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Capital of the Czech Republic
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Prague (English: Prague; Czech : Praha) also known as the City of a thousand cities, capital of literature and art, yes Czech Republic The capital and largest city of the republic, located in the country Central Bohemia , The Vltava River The river basin. The city is located in Continental Europe The center of Prague, which has always had an important position in transportation, is also very close to the neighboring countries, and geographically Prague is just between Berlin with Vienna Between the capitals of the two German-speaking countries.
Prague has an area of 496 Square kilometer It has a population of 1.275 million (2022). [16] Located in the heart of continental Europe, across the Vltava River. Orographic wave The lowest point is 190 meters above sea level, and the highest point is 380 meters above sea level. The climate is typical of the Middle continent. The average monthly temperature is about 19.5℃, Annual precipitation About 500 mm.
Prague is a famous city Tourist city The city has a large number of buildings of various historical periods and styles, especially to Baroque Style and Gothic are more dominant. The overall appearance of Prague architecture is that the top of the building is particularly rich in changes and extremely colorful, known as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and the first city in the world to be designated as an entire city World cultural heritage The city. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Prague (English)
Praha (in Czech)
City of a thousand cities , Capital of literature and art
Administrative category
capital , municipality directly under the central government
Subordinate region
Czech Republic
Geographical position
Czech Republic Midwest
Area product
496 km²
Telephone area code
Postal code
Climatic condition
Temperate continental climate
Population number
1.297 million (2018)
Railway station
Prague Main Railway Station (Central Station)
Bohuslav Svoboda
Geographical coordinates
50°05′N 14°25′E
Date of creation
The 9th century
Major nationality

Origin of name

Legend has it that the founder of Prague was Princess Lebes With her husband, the farmer Pemithor, and named after him, they established the Hoshmiso Dynasty (P emyslid). It is also said that the princess had many prophecies in her castle of Libusin in Central Bohemia, which were confirmed by archaeological discoveries made before the 7th century. One of them prophesied the glory of Prague. One day in a vision he "saw a great city whose glory reached the stars of heaven." I saw it in the forest The Vltava River On a steep cliff, there was a man cutting a prah for a house where a castle called Praha would be built. Princes and Dukes bent before the threshold, bowing to the castle and the city that surrounded it. Thus it is honored, it is known, and the whole world will praise it." Whether the legend is true or not, Prague was built in the 9th century on the right bank of the Vltava River at the center of the high castle (Vy? ehrad), gradually formed. Later another castle was built on the other side of the river, Prague Castle.

Historical evolution

Neolithic age Prague was inhabited by humans. For thousands of years, Prague was The Vltava River Duan Weinan Nordic It's an important part of the trade route. The oldest settlement dates from the second half of the 9th century. Holy Roman Empire Emperor Charles IV The capital was established in Prague during the period. The combination of castles and palaces built by successive Kings, known as Fort Bragg, and the construction of a new town south of the old town, once became one of the largest political, economic and cultural centers in Europe. In the mid-17th century, it was occupied by foreign nations and the economy declined.
In the 18th century, Central Europe The situation is stable and the economy is developing again. The railway opened in 1845, and the streetcar appeared in the 1890s. 1918 became Czechoslovakia The capital of the Republic. Urban function Expansion, rapid industrial development. In 1920, the surrounding suburbs were merged to form Greater Prague. World War II During that time, it was occupied by Germany. Liberated on May 5, 1945, reconstruction was carried out and plans were made for the preservation and restoration of historic sites. The city is divided into 10 administrative districts. On January 1, 1993, Czech Republic and Slovakia Each is independent. Bragg for Czech Republic The capital.
Prague is a city with a long history, as it was part of the Czech Kingdom more than 1,000 years ago Political center . It has a history of more than 700 years since it became the first royal city of the Czech Dynasty in the 13th century. From the 13th to the 15th centuries it was an important economic, political and cultural centre in Central Europe. The city is near the mountains and rivers, with many historic sites, and more than 2,000 historical relics under state key protection. It is no exaggeration to say that in every street in the old city, almost all forms of buildings can be found since the 13th century, such as the famous one built in 1344 St Vitt ecclesia Built in 1357, the Vltava River is lined with ICONS, Artistic value The incomparable Charles Stone Bridge, built in 1348, is the oldest institution of higher learning in Central Europe Charles University As well as the splendid Prague Palace and the historic National theatre.
Some of the lonely quiet alleys of the old town have retained their medieval appearance, paved with stone, streetlight It is ancient gaslight style, and many houses have religious murals. with Urban traffic Many of the streets in the old town have become too narrow for cars and trams to pass through. The Old Town Square in the heart of the Old Town has existed for more than 900 years and is a place for mass meetings. The old one in the square guildhall It was built in 1338 Gothic architecture . South of the square is the famous Karolinum Palace, which is Charles University The oldest building. Near the Karolinum Palace is the famous Bethlehem The church. The Gunpowder Gate is the only one of the 13 gates of the old City.
There is a bell tower built in 1410 on the square, although the outer wall of the bell tower has been partially peeled due to age, but it is exquisite and chic Striking clock Be famous all over the world. Visitors to Prague always go to the Old Town Square to see the old clock tower, and Prague citizens who pass the clock tower often stop to proofread their watches. Every hour, the window doors on the clock open automatically, the bells ring in unison, and the 12 ICONS merry-go-round One by one, he appeared at the window and bowed to the people. This intricate and wondrous self-chiming clock was created in the mid-15th century by a fitter with a hammer, pliers , file Such tools are built, travel time is accurate, and become a treasure for people to watch. The new town is a bustling business district, where there are famous Wenceslas Square Dvorak Museum, etc. In addition, there is a small town that has preserved its medieval style, and there are many palatial buildings mainly in the Baroque style. The city consists mostly of narrow, winding streets, and its most famous buildings date from the 17th and 18th centuries St. Nicholas Church It is called the Prague Baroque style Religious architecture The model. [2]
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Prague, Czech Republic

