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atheism Atheism, in a broad sense, is a kind of denial, denial, and disbelief deities existent faith ; In the narrow sense, atheism is a kind of resistance, rejection, and attack against believing in the existence of any god.
Atheism is associated with generally believing in the existence of at least one god theism Create a sharp contrast.
The word atheism comes from Ancient Greek ἄθεος originally referred to a negative attitude toward a more widely accepted religion, but with the spread of liberal thinking and scientific skepticism, and the increase in criticism of religion, the term has gradually narrowed in scope. Common reasons cited by atheists for not believing in God include lack of empirical evidence to support it; Evil problem The revelation inconsistency argument, the unfalsifiability of God, and the non-belief argument. In addition, there are many reasons philosophy , sociology , history Different atheism argumentation from the Angle of equality. Many atheists, though, tend to think differently mundane philosophy E.g. humanism , rationalism and naturalism ), but there is no common denominator among atheists Ideological system . Many atheists believe that atheism is a form of theism simple The worldview, therefore, refutes the existence of God Burden of proof Not in atheists.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Weak atheism, strong atheism.

Viewpoint elaboration



Depending on the definition, atheism can be divided into Strong atheism (or explicit atheism) and Weak atheism (or implicit atheism). Strong atheism explicitly claims that God does not exist, similar to a narrow definition of atheism. In many cases, atheism actually means strong atheism. Weak atheism is similar to atheism in its broad definition, that is, all ideas about God that are not theistic. Thus, weak atheism includes agnosticism . Whether atheism refers only to strong atheism or should include weak atheism is a matter of great debate.
Being an atheist does not require any rituals such as conversion or baptism, so it is not easy to judge for atheists. Only a small number of people who claim to be atheists are generally certain to be atheists, and the number of atheists in the new century is increasing only because the traditional Western countries do not explicitly say so.
A theory that denies gods and ghosts superstitions and religious theology, which is a philosophical idea that gods and ghosts do not exist. Atheism in history generally advocates rationality and science, opposes faiths and obscurantism, opposes the spiritual bondage of traditional religions, and eulogizes human dignity and freedom, which has similar nature and significance to "enlightenment thought". Generally speaking, materialists are also atheists, and atheists are often synonymous with "free thinkers."
When people speak of atheism today, they generally mean the total denial of any supernatural, or of the existence of a soul unrelated to the physical body.
In Western countries, atheists are simply agnostics, while in Eastern countries, such as China, atheism generally refers to a theory that there is no supernatural existence at all. In the West, agnostics simply "have no religious belief", and belief is always equated with religion, in fact, religion is a special existence.

Explicit atheism

One problem with the definition of atheism is the degree to which an atheist needs to "not believe" in God. Definitions of atheism sometimes include the simple absence of belief in God. This broad definition can encompass many people, including newborns, who have never been exposed to theistic concepts. Like 1772 Holbach He said, "Children are born atheists; They have no concept of "God." Similarly, George H. Smith said in 1979, "The man who is unfamiliar with the concept of God is an atheist because he does not believe in God." This category also includes children who have the ability to grasp, but are not actually clearly aware of the concept of gods. Children's lack of belief in God makes them atheists." Smith coined the term "implicit atheism" to mean "lack of belief but not intentional resistance," and explicit atheism to mean "a clear awareness of one's non-belief."
The idea that children are born atheists came relatively late in Western culture. Prior to the 18th century, belief in the existence of "God" was so widespread in the West that it was questionable whether there were true atheists. This is called theological naturalism - the idea that people are born to believe in "God"; This view simply denies the existence of atheists. There is also a view that atheists are quick to embrace the faith in times of crisis, such as making deathbed conversions, a Western saying "There is no atheist in a foxhole." This view is also stated. Some proponents of this view argue that the anthropological benefit of religion is that it makes people better able to cope with adversity (vs Karl Marx The theory of spiritual opium in Hegel's Critical Outline of the Philosophy of Right). However, some atheists stress that there are in fact counter-examples and that there are indeed "atheists in foxholes."

