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Steven Frayne

Steven Frayne
synonymSteven Frayne(Steven Frayne) generally refers to Steven Frayne
Dynamo, whose real name is Steven Frayne, shocked audiences with his counterintuitive "jaw-dropping" stunts, making the most skeptical people believe in magic. In 2011, he performed "Treading Water" to promote his series "Magician Impossible." The Thames It caused quite a stir, but it also caused a lot of abuse. The Bradford-born magician took his stunning stunts to the next level with his "Levitating" magic show in collaboration with Pepsi MAX on Tuesday. He is the new face of the Pepsi MAX campaign, and the performance also promotes its "Live Now" campaign, which will hand out hundreds of prizes to customers.
Chinese name
Steven Frayne
Foreign name
Steven Frayne
Be educated and educated
Bradford, West Yorkshire, England
Date of birth
December 17, 1982
Representative works
The Incredible Magician




The first impression of Stephane Frayne is "small" : less than 1.7 meters in height, with arms as thin as reed rods.
Steven Frayne
Frayne is the most popular and famous magician in Britain. Just in early July, he received the highest honor as a magician: Silver Star membership in the Magic Club, the authoritative organization in the magic world.
"Isn't that great?" Frayne grinned shyly. The magician who has obtained this qualification is really rare, and the well-known American magic master David Copperfield Is one of them. It is said that in order to obtain this qualification, you have to go through various levels of examination. "It's hard to believe I got the honour without ever taking the test." An emotional Stephen said: 'My mum must be so proud.'
His reality TV show" dynamo The Incredible Mission attracted 1.7 million viewers and was nominated for the most popular entertainment program of the year. The second season, "Dynamo: The Incredible Magician," was also released in early July, with more than 2.4 million viewers tuning in. His performance at the MTV Awards was watched by more than 1.5 billion viewers.
He has 1.5 million followers on the social networking site and calls himself" explosive The group of hardcore fans will also show up at any event where he performs.


Practice, innovation and surprise are the keys to Frayne's success. Frayne's mind seemed to be constantly dreaming of more incredible magic. "I love hanging out with imaginative people, and I always watch the latest movies and music videos for inspiration."
Steven Frayne
Frayne said: "But the one who had the worst luck was my agent. I often wake him up at 3 a.m. to tell him my new ideas. He was always worn out by me."
Even in meetings, Frayne did not stop his magic: a coin suddenly appeared in a water bottle on the table, a stack of cards suddenly floated in mid-air, slowly fell into Frayne's hand and disappeared... "My job is to constantly surprise people." "Magic can make you feel younger," says Frayne.
Frayne believes that magic makes him always curious, but what gives him a greater sense of accomplishment is that his magic tricks leave the audience breathless. "I can surprise people every time I perform. But what I want most is for people who have had a bad day to smile at my tricks."

The past

Unassuming, down-to-earth and full of whimsy, Stephane Frayne might not have been expected to have a miserable childhood. Magic Club president Jack Devin said: "Frayne's experience is a legend. The young man grew up in the slums and now represents modern magic in Britain. He's a great example for anyone who wants their dreams to come true."
Frayne's mother, who gave birth to him when he was 16, and his father, a "regular visitor" to the prison, have not spoken since Frayne was 18. As a child, Frayne suffered from a serious digestive disease Crohn's disease . "It was a very difficult time for my mother. I want to grow up fast enough to take care of her. But I was often ill, and I was small and shy. '
Frayne, who was small, naturally became the target of bullying by the bad boys. When he was 11, his mother asked two older children from the neighborhood to take him to school. The two older children, however, asked Frayne for money for lunch. If they don't, they'll stuff Frayne in a trash can and roll it down the hill.
Thanks to great-grandfather Ken Neth Welsh Frayne was freed from the nightmare of his life. "He used to show me little magic tricks. During World War II, he used magic tricks to earn a little money to drink."
In Frayne's eyes, his great-grandfather was his savior. He taught Frayne to concentrate, to keep his body still, to stay steady no matter how hard others tried.
This move prevented the bad boys from bullying Frayne any more. "Those guys aren't smart, and when I do something they can't figure out, they freak out." They spread rumors that I was possessed by demons." The bad boys no longer played tricks on Frayne, but no one dared approach him. Lonely Stephen is fascinated by magic, "magic can make mom happy, that's enough". The dutiful Frayne stayed in his bedroom all day repeatedly studying and practicing various magic techniques.
Until high school, Frayne had no intention of becoming a professional magician. At that time, he wanted to enter the university to study media, in order to raise tuition fees, began to participate in magic shows, and soon became popular.


