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The Persian is Iran european-based Ancient Greek and Latin In other words, Persia is the ancient name of Iran. Historically in A surname , Central Asia , South Asia Several empires were established in the region, such as The Achaemenid Dynasty , Sassanid dynasty , The Safavid Dynasty Let's wait. The most prosperous territory begins in the east Indus and Pamir Plateau , approach the west Balkan Peninsula with Mediterranean , South Arrive Aden and Red Sea , North Da Caucasus Mountains with Aral Sea , Persian Empire It was the first empire to span three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa.
Persia arose from Iranian plateau In the southwest, since 600 BC, Greece People call this region Persia. Until 1935, Europeans used Persia to refer to the region and the ancient times located in the region monarchy . The Persians, on the other hand Sassanid dynasty ( Second Persian Empire From the beginning of the period, he began to call his ancient monarchy Elanshahr, meaning" Aryan The Empire ".
Chinese name
Foreign name
Babylon , Tesiphon , Isfahan Etc.
Major city
Tabriz , Shiraz , Mashhad Etc.
Official language
Old Persian , The Pahlavi language
Political system
National leader
Cyrus the Great , Koos the elder , Abbas I
Population number
20 to 30 million
Major nationality
Persians , Jew , Egyptians , the Turks, etc

Historical background


Early civilization

Subject clause : Elam, Media
Persian relief
Elam Elam and Medes (2700 BC - 553 BC) were not yet known to the Greeks as Persia, but were an integral part of the history of the Persian region.
Ruins of ancient Persian Imperial Palace City [1]
Elam It is one of the oldest cultures in the Persian region, located today Iran In the southwest, three thousand years ago The Tigris River The East coast of the founding. They were closely related to the Dravidians and were known as a war-fighting people, being destroyed and restored several times between 2700 and 600 BC, and finally restored in 639 BC Assyrian Empire Destroyed. [2]
Media (678-553 BC) was a kingdom centered on the region of ancient Persia, with the largest territory including the present Iran The whole territory and Türkiye West. Midian Indo-European the Aryan And one of the first in Iranian plateau Ethnic groups in the region. Assyrian Empire He invaded the Iranian highlands and tried to conquer them. The Assyrian invasion, however, prompted the tribes of the Medes to unite, thus forming Kingdom of Media . In 553 BC Cyrus the Great They rebelled and overthrew the Medes in Persia in 550 BC.

The Achaemenid Dynasty

Subject article: The Achaemenid Dynasty
A Persian soldier in BC
The Achaemenid dynasty (558-330 BC), known as First Persian Empire . In 559 BC Cyrus the Great Unify the ancient Persian tribes, establish The Achaemenid Dynasty . Cyrus the Great defeated the Kingdom of the Medes, which ruled Persia from 553 to 550 BC, and made Persia a powerful country monarchy The Empire, conquered by Cyrus the Great in 547 BC Asia Minor western Lydia The kingdom led to the rise of the Achaemenid dynasty, and in 546-540 BC Cyrus the Great invaded east and conquered Parthia, Alia, Bactria, Drangiana, Gedrosia, Arahosia , Marchiana, Syr with Amu Darya between The river region of Central Asia ( Sogediana ), Gantolo, Cranmia and other regions.
In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great Invasion and conquest by force Mesopotamia Babylon, the capital of the Chaldean Empire, ended Ancient babylonian civilization That made Persia the world of the time Ancient West Asia The only center of civilization, he was killed in 529 BC in a battle against the Massagetans in the Syr Valley in Central Asia between the Syr and Amu Darya rivers. When Cyrus died, Persian Empire The eastern and northeastern territories have included Bactria on both sides of the Amu Darya River (Chinese history books have successively called "Bactria" and "Bactria"). Tokhara ") and Khwarizm It was ruled by Bardia, the brother of Cyrus. Son of Cyrus Cambyses After taking the throne, he continued to expand his father's legacy. Later Persian Kings repeatedly launched campaigns against the eastern Cypriots, pushing their boundaries across the Amu Darya River to reach Syr Both sides. The Persian Empire divided its territory into 20 prefectures, each of which paid an annual fee to the center tribute Seven of these districts are in Central Asia: for example, the 7th province is south of the Hindu Kush Mountains Gandhara The 12th province of Bactria, the 16th province of Parthia, Khwarizm and Sugd (Sogdiana). The easternmost stronghold of the Persian Empire was in Central Asia, near Xinjiang in China Fergana Basin The Persians built the city of Cyrus at the western end of the basin. [3]
Here we are Cambyses II The Era (529-522 BC) was finally conquered in 525 BC Ancient Egypt Later dynasty . Darius the First During this period, the empire enjoyed unprecedented growth. Darius launched an expedition in 521 BC Indus plain , bring into The Achaemenid Dynasty The west sent troops The Danube Delta , Thrace , Kingdom of Macedonia , Ancient Greek But because Battle of Marathon (490 BC) was defeated (499-449 BC) Greco-persian Wars ). son Xerxes I Later (480 BC), he fought again against Greece, but was ultimately unsuccessful. The Achaemenid dynasty of ancient Persia was the largest empire in the world at that time, and it was also the first worldwide empire that spanned Asia, Europe and Africa. [4]

Hellenistic period

Territory of Alexander Empire
Hellenistic period (330 BC - 141 BC / 129 BC), founded as early as 356 BC Philip the Second the Macedonian Empire In the constant turn of the ancient Greek city-states Before it was brought under control, there was a future against ancient Persia The Achaemenid Dynasty The ambition to invade and conquer by force, after finally bringing the ancient Greek city-states under his rule completely in 338 BC (except Sparta In 336 BC, an army of 50,000 was gathered under the command of Atasius Helespont channel The military invasion of Asia Minor was part of the Achaemenid empire of ancient Persia, but unfortunately, Philip II was soon assassinated at his daughter's wedding banquet, after which Alexander the Great succeeded in taking the throne and suppressing the rebellion, and continued his father Philip II's policy of military invasion and conquest of the Achaemenid empire of ancient Persia. Between 334 and 330 BC, 50,000 troops of Alexander the Great of Macedon passed through Battle of the Granicus River , Miletus Siege, Siege of Halicarnassus, Battle of Issus , Siege of Tyre , The siege of Gaza , Battle of Gaugamela Battle of the Persian Pass ( Battle of Persepolis After nine battles of Sogdian Rock in which there were actually equal numbers of combatants, Darius III Assassinated by Bessus on his way out, Gubos The Achaemenid Dynasty Most of its former territory became part of the Macedonian Empire, which extended as far as Bactria and the Indus Valley in the Central Asian River region.
The Macedonian Empire soon had a total of eight wars in 322-301 BC Successor war And then it fell apart. Seleucus I of Macedonia, one of Alexander the Great's generals, finally established himself in 312 BC after a succession war The Seleucids , in order to Seleucia And Antiochus, which ruled the eastern part of the former Persian Empire. During this period Iran became a hub for East-West communication: Silk Road It connects the Syr and Amu Darya rivers The river region of Central Asia (Sogdyana) and India, Buddhism from South Asian subcontinent 's India Maurya Dynasty Came, Zoroastrianism Zeishi went to influence Judaism .
In 238 BC, the Seleucid dynasty was in the late stages of its eastern The Parthian Empire It's from 238 BC Caspian Sea East coast nomadism Tribal alliance It was founded by the Pani chieftain Arshaq I after he captured Parthia and adopted the Parthian language nomad The military empire, followed by a continuous expansion of territory, in 177-138 BC Mithridates I During this period, the Empire expanded its territory to its maximum extent, westward Syria segmental The Euphrates River All inclusive Mesopotamia Plains, east Pamir Plateau West of Amu Darya River basin, southeast to Gedrosia, south The Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea . 250 BC Bactria After independence, the eastern Seleucids were disturbed by Bactria and subject to Mithridates I of Parthia Territorial expansion After 190 BC, the west again faced Roman Republic The military conquests, leading to constant decline, culminating in The Arshaq Dynasty It was lost under Mithridates I Iranian plateau And all of Mesopotamia. The Seleucids were finally destroyed by the Roman Republic in 63 BC. [4]

