Bhumibol Adulyadej

Ninth king of the Checkorian dynasty of Thailand
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Bhumibol Adulyadej ( Thai: To observe the Indigenous and indigenous ceremonies, Royal Thai Transliteration Universal System : Phumiphon Adunyadet, Amagi : भ ू म ि ब ल अ त ु ल ् य त े ज, international Sanskrit Transliteration: Bh mibala Atulyateja, English: Bhumibol Adulyadej ; December 5, 1927 - October 13, 2016, also translated: Bhumibol), i.e Kings of Thailand Rama IX Thai: Hanshan bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow ๙, Rama IX), also known as the Ninth King of Thailand or the Ninth King of Thailand, Chinese name For Zheng Gu, Thailand Chalkorian dynasty Ninth king of the Bangkok Dynasty, Royal family of Thailand Supreme leader, Thai Kingdom Head of state , Royal Thai Army Supreme Commander, Supreme Protector of Buddhism and Supreme Protector of religion.
Bhumibol Adulyadej was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and lived and studied in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1935, he was named Crown prince and Prince. In October 1945, he went to Lausanne University to study. On June 9, 1946, he ascended the throne and became King of Thailand. It was officially crowned on 5 May 1950; He graduated from the University of Lausanne in July 1951, returned to Thailand in December of the same year, and was honored by the Thai people as "Bhumibol the Great" on May 5, 1987. Died on 13 October 2016 at Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok; On May 5, 2019, he was officially posthumously named "King Bhumibol Adulyadej." [1]
Bhumibol Adulyadej was History of Thailand The longest reigning king in the world, and one that is well documented World history The third longest reigning monarch of an independent sovereign state, with a total reign of 70 years and 126 days; During his reign, he was devoted to promoting Thailand's social and economic development, successfully established and consolidated the authority of the royal family in the political struggle, and repeatedly relied on his own prestige to resolve the crisis and turmoil in Thailand. He was widely respected and loved by the Thai people, and was honored as the "Father of the nation". [1] [115]
Chinese name
Bhumibol Adulyadej
Foreign name
Thai: The Affirmation of the Indigvitium, The Royal Thai Universal System of Transliteration: Phumiphon Adunyadet, the Tengaya Body: The Sacred Sacred Code of Transliteration: The Sacred Sacred Code, the International Sanskrit Transliteration Alphabet: Bh (mibala Atulyateja), English: Bhumibol Adulyadej
Bhumiphon , Rama IX , Ninth King of Thailand , Ninth King of Thailand , Bhumibol the Great , Zheng Gu , Pamiro , His Majesty Bhumibol , King's father , King Bhumibol Adulyadej
Ethnic group
Thai ethnic minority
Date of birth
December 5th, 1927
Date of death
October 13, 2016
Graduate School
University of Lausanne
Kings of Thailand
Major achievement
The longest reigning king in Thai history
He is committed to Thailand's social and economic development and has repeatedly resolved crisis situations in Thailand
Winner of the world's first UNDP Human Development Lifetime Achievement Award
The first king in the world to receive the Humanitarian Soil Scientist Award
Place of Birth
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Have faith in
Theravada Buddhism
Representative works
"The Economics of the Buddhist View" "The Story of Higashinabei" "Mahasanaka" "March of the Royal Guard" "March of the Royal Fleet" "Rain" "Candle Light" "Love at Sunset" "Dream of Love, Dreaming of You" "Night of Love in the Heart" "Winter" "Peace"
Military rank
Field Marshal, Navy Marshal, Air Marshal
Sleeping palace
Tarada Palace, Lotus Palace, etc
Time in place
June 9, 1946 - October 13, 2016 (70 years, 126 days)



Early life

At 8:45 a.m. on December 5, 1927, Bhumibol Adulyadej was born America Massachusetts Cambridge Harvard Medical School Under the Cambridge Hospital (now Cambridge City Auburn Hill Hospital), after the birth of Bhumibol, the family lived in the Boston suburban Brookline The Bhumibol family lived on the ground floor of a six-room apartment building at 63 Longwood Avenue in the town.
A young Bhumibol Adulyadej (centre) with his mother, brother and sister
On July 15, 1928, Bhumibol left the United States with his parents, sister and brother, took a boat to Europe, began a months-long family trip, during which the Bhumibol family had visited London, England and Lausanne, Switzerland, etc., on December 13, the Bhumibol family arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, ending nearly five months of long-distance travel, after returning to Thailand, Bhumibol's family lived in Sabathon Palace in Bangkok. [2]
In 1932, Prince Bhumibol went to Bangkok Benching circuit Matted School, a Catholic Church school, began primary education. [2]
On April 8, 1933, in view of the political instability in Thailand, Bhumibol left Thailand with his mother, brother and sister, and went to Switzerland to settle, on May 9, the family arrived in Lausanne, Switzerland, living in Lausanne August-Tissot Street 16 a five-story apartment, Bhumibol family lived on the first floor, there are four rooms in the home; After arriving in Lausanne, Bhumibol went to the Milmont School in Lausanne to attend primary school. [2]

Crown prince

On 2 March 1935, Bhumibol was succeeded as King of Thailand by his elder brother Ananta Mahidol as King Rama VIII, the same day Bhumibol was installed as King Crown prince ; On 10 July, Prince Bhumibol was formally enthroned by King Rama VIII Ananta Mahidol prince ; On 19 August, Bhumibol's family moved to the nearby city of Lausanne Lake Geneva and Alps In the small town of Beyena, living in the "Villa Watana" (a three-storey detached villa) located at 51 Haldimander Road; In September, Bhumibol was transferred from Milmont School to the Romande Boarding School near Lake Geneva (outside Lausanne), where he completed primary and junior high school; Bhumibol chose liberal arts when he entered junior high school, where he was already proficient in English, French and German. [2]
Prince Bhumibol Adulyadej (1945)
On November 15, 1938, at the invitation of the Thai government, Prince Bhumibol returned to Thailand temporarily with his family and lived in the Grand Palace of Bangkok, Buloong Biman Palace and Chtarada Palace.
On January 13, 1939, Bhumibol left Thailand with his family aboard the cruise ship "Silandia" to return to Switzerland, and in February, the family arrived in Lausanne, Switzerland, after returning to Lausanne, Bhumibol continued his junior high school studies at the Romande Boarding School. [2]
In July 1942, Bhumibol completed junior high school and graduated from the Romande Boarding School, and in September, Bhumibol went to the State Classical High School in Lausanne, which he chose French literature , Latin and Greek language As my high school major.
In July 1945, Bhumibol completed high school and graduated from the State Classical High School, at which time he was admitted University of Lausanne In October, Bhumibol officially went to the University of Lausanne to study, and on November 29, Bhumibol followed his brother and mother by car Geneva Kvantland International Airport After they ride there Royal Air Force The plane provided returned to Thailand, and on December 5, the family arrived in Bangkok, Thailand Don Mueang International Airport After they got off the plane, they were warmly welcomed by the Thai people, and the royal honor guard held a grand welcome ceremony at the airport for the return of the Bhumibol family, and after the Bhumibol family returned to Thailand, they lived in the Grand Palace of Bangkok Wu Long Biman Palace and Tarada Palace. [3]
On 10 May 1946, Prince Bhumibol Adulyadej attained the rank of lieutenant in the Army.


On the morning of June 9, 1946, Rama VIII Ananta Mahidun The king died of gunshot wounds in his bedroom at Bangkok's Grand Palace, Buloong Biman. Parliament of Thailand Ananda Samachon Royal Palace in Bangkok (today The Old Thai Parliament Building An emergency meeting was held and the succession to Prince Bhumibol Adulyadej was formally announced Kings of Thailand After the meeting, Prince Bhumibol Adulyadej formally attended the Grand Palace in Bangkok Ascend the throne Become Thailand Chalkorian dynasty The ninth king of the Kingdom, known as the King Rama IX ; On August 18, Bhumibol attended the memorial ceremony for the body of the eighth King Ananta Mahidol in the Grand Palace of Bangkok, 19, Bhumibol drove to Bangkok Don Mueang International Airport accompanied by his mother, and then took a plane to Switzerland, 24, the plane arrived at Geneva Kwantland International Airport, after Bhumibol got off the plane, Drive from Geneva to Lausanne at once; In October of the same year, Bhumibol returned to the University of Lausanne to continue his university studies.
In 1947, King Bhumibol changed his major to law and formally enrolled in the Law School of the University of Lausanne, where he began to study law, philosophy, political science and sociology.
King Bhumibol arrived from Switzerland with his fiancee Sirikit Gityekung on February 23, 1950 Lausanne To France by train Coastal free city After that, they transferred to the East Asia company's cruise ship "Silandia" to return to Thailand, the way Suez Canal , Port of Qussell, Arabian desert , Port Sudan , Bab el-Mandeb Strait , Aden and Port of Singapore After arriving in Thailand's territorial waters, they transferred to the Royal Thai Navy's Sri Ayutthaya warship to Bangkok, on the afternoon of March 24, Bhumibol arrived in Bangkok with Sirijit, tens of thousands of people and a number of government officials personally came to welcome, Bhumibol and Sirijit landing, by car to the Grand Palace to worship the three treasures and worship ancestors and other ceremonies, Later that day they stayed at Tarada Palace Ampong Sartan Royal Hall, the same day that King Bhumibol was granted admiral Military rank; On 26 March, King Bhumibol was awarded Field marshal and Air marshal On March 28-29, King Bhumibol was in the Panakon district of Bangkok Royal Field Square Officiating at the royal funeral of His Majesty Ananta Mahidun, Rama VIII; On April 28, Bhumibol Adulyadej and Sirikit Gityekung signed their marriage papers, officially becoming husband and wife. On May 4, Thailand officially began holding King Bhumibol's funeral Enthronement ceremony Bhumibol and other royal family members on the same day at the rate of the grand palace guard team to go out for a parade, on May 5, Bhumibol in accordance with ancient customs in the Grand Palace of the great defense of the temple (Pashan Tasin King Hall) officially held coronation At the coronation ceremony, he swore that he would "rule with justice for the benefit and happiness of the Thai people", officially canonized Sirikit as Queen on the same day, and went to the Jade Buddha Temple to be baptized and ordained, vowing to be devout and faithful to Buddha, May 6, King Bhumibol accompanied Queen Sirikit to attend the celebration banquet held in the Grand Palace, May 7, King Bhumibol accompanied by Queen Sirikit met royal family members, diplomatic envoys and representatives of religious groups in the Grand Palace in Bangkok, and met with the people outside the palace to accept the blessings of the people, on May 8, Bhumibol formally conferred other royal nobles in the Grand Palace in Bangkok, the same day King Enthronement ceremony The official end, on June 6, King Bhumibol King Kairishilikit to Bangkok Don Mueang International Airport, where the plane departed for Lausanne, Switzerland, the king arrived in Lausanne, continue to study at the University of Lausanne University. [3]
In July 1951, Bhumibol completed his university studies, graduated from the University of Lausanne and obtained a bachelor of Law degree awarded by the school, in early November of the same year, Bhumibol accompanied Queen Siriji and other royal family members by train from Lausanne, Switzerland to Genoa, Italy, on November 4, they took the East Asia Company's cruise ship "Meonia" from The Port of Genoa On December 2, Bhumibol and his entourage arrived in Bangkok, Thailand. After they landed, they were warmly welcomed by the people. After the welcome ceremony, Bhumibol and other royal family members stayed in Tarada Palace. Bhumibol returned to declare it official Take over the REINS of government In the letter, he vowed: "For the sake of the happiness of the Thai people, I will govern the country with the principles of justice."
King Bhumibol Adulyadej
From 1952 to 1969, King Bhumibol and other royal family members participated in various public festivals and toured the counties and mountainous areas, presided over a number of social and economic development projects, King Bhumibol made many speeches on various issues facing Thailand, and some traditional rituals and ceremonies were also restored during this period. In the 1970s, King Bhumibol became a member of the Thai Boy Scout Movement and other social groups Spiritual leader .
From December 18 to 28, 1973, King Bhumibol presided over the "National Convention" in Bangkok, he delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the conference, and put forward the idea of establishing a "national Constitution drafting assembly". [2]
On October 7, 1974, King Bhumibol signed a decree at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok, ratifying the 1974 version of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the 10th constitution in Thailand's history), which came into force on the date of the decree's signing.
On October 6, 1976, the State Administrative Reform Commission formally took over the government, and on October 8, King Bhumibol signed a decree appointing persons nominated by the National Reform Commission Tanin Garwichen As the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, 22, King Bhumibol signed an order in Bangkok's Tarada Palace, approved the 1976 version of the Thai Kingdom Constitution (Thailand's history of the 11th constitution), the Constitution from the day of the signing of the decree officially came into force, November 28, the same year, King Bhumibol presided over the national reform conference in the Grand Palace in Bangkok, December 28, Presided over the opening of the National Legislative Council at the Palace and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. [2]
On May 5, 1987, King Bhumibol began to be honored by Thai people as "King Bhumibol." Bhumibol the Great ".
On June 14, 1988, Thailand's Royal public charity, the Thai Victory Development Foundation (Chai Patana Foundation), was officially established, and Bhumibol became the honorary chairman of the foundation. [2]
On March 1, 1991, King Bhumibol signed a decree ratifying the 1991 version of the Executive Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the 14th Constitution in the history of Thailand) formulated by the National Peacekeeping Council, and the following day signed another decree ratifying the Constitution proposed by the National Peacekeeping Council Anan Banyarachun On December 9 of the same year, King Bhumibol signed a decree ratifying the 1991 version of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the 15th constitution in the history of Thailand) enacted by the National Legislative Assembly, which allowed the National Peacekeeping Council to nominate the Prime minister of the Cabinet, and the Constitution came into effect on the day of the signing of the decree.
On the afternoon of September 23, 1992, King Bhumibol received the leader of the Democratic Party Chuan Leipai at the Tarada Palace and signed a royal decree formally appointing him as the new Prime Minister.
On 18 July 1995, Bhumibol became honorary Chairman of the Queen Mother Foundation and continued to support the implementation of the Lai Tun Development Plan. [4]
On October 11, 1997, King Bhumibol signed a decree in Bangkok, ratifying the 1997 version of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the 16th constitution in Thai history, also known as the "People's Constitution"), which officially came into force on the date of the signing of the decree, and on November 14, Bhumibol received at the Tarada Palace Chuan Leipai He signed a royal decree reappointing him as Prime Minister.
On 4 September 1998, King Bhumibol signed a decree in Bangkok appointing the former Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda general Privy Council of Thailand Chairman.
On the evening of February 9, 2001, King Bhumibol signed a decree in Bangkok approving the victory in the lower house elections Thai Rak Thai Party Party boss Thaksin Shinawatra As Prime minister of the Cabinet. [5]
In February 2002, Bhumibol went to Bangkok Siriraj Hospital for prostate surgery treatment, on the evening of June 18, the same year, Bhumibol went to Siriraj Hospital for hernia surgery treatment, the king's physical condition improved greatly after the operation, including temperature, heart, blood pressure and breathing are back to normal, 22, the king was officially discharged. Hundreds of people outside the hospital offered their best wishes for the king's health as he was discharged. [6]
A formal dress portrait of King Bhumibol Adulyadej
On the afternoon of April 4, 2006, King Bhumibol Adulyadej received Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra at the Palace of Sorrows in Hua Hin. On the evening of the same day, Thaksin Shinawatra announced his resignation as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet and became the caretaker Prime Minister. [7] On September 19, the military launched a coup, overthrew the caretaker government led by Thaksin Shinawatra, and set up the "Thai Management Reform Commission" to take over the power, 20, King Bhumibol formally appointed the Royal Thai Army Commander-in-chief and chairman of the Management Reform Commission Sonthi Boonyarat Green On 1 October, King Bhumibol signed a decree approving the 2006 Interim Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the 17th constitution in Thailand's history) drafted by the Management Reform Commission of Thailand, reorganizing the Management Reform Commission into the National Security Council, and approving the appointment of a former Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces and Privy Council Minister Surayud Chulanoun General as interim prime minister, [8] On the evening of the 8th, Bhumibol signed an order to approve the list of cabinet members submitted by interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanonda, and on the evening of the 9th, Bhumibol received the Thai Interim Cabinet led by Surayud. [9]
On the afternoon of August 24, 2007, King Bhumibol signed a decree at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok, ratifying the 2007 version of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the 18th constitution in the history of Thailand), which came into effect on the date of the signing of the decree. [10]
On 29 January 2008, King Bhumibol signed a decree approving the winner of Thailand's lower house elections People's Power Party chairman Samak Sundawei As prime minister of the cabinet, [11] After Samak stepped down, Bhumibol signed a decree on September 18 appointing a caretaker prime minister who won the lower house election Somchai Ongsawat As prime minister of the Cabinet, [12] 24, Bhumibol formally approved the new cabinet list submitted by Somchai; [13] On December 2, the Somchai government collapsed, and on December 15, the chairman of the Democrat Party Abhisit Vejjajiva In the parliamentary election victory, 17, the Speaker of the Lower house and the President of the Parliament Guess Strange Touch Went to the Lotus Palace in Hua Hin to see King Bhumibol, who then signed a decree approving Abhisit Vejjajiva as the new prime minister. [14]
On 20 September 2009, Bhumibol was admitted to Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok for a long period of hospitalization. [15]
On 7 June 2010, King Bhumibol received nine cabinet members including Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok. [16]
On the evening of 8 August 2011, King Bhumibol signed a decree formally appointing the winner of the Lower house elections Pheu Thai Party candidate Yingluck Shinawatra For the new prime minister, [17] On the evening of the 9th, King Bhumibol signed an order to approve the new cabinet list, on the evening of the 10th, Bhumibol received Yingluck Shinawatra and his cabinet members in Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital, King Bhumibol expressed the hope that the new government can fulfill its duties and lead the country to achieve stability and unity. [18]
On May 25, 2012, King Bhumibol visited Ayutthaya You tour it.
On 1 August 2013, King Bhumibol was discharged from hospital after recovering from illness, and he and Queen Sirikit went to the coastal city of Hua Hin to stay at the Palace of Ecstasy. [19]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej in his later years
On 22 May 2014, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army Prayuth Chan-ocha The general staged a military coup against him Niwatthalong Boonsompaisan The caretaker government led by the Prime minister and set up the "National Peace and Order Council" to take over the power, 26, King Bhumibol signed a decree formally appointing General Prayuth Chan-ocha as the chairman of the "National Peace and Order Council". [20] On July 22, King Bhumibol received General Prayuth Chan-ocha at the Palace of Lotus Palace, Hua Hin, and signed a decree approving the 2014 version of the Interim Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the 19th constitution in Thai history) submitted by the ruling military, paving the way for the establishment of a transitional government and the National Reform Council; [21] On August 6, Bhumibol returned to Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital for inpatient treatment for health reasons. [22] On the 25th, King Bhumibol Adulyadej signed a decree formally appointing General Prayuth Chan-ocha as Prime Minister of the Cabinet. On the evening of September 4, King Bhumibol met Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha and his cabinet members at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok. On the 15th, Bhumibol recovered and was discharged from hospital. [22] On the evening of October 3, Bhumibol went to Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital for treatment for the second time in the same year due to illness, and on the evening of the 5th, Bhumibol underwent gallbladder removal surgery in Siriraj Hospital, after which he began a long-term rest in the hospital, during the king's rest, his health condition improved significantly. [23]
On May 10, 2015, King Bhumibol was discharged from Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, after which he and Queen Sirikit returned to live at Lotus Palace, Hua Hin. [24] On the 31st, King Bhumibol went to Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital for physical examination, found pneumonia and cerebrospinal fluid leakage symptoms, after the king continued to receive treatment in the hospital, [25] On 15 July, King Bhumibol signed a decree at Siriraj Hospital approving the Interim Constitutional amendments proposed by the Cabinet and the National Council for the Maintenance of Peace and Order. [26]
On 11 January 2016, King Bhumibol was discharged from Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok and returned to his residence at Tarada Palace, also located in Bangkok, shortly before returning to Siriraj Hospital for medical treatment for health reasons.

Retire from the world

At 15:52 on October 13, 2016, King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej died at the age of 88 in Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok due to illness. In the evening of the same day, the Thai Palace Office issued an obituary notice, officially announcing the news of King Bhumibol Adulyadej's death to the outside world. The obituary said: "Despite the best efforts of the team of doctors, his condition continued to deteriorate. He died peacefully at the Siriraj Hospital at 1552 hours." As soon as the news of King Bhumibol's death came out, all TV stations in Thailand stopped their normal programs and began to broadcast black and white footage of King Bhumibol's death. [27]
On May 5, 2019, King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand was officially canonized Wang Kao His Majesty Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej was appointed" King Bhumibol Adulyadej ", of the former King Bhumibol Adulyadej Title (conferred by the Emperor) In the imperial decree, the full title is: "Prabasondpapuromomchon Nakatibe Mahabhumibol Adulyadej Maharaburommanathabhei", which translates literally as: "The Supreme Father King Mahabhumibol Adulyadej Mahara Adulymanathabhei the Great." [28]