Early history

Ever since Paleolithic age Prague has been inhabited since then. Around 500 BC, the Celtic Boii tribe lived in the area, which they called Bohemia . Later, the Germanic people drove out the Celts and settled in the region. By the 6th century, most of the Germanic tribes had settled in the Danube valley, one Slavs Tribes invaded from the west and settled in Bohemia, the ancestors of the Czech nation.
According to legend, the founder of Prague was Princess Lebes With her husband, farmer Pemithor, and named after him, they established the Hoshmiso Dynasty (P emyslid). Legend has it that the princess made many prophecies in her castle of Libusin in Central Bohemia (dated 7 centuries ago) archaeology Confirmation of discovery). One of the prophecies said that she foresaw the glory of Prague. One day, she was in anomaly "To see a great city whose glory reaches to the stars of heaven." I saw it in the forest, on a steep cliff on the banks of the Vltava River, where a man was cutting a prah for a house where a castle called Praha was to be built. Princes and Dukes bent before the threshold, bowing their heads to the castle and the city that surrounded it. It will be honored, it will be known, and the whole world will praise it." Whether the legend is true or not, Prague was built in the 9th century on the right bank of the Vltava River at the center of the high castle (Vy? ehrad), gradually formed. Then another castle was built on the other side of the river Prague Castle . Soon Prague became the capital of Bohemia and an important point on the north-south trade route in Europe Trade center And attracted many Jews. In 973, the city became a parish center.
In the 13th century, three settlements around Prague Castle were granted municipal privileges. In 1257, a new town (Mala Strana) was built to the south of Prague Castle, an area inhabited by Germans and owned Right of autonomy . The Prague Castle district (Hradany), immediately to the west and north of the castle, was granted autonomy in 1320. The old town of Prague (Stare Mesto), across the Vltava River, was granted autonomy as early as 1230.

The time of Charles IV

In the 14th century, Prague was Holy Roman Empire House of Luxembourg It reached its heyday under the reign of Charles IV. Charles IV, the eldest son of a Czech princess and John of Luxembourg, was born in Prague in 1316 and became King of Bohemia when his father died in 1346. As a result of his efforts, the Diocese of Prague was elevated to a status in 1344 archdiocese . In 1355, Charles was crowned in Rome as Holy Roman Emperor. Prague became the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Charlie wanted Prague to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. He built Prague into the most glorious city in the Empire, and the most prominent building in the city is St. Vitus Cathedral The grand Gothic style was first adopted in Central Europe, and the interior decoration adopted an independent artistic style called The Bohemian School . On April 7, 1348, he established Central Europe, Northern Europe and Europe Eastern Europe The first university, called Charles University, was Czech The oldest university It was also the first university in Germany. In the same year, he also built Nove M 'Sto (New Town of Prague) next to the old town, and erected it between the new town and the town Charles Bridge . He also built many new churches. At the time, Prague was the third largest city in Europe, with one mintage , Germany and Italy Businessmen and Banker Gather here.
From 1402 onwards, Charles was professor of theology at the University of Hus in Bethlehem chapel Sermons in Czech. Let the lay people talk to clergy with Receive communion And Holy Blood, while condemned as heresy by the Curia, on 6 July 1415 Constance punish Death by fire . Four years later, the first happened in Prague Throw out the window incident Triggered by Hustic Wars .

