The Zhuang nationality

[zhuàng zú]
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The Zhuang nationality (By: Bouxcuengh [1] , English: Bourau ), formerly known as Tong (zhuang), is a minority group with the largest population in China. The national language is Zhuang, which belongs to the Zhuang Dai branch of the Sino-Tibetan Zhuang Dong language family.
Originating from "Xi 'ou" and "Luo Yue" recorded in Han historical records during the pre-Qin, Qin and Han dynasties living in the Lingnan region, Zhuang people are distributed in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, mainly living in the south, ranging from Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County in Guangdong Province in the east to Wenshan Zhuang Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province in the west, and Congjiang County in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province in the north. South to Beibu Gulf. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is the main distribution area of Zhuang people.
On October 12, 1965, according to the proposal of Zhou Enlai, then Premier of The State Council, and with the consent of the Zhuang people, The State Council officially approved the change of the Tong clan's "Tong" to the strong "Zhuang" character.
According to the China Statistical Yearbook -2021 The population of the Zhuang ethnic group in China is 19,568,546. [9]
Chinese name
The Zhuang nationality
Zhuang language
Human mouth
19,568,546 people (2021) [9]
Domestic distribution
Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan and other places
Have faith in
Zhuangjia Taoism, Mo religion, ancestor, nature worship
National script
Zhuang language
Baiyue County
Traditional handicraft
Zhuang brocade, hydrangea, bamboo woven goods
National culture
Bronze drums, folk songs, Zhuang opera
Medical achievement
Strong medicine, strong medicine
Foreign distribution
Europe, America, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam

Clan name

Zhuang, Buzhuang, originally Zhuang ethnic self-proclaimed. In the Chinese history books translated as "bump", "徸", etc., pronounced "zhuang", first seen in the Song Dynasty documents. After the founding of New China, it was written as "Tong".
On October 12, 1965, according to the proposal of Zhou Enlai, then Premier of The State Council, and with the consent of the Zhuang people, The State Council officially approved the change of the Tong clan's "Tong" to the strong "Zhuang" character. The word "zhuang" has the meaning of health, and will not be misread. From then on, the Tong clan was rewritten as the Zhuang Clan.
Zhuang except claim to be "cloth zhuang", and "the more cloth", "elegant", "cloth", "cloth", "soil", "nong", "central", "cloth", "cloth rao", "Mr Dai" itself. "Bu" means "man" in Zhuang language [2] .



Phylogenetic development

The "Xi 'ou" and "Luo Yue" recorded in the historical records of the Han nationality in the pre-Qin, Qin and Han dynasties who lived in the Lingnan area were the most direct ancestors of the Zhuang people.
In 221 BC, after the First Emperor of Qin unified the six States, he sent his second lieutenant Tu Sui and 500,000 troops to march into the south of the Lingnan, and encountered strong resistance from the West Ou people in the area of Yuechengling. In 214 BC, Qin Shi Huang sent Shi Lu to lead the army to open the Lingqu, supply food, transport troops, and the Qin army defeated the Xi 'ou people, unified the Lingnan area, and set up three counties in the Lingnan, Guilin, Nanhai and Xiang, which officially incorporated the area under the rule of the Central Dynasty.
Big shovel culture
According to archaeological data and historical records, at this time, the people of Xi 'ou and Luoyue had already used copper and iron utensils and began to step into the civilization era. Especially the Western Ou people, under the leadership of their leader Yi Xu Song, they used the familiar jungle and mountains to fight for several years, forcing the Qin army to "not disarm for three years", indicating that the social organization of the Western Ou people has been quite developed, and can operate more effectively, and has entered the era of tribal alliance or chiefdom. At that time, in order to ensure the military logistics supply of the southern invasion of Lingnan and defeat the resistance of the West Ou people, Qin Shi Huang also sent his supervisor to build the "Ling Canal" in the northeast of Guangxi and communicate with the two rivers of Xiang and Li. The construction of Lingqu greatly facilitated the traffic between north and south of the five Ridges, and was conducive to the economic and cultural development of Lingnan region. After the unification of Lingnan, the Qin Dynasty also moved a large number of Han people to Lingnan and lived together with the Yue people. Since then, the political, economic and cultural relations between the people of Xi 'ou and Luoyue and the people of all ethnic groups in the mainland have become closer, and this connection has played a positive role in the further development of the Yue society in the west of Lingnan.
From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties of Wei, Jin and Guangxi, the indigenous peoples of the Lingnan region (later the Liangguang region) were called "Wuhu", "Li", "Liao" or "Li Liao". They were descendants of Xi 'ou and Luo Yue. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Central Plains was plagued by war and social unrest, and many large family names moved to Lingnan to escape the chaos, which promoted the development of feudalization in Lingnan. Influenced by it, the Lihao aristocrats who lived in Lingnan all their lives became dominant all over the country, so that in the Lingnan indigenous ethnic society, there also appeared some "big surname". Such as Gao Liang, Hepu Xian family, Qinzhou, Hepu Ning family, Guizhou Li family, Gao Liang Huang family, etc., are the famous Lingnan aboriginal surnames in this period. They had the wealth of "thousands of miles, more than 10,000 slaves and maidservants, and treasures." At the same time, there are a large number of poor, even "father and son for generations of slaves" ordinary workers.
Xian is the great surname of Gaoliang area since Qin and Han Dynasties. Lady Xian married Feng Bao, the grand governor of Gao Liang, who moved to the south in the early years of Liang Datong in the Southern Dynasty, and had more than 100,000 tribes. She was clever and wise and resourceful since she was a child, able to appease the ministry, and the number of hundred more and the south of the local Han immigrants, Sui Dynasty was praised by the Sui Wen Emperor, was named Lady Qiao. Madame Xian made great contributions to the maintenance of national unity and local peace, and was admired by later generations.
During the Tang and Five Dynasties, the ancestors of the Zhuang people were still called Li, Liao, Wuhu (Wuwu), etc., but there were also ethnic names named after the region or the big family name, such as "Xiyuan Man", "Huangdong Man", "Nongdong Man" or the general name "Dong man", "Dong people" and so on. After the Song Dynasty, there were new changes in Zhuang nationality names, such as "bump", "cloth" and "Turen". After the Yuan and Ming dynasties, it was insulted and translated as "獞", and there were also self-proclaimed zhuang, non, lang, Tu, Sha and so on. These titles originally had a certain regional nature, but in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the title "Zhuang" had been widely seen in the whole Guangxi and the western part of Guangdong, becoming the most common ethnic name of the Zhuang people. In 1952, it was unified as "Tong" (sound zhuang). It was renamed "Strong" in 1965.