The Parthian Empire

Subject article: Parthian empire
The Assasis dynasty (247 BC - 226 AD), also known as the Parthian Empire, originated in what is now northeastern Iran as a nomadic people called the Parthians Mithridates I The height of the reign (177-138 BC) includes today Asia Minor The Eastern, Armenia , Azerbaijan , Mesopotamia , Syria , Iranian plateau , Afghanistan , Amu Darya South of The Great Khorasan Kazumon Indus West of Pakistan , Yagoku Roman Empire every The Euphrates River As the boundary, the capital of Tessiphon is located in Mesopotamia Seleucia Nearby. There was a constant war between the two empires The Parthian Empire Established with a century later Kushan Empire It is also a constant war. The Empire's Mesopotamia and its capital, Tessiphon, were conquered several times in 116, 164-165, and 197-198, respectively Roman legion The national strength of the country was depleted, resulting in the separation of the princes in the early third century. [4]

Sassanian Persia

Subject article: Sassanian Persia
224 The son of a local governor of the Parthia Empire Aldashir the First He broke with the empire and rebelled against it by expanding his local power. After a two-year war that overthrew the Parthian Empire and killed the king, it was formally established in 226 Sassanid dynasty The capital is Taixifeng. Sassanian Persia Named after the grandfather of King Aldachir I. Persian region ancient Persia The Achaemenid Dynasty This great world empire was later founded and unified again, and is considered to be Second Persian Empire . Ilan Shahr, the Persian revivalist, was also involved many times Roman Empire War. Captured one in 260 Roman emperor - Valleran . But Ilan Shahr belongs to Mesopotamia As well as Tigris riverside The capital of the right bank, Tessie Feng, was also conquered three times in 283, 297, and 361 Roman army Capture.
Ilan Shahr was a highly centralized state monarchy , in order to Zoroastrianism As the state religion, all the people are divided into four levels of priests, military, administrative officials, scholars and civilians. Catholicism was persecuted, Nestorianism developed, and Zoroastrianism (Zoroastrianism) and Zoroastrianism were born in Persia Manichaeism During this period it also flourished and once rose to national prominence ideology .
The Sassanid Empire
Due to... Eastern Roman Empire Years of warfare, Ilan Shahr against the subjects tax The empire collapsed in 629 and 642 with the assassination of two emperors and attacks by the armies of the rising Arab Bedouin nomadic empire.
During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, China and Persia had frequent friendly exchanges. History of Wei Dynasty According to records, Persian envoys came to China for employment dozens of times The Northern Wei Dynasty (535-544) The emperor brought a variety of gifts, including rare objects, elephant training, acrobatics Magic show Group wait. 1970 in Gansu, China Zhangye Big Buddha Temple Six were unearthed Persian Sassanid silver coin . The empire was attacked by Arab forces beginning in 632 and collapsed in 651, the son of the last Sassanid emperor Balos Had fled to Tang Dynasty China, request Emperor Gaozong of Tang It sent troops to fight against the Arab invasion, helped the Persians recover their country, and the Tang Dynasty escorted them back to the present Afghanistan Sistan was founded in 661 The Governor of Persia But by the end of 663 Arab Empire Destroyed. [4]

Islamization period

The army of the Arab Empire
The end of the national chaos Sassanid dynasty Was quickly guided by the new Islam Arab Empire rout The Islamic conquest of Persia Persia became part of the Arab Empire. Arabic became the prevailing language, and Islam quickly replaced Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, and Nestorianism masjid .
750 years later, The Abbasid Dynasty Ruled the Arab Empire, while the Persians gained control of the regional capitals Dominant position . During this period, Persian culture developed greatly. Harun Rashid and Mamun After that, The Abbasid Dynasty Due to the Military strength Decline and national power decline, the formation of the situation of separation; During the Persian land appeared successively Tahir dynasty , The Safar Dynasty , Samanid dynasty , Ziar dynasty , the Alafid dynasty, Baek dynasty , The Ghazneh Dynasty , Ghor dynasty , Seljuk Empire , Khwarizm . The architect of the Seljuk Empire in 1042 Isfahan The city is home to an incredible Friday mosque, famous Persian mathematicians and poets Omar Khayyam (Omar Khayyam) wrote his collection of poems during the Seljuk Empire. Rubayn "(Rubaiyat).
Territory of the Arab Empire
The Seljuks lost their war against the Persians in the late 12th century Right of control , and from Aral Sea Amu Darya Another in the lower delta Iranian The nation built the Khwarizm empire instead. 1194. Khwarizm Sudan Alahuddin Mahamaat conquered the Seljuk Empire and then the Iranian plateau, and in 1205, he finally took complete control of Persia, and in 1212, he defeated the Great Khanate and went on to rule all of it The river region of Central Asia In 1215, Alauddin Mahamaat was defeated Ghor dynasty . [4]

Mongol Khanate period

Subject article: Khwarizm , Great Mongolia , Ilikhanate
The territory of Khwarizm in its heyday began in the north The river region of Central Asia , east to Fergana Basin And Gedrosia, Arahosia, Gandhara, south The Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea , to the West Azerbaijan The territory at the beginning of 1219 was about 3.6 million Square kilometer The total population is about 12 million. Khwarizm Dynasty Got Mesopotamian Baghdad "Conferred by the Islamic caliph." Emir ", legally belongs to the Islamic world.
Between the end of 1219 and 1221, Mongol Empire The Great Khan Temujin led 100,000 troops to invade and conquer Khwarizm And slaughtered thirty cities of Khwarizm, after Greater Iran Area blanket Great Mongolia (1206-1259) and the following Ilikhanate He ruled from 1256 to 1335. He later served as Supreme ruler of the Mongol Empire: Towing mine , gogodae , Naima Gentrigona, Takahashi khan , Lost in the sea and Mongo Governor of the Khan era Deomarhan , Pay a visit to The wild knows the good fortune, the Wahls Korigis With the Oirats A-Hoon Aga's rule and garrison continue on Armenia , Georgia , Azerbaijan and Romani sultanate In particular, Temuzhen's grandson Hulagu destroyed Mureyi in 1256 and 1259. The Abbasid Dynasty , Syria The Ayyub Dynasty Officially established Great Hulagu khanate . Emperor of the Great Hulagu Khanate in 1295 Hezan Khan Eventually converted to Islam. Until 1355, when the Great Hulagu Khanate collapsed without an heir, Persia was ruled by five small states that split off from the Great Hulagu Khanate. [4]