The Habsburg period

From 1526 onwards, Bohemia was in a state of The House of Habsburg Under the rule of... Rudolf the Second During his reign (1576-1612), Prague was once again the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. In addition to his passion astrology And magic, as well as a love of art, made Prague the cultural capital of Europe, home to Kepler and other astronomers and painters.
In 1617, Catholic , the Emperor Ferdinand II He took the throne, determined not to tolerate Protestants. In 1618, Prague again threw out of the window, triggering Thirty Years' War . It was done not far from the city in 1621 Battle of Baishan The Czech army was defeated by 27 men Protestant The nobles were executed in the Old Town Square. In 1648, the Swedish army captured and sacked Prague, and the Holy Roman Emperor moved the court there Vienna After that, Prague entered a period of depression, Urban population It's also down from 60,000 before the war to 20,000.
A fire destroyed Prague in 1689, and the city was rebuilt. In the 18th century, the city's economy continued to rise, and by 1771 it had 80,000 inhabitants, many of them aristocrats and wealthy merchants, who built palaces, churches, and gardens in the city, which were generally ornate Baroque style And won a reputation all over the world. In 1784, the four original municipalities - the castle district (Hradany, to the west and north of the castle), the small town (Mala Strana, to the south), the old town (Stare M 'Sto, also to the east, across the river from the castle), and the new town (Nove M 'Sto, to the southeast), were established. Officially incorporated as a city.
In 1806, by order of Napoleon, the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved, and Emperor Francis II abdicated Holy Roman Emperor Title, change of name Austria Emperor Francis I.
The revolutions of 1848 shook Europe, as well as Prague, but were violently suppressed. Second year, Czech Republic nationalism The movement (against another nationalist party, United Germania) began to rise until it won a majority in the city council in 1861.
In the 19th century, the city of Prague continued to expand. In 1850, Ghetto Josefov was incorporated into the city of Prague. In 1883, the city of Prague added the Vy? ehrad district. Industrial revolution It had a huge impact on Prague, because there were coal mines and steel plants in the nearby area, which was good for opening factories. Bohemia became Austro-hungarian Empire The richest part of the country. The first suburb, Karlin, was formed in 1817, and 20 years later the population reached 100,000. In 1842, the first railway was built in Prague.

The 20th century

World War I When it's over, Austro-hungarian Empire Defeated, Prague became a newly founded city Czechoslovakia The capital, Prague Castle, became the presidential palace. During this period, Prague was still known in Europe for its industrial development. In early 1922, there were 37 surrounding buildings Autonomous town It was transferred to Prague and the population increased to 676,000. In 1930 the population reached 850,000. By 1938, Prague's population had increased to 1 million.
On March 10, 1939, Hitler ordered the German army to occupy Prague and establish the Bohemian Peace Moravia The protectorate. On May 5, 1945, the Czechs in Prague staged a revolt Nazi occupied Prague uprising . On the same day, the Americans captured Pilsen, just an hour from Prague (while Soviet troops were still on the Moravian border), Barton The general attempted to liberate Prague, but was stopped by General Eisenhower. According to the previous The Yalta Conference On a secret agreement reached, Bohemia would be liberated by the Red Army.
On May 9, 1945 (the day after Germany's official surrender), Soviet tanks rolled into Prague. After the war, Prague once again became the capital of Czechoslovakia. A few months after the war ended, Soviet troops left Czechoslovakia, but The Soviet Union He maintained a strong political influence in the Czech Republic. In February 1948, the Communists took over power in Prague.
By this time, Prague's long-ideologically active intellectual community was unable to adapt to the repressive post-war controls, and in 1967 the city held its fourth Czechoslovak Writers' Association At the conference, Milan Kundera Many writers began to criticize the Communist Party. January 5, 1968 - New leader of the Czech Republic Alexander Dubcek initiate Political democratization Movement, i.e. Prague Spring . On August 20 of the same year, the Soviet Union and The Warsaw Treaty Organization The armed invasion of the Czech Republic put an end to the movement.
In 1968, he was first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party Dubcek Initiated the "Prague Spring" reforms, with a tendency to break away from Soviet control. The Soviet army decided to intervene. In late June, The Warsaw Treaty Organization Held in Czech territory Military exercise After the end of the exercise, the evacuation was delayed. After July, the situation eased somewhat. On the evening of August 3, the Warsaw Pact was signed in Czech Republic Joint declaration The crisis seems to have passed.
At 11 p.m. on August 20, Prague airport received a signal from a Soviet civil aircraft." Mechanical accident "There is no reason to disagree. As soon as the plane landed, dozens of Soviet commandos rushed out of the cabin and quickly occupied the airport. A few minutes later, Sue 24th Air Force Group giant Transport aircraft Start landing. One a minute. An hour later, a Soviet embassy With the car leading the way, the Soviet airborne Division headed straight for Prague. At the same time, the Commander-in-chief of the Soviet Army, General Pavlovsky, commanded four Soviet armies Armored division , 1 Airborne division , 1 East German teacher Poland Straight to Prague. 4 Soviet divisions in Germany and 1 East German division cut off the western border of the Czech Republic. Second Front (West) 8 divisions of the Hungarian-Soviet Army, 2 divisions of the Hungarian-Hungarian Army and one Bulgarian army attacking from the south. (1st Front Southwest) Four divisions of the Soviet-Polish Integrated Army attacked the north. (Third Front to the West) At the same time, Soviet forces against North Atlantic Treaty Organization With the Czech army began full electronic suppression.
At dawn on the 21st, Soviet forces occupied Prague and arrested Dubcek. Six hours after the attack began, Soviet forces controlled all of the Czech Republic. Hundreds of thousands of Czech troops were disarmed without any NATO response. This is a typical front group of the Soviet Army Offensive campaign . The west direction of the main attack, the southwest direction of cooperation, a total of 4 fronts, 1 tank Army group The four arms of the combined army, 26 divisions, about 300,000 men. But because the attack was too fast, two Strategic direction Backup tank Army Group They were not mobilized, and only tanks directly under each group army, division and regiment were used, with a total of more than 9,000 vehicles.
In 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the streets of Prague were filled with crowds and it began Velvet revolution Czechoslovakia got rid of the Communists and the former The Soviet Union The impact of...
In 1993, Czech Republic After the partition of Slovakia, Prague became the capital of the Czech Republic.