Internal and external struggle

In history, the Zhuang people launched numerous uprisings against feudalism and oppression in order to resist the dark rule of the central dynasty and the local soil officials and Liuguan. Among them, the insurgencies led by Huang Qianyao, Pan Chang 'an and Huang Shaoqing in Xiyuan Prefecture (Zuojiang Valley) in Tang Dynasty and the "Southern Heavenly Kingdom" revolt led by Nong Zhigao, the head of Guangyuan Prefecture in Song Dynasty. The rebellion of soldiers in Yizhou (Yishan, Nandan area) in Song Dynasty, the peasant uprising in Fushui (Huanjiang County, etc.), and the peasant uprising in Gutian County (Yongfu County) led by Zhuang peasant Wei Yinbao in Ming Dynasty, as well as the Fujiang uprising and the Bazhai uprising.
Zhuang people have also many times together with the people of all ethnic groups to fight back against the Cochin (later called Annan) feudal rulers and the armed aggression of the pirates, shoulder the responsibility of defending the sacred territory of the border of the motherland.
Nong Zhigao
In the early 11th century, Cochin (now Vietnam) gradually became strong under the Li Dynasty, and pursued a policy of foreign expansion. The Northern Song Dynasty was too busy defending against the Liao Dynasty and the Western Xia Dynasty in the north to look south, and broke away from the control of the Song Dynasty, and frequently invaded the Jiangnongdong and Huangdong areas and the coastal areas of Qin and Lian. In the 8th year of Xining (1075), King Li Qiande of Codigi ordered his auxiliary lieutenant Li Changjie to lead a massive invasion of Guangxi with 100,000 troops, captured Qinzhou and Lianzhou by water, and captured Yongping and Taiping by land. In the twelfth lunar month, the combined troops invaded Yongzhou City (today's Nanning City). Yongzhou governor Su Yu urgently sent the nearby ethnic groups of soil soldiers and Han soldiers into the city to defend against the enemy, and finally because of the outnumbered, adhere to 42 days and the city was destroyed. At that time, the Zhuang men and the Zhuang and Yao people in Jiangxitong and the left and right of Guangxi rose up to block the Cochin aggressors and cut off the road behind them. Soon, reinforcements from the Song Dynasty arrived. With the concerted efforts of officers and soldiers, soldiers and people of Zhuang and Han ethnic groups, the Cochin aggressors were finally defeated and the territorial integrity of the motherland was successfully defended.
During the reign of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates invaded the southeast coast of China and seriously threatened the security of the southeast sea frontier. Under the leadership of Wa Shi, wife of Cen Meng, a local official in Tianzhou Prefecture (now Tianyang County) of Guangxi Province, the Ming government recruited "general soldiers" to resist Japan in the southeast coast. In April 1558, in the 34th year of Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, the "general soldiers" and the "local soldiers" (composed of Tujia and Miao nationality) of Yongshun and Baojing in Hunan Province fought together. In the famous battle of Wangjiangjing (now north of Jiaxing County, Zhejiang Province), more than 3,000 Japanese pirates were wiped out in one stroke, achieving the first major victory since the Anti-Japanese War. After that, he made many achievements in Lujing Dam and other battles. The people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang highly praised the spirit of Waili and his soldiers against Japan, and widely chanted "Flower tile family, can kill Japan". Mrs. Wa was a heroine in the struggle against foreign aggression in Zhuang history and is still celebrated by Zhuang people today.
After modern times, faced with the invasion of capitalist imperialist forces and the corrupt rule of domestic reactionary ruling clique, the Zhuang people, together with other ethnic groups, embarked on the road of anti-oppression and liberation.
In 1851, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution, which shocked the world at home and abroad, took place in the Jintian area of Guiping, where Zhuang, Han and Yao lived together. At that time, thousands of Zhuang people participated in the Jintian uprising, accounting for about a quarter of the total number of Taiping Army at that time. After the Taiping Army left Guangxi to the north, many Zhuang soldiers accompanied the army to the north, and formed the basic backbone of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Taiping Army, and some became important leaders. The first leader who died in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Lu Liu, who was later honored as King Gu, was a Zhuang nationality from Gaokeng Chong on Zijing Mountain in Guiping. Wei Changhui, King of the North, was also of the Zhuang nationality in Guiping County; Xiao Chaogui, the West king who served as the former army commander and made many war achievements, and died in Changsha, was a Zhuang nationality from Wuxuan County. The two generals, Li Kaifang and Lin Fengxiang, who led the northern expedition to Tianjin and advanced to Beijing, were both Zhuang people from Wuming County. In the late period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution, the commander of the Central army and the leader of the King of Zan, Mengdeen, was from the Zhuang nationality of Pingnan County. Tan Shaoguang, the king of Mu who conquered Suzhou and annihilated Gordon's "ever-victorious army", was a Zhuang nationality in Xiangzhou. The revolutionary generals and officers and men of the Zhuang nationality played an important role in the whole revolutionary battle of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. In particular, Zhuang women, like men, turned to the north and South, risking their lives, "barefoot and wrapped their heads, climbing the rock valley, brave and strong than men, and armed to take up the battle before the battle", giving a heavy blow to the corrupt official army.
After the Taiping Army moved north, the peasant uprising in the Zhuang area was raging one after another. Among them, the large scale peasant movement led by Chen Kai and Li Wenmao; Guigang peasant uprising led by Huang Dingfeng (Zhuang nationality); The peasant uprising in Shanglin County led by Li Jingui (Zhuang nationality); The peasant uprising in Yongchun County led by Li Wencai (also known as Li Qi, Zhuang) and the "Yanling Army" uprising in the Zuojiang Valley led by Wu Lingyun. They echoed with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, cooperated with each other, fought the enemy together, and wrote a glorious page in our modern history.
In the 1870s and 1880s, after the French imperialists violently invaded southern Vietnam, they then invaded northern Vietnam and southwestern China on a large scale. The Chinese people were forced to rise up to defend their motherland and support the Vietnamese people. The "Black Flag Army" led by Liu Yongfu was the first to fight. The "Black Flag Army" was established and developed in the Zhuang area, and its main force was the remainder of the Zhuang peasant uprising led by the Zhuang peasant leaders Wu Lingyun and Wu Yazhong. Huang Shouzhong, the former battalion commander of the Black Flag Army, Wu Fengdian, the left battalion commander, and other more than 20 generals were Zhuang ethnic groups in the area of Shangsi and Ningming in Guangxi. When the French aggressors occupied Hanoi and attempted to advance along the Red River to our border, the Black Flag Army, at the invitation of the Vietnamese Government, fought back against the aggressors together with the Vietnamese army and people. At that time, Tang Jingsong, a witness of the war, wrote in his "Diary of the Volunteer" : "Hanoi City, every night from the breakdown, crying black flag, enemy courage has fallen." The great achievements of the Black Flag Army in resisting France, aiding Vietnam and defending the country will never be erased.
In February 1885, the French army under the command of Nigri attacked China's southern gate town of Nangguan, blew up the city wall, and arrogantly planted a sign that read: "The defense of the border is not a stone wall, but the implementation of the treaty." The gateway to China no longer exists and the only way out is a treaty of surrender. However, the people of the Zhuang and Han ethnic groups on the border dealt a crushing blow to the enemy's arrogance. They organized themselves against the French invaders, vowing that "we will rebuild our gates with the heads of the French invaders." When Feng Zicai, a patriotic general in Qing Dynasty, led his army to counterattack, Zhuang and Han people of all ethnic groups actively supported and finally achieved the world-famous "Zhennan Pass victory". Meng Da, a Zhuang peasant, led Feng Zicai's way, and personally led a death squad, wielding large swords and spears, and killed hundreds of enemies. His heroic deeds are still celebrated by the Zhuang people on the border.
The Zhuang people's contribution to the Xinhai Revolution is also huge. In 1907, Sun Yat-sen appointed Wang Heshun (formerly known as Zhang Deqing), a Zhuang peasant leader in Yongning County, as the "governor of the Southern Army of the Chinese People's Army" to participate in and lead the uprising. In the "Zhennan Pass" armed uprising launched in the same year, Sun Yat-sen appointed Huang Mingtang, the leader of the Qinzhou Zhuang peasant uprising, as the "Zhennan Pass governor", and Li Youqing (Zhuang) from Pingxiang prefecture as the deputy governor, captured Zhennan Pass, which was highly praised by Sun Yat-sen. In March of the following year, Sun Yat-sen launched the Yunnan Hekou Uprising with Huang Mingtang as commander and Guan Renfu and Wang Heshun as deputy commanders. In the Huanghuagang Uprising in Guangzhou in 1911, many members of the Zhuang Tongmeng Association participated in the battle, and among the 72 martyrs who died in this battle were Wei Yunqing, Wei Shumo and other Zhuang heroes. Among those who died in the uprising against Yuan Shikai were the Zhuang revolutionary leader Nong Shida. All these have fully demonstrated the revolutionary heroism of the Zhuang people who dare to revolution and are not afraid of sacrifice.
The following year, he led the peasants' armed uprising, attacked the tuhao and attacked the city of Donglan County, and the peasants' armed team grew to more than 1,500 people. In 1925, the first branch of the Communist Party of China in Guangxi was established in Wuzhou. In the winter of that year, Wei Peiqun and others returned to Donglan after learning from the Guangzhou Peasant Movement Institute, and under the leadership of the Party, carried out the peasant revolutionary movement, organized the peasant movement institute, cultivated the backbone of the peasant movement, propagated the revolutionary truth, and established peasant associations and women's associations in Donglan, Fengshan and other counties, districts and townships. In the same year, Wei Baicun organized the peasants' armed forces, fought tit-for-toe with the local landlords and gentry, and captured Donglan County again. In late 1928, Wei joined the Communist Party of China. Since then, he has made unremitting struggles to create, consolidate and develop the revolutionary base area of Youjiang.
At the same time, the peasants in Fengyi, Enlong and other places, under the leadership of Huang Zhifeng of the Zhuang nationality in Fengyi, launched a struggle against corrupt officials and excessive and miscellaneous taxes from August 1924. After the Baise uprising, Huang Zhifeng successively served as commander of the Youjiang Red Guard Army, commander of the Fourth column of the Seventh Red Army, deputy division commander of the twentieth Division of the Seventh Red Army, and chief of the Staff Department of the Military headquarters. After going north with the army to the central revolutionary base, he accepted the delegation of the Party Central Committee in 1934 and returned to the Youjiang Revolutionary base to carry out work, but was unfortunately arrested on the way and died a heroic death.
Wei Tuqun served as the third longitudinal captain. On the same day, the peasant representatives of all counties and the soldiers of the Seventh Red Army were held in Pingma Town, Tian Dong, announcing the establishment of the Youjiang Workers' and peasants' democratic Government, electing Lei Jingtian as its chairman, announcing the political program and various policies of the workers' and peasants' democratic government, and Wei Peiqun and Chen Hongtao (Zhuang nationality) as government members. Then, Baise, Fengyi (now Tianyang), Enyang (now Tianyang), Enlong (now Tiandong), Silin (now Tiandong), Xiangdu (today's county), Zhenjie (today's county), Guode (today's Pingguo County), Long An, Donglan, Fengshan and other places in the Youjiang River basin were liberated one after another, and democratic governments of workers and peasants at county, district and township levels were established.
Then in the Zuojiang area, Longzhou, Ningming, Mingjiang (now Ningming County), Chongshan (now Chongzuo County), Zuoxian (now Chongzuo County), Leiping (now Daxin County), Wancheng (now Daxin County), Yangli (now Daxin County) and other counties were liberated one after another, and the county Revolutionary Military committees were set up. At the same time that the revolutionary regime was established in the counties of the left and You River basins, the revolutionary regime was also established in some areas of Du 'an, Nandan, Tian 'e, Lingyun, Hechi and other counties. So far, the revolutionary base area of Zuoyoujiang in Guangxi has more than 20 counties in the west and southwest of Guangxi, with a population of more than 2 million, and the revolutionary struggle of the Zhuang people has entered a new climax.
During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, under the strong leadership of the Youjiang Special Committee of the Communist Party of China and Party organizations around the country, the Zhuang people and the people of all ethnic groups carried out the heroic anti-Japanese guerrilla war together and made great contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. In 1949, under the leadership of the Party, all parts of Guangxi launched armed uprisings, launched people's guerrilla warfare, and actively cooperated with the southbound troops of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. By the end of 1949, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong and other Zhuang areas had been liberated one after another [2] .


