Guangzhou Huali College

Private universities in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
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Guangzhou Huali College (Guangzhou Huali College) is a classic Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China A full-time private ordinary undergraduate college approved for establishment.
The school was formerly known as Huali College of Guangdong University of Technology, which was established in 1999. In 2004, it was approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Independent college ; In 2021, with the consent of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, it was renamed Guangzhou Huali College.
According to the official website of the University in May 2024, the university has two campuses in Guangzhou Zengcheng and Jiangmen Yinhuwan, covering an area of nearly 2000 mu. With 15 Secondary college It offers 49 undergraduate majors; There are more than 25,230 full-time undergraduates in the school. [16] [23] [25]

Basic information

Chinese name
Guangzhou Huali College
Foreign name
Guangzhou Huali College
Abbreviated form
Warwick College, GZHC [15]
Guangzhou City
Founding time
The year 1999
Nature of running a school
Private university
School category
Science and engineering
Affiliated enterprise
Guangzhou Huali Investment Co. LTD
Current leader
Party Secretary: Li Qiongsheng , Principal: Liu Jiesheng
Undergraduate major
forty-nine [23]
Faculty setting
School motto
Unity, diligence, seeking truth, innovation
Guangzhou Campus: 11 Huali Road, Huali Science Park, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (511325)
Jiangmen Campus: Keyuan Road, Sanlong Wai, Yanan Reclamation Area, Yinhu Bay Binhai New Area, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province (529100)
Institution code

Historical evolution

  • Huali College, Guangdong University of Technology
In 1999, Huali College of Guangdong University of Technology was founded.
In 2004, the Rev Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Approved to become the first batch of independent colleges in Guangdong Province to fully implement undergraduate education.
On January 11, 2012, the university was approved by the first plenary meeting of the Fifth Academic Degree Committee of Guangdong Province Bachelor's degree granting institution . [12]
  • Guangzhou Huali College
On May 31, 2021, the university was renamed Guangzhou Huali College as an independent private undergraduate college. On September 13, the Jiangmen Campus of the school was officially opened. [13-14]
In 2021, the professional ranking of Soft Science Chinese University is among the top of similar universities in the province; Mechanical design, Manufacturing and automation, civil engineering, robot engineering, automation 4 majors in the "Soft Science China University Ranking" were rated B. [23]
In 2023, the university was approved to set up a doctoral workstation in Guangdong Province; Animation received a B+ grade and music education received a B grade. [23]
In February 2024, the six new energy vehicle engineering, resource exploration engineering, pharmacy, Chinese pharmacy, Japanese language and auditing programs applied for by the school were approved by the Ministry of Education, and the new number was the first in Guangdong Province. [22]

School-running condition


Department specialty

According to the official website of the University in May 2024, the university has 15 colleges offering 49 undergraduate majors. [23] [25]
Secondary college
Name of major (direction)
Guangzhou Campus
International college
Business administration
International economics and trade
Computer science and Technology
Internet and new media
Economics and finance
School of Media and Art Design
Radio and television science
Internet and new media
Environmental design
Visual communication design
Film and television photography and production
Radio and television director
School of accounting
Financial management
School of management
Human resource management
Logistics management
Business administration
Information management and information systems
School of Computer Engineering
Computer science and Technology
Data science and Big Data technology
Network engineering
Blockchain engineering
Computer Science and Technology (A1 Innovation Experimental Class, school-enterprise cooperation)
College of urban Construction
Project management
Engineering cost
Engineering cost (Innovation Class)
Civil engineering
Landscape architecture
Landscape Architecture (Innovation Class)
School of Economics and Trade
Financial engineering
Economics and finance
online finance
International economics and trade
School of Foreign Languages
Jiangmen Campus
School of education
Preschool education
Music education
Chinese language and literature
Primary education
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical design, manufacture and automation
Robot engineering
Electrical engineering and automation
College of Intelligent Science and Engineering
Information engineering
Artificial intelligence
College of Health and Nursing
Reference materials: [18]

Teaching staff

As of November 2021, the school has Full-time teacher 767, 214 external teachers, equivalent to a total of 874 teachers; Among the full-time teachers, there are 96 "double-teacher" teachers, accounting for 12.52% of the full-time teachers. There were 423 full-time teachers with senior professional titles, accounting for 55.15% of full-time teachers; There are 476 full-time teachers with postgraduate degrees (master's and doctor's degree), accounting for 62.06% of the full-time teachers.