21st century

On November 21, 2002, thousands of anti-war activists from the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Italy demonstrated in Prague against NATO. [3]
The 26th session was held in Prague, Czech Republic on August 24, 2006 International Astronomical union Up, will Pluto Expelled from the planet. This joint astronomical meeting in Prague played an important role in Czech astronomy and the world's understanding of the planets.
On April 21, 2012, the largest outbreak in 23 years occurred in Prague, Czech Republic March and demonstrate More than 120,000 people took to the streets to protest against the government's recently passed law Fiscal austerity Plan. The demonstrators are demanding an end to austerity, the immediate resignation of the current government and early elections. Analysts believe that the Czech Republic's ruling Necas government is facing a severe test. [4]
On October 7, 2019, the Prague City Council decided to terminate the city of Prague Peking The city signed the sister city agreement. [5]
October 9, 2019, Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal People's Government The Statement on the termination of the sister-City relationship between Beijing and the Czech City of Prague (referred to as the "Statement") was issued, and the statement mentioned that Beijing immediately terminated the sister-city relationship with the city of Prague and suspended all official exchanges. [5]
On January 14, 2020, Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government Release the "About Shanghai Statement on the termination of the friendly city relationship with the Czech City of Prague (hereinafter referred to as the "Statement"), which mentions that, Shanghai Municipality Immediately terminate friendly relations with the City of Prague and suspend all official contacts. [6]
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Geographical environment



Prague is located in central Europe, distance Berlin , Vienna Other countries are closer to major cities. The distance from the border with most of the surrounding countries is generally 100-200 km.





Prague is typical Temperate continental climate . Winters are cold and dry and summers are warm and humid. Annual precipitation 500 mm or so, all year round Mean air temperature 7.9 degrees.

Humanistic environment

There are in the city Charles University (also known as the University of Prague), the Faculty of Engineering, the Conservatory and other institutions of higher learning and the National Academy of Sciences, Academy of Agricultural Sciences Etc. Scientific research institution . There are many theatres, museums and art galleries. Ancient architectural styles are diverse, including Prague Castle The palace, the church, etc. Renowned for its music, the annual Prague Spring Concert is one of the world's most important musical events. Many parks and green Spaces in the city.

Economic center

Prague is the largest in the country Economic center . industrial Machine building Mainly, products have Transport machinery (automobiles, locomotives and rolling stock), machine tools, motors, Mining machinery , Construction machinery Agricultural machinery, etc. There are also chemical, textile, leather, printing, food processing and so on. Industry is mainly distributed in the southwest and southeast suburbs of the city. Public transport It is dominated by cars and trams, and has subways. There are passenger boats on the Vltava River. There is... nearby. International airport .



Public transportation

Prague's public transport facilities are complete Traffic system Including subways, trams, buses, a ropeway up the Pet R in mountain, and Prague Zoo The aerial cable car. The city's metro, which opened in 1974, now has lines A, B and C3, with a total length of more than 20 kilometers and 54 stations. Trams opened in the 1920s, including the famous Route 91 "Nostalgia Tram". All these services use a common Ticketing system And are both from the capital Prague Transportation company (Dopravni podnik hl.m. Prahy).


In 1842, the first railway was built in Prague. Prague is the Czech Republic Railway network From here you can reach every place in the Czech Republic, as well as many places in neighbouring countries. Prague has 2 international railway stations, as well as many smaller suburban stations.