As an indigenous ethnic group in southern China, Zhuang nationality was in the historical stage of independent development before the Qin and Han Dynasties, and has been under the governance of the Central Dynasty since then. The social, political, economic and cultural development was deeply influenced by the central government's ruling policies and Han society and culture, and this influence was constantly strengthened with the gradual deepening of the central dynasty's ruling power and the increase of Han immigrants. The social and political system and social structure of the Zhuang ethnic group before the founding of New China showed the characteristics of diversity due to the great differences in the affected regions.
In the eastern part of the Zhuang where Han and Zhuang people lived together, the social development of the Zhuang people was greatly influenced by the Han people, and their social and political system was in the development stage of the feudal landlord system. In the west of Guangxi and Wenshan Prefecture of Yunnan Province where Zhuang people live, they were mainly under the rule of Zhuang people's land officials (chieftain) since Tang and Song dynasties, and were in the development stage of feudal serfdom, with a special social and political system.
  • Chieftain system
Within the territory of the land officials (chieftains), the land officials held all political, economic and cultural powers, and set up authority to rule. The establishment of these authorities varied according to the rank of the chieftain, the size of the territory under his jurisdiction, and the economic strength of the government. In those prefectures and counties with larger jurisdiction and better social and economic development, the local officials generally have civil and military officials. The prefectures and counties also have prisons, which are under the jurisdiction of local officials.
Under the yamen, there were also separate districts, sections, pavilions, sentry posts, capital, roads, tun, fort, slope, town, Jia, Fang, etc. There were so-called foreign officials such as Tu, Jia, sentry posts, guards, leaders, and general fang, who were responsible for detecting spies, hearing lawsuits, organizing strong men, collecting taxes, and so on. These constituted the rural power system in the land official area. Through these organizations, the soil officials penetrated their power into the villages and households under their jurisdiction and exercised rule over the people.
After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the system of Tuguan (tuji) became increasingly backward and decadent, and the rule of Tuguan became more and more brutal. They were not only dissatisfied by the feudal central dynasty, but also rejected by the Zhuang people. After more than two hundred years of reform from the early Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the feudal serfdom system which could not adapt to the local social development was finally destroyed in the western Zhuang region, and the landlord economy gained an all-round development. With the development of social economy and the deepening influence of Han culture, the social organization structure of Zhuang nationality has undergone great changes since modern times.
  • clansman
The Zhuang people have always had the custom of living together. In ancient times, the big family names of the Zhuang people, such as Mo, Huang, Non, Wei, Tan, Luo, Cen, Mengshi, Guobai and Gan, all evolved on the basis of the original clan system and lived together for a long time. Under the influence of Han culture, the clan organization and clan culture in some Zhuang areas are relatively developed, with ancestral halls, clan rules and genealogies. In Zhuang villages with the same surname and clan, the paternal relatives within three generations are called Fangs, those beyond three generations are called doors or clans, and the houses, doors and clans are collectively called families. Intermarriage of the same clan is forbidden. The internal relationship of the clan depends on the patriarch, clan property, ancestral hall and clan rules to maintain. Patriarchs are generally male, in some places naturally formed, and in others inherited by the eldest son of a direct line of blood. The duties of the patriarch are generally to manage the common property of the ancestral hall and clan, organize and preside over sacrifices and other public activities, mediate internal disputes of the clan, and preside over family property succession and foreign negotiations. After the 1950s, due to the influence of The Times, most of the ancestral halls in Zhuang area have been destroyed and dilapidated, and some have been used for other purposes. Clan activities have gradually weakened or stopped, and the influence of clan forces on the life of Zhuang villagers has gradually weakened. However, in recent years, there has been a trend of revival of clan activities in some areas.
In the Zhuang area where the clan power and clan culture are not developed, there is another form of village community management organization "Dulao system". This is a more ancient Zhuang village management organization, mainly composed of the management body headed by "Dulao", the elders and the villagers' assembly. "All the old", also called village old, village old, old, village old, people, Lang fire, first class. Most of them are naturally formed, and some of them are elected by the villagers or appointed by the government, generally without pay. The duties of Dulao are mainly to lead the villagers to formulate village rules and conventions, maintain village social order, manage the public property of the village, preside over collective sacrifice ceremonies, lead public construction, mediate disputes within the village and among the villages, and so on. The Dulao system operates by virtue of the legal system and customs of the Zhuang traditional society. Since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, with the deep penetration of the state power into the rural society, this system is also changing and declining, and is gradually replaced by the Baojia system and the rural Jia system.
  • The system of maintaining state armour under the imperial system
The Baojia system was implemented in the Qing Dynasty to strengthen the government's intervention and control over the grassroots society. In the Zhuang area, the Baojia system has also been partially implemented. In the fourth year of Yongzheng (1726), the Qing Emperor specifically ordered the establishment of Baojia Law in Zhuang, Miao and other minority areas and Tusi areas in comparison with the mainland. In order to effectively play the function of Baojia, the Qing government put forward a standard for the selection and appointment of the chief of Baojia, requiring the local people to "elect honest, literate and wealthy people to the government." However, due to the great differences in the political, economic and cultural structure between the Zhuang area and the Han area, the implementation of the Baojia system here could not be divorced from the local actual situation, and for a long period of time, the chief of the Baojia system was mostly held by the head of the traditional Zhuang authority - Du Lao et al. Later, with the development of Zhuang society and the gradual disintegration of traditional social structure, the position of Baojia chief was gradually replaced by landlords, rich peasants and other dignitaries.
The Baojia system carried out in the Zhuang region in the Qing Dynasty was mainly confined to the towns and suburbs of the Zhuang and Han mixed areas at first, and then gradually promoted. However, due to the scattered residence of Zhuang people, small village scale, and the complexity of Zhuang social system, the implementation of Baojia system in Zhuang areas, especially in remote villages with inconvenient transportation, is greatly restricted. In these places, traditional folk control systems, such as clans and village communities, play a more effective role.
  • Village system
After the new Guangxi system ruled Guangxi, the rural grass-roots social control system was reformed. In 1933, the new grass-roots system was implemented in the counties. In villages, "the people will belong to the households; ten households will be the armour, ten armour will be the villages, ten villages will be the townships, and ten townships will be the districts." In cities and towns, "ten divisions are streets, ten divisions are towns, and ten divisions are districts", establishing the township (town) village (street) A system. By the summer of 1940, all counties in Guangxi Province, including Zhuang, Yao, Miao and other ethnic minority areas, had implemented the new rural grass-roots system.
Both the Bao-jia system and the rural Jia system are local grass-roots social power systems under the centralized rule, especially the rural Jia system, with its strict organization system, plays a highly controlling role in the rural society. With its popularization in Guangxi Zhuang region, the process of social and political integration of Zhuang people has been promoted rapidly, and the modernization process of Zhuang society has also gained great development.
  • National autonomy
After the founding of New China, with the development and completion of land reform, the traditional forces in Zhuang villages were broken, and the rural Jia system went into decline. Since then, the Communist Party of China has carried out democratic construction and township construction, the poor and farm peasants who were originally at the bottom of society have been mobilized, the old clan and family social and cultural network of Zhuang rural society has been further disintegrated, and the state power has penetrated deeply into the vast Zhuang rural areas in a form different from that of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and the traditional social organization and structure of Zhuang rural areas have undergone fundamental changes. In the period of people's commune, the infiltration of state power into Zhuang grass-roots society and the intensity of management reached the historical peak. In the early 1980s, although the people's commune system was disintegrating, as in other parts of the country, the rural system of township, village, and villager group then dominated the Zhuang villages, and the process of social and political integration of the Zhuang people was further promoted, and the modernization process of Zhuang society was irreversibly developed.
On August 19, 1951, Longsheng Autonomous Region (renamed Longsheng Autonomous County in 1955) was established, which included Zhuang, Dong, Yao and Miao ethnic groups. On December 10, 1952, the West Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was established in the western half of Guangxi where Zhuang people lived. In March 1956, it became an autonomous prefecture. As the Zhuang ethnic group is the most populous ethnic group in China, it has formed an inseparable flesh and blood relationship with the Han, Yao, Miao, Dong and other ethnic groups in the long struggle, and the establishment of an autonomous region at the provincial level will be more conducive to the development of other ethnic groups of the Zhuang people by uniting the populous and economically developed agricultural area in the east of Guangxi with the vast land and mineral rich western area. According to the will of the people of all ethnic groups in Guangxi, on March 15, 1958, the establishment of the West Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Prefecture was abolished, and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region at the provincial level was established within the former Guangxi Province. On April 1 of the same year, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture was established in Yunnan Province. On September 26, 1962, Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County was established in Guangdong Province. Ethnic townships have also been established in areas where the Zhuang people are scattered [2] .