Emergent process

① Disrespect the emperor
" The Book of Songs The rich materials of enslaved people of this period who were "not afraid of heaven" and cursed "God" are preserved in the book. For example: "Move forward" God ", under the people's restoration, the Jiwei God, its life more open." This is to say: You, the absurd "God," are the king of the people, and you, the violent "God," give many incorrect commands.
Some chapters scold God abnormal, let the people suffer: "Look on the Haotian, not I benefit." Well, if you don't want to fill the hole. The state is bound, and the intellectuals are the people. If a thief flies quickly, he may destroy the country. If sin is not remitted, it is reinvigorated." This is to say: I look up to the Emperor of Heaven, but he does not give me favors, but gives me disasters and makes me restless. There is instability everywhere in the country, and the intellectuals are suffering. You are like a bunch of pests that damage the crops and don't stop; If you do not put away the net of ensnaring the intellectuals, it will be better to continue like this. There is not only resentment against "God" but also criticism of the rulers of the earth.
If people don't respect God, they don't believe in his destiny. At the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, many people attributed the "Zhou Zhi's death" to the destiny of heaven. But Father Boyang thought, "The people have no use for their wealth, and what can they do if they don't die?" As for the Zhou Dynasty being "abandoned by heaven", it is not ruled by gods, but because "the country will depend on the mountains, the mountains will collapse and the rivers will be exhausted, and the battle of death will also be". Guoyu ). It is not "the end of destiny". This is Bo Yang Father from the earthquake disaster caused by economic distress said.
In answer to the question, "Zhou Qi's fraud (decline)" said; "The king lives in the field of nine 畡 (Kyushu), collecting scriptures into (collecting) to feed the people", Wang abandoned the principle of "harmony", and insisted on "Zhuangtong" (formal uniformity), "if you want to have no harm, you get it" (Guoyu)? Losing "people" cannot be "harmless." This is about politics.
Both look to society itself for the cause of the dynasty's fall, rather than to an illusory destiny. This is a preliminary denial of theism.
② Don't believe in ghosts and gods
Due to frequent wars and disasters, the state power of the Zhou Dynasty declined rapidly, and people's lives became increasingly difficult. During the reign of King Xuan of Zhou, there were years of drought and famine, and the population decreased greatly. They prayerfully pray for rain, "Memews do not lift, memews sacrifice", "bury up and down, memews do not live", the first ancestor God after Ji does not come to enjoy the sacrifice, the almighty God does not come. The sacrificial pieces were exhausted, but no God came to listen to the people's pleas. In their pessimism and despair, they began to doubt the reliability of the dead ancestors to bless their children. "The public is the first to be right, but I do not help. Parents ancestors, Hu Ning endure!" The ancestors of the spirits in heaven do not exist, and the idea that the ancestors bless the descendants in the world is an illusory idea. Once this fact is recognized, the superstitious thoughts of ancestor worship will inevitably weaken and eventually collapse. The suffering children will ask their ancestors, "Are they not afraid of Hu?" Our ancestors were destroyed." (both citation The Book of Songs )
They changed the normal situation of begging their ancestors for blessings in the past, and openly threatened the spirits of their ancestors by breaking off their heirs and offering sacrifices, and fought against the "mass public first". The prestige of ancestors is deteriorating, and the view of ancestor worship is also shaken and tends to be disillusioned. The descendants who suffer in the secular world develop from hating their ancestors to cursing them: "Vishal in April, Sorheat in June." Ancestral bandits, Hu Ning endure to Yu?" (" Book of Songs ") the phrase "ancestors bandits" in the poem landed loudly, showing a firm attitude against ancestor worship.
Ghostists uphold ancestor worship, and they preach that among the ghosts who die as ghosts, ancestors occupy the highest status. It can be said that ancestral spirits are the basic members of the ghost world, and there is no human ghost world without ancestral spirits. The result of opposing ancestor worship is the shaking of the whole world of ghosts.
Divination superstition and fear of ghosts and gods were almost the axis of Yin and Zhou ideology, and by the western weekend and early spring and autumn, this ideology began to break down. Zuo Zhuan During the reign of Emperor Lu, "Summer drought, the public wants to burn the witch." Puppets are witches and they only pray for rain, which means they are witchcraft superstitions. Lu Hee-gong believes that burning witches and witches can cause rain, which is also a superstition. Zang Wenzhong did not believe in this, he said: "not to prepare for drought, to build cities, to reduce food consumption, to do things to persuade people, this is the same." What is a witch? God wants to kill, if not live; If there is a drought, it will burn." In the face of severe drought, it is necessary to take practical measures to prevent drought, and the absence of rain has nothing to do with the ducks.
The valuable point of Zang Wenzhong's thought is that he reveals his errors from the contradiction of theological preaching itself. According to Shinto, zoellick causes drought, and if it burns, it will rain. And according to this same idea, puppets are also born. There is a logical contradiction: why should God give birth to her when he wants to kill her? If the sky does not want to kill her, then "burn it" does not "nourish" that the drought is more serious? So it's a contradiction to set fire to rain. Zang Wenzhong's effective method of "using the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son" has also been inherited by future generations of atheists.
Also during the time of Hee-Gong, in the Battle between Qin and Jin, Jin was defeated and Hui Gong was captured. Hui Gong did not examine the cause of the failure from the personnel aspect, but thought that the emperor did not listen to the words of divination caused. Han Jian clearly pointed out: "turtle, elephant also; Divination, number also. ... How many of your ancestors have lost their virtue?" What is the relationship between the number of divinators and the virtue of the ancient king? He denied the superstition of turtle divination and borrowed the book The Book of Songs "Under the iniquity of the people, bandits from the day" words, draw the conclusion that personnel is mainly determined by man.