The Timurid Empire

Subject article: The Timurid Empire
Map of the Timurid Empire
From 1381 to 1467, Persia emerged from the river region of Central Asia The Timurid Empire Part of it. Shortly after the death of Timur, Persia was established by the Turkic Black Sheep Dynasty in 1375-1468 and the Black Sheep Dynasty in 1378-1508 Aries Dynasty To rule. From 1405 to 1433, the Ming Dynasty Yongle Emperor dispatch Zheng He made seven voyages to the Western seas , multiple arrivals Tamerlane empire Coastal city . Zheng Hesai Sri Lanka Erected stone tablets in Chinese, Tamil , Farsi Written in three languages. Arabic and Persian were spoken by Muslims in the Ming Dynasty Sutra education Widely used in... [4]

The Safavid Empire

Subject article: The Safavid Empire
Map of the Safavid Empire
The Safavid Empire was a three-time revival empire founded by the Persians, whose founding British owner Ismaili the First United Persia and expanded its territory to the present day Azerbaijan , Iraq and Afghanistan Part of the Shi 'a "Twelve Imams" doctrine as the state religion, known as Third Persian Empire . The Safavid Empire and Ottoman Empire The war was constant. The year 1588 Abbas the Great Take the throne, move the capital Isfahan Make peace with the Turks, drive out the Uzbeks, from Portugal Grab hold of The Persian Gulf islet Bahrain Persia became the most important cultural center of the Islamic world. [4]

European invasion

Subject article: The Afshar Dynasty , Zande dynasty , Khaja dynasty
Great game
The year 1722 Russia the Peter the Great unite Ottoman Empire The invasion of the Safavid Empire, followed by an uprising in Persia by Sunnis who were forced to adopt the Shia religion, resulted in the collapse of the Safavid Empire. Later Persia was founded by the Turks The Afshar Dynasty , Zande dynasty and Khaja dynasty (Kazar dynasty) rule.
From 1779 to 1925, Persia was under the rule of the Khazar dynasty, which was ruled by the North Russian Empire To the east British India based British Empire The British Empire was carved out of its territory Sphere of influence the Bahrain , Afghanistan Part of the Russian Empire and the Russian Empire Azerbaijan , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan . Britain and Russia are here Strategic competition Be known as Great game ". [4]

Modern times

This subject article: The Pahlavi Dynasty , Iran
World War I During the war The Entente countries Russian Empire , British Empire and Allied countries German Empire , Ottoman Empire Fighting in the east over the Persian oil fields. After the war northern Persia was controlled by the British garrison. December 1925 Reza Khan launch Palace coup The overthrow of the Khazar dynasty The Pahlavi Dynasty And until Cold war During the UK and The Soviet Union And he still retains influence over Persia. In 1935, Reza Khan will The kingdom of Persia Internationally, the name became more Iranian, and the use of the name Persia has since been banned.




The Persians are A surname Iranian Main nationality Also known as Iranians. Population 20.41 million (1985), accounting for about 51% of the total population. They live mainly in the central and eastern provinces of Iran. More than 600,000 people live in the diaspora Afghanistan Stein sum Iraq And other countries. Belong to Europaean South branch Mediterranean Type, use Farsi , belongs to the Indo-European language family Iranian language family Standard Persian originated in the Pahlavi region. Speakers of this language often call it Farsi, and sometimes Middle Persian. Believe in Islam, mostly Shi 'a, very few people believe in Zoroastrianism ( Zoroastrianism Zoroastrianism), Manichaeism And Nestorianism.
The recorded history and culture of the Persians began in 2700 BC. In 2000 BC, the Aryans, a nomadic tribe of ancient Persians, moved from Central Asia into what is now Iran, crowding it out Indigenous people And settled down. The ancient Iranian people included many nationalities, such as the Medes, Persians, Parthians, Sassians, and Sixuans. In the 6th to 5th century BC, the Mede people founded the city of Akbatan, and in the 8th century BC, the Persians acquired their own name from this place name after occupying the area of today's Fars, and established a powerful city Persian Empire . The modern Persians are all inhabitants, half of whom are farmers, and they do a lot of work Irrigated agriculture , Food crop Mainly wheat, barley and beans ; Cash crop For tobacco, beet , sesame Let's wait. Some farmers have turned to oil and construction. technology Handicraft industry With a long history, carpets, ceramics, architecture, wool processing and other famous. Before the Persians converted to Islam, they mostly believed in Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism. The year 642 Arab Empire Wipe out Persia Sassanid dynasty Later, the Persians gradually converted to Islam under integration and coercion. Islam became dominant among the Persians in the 11th century, and Sunni predominance in the early 16th century, which was founded by the Persians in 1502 The Safavid Empire The Twelve Imams of the Shia sect were established as the state religion, and everything was taken Administrative measure Promote Shia and exclude Sunnis. Ninety-eight percent of modern Persians are Shia. The Iranian constitution says Shia Twelve Imams It is the state religion and stipulates that all laws promulgated by the Legislative Assembly must conform to the teachings of Islam. Islamic law There are also provisions concerning the marriage and funeral customs of Muslims, inheritance of property, raising of children, religious courses, and sectarian disputes Yidu All are ruled by the sharia. The government does not acknowledge the presence of Muslims in the country minority But acknowledged the existence of non-Muslim peoples. Shia clerics are divided into official and non-official categories, and generally prominent mullahs have semi-official status. Primary education for Iranian Muslims, generally in Grand mosque It mainly studies the Qur 'an and Persian scriptures. School of economics It is a secondary religious school, in addition to a senior religious college, taught by famous mullahs and systematically taught Islamology , philosophy and law. Grand Mullahs and The Ayatollah All from Combe The seminary. The Persians are religious and attach great importance to the annual days of Hajj, fasting and mourning (Ashura) Religious ceremony Women must wear veils when they go out, and their daily lives are strictly restricted by the sharia.