Administrative measures


Political aspect

  • summarize
During his reign of 70 years, King Bhumibol Adulyadej greatly improved the status of the Thai royal family in the political arena and in the eyes of the people through a series of superb political means, so that the royal family stood firm in all the vicious political struggles, and gradually entered the center of national political power in Thailand until he mastered the real power of the military and government of the country. Bhumibol established the authority of the king of Thailand under the constitutional monarchy, realized the maximization of the royal power under the constitutional monarchy, and made the king become the final mediator and arbiter of national political disputes and the real master of Thai politics.
  • figurehead
Bhumibol began his reign as a virtual head of state with little real power. Shortly after he took the throne, he went to study at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. In less than two years, Thailand was in political turmoil. Biri Panonron , Luantholong Nawashava and Kuan Apaiwan He became Prime Minister and then military strongman after two military coups in November 1947 and April 1948 Luang Piboon Somkan Although overseas, Bhumibol kept a close eye on the vagaries of Thailand's domestic politics. In order to achieve a personal dictatorship, Somkan demanded that King Bhumibol give up some of the actual powers granted to the monarch in the 1949 Siam Constitution in exchange for the military government's recognition of the King as head of state, which King Bhumibol refused to do. When the soldiers led by Luanpiboon Somkan learned that King Bhumibol had completed his university studies and was on his way back home and was about to arrive in Thailand, they launched a military coup, set up a "Provisional Executive Council", announced the abolition of the 1949 version of the Siamese Constitution and dissolved the upper and lower houses of parliament. His language repeatedly revealed his displeasure with Luang Piboon Somkan; After Bhumibol arrived in Thailand, in view of the powerful Luanphi Boon Songkan, King Bhumibol chose to cooperate with the military government led by Luanphi Boon Songkan, and hoped to fight for power and interests of the royal family through negotiations, but the military government was tough and refused to give way, in order to preserve the political strength of the royal family, Bhumibol to the military government of Luanphi Boon Songkan temporarily compromise; On February 26, 1952, Thailand held a parliamentary election, and Luanpiboorn Somkan won a landslide victory and was re-elected as Prime Minister, after which Bhumibol signed a decree confirming Luanpiboorn Somkan's re-election as Prime Minister, and on March 8, King Bhumibol signed a decree at the suggestion of Luanpiboorn Somkan. The Constitution of Siam, adopted after the Constitutional Revolution of 1932, was reinstated, and at the same time the Constitutional Amendment was passed, establishing the 1952 version of the Constitution of the Royal Thai State. The constitution, the first signed by Bhumibol himself as king and the sixth in Thailand's history, provides for a unicameral parliament that limits most of the monarchy's political power while stripping it of vast tracts of land and making it little more than a puppet.
In 1956, when King Bhumibol was a monk, he met with Prime Minister Luanpiboorn Somkan
King Bhumibol and Prime Minister Somkan have never had a close working relationship, and at one point the military banned the king from making public political statements. Bhumibol later recalled the situation, saying: "When I tried to open my mouth and give some advice, the generals always said I didn't know anything about the country, they said to me 'Your Majesty, you don't know anything! 'But I know. They won't let me, so I won't." Despite his grievance, the king expressed his resolve in a letter to his American friend Francis Boyce Sale, a long-time Thai government official: "I will try not to be discouraged." I know I have to stand up for what I think is the right thing to do, and I promise you I will do my best."
Although King Bhumibol was marginalized by the military government in politics and economy during this period and did not have actual power, the king did not lose his heart because of this, he still tried every means to maintain communication and contact with the people, King Bhumibol personally visited the counties and mountains. Thai people also often see the king talking to the crowd in front of the statue of Chulalongkorn in Royal Field Square; Although Luanphi Boonn Somkan can use the military to maintain his dictatorship, he still needs the king's recognition of the legitimate status of the military government, King Bhumibol also knows the role of royal power for the legitimacy of the military government, he seized the weakness of Luanphi Boonn Somkan afraid to conflict with the king, and constantly tried to find a breakthrough in the blockade of the military regime. To restore the royal family to its former position of authority.
  • Real monarch
In January 1956, King Bhumibol gave a speech in which he publicly stated that the army should not interfere in politics, and he took direct aim at the military government led by Luanpiboorn Somkan,
King Bhumibol and his wife and Marshal Sari Thanarat
On February 26, 1957, Thailand held a new parliamentary election, which was won by the Malangkassi Freedom Party of Luanpiboon Somkan through vote rigging, causing discontent among the royal family, some soldiers and the general public, and in August and September, Thailand broke out in opposition Luang Piboon Somkan On 16 September, Field Marshal Luanpiboorn Somkan sought the support of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who advised him to step down to avoid a coup. That night, the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army Sari Tanarat The marshal staged a military coup, overthrew the government led by Luanpiboon Somkan and took over power.
After the military coup d 'etat launched by Sari, King Bhumibol immediately declared martial law to the whole country of Thailand, on September 27, the King officially signed an order appointing Marshal Sari as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and then approved the coup d 'etat launched by Sari on October 20, 1958 in the name of the "revolutionary Party" military junta head, on January 28, 1959, King Bhumibol signed an order, Approved the 1959 Executive Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the seventh constitution in Thai history) issued by the military government, and on February 9 of the same year, the King signed a decree formally appointing Sarit Tanarat, a passionate supporter of the monarchy, as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. Putting forward the slogans of "nation, religion, monarch" and "development", advocating that "Thai democracy is democracy with the king as head of state", at the King's birthday celebration on December 5 of the same year, Salee led the army to show loyalty to the king, and some officers loyal to the royal family were then promoted, and the royal family and the army achieved a preliminary alliance. The status and authority of the Thai royal family have been significantly improved compared with the past, and the social situation in Thailand has gradually restored stability.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand
On 8 December 1963, Sari died of liver failure, and King Bhumibol signed a decree appointing a deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense to carry on Sari's policies Tanon Gitecazon The Marshal is the Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and Minister of the Interior Babo Charushatten A general is a vice premier; During the military government of Thanon Gitikazong, the royal family and the army achieved further alliance, and King Bhumibol himself gained the support of a large number of people in Thailand due to his personal charm and ability, and his status was further improved. On June 20, 1968, King Bhumibol signed an order, Approved the 1968 version of the Thai Royal Constitution formulated by the military government (the eighth constitution in Thai history), restored the upper and lower bicameral parliament in Thailand, on February 10, 1969, Thanong Gittikatzon was elected Prime Minister of the Cabinet in the election of the lower house of Thailand, and on March 7 of the same year, King Bhumibol signed an order formally appointing Thanong Gittikatzon as Prime Minister of the Cabinet; On 17 November 1971, Prime Minister Thannon Gitekazon staged a military coup. self-coup After the military coup, Bhumibol recognized the status of the National Executive Council, and ratified the 1972 Interim Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the ninth constitution in Thai history) by decree on 15 December 1972.
On October 20, 1977, the "Revolutionary Corps", a group of young Zhuang officers, staged a bloodless coup and overthrew the prime minister Tanin Garwichen King Bhumibol approved the coup and signed the 1977 version of the Kingdom of Thailand Administrative Constitution (the 12th constitution in Thai history) on November 9, which came into effect immediately after being signed by the King, and the "Revolutionary Corps" was reorganized into the State Administrative Reform Commission. Appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the National Administrative Reform Commission Jangsa Chamanan On 22 December 1978, King Bhumibol signed a decree approving the 1978 Constitution of the Royal Thai State (the 13th Constitution in Thai history) formulated by the Constitution Drafting Committee, which came into effect on the date of signing. The powers of the king were significantly increased in two constitutions signed in 1977 and 1978, from which King Bhumibol was given the power to appoint or dismiss the Prime Minister, Privy Council ministers, and members of Parliament.
  • Supreme position
King Bhumibol and Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda
On 3 March 1980, King Bhumibol signed a decree appointing the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army and Minister of Defence Prem Tinsulanonda General served as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, General Prem Tinsulanonda strongly respected King Bhumibol Adulyadej, extremely loyal to the king, he supported the king's social development plans and various measures to benefit the people, the government affairs are all reported to the king for instructions, thus he formed a deep friendship with King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and got the absolute trust of the king, April 1981, King Bhumibol relied on his prestige to put down a military coup attempt by young military officers against Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda. After that, Bhumibol adopted a traditional policy of leniency, avoiding trial of several leaders who were forced to participate in the attempted coup. In September 1985, Bhumibol relied on his prestige to once again quell a military coup against Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda. [3]
Prem Tinsulanonda served as Prime Minister during a period of political stability and economic development in Thailand, a period in which the alliance between the royal family and the military was deeply consolidated, the royal family achieved an undisputed primacy in the political power structure of Thailand, and its authority was truly restored. King Bhumibol himself has also been elevated to the supreme position in Thailand, the Thai people will be the king deified or semi-deified worship, on August 4, 1988, Prem Tinsulanonda left the Prime minister, because Prem Tinsulanonda's loyalty and integrity made King Bhumibol feel trusted, 23, King Bhumibol signed an order, Prem Tinsulanonde was appointed as a Privy Council minister, and on the 29th, the King again issued a decree appointing Prem Tinsulanonde as a "statesman of State", which allowed Prem Tinsulanonde to serve the Thai royal family for a long time to come.
King Bhumibol signed a decree appointing Chuan Leipai as Prime Minister
From 1996 to 1997, the Thai Constitution Drafting Committee decided to draft a new constitution, and King Bhumibol showed his great influence as a king on the issue of constitutional amendment, and he actively supported the revision of the new constitution. On January 19, 1997, King Bhumibol met with representatives of the Constitutional Assembly, and he said that the constitutional amendment procedure should be simplified. To keep national constitutions abreast of a changing world; "The new constitution should be simple and flexible to accommodate rapidly changing socio-economic developments," Bhumibol said. On September 27, the draft Constitution was passed by the Legislative Assembly, and on October 11, the 1997 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand was officially signed and implemented. The Constitution gave the king veto power at all political levels, and because of the broad participation and support of the people in the process of drafting the Constitution, as well as the tendency to protect the interests of the people in the content of the Constitution, it is also called the "people's Constitution".
On October 1, 2006, the 2006 version of the Interim Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand was officially promulgated and implemented. After the implementation of the new Constitution, the Thai royal family actually regained the military and political power of the country. In the subsequent Constitution promulgated and implemented in Thailand, the power of the king has been continuously increased and strengthened.
  • Support democracy
King Bhumibol supports the implementation of democracy, he actively promotes the process of democratization in Thailand, and expressed his own views on Thai democracy, the king said: "We do not have to copy the democracy of other countries, but should build our own Thai democracy, because we have our own culture and our own ideas and opinions, and can judge for ourselves." King Bhumibol's support for democracy was fully demonstrated in two political events in October 1973 and May 1992. [2]
On 20 May 1992, Bhumibol urged reconciliation between the military government and opposition leaders
In early October 1973, protests broke out at Thammasat University against the military dictatorship, involving a large number of students, teachers, and other citizens, and the military police and the masses faced off on the streets in and around the university, and King Bhumibol decided to intervene. He has repeatedly warned the government in television and radio speeches to avoid using force against unarmed students. Bhumibol earnestly appealed: "I only ask people from all sides, should use reason to curb the violence, so that the country quickly return to normal..." However, the military government ignored the king's advice and forcibly used force on the morning of October 14, resulting in hundreds of casualties, after the tragedy, the king allowed the protesters to take refuge in the Tarada Palace, provided them with meals and medical services, and asked the Cabinet Prime Minister and commander-in-Chief of the armed forces Tanon Gitecazon And Deputy Prime Minister Gbagbo Charushatten and his officials apologized to the people at the same time left Thailand. On the night of October 14, Thanon Gitekazong and Gbagbo Charushatten, among others, complied with the king's request to resign and go into exile, Thammasat University, Thailand rector Sanye Tammasai Appointed by the King as the new Prime Minister of the Cabinet, King Bhumibol accompanied Queen Sirikit to visit the injured people in person for a long time after the appointment. After Sanye took office, he actively promoted Thailand's democratization process and became the speaker of the Parliament Clee Barmer and Democratic Party of Thailand Leaders Sonny Bammo With the support of the new Constitutional Assembly, Thailand held a new constitutional assembly, the democratic 1974 version of the Kingdom of Thailand Constitution was adopted and implemented in the constitutional Assembly, the implementation of the new Constitution, Thailand restored multi-party democracy.
On 7 April 1992, General Sukinda Krabayun, Commander-in-chief of the Royal Army, declared the results of the parliamentary elections held on 22 March 1992 null and void, after which he assumed the post of Prime Minister himself with the support of military figures, which triggered strong dissatisfaction from all sectors of Thai society. A large-scale demonstration against the military government led by the opposition Right Force Party broke out in Bangkok, and the military government forcibly suppressed the demonstrators, resulting in a number of bloody cases, known as the "Black May Incident"; On 20 May, King Bhumibol was summoned Sukinda Kabayun General and opposition leader Jamlon Sirimane, chairman of the Right Force Party, entered Tarada Palace to advise them to settle their differences and not to choose violence, and the king told them: "When people commit violence, the result is uncontrollable." The losses are national, so what is there to show for it? ... So please come, not to confront each other, but to meet face to face." The leaders of the two opposing camps, accompanied by Privy Council Minister Prem Tinsulanonda, fell on their knees under the king and listened carefully to the king's teachings. The scene was broadcast live on television. The incident ended with the two sides reaching a compromise and Sukinda resigning and the opposition stopping the demonstration. Later, King Bhumibol said in a speech, "Compromise and unity are more important than the application of democratic ideas imported from abroad to create an ideal constitution." [29] On 10 June, Bhumibol signed a decree appointing him Anan Banyarachun As the prime minister of the Cabinet, on September 13, Thailand held a new lower house election, the Democratic Party won the election, the leader of the Democratic Party Chuan Leipai Elected as the new Prime minister, on the 20th, Chuan Lipai officially took office as the cabinet prime minister and formed a coalition government, and Thailand realized the transition from military rule to democratic government.
  • Ethnic policy
King Bhumibol attaches great importance to the ethnic unity among the people of all ethnic groups in Thailand, respects the different religious beliefs and customs of all ethnic groups, and gives equal treatment and care to ethnic minorities as well as the Thai people. Bhumibol spends more than half a year visiting rural areas and mountain areas, especially the ethnic minorities in the northern alpine areas of Thailand. In addition to sending medical teams to treat them, distributing donations and solving their living difficulties, they also personally formulated plans for the development of the northern mountainous areas and did everything possible to provide them with preferential conditions.

Economic aspect

  • Restore the king
After King Bhumibol's accession to the throne, he actively participated in state affairs and revitalized the national economy, creating many unprecedented precedents and laying a solid foundation for Thailand's economic development. After decades of efforts to transform Thailand from a poor agricultural country into a country with modern industry and modern agriculture, Bhumibol himself became known at home and abroad as the "King of revival".
  • King's Project
King Bhumibol Adulyadej
King Bhumibol raised his own funds to implement various economic development plans, and launched a number of "King's advocacy projects" in Thailand. After the "King's advocacy projects" were launched, they often received donations and funding from all walks of life. Due to the financial support of the royal family and the community, the project was successfully carried out and achieved remarkable results.
Bhumibol often visits the country, he almost every year to take out about eight months, inspect a variety of development plans, and according to the local situation put forward some practical economic development plans, such as building water conservancy, power stations, cooperatives, school construction and poverty relief; In 1988, Bhumibol initiated the establishment of the Royal Foundation of Thailand, which is specifically used to fund various projects initiated by the royal family, covering many fields such as flood control, irrigation, public health care and distance education, benefiting millions of people. Since the official launch of the foundation, more than 4,000 royal projects have been successful.
  • Contented economy
In 1997, when the Thai economy suffered a severe financial crisis, Bhumibol decreed that it was not important for Thailand to become one of the five Asian Tigers. What is important is to develop an economy that enables the people to have enough to eat. Under the guidance of this ideology, the Thai economy has developed in the direction of pragmatic and steady recovery. In the same year, King Bhumibol proposed the philosophy of "contentment economy", advocating a moderate, stable and people-oriented development path. In December 1998, King Bhumibol proposed in his birthday speech to further deepen the concept of "contentment economy" into "sufficiency economy". "Contentment economy" has been widely recognized by people from all walks of life in Thailand, and this philosophical concept has penetrated into all aspects of Thailand's economic and social life, including poverty alleviation, clean water resources, rational consumption, industrial innovation, medical care, welfare and other sustainable development. The guiding principles of Thailand's ninth (2002-2006) and tenth (2007-2011) National socio-economic development plans were later incorporated into the Thai Constitution. In 2006, the United Nations awarded Bhumibol the "United Nations Development Programme Lifetime Achievement Award for Human Development", the significance of which is a high recognition of the "contentment economy" theory pioneered by the king. Bhumibol himself was thus hailed as a "development king" by the United Nations.
  • Attach importance to agriculture
King Bhumibol attaches great importance to the development of agriculture, the development of agriculture, improve the lives of farmers, poured great energy, did a lot of useful work, he developed a series of reform plans for the rural people's business industry, to increase farmers' income has played a demonstration role, the Thai people call him "the king of agriculture". In 1994, Bhumibol formally proposed the "new concept" of agricultural development model, advocating the endogenous development model of small-scale self-sufficiency of farmers through diversified farming. After the "new concept" was proposed, it was successfully practiced in Thailand and won wide recognition and support from all walks of life.
Portrait of King Bhumibol Adulyadej
Bhumibol stipulated that May 8 of each year is the "Farmer's Day", and every year on this day he personally issued a statement to emphasize the government's policy of supporting farmers every year Spring ploughing Festival King Bhumibol personally presided over the traditional spring ploughing ceremony on the Royal Field Square in front of the Grand Palace in Bangkok, and distributed the fine rice seeds to farmers in various provinces. In order to improve the lives of farmers, Bhumibol often read a large number of professional books on agriculture, after reading, he consulted with experts to develop long-term plans for rural development.
Bhumibol often went into remote villages to investigate the situation and comfort the masses; He is constantly involved in the work of the cooperative villages to ensure that the members of the cooperative villages and their families have the right to cultivate the land forever, to prevent the transfer of land ownership to others, and to ensure that the tillers have land and carry out various agricultural activities smoothly. In adjusting the land, he divided thousands of Laiyu lands in Ayutthaya into landless peasants for cultivation; In 1975, Bhumibol volunteered to donate 20,000 acres of land to local governments to help with the land reform program, which was then redistributed to farmers so that farmers could obtain land for farming.
In order to overcome drought and flood disasters, increase area yield, and improve the planting level of Thai farmers, King Bhumibol takes out a large part of the funds allocated to the royal family from the government every year to support the construction of water conservancy, construction of DAMS, construction of power stations, soil improvement and artificial rainfall research. In the event of drought and flood disasters, the King will set up a foundation and immediately carry out the corresponding disaster relief work.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej on 1,000 baht
Bhumibol supported the development of agriculture with royal property, advocated and personally donated funds to set up royal development projects and development research centers, donated funds to help various agricultural development programs and awarded agricultural experts. For example, the development of demonstration forest areas and rice experimental fields in Phuket Province, to carry out small and medium-sized agricultural scientific research experiments; in Bac Liufu , Tsim Chaburi Province , Narathiwat , Shagong Nakhon House , Chiang Mai Province and Pheburi Province Royal development research centers have been established in other places to promote sustainable development. King Bhumibol also established many scientific research and experimental projects in the palace, including farming rice, raising cattle, raising fish, and planting fruit. He planted experimental fields in the late Talada Palace Palace, set up rice, dairy cows, freshwater fish breeding and research center, the Grand Palace built fish ponds, dairy farms, milk factories, milk factories, rice mills, forest beds, organic fertilizer production experiment center, etc., Bhumibol with the problems encountered in the inspection through various experiments for the Thai people to find effective answers.
Bhumibol was also very interested in the development of agricultural and sideline production, especially fisheries production, he supported the fisheries Department to launch the national farmers to use rice fields, ditches to raise freshwater fish program, but also tried to find a fast growing, high rate of fresh water fish fry to distribute to farmers. At the same time, Bhumibol is also concerned about Thailand's domestic forest protection work, he has tried to plant a variety of trees across the country in the palace, making it a demonstration forest for forest protection, for the study of the natural environment, King Bhumibol personally launched the tropical forest planting project.
  • Economic construction
In 1950, Bhumibol personally donated 3.5 million baht for the development of the BCG vaccine to combat opium poppy substitution projects in the Northern Mountains.
In 1952, King Bhumibol initiated the "Rural Development Project", which was the first "King's project" to be implemented, and King Bhumibol himself donated money to build a road to the northern part of the Malay Peninsula Bashu Prefecture The highway.
In 1955, when Bhumibol and his queen visited the people of the Isan region in the northeast for the first time, they saw the severe drought in the northeast, so they started the "water development Project". In the 1960s, King Bhumibol sent the information about artificial rainfall from the United States and Australia to Prince Thepali Pavakun. The Royal Institute for Artificial Rain Development was established to study artificial rain technology and achieved success. In order to achieve agricultural mechanization in the countryside at an early date, King Bhumibol actively supported Prince Thipali to develop pumps, cultivators, rice transplanters, threshers and rice polishers.
In 1960, when Bhumibol visited Denmark, he accepted the cows donated by King Frederick IX of Denmark, and after returning home, he sent experts to set up Danish dairy farms in the North chong place of Korat Ratchasima Province, and donated royal funds to build milk flour factories in Korat Province, pilot dairy farms and milk factories in the palace, and in 1962, Thailand officially launched dairy farm projects. Thanks to the king's advocacy and support, the industry has developed rapidly, and dairy farms have been set up in many parts of Thailand, reducing milk imports and saving the country a sum of foreign exchange expenses.
In 1969, Bhumibol stayed in Chiang Mai's Pu Ping La Chanivi Palace and visited the nearby hill tribes, and then established the fund and launched the "Support for the Mountain King Program" to help the mountain people promote the cultivation of oil tea, macadamia nuts, tea, coffee and other 300 kinds of cash crops, more than 100,000 people benefited from it. The King's efforts to improve the living standards of the mountain people were very successful, and the mountain people also loved the king, they called King Bhumibol" King's father ".
In 1988, the Thai government, with the support of the Queen Mother Foundation, began to implement the 30-year development plan of Ridun Mountain, Bhumibol strongly supported the plan, and after 1995, he personally served as the honorary chairman of the foundation, and entrusted Princess Sirindhorn as the moderator of the plan to continue to promote the development plan.
King Bhumibol visited the hill tribes

Religious aspect

  • Revere Buddhism
King Bhumibol revered Buddhism and inherited the royal family's traditional policy of preferential treatment of monks, stipulating that all the funds of the royal Buddhist temple should be paid by the Treasury, and the living expenses of monks should be subsidized by the government on a monthly basis, in addition to donations from the people. In 1951, Bhumibol promulgated the "Regulations on the Running of Religious Educational Institutions" to modernize Secular education Mode import Religious education . General subjects such as English, Thai, physical geography, sociology and physical health are offered in Buddhist schools, and bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees are offered in secular schools. [30]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej
In 1962, Bhumibol signed and promulgated the Monk Ordinance, which centralized the rights of the Sangha and stipulated Monk king As president of the Council of Great Elders, the monks fall under the jurisdiction of four regions according to the administrative region, placing the monks under the control of the corresponding various levels of government agencies. [30]
  • Treat equally
King Bhumibol treats all religions in Thailand equally, fully respects the beliefs and customs of non-Buddhists, enthusiastically supports non-Buddhist religious groups, and the King personally participates in or sends representatives to participate in important religious ceremonies of non-Buddhists. All kinds of non-Buddhist religious undertakings were permitted and protected by the King, such as the Christian Church's establishment of hospitals and missionary schools in Bangkok and other places, the Islamic Church's establishment of mosques in various parishes, and the establishment of Islamic schools in Bangkok. King Bhumibol has also personally appointed an Islamic leader as the country's adviser on Muslim affairs. In 1975, King Bhumibol personally funded the" The Koran "Thai translation work. [3]

Cultural aspect

  • Attach importance to education
King Bhumibol is concerned about the education of young people in Thailand. In order to provide the most economical and effective education for children and orphans from poor families and create more job opportunities, Bhumibol has set up welfare schools in some monasteries in several provinces in central Thailand, allocated royal funds to purchase building materials, and expanded school buildings for secondary and primary schools in rural areas in southern and northern Thailand. King Bhumibol approved and gave names to several public universities; Every year, Bhumibol personally or sent other members of the royal family to some schools to preside over the opening ceremony and graduation ceremony, to the teachers and students of schools at the municipal level to issue graduation certificates and academic titles, in appropriate cases, the king or other members of the royal family will also meet some students and present gifts to them.
King Bhumibol personally organized the establishment of the Bhumibol Charitable Foundation to award scholarships to students with excellent academic performance and difficulties in life, so that they have the opportunity to study abroad; In 1965, Bhumibol relaunched the "King's Scholarship" to fund outstanding teenagers to study in developed countries, in 1976, Bhumibol founded the Pradapo Foundation to fund students who had dropped out of school due to poverty, and to provide them with vocational and technical training, and in the same year he advocated and officially launched the "contemplator" project, regardless of gender, age, education, status, etc. Providing education to the general population; In 1995, Bhumibol proposed the concept of distance learning, which was recognized in Thai society and education circles. Some schools and educational institutions began to use television channels to broadcast courses, and the King himself personally funded the establishment of remote satellite educational television stations. In addition, Bhumibol personally participated in editing and financing the publication of a new encyclopedia in the late 1960s. For teenagers to learn by themselves. [3]
  • Preserve tradition
Bhumibol paid special attention to the protection of traditional Thai culture, arts and customs. In order to strengthen the understanding and inheritance of Thai people's traditional culture, Bhumibol took a series of measures, such as repairing ancient pagodas, training traditional Thai dances, and restoring the ancient farming festival sowing ceremony in 1962.

