policy of preferential treatment. Grandson of Timur Gurubor During the reign, the Samarkand regime not only supported a Chagatai khan after the example of Thamur, but also overruled the Mongol laws. Dasyasa Show respect. After Gurub, the tendency to emphasize the legitimacy of the Chagatai system was weakened. [2]

Central administration

The administration of the Timurid Empire was twofold, maintaining some of the rules of the Turkic-Mongol nomad regime while absorbing much of the Arab-Persian style of administration, which the rulers of the Timurid Empire integrated and adapted to suit the needs of the empire. The Timurid Empire was united in dominion and administration. The Supreme ruler "Sutan" is also the supreme ruler of the central government, and they are all from the Timur family. In practice, the Timurid government was an institution governed by the will of the monarchs, who interfered freely in the affairs of government and demanded that their subordinates be completely loyal to them rather than faithful to their own duties. [4]
A seven-member council of Ministers was retained under Suthan, and the basic division of Labour in the council of ministers was: one person was in charge of the military; One person is in charge of administration, including commerce, trade, finance and public security; One man in charge of travelers and unoccupied estates; One person managed the court affairs of the Sutan royal family; The other three manage the border. The responsibilities of the seven basically reflected the division of labor in the central government of the Timurid Empire: namely, administrative, judicial, court administration, and military institutions. [4]
As early as the Timurid conquest, a central government had been formed that moved with the campaigns of the Great Khan, the Centre Divan . The Central Diwan embodied the Arab-Persian style of administration. There were three types of officials in the central administration, the highest of which was Mukhardar, the palmprint, as well as judges and financial officers. The main functions of the central Diwan were to collect taxes, register property and ransoms in conquered cities, and supervise provincial Diwan. The people involved were Persians and Chagatai. [4]
In the administration of the Timurid Empire, a large number of clerks of Persian origin were employed, who had administrative skills, especially in writing and recording; However, Persian officials had a lower position in the administration, with Chagatai emirs who were familiar with Persian traditions and understood the settled culture occupying higher positions, and in general, the highest positions were held by Chagatai emirs. in Khorasan The Chagatai Emir was also tasked with monitoring the regional administration. However, the Persian officials were not without potential, they had the advantage of being specially trained, and they had direct contact with the people they ruled. The Persian clerks seem to have played a greater role than the Chagatai in investigating abuses of authority, such as the case of Governor Kerman's embezzlement of regional funds, in which the agents sent by the central Treasury were Persians, acting independently without the Chagatai emir. [4]

Local administration

Regional administration in the Timurid Empire took many forms. In times of war, the chiefs of the armies that accompanied Timurid campaigns were often assigned to act as local administrators over the conquered territories. At that time, most of the local civilian Daruha were soldiers. After the fall of Basra, for example, Timur appointed his minister Muluk Sabzawari to take charge of the organization of the city; For example, after Timur captured the city of Isfahan, he entrusted the administration of Javen Kuban, and the reconstruction of the city was often one of his duties. However, the use of military proxies for the administration of the city was only a temporary arrangement, such as the general Timur Orchtin, who served as Daruha of Yazd in 795 (1393), leaving the city the following year (796-797) to participate in Timur's wars on the Khinchak steppes. In the year 795 (1393) Rahim Bahadur, who served as Daruha of Fars Abakkuh, took part in the siege of the Iraqi city of Takrit in the autumn of that year [5] .
The fact that Timur appointed the Army department to be a local administrator does not mean that there was no local administration within the Timurid Empire. After the war, the local administration of the Timurid Empire was established in large and small prefectures. Similar to the central government model, each state and small state set up a regional Divan, with three governors in each of the large and small states. One person is in charge of civil affairs, one person is in charge of military affairs, one person is in charge of non-owner properties, and military and civil auxiliaries are set up to assist in management.
Below the state level, Timur seems to have retained the administrative system that existed after Shib Khan, which subdivided the region into "taman" (tens of thousands of households) and used Taman as the tax collection unit. The local ministries are under the supervision of the central government agencies, and it is not clear whether the central authorities made regular visits to the local Divan, but we know that Kerman at least received regular visits, and these people were sent from the central Divan [6] .