Mediterranean Phoenicia After the people region was incorporated into the Persian Empire, Phoenician merchants gained a huge inland trading area, at the same time, in Mediterranean On, in with Commercial competition They also enlisted the support of Persia in their struggle against the Greeks. Like the Phoenicians, Asia The Greeks also became subjects of Persia, but they were not tame subjects; while Syria The Phoenicians of the Persian Empire did the Persians a great favor and gained their favor. 3 Syriac Phoenician city-states Aradus, Till and Sidon And was awarded small Local self-government The status of a kingdom. The Phoenicians did not intend to betray the Persians, so the Persians did not have to fear that the colonial Phoenician cities would intervene in Syria. The Persians don't want to Libya The Phoenicians and Syriac Phoenicians merged into their empire, but instead entered into an anti-Greek pact with the Carthaginians at the end of the 6th century BC, when the colonial Phoenician city-states formed a united front under Carthage's leadership. [4]


Babylonian Jew The community was a natural ally of the Persians, as these exiled Jews never forgave the Babylonians who had banished them. They formed a pro-Persian minority, especially valuable in Babylonia, where most of the inhabitants were uncooperative. although Cyrus the Second For strategic reasons, by "joining hands with Baal," he showed his willingness to honor the Babylonians National pride "But still to no avail. Cyrus II also allowed all Jews who wished to leave to return to their old homes in the Jewish State and to rebuild them Jerusalem The temple of... The edict of Cyrus II can be found in the archives of Ecbatana (now known as Hamadan), which was in turn subjected to Darius the First Further confirmation. Either... Artaxerxes I In 445 BC, either Artaxerxes II In 384 BC, it was granted a Babylonian Jewish butler Nehemiah Temporarily leaving the capital Susa, he was charged with going to the Jewish State to re-establish himself City of Jerusalem The mission of fortification. Darius I and Alta Xerxes rebuilt Jerusalem for the Jews under their authority Public works And approved budgets and building materials. [4]


Alami Like the Jews and Phoenicians, they also benefited greatly from the Persian Empire. in Assyria The reign has begun Aramaic Under the Persians, the spread of the written word was greatly expanded. In Syria, Canaanite ( Hebrew Gradually replaced by Aramaic, Canaanite continued to exist to a small extent only as a liturgical language, and as an everyday language it was found only in the Mediterranean West Bank The Phoenicians used it in the colonial world. The Aramaic language continues with Aramaic alphabet At the same time spreading east, Aramaic letters are more than cuneiform More convenient and practical. With seven or eight centuries ago Ugarit People like the Persians from Sumeria - The Akkadian language Some words were selected from the library to form a set of letters. When Darius I recorded his martial arts on the cliffs of Behieston in three scripts, he wrote the Persian script in Persian cuneiform script, and at the same time, he also used Expression mode Sumerian cuneiform is both traditional and complex Elamevinn And Akadevin translation. But the Persian cuneiform script suffered the same fate as the Ugaritic script, failing to resist the tide of the more concise Aramaic alphabet, which had become popular in Phoenicia as early as the last millennium BC. By 330 BC, Aramaic was used in most of the official documents of the Persian Empire Language and writing However, it may be that the letters are still pronounced in Persian, that is, a combination of letters forming an Aramaic word that sounds like a Persian translation of the Aramaic word. [4]


The principal peoples of Syria were therefore content to be subjects of the Persians, and to have relations with them Blood relation the Media People feel less happy. As they showed in the revolt of 522 BC, they remembered that they too had been a mighty people, and that the Persians had been their subjects. However, in spite of the disobedience of the Medes, the Persians again allowed them to be partners in the Mede-Persian Empire, which was more powerful than in the past Median Empire Much larger and much more powerful. Elamite Perhaps somewhat flattered that their capital Susa was elevated to the imperial capital. Tohoku Iranian After the fall of the Empire, the people of Macedonia maintained a resistance movement for three years against the Macedonian rulers to show their deep affection for the Persian Empire. The nomadic people of the east, the West Xuya, had a relationship with Cyrus the Second Was an enemy, but seemed loyal to the Empire after being conquered by Darius I. When Xerxes was in Europe in 480 BC Greek city-states They will hold the fort in battle Strategic location . In 330-328 BC, they also supported the resistance of their peasant neighbors Alexander the Great . [4]

West Asian

Of the conquered peoples, however, three showed themselves to be hostile to Persian rule: the Babylonians, the Egyptians, and the Asiatic Greeks. In the crucial period of 522 B.C., the Babylonians staged not just one revolt, but two. In 484 BC, they rose up again. This time, however, the Persians did not relent in suppressing the revolt, and from then on, until they were finally liberated by Alexander, the Babylonians were devastated. The Persians could not let go of the Babylonians, the granary and factory of the Persian Empire and the hub of its inland transportation network. The occupation of Egypt, on the other hand, was as great a burden for the Persian Empire as it had been for the Assyrians. Egypt is farther from Fars than it is from Assyria. In revolt against its Asian masters on the continent, it could receive reinforcements from the Greeks at sea. Although Egypt was defeated in 522 BC, it rose again at the end of the reign of Darius I, and achieved independence twice, in 464- 455 BC and 404 or 395- 343 BC. When it was conquered again by the Persians, it was only a dozen years before the collapse of the Persian Empire itself.
The Persian Empire was a short-lived world empire, but its Religious tolerance The policy had a lasting effect. This policy followed a trend towards intermingling of religious beliefs, facilitated by the exile policies of the Assyrians and Babylonians. A conqueror may banish the members of the conscripted ruling clique, but not its own Deity . The farmers who remain here continue to worship them, and immigrants are unlikely to ignore them. afore Kingdom of Israel main Sacred place The worship of the Lord in Bethel was carried east to Babylonia and south to Elifandini, which was The Nile The frontier fort below the First Falls. In the 5th century BC, a Jewish garrison in the service of the Persians, whose soldiers were descendants of Jews who had fled to Egypt to escape Nebuchadnezzar's exile to Babylon, was dedicated to Eshimun, Anat, and Yahweh.
The Jewish community in Elifandini maintained a friendly correspondence with Sambarat, the chief of Samaria. During the reign of the Persians, before Nehemiah's mission, Jerusalem belonged to Samaria. Judging from his surname (Sinubalit) he was a descendant of the Babylonian exiles, and if judging from the names of his sons (Daraya and Sheremiah) they were both Yahweh believers, not so much Moon God An admirer. By this time, the people of Samaria had become strictly devoted to the Lord, except in the Scriptures. Torah In addition, they do not recognize any handwritten texts as classics, nor do they recognize the existence of non-handwritten classics. However, when Nehemiah, the representative of the Babylonian Jewish community, arrived in Jerusalem by decree, Sanbalath clashed with him. So that Nehemiah and Ezra In carrying out its decisive work, the Persian Imperial government unwisely reversed its general policy of tolerance towards religion. This unusually ingratiating attitude undermines one of the most important aspects of the Persian government itself Code of conduct This is a passive Act of state This passive act, however, had more serious consequences than any active act of the Persian government. It is a travesty of history. [4]


The religious and political liberalization policies of the Persian Kings brought the Persian regime into harmony with the various peoples of Syria. The peoples of Syria had fought stubbornly against the conquerors of Assyria and then Babylon. Among the Phoenicians, Samaritans and Jew In the eyes of the Persians, they are the saviors.