Prague Wenceslav Havel International Airport is Czech National airline (Flag Carrier) Czech Airlines The headquarters is a year Passenger volume A large international airport with 5 million passengers. There are a number of cheap flights between the UK and other countries every day. Ruzyne International Airport is considered one of the most modern airports in Europe.

Architectural style

Prague is a famous city Tourist city The city has a large number of historical periods, various styles of architecture, from Romanesque , Gothic architecture , Renaissance , Baroque , rococo , neoclassicism , Art nouveau Styles to Cubism and ultra-modernism, among which particular to Baroque style And Gothic architecture is more dominant. The overall impression of Prague architecture is that the top of the building is particularly rich in changes, and the colors are extremely brilliant (red tiles and yellow walls), so it has the "City of a thousand towers", "City of a thousand Towers", "City of a thousand Towers". Golden City It is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Heritage material

Name of the estate: Historic Centre of Prague (Historic Centre of Prague)
Selected in 1992
Selection basis: Cultural heritage (ii)(iv)(vi)
Geographical position : N50 05 22.992 E14 25 09.984
Heritage area: 1,106.36 ha
Buffer area: 9,887.09ha
Estate number: 616
Historic Centre of Prague Built between the 11th and 18th centuries, the old town, the outer town and the New town boast spectacular ruins such as the Castle of Horadkani, the Cathedral of St. Bitus, the Charles Bridge and countless churches and palaces, and Prage is in the Holy Roman Empire Charles IV It was the height of construction under the reign of the State, and has been known for its great architectural and cultural influence since the Middle Ages.
1992 according to Cultural heritage Selection criteria C(ii)(iv)(vi), the Historic Centre of Prague was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for inclusion as a cultural heritage site in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. World Heritage List ". Report on the designation of Heritage: 16th session of the World Heritage Committee Meeting report .
Selection was based on criteria (ii Prague's historic center admirably illustrates the process of the city's continued growth. Since the 14th century, it has played an important role in the political, economic, social and cultural evolution of Central Europe, with its rich architecture and architecture Artistic tradition It means that it is most of Central and Eastern Europe Urban development The main mode.
Selection based on Criteria (iv) : Prague is a city of outstanding quality Urban building group , both its ruins and its Urban landscape Aspects are well deserved world famous.
Map of the geographical location of Czech World Heritage Sites
Selection based on Criteria (vi) : Prague in Medieval Christianity Its role in the development of Central Europe and its formative influence on the evolution of cities and towns are outstanding. With its political significance in the late Middle Ages, it attracted architects and artists from all over Europe who contributed to its rich architectural and artistic treasures. In the 14th century Charles University The establishment of the university made it a famous institution. Since the reign of Charles IV, Prague has been the intellectual and cultural center of the region and has been associated with it Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Kafka equal-world Famous name There is an indelible connection.
The historic center of Prague was built between the 11th and 18th centuries, and the Old Town, Outer city The New town has been known for its architectural and cultural influence since the Middle Ages. The centre is home to spectacular ruins such as Hradcani Castle, St Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge and numerous churches and palaces, Most of them were built in the 14th century during the reign of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV. 7 [8]