In Tang and Song dynasties, the Zhuang ancestors had new social and economic development. Agriculture is dominated by rice fields, has a large number of cattle farming, farming technology has developed to the extent of "deep irrigation, when the seed is weeded, but the cattle and horses step on the ground, to do borer harm, often day and night, with dung." Therefore, there are "rice millet are ripe again", "rice like Huxiang", "grain storage", "pigs, cows, chickens and ducks fat tomato interest" situation. The handicraft industry has copper, iron, textile and so on, especially the ðd ˆŒ Zi cloth and Zhuang brocade (then called "緂 cloth") has been famous ðd ˆŒ child cloth, "white thin", "cool away Zhuang brocade, then "white matter square grain, wide wide wisp", "beautiful thick, sincere south above the suit also". However, compared with the Central Plains, the development of social production is still relatively backward, many areas still use seeds on the spot, do not move seedlings, do not irrigate, do not fertilize, do not weed extensive farming methods, and some remote mountainous areas even stay in the "slash-and-burn" and hunting for a living original production state.
By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the social and economic development of Zhuang area had improved. Right River area of today's Wuming, Pingguo area, "wide open, Xuan Huo beautiful." The stone mountain is undulating and winding, covering the plain, and the two waters merge around the mountain into the giant dip. The river is now open, and commerce and goods converge, covering the mainland." It is the place where "the garrison is densely covered, so that the car is rare" in Qingyuan, and it has also become "the scholar holds the sutra and talks, the people miscellaneous soldiers and species", and the people of all ethnic groups live in peace and harmony. In Hengzhou area, people either build embankments to enclose ponds, or divert streams to irrigation, such farmland has been quite common. The cultivation of rice fields is also more meticulous, sowing and raising seedlings, ploughing and weeding once or twice, so that the upper field reaches 2 stones per mu. The sloping land is open to the She land to plant drought grass, after planting weeds once or twice, the yield is comparable to paddy field. Many Zhuang farmers in Shishan area also mastered the technology of "calcined stone for ash" and applied lime to adjust the acidity of the land. Animal husbandry has also developed greatly, the raising of pigs, cattle, sheep and horses is very common, and some farmers with a small population even raise more than ten cattle, and its development level is roughly close to that of neighboring Han areas [2] .