Military affairs


Military institution

The military establishment was naturally very important in the Timurid Empire. In the military establishment of the Timurid Empire, the highest official position was Emir Umala, often translated as Chief General (Grand Marshal). This office may appear as a person of power in other places (meaning other than the military), especially when the monarch is weak. In the Khinchak Khanate of the 14th century, this official name (Turkic form: beglerbeg) referred to the highest official of the four Gurus emirs, generally the one who held the highest power after the Great Khan. [7]
The army chief rewarded his soldiers with ranks and trophies to maintain his command over the army. At the beginning of his seizure of power, in order to maintain the loyalty of the army, Khalil used the Treasury to reward the soldiers, and later, before major battles, he would reward the entire army. Shah Haru used the wealth of Khorasan several times during his reign to lavish his soldiers. In early 1405, when Shaharu was planning an invasion of the river region, he used the money of the Treasury to recruit troops, and also sent Shamirik to Bukhara to use money from the city's Treasury to meet his expenses. In addition, Shaharu rewarded his generals with land grants, and in 1405-1406 he gave the land of Sarahathir to Suleman; In 1406, he granted the rebel lands to Midrabe Cheika, who had been instrumental in suppressing the rebellion. [7]
In the Timurid Empire, some positions in the central military establishment were also established in the provinces, such as chief generals. Some emirs were appointed chief generals of the provinces. Among them, the chief general of Khorasan province was Akbuhanayan, during the uprising in August 1387, the governor of Khorasan was not at the scene of the uprising, Akbuhanayan took the initiative to restore order, he recruited soldiers in the vast area of Khorasan, and led the army to fight. He also personally assisted police officer Jahanshah in suppressing the uprising that broke out in Kabul at about the same time. According to Hafez Abrou's Total History, this position was probably the most powerful official in the province, apart from the governor, but in fact Akbuhua had less power than another emir, Muhammad Sultan Shah, who was not only the military official of the province, but also oversaw the finances of the province. [7]

Service organization

The Timurid Empire was a regime based on conquest by force, and the army played an important role in the state. Timur's army consisted of 40 Turkic Mongol tribes, most of whose leaders were Chagatai Mongols, but Timur recruited soldiers of all nationalities and positions, even those of defeated armies. The young men recruited were trained as professional soldiers in various arms, such as light troops, cavalry, technical soldiers in charge of military machinery, and so on. [7]
Timur's army was organized in units of hundreds, with hundreds of commanders, thousands of commanders and 10,000 commanders, and the whole army had a commander. In case of war, according to the strength of the enemy, soldiers at all levels are drafted. Horses and livestock used by the army were usually allocated to the clansmen, and the breeders had to take extra care of them. According to the Book of Martial Arts, Timurid's army was organized without commands, and the formations were formed before the drums or bugles were played. [7]

Conscription system

Conscription in the Timurid Empire was carried out at will according to Sutan's needs. In principle, conscription was handled by a special person, but in practice, Timur often sent his cronies to recruit soldiers. In the year 806 (1403), during the revolt of Iskandar Shaykh, Timur sent two of his grandsons and P rcAl Suldus to the city to enlist soldiers; Sulaym NSHH was sent to Qom and Kazan to recruit soldiers; Midrab Ben Cheku of Paibaru. Cheku to move troops to Khorasan [5] .