Chronology of events

9th century BC
The Persians are Indo-European A family of languages originating in the mountains north of the Caucasus
After the 7th century BC
Settled in the southern part of the Persian plateau, it was ruled by the Media, the owners of the plateau
550 BC
Cyrus ( Cyrus Destroy the Medes and build" The Achaemenid Dynasty ", in Median Empire On the basis of a large expansion, rely Diplomatic means To win over, Military force Conquests build up empires
539 BC
Cyrus conquers the Empire of Chaldea, unleashes" Prisoner of Babylon "The occupation of Syria with Palestine And exercise enlightened rule
529 BC
Cyrus was wounded and died in battle, and was succeeded by his son Cambyses
525 BC
Cambyses Conquer Egypt and build a great empire across Asia and Africa
512 BC
Darius Darius led an invasion of Europe via Asia Minor, becoming the first great empire to span Europe, Asia, and Africa (territories that include present-day Iran, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, and Asia Minor). Southeast Europe Corner, Egypt, Palestine)
499 BC
Greek city-states A revolt broke out against Persian rule
494 BC
Darius put down the Greek city-states and then decided to attack Athens
476 BC
Polish-greek War It's over. The Greek cities won, but they lost
330 BC
Persia fell to Alexander the Great of Macedon
Polish-greek War
Background: Darius expanded into Europe and oppressed the Greeks in Asia Minor, with three wars
The result: Persia was defeated and weakened, and the empire fell into a long period of internal and foreign strife, and was finally conquered by the Macedonians
Meaning: The victory of the Greeks and the defeat of the Persians, symbolizing The Near East Classical civilization The decline of Mediterranean Ancient civilization The rise of...




The 22 symbols used by the Canaanites were transformed into phonetic letters that were convenient for writing and learning Greek alphabet , Latin alphabet The common basis of the alphabet of European countries is the most prominent contribution to their culture.
Persian literature in the history of world literature refers to Farsi (i.e. Dari ) The creation of literature. Early 9th century, northeastern Persia Horasan The region first appeared Persia philology Work. Since then, in different historical periods, there have been famous Persian poets and writers in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Afghanistan, northern India, and the eastern coast of the Mediterranean.
Persian script: Cuneiform
As early as the 6th century BC, Iran Fars The region's Persian tribal chief Cyrus established a unified slavery Great empire The Achaemenid Empire . Before the 3rd century AD, it was commonly used in southwestern Iran Old Persian ( cuneiform ), in western Iran Kermanshah Inscriptions carved on the nearby hills about the exploits of the emperor Darius (521 to 485 BC) are in ancient Persian; In the northeastern part of Iran is the The Avestan language Zoroastrian scriptures Avesto There was already poetry in the bud. Persia Benzoic dynasty After its establishment (after 250 AD), the Middle Persian language was spoken in Iran, i.e The Pahlavi language (Northern Pahlavi). Sassanid dynasty The Sassanid Pahlavi language (South Pahlavi) was spoken during the period (224-651). The Sassanid Pahlavi language has a wealth of surviving documents. Among them are many religious, geographical, historical and literary works. Many of the early forms of medieval Persian literature in its heyday can be traced to early Pahlavi literature. For example, the Pahlavi Book of Kings, which has been lost, is from the 10th century Ferdowsi The basic material of the epic Book of Kings. " One thousand and one nights It is also based on the Pahlavi story collection A Thousand Stories.
In the 7th century, the Arabs destroyed the Sassanid dynasty and placed Persia within the realm of the theocratic Arab Empire, and the Arabic language became Official language . However, for the next 300 years, Pahlavi remained in common use in Persia, and new writings appeared. At the end of the 8th century, Pahlavi merged with a dialect of west-central Persia, gradually giving rise to a new language, Dari Persian. By the 10th century Dari Persian had replaced Pahlavi as the lingua franca of the Persians.
During the reign of the Arab caliphate, Persia lost its independent status politically, and Islam replaced the Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism in Persia, becoming the main Persian religion Religious belief . Persian passage Arabic The translation of the Ancient Greek philosophy and scientific works more widely than before. Persian poetry adopted the rhythm of Arabic poetry (Aruz), and Persian prose absorbed the verse of Arabic prose (Saji) Expression method This is the result of the close contact and integration of the two nations.
Under the foreign rule, Persia strongly demanded national independence, and this desire was reflected in the political field and produced the "Shubi movement".
Promotion and sponsorship
The movement advocates equality between non-Arab Muslims and Arab Muslims Political status , publicize Persian civilization Higher than Arab civilization . "Shubi Movement" is the political factor of the rise and development of Persian literature.


Ruins of ancient Persian Imperial Palace City
In art, the Persian Empire left a valuable legacy. The Empire recruited workers and building materials from the conquered nations to build palaces and decorate the capital. Persian architecture combines the artistic achievements of Egypt, Babylon and ancient Greece to form its own unique majestic style. The palace of Persepolis, the new capital of Darius I, was built on a high platform made of huge stones, with the hall of the king's administration and the hall of hundred columns, the column height of 7.62 meters, and the capital in the shape of a sacred cow, a horned lion and a human face (see the color picture of the Persepolis Palace Audience Hall). The wall on the side of the high steps is embossed with the ranks of the undead, the courtiers, and the tributes of the conquered nations. The ruins of Sousa's palace Chromatic color Glazed brick walls depicting the king's guards and various beasts. All this was intended to show the greatness of the empire and the dignity of the king. Metalworking was also a highly developed craft in Persia, where artists used hammer presses to make various pieces of exotic gold to decorate the gates and utensils of palaces. [4] Take the city of Persepolis as an example: the pedestal platform is copied from West Asia; The main hall is imitated by large stone columns Egyptian temple ; The grooves and spirals of the stone columns were influenced by ancient Greece; On both sides of the temple door Stone lion Temple wall, reliefs, roof Glazed tile It is similar to Assyrian architecture.




By the end of the 9th century, as a result of the Persian uprisings and the growing political power of the upper ruling clique, the Persians had effectively broken away from Arab rule and established many local governments. Northeast part Horasan territorial Samanid dynasty (875-999) The rulers were more careful to protect literati and promote literary creation than the monarchs of other local regimes. The first famous poet in Persian literature Rudaki (850-941) was the court poet of the Samanid dynasty.
Rudaki was born Samarkand There were about dozens of Persian poets of his time. There were two centres of poetry: one was Central Asia Samarkand and Samarkand Bukhara ; One is Balkh and Mu deer. Rudaki is good at music and rhythm and familiar with folk creation. His poems express the feelings and wishes of the people to a certain extent. Persian poetry forms such as Eulogistic poem , lyrics, Narrative poem The quatrets and quatrets were gradually shaped by Rudaki and his contemporaries. Therefore, later generations called Rudaki "the father of Persian poetry".