Social aspect

  • Health care
King Bhumibol cares about the health care of the Thai people, the king himself not only personally participated in medical academic conferences, but also insisted on issuing medical professional graduation certificates to universities for many years, and repeatedly funded the creation of community hospitals and initiated engineering projects to solve the health care problems faced by the people. In 1950, Bhumibol donated 500,000 baht to build the Mahidol Memorial Hall. In 1957, millions of baht were donated to the Ministry of Health, and in 1982, Bhumibol officially launched the "medical talent training project" at the village level. [2]
The popular King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who cares about the people
When Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit visited villages, they not only distributed essential health care items to the villagers, but also personally explained how to use medicines. Every time he visits the countryside, Bhumibol will send the royal medical team along the village for the villagers to check up, diagnosis and treatment, serious patients will be given special care by the king, sent to the government hospital for treatment, if necessary, sent to Bangkok, the royal family bears the travel and medical expenses, if the patient is the main labor force in the family, Bhumibol will also pay extra for the patient's family expenses. [2]
  • Social security
In 1962, King Bhumibol set up the Foundation for the Relief of the people, relief in natural disasters and man-made accidents of the people, in 1975, Bhumibol set up the "Thai Heart Foundation" to help those who for the sake of national security, in the national crisis in the military, police and civilians brave dedication. In 1980, the "Eastern Suburbs Water Control Project" was established to solve the common flooding problem in Thailand. At the end of 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami hit southern Thailand, Bhumibol established the disaster relief Committee and donated 30 million baht and a large number of daily necessities to help the victims of the severely affected six provinces of Thailand. The king's act of kindness soon became a national response to the disaster.
  • Environmental protection cause
King Bhumibol is very concerned about Thailand's environmental problems, and has expressed concern about the imbalance of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trying to do his best to improve Thailand's environment, the king suggested that scientists first identify species that produce more oxygen through photosynthesis and then apply them in a nationwide "King's Advocacy Project," emphasizing that farmers should learn how to protect the environment and the land themselves. After King Bhumibol put forward his own views on environmental protection, a series of engineering projects conducive to environmental protection in Thailand were officially launched, and the King sometimes personally supervised the implementation process of engineering projects. After the start of environmental protection projects, Thailand's domestic environmental problems were effectively improved. [2]
  • Living initiative
King Bhumibol was very concerned about the traffic congestion in the capital, Bangkok, and put forward ideas to improve the city's traffic situation. In 1995, King Bhumibol suggested that government officials in charge of traffic management work together to solve the city's traffic congestion problem. After that, the Bangkok city government built light rail, subway and bridge across the river, which effectively alleviated the traffic congestion problem.
In his New Year's Day address in 1998, Bhumibol urged Thais to return to a more modest and traditional way of life, saying, "Thais need to be careful in their daily lives and lead a moderate life, and whatever they say and do must be loyal to the public and put the national interest first."
King Bhumibol listened to people talk about their lives


  • Royal diplomacy
King Bhumibol's Queen Kheliji has visited dozens of countries and regions in Asia, Europe, Oceania and North America, and received many royal family members, heads of state and heads of government from various countries to visit Thailand. King Bhumibol maintains correspondence with leaders of many countries, and sometimes he will send crown prince, princess or prince to visit countries he has not visited before on behalf of the Thai royal family. Bhumibol has used his excellent diplomatic skills to close personal exchanges with heads of state, heads of government and royal family members of various countries and enhance mutual friendship. Thailand maintains friendly relations with major countries in the world. [2]
On June 14, 1960, King Bhumibol King Kheliji and other royal family members set off from the Don Muang International Airport in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, and began a large-scale global diplomatic trip. They visited 15 countries in Europe and the United States in the next few months, and were warmly received and welcomed by each visiting country. King Bhumibol officially ended his diplomatic visit to Europe and the United States, after which he led the royal family to Switzerland, where he lived in Lausanne's old residence "Villa Wattana", and went to Bern and Geneva and other places for vacation, January 17, 1961, Bhumibol accompanied the royal family to leave Switzerland and return to Thailand, 18, the plane arrived safely in Bangkok Don Mueang International Airport, A number of government officials personally went to the airport to greet the returning king, Bhumibol and his party got off the plane, was warmly welcomed by the crowd and officials present, the royal honor guard held a grand welcome ceremony for the king at the airport, rang A 21-gun salute After the welcome ceremony, Bhumibol and other royal family members returned to Tarada Palace, which marked the official successful end of the more than half a year of global travel.
Whenever a large international conference is held in Thailand, King Bhumibol will meet with visiting guests from all over the world at the Grand Palace in Bangkok or other palaces. On 20 October 2003, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit met at the Chakri Mahapasa Palace in the Grand Palace in Bangkok Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation Guests of the 11th Informal Leaders' Meeting, on 28 February 2009, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen Kheliji, received at Lotus Palace, Hua Hin Residence for the 14th meeting Asean summit Heads of State and Government.
In June 2006, King Bhumibol invited the heads of state or members of the royal family from 25 monarchies around the world to attend the "Diamond Jubilee Celebration" in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Thailand-southeast Asian relations
From February 8 to 16, 1960, Queen Bhumibol visited Indonesia And traveled Jakarta and Yogyakarta And the President and Prime Minister of Indonesia Sukarno Held a meeting, 12, Bhumibol visited in Yogyakarta Gachamada University And was awarded an honorary degree; From 2 to 5 March, Queen Bhumibol visited Burma , the same Presidents of Myanmar On Maung Kiy Prime Ministers of Myanmar U Ne Win Wait for dignitaries in the capital Rangoon Hold a meeting.
From June 20 to 27, 1962, Bhumibol visited the United State of Malaya with Queen Sirikit The Union of Malaya Supreme Head of State Tengu Said Butra and Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman Such dignitaries, and go Kuala Lumpur , Penang , Selangor and Pahang State Travel to other places. During this period, King Bhumibol accepted the invitation of Prime Minister Rahman to go to his villa in the foothills of Tanakh Rata and play jazz with the Malayan Radio String Band.
On March 22, 1963, Bhumibol received visitors to Thailand in Bangkok Kingdom of Laos King Sisavang Wadana ; From July 9 to 14, Bhumibol visited the Philippines with Queen Sirikit and toured the country Manila and Baguio City Etc., Presidents of the Philippines Diosdado Macapagal Hosted the visiting King Bhumibol; On the 13th, Bhumibol visited Quezon City of the National University of the Philippines, and was awarded an honorary degree, December 15-16 of the same year, Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal return visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received visiting President Macapagal in Bangkok's Tarada Palace. [109]
He was President of the Philippines from 15 to 19 January 1968 Ferdinand Marcos Accompany wife Imelda Marcos Visiting Thailand, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit received the visiting Marcos and his wife at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. [109]
On March 19, 1970, Bhumibol met with visitors to Thailand in Bangkok Presidents of Indonesia Suharto .
On 15 December 1977, Bhumibol hosted the visiting Prime Minister of Singapore at the Chtarada Palace in Bangkok Lee Kuan Yew .
5 March 1979 - President of The State Council of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Ne Win During the general's visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received visiting General U Nae Win in Bangkok.
From April 10 to 13, 1983, Prime Minister Cesar Enrique Aguinaldo Virata of the Philippines visited Thailand and King Bhumibol Adulyadej received the visiting Prime Minister in Bangkok. [109]
He was President of the Philippines from 17 to 20 December 1992 Fidel Ramos During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol received visiting President Ramos in Bangkok. [109]
On April 8-9, 1994, Bhumibol was opposed Laos Made a brief visit, President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Noha von Shavan And premier Canday Sipandon in Panorama On the 8th, King Bhumibol and President Noha Vonshawan attended the completion ceremony of the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge.
Singapore, 21 January 1998 Minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew and his wife Ke Yuzhi During his visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received Lee Kuan Yew and his wife Quah Yuk Chee at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok.
In February 1999, Myanmar's Foreign Minister U Weng Kyaw visited Thailand, and Bhumibol received the visiting Foreign Minister U Weng Kyaw in Bangkok, and in March, Myanmar's Prime Minister and Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Than Shwe The general visited Thailand and Bhumibol received the visiting Senior General Than Shwe at the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
On 27 March 2000, Sultan Salahuddin Abdulaziz Shah, the Supreme Head of Malaysia, visited Thailand and Bhumibol received the visiting Sultan Salahuddin in Bangkok.
In June 2001, Myanmar Foreign Minister U Win Aung paid an official visit to Thailand. Bhumibol Adulyadej received visiting Minister U Win Aung in Bangkok.
7-8 May 2002 - President of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal Arroyo During his visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received visiting President Arroyo in Bangkok. [109] On August 26 of the same year, Sultan of Brunei Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Visiting Thailand, Bhumibol received the visiting Sultan Bolkiah at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok, and when Sultan Borgia arrived in Bangkok, Bhumibol personally went to the Royal Bangkok Air Force Airport to greet his arrival.
November 11-12, 2004, Prime Ministers of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong Accompany wife He Jing During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol Adulyadej received visiting Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Palace of Sorrows in Hua Hin. [31]
April 29 - May 1, 2008 - Prime Minister of Myanmar Thein Sein Visiting Thailand, on the evening of the 30th, King Bhumibol received the visiting Prime Minister Thein Sein at the Grand Palace in Bangkok and talked with him. [32]
On 9 March 2009, Bhumibol received the visiting Malaysian Supreme Head of State, Tuangu Mijan Zain Abidin, at the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
26-27 May 2011 - President of the Philippines Benigno Aquino III During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol received visiting President Benigno Aquino in Bangkok. [109]
  • Thailand - Relations between Asian, African and Latin American countries
From 11 to 22 March 1962, King Bhumibol visited with Queen Sirikit Pakistan And traveling in places like Karachi and Peshawar, Presidents of Pakistan Muhammad Ayoub Khan in Karachi On the 15th, Bhumibol visited the University of Peshawar and was formally awarded an honorary degree.
From February 10 to 13, 1966, Presidents of South Korea Park Chung-hee Accompany wife Lu Yingxiu During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit received visiting President Park Chung-hee and his wife at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. The King and his wife held a welcome banquet for the visiting Park Chung-hee and his wife at the Grand Palace, and accompanied the Park Chung-hee and his wife to visit various places in Thailand.
From April 23 to 30, 1967, Queen Bhumibol visited and toured the Iranian Empire Teheran , Shiraz and Isfahan Etc., the Emperor of Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and Farah Pahlavi The queen is in Tehran The palace of Sadeabad Received the visiting King Bhumibol.
In January 1968, King Bhumibol received the visiting Iranian Emperor Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Empress Farah Pahlavi in Bangkok, and in May, Bhumibol received the visiting Thai in Bangkok Ethiopian Empire Emperor Haile Selassie I .
King of Nepal, April 1970 Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah During his visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received visiting King Mahendra in Bangkok.
In March 1972, Bhumibol met with visitors to Thailand in Bangkok Presidents of India Varahajiri Venkata Jiri .
On 9 May 1979, Bhumibol received a visitor to Thailand at the Chtarada Palace Israel Minister of Foreign affairs Moshe Dayan .
King of Nepal, December 1980 Birendra Bir Bikram Shah On a state visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received visiting King Birendra in Bangkok.
He was President of South Korea from 3 to 6 July 1981 Chun Doo-hwan Accompany wife Lee Sun-ja Visiting Thailand, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit received the visiting Chun Doo-hwan couple at the Tarada Palace.
From December 13 to 17, 1984, King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah of Nepal paid another state visit to Thailand, and Bhumibol received the visiting King Birendra again in Bangkok.
October 21-25, 1987, Presidents of Pakistan Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol received visiting President Zia Ul-Haq at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok.
In July 1993, Bhumibol hosted the visiting President of Kazakhstan in Bangkok Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev .
In February 1994, Bhumibol received visitors to Thailand at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok Presidents of Mongolia Pensalema Ochirbat .
In February 1997, Presidents of Argentina Carlos Saoul Menem During his visit to Thailand, Bhumibol met with visiting President Menem at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. On July 16, Bhumibol received visitors to Thailand in Bangkok Presidents of South Africa Nelson Mandela ; In November, King Bhumibol received King Birendra of Nepal in Bangkok for the third time.
On December 14, 2005, Bhumibol met with visiting Thai officials at the Grand Palace in Bangkok Kings of Jordan Abdullah II bin Hussein.
  • Thai-european relations
From 19 to 23 July 1960, Queen Bhumibol visited Britain Meet the Queen of England Queen Elizabeth II And the Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip Mr. And Mrs. Elizabeth are in London Victoria Station Personally greeted the visiting Bhumibol and his wife, the British royal guard of honour held a welcome ceremony for the visiting Bhumibol and his wife at the station, the commander of the guard of honour asked the king to review in Thai, and then the King and the Queen and his wife rode to the open carriage Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth held a welcome banquet for King Bhumibol who came from afar, and the two also gave gifts to each other at the banquet. On the 20th, Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit attended the welcome dinner held by the Thai Embassy in Britain to welcome the King and his wife. From July 25 to October 1, Bhumibol visited with Queen Sirikit Federal Republic of Germany , Portugal , Switzerland , Denmark , Norse , Sweden and Italy met President of Germany Karl Heinrich Luebke , Presidents of Portugal Americo Thomas, President of the Swiss Confederation Max Petipierre, King Frederik IX of Denmark, Kings of Norway Olaf V , Kings of Sweden Gustav VI Adolf and Presidents of Italy Giovanni Gronki Such political figures; Bhumibol and his wife visited Switzerland from August 29 to 31, the Swiss Confederation President Max Petipierre and his wife Antoinette de Rugermont hosted a state dinner for the visiting Bhumibol and his wife at the Bellevue Palace State Hotel in Bern on the 29th, the King himself also traveled to Lausanne, visited his former home and former Alma mater, on October 1, Bhumibol and his wife visit Vatican See you later Pope of Rome John XXIII The king spoke Italian throughout his conversation with John XXIII, much to the Pope's surprise.
From 4 to 7 October 1960, Queen Bhumibol visited Belgium capital Brussels See you Kings of Belgium Baudouin the First ; [3] From November 11 to 14, Bhumibol visited with the Queen France And traveled Paris and Versailles He met with the President of France Charles de Gaulle And the president's wife, Yvonne Vandru, visited Paris Opera And watch performances there; From October 17 to November 8, King Bhumibol and his wife visited successively Luxembourg , Netherlands and Spain See you Grand Duke of Luxembourg Charlotte Queen of the Netherlands Juliana And the Spanish regent Francisco Franco And other dignitaries.
In January 1962, King Frederik IX of Denmark and Queen Ingrid visited Thailand, and Bhumibol received the visiting Frederik and his wife in Bangkok. From November 15 to 20, Princess Beatrix Wilhelmina Amgard, Crown Princess of the Netherlands, visited Thailand. On November 16, King Bhumibol received the visiting Princess Beatrix at the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
In March 1963, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands visited Thailand and Bhumibol received her in Bangkok.
From September 12 to 29, 1964, King Bhumibol visited with Queen Sirikit Kingdom of Greece King Constantine II of Greece and his fiancee Princess Annemarie received the visiting Bhumibol and his wife at the New Palace in Athens, and from 16 to 18, King Bhumibol and his wife attended the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Annunciation (Athens Metropolitan Cathedral) and the New Palace in Athens Constantine II and Annemarie During the wedding visit to Greece, King Bhumibol had gone Acropolis Tour, tour The Parthenon , The Temple of Erechtheon and Temple of Zeus Such historical sites, September 29 - October 6, Bhumibol and his wife visited Austria and in Vienna Traveling, the King and his wife during their visit to Austria Presidents of Austria A personal reception by Adolf Scherf, the Tonkunstler-Orchester Niederosterreich Orchestra of Lower Austrian Sound Artists, in celebration of the King's visit Concertgebouw Vienna On October 5, the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts awarded the King the title of honorary Academician, and the King made an acceptance speech in German during the award ceremony, which impressed the musicians of Vienna.
From January 15 to 23, 1965, Bhumibol hosted King Olaf V of Norway in Bangkok.
From July 15 to August 22, 1966, King Bhumibol accompanied Queen Sirikit and other members of the royal family to the United Kingdom for vacation, while paying a friendly visit to the United Kingdom in a private capacity, from August 22 to 28, King Bhumibol accompanied Queen Sirikit to pay an official state visit to the Federal Republic of Germany again, with President Lubbuk in attendance Bonn Once again received the visiting King Bhumibol and his wife, the King and his wife and President Lubbuk attended Bayreuth Wagner Festival Events ( The Bayreuth Arts Festival After the performance, Wieland Wagner and Wolfgang Wagner, the artistic director of the festival, met with a number of musicians who participated in the performance. From September 29 to October 2 of the same year, King Bhumibol visited again with his Queen Austria , and Presidents of Austria Franz Jonas and other dignitaries met.
From February 10 to 15, 1972, Bhumibol received the Queen of England in Bangkok Queen Elizabeth II .
May 10-11, 1984, Pope John Paul II During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol received the visiting King John Paul II.
From 16 November 1987 to 22 November 1987, King Juan Carlos I of Spain accompanied Queen Sophia Christina Federica Victoria Antonia The Princess visited Thailand, and King Bhumibol received the visiting King of Spain and his family at the Grand Palace in Bangkok and held a welcome banquet for them, and also accompanied the King of Spain and his family to visit many places in Thailand.
3-6 February 1988 - Crown Prince of the United Kingdom Prince Charles Crown princess Diana Spencer On the 4th, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit met the visiting Crown Prince and his wife at Tarada Palace and held a welcome banquet for them. During the visit of the Crown prince and his wife, King Bhumibol and other members of the Thai royal family accompanied the Crown prince and his wife to visit Bangkok and Chiang Mai. On August 8 of the same year, King Bhumibol received a visit to Thailand at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok British prime minister Margaret Hilda Thatcher .
From October 28 to November 1, 1996, Bhumibol received Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in Bangkok.
February 7-12, 2001, Denmark Queen Margrethe II Together with husband Prince Henrik , the eldest son Frederic Andre Henrik Christian During his visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received the Queen and her family at the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
From February 25 to March 1, 2003, Bhumibol received the King of Sweden at the Grand Palace in Bangkok Carl XVI Gustaf .
October 17-22, 2003, President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Accompany wife Lyudmila Alexandrovna Putina Visiting Thailand, 22, King Bhumibol received visiting President Putin and had a friendly conversation with him at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, after the end of the conversation, King Bhumibol held a state dinner for Putin and his wife in the Grand Palace. [112]
She was Queen of the Netherlands from 19 to 24 January 2004 Beatrix Crown prince Willem-Alexander During the visit to Thailand, Bhumibol and his wife received Beatrix and her mother at the Grand Palace in Bangkok and held a welcome banquet for them.
President of France, 17-19 February 2006 Jacques Chirac Accompany wife Bernadette Chirac He paid a three-day state visit to Thailand. At around 15:00 on the 17th, President Chirac led a delegation to arrive at the Royal Thai Air Force Airport in Bangkok, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit personally went to the airport to receive the visiting Chirac and his wife, and then King Bhumibol and President Chirac held a formal meeting at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, the two sides agreed to further strengthen the cooperation between the two countries, after the meeting, Bhumibol and his wife hosted a welcome dinner for Chirac and his wife at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. [33]
February 21-23, 2006, King of Spain Juan Carlos the First Together, Sophia On the afternoon of the 21st, King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sophia of Spain arrived at the Royal Thai Air Force Airport in Bangkok by special plane. King Bhumibol personally went to the airport to receive the visiting King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia. The two Kings then held a formal meeting at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. During the meeting, the two sides focused on how to further strengthen the cooperation between the two countries and agreed to strengthen exchanges in the fields of culture and education. [34]
  • Thai-north American relations
June 14 - July 15, 1960, King Bhumibol Queen Sirikit Other royal family members to visit the United States, this is Bhumibol's first official state visit to the United States as king, June 14, the king and his wife by plane from Bangkok Don Mueang International Airport, arrived on the same day Hawaii Capital of Honolulu, 18, by plane left Honolulu, then arrived at California suburban Ontario International Airport On the 21st, King Bhumibol visited the Film Center in Los Angeles Take Hollywood by storm And met the rock singer Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley On the 22nd, the King and his party went to the hotel in Anaheim Disneyland To play, King Bhumibol himself was also with the founder of Disneyland Walt Disney On the 28th, Bhumibol and his delegation arrived by plane in the south of Washington, the capital of the United States Washington National Airport President of the United States Dwight David Eisenhower And Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon personally went to the airport to greet the visiting King and his party, the president arranged for the five military honor guard to hold a welcome ceremony at the airport for the King's visit, and escorted King Bhumibol to the car The White House King Bhumibol held formal talks with President Eisenhower in the Diplomatic Reception Hall of the White House, during which Eisenhower also invited the King to visit the West Wing of the White House Oval Office After the talks, the Eisenhower couple held a welcome dinner for Bhumibol and his wife in the State Dining Room of the White House, and King Bhumibol went to Washington on the 29th Parliament building , in United States Congress The speech, delivered in English, was attended by dignitaries such as US House Speaker Samuel Tolliver Rayburn and US Vice President and Senate President Richard Nixon, and the king received warm applause after his speech, which Bhumibol visited on the same day Library of Congress 30, Bhumibol visited in Washington National Archives On July 4, Bhumibol went New York Governor of a state Nelson Rockefeller Home guest and with Governor Rockefeller and jazz musicians Benny Goodman After dinner, the King and Goodman played jazz together in the room for one and a half hours. On the 5th, King Bhumibol toured the city of New York and was warmly welcomed by the vast number of New Yorkers. On the same day, King Bhumibol also visited Goodman's home and played with him again. He visited the Mount Auburn hospital where he was born. On the 8th, King Bhumibol visited his former residence on Longwood Street in Brookline town; During his visit to the United States, King Bhumibol visited Honolulu , Los Angeles , Colorado Springs , Anaheim , Pittsburgh , Washington , Williamsburg , New York , Boston , Cambridge, Nashville , Denver and San Francisco Wait for the tour, the tour Lincoln Memorial , Washington Monument Library of Congress, Disneyland, Hollywood, Pikes Peak , Yellowstone National Park , Statue of Liberty , Metropolitan Museum of Art and Golden Gate Bridge Such famous scenic spots; The King made numerous speeches and impromptu speeches in the United States, which left a deep impression on the American people; After King Bhumibol's visit to the United States, the United States government increased military and economic assistance to Thailand in the following years. [106]
October 27-30, 1966 - President of the United States Lyndon Baines Johnson During his visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received visiting President Johnson in Bangkok.
From June 6 to 29, 1967, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit paid an official goodwill visit to the United States and Canada Hawaii Island Honolulu, Williamstown, New York, North Adams , Los Angeles, Tarrytown and Northhaven, and on the 11th, the King visited Williamstown Williams University, and was awarded an honorary degree; From June 21 to 24, Queen Bhumibol visited Canada , Governor-general of Canada Daniel Roland Michener and the Prime Minister Lester Pearson Other dignitaries received the visiting Bhumibol and his wife in Ottawa, they held a welcome dinner for the visiting Bhumibol and his wife in Ottawa City Hall, Bhumibol himself delivered a speech at the dinner in English and French, leaving a deep impression on the guests present; After the King and his wife's visit to Canada, they went to the United States to continue the diplomatic visit work, they first visited New York, Boston and Cambridge and other places, and then took a special plane to Washington, Washington, June 27-29, King Bhumibol King Kheliji Queen visited Washington, was received by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Vice President Hubert Humphrey And the secretary of State David Dean Rusk And other dignitaries cordial reception. [106]
July 28-30, 1969 - President of the United States Richard Milhous Nixon During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol received visiting President Nixon in Bangkok.
January 4-7, 1983, Prime Ministers of Canada Pierre Trudeau On the afternoon of the 6th, King Bhumibol received visiting Prime Minister Trudeau in Bangkok.
From March 27 to April 1, 1987, the Governor-General of Canada, Jeanne Mathilde Sauwe, visited Thailand and King Bhumibol received the Governor-General in Bangkok.
November 25-26, 1996 - President of the United States Bill Clinton Accompany wife Hillary Clinton Visiting Thailand, 25, King Bhumibol received the visiting Clintons at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, and then hosted a dinner at Tarada Palace to entertain the two.
He was Prime Minister of Canada from 16 to 20 January 1997 Jean Chretien On the 17th, King Bhumibol received visiting Prime Minister Chretien in Bangkok.
October 18-21, 2003 - President of the United States George Walker Bush During his visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol received the visiting President George W. Bush in Bangkok and held a state dinner for the Bush and his wife in the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
On the evening of December 11, 2006, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit received the visiting former President of the United States of America at the Grand Palace in Bangkok George Herbert Walker Bush And Mrs. Barbara Bush The king held a welcome dinner for Bush and his wife and had a cordial and friendly conversation with them.
On August 6-7, 2008, US President George W. Bush visited Thailand again, and Bhumibol received the visiting President Bush again at the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
On November 18, 2012, Bhumibol met with the visiting U.S. President at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok Barack Obama .
  • Thai-oceanian relations
From August 18 to 26, 1962, Bhumibol visited with Queen Sirikit NZ coexistence Wellington and Auckland Travel to other places, Governor-general of New Zealand Charles Littleton and the Chancellor Keith Holyoke Other dignitaries received visiting King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
From August 26 to September 12, 1962, Queen Bhumibol visited Australia coexistence Canberra , Sydney and Melbourne Travel to other places, Governor-general of Australia William Philip Sidney and the Chancellor Robert Gordon Menzies Other dignitaries received the visiting King Bhumibol; On 27 August, Bhumibol visited the Australian National University in Canberra and was awarded an honorary degree, and on 3 September, Bhumibol visited the University of Melbourne, his second visit to an institution of higher learning during his visit to Australia, after which he was awarded an honorary degree.
  • Thai-japan relations
Thailand and Japan are both Asian countries that retain royal families, and the royal families of the two countries have a lot of exchanges. During Bhumibol's reign, Thailand and Japan maintained close ties, with frequent exchanges between the royal families of the two countries, laying the foundation for decades of friendship between the two countries. Bhumibol even publicly said, "Akihito's son is my son," which is a sign of his friendship.
From May 27 to June 5, 1963, Bhumibol visited Japan with Queen Sirikit Tokyo , Osaka , Kyoto , Nara , Nagoya and Gifu Travel to other places. On the 27th, Emperor Hirohito Couple arrival Tokyo International Airport Personally greeted Bhumibol's arrival, accompanied Emperor Hirohito and during Bhumibol's visit to Japan Empress Kajun He traveled around the world and established a deep friendship with him. At the same time, he met with Crown Prince Akihito of Japan, and the two people established a good personal relationship. [35]
From December 14 to 21, 1964, Crown Prince Akihito of Japan and Crown Princess Michiko visited Thailand, King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Serikit personally received the visiting Crown Prince and his wife, King Bhumibol accompanied Crown Prince Akihito to visit many places in Thailand, Akihito in Thailand farm inspection, suggested that Bhumibol raised in Thailand tilapia . Soon after Akihito returns to Japan, he will leave Minato Ward in Tokyo Akasaka dibutyl Akasaka Imperial Field Fifty tilapia from the pool were given to Bhumibol, who kept the fish in the palace tank for a year and then distributed more than 10,000 fish fry to farms across Thailand. In order to express his gratitude, Bhumibol named this fish "Ren fish", which corresponds to the name of Akihito, and the second is to choose the meaning of love and benevolence.
He was Prime Minister of Japan from 2 to 4 May 1983 Yasuhiro Nakasone On the 2nd, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit met with visiting Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone at the Tarada Palace.
September 25-30, 1991, Emperor of Japan Akihito Imperial queen Michiko Visiting Thailand, Bhumibol gave Emperor Akihito and his wife the highest level of royal reception at the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
2-5 August 2001: Prince Akishino Fumhito of Japan Akishino Palace Princess Kiko Visiting Thailand, Bhumibol personally received the visiting husband and wife in Bangkok.
From August 7 to 21, 2003, Prince Akishino of Japan and his family visited Thailand to attend the celebration of Queen Sirikit's 71st birthday, and Bhumibol and his wife received the visiting Prince Fumihito and his family in Bangkok Princess Mako and Princess Kaiko The Medal of Honor was awarded.
In June 2006, Emperor Akihito of Japan and Empress Michiko visited Thailand again and attended the "Diamond Jubilee Celebration". King Bhumibol held a welcoming ceremony for the visiting Akihito and his wife at the Ananta Palace in Bangkok.
March 8-11, 2011, Japan Akishino Palace Prince Fumihito During their visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit received the visiting Prince Boon Nin at the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok and held cordial and friendly talks with him.
June 25-27, 2012, Japan Prince Naruhito During their visit to Thailand, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit received the visiting Prince Naruhito at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok and had a cordial and friendly conversation with him.
On 17 January 2013, King Bhumibol received the visiting Japanese Prime Minister at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok Shinzo Abe .
  • Thai-vietnam relations
  • Before the reunification of Vietnam
Before the formal reunification of Vietnam, Thailand was the same Republic of Vietnam Friendly diplomatic relations were maintained, with King Bhumibol interacting with a number of South Vietnamese leaders Democratic Republic of Vietnam [North Vietnam] had very little contact.
In August 1957, the President of the Republic of Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, visited Thailand and Bhumibol received the visiting President in Bangkok.
From December 18 to 21, 1959, Bhumibol accompanied Queen Sirikit to visit the Republic of Vietnam, which was Bhumibol's first overseas diplomatic visit as king, and South Vietnam was the first country Bhumibol visited Saigon and hue Travel around, see you President of the Republic of Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Presidential Advisor Jung Oh 瑈 And the "First Lady" Chen Lichun On the 19th, the King visited Saigon University and was awarded an honorary degree.
  • After the reunification of Vietnam
North and South Vietnam were united After Thailand on 6 August 1976 Socialist Republic of Vietnam After the formal establishment of diplomatic relations, Bhumibol received a number of Vietnamese party and state leaders who visited Thailand, and under the active promotion of King Bhumibol, the relationship between Thailand and Vietnam continued to move forward.
In September 1978, Bhumibol received the visiting Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Bangkok Fan Wentong .
In September 1991, Bhumibol received Vu Van Jie, chairman of the Vietnamese Council of Ministers, in Bangkok and met with him Wu Wenjie The chairman talked.
In October 1993, Bhumibol met a visiting Thai at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Dume .
In October 1998, Bhumibol met with visiting Thai officials in Bangkok President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Chen Deliang .
In March 2000, Bhumibol met with visitors to Thailand in Bangkok Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister Nguyen Yinen, in May, Bhumibol met with a visiting Thai in Bangkok Prime Ministers of Vietnam Pan Wenkai .
In February 2003, Bhumibol met with visitors to Thailand in Bangkok Ministry of Defence of Vietnam Section head Fan Wen tea Senior.
In December 2006, Bhumibol received the visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister at the Chtarada Palace in Bangkok Nguyen Tan Dung .
  • Thai-cambodia relations
Thailand and Cambodia are both retained monarchies in Southeast Asia, and although the bilateral diplomatic relations between the two countries have undergone several twists and turns, the royal families of the two countries have generally maintained friendly relations, frequent exchanges and mutual support in some affairs.
In December 1954, Kings of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk Visiting Thailand, Bhumibol received the visiting King Sihanouk at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, after the meeting, Bhumibol held a welcome banquet for Sihanouk, and the two men later participated in a jazz concert held at the palace.
On 22 July 1970, Bhumibol received visitors to Thailand in Bangkok Khmer Republic The (Cambodian) leader Lonnor .
On the afternoon of January 28, 1983, Bhumibol met with a visiting Thai at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok United Government of Democratic Kampuchea Its Chairman, Prince Norodom Sihanouk.
In November 2001, Bhumibol received Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, who was visiting Thailand, and awarded Hun Sen the "Knight Grand Sachet" Order of the White Elephant ".
On February 4, 2003, Bhumibol met with the Cambodian Foreign Minister visiting Thailand at the Palace of Sorrows in Hua Hin He Nanhong . [36]
June 2006, King of Cambodia Norodom Sihamoni On an official visit to Thailand and to attend the "Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the King of Thailand", Bhumibol held a high-level welcome ceremony for the visiting King Sihamoni at the Ananta Palace in Bangkok.
  • Thai-china relations
King Bhumibol attaches great importance to the diplomatic relations between Thailand and China. He has always cared about and supported China-Thailand friendship and pushed for the development of China-Thailand relations. It has made important contributions to promoting the friendship between the two peoples. The king said: "The relationship between Thailand and China has a long history and has reached the level of inseparable; To enhance understanding and friendship between Thailand and China is not only conducive to the development of bilateral relations, but also will play a positive role in regional peace and stability." After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand on July 1, 1975, King Bhumibol received a number of Chinese leaders who visited Thailand and sent princesses and crown princes to China on behalf of the Thai royal family many times.
From November 5 to 9, 1978, Vice Premier of The State Council of the People's Republic of China Deng Xiaoping Accompany wife Zhuo Lin 访问泰国,5日,普密蓬国王和诗丽吉王后在迟塔拉达宫接见了邓小平和卓琳, [37] On the 6th, King Bhumibol accompanied Vice Premier Deng to the Jade Buddha Temple in Bangkok to attend the shaving ceremony of Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn. [38]
King Bhumibol in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on February 9, 1980 Puping Imperial Palace He met with Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China who is visiting Thailand Deng Yingchao And all members of the National People's Congress delegation. [37]
March 11-15, 1985 - President of the People's Republic of China Li Xiannian This has written a beautiful page in the history of China-Thailand friendly relations and has been passed down as a good story.
On April 17, 1999, Chairman Li Peng of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China visited Thailand. King Bhumibol met with Chairman Li Peng at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. [39]
From 2 to 6 September 1999, President of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin Accompany wife Wang Yeping Visit Thailand. [40] On the evening of the same day, King Bhumibol held cordial and friendly talks with President Jiang at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, and then Bhumibol held a welcome dinner for President Jiang and his wife Wang Yeping at the Grand Palace. [41]
On July 19, 2000, King Bhumibol met with a visiting Thai at Lotus Palace, Hua Hin Vice President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao. [42]
From May 19 to 22, 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji of The State Council of the People's Republic of China and his wife Lao An paid an official visit to Thailand. On the 21st, King Bhumibol met with the visiting Chinese Premier at Lotus Palace in Hua Hin Zhu Rongji His wife Lauan . [43]
On the afternoon of September 4, 2002, King Bhumibol met with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China (NPC) who was visiting Thailand at Lotus Palace, Hua Hin Li Peng His wife Zhu Lin They exchanged views on a wide range of issues including bilateral relations. [44]
On the afternoon of January 23, 2003, King Bhumibol met with visiting Thai officials at the Palace of Sorrows in Hua Hin Vice Premier of The State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Lanqing And his wife Zhang Suzhen. [45]
On the evening of the 17th, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit met at the Grand Palace in Bangkok Hu Jintao Both sides expressed satisfaction with the sound momentum of the development of China-Thailand relations. [46 and 47]
On February 28, 2007, King Bhumibol met with a visiting Thai in Bangkok State Councilor of the People's Republic of China Tang Jiaxuan . [48]
On 21 November 2012, King Bhumibol met a visiting Thai at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok Premier of The State Council of the People's Republic of China Wen Jiabao . [49]
  • Thai-united Nations relations
On July 6, 1960, King Bhumibol visited the United Nations headquarters in New York for the first time United Nations Headquarters building Met with the UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold .
On 9 June 1967, King Bhumibol visited the United Nations Headquarters again United Nations Headquarters building Met with the UN Secretary General U Thant .
On 12 February 1973, King Bhumibol received the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who was visiting Thailand, at the Chtarada Palace Kurt Waldheim .
On 10 April 1993, King Bhumibol Adulyadej received the visiting United Nations Secretary-General at the Chtarada Palace Boutros Boutros-Ghali .
Secretary-general of the United Nations, 26 May 2006 Kofi Annan During his visit to Thailand, Bhumibol received visiting Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the Palace of Sorrows in Hua Hin, who presented Bhumibol with the "UNDP Lifetime Achievement Award for Human Development". [50]
On 10 December 2007, Bhumibol received the visiting United Nations Secretary-General in Bangkok Ban Ki-moon . [51]