China Ming Dynasty

In 1368, the Ming Dynasty was founded, and the Western regions were required to pay tribute according to the yuan, when Timur had not yet been killed Hoesin He took power alone to unify the surrounding area, and did not see tribute records. Buwa's Timurid Empire tells of the impact of the Ming military campaigns on the Timurid regime in Central Asia in the early Ming period: "The Ming soldiers pursued their enemies outside the walls and, between 1370 and 1390, incorporated several Mongol possessions. Timur also had to pay tribute, so Timur's lifelong dream was to get rid of this vassal." The earliest document in Chinese literature about the Timur dynasty coming to China (or guokang) is the document that Timur sent chief Di Libihou to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty in the 27th year of Hongwu (1394). [8]
In 1396 Timur seized the nations envoy , include Ming Dynasty and Ottoman Empire A declaration of war. In 1398, Ming envoys were imprisoned and detained again. Timur was intent on reproducing Genghis Khan The great cause of the people, so ready to invade the Ming Dynasty, but eventually due to his illness died in the eastern expedition. However, after the death of Timur, the Ming Dynasty did not give up its vigilance against the Timurid Empire, and sent Jinyi guards to arrest Timurid merchants who bought the local population. He sent Zheng He and his army to Hurumus, where they stayed for 52 days until both sides calmed down.
After the death of Timur, his chosen successor, Harry, released the Ming envoys who had been detained by Timur earlier Fuan Yang Dewen and others, and entrusted it to bring the desire of Timurid empire repair. Chen Cheng learned that the Timurid Empire was in the midst of a civil war, and immediately went to Ming Dynasty Chengzu "Send envoys as soon as possible, extinguish their fire, and declare the Supreme virtue." In 1408, Zhu Di faction was an envoy to the Timurid Empire Guo Ji For the delegation of ambassadors, to bring Zhu Di handwritten letters, mediation Harry and Shaharu The dispute.
Shaharu changed his father Timur's hostile policy towards China and had frequent political and economic contacts with the Ming Dynasty. In 1409, Shaharu sent a delegation to Nanjing with gifts such as leopards and lions. The two sides resumed the "suar-vassal" relationship and had friendly exchanges. 1413 to send tributes; In the same year, Ming Chengzu sent Zhongguan Li Da , the Ministry of Official Affairs inspection and seal Chen Cheng Nine of them made a trip to the Timurid Empire to visit the capital Herat . In 1419 Shah Haru sent a large delegation of several hundred people to China. The mission included the sons of Shaharu. Historian Hafiz Akaru based his book on the diary of Gias Din, a member of the mission. Shaharu's Mission to China It describes the politics, economy, people, folk customs, and products of the Ming Dynasty that the envoys saw along the way to China.
During Chenghua and Hongzhi years of Ming Dynasty, Samahan envoys paid lions by land, returned by sea, and paid tribute by sea, and the reaction of Ming Court. On the surface, it was a dispute between the emperor, eunuchs and government officials over tribute lions and tribute roads. In fact, it reflected the adjustment of tribute policy in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, especially in the reign of Hongzhi. Due to the vigorous opposition of the Ming ministers, the Timurids returned to the Huagon Road by land. The Ming also lost the opportunity to strengthen the sea trade, for the later Portuguese east occupation Managa Leaving a gap. [3]

Khanate with East Chagatai

East Chagatai Khanate The regional economic differences with the Timurid Empire determined that they would inevitably take the road of military confrontation. From the perspective of the jurisdiction of both sides, the jurisdiction of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate includes Mongolistan , sunny and Fearfully Three parts, but the center of its rule remained in Mongolistan. At this time, the Timurid Empire was on the rise. Because its ruling center is in and around the economically developed river, it is rich in products, both fertile agricultural areas and vast pastures, and its economic characteristics are mainly agricultural, livestock husbandry, and commercial development. Since ancient times, this area has been the contested land of many agricultural and nomadic peoples. However, the situation in the river region is not optimistic. The Golden Horde, Ilikhanate It is not as powerful as the Timurid Empire, but it is still a potential threat. Especially the East Chagatai Khanate Sutra Hammaruddin The "good governance", increasingly powerful, has become a strong neighbor of the eastern border of the Timurid empire. To this end, while taking steps to strengthen his rule in the river, "bearing in mind the teachings of his ancestor Genghis Khan, 'there are no two SUNS in heaven and no two masters on earth'", Timur mobilized the economic potential of the river region, declared war on the greatest threat to the Empire, and sought more wealth. Thus, a war between the Eastern Chagatai Khanate and the Timurid Empire was inevitable. [11]
In 1365, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate of the Dohuoti department Isamihamaruddin Also inside the teeth of the fire Khan died in open rebellion. The dangerous Eastern Chagatai Khanate facilitated the invasion of the Timurid Empire, which led to a 22-year war between the two sides. After repeated battles between the two sides in this war, the "tyrant khan" regime headed by Hammaruddin of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate collapsed and was replaced by the Queen King of Chagatai Black son of fire The "legitimate" regime headed by Khan. Since then, relations between the two sides have turned from confrontation to detente. After the victory of Thamur, the threat of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate to its eastern borders was weakened, but the power of the Dohuotii clan remained strong in the western regions. This meant that the river Timurid Empire would be unified in a short time The western regions A great career is not easy. Therefore, Timur changed the original single military conquest, adapted to local conditions, and focused on the political deterrence of the western regions east of the lion Mountain, and focused on the Ili Khanate and the western part of the Timurid Empire Ottoman Turkey Imperial expeditions to acquire more land and wealth. After the war, Timur also wanted to end the hostilities as soon as possible so that he could move west on a massive expedition. In 1397, Fire Khan, the son of Black, "sent his eldest son Shami Garhan as an envoy. Samarkand As a result, "the son of the Black Fire Khan married Timur to his royal daughter, Princess Tawakal," and "signed a peace treaty with Timur." The relationship between the two parties was further developed through marriage. [11]

