zblog2.2 to achieve the home page display of the specified classification skills

Release time: 2014-09-29 13:23:50 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
zblog2.2 tips are shared below

We know that Lu Songsong blog is through a number of zblog blog programs to use different types of sites, and the list displayed on the home page can be called at will different types, and most of us webmaster perseverance is often not as strong as Songge, always feel that the management of a site are some of the difficulty, let alone a site back and forth several programs constantly switch login. However, there are often some articles that they feel are not important or do not want to be displayed on the home page in order to pile up the amount of articles collected by search engines, so we need to play with technology at this time, so that the home page can show the most essential articles.

Okay, I've finished the foreplay, so let's get right to the climax:

Step 1: Open the file zb_system\function\c_system_lib.asp with Dw and find line 2077:

objRS.Source="SELECT [log_ID],[log_Tag],[log_CateID],[log_Title],[log_Intro],[log_Content],[log_Level],[log_AuthorID],[log_PostTime],[log_Com mNums],[log_ViewNums],[log_TrackBackNums],[log_Url],[log_Istop],[log_Template],[log_FullUrl],[log_Type],[log_Meta] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_Type]=0) And ([log_ID]>0) AND ([log_Istop]<>0) AND ([log_Level]>1)"

As the picture shows:




Step 2: Add And ([log_CateID]=1 or ([log_CateID]=2) after AND ([log_ID]>0), where the number is your category ID, for example, if I want to show my ID1 through 5, then add it

AND ([log_CateID]=1 or ([log_CateID]=2 or ([log_CateID]=3 or ([log_CateID]=4 or ([log_CateID]=5)

As the picture shows:


Step 3: Find line 2247:

If ListType="DEFAULT" Then objRS.Source=objRS.Source & " AND ([log_Istop]=0) "

As the picture shows:


Step 4: Add & "AND ([log_CateID]=1)" to the end of this code, again, where the numbers represent your category ID, such as mine

& " AND ([log_CateID]=1 or [log_CateID]=2 or [log_CateID]=3 or [log_CateID]=4 or [log_CateID]=5) "

As the picture shows:


Step 5: Save, upload code; Then enjoy the fleeting moment! ~ Hey hey

Guideline: I want to show which classification, show which classification (where to point, where to hit, the bullet to shoot accurately!)

Note the cover: This walkthrough only works with asp version zblog2.2!

The above is the analysis of the Internet content to bring you, if you want to know more about the relevant content, please continue to pay attention to the site, the site will be the first time to bring you better classic content. More highlights, all in jb51.net

  • Tag: zblog2.2

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