The Zhuang people are distributed in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China, mainly living in the south, ranging from Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County in Guangdong Province in the east to Wenshan Zhuang Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province in the west, to Congjiang County in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province in the north, and to Beibu Gulf in the south.
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is the main distribution area of Zhuang people, with a total of 14.2071 million people (2000), accounting for 87.81% of the total population of Zhuang people, mainly concentrated in Nanning, Chongzuo, Baise, Hechi, Liuzhou, Laibin, Guigang City and other places.
In addition, 981,000 people were distributed in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province (2000), and 129,000 people were scattered in other areas of Yunnan Province (2000). There are 42,000 people in the Zhuang Yao Autonomous County of Lianshan, Guangdong Province (2000), and more than 4,000 people (2000) living in the Xiashuai Zhuang Yao Township of Huaiji County, which is adjacent to Lianshan. There are 16,000 people in Congjiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province (2000). Jianghua Yao Autonomous County in Hunan Province has a population of more than 5,000 (2000).
Zhuang people live in places, basically connected into a piece, most of them live in compact communities, but also a considerable part and Han, Yao, Miao, Dong, Mulam, Maonan, water and other ethnic cohabitation [2] .
According to 2010 The sixth national census According to statistics, the total population of Zhuang people is 16,926,381 [2-3] .
According to the China Statistical Yearbook -2021 The population of the Zhuang ethnic group in China is 19,568,546. [9]


The Zhuang ethnic group is a cross-border ethnic group, mainly distributed in the northern part of Vietnam adjacent to China. On the basis of Vietnam The difference in residence time is identified as Daii and Nong They are collectively known as the Dai Nung (Tay-Nung), whose language is the Dai Nung, and whose culture, customs, and language are basically the same as those of the Zhuang people in China [4-5] . Every festival, red and white wedding is invited. [6] "People of the Same Root" has related records of the Dai Yi and Non people in Vietnam.
There are 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam, of which the Dai Nong have a population of 2.7 million (2013), making them the largest ethnic group in the country. With the increasing frequency and depth of Sino-Vietnamese cultural exchanges, such as Tengeum (Zhuang: den, Vietnamese: then) and other ethnic art forms have gradually flourished in both countries [7] .




Buluotuo, the First Ancestor of the Zhuang Nationality
The Zhuang people have no unified religious belief.
The Zhuang people believe in multiple gods, worshiping the gods of heaven, thunder, earth, stone, tree, frog, flower and ancestral gods. After the Wei and Jin dynasties, with the introduction of Taoism and Buddhism into the Zhuang region, the Zhuang religious belief system changed under its influence, forming a "religion" with primitive Moism as the main religion, integrating Taoism and Buddhism into one, believing in multiple gods, and the emergence of semi-professional clergy -- Master Gong. Shigong has a relatively complete Canon and organization, but there is no strict practice ritual like Taoism. Its function is to pray for the people, expel ghosts and serve gods. The practice of the law has the characteristics of sorcery, Tao and interpretation. At the same time, Zhengyi and Taiyi Taoism of Han nationality are also popular in the Zhuang area, and their clergy speak highly of the public, because they specialize in chanting scriptures and incantation and little interpretation of scripture, so the folk is also called "Mr. Nan 嗼". Although Daogong has complied with the teachings and rules of Taoism, he has also been transformed by the local religious culture of Zhuang people and has the character of a Buddhist. Daogong has no fixed temples, and mostly conducts temporary ritual activities in the form of setting up altars and groups. In addition to the special ones of Taoism, it also offers deities to Buddhism and local Zhuang deities.
Buddhism has little influence on Zhuang society because of its teachings and rules, such as elysium, abstinence and vegetarianism, which contradict the values and living customs of Zhuang people. Although there are scattered Buddhist temples in the Zhuang area, the scale and number of abbot monks and nuns are far below the average temples in the Central Plains, and most of their followers are Han Chinese living in the south. Nevertheless, some Buddhist doctrines and ideas, such as virtue and benevolence, have been recognized by the Zhuang people, and even the expression "not practicing in previous lives", which reflects the Buddhist doctrine of life and death, has become a mantra for some Zhuang women to blame themselves.
After the middle of the 19th century, Christianity and Catholicism were also introduced into the Zhuang area one after another, and Christian and Catholic churches were established in some towns and cities in the Zhuang area to develop believers, but their influence was mainly limited to some urban residents [2] .