With the Golden Horde

A new empire, surrounded by powerful neighbors, must first weaken the Golden Horde. The Timurid Empire's policy towards the Golden Horde can be divided into two stages; In the first stage, Timur took advantage of the internal strife of the Khanate to support the defection of the Tori and accelerate the fratricide of the Golden Horde and weaken the Khanate. In the second phase, Timur himself led a second invasion of the northern neighbor, dealing a devastating blow to the Golden Horde. In 1357, the Golden Horde witnessed a palace coup, in which Zanibe was strangled by his son Burdibe, and the Khanate fell into disarray, with nobles and princes fighting each other, while hostility between the Golden Horde and the White Horde grew. Urus Khan of the White Horde has been looking for an opportunity to send troops to reunite the two khanates. The turmoil and decline of the Golden Horde was exactly what Timur wanted, and Urus Khan's political ambition to reunite the two khanates was the greatest threat to Timur. Along with the fact that Urus Khan had sheltered the Jahr rebels who had escaped from the river, Timur was already upset about this. Consequently, Timur kept a close eye on the changes in the two neighboring khanates to the north and sought to intervene. [14]
With the strong support of Timur, between June 12, 1374 and June 2, 1375, Totoshi attacked Urus Khan several times, but was repeatedly defeated, because in the battle, Totoshi killed Urus's son, Kurtulu Buhua, Urus Khan sent a threat to Timur: "Totomi has killed my beloved son. Now this traitor has taken refuge in your country. Give him to me, or there will be war against you." Timur flatly refused to extradite Tooro Lost, and now he's ready for battle. At the end of 1388, Totol invaded the Volga River from Polgar and the Caucasus, and Timur sent his army to drive the enemy troops across the Syr River. In the spring of 1389, Totol returned to besiege the Imperial border town of Sabran from the northwest, plundering everywhere, and Timur led his troops to counter, and Totol retreated to the Kipchak steppe. On June 18, 1391, the two armies fought a decisive battle, in which Timur defeated the enemy and captured a large amount of booty, and Totoku fled with the remnants of his army. Having failed to capture Totol, Timur's army plundered and seized the Golden Horde as a fiefdom. In 1393, Totol had recovered his strength, and in order to deal with Timur, he followed the strategy of allying the Golden Horde with the Mamluk sultans against a common enemy. Thanks to the renewed alliance between the Golden Horde and the Mamluk dynasty, the Sultan of Belgug was ready to fight the oncoming enemy, while Totol was able to break out of the Khinchak stephes and lead his army across the Caucasus, Trying to invade the river. Timur heard the news and drew his troops north, but he avoided his enemy and fled to another side. Clearly, the move to get lost is to disrupt. [14]
The great victory on the banks of the Thelek River in 1395 was of great importance to Timur, as it put an end to the attempts of the Golden Horde and the Mamluks to attack Timur in alliance and put an end to his worries. Timur completely destroyed the commercial centers of the Khanate - Sarai, Talai, Astrakhan and Azov. "Because of the destruction of these cities and Urdench, trade between the Mediterranean and Asia was limited for almost thirty years to the trade routes of Iran, Bukhara, and Samarkand, which were under the control of the Thimurs." Huge commercial taxes became an important source of revenue for the Timurid empire. [14]