Character honor

King Bhumibol Adulyadej has received 11 hereditary MEDALS of the Thai Royal Family, 6 MEDALS of Bravery and Service of Thailand, several foreign MEDALS and MEDALS and awards awarded by international organizations, many honorary titles from government or non-governmental organizations, and honorary degrees and academicians from many institutions of higher learning in Thailand and abroad. King Bhumibol holds three titles: Head of State of the Kingdom of Thailand, Supreme Commander of the Royal Thai Army, Supreme Guardian of Buddhism and Supreme Guardian of Religion Royal Thai Army He also holds the rank of marshal of all branches of the Thai army, Navy and Air Force. [3]
  • Hereditary Order of the Thai Royal Family
September 20, 1935
Most Distinguished Chulalong Medal of Merit
Knight Grand Cross Level (Level 1)
November 14, 1938
Most Distinguished Royal Order of Checkry
Knight class
June 9, 1946
Most Distinguished Chulalong Medal of Merit
Head of the King's Grand Order
June 9, 1946
Most Distinguished Royal Order of Checkry
Head of the King's Grand Order
June 9, 1946
Nine treasures ancient auspicious order
Head of the King's Grand Order
June 9, 1946
Rama Medal of Honor
Head of the King's Grand Order
June 9, 1946
Head of the King's Grand Order
June 9, 1946
Most Noble Order of the Thai Crown
Head of the King's Grand Order
November 22, 1962
Most auspicious Order of Rajamitabang
Head of the King's Grand Order
November 26, 1987
Ramkelati Auspicious symbol Order
Head of the King's Grand Order
July 22, 1991
Most Noble Direk Gullahorn Order
Head of the King's Grand Order
Source of information: [3] [107]
  • Thai Medal of Valor and Service
November 14, 1939
Rama VIII Royal Order of the Mark
June 9, 1946
Medal of valor
Head of the Grand Order
June 9, 1946
Order of Dusardi Mara Chakra
Civil rank
June 9, 1946
Order of chakra
Head of the Grand Order
September 22, 1954
Border service Medal
Head of the Grand Order
February 21, 1969
Medal for the Defense of the Freemen
Head of the Grand Order
Source of information: [107]
  • Foreign medal
Medal title
Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Cambodia
The year 1960
Order of the Most Glorious Truth
The year 1960
Order of Saint Martin, Liberator of the Gold Chain
The year 1960
Grand Cross National Order of the Southern Cross
The year 1960
commander-in-chief Medal of Merit
The year 1960
Royal Victorian Chain (Personal Medal of Queen Elizabeth II)
The year 1960
Federal Cross (Special Star Cross)
The year 1960
Order of the third sash
The year 1960
Knight of the Order of the Elephant
The year 1960
Knight of the Order of St. Olaf Grand Cross of the Chain
The year 1960
The year 1960
The chain was awarded a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
The year 1960
Knight class Pius IX Papal medal
The year 1960
Big ribbon class The Leopold Medal
The year 1960
Grand cross class French Legion of Honor
The year 1960
Knight of the Nassau Royal Order of the Golden Lion
The year 1960
Knight Grand Cross of the Dutch Lion
The year 1960
Chain awarded Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit
The year 1961
Order of the Star of the Republic of Indonesia First Class
The year 1961
Order of Quetzal Grand Cross
The year 1962
The year 1962
Royal Order of Merit
The year 1963
The year 1963
Order of the Saviour, Grand Cross
The year 1963
Grand Order of Vientiane and White Umbrella
The year 1964
Grand Star Service Order of the Republic of Austria
The year 1965
Order of the White Lion, First Class
The year 1968
Grand Gold Chain Order of Pahlavi
Iran Empire
The year 1968
Gold chain class Queen of Sheba medal
The year 1968
Order of Sicatuna in the Grand Gold Chain
The year 1981
The year 1986
Order of Pratapurbhaskara of Nepal
The year 1987
The chain was awarded the Grand Cross Carlos III of the Royal Order of Distinction of Spain
The year 1988
King Abdulaziz Order of the Gold Chain
The year 1990
Royal Order of Brunei Crown
The year 1992
Order of Posse-Lancang
The year 1999
Royal Order of Selangor, 1st Class
The year 2000
Order of the Romanian Star of the Sash class
The year 2006
The year 2009
Most Distinguished Royal Order of Terengganu
The year 2012
Diamond-grand Cross Order of the Sun of Peru
Grand cross class National Order of Mali
Order of La Kandura of the Grand Gold Chain
The Philippines
Medal of Independence
Order of the South Slavic Star, First Class
Chain awarded Grand Cross of the Order of the White Rose of Finland
The chain was awarded the Grand Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit
Gold chain class Order of the Liberator
Gold chain class Order of the Aztec Eagle
Chilean Order of Merit in the Gold chain
Source of information: [3]
  • Honorary Degree (in Thailand)
Degree title
Awarding institution
May 21, 1950
Honorary doctorate in political science
May 29, 1950
Honorary doctorate in political science
July 9, 1953
Honorary doctorate in agricultural sciences
December 29, 1959
Honorary Doctor of Education in Educational Administration
April 6, 1960
Honorary Doctor of Public Health
October 21, 1965
Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts in painting
December 16, 1968
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
January 16, 1969
Doctor of Letters honoris causa in Political Science
November 19, 1970
Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration
August 31, 1972
Honorary doctorate in Mechanical Engineering
October 18, 1972
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
May 7, 1975
Honorary Doctor of Engineering
November 26, 1975
Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
July 17, 1978
Honorary Doctorate in Irrigation Engineering
Agricultural University of Thailand
February 5, 1981
Honorary doctorate in Agricultural technology
August 5, 1982
Honorary doctorate in economics
Thammasat University, Thailand
June 13, 1983
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Cooperative Economics
Agricultural University of Thailand
March 26, 1984
Honorary Doctorate in Agricultural Extension and Cooperatives
April 11, 1984
Honorary doctorate in Philosophy of Political science
Langanhem University
July 11, 1985
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Nutrition
Mahidon University
September 5th, 1985
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
Chulalongkorn University
July 10, 1986
Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts
Chulalongkorn University
October 18, 1986
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Biotechnology
The Former Emperor Technical College of Lakabang
December 11, 1986
Doctor of Letters honoris causa in anthropology
Thai University of the Arts
June 22, 1987
Honorary degree of Doctor of Musical Arts
Agricultural University of Thailand
July 2, 1987
Honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine
Mahidon University
July 16, 1987
Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
Chulalongkorn University
September 14, 1987
Honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine
Sinakarine Willow University
December 24, 1987
Develop an honorary Doctor of Letters degree in science
Khon Kaen University
January 5, 1988
Honorary doctorate in Philosophy of economics
Langanhem University
January 23, 1988
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
Chiang Mai University
June 30, 1988
Honorary degree of Doctor of Science in Environmental Management Technology
Mahidon University
July 20, 1988
Doctor of Letters Honoris causa in Journalism and Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Environmental Science
Thammasat University, Thailand
July 31, 1988
Honorary doctorate in urban and Environmental philosophy
Chulalongkorn University
October 18, 1988
Honorary Doctor of Engineering degree in Telecommunications Engineering, honorary Doctor of Urban and Environmental Philosophy
The Former Emperor Technical College of Lakabang
December 22, 1988
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Khon Kaen University
December 29, 1988
Honorary Doctor of Science in Geography
Sinakarine Willow University
January 18, 1989
Honorary doctorate in political science
Sukhothai Tematiratra Open University
January 24, 1989
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Agricultural Sciences
Chiang Mai University
April 1, 1989
Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy of Economic development
National Institute of Development Management of Thailand
May 25, 1989
Honorary Doctorate in Education
Chulalongkorn University
October 26, 1989
An honorary doctorate in architecture
Thai University of the Arts
30 April 1990
Honorary Doctor of Science degree in Agricultural Sciences and Resource Economics
Agricultural University of Thailand
October 15, 1990
Honorary Doctor of Engineering degree in Environmental Technology
Thonburi Senhuang College of Technology
April 1, 1991
Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Statistics
National Institute of Development Management of Thailand
July 16, 1991
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Sports Science
Mahidon University
August 1, 1991
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Chulalongkorn University
October 29, 1991
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
North Bangkok King Technical College
25 December 1991
Honorary Doctorate of Science in Aquatic Sciences
January 2, 1992
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Biological Sciences
June 8, 1992
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Agricultural Sciences
July 2, 1992
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Computer Science
Mahidon University
1 July 1993
Doctor of Fine Arts Honoris causa in Music and Cultural Studies
Mahidon University
8 July 1993
Honorary Doctorate in Media Arts
Chulalongkorn University
19 July 1993
Honorary Doctor of Science in Environmental Science
Thai University of the Arts
29 July 1993
Honorary Doctor of Letters in Sociology and Anthropology
Thammasat University, Thailand
June 3, 1994
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
Mahidon University
12 July 1994
Honorary Doctor of Science degree
Chulalongkorn University
27 July 1994
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Rural Technology
Thammasat University, Thailand
13 December 1994
Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts
Sinakarine Willow University
18 January 1995
Honorary Doctor of Public Health
Sukhothai Tematiratra Open University
23 February 1995
Honorary doctorate in Rural Development Planning
Meizhou University
17 July 1995
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Mahidon University
31 July 1995
Honorary Doctor of Social Work
Thammasat University, Thailand
18 October 1995
An honorary Doctor of Science degree in Mechanical Industry education
North Bangkok King Technical College
18 October 1995
Honorary Doctor of Science in Soil Science
The Former Emperor Technical College of Lakabang
November 11, 1995
Honorary Doctorate of Science in Environmental Technology
24 November 1995
Honorary Doctor of Arts in Community Development
Oriental University of Thailand
14 December 1995
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
Sinakarine Willow University
25 December 1995
Honorary Doctorate in Thai Arts
Khon Kaen University
17 January 1996
Honorary Doctorate in Media Arts
Sukhothai Tematiratra Open University
24 January 1996
Honorary Doctorate in Environmental Engineering
Chiang Mai University
13 May 1996
Honorary degree of Doctor of Science in Agricultural Extension
Agricultural University of Thailand
October 7, 1996
Honorary Doctor of Science degree
Prince Songkhla University
16 December 1996
Honorary Doctor of Science in Geography
Oriental University of Thailand
19 December 1996
Honorary Doctor of Science in Environmental Ecology
Khon Kaen University
February 1, 1997
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Computer Science
Royal Thai University
July 3, 1997
Doctor of Science with honors in Physics
Mahidon University
July 4, 1997
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Mahidon University
July 31, 1997
Honorary Doctor of Business Administration
Thammasat University, Thailand
October 24, 1997
Honorary Doctorate in Civil Engineering
Suronali University of Technology
17 December 1997
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Sports Science
Sinakarine Willow University
December 18, 1997
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Agricultural Sciences
Khon Kaen University
February 9, 1998
Honorary Doctor of Science Royal and Honorary Doctor of Science in Factory Agriculture
Agricultural University of Thailand
17 December 1998
Development Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Management
Khon Kaen University
January 20, 1999
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Chiang Mai University
19 July 1999
Doctor of Science Honoris Causa in Soil Science, Doctor of Science Honoris Causa in Horticulture, Doctor of Science Honoris Causa in Fishery Science, Doctor of Science Honoris Causa in Biological Sciences, Doctor of Science Honoris Causa in Economic Botany, Doctor of Science in Resource Management, Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa in Applied Linguistics, Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa in Social Development, Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa in Political Science, Education Honorary Doctor of Education in Management and honorary Doctor of Business Administration
Agricultural University of Thailand
26 July 1999
Honorary Doctorate in Thai Arts
Mahasarakan University
October 8, 1999
Honorary Doctor of Science and honorary Doctor of Arts
Chulalongkorn University
28 October 1999
Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
Thammasat University, Thailand
7 December 1999
Honorary Doctor of Public Health
Oriental University of Thailand
22 December 1999
Honorary doctorate in economics
Khon Kaen University
24 December 1999
Honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering
Sinakarine Willow University
The year 1999
Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Environmental Management
National Institute of Development Management of Thailand
The year 1999
Doctor of Science with Honors in Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Nalishon University
24 January 2000
Honorary doctorate in economics
Chiang Mai University
28 July 2000
Honorary Doctorate of Science in Community Development
Thammasat University, Thailand
November 4, 2000
An honorary doctorate of Philosophy in Energy Technology
Thonburi Senhuang College of Technology
25 December 2000
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Food Science and Nutrition
Sinakarine Willow University
January 5, 2001
Honorary Doctorate in Western Musical Arts and Applied Arts
Khon Kaen University
January 24, 2001
Honorary Doctor of Science
Asian Institute of Technology
28 May 2001
Doctor of Science, Honorary degree in Agricultural Economics
Agricultural University of Thailand
26 July 2001
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Thammasat University, Thailand
August 4, 2001
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Sinakarine Willow University
September 20, 2001
Doctor of Engineering Honoris causa in Rural Engineering
Mahasarakan University
18 October 2001
Honorary Doctor of Engineering degree in Automotive Engineering Technology
North Bangkok King Technical College
September 19, 2003
Honorary Doctorate in Visual Arts
Mahasarakan University
September 29, 2003
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Navigation
Oriental University of Thailand
December 1, 2003
Honorary degree of Doctor of Dentistry
Nalishon University
The year 2003
Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Development
National Institute of Development Management of Thailand
The year 2003
An honorary doctorate of Philosophy in Resource Management Technology
October 14, 2004
Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration
Prince Songkhla University
February 21, 2005
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Animal Production Technology
Suronali University of Technology
July 27, 2005
Honorary doctorate in Hydraulic Engineering
Agricultural University of Thailand
The year 2005
Honorary Doctorate in Thai architecture
Thai University of the Arts
8 December 2005
Honorary Doctorate in Telecommunications Engineering
North Bangkok King Technical College
December 22, 2005
Honorary Doctor of Arts in Philosophy
Khon Kaen University
30 December 2005
Honorary Doctor of Education in Development Education
Sinakarine Willow University
January 9, 2006
Honorary doctorate in Public Administration
Langanhem University
January 26, 2006
Honorary Doctor of Science degree
Sukhothai Tematiratra Open University
July 6, 2006
Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa in Rural Development Studies
Mahidon University
September 16, 2006
Honorary doctorate in Mechanical Engineering
Ubon University
21 September 2006
Honorary doctorate in agricultural sciences
Prince Songkhla University
October 6, 2006
Honorary doctorate in Philosophy of economics
Mahasarakan University
October 16, 2006
Honorary Doctorate in Communication Technology and Information Science
Suronali University of Technology
November 13, 2006
Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy of Science and Technology
North Bangkok King Technical College
27 December 2006
Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy of Education and Social Development
Oriental University of Thailand
The year 2006
Honorary Doctor of Science in Physics and honorary Doctor of Science in geography
Nalishon University
The year 2006
An Honorary Doctor of Business Administration, an Honorary Doctor of Accounting, an Honorary Doctor of Laws, an Honorary Doctor of Nursing, an Honorary Doctor of Medicine, an Honorary Doctor of Pharmacy, an Honorary Doctor of Public Administration, an Honorary Doctor of Science, an Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts, an Honorary Doctor of Arts, an Honorary Doctor of Education, an Honorary Doctor of Architecture, an Honorary Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Doctorate, Honorary Doctorate in Public health
Chiang Mai University
February 5, 2007
Honorary doctorate in economics
February 19, 2007
Honorary Doctorate of Science in Geosocial Sustainability
Meizhou University
July 24, 2007
An honorary doctorate in Philosophy of Environmental Science and an honorary Doctorate in Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural University of Thailand
October 5, 2007
Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy and Religious Arts
Sinakarine Willow University
October 22, 2007
Doctor of Science Honoris causa in Sports Science
Suronali University of Technology
December 18, 2007
Honorary Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Khon Kaen University
The year 2007
Honorary doctorate in economics
Oriental University of Thailand
The year 2007
Honorary degree of Doctor of Musical Arts
Mahasarakan University
21 April 2008
Honorary doctorate in ethnophilosophical studies
21 September 2008
An honorary doctorate in Chemical Engineering
Prince Songkhla University
The year 2008
Honorary doctorate in Philosophy of Western Music
Thaksin University
The year 2008
Honorary doctorate in Development Management
National Institute of Development Management of Thailand
The year 2009
Doctor of Arts Honoris causa in Cultural Resource Management
Thai University of the Arts
The year 2009
Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy of Social Development and Environmental Management
National Institute of Development Management of Thailand
December 14, 2009
Doctor Honoris causa in geo-social Management
Sinakarine Willow University
January 6, 2010
Honorary doctorate in Technology Management
National Institute of Development Management of Thailand
August 13, 2010
Honorary Doctorate in Civil Engineering
Thammasat University, Thailand
September 13, 2010
Honorary Doctor of Arts in Social Development
Prince Songkhla University
January 10, 2011
Honorary doctorate in Philosophy of geography
Thaksin University
February 28, 2011
Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy of Education
Langanhem University
September 21, 2011
Honorary Doctorate in Civil Engineering
Prince Songkhla University
December 21, 2011
Honorary Doctorate of Education
Mahasarakan University
January 29, 2012
Honorary Doctor of Business Administration
October 5, 2012
An honorary doctorate in Environmental Chemistry, an honorary Doctorate in Agricultural Communication, an honorary Doctorate in Photographic arts
The Former Emperor Technical College of Lakabang
March 19, 2013
Honorary Doctor of Business Administration
Baguio University, Thailand
Source of information: [3]
  • Honours Degree (International)
Degree title
Awarding institution
Home country
December 19, 1959
Doctor of laws honoris causa
February 12, 1960
Honorary doctor
March 15, 1962
Doctor of laws honoris causa
August 27, 1962
Honorary doctorate
September 3, 1962
Doctor of laws honoris causa
July 13, 1963
Doctor of laws honoris causa
The Philippines
June 11, 1967
Doctor of laws honoris causa
August 10, 1979
Certificate of distinction
January 2, 1985
Doctor of laws honoris causa
January 7, 1986
Honorary Doctor of Humanities
21 November 1996
Honorary Doctorate for continuous and focused service to university education
15 May 1997
Doctor of laws honoris causa
November 19, 1998
University doctor
5 November 1999
Honorary Doctor of Science
15 March 2000
Doctor of laws honoris causa
7 December 2000
Honorary Doctor of International Law
September 11, 2002
Honorary Doctor of Science
20 November 2002
Honorary Doctor of Science
27 November 2002
PhD, University of Wollongong
17 March 2004
Doctor Honoris causa in Music Composition and Performance
21 April 2006
Honorary Doctor of Science
February 21, 2007
Honorary doctor of civil law
August 3, 2007
Honorary Doctor of Science
May 31, 2012
Honorary doctor of Economics
Source of information: [3]
  • Honorary fellow
Awarded to the institution/institution
Grant country
January 26, 1952
Bar Association of Thailand (Royal Patronage)
October 5, 1964
October 16, 1984
Royal College of Surgeons of England
May 8, 1987
Royal Thai College of Physicians
July 24, 1990
November 12, 1991
29 April 1996
Royal Australian College of Physicians
October 4, 2000
July 9, 2001
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
May 8, 2006
Royal Dental College of Thailand
August 24, 2006
Royal Yachting association
August 3, 2007
April 21, 2009
Guillion Brotherhood
July 15, 2011
July 15, 2011
Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand
July 15, 2011
American College of Surgeons
July 15, 2011
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
July 15, 2011
Royal Australian College of Surgeons
Source of information: [3]
  • MEDALS, honors
Award/honor name
Awarding agency Organization/country region
July 19, 1975
Special Order of the European Parliament
February 24, 1986
Supreme artist
National Cultural Council of Thailand
September 8, 1986
International Association of University Presidents Peace Prize
July 21, 1987
Gold Medal for Outstanding Leadership in Rural Development
Asian Science and technology association
October 29, 1987
William J. Donovan Medal
United States Office of Strategic Services
December 14, 1987
Gold Olympic Order of Honor
August 31, 1988
Ramon Magsaysay Award (International Friendship Award)
Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation
October 3, 1988
Thai and British Medical Colleges of Surgery Gold Medal
Royal College of Surgeons of England
17 August 1990
Rotary International Medal
December 2, 1990
Philae Medal
November 4, 1992
Gold Medal of Honor
November 24, 1992
Gold Medal for National Health
26 January 1993
Biodiversity Conservation Medal
International Society for Chemical Ecology
25 February 1993
International Merit Medal
International Association for Erosion Control
30 October 1993
International Promotion Award for Vetiver Technology
12 December 1994
Medal of the United Nations International Narcotics Control Programme
6 December 1995
Agricola Medal
5 June 1996
Medal of the International Rice Research Council
International rice Research council
24 October 1996
Presidential Commendation for humanitarian service
Rotary International
13 November 1996
World Partners in Health Medal
American College of Chest Physicians
January 8, 1997
Southeast Asian Literature Badge of Honor
Southeast Asian Writers' Organization Committee
January 18, 1997
World Meteorological Group Medal
January 25, 1997
Gold Medal of the Iodine Deficiency Disease Control Committee
Iodine Deficiency Disease Control Committee
November 24, 1998
Gold Medal of the International Tuberculosis and Lung Union
March 3, 1999
Humanitarian medal
8 December 1999
Distance Food Medal
18 January 2000
Sanford Medal
19 January 2000
The laraunas Cup
International Olympic Committee
31 May 2000
World Health Organization Badge of Honor
World Health Organization
June 5, 2000
Medal of Merit for invention
Belgian Chamber of Investment
November 2, 2000
Berkeley Medal
16 February 2001
World Medal for Excellence
European Research Coordination Agency
26 November 2001
Gold belt of honor
27 March 2002
World Medal for Outstanding Invention
European Research Coordination Agency
February 25, 2004
Special Commendation Medal
January 20, 2006
Bronze Wolf Medal
23 May 2006
Golden Rice Medal
26 May 2006
Lifetime Achievement Award in human development
November 29, 2006
Man of the time
Time Magazine Asia
16 May 2007
Weather Modification Medal
Uae Government and the World Meteorological Organization
July 23, 2007
Norman E. Borlaug Medal
World Food Prize Foundation
November 12, 2007
Korea Association for the Promotion of Invention Special Medal
Korea Invention Promotion Association
November 23, 2007
Medal of the International Federation of Inventors' Associations
December 9, 2007
South East Asian Games Organising Committee Medal of Merit
January 14, 2009
Global Leadership Medal
April 16, 2012
Humanitarian Soil Scientist Award
November 3, 2012
Presidential Medal
Source of information: [3]
  • Honorary title
Title name
Granting body
21 November 1996
The father of water management
Cabinet of Thailand
January 15, 2001
The father of Thai technology
National Identity Committee, Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand
21 October 2002
The royal father of rainmaking
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand
June 27, 2006
The father of Thai innovation
Ministry of Science and Technology of Thailand
December 29, 2006
The father of Thai innovation
National Research Council of Thailand, Inventors Association of Thailand, Victory Development Foundation of Thailand, Sailing Racing Association of Thailand, General Office of the Royal Thai Development Project Standing Committee
June 28, 2007
Father of heritage conservation in Thailand
Thai Cultural Heritage Conservation Council, Thai Art Association, Thai Ministry of Culture
December 16, 2008
The father of Thai studies
National Research Council of Thailand
February 24, 2009
The father of Thai workmanship standards
Ministry of Labour of Thailand
October 18, 2016
Father of rice research and development in Thailand
Cabinet of Thailand
Source of information: [3]