Tourist attraction

Prague Square
Prague Square
A copy of Unbearable lightness of life Let people know Kundera He soon learned about his native Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, the home of literature, the fairy tale continues. In the Czech Republic, the castle is the protagonist of Prague, but it is also its background, without it as a background, the picture is also less theme. The tram runs rhythmically through the streets, lined with buildings of different styles, one after another, flashing brightly through the Windows. The most beautiful, the most dazzling is to sell Crystal The shop; The most lovely are the shops that sell puppets, and the enthusiastic owners will teach you how to operate them. Puppets in the shape of witches, dressed in black linen robes, pointed hats and riding broomsticks, are supposed to be scary, but these puppet witches have a comical look of misfortune. Come out and find the Charles Bridge, an ancient bridge that connects the castle to the old town, beneath which lies the fast-flowing Voltana River. The most famous thing on Charles Bridge is the old sculpture. There are many tourists on the bridge, and the vendors are very lively. The two ends of the bridge are high Bridge tower In ancient times, it played an extremely important role in guarding and defending. Standing on the bridge tower Highest point All of Prague [2] The city lies before you. Prague evening Old town Square Lively, in the roadside cafe for a cup of coffee, sitting in the corner of the square watching the sunset, unique design chronometer There'll be one as soon as it hits the hour The Twelve Disciples The puppet takes turns to tell the time, while the death below will also pull Copper bell . The whole process ends with the rooster chirping. Prague at night looks like a city of elves. Old horse-drawn carriages shuttled curious tourists around the square, their hooves clattering flagging To make a crisp sound; The attic lights of the castle flickered and flickered, as if the princess in the story would appear in the window at any time; Loud music in the tavern and crisp Glass The sound of the collision makes people feel warm and friendly. I feel like I'm in Medieval Europe Or is a fairy tale world, visitors will instinctively forget the existence of time, fell into the space-time tunnel lost in Prague square.
Other famous attractions
Prague Castle is located in the hills of the Vltava River, has a history of more than 1,000 years, more than 60 years of presidential offices have been located in the castle, so also known as the "presidential palace", the castle includes the following parts.
Prague Castle Gallery The newly renovated Prague Castle Gallery (Obrazarna Prazskeho Hradu), which has to be accessed for an extra fee, houses a large collection of classical paintings, starting from the 16th century and focusing on paintings from the 16th to 18th centuries, including Italian, German, and German paintings. Netherlands There are more than 4,000 works by artists from all over the world. The original site of the castle Stables was converted into a castle gallery, during which the earliest church of Prague Castle, the Saint Mary's Church, was excavated, and some remains are stored in the castle gallery.
St. Vita Cathedral St. Vita Cathedral (Katedrala sv.Vita) is the most important landmark of Prague Castle, and in addition to its rich architectural features, it is also the final resting place of the royal family of Prague Castle after their coronation and death. The Basilica of St. Vita was expanded three times, from the circular Church of St. Wenceslas in 929 to the basilica in 1060, which was built by order of Charles IV in 1344 Gothic architecture It was not officially completed until 1929. Several highlights of the visit to St. Vita Cathedral include the 20th century Stained glass The window, the Tomb of St. John and St. Wenceslas church . Walking into the entrance of the church, the colorful stained glass on the left side is the work of the famous Prague painter Mocha, adding a lot of modern sense to this thousand-year-old church; bypass altar In the rear, there is the tomb of St. John, the anti-religious reformer of 1736, who is buried in the Basilica of St. Vita, and is commemorated by the magnificent decoration of sterling silver. Further on is the Chapel of St. Wenceslas, which, in contrast to the sterling silver tomb of St. John in front, is in splendid gold, from frescoes to the spire of the Sacraments Golden hue Decoration, quite artistic value. From the looks of it, Gothic The Basilica of SAN Vita has many classic architectural features, such as the arch columns on the gates and Flying buttress They are all richly decorated.
Old Royal Palace (Stary Kralovsky Palac) is the past Bohemia Different parts of the king's residence were repaired by successive reigns. The entire palace building is roughly divided into 3 floors, the entrance into the tall Vladislav Hall, is also the center of gravity of the entire palace, to the upper level New Territory There are many images of early secretaries in the hall; The lower level contains the Gothic palace of Charles IV, and the hall of the imitation Romanesque Palace, most of which were destroyed in the fire of 1541 AD and are therefore partially the remains of later reconstruction.
St. George's Church The red church with two towers behind St. Vita's Cathedral (Bazilika sv.Jiri) is St. George's Church, the best preserved replica in the Czech Republic Romanesque architecture After completion in 920, it was expanded several times, once in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the cornerstone and two minarets of the church have been preserved since the 10th century. sideways The Convent of St. George It's the first in Bohemia convent It was demolished in the 18th century and converted into a military barracks for the state Art gallery It collects Czech art from the 14th to 17th centuries, including paintings from different periods such as Gothic art, Renaissance and Baroque. Powder tower The gunpowder tower (Prasna Vez-Mihulka) here, like the gunpowder tower in the Old Town Square, was originally used as a fortress for guarding the city, and later for storing gunpowder. In the 16th century, the king let the magicians live here to study the art of lead into gold, and in the 18th century, it became the storage place of the sacristy of the Basilica of SAN Vita, where medieval art, astronomy and art were exhibited Alchemy A museum of artifacts.
Golden Lane Zlata Ulicka, one of Prague Castle's most famous attractions, is as crowded as the Charles Bridge, and No. 22, where Kafka once lived, is a cute little bookstore that also sells Kafka's collection. Golden Lane in St. George's Chapel with Toy museum In between, turn down an alleyway and come to this Golden Alley of small houses in a fairy tale, the most poetic street in Prague. Gold Lane was originally a place where servants and craftsmen lived, and later because many gathered for Kings alchemy Warlock, hence the name, however, gradually became after the 19th century slum . In the middle of the 20th century, the original houses were re-planned into small shops, each store can see different kinds of souvenirs and handicrafts , such as the 16th Wooden toy The pewter Prague Soldier at No. 20, the hand-painted clothes at No. 21, and the most attractive look at No. 19, is a lovely garden cottage filled with flowers and trees.

