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Canton Bay Concession Treaty

A treaty that the French forced the Qing Government of China to sign
The Canton Bay Concession Treaty is France Force China Qing government The lease was signed in Guangzhou Bay on November 16, 1899 (October 14, 25th year of Guangxu of Qing Dynasty) Canton Bay the treaty . attend Sign a contract The Chinese side is the Minister of Boundary Survey of Guangzhou Bay Governor of Guangxi Su Yuanchun The French side is the plenipotentiary Minister of the Guangzhou Bay Demarcation Division, Lieutenant Gaoli. The treaty consists of seven articles. [1]
Chinese name
Canton Bay Concession Treaty
Occurrence time
November 16, 1899
Place of occurrence
Canton Bay
The unequal treaties that the French forced the Qing government to sign

Main content

Former site of the French Minister's Office in Guangzhou Bay
The main contents are as follows: (1) China leased Guangzhou Bay to France as a place for stopping ships and coal, with a lease period of 99 years. The boundary of the concession is specified in detail. The concession is under the sole jurisdiction of France. Within the concession, France may build forts and station soldiers, and on the islands and along the coast, France shall build lighthouses, markers, floating stakes, etc., for the purpose of sailing ships. (3) The internal water surface of all parts of the concession Bay (specifically referring to the internal water surface of Guangzhou Bay) is under the jurisdiction of France. France may make a statute to collect taxes on lamps and ships as the cost of building lamp posts and other facilities. (4) China authorized France to build a railway between Chikan and Ampu in Canton Bay, and to erect electric lines, etc. (5) If there is any dispute, it shall be handled in accordance with the Sino-French border regulations. Through the treaty, France placed the Canton Bay lease under French Indochina Under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government, completely divorced from the Chinese administrative system. [1]

Original treaty

November 16, 1899, October 14, 25th year of Guangxu, Guangzhou Bay. [Note: Canton Bay ---- today Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province
The first kind
For the sake of amity, the Chinese State has leased the Canton Bay to the French State, as a place for stopping ships and coal, for a period of ninety-nine years, provided, within its concession, that the conditions of the lease are not to be affected by China's right of autonomy.
Quang Chau Bay French police station
The second section
It is agreed that all the water surface of the concession shall be under the jurisdiction of the concession for the purpose of safeguarding, preparing for transport, and flourishing, and that those not in the concession shall remain under the jurisdiction of China, as listed below:
Donghai Island The whole island.
Naozhou Island The whole island, the water surface between the island and the East Island, is the main road for Chinese ships to and from, and it is still moored by Chinese ships to and from the concession without being blocked, and there is no need for money collection, taxation, etc.
Guangzhou Bay Chamber of Commerce Hall
Its lease is defined in the south of Suixi County, from Tongming Port landing to the north to Xinxu, along the Guan Road as the boundary, until the Chi Man Hui turn northeast, to the north of Chikan to the south of Fujian Village, divided into middle Chikan Zhiman and Xinhui are included in the concession; Huang Luo, Ma Zhang All villages in Xinbu and Fujian are under the jurisdiction of China. From the north of Chikan to the south of Fukien Village, it divides into the waters of the sea and crosses Tiao Shen Island (now Zhanjiang City Chikhanskiy Rayon Administration area - Tiaoshun Island) north of the water, to the pocket from the nest landing east, to Wuchuan County The county belongs to the West Fort River, three nautical miles to the sea for the boundary (that is, China's ten miles), Huangpo is still under the jurisdiction of China.
From Wuchuan County Haikou three nautical miles off the water surface, the coast to Suixi County belongs to the South Tongming port, to the north three nautical miles into the Tongming port, landing in the middle, along the boundary of the Guanlu. This agreement specifies and draws the boundary site, and after the mutual demarcation and enforcement of the boundary, the special committee of the two countries will make a clear survey and determine the boundary site to avoid disputes between the two countries. The third section
All the lands leased during ninety-nine years shall be under the sole jurisdiction of France, so as not to dispute between the two countries. It was also agreed that it was not against the law for the Chinese people in the concession to be at ease, and that they could still live as usual and not be forced to move. The property of the Chinese people is still under the management of the Chinese people, and France should guarantee it. If the property is needed in France, fair value is paid to the owner.
The fourth section
Within the concession, France may build forts, station troops, and install protective armaments. And on the islands and on the coasts, France shall build Lighthouse (Note: Today Zhanjiang City Naozhou Island the Naozhou Lighthouse ), set up signs, floating stakes, etc., to facilitate the passage of ships, and always put in order to facilitate the passage of ships for protection. Article 5 Chinese commercial steamers shall be given preferential treatment only in the new Bay of Concession, if they are engaged in trade in China. The waters of the bay in all parts of its concession shall be under the jurisdiction of France, and France may draw up regulations and collect the money of lamps and ships for the cost of the construction of lamp piles. This paragraph refers specifically to the inner water surface of Guangzhou Bay, to the east water surface of 硇, as declared in paragraph 2.
The sixth section In case of an offence, it shall be handled in accordance with the Sino-French articles of mutual agreement on the Sino-French border.
Calyon was originally a French commercial bank
The seventh section The Chinese state granted permission to France Leizhou It belongs to Guangzhou Bay Chikan ( Note: Zhanjiang City today Chikhanskiy Rayon ) to hambu ( Note: Zhanjiang today Lianjiang City Ampo Town) For the construction of railways, drought lines, etc., the French officials should provide the lot used, and the Chinese local officials should be asked to buy it from the Chinese people on behalf of the Chinese people and give it a fair value. The materials required for the repair of the vehicle and the costs of the maintenance and repair of the circuit are all handled by France. In accordance with the new general provisions, the Chinese people can use the benefits of lines and wires. If a railway or dry power line is located in China, Chinese officials shall be responsible for protecting the railway, locomotive, power line, etc. Those in the concession shall be taken care of by France. It was also agreed that in places where railways and electric wires were laid, it was permitted to build houses and store materials on water banks. It also allowed French merchant ships to anchor, land, and facilitate exchanges, and resumed diplomatic relations.
This Covenant shall come into force on the date of its issuance, and shall be exchanged at Kyoto, China, in French, with the approval of the Great Emperor of the Qing and the approval of the Great French democracy, the Great Charles Tiande. This is about four points in Chinese and four points in French in Guangzhou Bay, a total of eight points . The imperial imperial dispatch of the Kingdom of Qing, the minister of boundary survey in Guangzhou Bay, Crown Prince, Shaobao Su, the governor of Guangxi
Grand French imperial Consul Guangzhou Bay plenipotentiary water division Superintendent Gao
October 14th, 25th year of Guangxu
November 16, 1899
Notes appended to a book
Vidor Catholic Church. In the Xiashan area of Zhanjiang
This article makes an appointment to Guangxu Treaty Vol. 60, pp. 10-12; In French, see Customs Treaties, vol. 1, pp. 946-949.
The Chinese side ratified this Treaty on February 19, 1900; The date of approval for the exchange was not found.