Teaching construction

  • Quality engineering
According to the official website of the school in May 2024, the school has 1 major rated B+ in 2023; In 2021, "Soft Science China University Ranking" will be awarded with 5 B-level majors; Provincial first-class undergraduate program Two, Provincial specialty 4, provincial professional comprehensive reform pilot 1, provincial applied talent training demonstration professional 2, provincial talent training model innovation experimental area 3, provincial experimental teaching demonstration center 3, provincial special talent training program project 1, provincial college students social practice teaching base 1, provincial curriculum teaching and research room 1, provincial first-class undergraduate courses 6 [20] , Provincial quality resource sharing course 5 courses, 2 provincial-level open online courses, and 8 provincial-level off-campus practice teaching bases for college students. [23] [25]
2023 professional grade B+
Animation major
In 2021, the major of "Soft Science China University Ranking" was rated B
Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation, civil engineering, robot engineering, automation, animation
Provincial first-class undergraduate program
Computer science and Technology
Project management
Provincial specialty
Computer science and Technology
Logistics management
Provincial-level professional comprehensive reform pilot
Visual communication design
Provincial applied talent training demonstration major
Project management
Business administration
Provincial talent training model innovation experimental area
Independent college electronic information innovation talent training pilot area
Mechanical and electrical professional innovation ability training experimental area, economic management talent innovation and entrepreneurship experimental area
Provincial experimental teaching demonstration center
University Physics Center of Excellence
Financial media experimental teaching demonstration center, art design experimental center
Provincial college students social practice teaching base
Huali University Guangdong Southern Radio and Television Communication Center practice teaching base
Provincial curriculum teaching and research office
Translation course teaching and Research Department
Provincial first-class undergraduate courses
"Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism", "Fundamentals of Computer Application", "College English", "Virtual Instrument Technology", "Principles of Interior Design", etc [20-21]
Provincial quality resource sharing course
"Basic Accounting", "International Finance", "Basic Computer Application", "Civil Engineering Materials"
Provincial first-class undergraduate courses
Fundamentals of Computer Application
Provincial university students off-campus practice teaching base
Guangdong new route cross-border e-commerce Service Co., LTD. College students off-campus practice base
Shenzhen Danmax Global Logistics Shanghai Co., LTD. Shenzhen branch college students off-campus practice base
Reference materials: [3] [9] [17]
Note: The list is incomplete
  • Student achievement
As of June 2023, in the past five years, the school's students have won nearly 700 provincial and above competition awards, including the first prize of the 2022 American College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the first prize of the undergraduate group of the Huawei ICT Contest 2022-2023 Guangdong Province Practice Competition Network Track, China. Blue Bridge Cup National software and information technology professionals competition National First prize, National 3D digital Innovation Design Competition Won the national first prize, the first prize of the Milan Design Week University Design Exhibition, the first prize of the National University Business Elite Challenge International trade competition "Jingyun" Cup in Guangdong Province, the first prize of the South China Branch of the National College Students Integrated Circuit Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and the second prize of the national Final. National electronic Design Competition for college students Second Prize, First Prize of the National College Digital Art Design Competition, Second Prize of the National College Students Advanced Mapping Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation Competition, second prize of the 10th National College Students Mechanical Innovation Design Competition, third prize of the 2022 Asia-Pacific College Students Mathematical Modeling Competition, etc. Students approved 50 national college student innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and approved provincial science and technology innovation cultivation program projects. [21]

Discipline construction

According to the official website of the school in May 2024, the school has 2 provincial key disciplines. [25]
Provincial key cultivation disciplines
Civil engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation

Academic research


Scientific research platform

List of platforms
Guangdong-hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area SME Management Innovation Institute
Enterprise Applied Intelligence Research Center [4]
Building Information Technology and Application (BIM) Institute
Institute of Civil Engineering Materials
Lingnan Green ecological planting technology Research center [5]
Data intelligence intelligent financial research Institute [6]

Scientific research achievement

According to the official website of the school in May 2024, the school has more than 20 provincial projects. [25]
List of provincial innovative strong school engineering research projects in 2021
Project name
Person in charge
Item category
Research on the integration of the centennial spirit of the Communist Party of China into the teaching of strong theory course in ideological and political education
Ning Wanmei
Characteristic innovation project
Measurement of integration of industry and education in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and analysis of influencing factors
Poor little Swallow
Characteristic innovation project
Study on the characteristics of soft soil in Guangzhou area
Hu Zixuan
Youth project
Research on deep learning teaching mode of database system course based on "Learning Community"
Zhang Xiaojun
2021 Education Science Planning Project (Higher Education Special)
Research on the cultivation path of international trade talents in application-oriented undergraduate colleges under the background of digital trade
Li Wenyong
2021 Education Science Planning Project (Higher Education Special)
Research on robot RBF neural network adaptive and sliding mode control
Cheng Wei
Guangdong Province university key field special
Research on local treatment and recycling technology of rural construction waste
Lin Jinmei
Guangdong Province university key field special
Reference materials: [8]
2022 Guangzhou Social Science planning project
Project name
Subject category
Subject category
A study on promoting urban spatial layout optimization in Guangzhou: A case study of East Huicheng Section of Zengjiang City
Yang Shubo
Art theory
Yangcheng Young Scholar project
30,000 yuan
Research on Promoting rural revitalization and Urban-Rural Integration in Guangzhou: A study on the rural spatial development model of Guangzhou's urban fringe from the perspective of catalyst Theory
Lin Xiuhong
General subject
50,000 yuan
Research on Patent information service mode of private university library in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Xu Xiaomian
Management science
General subject
Reference materials: [7]