Theists generally believe that it is immoral to believe that God does not exist. There is no rational reason for this argument other than religious one. In most countries, atheists are not subject to moral condemnation or legal sanction; In some religious countries, such condemnation or sanctions still exist.

Reason for existence

Every atheist may have his or her own reasons for not believing in the existence of God: some people deny the existence of God philosophically; Some have carefully compared the various "evidence" for God's existence and believe that the evidence is insufficient; Some have studied the scriptures of various popular religions, such as Christianity, and consider that God to be ridiculous and varied, from denying the existence of this particular God to denying the existence of all gods; Some people deny the existence of God based on their life experience, without philosophical or theological reflection. Some people, through overall comparative demonstration and scientific research, deny the existence of God without presupposition or falsification. This method is more objective and does not lose the heart of awe.


In this regard, the theists say, we can be quite scientifically sure that an atheist cannot test the validity of theistic views by experimental means.
Atheists argue that theists cannot test atheist views with any definite means.
Theists believe that because they are often accustomed to using only physical tools, such as the naked eye or scientific instruments such as telescopes and microscopes, when they search for spiritual gods, all their efforts are limited to the physical world, and they are unable to reach the non-physical spiritual world. Theists think, just imagine, you use material means to find the immaterial God, how absurd is that?
Some atheists believe that if God is immaterial, then everyone can make his own God in his heart. If God has no influence on the material world and only exists in the spirit of believers, then he does not exist in this world, just like a young man who despises all girls and only falls in love with the girl in his own spirit, then does this girl exist in the end? It is absurd to think that there is a God without ever having personally seen it, felt it, and established it on the basis of sound evidence, and only to hear that there is one.
Theists believe that there is no solution to the problem of studying God in a scientific way.
Atheists believe that there is no reliable evidence that there is a God, and therefore God does not exist.

Viewpoint behavior

It depends on how you define "moral." If, as in some countries, belief in God is regarded as a moral, then atheists are indeed immoral people. In a general sense, morality refers to the code of conduct of a particular human society. Atheists are no more immoral than theists, either because they want to succeed in society, or because they want to be respected, or because they are afraid of being punished by the law, or simply because of their conscience. Most atheists probably follow the same moral code as theists, but for different reasons. We follow these rules not to please God or to fear his punishment, but because we believe that human society must have these rules in order to function properly. Of course, some atheists do bad things and try to use their atheism as an excuse; There are also theists who use their religious beliefs to do evil:
"We must accept the following reliable teachings in their entirety: Jesus Christ Come into this world to save sinners....... Jesus Christ shows infinite patience to those who will believe in Him and have eternal life. The eternal, eternal, invisible King, the only "God," whose glory endures throughout the world.
These are the statements made by notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer of Wisconsin in court on February 17, 1992.

Chinese and foreign philosophy


Chinese philosophy

Atheism in the history of Chinese philosophy
Han Fei developed Xunzi's atheism, and on the basis of denying the existence of ghosts and gods, he further opposed "the creation of Shinto religion".
The Eastern Han Dynasty (206 B.C.) Wang Chong Critique on the basis of a materialistic view of nature Natural and human induction the divination On the basis of the materialist view of form and spirit, we deny religious superstitions such as people dying as ghosts. He established the most systematic and complete atheism system in ancient China.
Song dynasty Zhang Zai Ming Dynasty Wang Tingxiang Qing Dynasty Wang Fuzhi , Xiong Bolong , Wang Qingren All of them criticized religious superstition and deepened and developed atheism.
Modern times Bourgeois democracy Absorbing Western enlightenment thought and natural science, he linked the struggle against religious theism and traditional divinity of Providence with the democratic revolution against feudal despotism, and put forward the idea that only by first destroying religion can people be equal and "revolutionizing heaven", showing the fighting tradition of atheism and developing atheism to a new height in China.