Social activity

  • Southeast Asian Games
On 12 December 1959, Bhumibol presided over the opening ceremony of the first Southeast Asian Peninsula Games at Supacharasai Stadium in Bangkok.
On 9 December 1967, Bhumibol presided over the opening ceremony of the 4th Southeast Asian Peninsula Games at Supacharasai Stadium in Bangkok.
On December 9, 1975, Bhumibol was in Bangkok Supacharasai Stadium He presided over the opening ceremony of the 8th Southeast Asian Peninsula Games.
King Bhumibol and his wife appear on the cover of Time magazine
On 8 December 1985, Bhumibol presided over the opening ceremony of the 13th Southeast Asian Games at Supacharasai Stadium in Bangkok.
On 9 December 1995, Bhumibol presided over the opening ceremony of the 18th Southeast Asian Games at the 700 Centennial Stadium in Chiang Mai.
On December 6, 2007, Bhumibol visited Nakhon Ratchak is Ma The 80th Anniversary Sports Centre at Parkview Road hosted the opening ceremony of the 24th Southeast Asian Games.
  • The Asian Games
On 9 December 1966, Bhumibol presided over the opening ceremony of the 5th Asian Games at Supacharasai Stadium in Bangkok. [52]
On 9 December 1970, Bhumibol presided over the opening ceremony of the 6th Asian Games at Supacharasai Stadium in Bangkok. [52]
On the afternoon of December 9, 1978, Bhumibol presided over the opening ceremony of the 8th Asian Games at Supacharasai Stadium in Bangkok. [52]
On December 6, 1998, Bhumibol was in Bangkok La Gamangala National Stadium Presided over the opening ceremony of the 13th Asian Games. [52]
  • Social activity
On 3 June 1946, Bhumibol Adulyadej, as prince, accompanied King Ananta Mahidol to ease tensions between Chinese and Thais after the end of World War II Chinatown in Bangkok Yew Wah Lee Road He visited local businesses and people and was warmly welcomed by local overseas Chinese.
On January 16, 1960, King Bhumibol and his mother, Sinakarin, inaugurated the Royal Samasai Foundation.
On January 15, 1962, Bhumibol visited Chulalongkorn University And plant trees as a souvenir.
King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit attending the former Prime Minister of Thailand on March 17, 1964 Sari Tanarat The cremation of the marshal's body. [114]
On December 7, 1969, Bhumibol attended the opening ceremony of the Rushiyuan Milk Mill.
On November 19, 1970, King Bhumibol attended the first graduation ceremony of the National Institute of Development Management of Thailand, where he personally presented diplomas to the graduates and delivered a speech. [108]
On May 14, 1972, Bhumibol visited the Thai-Israel Agricultural Demonstration Center and addressed farmers.
On July 18-19, 1974, King Bhumibol attended the graduation ceremony of the Agricultural University of Thailand.
On August 7, 1980, Bhumibol presided over the inauguration of the Bangkok Flood Mitigation System Control Center.
On March 28, 1981, Bhumibol presided over the inauguration of the Samasai Royal College Cultural Building and the Kiyuenshu Preschool Education Building.
On July 6, 1989, Bhumibol and Princess Sirindhorn jointly presided over the inauguration ceremony of the Scientific research building of Samai Royal People's College.
On May 11, 1992, Bhumibol named the university founded by the Chinese. Overseas Chinese Chongsheng University On March 24, 1994, Bhumibol personally visited the school and presided over the unveiling ceremony of the school name.
On 6 July 1996, Bhumibol visited the Huysai Development Research Centre.
On September 9, 1997, King Bhumibol went Chonburi Province On board the Royal Thai Navy's Chakri Nalubet at Soe Taupi Naval Base Aircraft carrier (HTMS Chakri Naruebet) The aircraft carrier USS Chacri Nalubert , hull number: R-911) inspection.
On 29 September 2000, King Bhumibol named the new Bangkok International Airport "Suvarnabhumi", which means "Golden land".
It was presided over by King Bhumibol on 19 January 2002 Suvarnabhumi Airport Groundbreaking ceremony.
On the evening of January 29, 2004, King Bhumibol launched an anti-malarial drug at the Grand Palace in Bangkok artemisinin King Bhumibol delivered a speech at the Mahidol Prize in Medicine, awarded by the Chinese medical association China Malaria Research and Control Group, in which he praised Chinese researchers for their years of dedicated research and selfless dedication to the treatment of malaria, the second most prevalent disease in mankind. [53-54]
On November 24, 2010, Bhumibol attended the inauguration ceremony of the Rapu Canal floodgates, Bhumibol 1 Bridge and Bhumibol 2 Bridge in Bangkok.
On the evening of 14 December 2015, King Bhumibol presided over the swearing-in ceremony of new judges at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok. [55]
  • celebration
In 1957, in honor of Buddha nirvana In 2500, the Thai government decided to Buddhist temple King Bhumibol personally attended and presided over the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a Buddhist city in Putamuntong County.
On December 3, 1979, Bhumibol attended a military parade at King V Square in Bangkok to celebrate the King's 52nd birthday, where the King reviewed the Royal troops and delivered a speech.
In April 1982, Bhumibol attended and presided over the 200th anniversary of the founding of Bangkok.
On December 5, 1987, Bhumibol attended a ceremony in Bangkok to celebrate the King's 60th birthday.
On 8 April 1994, King Bhumibol and President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Noha von Shavan On the Thai-Lao border Mekong River Co-attended and chaired by Australia The completion ceremony of the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge.
On 5 December 2005, King Bhumibol delivered his birthday speech at the Tarada Palace in Bangkok, where he read the "Message to the People of the Nation".
From June 8 to 13, 2006, King Bhumibol led all members of the Thai royal family together Japan Emperor Akihito And Empress Michiko, Prince of Monaco Albert II , Kings of Jordan King Abdullah II And Hashemite princes, Supreme Heads of State of Malaysia Tengku Said Silaruddin and Supreme Head of State Queen Tengku Fazya, of Denmark Prince Henrik , Brunei Sudan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah And Queen Salah of England Prince Andrew Queen of Spain Sophia King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia Crown Prince of Norway Haakon Magnus And Crown Princess Mette Marit Luxembourgian Grand Duke Henry Crown Prince of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander And Crown Princess Maxima Soregietta Crown Prince of Belgium Philippe Leopold Louis Marie And Crown Princess Mathilde , Liechtenstein Crown prince Alois and Crown Princess Sophie , Kings of Cambodia Norodom Sihamoni , The United Arab Emirates Emirate of ABU Dhabi Crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan , Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Halawi Al Thani , Emir of Kuwait Sabah Ahmed Jaber al-Sabah , Prime Ministers of Bahrain Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa , Morocco Queen Consort Lala Salma , King of Lesotho Lezier III And Queen Masenati Mojato Seiso, King of Eswatini Mswati III and Mswati Norsando Dube Princess, Crown Prince of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namyel Wangchuck , Tonga Crown prince Tuputoa and Oman Prince Syed Shahab bin Tariq Taymur Al Saeed and other heads of state or royal family members from 25 monarchies attended the "Diamond Jubilee Celebration" held in Bangkok, Thailand. [56]
From December 1 to 9, 2007, the Thai government held a celebration to celebrate the King's 80th birthday in Bangkok, on the 2nd, Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit attended a military parade in front of the Grand Palace, he drove to review the honor guard and delivered a speech at the parade, urging the Thai nation to unite, on the 4th, King Bhumibol delivered a televised speech, I reiterate the importance of national unity. He said that if everyone can focus on unity, it will bring benefits and happiness to both themselves and the country, and Thailand will remain normal and stable. On the morning of the 5th, King Bhumibol was driven from Tarada Palace to the Grand Palace in Bangkok to accept the people's birthday wishes for him. Tens of thousands of Thais went to the Grand Palace to attend the day's celebrations, and King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit were greeted by cheers as they made their way to the palace. There was jubilation when King Bhumibol and Queen Bhumibol, dressed in golden robes, appeared on the balcony of the Grand Palace. King Bhumibol said: "I am very happy that all of you have gathered here to celebrate my birthday." [57]
On the afternoon of December 2, 2008, Bhumibol attended the meeting Bangkok A military parade was held in King V Square to celebrate the King's 81st birthday, and he delivered a brief speech in which he expressed his hope that the army would remain united and play an active role in safeguarding the interests of the country and the people. [58]
On 2 November 2009, Bhumibol participated in a traditional festival at Siriraj Hospital Loi Krathong Festival At the celebration, Bhumibol was a member of the royal family and cabinet of Prime ministers Abhisit Vejjajiva Wearing a white coat, King Bhumibol waved from his wheelchair to hundreds of people who had come to pray for him. The king also released a yellow water lamp at the hospital's dock, located along the Chao Phraya River. According to tradition, this symbolizes the removal of all unpleasant things from the mind and letting it float away with the river. [59] On December 5, King Bhumibol attended a royal ceremony to celebrate his 82nd birthday, and the king received blessings from other members of the royal family at the Grand Palace in Bangkok that morning. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, Speaker of the Lower house of Parliament and Chairman of Parliament Chai Kisho also expressed their sincere wishes to the king, and the whole country celebrated the king's health and longevity. [60]
On May 5, 2010, Bhumibol attended the 60th anniversary celebration of his coronation at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. [61] On the morning of December 5, Bhumibol left Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital and drove to the Grand Palace to attend a celebration for his 83rd birthday. On his way to the Grand Palace, the king was greeted by crowds of people. At 10:30 a.m. on the same day, Bhumibol arrived at the balcony of the Grand Palace in a golden brocade robe to accept the worship of tens of thousands of Thai subjects. Later, King Bhumibol delivered a birthday speech, in which he called on the Thai people to unite and strive for a happier and more prosperous nation. [62] The king called on the people to "act justly and firmly, and do their duty correctly for the security and interests of the country in a proper manner," warning that reckless actions would "cause harm to themselves and the country." [63]
On 5 December 2011, Bhumibol left Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok for the Grand Palace to attend a ceremony for his 84th birthday hosted by the Thai government. In his birthday speech at the ceremony, King Bhumibol called for national unity and said all parties should work together to help the country move towards peace and stability. On that day, thousands of Thais came from all over the country to participate in the celebration ceremony and to express their blessings to the king. [64]
On December 5, 2012, Bhumibol left Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok to go to the Grand Palace to accept the people's blessing for his 85th birthday, when King Bhumibol's motorcade passed, the people shouted "Long live the King of Thailand" along the way, the sound wave after wave, so that many people were excited to tears. Later, Bhumibol delivered a birthday speech from the balcony of the Grand Palace, in which he called on the Thai people to be grateful and work together for the country's stability and development. [65]
On December 5, 2013, King Bhumibol accepted the wishes of the Thai people for his 86th birthday near the Palace of Joy in Hua Hin. A celebration ceremony was held in the Palace of Joy. King Bhumibol delivered a birthday speech, asking all parties in the country to unite and cooperate to jointly promote national security and stability. The king said Thailand has always been stable and happy because we are united and each person can perform his or her duties responsibly for the good of the country. It is hoped that every Thai will continue to seriously discipline their behavior in accordance with this point, and do their duty for the interests of the people and the security and stability of the country. [19]
On May 5, 2015, Bhumibol attended the 65th anniversary celebrations of his coronation at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. [66]
King Bhumibol donated school and sporting goods to children in rural areas