Cultural center

Prague is also one of the cultural centers of Europe, and has a history of many outstanding figures in music, literature and many other fields, such as composers Mozart , Smetana , Dvorak , the writer Lena Maria Rilke (Rainer Maria Rilke, 1875-1926), Franz Kafka (Franz Kafka, 1883 ~ 1924) Milan Kundera (Milan Kundera, 1929 ~), Vaclav Havel Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) and others carried out creative activities in the city, and the city still maintains a strong cultural atmosphere, with many Opera house , odeum , Museums, art galleries, Library , cinemas and other cultural institutions, as well as an endless stream of annual cultural events.

Famous historical city

Prague is a European city Famous historical city . The castle was built in the 9th century. 1345-1378, in Charles IV During the reign, Prague became Holy Roman Empire and The Kingdom of Bohemia The capital, while reaching its heyday, and built the first university in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe Charles University .
It took place twice in Prague in the 15th and 17th centuries for religious reasons Throw out the window incident , respectively triggered Hustic Wars And far-reaching influence in Europe Thirty Years' War (1618-1648).
Industrial revolution And then the second time World war In the past, Prague was one of the most industrially developed cities in Europe Austro-hungarian Empire Hold a pivotal position. At that time, Prague was also a multi-ethnic city, multi-culture After two World Wars, Prague has become essentially a single Czech city. in Cold war During this period, Prague was the scene of several events that shook the world: the Communist Party came to power in 1948, and the Communist Party in 1968 Prague Spring And 1989 Velvet revolution .

City walk

This is the beginning and end of many stories of joys and sorrows, which encapsulate the essence of Czech art and the joys and sorrows of history. It is beautiful, bright and elegant, but also with a touch of melancholy. It is... Mozart and Vivaldi The music, a novel by Kafka and Milan Kundera, is a place where art and dreams intersect.
"Good Soldier Shueck" and sad bells
Walking is the best way to get around Prague and slowly feel the heartbeat and pulse of the city. You can walk into almost any house in Prague Fine dining restaurant And cafes, because their prices are usually within your price range. Eating in Prague is delicious and inexpensive, you can go to good restaurants for one meal, and you must try Czech Dumplings , the Czech Republic Roast duck And so on traditional cooking.
The Czech Republic is beer Not only does beer taste great, but it is also the cheapest of all drinks, lower than mineral water and cola, which is incredible. The famous Czech beer brand hangs in front of the bars here. BUDVOR, at most. Czech Budweiser With a history of more than 200 years, it is the largest beer factory in the world. [9]
Bragg [3]
I found the Czech unique Schaik restaurant, Schaik restaurant is the Czech world-famous novel "Good Soldier Schaik" Theme restaurant As a result, it is richly decorated with local Czech characteristics and focuses on traditional Czech and Central European cuisine. It is located at the junction of the Old Town and the Jewish quarter and is popular with locals and tourists alike. Almost every one of the buildings around the Old Town Square has a strange and beautiful name and unique decoration, such as the Stone Sheep House, the Bull House, the poor man House, unicorn House, Blue Star House, etc. The names alone suggest the mystery behind them. In the center of the square stands a statue of St. Hus the Thinker, the leader of the medieval Czech Reformation, and his followers.
The old City hall building A lot of people gathered early next morning, and everyone was excited to look at the two huge flashes on the high ground Metallic luster the chronometer Because every time the hands on the astronomical clock moved to the right point, two puppets on the clock face came out and pulled the rope, and then the two small Windows at the top corner of the clock suddenly opened, and out came Jesus' 12 Disciples The statue, slowly turned from the window, the crisp bell rang.
This is one of the must-see sights in Prague, but when you know the true story behind it, the lovely and exquisite astronomical clock will make your eyes cast a layer of sadness: In 1410, when the astronomical clock was completed, the selfish and greedy ruler sent someone to blind the designer's eyes in order to prevent the designer from building a better clock in the future, and the sad and angry designer finally jumped into the astronomical clock he designed and ended his life.
In the footsteps of music and film
Prague is a music city. Don Juan First performances and places of fame, Prague's various concert halls perform almost every night, with a wide range of programs. The most famous concert hall is probably the Smetana Concert Hall, which is lavishly decorated. The opening ceremony of the Prague Spring is held here every year. Smetana's symphonic suite -- My motherland The second chapter is also the opening song of the Prague Spring every year.
To the south of the Old Town, there is Wenceslas Avenue, Prague's most bustling commercial avenue (the Wenceslas Square area is also known as the New Town, because its history is 3 centuries younger than the old Town), which is full of bustling people, leaving behind busy footsteps. Do not underestimate it, most of the important historical events in recent Czech history took place here. At the end of Wenceslas Avenue stands the equestrian statue of the most important patron saint of Bohemia, Wenceslas. Directly opposite the statue is the majestic National Museum, a huge neo-Renaissance building with a bronze central bulge and turrets on all sides, glinting in the sun. The exterior walls of the National Museum are old and plain, and the colors are just like old Thread-bound book Similarly, the museum's front steps are impressive, Really have A kind of Regal style The interior decoration is truly magnificent! The main hall, in particular, with its wide staircase, almost eclipses the old collection.
Charles Bridge and Prague Castle under the moonlight
There is a saying in Prague: You haven't been to Prague until you've crossed the Charles Bridge. The Charles Bridge, built in 1357, is the most famous bridge over the Vltava River and has almost become a symbol of Prague. The Vltava River is Czech Mother river The sound of water is the heartbeat of Prague, it divides Prague in two. On one side are the old Town and the new town (which is not new), full of ornate buildings from all eras, and on the other side are rolling hills dotted with Prague Castle. The river is rhythmically dotted with 17 Bridges, including Charles Bridge, which is very flavorful Meter length It is less than 10 meters wide and has 29 statues. In front of the eighth Saint John, many visitors wait to touch the two metal reliefs on the base of the statue, so that they shine. It's said to make a wish to the saint.
You can buy all kinds of art on the bridge, such as portraits and Landscape sketch Clay sculptures and clay paintings, special Musical Instruments, marionette performances, folk jewelry, etc. I felt the Vltava River in silence as the breeze blew from the stone railings in the sun. At this time, the melody of Smetana's "Vltava River" suddenly appeared in my mind. The shallow dam on the river formed a permanent wave pattern on the surface of the Vltava River. The graceful swans on the river sometimes looked up, sometimes looked down, sometimes spread their wings and flew. Charles Bridge is more than a "bridge" to us.
The other end of the Charles Bridge leads to the famous Prague Castle. Looking at the castle on the river at night, the dim light shines on the river, opposite is a dark hill, inlaid with a castle that seems to hang in the air. The light shining on the castle is not gorgeous, or even bright, but the castle is lightly set off, creating a mysterious atmosphere, which is desirable.
The mysterious castle, in fact, is the least mysterious. It serves as the Czech presidential palace, except for the office area in use, the rest of the Open for free . The palace hall inside the castle is specially wooden flooring. Legend has it that Charlemagne, during his banquets, would give Jack They fought in the hall. St. Vitus Cathedral For this building that claims to touch God's toes, all people can do in addition to looking up is to look up. Its gorgeous interior and magnificent exterior, the delicate paintings on the Windows and the various sculptures in the church, can be called a wonder of the world.
The whole castle looks like it's been around for ten centuries. The construction of the castle began in the late ninth century, and the church of St. Vitus was built in 925, which was destroyed and rebuilt several times, renovated and expanded several times, and the facilities were increased or decreased in different times according to the ideas of different Kings. So, just from the Prague Castle area, we can see Rich and colorful The architectural form.
Prague is not only an ancient European city, but also a modern one. Vor Tawa riverside The new building "Dance Dress" won the World Architecture Award. The flowing lines of metal and cement outline a sense of history around Color matching In the city, there is no show of artificial, so that the city is more exposed to vitality. Modern Bragg has done more than Bohemia Style romantic.