The Zhuang nationality is one of the earliest ethnic groups to cultivate and plant rice, and the rice culture is very developed, and rice has naturally become the staple food of the Zhuang people. There are a variety of rice production methods, steamed, boiled, fried, braised, fried, etc., all kinds of rice, rice porridge, rice flour, rice cake, glutinous rice cake, zongzi, dumplings, etc., is the daily favorite food of the Zhuang people. If mixed with other materials, it can also be made into many more delicious and nutritious foods, such as eight treasures rice, eight treasures porridge, bamboo rice, pumpkin rice, "colored glutinous rice" and so on.
The Zhuang people living in the arid mountainous area, because it is not suitable to grow rice, they rely on corn as their staple food.
The Zhuang people like to eat aquatic products, fish clams, snails, are all precious taste; Fruit, cicadas, snakes, birds and beasts in the mountains are also the daily delicacies of the Zhuang people.
Chewing betel nut is a traditional custom of Zhuang people, and Zhuang women in Longzhou and other places in Guangxi still like this. In some places, betel nut is a must for entertaining guests [2] .


One of Zhuang architectural styles
The housing of the Zhuang people is mostly the same as that of the local Han. The Zhuang villages in the southwest and northwest of Guangxi still maintain the ancient traditional housing form "Ganlan", also known as "Ma LAN". It is divided into two floors, with people living above and livestock and debris stored below.
This form of housing, is the ancient Baiyue ethnic housing characteristics, has thousands of years of history. Because it has the advantages of adapting to the southern mountain terrain, climate and preventing the infestation of poisonous snakes, it has been extended to modern times.
With the development of The Times, although the houses in Debao, Jingxi, Bama and other places have developed towards the direction of modern living rooms, they are constructed of masonry or reinforced concrete, but the structure of some houses still retains the basic characteristics of dry columns.
The "Ganlan" architecture in the Zhuang inhabited area of Longji Autonomous County of Longsheng is the most complete one to date [2] .


Most of the Zhuang costumes are the same as those of the Han nationality, but in the villages of western Guangxi, especially the middle-aged and elderly women, they still retain the characteristics of their national costumes. For example, in northwestern Guangxi, middle-aged and elderly Zhuang women wear collarless, left skirt, embroidered binding clothes and trousers with wide feet, embroidered waist girth, wearing pleated skirts and embroidered shoes, and silver jewelry; The Zhuang women in Longzhou and Pingxiang in southwest Guangxi are still wearing a black blouse without collar and left side, a black patch in the shape of a square on the head, and wide-legged black trousers.
Ancient Zhuang people once popular tattoo, chisel teeth and other customs. The Tang Dynasty writer Liu Zongyuan once mentioned that the Tongpeople in Liuzhou (one of the ancient names of the Zhuang nationality) are all tattooed people. The Song Dynasty history book "Taiping World" also recorded that women around Guigang City had to chisel a tooth when they got married, which was called "chisel teeth" in ancient times. Nowadays, these customs are only scattered in remote areas [2] .

Language and writing

  • Language
Zhuang language belongs to the Zhuang Dong language family of Sino-Tibetan Zhuang Dai language branch. There are two major dialects in the north and the south, but the grammatical structure and basic vocabulary are roughly the same. The two major dialects of the north and the south are roughly divided by Yujiang and Youjiang, and extend to the Guangnan and Yanshan areas of Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The northern dialect accounts for about 2/3 of the Zhuang population and is divided into 8 dialects, namely, Yongbei dialect, Youjiang dialect, Guibian dialect, Liujiang dialect, Guibei dialect, Hongshuihe dialect, Qiubei dialect and Lianshan dialect. The southern dialect accounts for about 1/3 of the Zhuang population and is divided into 5 dialects, namely Yongnan dialect, Zuojiang dialect, Dejing dialect, Yanguang dialect and Wenma dialect.
  • Text
Since Tang and Song Dynasties, Zhuang people have been popular folk "local characters", this kind of characters is based on Chinese characters, the use of Chinese pronunciation and meaning combination. According to the Guzhuang Character Dictionary (the first draft) published by the Office of the Leading Group for Collating and Publishing Ancient Books of Guangxi Ethnic Minorities in 1989, there are more than 10,700 characters, of which 4,918 are classified as traditional characters. These characters are from the hundreds of years or hundreds of years ago published or copied by the book, vouchers, Shigong singing, folk songs, stories and legends, genealogy, letters and inscriptions collected, indicating that this block Zhuang characters in the Zhuang area folk had been widely popular. However, due to the great differences between the regions of the ancient Zhuang characters, the lack of norms, so the Zhuang ethnic groups in different regions can not form a unified Zhuang characters, mainly rely on Chinese for communication. In 1955, the Party and the people's government helped the Zhuang people to create a Zhuang script based on the Latin alphabet, and trained the backbone of the Zhuang script, and published books and newspapers. The Zhuang script played an active role in literacy and propaganda of the Party's policies. In the 1980s, the revision of the "Zhuang Wen Program" was completed, which further popularized Zhuang Wen, and Zhuang Wen was once again introduced into various schools at all levels [2] .


The Zhuang people have created many myths, legends, folk stories, proverbs and other colorful folk literature. The long poem "Buluotuo", created on the basis of the Buluotuo myth, is an ancient and magnificent creation epic of the Zhuang people, and an encyclopedia of the Zhuang society in prehistoric times. It is mainly distributed in Bama, Donglan, Fengshan, Tian 'e, Nandan, Hechi, Yishan, Du 'an, Masan and Baise, Tianyang, Tiandong and Pingguo counties in the Hongshui River Basin. In the form of poetry, it vividly describes the formation of the earth, the sun and the moon, the origin of human beings, the origins of various livestock and crops, and the social life of ancient people, and enthusiastically praises the great achievements of Buluotuo, the mythic figure known as the founding ancestor of the Zhuang people. Through this epic, we can see the basic features of prehistoric Zhuang society, as well as the life and production conditions of the Zhuang people.
In the 1950s and 1960s, there were some novels in Guangxi, such as Beautiful Nanning by Zhuang writers, Revenge of Mountain Village by Liu Yufeng, narrative poem by Zhuang poet Wei Qilin, lyrical poem by Huang Qing, Song of the Red River, etc. "Hundred Birds Clothes" was listed as one of the outstanding works of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1959. After entering the period of reform and opening up, the literary creation of the Zhuang people was even more prosperous. The Long Night, a novel written on land, won the first prize of National Minority literature creation. The long Zhuang folk poem Bubo, co-translated by Zhuang poet Sha Hong and LAN Hongen, is known as the treasure of Chinese minority folk literature [2] .


Martial arts in Zhuang Township not only has a long history and tradition, but also has unique customs.
For example, in the Ming Dynasty, the Zhuang people in the west of Guangxi, the boy was about ten years old, and they had to teach him to practice martial arts. The local chieftain advocates the masses to practice martial arts, and the masses also advocate martial arts, and every year during the winter idle season, each village in Zhuang Township hires masters to teach martial arts.
This custom persisted until around the time of liberation [8] .