At the time of his death, Rudaki was the most famous poet in the history of Persian literature Ferdowsi (940 ~ 1020) in Horasan Tous Born. Ferdowsi is the author of the epic poem Book of Kings The author of ". The language of the Book of Kings is beautiful and fluent Farsi . At that time, Arabic was very popular in Persia, but the author consciously avoided using Arabic words. Before Firdosi wrote the Book of Kings, the Samanid court poet Tajiki (died 978) was commissioned to write the Book of Kings in verse, but he completed only 1,000 lines and died. Ferdowsi recorded the thousand lines of his poem in his Book of Kings as a souvenir. Ferdosi's Book of Kings reflects the Persian National independence The thought that inspired the Persians patriotism Encourage them to resist foreign aggression, inherit and carry forward the ancient Persian Literary tradition And create Persia Literary language Have played an important role.

King of Poets

After Ferdowsi, in The Ghazneh Dynasty Famous poets include Ansari (died 1039), Farosi (died 1038), and Manuchehri (died 1041). They were court poets. Ansari was once dubbed the "King of Poets."
The common features of the works of poets in Khorassan are concise narrative, simple language, the description of the environment and characters is not too elaborate, and scientific terms and Arabic words are rarely used in poems. This style in History of literature It is called "Horasan body".

Philosophical poet

The famous Persian philosophical poet Omar Khayyam (1048 ~ 1122) lived in Persia Seljuk Empire Period (1055 ~ 1194). He was a well-known scholar at the time. His poems are strongly anti-feudal and anti-religious. Ruling class He called his poems "snakes that devour doctrine."


After the 12th century, the Persian cultural center moved west. At the end of the 11th century, poetic writing began to decline in the Khorasan region, and the creation of western and southwestern regions gradually flourished. There are obvious differences between the works of the southwest poets and the Khorasan style. They use a lot of narrative Beeching maneuver The description is more euphemistic and delicate, Arabic words and scientific words into the poem, the poem content is richer than before, the text is elegant and implicit, and the literary history is called "Iraqi style". Its representatives are Anwari (died 1187), Haqqani (1126-1198), and Nezami (1141 ~ 1209). Southern poet Saadi (1208-1292) was a reformer of the Iraqi style, and his poems were more thematic and plain.

Narrative poet

Nezami He's the best narrative poet since Ferdowsi. He was an Azerbaijani, born in Ganja (now Azerbaijan Within the territory). His main works are the Five Volumes of Poetry. Secret treasure house "(1173-1180)," Hothrun and Celine "(1181)," Leili and Maginon "(1188)," Hothrun and Celine "(1181). Seven Beauties "(also known as The Seven Treasures, 1196) and The Story of Alexander (1200). The Five Books enjoyed a high reputation in Central Asia and India, and poets of all nationalities competed to learn and imitate Nezami's works.
At the beginning of the 13th century, the Mongols invaded from the northeast, and the Khorasan area bore the brunt of the invasion. But represents this period Persian literature Two great poets, Saadi and Hafez (1320-1389), were born in the southern city Shiraz .
Sadi's main works are The Orchard and the Rose Garden. His work is full of profound humanitarianism The ideology reflected the discontent of the lower classes with the feudal oppression. The Rose Garden has gained a wide worldwide reputation as a textbook for the study of the Persian language, and is also a work of continuity in the development of Persian prose.

Persian prose

It began to appear in the early 9th century and developed smoothly under the advocacy of the Samanid rulers. The early prose was plain and simple, with substance. From the end of the 11th century, Persian prose introduced the Arabic verse form (Saji). This reflects the growing influence of Islam.
The content of Persian literary prose can be divided into three categories: (1) the stories of emperors and heroes, such as the Book of Kings in prose; 2. Love legend Stories, representative works are the Bakhtiar Story ( Become a book Samanite) and Samak the Spy (written in 1189); ③ Moral admonition stories, representative works are translated from the Arabic" Carilay and Demino And the Qaboos (1082). Sadi's Rose Garden is the development of the third type of prose works.
For information about the three great poets of ancient Persia, please refer to my last lecture: [ General Ili Ancient Persia series of large-scale lecture III] Ancient Persian influential figures said one by one.
A contemporary of Sadie Morawi (Rumi, 1207-1273) Yes Sufi literature (Sophie means to wear thick Woolen goods The principal representative of the poet. Molavi was born in Balkh (now Afghanistan Within the territory), yes Iran Famous Sufi poet Sanai (? ~ 1141) and Attar (1145-1229). His main works are six volumes of narrative poetry and a large number of lyric poems.


Is a kind of mysticism It originated in northern Iraq and Syria in the 8th century and later spread widely in Central Asia, India, Indonesia and other places. They do not outwardly deny Islam, but arbitrarily interpret and extend its teachings. They deny human happiness and advocate asceticism , pursue Abstract truth (That is, the so-called perception of the existence of the Lord, the mind and the Lord are one). This idea was introduced to Persia at the beginning of the 9th century, in urban and rural areas artisan It spread widely in the middle and became their weapon against feudal oppression and religious shackles. Sufism later divided into different factions. One is attached to the ruling class and emphasizes its mystery; The other is against Islam, denouncing religious rule and preaching Freedom of thought . The famous lyric poet Hafez is the representative of the latter group of poets. Hafez carried forward the characteristics of Sadi's lyric poetry. His poems are sincere in feeling and beautiful in language, and he is good at refining life language into concise and accurate Literary language .


The last poet of the Persian literary boom was Jami (1414 ~ 1492). He is a Sufi scholar and has written biographies of 616 Sufi figures. He agreed with the capital Herat the Timurid dynasty Close relationship. His narrative poems are modeled after Nezami, and his prose work The Spring Garden is modeled after Sadi's Rose Garden.
Since then, Iraq Great changes have taken place in style poetry, and lyric poetry with concise language and abundant emotion is rare. Poets in Content and form The master mimics, attempting to cover up the poverty of thought with strange metaphors and obscure sentences. Mediocre ideas, vulgar language, carvings, pretentious elegance, is this period Poetry creation Common features of literary history call this style "Indian style".
In the mid-18th century, southern poets, mainly in Isfahan and Shiraz, launched a "retro movement" against the "Indian style" and demanded the restoration of the "Iraqi style" or "Khorasan style" in poetry, but to no effect. Because the urgent task faced by literature at that time was not limited to reforming the method of poetic expression, but to reflect the new in a timely and accurate manner Social contradiction .