Western philosophy

Atheism in the History of Western Philosophy: from Ancient Greece The materialist philosophy. Ancient Greek The Enlightenment thinkers opposed traditional religion and proposed a materialistic worldview and enlightenment atheism. They reduce the birth and death of all things in nature to the division of material origin. From nature itself to explain nature, human reason instead of God's will, in the right Natural mystery Is excluded in the explanation The Olympian gods The role of. This natural philosophy with enlightenment significance inspires people to explore a new way to understand nature and life. Many thinkers got rid of the superstition of traditional religion, and carried on a rational discussion on the nature of God, the origin and function of religion.
From ancient Greece to Ancient Rome appear Democritus , Epicurus , Lucretius , Louzan Such atheist thinkers. Epicurus is regarded as the "father of atheism" in the West, and Marx highly appraises his atheism. The Middle Ages was a time when Christianity and its theological system were absolutely dominant in the field of superstructure, and atheism was almost impossible to openly exist. But in some anti-orthodox theology pantheism From time to time, we still see the spark of atheism.
In the 9th century, J.S. Eleugener believed that God was in the world and was one with nature. In the 12th century, Amory of Muchi saw God as the form of all things, and David of Dinan saw God as the original substance and potential of all things. Their views actually opposed the supernatural God advocated by orthodox Christian theology, and were therefore condemned as heresy by the Church. Some scholars have called Dinant's views of Davy "materialistic pantheism" and "Western Europe. Middle Ages The first materialist doctrine."
Modern Western Europe New bourgeoisie The thinkers in opposing feudal absolutism and its spiritual pillars Christian theology When, through various forms of atheism. In different countries and in different historical stages, atheism has shown various forms due to the difference in the balance of class forces and the different development of philosophy and natural science.
The Renaissance humanism Although it does not concern the existence of God, it emphasizes the value of man, devalues the status of God, opposes religious asceticism, and regards the pursuit of material gain as human. These enlightening thoughts contribute to the emancipation of the mind and prepare for the development of atheism.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, pantheism had a wide influence in Europe, a form of transition from theism to atheism. G. Bruno regards God as a world soul who is embedded in the world and gives all things life and order, and according to N. Copernican solar centralism is a critique of theological teleology. B. Spinoza used logical reasoning to demonstrate that God is nature and destiny is the law of nature, and fundamentally denied the supernatural "God" who dominates the world. He also used the methods of history and linguistics to study and criticize the Bible, and developed the theory of biblical criticism, combining the theoretical criticism of atheism with the specific study of religion.
In the 17th century, experimental science centered on mechanical mechanics and Atomic materialism Combine and develop into Mechanical materialism Of philosophy and atheism. It explains all things and all phenomena of nature by the mechanical combination of particles of matter, and excludes the role of God from nature. T. Hobbs Develop this worldview into explicit atheism. He denies immaterial spiritual entities and insists that there is only one material entity whose essence is universality, which denies the existence of gods and souls. In later Europe," Hobbesism "Became synonymous with atheism.
Developed in England in the 17th and 18th centuries deism . This religious philosophy had a wide influence on Europe and the United States, the French Voltaire J.-J. Rousseau and others are the representative figures of this thought. Deists reject the idea that religion is based on mysterious "Revelations" and "miracles," arguing that the natural reason of man is the basis of religion, and attempting to replace traditional religion with rational religion Apocalyptic religion . They also generally accept the existence of God and the creation of God, but maintain that God after creation let the world operate according to rational natural laws and no longer interfere. This means that the God who regarded the traditional religion as the absolute monarch of the world was transformed into a constitutional monarch who did nothing, reflecting the characteristics of the British bourgeoisie politically. Marx said it was an easy way to get rid of religion.
18th century French bourgeoisie The growth of their power emboldened their thinkers to engage in open rebellion against traditional religion and church rule; The new achievements of natural science and the development of materialist philosophy provided the conditions to overcome the inthoroughness of pantheism and deism and to develop them into militant atheism. Atheism in this period emphasized the dignity of reason, opposed the spiritual enslavement of faith-ism, and ruthlessly criticized the doctrinal system of religion and the theological world view. It openly and completely denied the existence of God and the immortality of the soul, made a critical examination of the nature, origin and social role of religion, and deeply exposed the decay of the church and the hypocrisy of the monks French Revolution Public opinion was prepared. The main representatives of French atheism are Ramatelli , D. Diderot , C.A. Ehrlich, P.-H.D. Holbach, et al. Holbach's Natural system The book has been called "the Bible of Atheism".
The classical German philosophy of the 19th century was the enlightenment atheism of rationalism. Although Immanuel Kant and G.W.F. Hegel were not atheists, the German classical philosophy they represented expressed the political criticism of the feudal system through the rational investigation of religious theology, and had the nature of rational enlightenment. Kantiyi agnosticism It expressed doubts about the basic tenets of religious theology, such as the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, and the freedom of the will, and shook the theoretical basis of religious theology. J.G. Fichte emphasized the freedom and independence of man and believed that man is his own master and man is the true God. Hegel's rationalist" Absolute idea The God who replaces traditional religion attempts to bring religion under the rule of rationalistic philosophy. Young Hegelians Hegelize Idealist dialectics His critical spirit was a powerful critique of Christian theology and Christian countries. Strauss and Powell's critical study of the Gospel story and the history of early Christianity eventually led to the atheistic conclusion that religion was an artificial creation.
L. Feuerbach was restored in Germany materialism The authority was raised humanism Atheism is an in-depth and concrete study of the nature and origin of religion. His conclusion is that all the attributes and essence of "God" in religion are the alienation of human nature, and that God did not create man, but man created God in his own image. This completely negates the divine source of God's existence and religion and reduces it to a secular basis. Feuerbach's humanistic atheism is Marxist Scientific atheism Theoretical preparation has been made.
Modern western philosophy After the mid-19th century, the rise of the proletariat and the triumphant spread of Marxism prompted the bourgeoisie to turn to religion to numb the people. Religion has intensified its propaganda and struggle against materialism and atheism, especially against Marxism.
Criticism of religion in the natural sciences often develops into philosophical atheism. British philosopher B.A.W. Russell argued that only natural science could provide valid knowledge, and that it did not provide any basis for belief in "God" or the immortality of the soul. Religion is born of fear, religion is evil, and man should be freed from all fear through the science and learning of life, which is fully governed. Russell's atheism has Bourgeois humanism Color.
Many atheistic thoughts in the modern West attempt to replace God with human Dao. In 1933, famous American philosophers such as J. Dewey published the Humanitarian Declaration, which defined humanism as "belief in the highest value and self-perfection of human beings". humanitarianism The most radical manifestation of atheism is Satyr Philosophy. J.p. Sutter said, his existentialism "But an attempt to draw all conclusions from a thoroughly atheistic position." He believed that if "God" existed, "God" would take away human freedom. Human freedom is absolute and inalienable, and therefore "God" does not exist. Human freedom is the source and foundation of morality, and it is man who creates his own value and morality. There is no standard of morality and values in heaven, and there is no "God." Sartre's humanism atheism, which regards man himself as the subject and God as the opposite of man, is quite representative in modern western atheism.