Interpersonal relationship

  • ancestors
Name (year of birth and death)
Yechakri, Zhaopin (1736-1809)
The King of Thailand. Rama I One of the eight Kings of Thailand, Ayutthaya Dynasty After the aristocracy, formerly known as Thongluan, the founder of Thailand's but Kri dynasty, many concubines in his life, with 42 children; Posthumous title Paputa Yaohua Juralo.
Black grandmother
Queen Amarine (1737-1826)
Rama I's first wife, who bore him 10 children, was not formally canonized during her lifetime, and was posthumously named Queen after Rama II ascended the throne.
Great grandfather
Isara Sonton (1767-1824)
The King of Thailand. Rama the Second The eldest son of Rama I and Queen Amarin, formerly known as Chin, established a total of three queens in his life, with 73 children and three grandchildren Clee Barmer and Sonny Bammo Former Prime minister of Thailand; Posthumous title Paputalerranapalai.
Queen Sisulien (1767-1836)
Rama II's first queen, she was the daughter of a Chinese merchant named Chen and Princess Sudak (Rama I's elder sister), and a cousin of Rama II, by whom she bore three children.
Montague (1804-1868)
The King of Thailand. Rama IV The second child born to Rama II, one of the eight Kings of Thailand, and Queen Ssuriyan, he had a total of 35 concubines in his life, and had 82 children.
Nanphipong Laphiron (1834-1861)
Queen Tesilindra, formerly Princess Rampe, was the step-queen of King Mongu, the first Siamese Queen in Siamese history, and gave birth to four children of King Rama IV.
Piyamawati (1838-1904)
Princess of Mongu, she bore Rama IV six children.
My great-great-uncle
Zeisada Bodine (1788-1851)
The King of Thailand. Rama III The eldest son of Rama II and Princess Suralai, half brother of King Mongu; Original name Tower, was born in the name of "Meng Zhaoxetuo", after the name was changed to Sha da Boding, his life has not formally established, but has given birth to 51 children with 35 concubines; Posthumous title Pabangrao, was posthumously given as "Panan Chao Yaohua".
Petitions (1808-1866)
The younger brother of the same father and mother, Jutamani, was a naval officer with the title of "Gong Mokun Isareilangsan" and served as Siam from 1851 to 1866 viceroy He had 58 children.
  • Family elder
Name (year of birth and death)
Cousin's grandfather
Vichazan (1838-1885)
Siam The last vice king, the eldest son of the vice king of Binchao, the nephew of the king of Mongu, the cousin of Chulalongkorn, he is the only vice king in Thai history who died after his father's son and ascended as the king's cousin, the representative of the conservative, with a total of 28 children under his father.
Prince Panuranci Chawangon (1860-1928)
He is the third son of King Mungu and Queen Thessilindra, Chulalongkorn's brother, the founder of Thailand's postal service, the first director of the post Office in Thailand's history, and has 11 children.
Prince Tanlong Ratchanupa (1862-1943)
Prince Disavarakuman, a famous Thai intellectual, politician, historian, he is the son of King Mungu, half brother of Chulalongkorn, the founding designer of Thailand's modern education and administrative division, the father of Thai history, the first minister of the Interior in Thailand's history, a total of 37 children.
Father's elder brother
Waqi Lagu (1881-1925)
King Rama VI of Thailand was the 29th child of Chulalongkorn, the first boy born to Chulalongkorn and Queen Chowapa Pongsi, who had five wives and one daughter, Princess Peradana.
Father's elder brother
Prince Boripa Sukhumphan (1881-1944)
Prince Nakhon Sawang, he is the 33rd child of Chulalongkorn, the only son of Chulalongkorn and Queen Sukumanmalaxi, has the rank of Field Marshal and Navy Marshal, has served as Thailand's Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior, etc. Rama VII served as regent during his vacation in Hua Hin, and has a total of 10 children.
Father's elder brother
Runcie Patyusardi (1885-1951)
Prince Chulalongkorn, the 52nd child of Chulalongkorn and the second child of Princess Mandalajaunneng of Chulalongkorn, served as regent to King Bhumibol while he was studying in Switzerland and signed the 1947 Interim Constitution of Siam and the 1949 Constitution of Siam in the name of the King. She has three children.
Father's younger male cousin on the paternal side
Wan Witteyekon Varawan (1891-1976)
Prince Kamawan Narathi Phumpapan was a well-known Thai politician and diplomat who served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand from 1952 to 1958 and the 11th term from 1956 to 1957 President of the United Nations General Assembly He served as Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand from 1959 to 1968, and was a representative of Thailand in 1943 Greater East Asia conference And 1955 Bandung Conference ; She had a son and a daughter.
One's father's younger male cousin
Prince Pirapong Panud (1914-1985)
The athlete, the ninth child of Prince Panuranci Chawangong, Pillapong is known in the racing world as B. Pilla, and he was the first to compete internationally Formula One car The Thai, who flew his twin-engine plane from London to Bangkok in 1952, represented the Thai team in four Olympic sailing competitions in 1956, 1960, 1964 and 1972; She has three children.
Bapatipu (1893-1941)
King Rama VII of Thailand, the 76th child of Chulalongkorn, the youngest son of Chulalongkorn and Queen Chulalongkorn, who abdicated in 1935 and spent the rest of his life in Britain; Rama VII, the first Thai king to be monogamous, married Princess Rampepeni in August 1918; the two had no children, but did adopt a son, Prince Jirasadi.
Queen Lampepenny (1904-1984)
The Queen of Rama VII, daughter of Prince Vonte, married Pachatipu in August 1918, and lived with Rama VII in Britain after his abdication in 1935. During World War II, she assisted the British Red Cross and actively organized and participated in anti-fascist activities. In 1949, she returned to Thailand and lived in Sukhothai Palace in Bangkok, where she was keen on public welfare. Rampepene did not bear any children for Rama VII, but she and Rama VII raised their adopted son Girasadi, and Rampepene did not remarry after Rama VII's death.
  • Immediate elder
Name (year of birth and death)
Chulalongkorn (1853-1910)
The King of Thailand. Rama the Fifth He was the founder of modern Thailand and one of the eight Kings of Thailand. He was the ninth child of King Mungu and the eldest son of Queen Teslindra, Chulalongkorn had four queens, several princesses, and 97 children, of whom 33 sons and 44 daughters were recorded in history.
Shawangvatana (1862-1955)
Chulalongkorn's step-queen, she is the 27th daughter of King Mungu, the fourth child of King Mungu and Princess Phayamawati, and Chulalongkorn's half-sister, giving birth to eight children of Chulalongkorn.
Mahidun Adud (1892-1929)
Prince Songkhla, also known by the title "Songchettiao Pha Mahidun Adud Kunmakun Songkanakalin", is the 69th child of Chulalongkorn and the youngest son of Queen Shawangvatana, who received military training in Germany and the United Kingdom Imperial German Navy and Royal Thai Navy He graduated from Harvard Medical School and became the "father of modern medicine and public health in Thailand". In September 1920, he married Sanwan Talapa, with whom he had one daughter and two sons. After his death, he was posthumously named "His Majesty Mahidun Adud" and was posthumously awarded the rank of Admiral of the Navy.
Sinakareen (1900-1995)
The Queen mother of Thailand, Toffee Sinakarin, is now commonly known as "Grandmother of the King of Thailand" and "Queen Dowager" among Thai people. Social activist and philanthropist; Thai Chinese Descendants, formerly known as Shan Wan Talapa, she was born in a civilian family, the third of the four children in the family, because of the early death of her parents, older brother and sister, her childhood was once dependent on her younger brother Siam Adoption by a noble family; She graduated from Siriraj Midwifery and Nursing School and went to Boston in the United States Simmons College Study nursing; In September 1920, she married Prince Mahidun Adud of Songkhla, for whom she gave birth to a daughter and two sons, and was named "Princess Taffy of King Sinakarin" in 1938 and "Her Royal Highness Princess Taffy of the Queen Mother of Thailand" in 1970; Sinakarin raised her children in Switzerland, she lived in Switzerland for a long time, returned to Thailand in 1963, and then committed to the social welfare of Thailand until her death, she was affectionately known as the "Mother of Heaven" by the hill tribe, and in 2000 Sinakarin was officially listed in the annual list of World Famous People by UNESCO.
Kadamengkun Gityekung (1898-1953)
Prince Trang Thaburi II, a diplomat, is Chulalongkorn's great-grandson, holds the rank of General in the Royal Thai Army, and has served as Thailand's ambassador to Britain, Denmark, and France. In 1928, she married Monlonbo Gityekung and had two sons and two daughters.
Monlonbo Gityegong (1909-1999)
Born into a noble family, she worked as a palace lady-in-waiting and film actress. She served as a secretary at the Thai Embassy in the United States, and her husband became a minister's wife after serving as a foreign minister. In 1928, she married Prince Trangthaburi II, to whom she gave birth two sons and two daughters.
  • Of the same generation
Name (year of birth and death)
Eldest sister
Princess Narathiwat, linguist; Princess Narathiwat was born in London, England, and graduated from the University of Lausanne's Polytechnic School of Chemistry to study education, literature, philosophy and psychology. She has profound artistic and linguistic attements, and has served as a visiting professor in several universities in Thailand, teaching foreign languages and linguistics. Princess Narathiwat was the founder of the French Teachers' Association of Thailand and served as its president from 1977 to 1981. She frequently traveled abroad, including to China several times. Narathiwat was married twice and had one daughter.
A surname
Ananta Mahidun (1925-1946)
The King of Thailand. Rama VIII Ananta was born in Heidelberg, Germany, he accompanied Bhumibol to study and grow up, the two brothers were close, nothing to talk about, Ananta has a bachelor's degree in law at the University of Lausanne, he was unmarried, and the Swiss girl Marilene Ferrari fell in love during the university.
Elder male cousin
Prince Girasadi (1917-1942)
Jerry, adopted son of Rama VII and Queen Lampepene, educated in England, married twice, had four children (one of whom was adopted), joined the Royal Air Force during World War II, became a transport pilot, and was killed on a transport mission in 1942. Prince Jirasadi's direct descendants have now changed their surname, But he still recognized Rama VII and Queen Lampepene as his direct ancestors.
Elder female cousin
Princess Peradana (1925-2011)
The only daughter of King Rama VI and Queen Suvartana (of Khmer nationality), she was also King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk Her first cousin, Princess Peradana, settled in England in the early years of her studies, returned to Thailand in the late 1950s and settled in Bangkok, where she never married and was cared for by Princess Somsawali in her later years.
  • Spouse and children
Name (year of birth and death)
Sirikit Gityekung Queen (1932 -)
She is now Queen Mother of the King of Thailand. Sirikit was born into a royal family and was the eldest daughter of the second Prince of Trangthaburi, Monchownaka Katamengkun and Monlongbo Gityekung. She studied in England, Denmark, France and Switzerland. On 28 April 1950, Sirikit was officially married to Bhumibol Adulyadej, and on 5 May of the same year, she was officially named "Queen Song-Tiepanam Choo Sirikit". She served as Queen Regent from October 22, 1956 to November 5, 2019. On May 5, 2019, Queen Sirikit was conferred the title of "Her Majesty Sirikit, Queen Mother of King Sirikit" by King Maha Vajiralongkorn. Queen Sirikit gave birth to King Bhumibol with one son and three daughters. [1]
A film and television actress, she was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, married an American Peter Ladd Jensen in 1972, settled in the United States after marriage, divorced in 1998, and returned to Thailand with their children in 2001. Princess Ubolratana bore Peter Jensen two daughters and a son.
Eldest son
He is now King Rama X of Thailand, he was born in the Grand Palace of Bangkok in the Rashi Palace, graduated from the Royal Military College in Canberra, Australia, the former Royal Thai Air Force general, in 1972 was established as crown prince, in 2016 formally succeeded to the throne, became the King of Thailand; Vajiralongkorn has been married five times and has seven children.
Second daughter
He is currently the King's Personal Secretary, Vice President of the Thai Red Cross Society, and Professor of History at the Military Academy of Patzun Zonghao. Not married; She was born at the Grand Palace in Bangkok and graduated Chulalongkorn University She holds a Bachelor's degree in Language and Literature from the University, a master's degree in Oriental Inscriptions and a master's degree in Sanskrit Pali, a master's degree in Oriental Script Archaeology from the Thai University of the Arts and a Doctor's degree in Education development from the Sinakarin Willow University. Princess Sirindhorn is a friendship envoy between China and Thailand, who has visited China many times and was awarded in September 2019 Friendship Medal .
Youngest daughter
A scientist, she was born in the palace of the Grand Palace in Bangkok, graduated from the Department of Chemistry of the Agricultural University of Thailand, and studied organic chemistry at Mahidol University and obtained a doctorate degree. Princess Chulabhorn has worked in many internationally renowned universities and international organizations and won many international awards; Princess Chulaborn married Senior Colonel Wirayuth Dhiyasarin of the Royal Thai Air Force in 1982, and they divorced in 1996. Princess Chulapong bore two daughters to Wilayuth Diyasarin.
  • Junior member
Name (year of birth and death)
Have a granddaughter
Pacharajtiyappa (1978 -)
Vajiralongkorn and Princess Somsawali Her daughter, the Eldest Princess, was the Ambassador of Thailand to Austria.
Eldest grandson
Jutavachala Mahidun (1979 -)
Son of Vajiralongkorn and Yuvatida, has University of Miami Master's degree in aviation, now living in the United States, forfeited his right to the throne in 1996.
Second grandchild
Prince Wazhalazon Mahidol (1981 -)
Son of Vajiralongkorn and Yuvatida, has Stetson University Master of Laws and Doctor of Laws, lawyer by profession, now living in the United States, disinherited in 1996.
A surname
Prince Zakriwa Mahidol (1983 -)
The son of Vajiralongkorn and Yowatida, who holds a bachelor's degree in psychobiology from the University of Miami and lives in the United States, lost his right to the throne in 1996.
Four grandchildren
Prince Wacharawi Mahidol (1985 -)
Son of Vajiralongkorn and Yuvatida, has University of Winnipeg He has a master's degree in business administration and now lives in the United States. He lost his throne in 1996.
Sirivanavari (1987 -)
Daughter of Vajiralongkorn and Yuvatida; Baby princess, fashion designer.
Vajiralongkorn and Crown Princess Monsilami Mahidun Nayutaye His son, known as Thapangong Rashamitchak, is currently first in the line of succession to the Thai throne.
Eldest granddaughter
Princess Paprieline Jensen (1981 -)
The eldest daughter of Princess Proling, Princess Ubolratana and Peter Ladd Jensen, soprano, University of California, San Diego Graduated with an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management; He married American David Wheeler in 2009 and they have two sons and a daughter together. [113]
Secondary granddaughter
Princess Siripajurabhorn (1982 -)
Eldest daughter of Princess Chulabhorn and Wirayuth Dhiyasarin, graduated from the Thai University of the Arts.
Third granddaughter
Princess Attiya Tungidikun (1984 -)
Princess Dita, the second daughter of Princess Chulabong and Willayuth Diyasarin, holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication Design from Mahidun University's International School.
Firstborn grandchild
Prince Pon Jensen (1983-2004)
Pom Jansen, eldest son of Princess Ubolratana and Peter Ladd Jansen, because Indian Ocean tsunami And died.
Fourth granddaughter
Princess Sirijah Jensen (1985 -)
Second daughter of Princess Ubolratana and Peter Ladd Jensen; Graduated from New York University with a major in East Asian history.
External great-grandson
Maximus Wheeler
Princess Proling was born to David Wheeler.
External great-grandson
Leonard Wheeler
Princess Proling was born to David Wheeler.
My great-granddaughter
Alexandra Wheeler
Princess Proling was born to David Wheeler.
Princess Dihanawalaya Songhyang Songjialin (1945 -)
The only daughter of Princess Ganrayanitana, a member of the Thai royal family, she married Sinthu Songxiang Songjialin, a staff member of the Thai Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, six years older than herself in 1973, and the two had a son together.
Geeta Songxiang Song Jialin (1974 -)
The only son of Princess Dihanawalaya Songkalim and Sinthu Songkalim, an architect and businessman, he holds the rank of Captain in the Thai Army and is married with one son.

Individual works

King Bhumibol is the author of Buddhist Economics and Phra Mahachanok, based on a collection of traditional Buddhist texts. Bunsen ", officially published in 1996), "The Story of Thong Daeng" (English name: The Story of Thong Daeng, King Bhumibol's dog "Dongdian Ying" biography, 2002) and other works.
Bhumibol Adulyadej
King Bhumibol likes to translate and create in English in his spare time. He usually translates foreign newspaper and magazine articles into Thai. From 1970s to 1990s, Bhumibol translated a number of Western works, most of which were related to current affairs, politics and political thought and theory, including the political views of dissidents. Bhumibol took a book by the British-German economist Ernst Friedrich Schumacher, Small is beautiful "(English name: Small is Beautiful) translated into Thai, in 1994, Bhumibol will British Canadian Author William Henry Stevenson translated his book A Man Called Intrepid into Thai, and in 1995 he translated British historian Phyllis Otti's book about the President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito Tito, the Marshal's biography, was translated into Thai.

Personal life


Origin of name

When Bhumibol Adulyadej was born, his parents had to ask King Bhattipu of Thailand to correct the name of the new royal, so the name section of his birth certificate in the United States said" Young son of Songkhla Bhumibol Adulyadej was given the name Bhumibol Adulyadej nine days after the birth of Baby Songkla Sanskrit Translated into Thai, it means "the power of the earth, the incomparable ability". Later King Bhumibol also gave Bhumibol his Chinese name "Bhumibol Adulyadej." Zheng Gu ". [3]
All the Kings of the Chakri dynasty in Thailand were known by the title Rama (Thai: "honking, honking, honking and honking"), the term "Rama" being short for "Praba Songdur Praba Rama Tibodhi", from which the term derives Hinduism Mythological epic The Ramayana The gods in" Rama ; Because Bhumibol Adulyadej was the ninth king of the Checkri dynasty, he was known as Rama IX.
The young King Bhumibol Adulyadej
After the official coronation of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, he was given the new royal title, the full title of which was - Prabasonde Papalamintala Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej Mahitara Tiberama Tibodhi but Krina Rubo Tithamintala Tiraburom Manatabha. Phra Bat Somdet Phra Poraminthra Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej Mahitalathibet Ramathibodi Chakkrinaruebodin Sayamminthrathirat Borommanatbophit, Thai: พ ร ะ บ า ท ส ม เ ด ็ จ พ ร ะ ป ร ม ิ น ท ร ม ห า ภ ู ม ิ พ ล อ ด ุ ล ย เ ด ช ม ห ิ ต ล า ธ ิ เ บ ศ ร ร า ม า ธ ิ บ ด ี จ ั ก ร ี น ฤ บ ด ิ น ท ร ส ย า ม ิ น ท ร า ธ ิ ร า ช บ ร ม น า ถ บ พ ิ ต ร), It literally translates as "Great Protector, great King of Siam, leader of the people of Checkri, Vishnu Incarnate, Son of Mahidun, Great Majesty with earth power and unparalleled abilities." [67]

Monastic life

On October 18, 1956, Bhumibol issued a proclamation to the people of the country: "Buddhism is our national religion and is welcomed by the whole nation. According to my personal understanding, the Buddhist teachings are very reasonable. If conditions permit, I will devote myself to the study of Buddhism for some time, which is an effective way to improve my personal cultivation for the benefit of the country."
At 14:00 on October 22, 1956, Bhumibol held a shaving ceremony at the Jade Buddha Temple in the Royal Palace, with the 13th monk King Songdpamawajnawong personally serving as the ringmaster, Bhumibol officially shaved at 17:45, the code name is ". Pamiro After that, he went to a temple north of downtown Bangkok to become a monk for 15 days. There, he studied Suwatanamahara The elder, who learned to sit in meditation, also participated in alms every morning, walking barefoot in the streets and receiving alms from ordinary people.
At 11:15 on November 5, 1956, Bhumibol officially returned to secular life, and Bhumibol's shaving was tantamount to an edge to the world: "The king himself is a Buddhist and the supreme guardian of the Dharma."
In an interview with Leader magazine in 1982, King Bhumibol recalled his time as a monk, saying that during his half-month stint as a monk, he learned from Buddhist texts that a true leader does not need to lead others, but only to point the way forward. Bhumibol also cited American writers Henry Miller "A true leader does not need to lead the way, only point the way."

Physical condition

Bhumibol has been wearing glasses since childhood, and he was once affectionately referred to as the "Prince with glasses" by other members of the royal family and the Thai public.
On October 4, 1948, Bhumibol drove a car Fiat Topolino500 in Geneva - While driving on a road in Lausanne, he collided with a truck 10 kilometers from Lausanne, causing back and facial injuries and severe damage to the vision in his right eye. He was able to recover after being taken care of by his mother, Sinekarin, and his lover, Siriji Gityekung.
In 1975, Bhumibol suffered a severe bout of pneumonia and was treated in hospital to recover. In his birthday speech that year, the king spoke of being so ill that he thought he was in his last moments.
In his later years, Bhumibol was in poor health, suffering from a variety of illnesses, and went to Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital for convalescence several times.


  • All-powerful king
King Bhumibol's character is strong and disciplined, he is keen on academic research, has a wide range of hobbies, is polite and gentle, Bhumibol is knowledgeable, in addition to proficient in Thai, he also knows many foreign languages and has written monographs, the king knows English, Spanish, French, German, Latin, Greek, Italian, Arabic and Sanskrit, He has personally participated in the research of Tianchengti Sanskrit; Bhumibol loved poetry, was an active patron of the arts, initiated and organized many exhibitions, and was a radio enthusiast and patron of the Royal Amateur Radio Society of Thailand.
Bhumibol learned to use an electronic computer in the 1980s, and in December 1986, Bhumibol began to use the computer to create musical scores for different instrumental music, and the following year, Bhumibol used Fontastic software to create different specifications of Thai, English and Sanskrit fonts. [2]
  • Invention achievement
King Bhumibol was good at making model ships and loved to design and build boats, and he designed several classes of small boats. Bhumibol is also the only Thai king to hold a patent, with more than 20 patents and 19 trademarks. In the 1960s, he designed a tractor known as the "iron buffalo" that made plowing mechanized. After 1955, Bhumibol designed a number of artificial rain technology patents, and in 1993, he designed a "floating slow rotating water inflator" - Chai Patana inflatable water wheel was also patented. In December 2000, at the 49th World Science and Technology Invention Award Expo, Bhumibol's invention of inflatable water wheel for wastewater treatment won the "World Outstanding Invention Award" and "Excellent Research Achievement Award". [68]
  • Art expert
King Bhumibol loves painting, he began to have a strong interest in painting when he was a boy, although he did not receive any professional painting training, but he through reading tutorials and visiting the artist's studio and other ways to familiarize and self-study painting methods, so that his works are not inferior to professional painters.
Bhumibol Adulyadej
King Bhumibol is good at expressing the rich expressions of the characters in his works by abstract means. His works have bright colors and are greatly influenced by realism and Cubism, which is close to the symbolism style. From 1959 to 1967, King Bhumibol created nearly 50 works, which were exhibited at national art exhibitions every year. [3] In 1982, King Bhumibol will create his own paintings in Bangkok National Museum of Thailand and National Art Gallery of Thailand Officially exhibited, won the unanimous praise of people from all walks of life, in 1997, King Bhumibol's paintings in Bangkok held the "Golden Jubilee art Exhibition" was a large number of exhibitions, once again won the unanimous praise of all walks of life.
From the beginning of painting, Bhumibol also extended his interest to sculpture, he learned to make mold, cast burning and other technical links, he hands-on in the palace, the creation of many sculpture works, the Thai royal family has retained his sculpture - Sirikit Gityegong bust of Queen.
  • Musical genius
King Bhumibol has a genuine love for music, he is a talented musician, but also an excellent military music march writer, he can play music on a variety of instruments, like the piano, trumpet, guitar and saxophone; King Bhumibol had a relationship with Benny Goodman Duke Ellington, Stan Gertz, Leonard Hampton and Benny Carter And other world-renowned musicians will perform together.
Bhumibol showed his musical talent and love of music as a teenager, often using his pocket money to buy records of songs, and later bought a clarinet and began to learn to play. While studying in Switzerland, Bhumibol received two years of formal classical music training, learning the piano, accordion, saxophone and clarinet from teachers. But he soon developed a love for jazz, and on weekends, Bhumibol would immerse himself in it, sometimes playing from 9 p.m. until dawn, "without leaving his chair at all." During his college years, Bhumibol often played music alone or with others at parties. Speaking to Simon Valens of the Melbourne Jazz Orchestra, Bhumibol said the first song he remembers was Paul Whitman Adapted in 1928 Old Man River The singer was a famous African American Paul Robertson Bhumibol said that a solo in this work deeply touched him, and becoming a professional musician was once his dream.
Bhumibol and Elvis Presley in 1960
After King Bhumibol ascended the throne, he set up his own jazz band in the palace - "Friday Sky Temple Band", whose members include both royal family members and ordinary people; A mix of amateurs and professionals, the band members meet twice a week to play and discuss music together, using instruments such as drums, saxophone, oboe, clarinet, trombone, trumpet, bass, accordion, guitar and piano. Pathorn Srikaran, a member of the band, recalled that the King used to compare the band to society: "King Bhumibol said that everyone in the band had his own duty... Everyone is equally important when it comes to playing music. The same is true of society, which is progressive and peaceful if everyone knows and fulfils his duties. There is no high or low, just like in a band, the music is really king, nothing else matters."
In the 1960s, almost all of the world's leading musicians were invited by King Bhumibol to the Grand Palace in Bangkok, where he played music with musicians. Musicians commented on the king: "His Majesty is self-taught, but he seems so relaxed and natural." Jazz great Benny Goodman was particularly impressed by Bhumibol's playing skills and quipped, "One day when the King is out of work, I must hire him to join my band."
King Bhumibol took practical actions to promote the development of Thai folk music and made great contributions to the development and inheritance of Thai folk music. In September 1952, the King set up a radio station in his palace, which played jazz and classical music for an hour every morning to listeners from all over the country, often acting as the radio station during the broadcast DJ (Disc jockey); On April 6, 1966, King Bhumibol met with a number of musicians and composers in Thailand, the King suggested to them the establishment of music societies, and later, King Bhumibol personally funded the establishment of the Thai Musicians Association, and in 1982, the King funded the establishment of the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra . [69]
King Bhumibol composed a total of 48 musical works, many of which were improvised and performed by him, including patriotic songs, military marching songs, university songs, love songs and jazz songs. Bhumibol wrote "Manora", "Godsend", "Blue Days", "Rain", "Moonless", "Sad Days", "I Never Dreamed", "Sweet Words", "Candlelight", "Love in the Sunset", "Dream of Love, Dreaming of You", "Night of Love in the Heart", "March of the Royal Guard", "March of the Royal Fleet" and "Manora" ballet Kinali suite He has also published albums of music, some of which have become Fox trot and Waltz Many universities in Thailand have listed King Bhumibol's compositions as compulsory music courses.
Bhumibol's song "Sweet Talk"
King Bhumibol's musical compositions are widely recognized Music of Thailand In 1980, he created "Rain", "March of the Royal Guard" and "March of the Royal Fleet" UNESCO In 1996, the Office for the Promotion of National Character of the Thai Government included music composed by King Bhumibol in the book "Congeals the Masses: Music from the Heart of the King".
King Bhumibol believes that his success in composing and playing lies in the complete freedom to express his heart and personality, rather than being a slave to fashion or the opinions of others, and that only such works are the natural outpouring of the pure heart of the creator. Some music critics from Europe and the United States once commented on King Bhumibol's music works: "King Bhumibol's works are not only famous for Oriental and classical atmosphere, but also integrate western and modern style, fresh, slow and not dull, European and American audiences can understand and accept." [69]
  • Master photographer
King Bhumibol loves photography, and his photography technology has reached a professional level, he liked black and white photography when he was young, and later revealed his love for color photography, and he once completed a series of work such as experimental filters and the construction of darkrooms. Bhumibol is good at wide-angle photography and has taken a large number of stream-of-consciousness works. The king has collected his photos into a book and held several personal film exhibitions. Bhumibol's photographic works include Winter and Peace. [2]
King Bhumibol and his pet
In art creation, King Bhumibol most like to Queen Sirikit as a photographic model, he once told the British photographer Reginald Davis: "I am jealous of others to take pictures of my wife, I am willing to take pictures myself, even if not so happy, I am reluctant to throw away."
King Bhumibol used to carry one 35mm camera Every time he went out to inspect, the king always kept his camera with him, capturing every valuable lens around him, King Bhumibol often took pictures of the countryside and mountains as the background, reflecting the life of ordinary people; The king used photography not only as a medium for artistic creation, but also to reflect real life. "Art can also contribute to the development of the country," he once said.
Bhumibol is a news photographer and photo contributor for Thailand's "Standard Magazine" and "One Day Bulletin", and receives a small monthly fee from the magazine according to the official standard; King Bhumibol allowed the Photographers Association of Thailand to use his photography to promote social causes, and every time Bhumibol donated to charity, he would authorize the charity to screen the King's private films to generate income.
  • Strong athlete
King Bhumibol is not only versatile, but also an excellent athlete, he loved sports when he was young, ice hockey, speedboat, badminton and sailing and so on. He has represented Thailand in international speedboat competitions, won MEDALS, and has personally designed two racing boats for himself. King Bhumibol actively promotes sports to the Thai people and the international community, he encourages the people to participate in sports, and advocates the promotion of Thailand's national essence to the whole country and even the world Muay Thai .
King Bhumibol, who loved sports
Bhumibol coped with the intense work with a strict diet and moderate physical exercise. He was physically fit enough to run five days a week and, at 55, sail a two-kilometer sailing course in 12 minutes.
In the early hours of April 19, 1966, King Bhumibol was driving alone in a sailboat from the coastal city on the west coast of the Gulf of Thailand Hua Hin Off, heading east Sattayi After sailing 60 nautical miles and struggling with rough seas for 17 hours, he successfully arrived at the destination, Bhumibol came ashore, the present people issued bursts of cheers to celebrate the king's completion of the feat of crossing the Gulf of Thailand, "The king's boat across the Gulf of Thailand" this event has also become a sensation of the news.
On December 16, 1967, King Bhumibol and his eldest daughter Princess Ubolratana represented the Thai team in the Thai seaside city Pattaya Held the sailing competition at the 4th Southeast Asian Peninsula Games and won the gold medal in the OK class of the event. [1]

King's chamber

Subordinate region
Palace name
Bangkok - Panakhon District - Radanakoshin Island
Grand Palace, Bangkok
Bangkok - Panakhon District - Radanakoshin Island
Tarada Palace
Ayutthaya - Bambayin
Banba Yin Palace (Thai Summer Palace)
Bashu Province - Hua Hin
Palace of Lotus
Chiang Mai Province - Chiang Mai
Puping Imperial Palace
Tashin Laksaniveit Palace
Pu Pan Palace
Corco Palace
Source of information: [3]

Wealth and power

  • property
In August 2008, Forbes magazine published a list of the world's richest royal families in 2008, King Bhumibol ranked first.
February 2015," Forbes Statistics published by the magazine show that King Bhumibol's personal wealth is around 22.586 billion euros, as well as a large number of business property rights, bank shares and real estate such as agriculture, building land and ranching. [42]
The wealth and assets of King Bhumibol and the Thai royal family are held by the Royal Household - Thailand Crown assets administration (CPB) is responsible for the management of the assets owned by the Crown as a legal person, and also has the authority to manage the state property of Thailand, the Crown Assets Authority is established by law, is not subject to the intervention of the Thai government, and is directly accountable to the King of Thailand; The Royal Asset Management Authority has many privileges such as tax exemption, and the finance minister of the Thai government is the chairman of the Royal Asset Management Authority, but the final decisions of the Royal Asset Management Authority are made by King Bhumibol himself, and King Bhumibol is the only person who can read the Royal Asset Management annual report.
King Bhumibol is the owner of the world's largest cut faceted diamond, the Golden Majesty Diamond (also known as the 50th Anniversary Diamond with a mass of 545.67 carats), which is valued at around $120 million. King Bhumibol owns more than 600 luxury cars of various brands, most of which are Rolls-Royce Cars, and some are specially customized and out-of-print luxury cars. [111]
According to Thai law, the Thai government needs to allocate 100 million baht per year to meet the expenses of the royal family.
  • might
King Bhumibol Adulyadej
King Bhumibol enjoys the constitutional privilege of not being criticized, the king has the right to directly submit bills to parliament and issue royal decrees that do not violate the Constitution, and all royal decrees issued by the King have the force of law. The reigning King has the exclusive power to amend the Act of Succession to the Crown, without the approval of the legislature, and may designate any of his children as heir to the throne at his will.
According to Thai law, Royal Thai Army Responsible for protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Thailand against domestic and foreign threats to the monarchy of Thailand, the Royal army is loyal to the King and the people of Thailand, the King of Thailand as the supreme commander of the Royal Thai army, has the power to directly command and mobilize the army, the royal army usually respects the King of Thailand as the spiritual leader, the government is not within the scope of loyalty of the army. The law only states that the military is required to assist the government in ensuring public safety and carrying out rescue and disaster relief.
According to the Constitution of the Thai monarchy, the reigning king has the power to appoint and remove personnel, sign bills, dissolve the lower house, issue major decrees and foreign affairs, etc., and has other powers including the creation or removal of titles, royal names, granting or withdrawing MEDALS and awards, and granting amnesty. The King exercises state power through the Cabinet, the Parliament and the Supreme Court, the King has the power to declare the state to enforce or cancel martial law, declare war and conclude peace; The King has the power to appoint and remove military and government officials, to appoint the Prime Minister and ministers of the Cabinet, to appoint the leader of the ruling party from among members of the ruling party and the leader of the opposition from among members of the non-ruling party, and to appoint the Speaker and deputy Speaker of the upper and lower houses of the Parliament. The King has the power to appoint members of the Upper house of Parliament, dissolve the lower house of Parliament and decide on new elections, and has the power to convene and preside over Parliament and convene and preside over special sessions of Parliament, etc. The duration of special sessions of Parliament is also determined by the King, and all laws, regulations and proposals discussed and passed by Parliament must be submitted to the King for signature and approval before they can take effect. The King has the power to issue major decrees when necessary and put them into effect immediately, and the decrees issued by him may repeal or modify existing laws and have the force of law; The King has the power to appoint and dismiss judges, and to recommend to any court that it reconsider the final judgment it has rendered.
The 1997 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (the "People's Constitution") stipulates that the King of Thailand is the national symbol of Thailand and the representative of the integrity and unity of the country. It also states that "the King has veto power at all political levels, legislative, judicial and executive, whenever he considers that what is happening is not good for the Thai people and is unjust." Since then, the king has retained this power under the Constitution of Thailand.
  • Sacred status
According to the law of Thailand, the King is the supreme and highly respected person, sacred and inviolable, and no person or group shall violate, denigrate, humiliate or threaten the King, no person or group shall accuse the King in any way, and anything related to the royal family shall not be offended, and violators will be punished with heavy fines and long-term imprisonment; Thai subjects must lie on their stomach and prostrate themselves on their side when presented to the king. Only with the king's permission can they abrogate the ceremony. Anyone must stand when the Thai national anthem and songs praising the royal family are played in public places or when images of the royal family appear on electronic screens.