In archaeology Cultural history Upper, ancient Persia belongs to Mesopotamia Cultural region, that is, today A surname Cultural region. Archaeologists have proved that in ancient times, the ancient Persians and Aryan protogenus Indo-European A branch of them inhabited the steppes of present-day southern Russia as well Volga The eastern region, because of the special geography of the grassland Natural environment They depend on nomadism for their livelihood. As time passed, they gradually divided into Persian-Aryan and Indo-Aryan, and this division directly affected National religion And the formation of mythological traditions.
In 2000 BC, the ancient Persians gradually shed their nomadic tribal lifestyle and gave rise to the early Religious activity . In the religious activities at that time, the most respected by the ancient Persians is an ancient and mysterious sacrificial ceremony, which is essentially a primitive ritual Nature worship . In the face of natural disasters, the ancient Persians felt at a loss, not only did they have no way to deal with it, but also had a deep fear. This made the ancient Persians desperately need a faith to extinguish their inner fears, so Persian mythology The oldest of the protectors was born. Because the ancient Persians believed that all the disasters and gifts in the world were controlled by the gods in heaven, if they found a suitable protector god, and constantly offered sacrifices to him and prayed prayerfully, they could avoid all disasters and live a carefree life.
After the emergence of the God of protection, some legends about the god of protection also began to appear, the ancient Persians put all kinds of legends about the god of protection Oral form Gradually spread everywhere. When the legend of God spread orally, this primitive form of transmission was soon broken by the appearance of writing. With the advent of writing, the ancient Persians found another way to record the legends of gods. Simultaneously with Primitive civilization They carved some images of gods on various utensils, or painted the stories of gods on the rock walls in the form of primitive paintings, or even molded the images of gods in simple ways and enshrined them in the temple. No matter what the ancient Persians encountered Natural disaster It is not the year of harvest, it all comes down to the role of the protective god, they believe that in the divine world that is inaccessible to mortals, there is a god who rules the human world, and there is a God who creates everything in the world. Driven by this concept, more gods were worshipped in the life of the ancient Persians, and the system of Persian mythology gradually became complete.
The Persians, 6th century BC Zoroaster founded Zoroastrianism Its doctrine was put forward monotheism and dualism . The only God that Zoroastrians worship is the great good God Ahura Mazda His enemy is the subgod Angela Manuel There is an eternal struggle between the good gods and the evil gods. In Persian history, with the emergence and maturity of Zoroastrianism, the struggle between good and evil became more and more intense, because Zoroastrianism advocated dualism, the doctrine that all things in the world are divided into opposing duals, including good and evil, light and darkness, So in Persian mythology there is a war between Ahura, the supreme god of light and justice, and Angra, the supreme god of evil. The war between them lasted three thousand years. In this war, the Supreme Good God Ahura Mazda created everything in the world and finally defeated the Supreme evil God Angra Manu.
With the help of the first man in the world, Kaiyumorz, who was created by the supreme good God Ahura Mazda, established the world-famous Persian Kingdom and became its first king.


The Persians are numerous Ancient civilization A nation with a higher degree of development has a long history. In the years that Age of Empires II spans, Persian civilization This is not a distortion of Persian history, but the Persia of the Imperial Age also included the precursor of the Persian Empire (which began in the 3rd century). From the third century, this civilization appeared on the stage of history under the name of the Persian Empire until the seventeenth century. In the preceding centuries, this land had been ruled by many powers originating in the Mediterranean region, but it eventually became an independent kingdom, restored the freedom and glory of its own people, and developed into a cross-country Mesopotamia And the Indian Empire. Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan Stendu was once part of the ancient Persian Empire.
Persians of the Safavid Empire
Later, when Roman Empire After the division, the Persians made them formidable Military force And into a new series of wars. Their new enemy was the successor to the Roman Empire: the Byzantine dynasty. The Persians began from Byzantium Border area - Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Türkiye , launched a sustained onslaught. Persians in history The finest hour It finally came in 619 AD. The Persian Empire completely conquered the whole region of Egypt Caucasus Mountains . In 626 AD, the Persians were defeated in a siege of the Byzantine capital. The Byzantines took advantage and began to invade the territory of the Persian Empire. The unceasing war over the years has, in fact, sounded the alarm for these two originally powerful civilizations knell . In 628 AD, with both sides exhausted, the rulers finally agreed to a long overdue peace treaty. After this, the Persian Empire, which had been greatly weakened by the war, was destroyed Arabian Peninsula The Arab Muslim legion took over.
In 651 AD, Arab Muslim forces conquered the Persian Empire in just ten years and took full possession of its territory. The new Islamic kingdom was called Iran. However, peace never seemed to come to this land, and in the centuries since, new invaders have appeared. First up is the Seljuk The Seljuk turkmens conquered all of Persia. Next came the terrible Mongol armies, and later the Turkmens.
Persians of the Safavid Empire
The new dawn did not appear until the 16th century. As before 1300 years ago, the Persians eventually regained their territory and established The Safavid Empire . Cyrus the Second (559-529 BC), descendant of a series of Mesopotamian rulers, was a generous and revered monarch, and was known by the ancient Persians as their father (and later paternity) Relational test Showing that he is the father of "all" of them is an almost impossible thing). In 550 BC there was a successful struggle and succession against the Lord of Archamillis Kingdom of Media Later, Cyrus Solidified his rule over the Iranian highlands and extended westward Asia Minor . In October 539 B.C., Babylon, the great city of ancient times, was captured by his Persian army.
Although they succeeded in making peace with Egypt and suppressing the Babylonian uprising, the Greek city-states held on Act in concert And defeated Xerxes, marking the beginning of the decline of the Persian Empire. As his pride spurred him on after his defeat, Xerxes decided to retire. Xerxes His death was the final turning point in Persian influence, and the occasional vigor and ability of some of his successors was too rare to prevent the ultimate collapse, and Persepolis was finally conquered in April 330 BC Alexander the Great Conquer. In the struggle for power after Alexander's death, Serius succeeded in capturing it Alexander Empire Under the Persian territory. [4]


From the 6th century BC to the 4th century BC, the Persian Empire was very powerful. Persian architecture Inheriting the tradition of the Mesopotamia, drawing on the architectural achievements of Greece, Egypt and other regions, but also developed. Xindu Persepolis It was built between 518 and 460 BC. The palace was built on a platform built against a mountain, about 15 meters high, 460 meters long and 275 meters wide. There are two ceremonial halls in the north, Treasury in the southeast, and royal palace and harem in the southwest, surrounded by gardens and pavilions. The layout is regular, but the whole has no axis relationship. Palace main use Iranian plateau Hard color limestone Build. There are large platforms and steps in front of the front entrance. The wall on both sides of the step is carved with relief group images, symbolizing the ranks of the eight directions, adapting to the shape of the big step, step by step, and Architectural form Coordination and unity. (See color map Persian Empire Persepolis palace steps relief belt, 6th ~ 5th century BC) Two ritual hall plane are square Stone column wood beam fang structure. One in front of Xerxes I Reception hall, 76.2 meters square. There are 36 stone columns in the temple, Height of column 19.4 meters, the ratio of column diameter to column height is 1:12, and the vertical and horizontal spacing of column centers is 8.74 meters. The hall has towers at four corners. There are two steps between the towers colonnade The height is about half of the hall. Main Hall Opening High side window . The west colonnade was a review stand overlooking the tents of the tributary foreign envoys. The other main hall is Darius's Hall of 100 pillars, 68.6 meters square, with 100 pillars, 11.3 meters high. The two halls are light in structure and wide in space Ancient architecture In is rare. The exterior walls of the palace are pasted with black and white marble or glass Facing brick On the color relief. Timber fillet and cornice gild Foil. lobby Interior wall Decorated with murals. The carving on the stone columns is exquisite. Covered bell pillar base engraved petal pattern, covering bell is a semicircular architrave. Column body There are 40 to 48 grooves. The capital is composed of a mantle bell, a bowl, several pairs of upright scrolls and a pair of kneeling bull statues.


