Liang Lu

CCTV hostess
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Liang Lu, female, graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University China Media Group, CCTV Variety Channel, CCTV-15 Music channel The host. [1] Liang Lu co-hosted "Dream China" Wenzhou Public benefit concert .
Chinese name
Liang Lu
Be educated and educated
Date of birth
January 1st
Host a program
Variety Express
166 cm
Chinese , English , Korean
Current residence

Hosting experience

From 2000 to 2001, Mr Beijing Television Station Host of Glamour Fashion;
He served from 2001 to 2002 CCTV Sports Channel Host of "Good Morning China";
From 2002 to 2003, he was the host of the program "Sports", "Music Breakfast" and "Star Three Days Talk" of Light Media.
From 2003 to 2009, he was the live host of the "Variety Express" column of the third set of CCTV.
From 2005 to 2009, he served as the director of the third CCTV series China music TV "Column host;
From 2009 to 2011, he served as the host of the program "Variety Star World" of the Central three sets.
He was the host of "Folk Song China" and "Magic Miracle". Music weekly "" Let's make music. "The host. [1]

Growing experience

Liang Lu
Liang Lu has the most liberal nature. Near the end of high school, Liang won the first place in an English speech contest and was recommended for admission Shandong University An opportunity in the English department. Liang Lu gave up, her heart is still yearning for a better, broader world. For a girl who longs for freedom, there is no better city than Beijing. 18-year-old Liang Lu made up her mind: She must come to Beijing and bloom her life energy.
The results of the college entrance examination were as she had hoped: Beijing Foreign Studies University Department of Korean. Perhaps it is by virtue of Minority language In the second year of university, Liang Lu has begun to use his own professional tour guides in travel agencies. At one point she worked for a Korean company for a short time, but that kind of Nine to five The rigidity, Rigid hierarchy The system, 8 hours a day, nodding and bowing to the waist one hundred times, all this makes the freedom of love Liang Lu can not stand, can not stand to go, Liang Lu is not the kind of person who bends.
Liang Lu
The tour guide career was the beginning of her independent life and financial independence. Liang gave up her job as a tour guide when she was 22. At this time, Liang Lu has graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University, in China Central Television He was the host of the show for two years. She currently hosts CCTV (China Central Television) "Variety Express". The year I graduated from college, it coincided with CCTV Eastern Time and Space Producer of time And the host Zhang Yu , go Beijing Foreign Studies University Recruitment location host, Liang Lu signed up, fill in the form to register after the interview, once in the room, Liang Lu noticed that Zhang Yu is the host she often sees on TV. She blurted out, "Hey, why are you here today, you're not hosting now? Globe Is that it?" Sitting next to the time asked Liang Lu: "How do you know him?" Don't you know me?" Liang Lu replied, "Who are you?" Time: "I am time." Liang Lu replied: "Ah, I know, you are more famous than him." Liang Lu's boldness surprised time, and the result of the interview was that she became Beijing Foreign Studies University single Be admitted to The people of Boldness is not born, after three years of tour guide career, Liang Lu's ability to talk and laugh with strangers she has never met has surpassed most girls her age. If you can communicate with strangers smoothly, you can communicate with examiners, with work partners, with interviewees, and with many audiences.
Beijing Broadcasting University Broadcasting and hosting Only a very small proportion of professional graduates can enter CCTV as they wish. Liang Lu did it, and she did it well. How much effort Liang Lu has made behind this, only she knows.
Liang Lu said he is not a person who has a thorough plan for life. Even if there are some short-term goals, but never carefully designed the whole life, everything according to their own mood, desire to decide. Now, she has found the most suitable and favorite job, and she has lived up to her courage to give up her recommendation and choose Beijing for freedom.

Liang Lu's article

Get lost
Liang Lu
Afternoon, just finished Andy Lau For the new album launch Preside over work . I was busy going home to remove my makeup and change my clothes, because I had a dinner with some friends in the evening. The place to eat is close to home, I told my heart over the phone (my" boudoir ") that restaurant The specific location, while their own unhurried out.
Very close, I told myself again.
Heart in the phone also complained that he did not have the courage to ask for leave in the afternoon, missed the look Andy Lau The opportunity. Think about it, when I was a child, I would have regarded Andy Lau as a distant star, and at that time, I only knew that I was studying for the future college entrance exam, and I never thought that one day his new album conference would be hosted by myself. In fact, before I came to work today, I did not think that this conference would be any different, but when I came to the scene, I saw Andy Lau was rehearsing - he actually came much earlier than I did. When he saw me, he stood up and bowed like a gentleman and said hello. Then he asked me to review the manuscript and finalize every detail. That kind of serious attitude is really admirable. Worthy of being the king of Heaven...
Liang Lu
I was thinking about it, and suddenly, something wasn't right. How did you get to Lama Temple?? I was going to Guijie. Call Xinxin right away. "You're going the wrong way, you've turned a corner!" Heart on the phone a little anxious. Huh? What to do? So familiar road I went wrong? ! "I think I'll have to find a home and start again to find Guijie." My heart must have been dizzy, "No, you turn around, take the second ring, A surname Exit west!" Ah?? What the hell is that all about? I had to say something and hang up the phone. It doesn't happen once or twice. Only this time is the destination home is too close to say the past, so can get lost, even the heart can not accept.
I will not say how to find the right way, it is also not clear. Anyway, finally, I got to the restaurant. When I arrived, I seemed to hear Xinxin telling the others about the last time I planned to Chongwenmen I drove up to the station and there I was Zhoukoudian The deeds of... Hehe... Can't control so much, starving, fast food ah!!!
Liang Lu

Personal quote

Liang Lu
"I will try not to waste every day, if today I get up until I go to bed, stay at home, watch the TV program from beginning to end, do nothing, I will feel that the day has been wasted." Every day, even if it's just going out to dinner with friends, it's a little anticipation, a little joy." -- Liang Lu

Public welfare activity

Liang Lu co-hosted the" Dream of China Wenzhou public benefit concert
Liang Lu
At 19 PM on December 9, 2007, "Dream China" Wenzhou public benefit concert will meet with the audience. This public welfare activity is a joint venture between Dream China and FAPai Group United Nations Children's Fund To implement a global charity program. Through the holding of this event, put forward the "concern for the world, Care for life "Slogan, the party will be led by Liang Lu, Li Yong , Zhu Xun , Ji Xiaojun Four celebrities co-host.
The concert, including South Korea, HongKong and Taiwan The popular stars in the mainland were invited to participate. Act as Dharma sartorial Jang Dong-gun As soon as he appeared in the concert, the audience in the stadium were boiling, and he became the star who won the most applause that night.
New mom Cecilia Cheung Also came to the concert, two classic songs Never Forget , The Heart and the Stars Got the audience waving Glow stick "Loudly echoed. Fan Bingbing , Chen Hao , Yi Nengjing , Wu Sikai , Chen Kun "Dream of China" Xiong Rulin , Hai Mingwei , White ice , Mountains and fields Such as singers one by one, so that the fans of the scene and the audience have a feast The luck to get sth. nice to eat . Although the concert has been going on for three hours, as the final finale "Special Love for Special You", Wu Sikai The wonderful singing made the audience still passionate and loudly chorus with him to finish this classic song.

Sing a song

On June 1, 2017, Liang Lu and Ren Luyu , Sun Xiaomei And sang the song" Sing loudly ". [2]