Personal anecdote



  • Teacher-student friendship
Swiss lawyer Klein Seradaris served as a tutor in Bhumibol's home from 1936 to 1945. During his teaching period, Klein was extremely concerned about Bhumibol and Ananta's learning condition. He often tutorized the two brothers in their homework and helped them establish correct learning methods, which made the two brothers maintain excellent academic performance in school for a long time. The relationship between teachers and students is very harmonious, when the homework is finished, they always play and talk together; Cline's love for the two princes, his daily care for the brothers and teaching them the right way to behave, which in part compensates for the lack of fatherly love in the brothers' childhood.
Bhumibol, Ananta and their Swiss tutor, Cline Seradaris
After the succession of Bhumibol, still maintain close correspondence with the tutor Klein, King Bhumibol visited the home of Klein many times during his visit to Switzerland and local holidays, the joy of the two teachers and students in the meeting was overwhelming, they talked as usual, Klein Seradaris visited Bangkok, Thailand in 1988, Upon learning this, King Bhumibol personally invited his former teacher to visit Tarada Palace.
  • Strict upbringing
Bhumibol and his brothers and sisters were brought up strictly by their mother, Sinakarin, from childhood, and Bhumibol recalled that their mother was strict with them, never allowing them to be arrogant and act according to the rules. She also instilled responsibility in their minds, requiring them to follow the Buddhist spirit of sacrifice and devotion. Even if there are servants at home, they still need to do housework by themselves every day, they need to tidy their bedrooms and clean the house regularly. Mothers often teach their children to spend all their time working for the good of others. When children get pocket money, they must put 1% in a box. If one of them makes a mistake, the mother needs to be fined. The fines are also put in boxes and given to the poor." The mother also deducted a tenth of each child's pocket money each week, and at the end of each month, the Bhumibol family held a family meeting to decide which foundation or charity to give the money to.
Ms. Sinakarin has a house rule for her children: No gifts are to be accepted except on New Year's Day and her own birthday. One day, neither the New Year nor the birthday, she saw Bhumibol running out of the tutor Cleon Seradaris with a brand new toy car in his arms, and immediately went to ask the teacher where the car had come from, Cleon teacher immediately explained to Sinekarin that it was not a gift, but because Bhumibol had repaired the sewing machine to get the payment. That is why Bhumibol was not criticized by his mother.
As a child, Bhumibol was once taken by his mother to watch the film Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves The fickle lights and the ghastly robber's mask frightened him so much that he pulled his mother to leave the theatre in terror. His mother gently taught him that one must learn self-control, that one should carry on no matter what difficulties he encountered, and finish what he started, so that he could make a difference, which kept Bhumibol through the game.
World War II During the war, the Bhumibol family of four lived a frugal and simple life in Switzerland, and the young royals often helped their mother grow fruits and vegetables in the garden of the villa, and gradually learned to be independent, to observe discipline, and to take the initiative to help people in need.
Because Bhumibol grew up in Europe and lived away from Thailand for a long time, Bhumibol once lamented that he "knew nothing about what happened to the country and its people" at the beginning of his return. Therefore, Bhumibol since the succession of the throne, often with his mother Sinakarin to discuss the size of the Thai government, Sinakarin took this opportunity to teach Bhumibol to become a love of the people, responsible good king, Bhumibol later lived up to expectations, after the accession of his implementation of a series of policies to benefit the people have been praised by all parties. Bhumibol's popularity was largely due to his mother's teachings.
  • Lively and cheerful
Bhumibol and Ananta look at a model train together in Bangkok's Sharanlong Park in 1938
Bhumibol has a strong interest in all kinds of things since childhood, he was interested in water irrigation schemes and forests when he was young, often digging a small ditch in the ground, building a dam with stones, and planting rows of small branches next to the small ditch that symbolizes the channel is a forest. When he grew up, he built a stone dam in the river ditch, and then used his knowledge to measure the flow of water and so on.
Bhumibol received his first camera from his mother, Sinakarin, when he was seven years old. He hung the camera solemnly on his chest, and from then on it went wherever he went. Once in possession of the camera, Bhumibol's love for it reached a fever pitch. He took a large number of photos every day, and asked the guards to number the photos according to his requirements so that they could be found.
At the age of 10, Bhumibol won a radio coil in a lottery organized by the school, and after consulting experts, he built a simple small radio and let his brother and sister share his results.
During World War II, Bhumibol was fascinated by warships. He collected and bought photos and drawings of various warships everywhere, devoted himself to learning and studying the strategies and tactics of all kinds of warships, and endeavoured to master the knowledge of warships. If pictures and photos of some kinds of warships could not be collected, he would make models himself; As an adult, Bhumibol continued to have a keen interest in making model ships. [70]
As a teenager, Prince Bhumibol and his older brother Ananta Mahidol were so close that they cycled to and from school every day, and when school was off, the two brothers would enjoy themselves together, collecting pictures of tanks and ships, raising pets, cycling, picnics, hiking and skiing in the Alps. In December 1945, Bhumibol accompanied Ananta to return to Thailand, and then Ananta formally became king, after Ananta became king, Bhumibol and Ananta still maintained a close and warm relationship, during this period, the two brothers drove an American military jeep out of the palace whenever they had time, they began to collect guns, put them in the bedroom, free afternoons, They would practice target shooting on the palace grass.

During school

While studying at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, Bhumibol poured his passion into music and sports cars, driving many times to Geneva, Bern, Basel , Zurich Travel to places like Baden and often drive to Chinese restaurants in Geneva Chinese food Bhumibol visited France frequently, often driving alone to Paris to attend his favorite concerts.
In 1947, Bhumibol Sirikit Gityekung (Daughter of the Thai Ambassador to France, Khatamangkun Gityekung) in the southeastern part of Paris Fontainebleau Palace Met, after Bhumibol launched a warm pursuit of her, the two people in the next time more and more in-depth exchanges, increasingly intimate feelings, and gradually determined the love relationship.
Bhumibol and Sirikit during their study abroad
On July 19, 1949, Bhumibol Adulyadej and Sirikit Gityekung were secretly engaged at the Windsor Hotel in Lausanne, Switzerland. On August 12, Sirikit held his 17th birthday party at the Thai Embassy in London, England, King Bhumibol and a number of friends were invited to attend the party, during the party, Bhumibol played the piano "God sent a good match", also accompanied by saxophone dancing with Sirikit, King Bhumibol took out an ancestral heart-shaped diamond ring, In front of many guests formally proposed to Sirikit, and personally put the diamond ring on Sirikit's ring finger, Sirikit shyly agreed to the king's proposal. Bhumibol and Sirikit officially announced the engagement news at the party, and after the news reached Thailand, the Thai people were jubilant throughout the country.
On April 28, 1950, Bhumibol and Sirikit officially held a wedding ceremony and received the marriage certificate in the Sabatong Palace in Bangkok, the two relatives and friends and many members of the royal family attended the wedding, they offered blessings and gifts to the newly married king and couple, and on April 29, Bhumibol and Sirikit left Bangkok by train. A honeymoon in the coastal city of Hua Hin.

Cover figure

In April 1950, Bhumibol appeared on the cover of Time magazine for the first time
At the beginning of his reign, Bhumibol Adulyadej was not well regarded by the outside world. In April 1950, Time magazine took a cartoon portrait of Bhumibol Adulyadej as its cover. This was the first time that King Bhumibol Adulyadej appeared on the cover of Time Magazine. "Now that you are In a never-never land, don't be so serious."
Although he was not favored by the outside world at the time, King Bhumibol proved in the future that he could shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the country forward with his own ability and practical actions.

Elvis fans

Bhumibol loved American rock singer Elvis Presley Elvis Presley He sang songs and appeared in films, and described himself as a fan of "Elvis Presley", during a visit to the United States in 1960, King Bhumibol Paramount Pictures Finally saw the "Elvis" himself, he visited the "Elvis" studio in Hollywood, and had a friendly conversation with the "Elvis", the king and Queen Sirikit accompanied the "Elvis" to the movie theater in Los Angeles.

Interpersonal communication

King Bhumibol Adulyadej
King Bhumibol has a wide range of contacts and friends from all over the world. His demeanor and openness greatly improved Thailand's closed international image. The King personally visited many countries and enhanced the friendship with international friends. Whenever King Bhumibol visited a country, the king was always able to speak in a language understood by the local people, the king would choose a language that could move and interact with the audience, in order to add a humorous atmosphere in the speech process, so that most foreign people could know and understand the King from the speech delivered.
In 1956, then-ruling Prime Minister Luanpiboorn Somkan banned Hollywood musical The movie The king and I (Adapted from Margaret Langdon The novel" Anna and the King of Siam "Was released in Thailand. "Thais have always held their king in the highest regard," Bhumibol patiently explained to curious Americans at a press conference during a visit to the United States in 1960. "They would not be happy if the king was portrayed in a drama." He even commented: "I have seen the film, I personally find it very entertaining and very good, if I did not know the history of Thailand and the feelings of the people, I might even recommend it." Anyway, this movie has made a great contribution to my country. It's a good PR push." During his visit to the United States, an American journalist asked King Bhumibol, "How did you come to the United States of America?" The king answered briefly, "I am glad to be back, for I was born here... In Boston (Cambridge, the King's birthplace, is part of the Boston metropolitan area, across the Charles River from Boston)..."
King Bhumibol with Whitmore, the obstetrician on duty at the time of his birth
In a meeting with U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, King Bhumibol said, "I was born here, so the United States is half my hometown." "In a sense, this visit is an emotional journey," Bhumibol said. The young king and the old president enjoyed each other, and they exchanged recipes for ice cream and noodles. Bhumibol even returned to his birthplace, Cambridge, to visit the Mount Auburn Hospital where he was born, and to greet William Stuart Whitmore, the obstetrician on duty at his birth, and the doctors and nurses who delivered his mother, Sinakalyn. The King and the medical workers of the year got along well with each other, and posed for a photo together in front of the hospital.
During a meeting with Queen Elizabeth in London, King Bhumibol said, "In my country, the British spirit is revered... That's why my grandfather King Chulalongkorn chose Britain as his first destination when he sent his students abroad." At the last party at the Thai Embassy in Britain before the end of the visit, Bhumibol led the band to play all night saxophone Until the dawn of the next day, which made the guests present feel very happy.
"Bhumibol took a great interest in meeting his guests," recalled Ural Alexis Johnson, an American diplomat and former United States ambassador to Thailand who visited King Bhumibol several times at the palace. "He would talk and talk for three or four hours until someone came and reminded him that he had other things to do." "The king was' open, direct, friendly and interested in a wide range of subjects, '" Johnson said." He talked about politics, agriculture, health, religion, water skiing, movies; The king always asks many questions, but rarely criticizes anything. He had a soft voice, but he sat very straight, and he never forgot that he was king."
King Bhumibol with the doctors and nurses who delivered his mother's baby
King Bhumibol is able to give interviews in many languages, including English, French and German, and he has British Broadcasting Corporation , Swiss broadcasting Corporation , American Leader magazine, New York Times "And" Agence France-Presse Such as a number of international well-known news media exclusive interviews, the king every time in the interview is able to fluently answer the questions raised by the reporters in the first time.

Adopt a pet

King Bhumibol, Queen Sirikit and their Siamese cat Tito
King Bhumibol was fond of adopting pets, and he kept many pets in the palace, including dogs, cats, birds, fish, monkeys, elephants and other animals. When King Bhumibol was young, he had a female named Tito Siamese cat The cat is one of the king's favorite pets and is often referred to as "Khun Tito" by Thais.
In 1998, King Bhumibol adopted a female from a medical center that was wandering the streets The Basingi ", and named "East Temple Ying" (Thai: the word for "Lu Ji Ji Ji", English: Thong Daeng, also translated as "Thong Tan"). "The sun and the earth" is the Thai language "copper" meaning, Bhumibol love it, whether it is in the palace to meet the VIP, go out to visit or to the hospital, the East temple British often will accompany Bhumibol side. Bhumibol sometimes liked to wear a T-shirt with his face on it. In addition to adopting Dongdianying, King Bhumibol also set up the "Dongdianying Fund" to support abandoned pets.
On December 26, 2015, Higashien Ying died of organ failure at the age of 17, which is equivalent to 119 years of human age. After his death, the bones of Dongdianying, who had been a loyal companion to Bhumibol for many years, will be placed on the pedestal of the "Dongdianying" statue at the royal sponsored Hua Hin Dog Foundation Conservation Center, officials said.
King Bhumibol and his pet dog, Dongjeon Young
In 2002, Bhumibol wrote a biography of Dongdian Ying, "The Story of Dongdian Ying", praising its loyalty and gentle, the 84-page biography is divided into two versions in English and Thai, and caused a sensation when it was published in Thailand, the sales of the year it was published in Thailand beat the then popular "Harry Potter", and the book has been republished many times. Thai officials and the media often use the honorific "Khun," which means "lady," to refer to him, and in 2006, the General Post Office of Thailand issued four commemorative stamps featuring him, reflecting his status as the "national dog."
In December 2015, the animated film Kun Dongjeon Young: Revelation was adapted from the Story of Dongjeon Young. The Inspirations It was released and ranked second at the Thai box office.

Forget to eat or sleep

King Bhumibol Adulyadej out on a visit
King Bhumibol's habit of working long hours is well known. Sumet Tantivejkul, the former secretary general of the King's Special Committee for Project Coordination, recalled that he and the king used to work at night on project sites by torches and car lights, with the swarmed mosquitoes flying into everyone's mouths and ears, and that at one point King Bhumibol focused on his notes and maps. Resulting in hundreds of bites on his legs and arms. On another occasion, after a long day at work, Soomil received a phone call from King Bhumibol at 3:30 a.m. The king talked with him for an hour and a half about his work in progress, and before hanging up, the king asked, "Shall I say good night or good morning?"

Diligently govern and love the people

After King Bhumibol ascended the throne, he made full use of his prestige, power and talent to implement benevolent policies and act well with the people. He was approachable, good at communicating with the people and maintaining close contact with the people everywhere. He summed up the governance of the previous Kings of the Checkri dynasty, governing the country with the "Ten Commandments of the king" (namely, giving, abdicating, correcting, loving, diligent, forbearance, harmony, benevolence, and obedience), and often taught and guided the people tirelessly.
On August 19, 1946, King Bhumibol travelled to Bangkok by car Don Mueang International Airport He plans to take a plane there to Lausanne, Switzerland, to complete his studies at the University of Lausanne, on the way to the airport, the people gathered along the road, the Thai people in the king will travel again, with a strong desire to witness the king's dignity, Bhumibol looked from the car along the way to see the people, at this time, the crowd suddenly heard, "Please don't abandon the people!" " This cry resonated in King Bhumibol's heart, and the king replied from the depths of his heart, "If the people do not abandon me, how can I abandon the people?" In September of that year, Bhumibol told his subjects in a radio address: "I leave you because I must reinvent myself." As it turned out, King Bhumibol, as he replied to the people, never abandoned the people and devoted himself to the work of a king. [2]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej
In 1952, King Bhumibol drove his jeep alone for the first time to the countryside near the Palace of Sorrows in Hua Hin, and the jeep sank into the mud. When villagers and nearby soldiers helped push the vehicle out, the young driver got out and introduced himself, and everyone knew that the man standing in front of them was King Bhumibol.
From 1953 to late 1954, King Bhumibol traveled to central Thailand Suphan , Hongtongfu and Shinburi Province And other places to visit people. [2]
In 1955, King Bhumibol's family traveled to northeastern Thailand in a jeep Ethan He toured the region, one of the most backward parts of Thailand, and Bhumibol became the first king of the Chakri dynasty to visit the region. The royal couple made several days of investigation and inspection in the Isan area, visiting 14 provinces and covering more than 2,000 kilometers. On the way, Bhumibol kept stopping to talk with ordinary people and monks, and every time he went to a place, Bhumibol always went to understand the people first, he talked with his subjects affectionately: "Please tell me, what are your requirements?" What can I do for you?" The people were moved by the king's sincere attitude, and they poured out all the questions that were piling up in their minds, from small personal problems to big national affairs, and the King patiently answered them. Back in Bangkok, when King Bhumibol was asked why he was spending so much time and energy in the region, his response was emphagic: "The peasants are the backbone of Thailand."
From 1956 to 1958, Bhumibol visited various counties in northern and southern Thailand successively, and his inspection activities won the goodwill and admiration of the people in various regions, and King Bhumibol was able to understand the construction situation and the needs of the people in various places.
In 1981, at a seminar on agriculture, Bhumibol criticized the government and experts for ignoring the simplest and most economical solutions to farmers' problems. He said the government's approach was "ineffective" and their data was vague because they never listened to farmers. He pointed out that a water problem in a small village can be solved in a few days by the palace with a few thousand baht, but the government needs to spend more than a year and 10 times the money.
In November 1983, Bhumibol visited the Pakanon and Lapa districts, which had been flooded for two months, and the king suggested dredging the river and drainage pipes, ordered the local government to repair the water pipes in the streets as soon as possible, and suggested the construction of sluice gates at the conjunction of the Shantsai and Pangabi rivers, and the heads of the local government complied.
In 1992, King Bhumibol visited the mountains of Pattani Province, and in the rugged mountains where vehicles could not travel, the king and other staff walked more than 1,000 meters, stepping on mud and deep mountain roads full of leechns, and finally determined that the local conditions for building a dam were available.
During the 1995 floods in Thailand, Bhumibol came to the aid of the victims and urged the government to take measures to solve the long-term problems.
From the early 1950s to the late 1990s, King Bhumibol often toured the country in civilian clothes to understand the real life conditions of the people, he sometimes by helicopter, sometimes by boat, sometimes on foot through muddy paths, but more often personally drove a jeep to visit the site; King Bhumibol never minded walking, telling his daughter Princess Sirindhorn, who serves as his assistant, that it would give him a better understanding of the local culture and people; During the helicopter ride to the inspection site, King Bhumibol would do paperwork and talk to his entourage in the helicopter, and if they fell asleep in the helicopter, the king would be furious. "Taking a helicopter and using public funds to buy gasoline is a privilege," Mr. Bhumibol said. "We must make the most of it and not fall asleep listening to the roar of the engine."
King Bhumibol visited every province, district and district in Thailand, and nearly traveled the countryside of Thailand, traveling more than 48,000 kilometers a year, and in some years he spent more time in the countryside than in Bangkok. In the 1980s, Bhumibol spent four to six months in the countryside almost every year. Since 1994, King Bhumibol has used his birthday speech almost every year to comment on Thailand's current and socio-economic situation.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej is popularly known as" Working king "," Consecration king "And" The most overworked king in the world King Bhumibol's coat pockets were always neatly inserted with a few pencils he had personally sharpened, and he often walked around the mountains with a map and a camera. Thai media have reported that when King Bhumibol went on numerous Tours, he always carried a thick stacked map, a 1:50,000 scale map above, dense numbers marked the altitude line, which can determine the elevation of the terrain and the construction of water conservancy. The map, which King Bhumibol himself stitched together several maps, later included almost all the places he had visited. King Bhumibol was able to fold the map down to a portable size and quickly find the place he wanted to see without opening the whole piece. A map that successfully reflects King Bhumibol's rich and outstanding geographical and hydraulic expertise, as well as his love for his people. When Thais talk about their king, they often say, "His Majesty has traveled to every corner of Thailand and spread the blessings of this golden land." [71]
Caring King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Accept criticism

King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the baht
In December 2005, Bhumibol gave a birthday speech in which he expressed his opposition to the Lese-majeste laws (Lese Majeste Laws). Lese majeste Grievances that are abused for political reasons. " Criminal Code of Thailand Article 112 prohibits anyone from "denigrating, humiliating or threatening the King or Queen, or his heir or regent." Violators will be prosecuted and sentenced under the Lese-majeste Act. However, King Bhumibol and other members of the royal family have never personally prosecuted lese majeste.
King Bhumibol mentioned that in other constitutional democracies, monarchs are criticized, saying, "It is the king who suffers, and I want to criticize." I have to know if people agree or disagree with what I'm doing." Bhumibol said: "In fact, I also deserve criticism. I'm not afraid of being criticized for what I did wrong, because I know I was wrong after I was criticized. If you say that Kings cannot be criticized, Kings are not human beings... To say that a king can do no wrong is to despise him, to treat him less than a human being. Kings make mistakes, and when you say a king doesn't make mistakes, you make mistakes."

Set a record

On October 5, 1964, Bhumibol was awarded an honorary fellowship by the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Austria, becoming the first Asian to receive this honor.
On 2 July 1988, Bhumibol surpassed Chulalongkorn (42 years and 22 days) to become the longest reigning king in Thai history.
On November 13, 1989, The Grand Duke of Liechtenstein Franz Joseph II With his death, King Bhumibol became the world's longest-reigning monarch of an independent sovereign state.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej
On 26 May 2006, Bhumibol became the world's first recipient of the United Nations Development Programme Lifetime Achievement in Human Development Award. The award, the first of its kind by the United Nations, celebrates King Bhumibol's "commitment to development and tireless efforts to improve the living standards of the Thai people." [50] [71]
Since 2008, King Bhumibol has ranked first in Forbes magazine's list of "the world's richest royal family" for many consecutive years.
On 16 April 2012, Bhumibol Adulyadej became the first king in the world to receive the Humanitarian Soil Scientist Award.
Bhumibol Adulyadej is by far the longest-lived and longest-reigning monarch in Thai history, having reigned for 70 years and 126 days from his accession on June 9, 1946 to his death on October 13, 2016, making him the third longest reigning monarch of an independent sovereign state in the history of the world, after France House of Bourbon the Louis XIV The King (72 years and 110 days on the throne) and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (until June 13, 2022) have already surpassed King Bhumibol's reign [115] ). In addition, Bhumibol has repeatedly become the author of the book Time magazine "And other internationally renowned magazines.