Egypt with Mamluk

Started in the 1440s by Ayoub The Mamluk Dynasty Entering the terminal stage. In 1382, Sari Ijun Saipan, the last king of the Berhelian line, was deposed by his new captain, Bergog. Bergog was the slave of the son of Ashriver Sherban, and because of the military oligarchy, the internal strife of the ruling class, the devaluation of the currency, the excessive taxes, the plague and hunger, the suffering of the people and the frequent riots. It was founded by Bell Longe The Burj Dynasty (Second Mamluk Dynasty), "the darkest age in the Syrian-Egyptian chronicle." At a time when the Burgii dynasty was in danger, Timur began to invade West Asia, and in 1393 he captured Zahlal and killed the Mugamphir dynasty Full speed The soldiers are pushing straight Baghdad . Unable to stand up to Timur, Ahmedi abandoned the city and fled to Egypt. In August 1393, Tamerlane occupied Baghdad, a direct challenge to the sutaincy of the Mamulu dynasty, and provoked the anger and concern of the Sultan of Belguge. After taking office in Baghdad, Timur sent an envoy to Cairo, proposing a treaty of friendship and trade relations between the two countries. As a gesture of friendship with Egypt, Timur took the initiative to lead his army to destroy the hideout of Takrit, which often plundering Egyptian merchants in Syria. [12]
Timur's initiative to tie up the Mamulu dynasty is actually expedient. Because, at the time, Timur was not sure Persia A new empire is surrounded by strong neighbors. In the east there was the rising Ming Dynasty; From Asia Minor Ottoman Empire Is poised to take over Central Asia; northern The Golden Horde Although it was devastated in 1391, it has since gathered its strength and made a comeback, posing a direct threat Midriver area The Mamluk dynasty was not vulnerable. In order to neutralize the neighboring kingdoms and achieve the goal of dominating Asia, Timur must first concentrate his forces on the conquest of the Golden Horde and completely eliminate the worries, so Timur played a delaying strategy and gave the Mamluk dynasty a good hand. [12]
The Sultan of Bergog, the foremost defender of Islam, disdainfully despised the Central Asian upstart. But Timur did not fight it, and the reason why Timur did not invade Egypt was because the northern neighbor Tokta was lost in order to contain Timur and attack him, and was leading his army across Caucasian Invading the river area. Timur's most dangerous enemy at that time was the disquieting Tokta, and the Ottomans were aggressive and looking for an opportunity to invade Central Asia, so for strategic reasons, Timur adopted a strategy of concentrating his forces and attacking each other, and drew his troops north to fight the Golden Horde. After the death of Sultan Belguge, the Mamluk dynasty was in turmoil, and Timur took the opportunity to go on a campaign. In 1400, Syria was devastated by the encroaching armies of Timur, and the Mamluk dynasty was no longer able to compete with the Timurid Empire, taking another step forward in realizing the ideal of domination in Asia. [12]

With the Ottoman Empire

Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Bayezid I The conflict between (Bayezet I) and Timur was itself very acute. Bayezid sheltered the fleeing Ahem of Baghdad, the Sultan, and Qala Yusuf of the Black Sheep dynasty, especially the latter, who had pillaged the pilgrims' caravans on their way to Mecca. Timur regarded the two men as enemies and repeatedly wrote to Bayezid I requesting their extradition. Baazid not only rebuffed him, but also publicly reviled Timur. In addition, Bayezid I had always had ambitions for Syria, and led an army across the Euphrates River and into the Tigris River area. Timur was the first to conquer Syria. For this, Bayezid I was even more bitter. The contradiction between the two is becoming increasingly acute, and it is imperative to meet and win the battle. [13]
In the spring of 1402, Tamerlane launched a war against the Ottoman Empire with an army of about 150,000 men, which came within a few months Ankara (old translation of Angola) under the city. The Ottoman sultan Bayeset I of the Lightning, with an army of about 70,000 men, fortified the forest next to Sevas to reduce the mobile advantage of Timur's cavalry. Tamerlane then attacked Angola from the south on 20 July, forcing Bayeset to return to his rescue. The two sides soon met on the plain, and Timur used his cavalry superiority to concentrate his forces on the left flank of Bayezet's army. After half a day of fierce fighting, the Tatar and Anatolian forces of Bayeset's army fell to Timur, and Bayeset's own army collapsed and he was captured. After the victory at Ankara, he took advantage of Smyrna, the last Crusader stronghold in Asia Minor. He accomplished what Bayezid I could not, and for this he was hailed and admired throughout the Muslim world. The various secret states of Anatolia that had been annexed by the Ottoman Turks were restored and became vassals of the Timurid Empire. Timur did not continue his attacks against the Ottoman Empire after his victory, but quickly returned to Samarkand as he was receiving information from spies. They gathered 200,000 troops and launched a war to conquer China. [13]