Argumentation method


Basic information

It is assumed that the human soul exists, that under the action of some external conditions or after death, it can leave the human body and then become a ghost or deity - this is a process, a process in which the soul leaves the body and then enters other dimensions or Spaces. Methods 1 and 2 respectively discuss the influence of external (natural) factors on this process, in order to achieve the purpose of demonstrating atheism. Quoted from "An Inquiry into the Methods of Atheism Argumentation" by Wu Siyuan [1] .

Method one

by Butterfly effect It can be known that the movement, change and development of anything will lead to a series of uncertainties Chain reaction . For example: A butterfly in South America can flap its wings and create a tornado in North America two weeks later - a claim that may surprise many people (after all, if this were true, the world would be full of tornadoes).
author [1] At first, it is also puzzled (feeling very mysterious: from another point of view, can human beings achieve everything and do whatever they want with their thoughts alone?) Later, it was found that my understanding was wrong: there is no inevitable connection between "butterfly flapping wings" and "setting off a tornado", and "setting off a tornado" is only one of the many possible results produced after "butterfly flapping wings".
Why does this result (with so many possibilities)?
Because in the process of chain reaction will encounter a variety of fixed numbers (established things) and variables (interference factors: this is very critical, because "small difference" often leads to "fallacious miles")
If a butterfly can't (exactly) start a tornado by flapping its wings, is it possible for a human being to (exactly) do anything and everything with his mind? The answer is clearly no: human Brain wave After leaving the body can only chaos The form of the world is affected, so it is impossible to construct such things as heaven and hell.

Method 2

Suppose Zhang SAN boarded the train in Beijing, slept through the night and arrived in Shanghai - yo? People are still alive, the soul is still there: in nothing consciousness In the case of (sleep), the human soul (in whatever form it exists) travels more than a thousand kilometers with the body (indicating that there is something similar between the body and the soul). force 's interaction To keep them from being separated by trains)
Since the human body can affect the human soul, then the bitter nature is not a word, that is, the human soul, after leaving the body, can only be subject to nature, chaos In the world.