Science and technology


Zhuang medicine

In the 1980s, in addition to the original traditional Chinese medicine institutions, the Guangxi Natural Medicine Research Center and the Guangxi Institute of Ethnic Medicine were established, and targeted surveys were carried out on the Zhuang people, and medical books such as "Zhuang Medicine Thread moxibustion Therapy" were unearthed and published.
Guangxi ethnic medicine institutions actively carry out the research of ethnic medical medicine, and have made great achievements, "Zhuang medicine basic theory and clinical experimental research", "Zhuang medicine internal medicine discovery and experimental research", "Zhuang medicine standard research" and other projects won the second prize of Guangxi Science and Technology Progress.
A number of national, ministry and provincial Zhuang pharmaceutical scientific research projects through identification or acceptance [2] .


Zhuang brocade is the original handicraft of Zhuang women. With cotton yarn for warp, velvet for weft. The warp is generally the primary color, and the weft is woven into a variety of beautiful patterns with various colors.
Zhuang brocade has bright color, exquisite weaving, soft texture, strong and durable. The Zhuang people love the auspicious phoenix, so, "ten Zhuang brocade nine phoenix", the phoenix on the Zhuang brocade each vivid, unique. Zhuang brocade has a wide variety of colors and uses, and can be used as bed blanket, quilt, apron, suspenders, belts, handbags, satchels, headscarves, clothing decoration, etc.
According to historical records, it was produced in the Tang and Song dynasties. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhuang women were famous throughout the country for their good at weaving brocade. After the founding of New China, Zhuang brocade was further developed as a highly ethnic style handicraft. In addition to continuing to produce traditional patterns, more than 40 new patterns were created [2] .

Bronze drum

Bronze drum of Zhuang nationality
The bronze drum has a history of more than 2,000 years, and there are more than 600 unearthed and collected in Guangxi alone, and more than 1,400 collected and registered in folk collections. There are many types of bronze drums, varying in size, with the largest being 1.63 meters in diameter. The weight is as small as 20 or 30 kilograms, and the largest is nearly 500 kilograms.
The use of the bronze drum has always been different, there are military music, folk music, sacrifice music, and the symbol of power and wealth and so on.
The bronze drum is not only a kind of practical object, but also a kind of exquisite art. It has both embossed patterns and three-dimensional sculptures. It is a synthesis of carving art and vertical sculpture, and a comprehensive work of art, reflecting the superb casting technology and artistic level of Zhuang artisans [2] .



Musical instrument

The folk instruments commonly used in Zhuang nationality are suona, bee drum, bronze drum, big drum, bronze cymbals, gong, sheng, xiao, flute, horsebone hu, Tianqin and so on.
Tianqin is the oldest plucked musical instrument of the Zhuang nationality. It has a history of thousands of years and is mainly popular in the areas of Longzhou, Ninh Minh and Fangcheng in southwest Guangxi and the border with Vietnam. In the widely circulated legend of Zhuang folk "Ma Le visit to the horizon", the Zhuang ancestor Ma Le is playing the Tianqin to look for the sun in the horizon [2] .


Heroic encouragement
The dances of Zhuang nationality include "Chung Tang Dance", "Hydrangea dance", "shrimp fishing dance", "tea picking dance", "pole dance", "copper drum dance" and so on.
The dance is characterized by a distinct theme, dance steps, witty and lively, vivid feelings, sometimes passionate, sometimes sentimental, fully embodies the Zhuang working people's stubborn and love and hate clear character [2] .


Chongzuo flower mountain cliff painting
Zuojiang cliff paintings, with a history of more than 2000 years, are mainly distributed on the cliffs on both sides of the Zuojiang River and its tributary, the Ming River, in Ningming, Longzhou, Chongzuo and Fusui counties in southwest Guangxi.
A total of 183 mural paintings have been found, with the Mingjiang River in Ningming County, Huashan cliff mural as the most famous. On the broad cliff wall of the steep wall of the river, which was about 200 meters wide and 50 meters high, there were densely covered with various portraits in bright red colors. At present, there are more than 1,800 portraits that can be recognized, the largest portrait is 2.41 meters high, and the smaller one is about 30 centimeters.
Zuojiang cliff paintings mainly have three kinds of figures, animals and artifacts, and the brushstrokes are rough and powerful. Zuojiang cliff painting is an outstanding and immortal artistic creation of the Zhuang ancestors, and its content reflects the social life of the ancient Zhuang ancestors to a certain extent [2] .


Zhuang opera is a stage art form of Zhuang nationality, which is a comprehensive art of folk literature, music, dance and skill. Zhuang opera can be divided into six kinds, namely Shigong Opera, North Road Zhuang Opera, South Road Zhuang Opera, Funing Zhuang Opera, Guangnan Zhuang Opera and Lexi local opera.
Developing Boxing Culture
Shigong opera It is mainly spread in the Zhuang areas of Hechi, Liuzhou and other places, and developed on the basis of "skipping God", according to legend, there was in the Tang Dynasty. Traditional plays include "King Mo Yi", "White Horse Girl", "Shunzhi Pai Hai" and so on.
North road strong drama It is mainly popular in the area of Xilin, Tianlin, Longlin, Lingyun and Leye in the north of Baise City. It was first developed on the basis of Zhuang songs and folk acrobatics "Bench play" in the area of Jiuzhou in Xilin. It was formed about the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. In the third year of Guangxu (1877), a relatively complete transcription of the Zhuang opera "Nongzhigao" appeared in Funing County, Yunnan Province. Later, he also sang "Bu Ya", "Wen Long and Shawnee", "Liu Sanjie Down to the World", "Cowboy", "Carp", "Liu Er fighting ghosts", "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" and other plays.
South Road drama It is mainly popular in Debao, Jingxi, Napo, Tianxin, Daxin and other counties in the southern Zhuang dialect area of southwest Guangxi Province, as well as some townships in Tianyang and Tiandong. It was developed on the basis of Jingxi's puppet show and Debao's Horse Horse Zhuang show. The puppet show has a history of more than 100 years, and most of the plays are based on the traditional plays of the Han nationality, such as "Lady of the Yangmen", "Journey to the West", "Romance of The Three Kingdoms" and so on. Ma Yi Zhuang Opera originally used the "double reed" style of singing, and later absorbed the folk "Ma Yi melody", "Hanlong melody" and Jingxi puppet show singing melody development into the modern "Ma Yi opera" tune. Because Debao and Jingxi are the two birthplaces of Nanlu Zhuang Opera, Nanlu Zhuang Opera is also called "Dejing Zhuang Opera".
Funing Zhuang Opera, Guangnan Zhuang Opera, Lexi local opera The three Zhuang operas are all Zhuang operas in the Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Wenshan, Yunnan Province. They are not widely popular. They are popular in the areas of Funing, Guangnan Babao and Wenshan respectively.
The performing art of Zhuang opera has the characteristics of health, simplicity and liveliness. The music and singing of South Road Zhuang Opera and North Road Zhuang Opera are more colorful, and the performance skills such as body, footwork, techniques, fighting and so on have their own unique features, with a strong national color and style [2] .




