Explain how to troubleshoot forum feed events that are not displayed in UCHome

InternetPublished: 2009-06-06 16:35:42 Author: jb51 I want to comment
Keyword description: UCenter Home SNS website building system Social network website UCenter Home is a SNS website building system released by Comsenz company, the latest version is 1.5. As of March 2009, UCenter Home has built more than 120,000 SNS(social networking) websites. In UCenter Home, there is a display of forum feed events
Keyword description: UCenter Home Kangsheng Creation SNS website building system social network website

UCenter Home is a Comsenz company released a SNS website building system, the latest version is 1.5, as of March 2009, with UCenter Home built SNS(social network) websites have more than 120,000.

In UCenter Home, there is a function to display forum feed events to increase user stickiness, if it is not displayed, you can follow the following steps to troubleshoot:

1. The UCenter background checks whether the communication between the forum and UCenter Home is successful.

2. UCenter Home => Basic Settings => UCenter application => Number of displays related to the label, enter a non-0 number.

3, Forum background => global => UCenter Settings => UCenter Home Settings => Which topics to add to the event, select.

4. UCenter background => Application management => Edit the forum and UCenter Home applications, and copy the contents of the UCenter configuration information of the application to the bottom of the respective config file to overwrite the original.

5, each plate can also control whether the posts within the plate push events. (This is Discuz! - New feature in 7.0.0, not available in previous versions)

Located at:

Forum background => Section => Select a good section => Edit => Post options => Allow push events: Select "Yes"

Update UCenter, UCenter Home, and forum caches.

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