The ancient Persians did not offer gods, build temples, or set up altars, and were accustomed to worship gods, sun, moon, earth, fire, water, and wind on the highest mountain. The sacrificial man leads the animal he is about to slaughter to a clean place, and there he calls the name of the god to whom he is to offer the sacrifice. It's customary for this person to wear a turban that's about myrtle the garland . He who offers an offering is not allowed to pray only for his own well-being; he must pray for the well-being of the king, for the well-being of all Persians, among whom he must be himself. He then cuts the meat of the slaughtered animals into pieces, and after cooking them he puts them all on the freshest and softest grass he can find, especially trefoil . When all this was done, a priest came and sang a hymn which, according to the Persians, recounted the origin of the gods. Unless a priest was present, any offering was illegal. After a while, the devotee can take the sacrificial meat away and do whatever he wants with it.
Of all the days of the year, they celebrate everyone's birthday the most. They think they should eat a bigger meal on this day than on other days. Richer Persians would grill whole cows, horses, camels, or donkeys in their stoves for food, while poorer people would use smaller livestock instead. They don't have a lot of regular dishes, but after the regular dishes there are a lot of snacks and the like, and these snacks are not served all at once. They like wine very much and have a lot of capacity to drink. Moreover, they usually discuss the most important events when they are still drinking. And the next day, when they awoke, the master of the house in which they were gathered brought before them the decision which had been made the night before; If the decision is still agreed, they adopt it; If you disagree, put the decision aside. But what they talk about when sober, they always reconsider when they are drunk.
If they meet on the street, one can tell from the sign below that the two people who meet are of equal status. That is, if you are equal in status, at first they do not speak, but kiss each other on the lips. If one of them is a little less important than the other, it is a kiss on the cheek; if the status of the two is very different, one will bow down before the other. They have the greatest respect for the nation nearest to them, which they regard as second only to themselves, and less respect for the one a little further away. The farther away you are, the less respect you have. The reason for this view is that they consider themselves to be far superior in all respects to all other men, and that the closer they live to them, the more superior they become. Therefore, those who live farthest from them must be the worst of mankind.
Having many children was, in their eyes, the greatest male virtue, second only to valor. Every year the king gave a gift to the one who had the most children. Because they think there's strength in numbers. Their sons are educated between the ages of five and twenty, and they teach their sons only three things: riding, archery, and telling the truth. Children cannot see their father until they are five years old, but live with their mother. The reason for this is that if the child cannot be brought up, the father will not suffer the pain of the death of the son.
In the rule of law, a king cannot put a man to death for a single mistake, and no Persian can punish his servant for his only sin with an incurable punishment. But if, after a calculation, it is found that the offender's fault is greater than or greater than his good deeds, the master can punish him severely to vent his anger.
They would never say anything they thought they could not do. They also believe that lying is the most shameful thing in the world, followed by going into debt; There are many other reasons why they think this way about debt, not least because people in debt have to lie. They have great respect for the river.


Shia Islam
Shia Islam is the state religion of Iran and the second largest sect of Islam, practiced by 98.8% of Iran's population, of which 91% are Shia and 7.8% are Sunni.
"Shia" Arabic phonetic translation, meaning "party", "faction". It is also translated as "Shiye". Shia and Sunni, The Hawaliji faction , The Murguiers It is also known as the four major political factions of early Islam, and is the largest sect in Islam after the Sunni.
The Shi'ites are known for their support Muhammad My cousin and son-in-law Ngari Its main feature is that its descendants serve as Muslim leaders, imams, so it is also called Ali sect. Yosumu nephism Antithesis. The faction only admits The Hashim family Ali and his descendants are the legitimate heirs, and honor Ali and his descendants as "imams" and consider them to be "recipients. Allah Protect, never make a mistake "the sage, and think that the last imam has been hidden, will be the savior ( Mahdi Identity reappearance. Later, due to internal differences in opinion, they successively divided into the Kaisanites, Twelve Imams , Zitteist , The Ismailis Such tribes and many branches.
Early Persians and others Indo-european peoples The same, both accept Nature worship Believe in all kinds of spirits, such as Zoroaster (Zoroaster B.C628 ~ B.C551) Zoroaster


(1) Implementation centralization
The country is divided into 20 provinces
The governor, commander of the garrison, reports directly to the monarch
Set the annual tribute for each province
Monetary sum Weights and measures standardization
(2) Adoption Conciliatory policy
At the provincial level, local conditions were adapted, and the conquered could retain their customs and laws as long as they accepted their rule
In Egypt, the original administrative institutions were preserved to the tradition Pharaoh Attitude emergence
in Palestine Rebuild the temple, assign Israel Elders are in charge of order.
in Mesopotamia Rebuild the Temple of Babylon, maintain pontiff The status of...
(3) Highly efficient Traffic system
Repair The Nile to Red Sea Between the ancient canal
Creation of "King Road" ( gallop ) and the post system, which facilitates governance and serves as a bridge of communication between different cultures
(4) Creation navy And postal system
(5) Feng mazdaism establisement


Since 600 BC, the Greeks have called this region Persia. The first written record of the Persians comes from the Assyrians in the ninth century BC, who call them Parsuash and Parsua. These approximations are derived from the old Iranian word "Parsava", presumably meaning "frontier" or "frontier", and were used geographically to refer to the Persians (who called themselves ethnically Aryan as a sign of honor). Parsua and Parsuashu are actually two different places, the latter is located in southwest Iran, in Old Persian It was called "Parsa" (modern Fars).
The Greeks used the adjectives "Perses", "Persica" and "Persis" in the sixth century BC Cyrus the Great The empire of the Persian, the English word, was thus acquired. Later in the Bible there are frequent references to the Persian Empire (Esther, Daniel Ezra and Nehemiah), called Paras (English: Paras; In Hebrew, the word "Paras ve Madai" means "Persian and. Kingdom of Media ". Until 1935, Europeans used Persia to refer to the region and the countries located in it. The Persians, on the other hand Sassanid dynasty I started calling my country Elanshahr ", which means "medieval Aryan The Empire ".
1935, King of Persia Reza Khan Declared that the country should be referred to internationally as "Iran". But the word "Persia" was used after that. In Chinese, "Persia" is used to describe Iran before 1935, or a name the people have had since ancient times, such as Farsi and Persian rug . Modern politics, economics and other things use the word "Iran". [4]