Academic resources

  • Collection resources
According to the official website of the University in May 2024, the University library has a collection of 1,761,400 paper books, 1,449,500 electronic books, 827 Chinese paper periodicals, 83 Chinese newspapers, 423,474 electronic journals, 5,083,213 academic disserations, 82063.71 hours of audio and video materials, and 16 kinds of databases. [1] [26]

Cooperation and exchange

According to the official website of the school in May 2024, the International Exchange Center was established in 2004, and the International College was established in 2019. In order to adapt to the new concept of "accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and focusing on promoting high-quality development", the university has formulated the development strategy and practice path of "high-quality development of private college education Internationalization". Implement all-English teaching, establish a unique international teachers and service team, and create an international education platform of "training qualified global citizens". Through the "121" project of the Sino-US Talent Training Program (Project members: There are 42 public state universities in the United States and 133 universities in China, of which 131 are public. Guangzhou Huali College is one of the two private universities) and the "2+2", "3+1", "1+3" credit mutual recognition program, overseas exchange study program, vacation visit program and other famous universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Belarus and other countries to establish cooperative relations. To provide students with multi-channel and multi-level access to study abroad and study in China, and cultivate application-oriented international talents with the core competitiveness of "professional expertise + fluent English + study in prestigious universities" and able to adapt to the era of technological revolution and the needs of the economic development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Cultural tradition


Image logo

  • School badge
The logo of the school is a circular structure with two concentric rings inside and outside. Above the outer ring is the Chinese name of "Guangzhou Huali College" with a thick hairy body, and below is the English name. The inner ring is made up of the iconic graphic building "School Gate", the school year "1999" and the Guangzhou Flower ". kapok Graphics together constitute the image of vigor, prosperity, and standing tall.
Among them, the school gate implies the form of "Li", which symbolizes the education and sustainable innovation of Guangzhou Huali College. "1999" forms a deep road meaning from history to the future, and has the meaning of openness and inclusiveness.
Huali red is the main color of the school emblem, symbolizing the vitality of Huali. The design uses the combination of "shape" and "meaning", with a high degree of recognition of the school emblem. [10]
School badge

Spiritual culture

  • School motto
Unity, diligence, seeking truth, innovation [11]

Association culture

As of June 2023, the school has more than 30 student associations, covering science and technology, culture, art, sports, etc. At the same time, there are piano, guitar, orchestra and other music clubs to cultivate artistic and humanistic qualities, which have become an important part of the extracurricular life of the majority of young people. The school organizes and carries out positive and lively characteristic campus cultural activities every year. Such as: campus marathon, maker training camp, community culture festival, science and technology academic festival, mechanical structure model design competition, marketing entrepreneurial practice challenge, intelligent car competition, electronic design competition, campus dance competition, painting and calligraphy competition, ten singer competition and other forms of various activities.

Campus situation

As of May 2024, according to the school's official website, the campus of Guangzhou Huali College covers an area of nearly 2,000 mu. There are two campuses in Guangzhou Zengcheng and Jiangmen Yinhuwan.

Guangzhou Campus

The school is located at No. 11 Huali Road, Huali Science and Technology Park, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou. It has a separate campus library. [1] The Guangzhou campus takes new liberal arts, economics and finance, international education, new engineering, and high-tech majors as the midpoint development direction. [24]

Jiangmen Campus

The school is located in Jiangmen Xinhui District Yamen Town Huali Road No. 1. It has a separate campus library. [1] Jiangmen Campus focuses on education, health, mechanical and electrical intelligent manufacturing, intelligent engineering and Marine resources development. [24]
Jiangmen Campus

Current leader

Secretary of the Party Committee
Deputy Party Secretary, Executive Vice president
Yi Jianmin, CAI Min, Ou Jiemei, Wang Xuejun, Guo Zhongxian
Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection
Li Yulin
Reference materials: [2]

Campus environment


Guangzhou Campus

Guangzhou Campus is located in the beautiful Zengjiang River, a combination of Chinese and western modern buildings, ancient and modern celebrity sculptures dotted standing, a strong cultural atmosphere. The ripening Huali Lake, the continuous and fragrant lychee forest, the lakeside greenway suitable for walking in the forest, the trees are shaded, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. [1]
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Guangzhou Campus

Jiangmen Campus

Jiangmen Campus is located in the charming Binhai New Area. The overall architectural appearance of Jiangmen Campus is in line with the historical buildings of Guangzhou Campus. The design concept of red walls and green tiles is adopted. [1]
江门校区 江门校区 江门校区 江门校区 江门校区 江门校区 江门校区
Jiangmen Campus

Honor received

In September 2023, it was awarded the Advanced Unit of Blood donation and Clinical Use in Guangzhou in 2020-2021. [19]

Campus facilities

Encyclopedia Campus Ambassador collaboration certification

(Last updated on 2024.05.29)

Dormitory conditions

air conditioner
Separate toilet
En suite bathroom
Get into bed and get off the table
Rooms for two or six
Hot water supply
Water heater
Microwave oven
The accommodation fee is 2500 yuan/year
Entrance guard

Campus environment

Close to Metro (within 3 km)
3 canteens
Basketball court
Soccer field
Badminton court