Most of the festivals of the Zhuang people are the same as those of the local Han people, such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Spring and Autumn Festival, the Qingming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, the New Year's Eve and other traditional Han folk festivals. The festivals of Zhuang nationality with their own characteristics are "March 3" Song Festival, "Ox Soul Festival", "Hungry Ghost Festival" and so on.
The Zhuang people have several regular folk song gatherings every year, of which the "March 3" song Festival is the most solemn. The Zhuang people have always been famous for their ability to sing. As early as Liu Xiang's Shuoyuan Shanshuo in the Han Dynasty, there is a record of Yue Song sung by the Zhuang ancestors in the pre-Qin period. Zhuang folk songs are rich in form and content, with two or three sentences, three or four or more; Popular seven-character sentences and waist rhyme. There are pan songs (or "guess songs"), crying songs, new home songs, life songs, farm songs, political songs, historical songs, and so on. The characteristics of Zhuang songs are good at touching the scene, drawing metaphors, and singing colorful and touching lyrics in the form of riddles and interrogations. According to legend, there was a famous female singer in the Tang Dynasty, Liu Sanjie, who created melodious and profound ballads, extol the happiness of people engaged in labor and love, and expose the greed and unkindness of the upper class rulers, so it is still widely praised by the Zhuang people, known as the "Song fairy". Zhuang people have a tradition of gathering regularly to sing songs, and the place of singing is relatively fixed, and this specific place for collective singing is called "song Wei". Its early history can be traced back to the clan tribal period, originated from the religious activities of the ancestors to sacrifice to the gods to pray for fertility and harvest, and then gradually evolved into a social activity where young men and women regularly gather in the field to "speak with songs" and "choose a mate with songs", and then developed into a mass amusement festival. Every time to the polder day, men, women and children within dozens of miles, all dressed up to gather here to enjoy their own national carnival. In 1984, the people's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region officially designated the third day of the third lunar month as the national festival of the Zhuang people - "March 3" Song Festival.
"Cow Soul Festival", also known as "cow King's Day", "opening seedling festival". Most of them are carried out on the day after spring ploughing, and some areas are fixed on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, because it is said that this day is the birthday of the ox king. Legend has it that the cow King was originally a god who came down to earth to help people farm. People appreciated his contributions and offered sacrifices to the soul of a cow on his birthday. On this day, each family will groom the cattle, and trim the cattle pen, with a basket of five-color glutinous rice and a bunch of fresh grass, to the cattle pen to sacrifice the soul of the cow, and then half of the food and fresh grass to each cow to eat.
Lunar July 14th "Hungry Ghost Festival", also known as "Ghost Festival", "ancestor worship festival", is second only to the Spring Festival, the main content is ancestor worship and ghost worship. On this day, every family kills chicken and ducks (in the past, this festival taboo to use chicken as sacrifices, can only use duck or goose sacrifice, especially duck, this festival is even called "Duck Festival"), steamed cake to make bread, and colored paper cut into four seasons clothes for sacrifice. After offering sacrifices to ancestors at home during the day, they also go to the mountain corner and river at night for wild sacrifices, burning incense and candles, burning paper clothes, and praying for the wild ghosts not to haunt them [2] .


Zhuang people have a polymonogamous family. In the past, "the woman married the man married, the husband lived from the wife" was more prevalent, and later transitioned to the "husband lived" patrilineal family.
Until the recent, modern, Zhuang rural areas are still widespread after marriage "not to leave the husband's home" custom, the bride married on the day, accompanied by a dozen sisters of the same generation to the groom's home, some places after the wedding that day to return to the mother's home, some places with the bride and sisters of the same generation in the new house singing Da Dan spent the wedding night, the next day together back to the mother's home. After every busy farming or festival to the husband's home to work for a few days. Generally, it is not until two or three years later or after pregnancy that he stays with his husband.
This cultural phenomenon is considered to be a transitional form of the transformation process of Zhuang nationality's marriage system from "from wife to husband" [2] .


The traditional funeral customs of Zhuang nationality mainly have two burial methods, namely earth burial and cremation.
After the middle of Qing Dynasty, earth burial became the main burial method. Zhuang people's earth burial, "second burial" as the main burial. Secondary burial, also known as bone picking burial, bone picking burial, Zhuang people call it "golden altar burial", "golden bell burial" and so on. The burial method is: after the death of relatives, with a thin coffin near the burial, a "long tomb"; After three to five years of physical decay, then dig graves and open coffins to pick up their bones into the pottery "golden altar", and then choose a geomantic treasure burial, a "round tomb". The aforementioned cremation of the Zhuang people also uses a "golden altar" to store ashes and then buries them in a selected place, which is also a secondary burial.
In modern times, there are individual rich people, in order to show their identity, a burial is very grand, the cemetery is also built unusually grand, no longer do a second burial, the folk called "big burial". However, in the general public's concept, this kind of burial does not value, nor does it recognize [2] .


Yi Xu Song -- Chief of Qinxi Ou people. During the Qin 'ou War, he led the West 'ou people to fight against the Qin Army.
Jie Jun -- Qin Xi Ou people Military leader, famous at home and abroad mountain warfare originator.
Huang Qianyao - Nishihara Chief of the Zhuang nationality in Huangtong.
Huang Shaoqing -- leader of Xiyuan peasant uprising in Tang Dynasty.
Nong Zhigao -- Zeng Jian Dali state "," Southern Heaven ".
Mrs. Watts -- anti-Japanese hero.
Tan Gongbian -- Northern Zhuang Emperor, fixed capital Migrating to a river ; The first leader to advocate the reform of the status of men and women, the reform of marriage customs, democratic reform, and the strengthening of national unity.
Lu Rongting ------ Zhuang nationality, born in Wuming County, chief of the army of the old Guangxi department, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.
Wei Weiqun -- Zhuang nationality, leader of China's modern peasant movement.
Wei Guoqing -- Zhuang nationality, former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the founding general.
Huang Xianfan -- Zhuang nationality, founder of modern ethnology in China.
Wager -- Zhuang nationality, deputy commander of the Chengdu Military Region, member of the Central Advisory Committee.
Xian Henghan -- Zhuang nationality, First Secretary of Gansu Province, member of the Central Committee and Military Commission.
Sweetness and bitterness -- Zhuang nationality, former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
Qin correspondence machine -- Zhuang nationality, former chairman of the autonomous region.
Zheng Jianxuan -- Zhuang nationality, Ningming, physicist.
Luo Yingxiong -- Zhuang nationality, Xincheng, physicist.
Yin Hanhui, a native of Wuming County, Zhuang nationality, and a member of the Institute of Geotectonics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made great contributions to the successful detonation of China's first atomic bomb.
Zheng Zhipeng -- Zhuang nationality, Ningming, physicist, member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Wei Yu -- Zhuang nationality, native of Guilin, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Zhou Shaoning -- Zhuang nationality, Wuming nationality, world-renowned Chinese-American painter, etc......