The Empire attached great importance to the development of commercial trade at home and abroad, and opened up new commercial routes on land for India and the eastern part of Persia. " Silk Road "The middle station looks at each other, the road is unimpeded, far business travel, salty. In the capital Samarkand and Tabriz Eastern and Western countries business travel, business row by row, department stores, rich people. In agriculture, large-scale irrigation projects have been built, ditches are complete, and rural areas are "rich and fertile, and the people are abundant", "grain cultivation, and food abundance" (Ming · Chen Cheng et al. Records of the Western Regions ").
The Empire focused on urban construction, rebuilding and expanding cities that had been destroyed by war, filling them with immigrants, building new market towns along the main border routes, and expanding Samarkand and Herat into the most prosperous political, economic, religious, academic and cultural centers. The later king of the Timurid Empire had exchanged envoys with the Ming Empire for a long time, and merchants, scholars and travelers frequently visited them for economic, trade and cultural exchanges.



Literature and art

In literature, there are famous poets Hafez , Jami , Navai Their works occupy an important position in the history of Islamic culture and are well-known in the world. In painting, will Persian miniatures It reached a high level and formed the Herat School and Samarkand School, each with its own unique style.


In architecture, it integrates Persian, Arab and Turkic architectural styles, presenting Turkic national characteristics. The Jami Mosque, The tomb of Gul Emir And palaces, religious universities, astronomical observatories, towering and gorgeous, beautifully decorated, exquisitely carved, bright colors.


Abdo Razak's book Shaharushi It recorded many important historical events of the Empire and has important historical value. in Farsi Under the influence of literature, the "Turkic culture" was formed, The Chagatai language Developed and wrote poetry and literature in the Turkic language. The Timurid Khanate Most of the rulers were fond of literature and art, and Sultan Shaharu, Gurub, and Hussain Baikala were famous scholars and scientists, praised by later scholars as "the great protectors of Islamic science and art".


The Timurid Empire practiced Islam Sunnite The teachings and sharia, the rulers presented themselves as the protectors of Islam. Religious judges were assigned to preside over judicial and religious affairs. In the capital, Herat, there are shariah superintendents, called Mukhtahibs, who supervise Muslims in enforcing the rules of the faith. Islamic clerics enjoy a high status in society, and famous religious scholars are employed in the court as national counselors, ministers, and counselors to assist the Sultan in governance. Timur divided society into two main classes, placing religious leaders such as Saeed (holy people), shaikh (elders), and Ulema (scholars) in the first class, and granted land and other religious rights, and built a large number of mosques and religious universities in various places. In particular, the Great Mosque of Herat Jami, the Hossein Baikala Academy, the ancient University of Guvasha, and the Islamic universities of Samarkand and Bukhara are the most famous. Under the protection and support of the Empire, the Sufism centered in Bukhara The Order of Nageshbandiye Widely spread and developed in Central Asia, its teachings had a considerable influence on the sociopolitics, culture and life of the Empire. He adopted a policy of tolerance towards the Shi 'ites and protected and restored the Shi 'ite mosques and holy places.

Science and technology

In astronomy, Gurubor The observatory built in Shamalkand and the compilation of the "Gurub Chronometer" were famous astronomical observatories and the most accurate chronometers before the 16th century. In historiography, Hafiz Labru compiled the Essence of History, a detailed account of Shaharu and the Chinese Ming dynasty envoy.

Imperial lineage

Timurid Period All Samarkand
Timur 1370-1405
Pir Mahema 1405, eldest grandson of Timur, spun waste.
Halil 1405-1409
Ii. The Period of the Kingdom of Harry - Duherat
Shaharu 1409-1447, fourth son of Timur.
Woodlub 1447-1449
Abdu Radif 1449-1450
Abdura 1450-1451
Buzain 1451-1469
The Samarkand Dynasty All Samarkand
Rosewood Ahama 1469-1494
Rosewood Horse Conspiracy 1494-1495
Baisunhar 1495-1497
Ali died in the Uzbek Khanate of Sibani between 1497 and 1500
Iv. Khorasan Dynasty The city of Herat, along with the Samarkand Dynasty in the north and south.
Rosewood Hussin Baihara 1469-1506
Muchefil 1506-1507 (Co-government)
The son of Hazen Zaman of Pakistan, 1506-1507 (co-ruling) died in the Uzbek Khanate of Sibani in 1507
Attached: State of Bavilana (1405-1446), all of Samarkand, Shaharu granted his son, Ulub, de facto independence in Samarkand.
Woodlub 1405-1446