In 2004, Frayne spent six months in hospital with Crohn's disease. "Lying in the hospital bed, I thought a lot. If I die, will people remember me?" "During that time, the performance and the audience were the best distraction," Mr. Frayne recalled.
After recovering from his illness, he decided to devote himself to the industry. He applied for a £2,000 scholarship from Prince Charles' foundation to buy a laptop and a high-definition video camera. He filmed his magic act and made it into his first DVD, Underground Magic, and has since gone wild...
More recently, Frayne suffered another blow: In February, Frayne's beloved great-grandfather died of a brain tumor. But he was strong enough to get over the loss and come back magicians In front of you. "I didn't have a great childhood, but I'm trying to make my life colorful now. My job makes people happy. It's the best job in the world!" Qi Xu


On June 23, 2013, British magician Dynamo(stage name) once again attracted the attention of London by clinging to the roof of a 15-foot bus to cross Westminster Bridge over the River Thames [1] .
Steven Frayne
British media reported on the 24th that many British people had seen his performance on TV early in the morning, but this time many lucky viewers were able to sit in a bus to watch the scene closely. Frayne "Suspended" in the bus, after Big Ben, the Parliament building, Westminster Bridge and other London landmarks, he looked quite comfortable, and occasionally waved to the crowd of fans to say hello, whether it is the audience in the bus or passers-by by the road, in surprise, have taken out mobile phones, cameras to take photos.
Dynamo is also pointing camera Give a confident, relaxed smile. A police officer stands by to clear the way for Dynamo's magic show, making sure no cars are near the performing bus.


Steven Frayne
Swallow the whole gold necklace and a few minutes later pull it out of your body across your stomach; Like Spider-Man in the L.A. Times headquarters building Glass curtain wall Like walking on a flat ground; Snow becomes diamonds, Fanta becomes Coke, lottery tickets become cash; Let the paper butterfly "live"... Frayne's magic always surprises people and amaze, confuse, shock and even frighten the audience.
Frayne was also invited to perform at Prince Charles's foundation gala, turning a stack of papers on the Crown Prince's desk into £500 notes in the blink of an eye.
Last summer, Frayne starred in a "martial arts blockbuster" on the River Thames, with hundreds of people standing on Westminster Bridge to witness him strolling along the river without a wire hanging like a Chinese martial arts hero.
"I don't see any steel wire. Is there a clear plastic pedal under the water?" For a time, people have speculated on the Internet about Frayne's "floating on the water" organ. Although he would not reveal the secret, Frayne said that the inspiration for the "Little steps on the Thames" came from a whim while learning to swim: "My grandfather used to throw me in the pool and let me flop around in it." I thought, If only a man could walk on water."


Steven Frayne
Launched in the UK in 2011 with its incredible magic The television show "Dynamo Magician Impossible" also made her famous.
His "treading water" across the Thames in 2011 to promote his series, "Magician Impossible," caused a stir, but also drew a lot of criticism.

Be related to

Classic magic show "Move" sunglasses
Steven Frayne surprised his best friend by turning up at a concert for British rapper Tinie Tempah. He pulled out a CD with Tampa wearing sunglasses on the cover. Stephen ran his hand gently across the cover photo, and the sunglasses Tampa was wearing actually moved from the bridge of her nose to her forehead. Tampa and the crew were terrified.
Through the glass door
On one occasion, Frayne was having a good chat with Manchester United star Rio Ferdinand in a motorcycle showroom. Frayne asked the doorman for a long coat, put it on and suddenly disappeared from the display room. In a blink of an eye, Frayne appeared outside the glass door of the exhibition room, which had always been closed, and Leo Ferdinand was startled.
Paper butterfly take-off
Frayne took out some paper butterflies during a program, and soon the rigid paper butterflies in his hands suddenly fluttered into flight and danced around the room.
Poker through glass
On the train, Steven Frayne met a stranger. The stranger picked one out of a pack of playing cards and handed it back to Frayne. Frayne reshuffled the cards, then pulled out a card and threw it out of the window, the playing card that clung to the outside of the window glass was drawn by the stranger.
River performs "light work"
In 2011, Steffen performed a "water stunt" on the River Thames. But how did he do it? Stilts? There's a huge block of ice under the river? Or a transparent rope with a lot of toughness? Only Stephen knows that.


Humble and simple in spite of fame and fortune
Despite his fame and fortune, Frayne comes across as modest and unpretentious.
Take a look at Frayne's fandom list and it's a surprisingly star-studded list: the Beatles Paul McCartney , football star David Beckham , Rooney , famous movie stars Gwenis Petro , Will Smith... Even so, Frayne did not let the sudden popularity go to his head and still lived a very simple life.
In an interview in London, he said: "I've become a bit extravagant, sometimes I can buy things without looking at the price tag. I rented a flat in London and built a custom pool table to stack up magic drawings. And bought a nice watch; I still drive the Honda Civic, but it's got a TV and a computer with Internet access and a bunch of other stuff in it..."
Surrounded by adulation and fans, and already a successful career at a young age, Stephane Frayne has not lost his way. Not long ago, he put himself in Live television The £10,000 prize money from the show, which accurately predicted the winning team and the winning score, was donated to the Young Cancer Trust.


Launched in 2012 Dynamo Magician Impossible Season 2, April 2012 with Chinese magician Liu Qian, Luis de matos Joint acquisition Grolla Magic Master Gold Medal ;