City honor

  • In November 2018, the World City Ranking was published, and Prague entered the ranks of the world's first-tier cities. [11]
  • On December 26, 2019, it ranked 28th on the list of Top 500 Global Cities in 2019. [12]
  • In April 2020, it was selected into the "2020 Global Summer City List". [13]

Exchanges with China

2016年3月29日下午,国家主席习近平在布拉格会见布拉格市长科尔娜乔娃,并接受科尔娜乔娃代表该市赠予的城市钥匙。 [10]
Prague is Europe Famous historical city It is the first time in the world that an entire city has been identified as World cultural heritage The city. The landscape is like a painting, Cultural deposits Deep, warm and friendly people. This key will bring back fond memories of Prague. [10]
习近平强调,地方交往是 Zhong Jie relation All-round development An important part of. Prague and Beijing have close exchanges, and it is believed that with the strengthening of cooperation between the two capitals, China-Czech sub-national exchanges will surely achieve greater breakthroughs. China - Central and Eastern Europe The National Association of Provincial Governors has been established in the Czech Republic. Hope Prague play Own advantage And the role of the Provincial Governors' Association platform to expand communication channels and cooperation areas with China and make new contributions to China-Czech friendly cooperation. [10]
Kornachova said the rapid development of bilateral sub-national cooperation has made important contributions to the development of bilateral relations. Sister city . The city of Prague is full of confidence in the mutually beneficial cooperation with China's sister cities. [10]
On March 29, 2016, Beijing A sister city relationship agreement was signed with Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. [14] On May 17, 2017, Shanghai Municipality An agreement was signed with the City of Prague, Czech Republic, to establish a sister-city relationship. [15]
On October 9, 2019, Beijing announced the termination of its sister-city relationship with Prague. [5] On January 14, 2020, the city of Shanghai announced the termination of its sister-city relationship with Prague. [6]