Kang Yonggang

National athlete
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Kang Yonggang, born on December 20, 1980, is a national outstanding Sportsman Seven Duan of martial arts. Kang is Yuncheng, a Yuncheng County in Shandong province Song Jiang Martial Arts School The top student, Liangshanbo hero Song Jiang's hometown, in his early twenties, not tall, in the ring with flexible fists, legs, wrestling and other techniques to make all the heroes bow. Kang Yonggang's technique is comprehensive, and his fists and legs are especially lethal. Kang Yong Kang is a winner of" Grand slam "The player that had been in The Asian Games , World Cup He won the championship, the Sino-Thai Championship, the Sino-American Championship and the National competition, and won many championships. In all external Free combat None of the games were lost.
Chinese name
Kang Yonggang
Date of birth
December 20, 1980
171 cm
Body weight
52 kg
Sports event

Sports career

Kang Yonggang
Kang Yong Gang was 13 years old Shandong (Province) Yuncheng (a county in Shandong Province) Song Jiang martial arts school, training in 1994 Free combat Later, he was selected by coach Xia Weizhong to the newly formed Guangdong Sanda team. In 1998, he competed in the National Championship for the first time and finished second in 52KG. In the next match, Kang Yonggang, representing Guangdong team, won almost all the gold MEDALS of sanda events, won the Asian Games, the World Championship, the National Championship, the first Sanda World Cup, the ninth National Games, the East Asian Games and so on Muay Thai He won the gold belt three times against USA Boxing. In all the foreign sanda matches without a miss. In terms of achievements alone, Kang Yonggang's achievements exceeded the king of Sanda Liu Hailong . It can be said that Kang Yonggang is not only the glory of Guangdong Team in technology, image and people, but also a flag on behalf of China Sanda.

Career data

Kang Yonggang
He has won the 52KG champion of the national Wushu Sanda Championship and championship match for many times
Champion of 52KG in the 6th World Wushu Sanda Championship
The first Sanda World Cup 52KG champion
The 9th National Games Wushu Sanda 52KG champion
The 14th Asian Games Wushu Sanda 52KG champion
Chinese Kung Fu VS Thai professional Muay Thai 56KG champion
The first and second Chinese Kung Fu VS American Professional Boxing 54KG class Gold belt
2005 East Asian Games 52KG gold medal