Character dispute

  • Royal status
Foreign scholars, politicians and some business people believe that Thailand's incomplete constitutional monarchy has led to the weakness of political parties in the constitutional development of Thailand, and it is difficult to carry out the heavy responsibility of promoting Thailand's constitutional government. This system relies excessively on the royal power and the military to manage the country, and inevitably requires the king to make up for the lack of party politics to some extent through his role. Since the army believes that the King of Thailand is the supreme commander of the armed forces, the army needs to justify its intervention in politics by declaring that it respects the King of Thailand. Therefore, when the forces of the military and civilian politicians have serious conflicts of interest leading to confrontation and stalemate, the military will launch a coup d 'etat in the name of "protecting the royal family", repeal the constitution and dissolve the parliament, which also leads to frequent military coups since the establishment of the constitutional monarchy in 1932, and the final decision of politics often falls to the king, so that the king can arbitrarily influence the political situation. [72]
King Bhumibol rejects this view, arguing that politicians are in a race for power and never truly defend the public interest. Bhumibol himself never interferes in the specific affairs of the government, he has repeatedly stated that he maintains strict political neutrality and does not want to participate in any political struggle, Bhumibol once told the" live "I became king very young, at 18, and very suddenly I learned that politics is a dirty business." [72]
  • Assessing Aung SAN Suu Kyi
In February 1993, King Bhumibol received eight people from different countries and regions at the Tarada Palace Nobel Peace Prize The winner, and had a cordial and friendly conversation with them, but when the King spoke about the situation in Myanmar at that time, he said," Aung SAN Suu Kyi He should go back to the UK to take care of his husband and children and let the State Order Restoration and Development Council headed by Than Shwe run the country. Bhumibol stressed that the military government is right Developing country There is no need to support the opposition in Burma. Aung SAN Suu Kyi is a troublemaker." The king's remarks surprised the guests who were seated. [72]
  • English biographical image
In 1999, The Revolutionary King, a biography of King Bhumibol by Canadian author William Henry Stevenson, was first published, portraying the king as a hero but also sharply criticizing many aspects of the Thai monarchy.
The cover of King of the Revolution by Stevenson
In August 2006, Yale University Press published "The King Never Smile," a biography of Bhumibol Adulyadej by Paul M. Handley, an American journalist who has covered Thailand for many years. The biography portrays King Bhumibol as "a conservative monarch who hindered Thailand's transition from a kingdom to a modern nation-state."
In October 2014, London's Zed Press officially published the biography of King Bhumibol, The Thai King's New Clothes: From Myth to Red Shirt, The Secrets the Thai Royal Family Keeps from You (formerly known as Kingdom in Crisis: Thailand's Struggle for Democracy in the 21st Century). [110] , A Kindom in Crisis: Thailand's Struggle for Democracy in the Twenty-First Century, a biography by Andrew McGregor Marshall, a Scottish journalist working for Reuters, In the book, Marshall points out that King Bhumibol, unlike the British Kings and European Kings who performed ceremonial functions under the framework of a constitutional monarchy, had a clear political stance, and repeatedly supported the military to launch military coups, making Thailand a nation neo-authoritarianism The polity of the country.
"The Revolutionary King", "The King Never Smiles" and "The King's New Clothes" - three books about King Bhumibol and the Thai royal family - were banned by the Thai government, and Marshall, the author of "The King's New Clothes", was wanted by the Thai government after his work about the Thai royal family was published.

Character influence

  • Be admired by all
King Bhumibol Adulyadej is revered by the Thai people as "King Bhumibol Adulyadej." The father of a nation He is known as" The great and virtuous monarch "And" King of the people A large number of Thai people regard King Bhumibol as their own spiritual sustenation and spiritual destination, and will deify or semi-deify the king to worship and worship; In Thailand, including streets, stations, shops and hotels and other public places are hanging King Bhumibol's portrait, many people even hang King's portrait or portrait photos in their own homes, for the Thai people, King Bhumibol is "King Bhumibol." father "Yes" support "Yes" day ".
  • Maharaja
After taking office, King Bhumibol went to remote areas to investigate the people's situation, and promoted agricultural production and other ways to eliminate the serious hierarchical system and inequality in the country, and in order to win the support of the people for himself. Years of service made King Bhumibol's prestige higher and higher, and he gradually became the main tone of social stability in Thailand. Whenever there is a major political event in Thailand, King Bhumibol will come forward to deal with, mediate, and play the role of arbiter. The king can often exert his key influence and play a "settling voice" role in chaotic times, so as to calm the crisis and turmoil facing Thailand.
During his reign of 70 years, King Bhumibol has had a very high political influence. He successfully maintained the status of the Thai royal family in successive political struggles, established and consolidated the authority of the Thai royal family, and established the supreme status of King God in the minds of the Thai people.
Newly crowned King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Character evaluation


Within Thailand

The king (Bhumibol) was very talented in music and was very aware of everything around him. ( Commentary by Sister Maria Saville Pierce, Principal of the Catholic Matteh School, Bangkok ) [2]
The weekly impromptu performances of the King (Bhumibol) are cozy and relaxed, His Majesty is very warm and human... When he plays the saxophone, he always finds a way to express his inner thoughts. ( On Friday, Patton Scanan of the Temple of Heaven )
His Majesty (Bhumibol) merits and virtues, hanging in the world, is a great blessing for the Thai nation. ( Review of former Thai Prime Minister Sarit Thanarat )
King Bhumibol Adulyadej worked hard and devoted himself, and under his stewardship, Thailand has seen a number of key projects, such as the co-operative program, the Love Mountain Forest Program, and the hugely successful artificial rain program, Tianyu. ( Former Prime Ministers of Thailand Clee Barmer Prince's criticism )
King Bhumibol Adulyadej
As soon as the King (Bhumibol) took the throne, he was able to carry out effective work immediately. ( Comment by Sumee Dhandiwichakun, former Secretary General of the King's Special Committee for Project Coordination )
Whenever the country faced a crisis, King Bhumibol would stand up and solve problems for the Thai people. The Thai people are lucky to have such a king. ( Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra ) [56]
The reign of King Bhumibol was a period of all-round development of the country, and His Majesty Bhumibol was a beloved King and the spiritual center of all Thai people. ( Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has made a bad comment )
King Bhumibol has been highly respected by all ethnic groups of different religions in the kingdom of Thailand for his efforts to relieve the people's difficulties and increase their well-being. The king ruled the country for 60 years in abundance, more than any other monarch in Thai history. ( Review by the Thai National Identity Council )
During Bhumibol's reign, Thailand experienced several military coups. But whenever Thailand's political tensions, Bhumibol can lead Thailand through the crisis, known as the "soul of the country." ( Review by the Palace Office of Thailand ) [37]
He (Bhumibol) is the king who breathes for every one of his people. ( Comments by the Thai scholar Gypan Nappa ) [67]
He (Bhumibol) is the light in my heart. ( Queen Mother of the King of Thailand Sirikit Gityekung Evaluation of )
The former King (Bhumibol) has been in power for 70 years, and has devoted his life to the well-being of the country and the people, laying a solid foundation for the development of the country and the improvement of people's lives. By promoting the development of education, health care, public health, environmental protection, natural resources management and other work, to ensure that the country can continue to develop steadily and sustainably. ( Kings of Thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn Evaluation of )

Chinese side

His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej is the leader of Thailand's national development and an important promoter of China-Thailand friendship. The fact that China-Thailand friendly relations have grown to such a good level today cannot be separated from His Majesty the King's great attention and practical actions. With his personal care and promotion, and through the joint efforts of both sides, China-Thailand friendship has flourished and yielded fruitful results. ( President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping Evaluation of ) [73]
King Bhumibol cares about the people and works hard for the people. He enjoys high prestige among the Thai people. He is dedicated to the cause of China-Thailand friendship and has played an irreplaceable and important role in creating and cultivating the cause of China-Thailand friendship. ( State Council, People's Republic of China Former premier Li Keqiang Evaluation of ) [73]
King Bhumibol was an outstanding leader deeply loved by the Thai people. Under his wise guidance, Thailand has made great progress. [73] ( Chairman of the 12th National People's Congress Standing Committee Zhang Dejiang Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol is deeply loved by the Thai people and has long made outstanding contributions to promoting national stability and development. Over the years, the King has devoted great enthusiasm to the development of China-Thailand friendly relations and worked with Chinese leaders to set the direction for the development of China-Thailand relations, making irreplaceable and important contributions to enhancing the friendship between the two peoples and expanding the practical cooperation between the two countries. [74] ( Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People's Republic of China Former spokesman Geng Shuang Evaluation of )
Under the wise and loving leadership of King Rama IX Bhumibol, he won the hearts and minds of the Thai people and led Thailand steadily to become a modern country, earning the respect of the international community. [74] ( Leaders of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand has reigned for 70 years and is the longest reigning monarch in the world. He has traveled to every corner of Thailand and understands the sufferings of the people. His populist style is loved and respected by the people and enjoys a high status in the hearts of the Thai people. [74] ( Hong Kong Special Administrative Region The fifth chief executive Carrie Lam Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol reigned for 70 years, serving the country and the people all his life, leading Thailand to steady development and winning the love and affection of the Thai people. ( Macau Acting Chief Executive of the Government of the HKSAR Chen Haifan Evaluation of ) [75]

Southeast Asian countries

Bhumibol was the world's longest-reigning monarch. He was loved and admired by his people, and he devoted himself to his country and people. His wise leadership brought peace to the country. ( Prime Ministers of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol was a towering presence whose contributions to Thailand and beyond were unparalleled. ( Prime Ministers of Malaysia Muhammad Najib Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol was a leader who brought peace, unity and well-being to Thailand. The modesty of the Thai king and his great concern for his people should serve as a model. ( Presidents of Indonesia Joko Widodo Evaluation of ) [76]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who loves his people like a son
Under the wise leadership of King Bhumibol Adulyadej for 70 years, Thailand has made great progress and the Thai people are living a prosperous and happy life. ( President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Chen Daguang Evaluation of ) [77]
His Majesty Bhumibol devoted his life to the cause of national unity, prosperity and happiness of the Thai people, and His Majesty's great cause will live forever in the hearts of the Thai people. ( Prime Ministers of Cambodia Hun Sen Evaluation of )
Bhumibol led Thailand to become one of Asia's most advanced countries. ( Presidents of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte Evaluation of )
His Majesty King Bhumibol was a great and benevolent leader and during his reign Thailand made great socio-economic progress. ( Sultan of Brunei Haji Hassanal Bolkiah )

European and American countries

King Bhumibol dedicated his life to improving the living standards of the Thai people and was a tireless guardian of the country's development, leaving a legacy that will be cherished and remembered by future generations. ( President of the United States Barack Obama Evaluation of ) [78]
King Bhumibol was one of America's most important and trusted friends. ( United States Secretary of State John Kerry Evaluation of ) [79]
His Majesty King Bhumibol guided Thailand with dedication throughout his life. ( British prime minister Theresa May Evaluation of )
During his 70-year reign, King Bhumibol steered the course of Thailand's history and worked tirelessly to promote the well-being of the Thai people. ( Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel Evaluation of )
Bhumibol earned the respect of Thais and the world. ( President of France Francois Hollande Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol means a lot to the Thai people. ( Prime Ministers of Sweden Stefan Lewen Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol Adulyadej's name has accompanied an entire era of Thailand's economic growth and international consolidation. His decades-long reign, not only won the love of Thai subjects, but also enjoyed a high reputation overseas, Bhumibol supported the development of Russian-Thai friendship and cooperation between the two sides, Russia will always remember him. ( President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Evaluation of ) [80]
He (Bhumibol) was the coolest king in the world. ( Review of world jazz master Leonard Hampton ) [1]
Today, Thailand is an important country in the rich and prosperous Southeast Asia region, and Bangkok has become a world-class metropolis and an important trading center... Many of the amazing achievements of King Bhumibol Adulyadej were the result of his exceptional ability to point the way, lead by example, and adhere to the ancient teachings of the Ten Holy Kings: readiness to give, virtue, sacrifice, openness, and gentleness. He worked hard, not angry, full of kindness, not violent, patient with everything, dutiful. ( America Montana Democratic Party of the United States Member of the Federal Senate Max Box Evaluation of ) [2]
Bhumibol was a key figure in Thai life and in some ways gave the new Thailand a role. ( Commentary by Italian scholar Francesco Sisi )
Bhumibol enjoyed undisputed authority. This is a man who embodies the efficiency of the idea of monarchy. ( Russian Academy of Sciences Commentary by Dmitry Moshakov, Director of the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies )
In any case, a king as secure as Bhumibol will be hard to replicate in the future, and Thailand's future may be in for a long period of instability. ( The United States The Atlantic Monthly "By Kathy Gilsinan, Associate editor )

Other countries

The long-standing exchanges between the royal family of Japan and the Royal Family of Thailand are a symbol of the friendly relations between Japan and Thailand, and King Bhumibol's contributions to the friendly development of the two countries will be remembered by all Japanese people. ( Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe Evaluation of ) [81]
All Japanese people will remember Bhumibol for his great contribution to the friendship between Thailand and Japan. ( Commentary by Japanese Emperor Akihito )
King Bhumibol is the father of Thailand and the spiritual pillar of the Thai people. During the 70 years of his reign, he achieved the unity and harmony of the Thai people with strong leadership, and the people will always remember him, King Bhumibol loved the Thai people, especially for the most difficult people at the bottom of the dedication of life, won the respect of the people. ( Presidents of South Korea Park Geun-hye Evaluation of ) [82]
King Adud has made an incomparable contribution to the establishment and development of friendly relations between the two countries, and his glorious image will be remembered by the Kazakh people. ( Presidents of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev Evaluation of ) [83]
During Bhumibol's reign, Thailand made significant progress in economic and social development. ( Prime Ministers of Australia Malcolm Turnbull Evaluation of )
Loyal and selfless, Bhumibol devoted his life to his country and people, and promoted the stable development of Thailand with wisdom and stability. ( Kings of Morocco Mohammed VI Evaluation of )
King Bhumibol's role and dedication will be long remembered. ( Presidents of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari Evaluation of )
During his 70-year reign, Bhumibol was respected not only by the Thai people, but also by the entire international community. ( Argentina Ministry of Foreign Affairs review )

International organization

As a visionary thinker, His Majesty Bhumibol has played a crucial role in advancing global development, and his moderation theory, which emphasizes appropriate and responsible consumption and the resilience of economic policies to external crises, is particularly important in today's era of rapid globalization. ( Commentary by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan ) [71]
As an inventor and artist, King Bhumibol not only promoted intellectual property, but also owned more than 20 patents and 19 trademarks. Many of his inventions have brought tangible benefits to the Thai people and have been used in several agricultural development projects in Thailand. ( World Intellectual Property Organization Evaluation of ) [84]
In addition to being a national leader, King Bhumibol was an advocate and inventor of technological innovation, making important contributions to improving the quality of life of his people. ( Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization Francis Gurry Evaluation of ) [85]
King Bhumibol has made a long-standing contribution to Thailand and has been a cohesive national leader, respected not only by the Thai people but also internationally. ( Former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Evaluation of ) [79]
His Majesty King Bhumibol's contribution to peace and development in Southeast Asia will be greatly respected and will always be remembered. ( Association of Southeast Asian Nations Evaluation of )

Public opinion evaluation

After taking office as king, Bhumibol promoted a series of political, economic, social and cultural system reforms and made amazing achievements. He transformed a traditional backward agricultural country into a modern service country. During his time in office, Thailand has not only achieved economic transformation, but also undergone earth-shaking changes in the political situation. After the Second World War, King Bhumibol cleverly relied on the power of the United States to consolidate and expand Thailand's influence in Southeast Asia and consolidate his ruling position. When the political situation in Thailand is in turmoil, the Thai king can always resolve various political contradictions in time, so that Thailand can constantly move forward in the chaotic political environment. It can be said that the King of Thailand relies on his personal charm to not only win the love of the Thai people, but also win the trust of Asian countries, especially Southeast Asian countries. ( " People's Daily review ) [86]
King Bhumibol on the cover of Time magazine
After decades of political turmoil, King Bhumibol won the title of "Great" and the image of "loving father" for himself with his diligent administration and love for the people, and was even semi-deified and worshipped by the people. In the eyes of many Thais, they have been used to three or five years or even one or two years of change of government, but only King Bhumibol's leadership style is the constant national driving force, because "the king is the compass." ( Xinhuanet Evaluation of ) [87]
At a time when most other royal families around the world have faded from the public eye, Bhumibol remains revered and loved by Thailand's 60 million people. In Thailand, the love for King Bhumibol has been woven into the lives of everyone. ( World Wide Web Evaluation of ) [4]
King Bhumibol has always sought to find more effective ways to improve the status and living conditions of the grassroots. Although the king is not in politics, he has a strong political influence, and the historic royal class has exerted a significant influence on today's thriving democratic system. ( " Asia Weekly review )
Beloved by the Thai people, Bhumibol was a force for stability in Thailand, repeatedly intervening in political battles at critical moments to stop the bloodshed. Nevertheless, he sometimes supported the military in order to preserve the status of the royal family, and even acquiesced in the overthrow of elected governments by the military. He is to blame for Thailand's continuing failure to stabilise democracy. ( Ming Pao Evaluation of ) [88]
He was a cornerstone of Thai identity and a major unifying force in the country. ( The United States New York Times review )
Bhumibol does not occupy magazine covers like other members of the royal family, and his name and image are not particularly familiar to Europeans. For decades, however, Bhumibol stood out for at least two things: he was seen by his people as a god, not just another man; He is the richest king in the world. ( Spanish Le Monde review )
Whenever the country (Thailand) is in trouble, King Bhumibol is always there to save us and bring the nation together. The king became the symbol of stability and continuity, the king was the core of honesty and unity. ( Thai" Bangkok Post review ) [89]
In a world of declining monarchies, there are few monarchs as popular, talented and influential as King Bhumibol. ( Malaysia Guanghua Daily review ) [90]

Historical evaluation

In the 68 years that Rama IX (Bhumibol) served as the supreme leader of Thailand, the Thai political situation has experienced many sudden changes and ups and downs, there are several military dictatorships, there are many civilian governments, frequent coups and crises, after the raging financial storm, and ushered in the test of street violence. Whenever there is a political crisis and various political forces are unable to contend, Rama IX can act as a good "arbiter" in accordance with the principles of the constitutional monarchy political system, so that Thailand's political ship can safely sail through the dangerous waters. The experience of 68 years of history seems to show that Thailand cannot live without Rama IX. ( Duan Lisheng Write" General history of Thailand review ) [30]
During the 70 years of Rama IX's reign, Thailand's political situation has been unpredictable, he has experienced 21 military coups, 18 constitutional amendments, more than 20 prime minister replacement, Rama IX has repeatedly turned the tide at critical moments, and can be described as the "anchor" of Thailand's political situation. ( Review of the 2019 edition of the Belt and Road Atlas - Thailand ) [91]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej celebrates his 83rd birthday on December 5, 2010

Related memorial

  • Related festival
King Bhumibol's birthday on December 5 was set as Thailand's "National Day" and "Father's Day", King Bhumibol's wedding date with Sirikit Gityekung on April 28 was regarded as "Valentine's Day" by Thai people, and King Bhumibol's accession date on June 9 was "Thai King Accession Anniversary" during his reign. Coronation date May 5 is the "King Thai (Ninth King) Coronation Day" ( Thai Throne Day Both are national holidays in Thailand.
In June 2013, World Food and Agriculture Organization The General Assembly passed a resolution designating December 5 (King Bhumibol Adulyadej's birthday) as "the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej." World Soil Day World Soil Day, commemorating King Bhumibol's contribution to the promotion of soil science and the conservation of soil resources, was celebrated on December 20 of the same year. 68th session of the UN General Assembly Officially endorsed this FAO resolution.
On October 13, 2016, King Bhumibol passed away due to illness, and the date of his death on October 13 was designated by the Thai government as the "Former King Bhumibol Memorial Day", every anniversary, all sectors of Thai society will hold relevant activities to commemorate the former King Bhumibol.
After King Maha Vajiralongkorn ascended the throne, he issued a decree that December 5 will be an important holiday and legal holiday in Thailand every year, and this day will be at the same time as: 1, King Bhumibol Adulyadej's birthday anniversary; 2. National Day; 3. Father's Day.
  • Currency, stamps, classes
Central Bank of Thailand Each banknote and coin issued in series 9 to 16 of the Thai Baht is printed on the front with the head of King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej; Commemorative banknotes issued to commemorate the king's deeds also bear the portrait of King Bhumibol.
On June 9, 2016, the Bank of Thailand issued 20 million commemorative banknotes of 70 baht denomination, and the Ministry of Finance of Thailand issued commemorative coins to commemorate the 70th anniversary of King Thai's accession to the throne. On October 18, the Government Savings Bank of Thailand launched a $100 bill bearing the portrait of King Bhumibol Adulyadej THB (THB) Commemorative banknotes. [92]
On April 1, 2017, the General Post Office of Thailand issued the longest stamp ever to commemorate the 70-year reign of former King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
In order to commemorate the achievements of King Bhumibol in literature, the Thai Department of Chulalongkorn University has specially opened the course "Selected Readings of King Bhumibol's Literary Works".
  • Events, exhibitions, events
Whether alive or dead, every time the anniversary related to the life of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thailand will hold exhibitions, events, concerts and concerts to commemorate King Bhumibol Adulyadej, when various media will also report and broadcast the king's related deeds, Thailand has held several events Royal family of Thailand Sponsored by the Thai King Cup Muay Thai Boxing League, the "Thai King Cup" jet Ski World Cup, the Thai King Cup Dog show, the Thai King Cup fish Competition and other international events or large-scale exhibitions.
In 1968, with the support of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thailand officially created and held the first Thai Emperor Cup football match, and since then Thailand has held a Thai Emperor Cup every year.
On December 5, 1987, in order to commemorate the 60th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, Thailand officially established the Thai King's Cup.
In 1997, with the support of the Rama Foundation, a major art exhibition called "Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition" was held in Bangkok to celebrate King Bhumibol's 70th birthday, and on December 5 of the same year, a concert was held in Thailand to celebrate Bhumibol's 70th birthday.
On the evening of June 27, 2006, the Public Liaison Office of the Thai Government, the National Cultural Commission and other relevant government departments held a concert to celebrate the 60th anniversary of King Bhumibol Adulyadej at the National Cultural Center in Bangkok. In addition to local Thai singers, singers from China, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Japan, Singapore and South Korea participated in the performance. [93] From July 5 to 7, in commemoration of Bhumibol Adulyadej's Diamond Jubilee, the Asian Nations Cup Road Motorcycle Championship (Thai King's Cup) hosted by the Asian Motorcycle Federation was held in Thailand.
On 7 July 2007, the India-Malaysia-Thailand Asia Cup was held in Bangkok La Gamangara Stadium The second part of the opening ceremony, "Sounds of Celebration", showcased traditional Thai cultural features while celebrating King Bhumibol's 80th birthday. [94]
In 2015, the Thai government spent $540 million on a campaign called "Honor, Protect and Support the Royal Family," which included television commercials, seminars in schools and prisons, singing contests in praise of the king, and competitions to write novels and short videos. Prime Ministers of Thailand Prayuth Chan-ocha said "young people must be educated on the merits of King Bhumibol". [95]
On June 9, 2016, various activities were held in Thailand to solemnly commemorate the 70th anniversary of Bhumibol Adulyadej's accession to the throne. [96]
  • Related works
King Bhumibol is widely admired in Thailand. People from the Thai political and entertainment circles have created many works to commemorate and praise King Bhumibol himself and his deeds, including biographies, poems, songs, articles, paintings, handicrafts and film and television works. Biographies and documentaries about the life of King Bhumibol have also been produced by foreign personalities and media organizations.
On December 5, 1987, in order to celebrate the 60th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the Office of the Special Coordinating Committee for the King's Advocacy Project and the Royal Secretariat of Thailand co-compiled the book "King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the Cause of Development - Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the King's Birth".
The cover of the biography King Bhumibol Adulyadej: A Life's Work
In 1999, the National Identity Committee of the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand produced a biography of KING BHUMIBOL Adulyadej's life, KING BHUMIBOL: Strength of the Land, which was released in Thai and English in the same year. In 2006, the National Identity Committee translated the book into Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Arabic, and in 2008, the Chinese version of the book was officially published. [2]
2011, United States University of Illinois Nicholas Grossman, Professor of International Relations and co-author of the U.K. Financial Times An English-language biography of King Bhumibol Adulyadej: A Life's Work, co-authored by journalist Dominic Fuld, was published shortly before it was officially endorsed by the Thai authorities.
5 December 2013, United States History channel An English-language documentary about The life of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, "King Bhumibol of Thailand: The People's King," was broadcast.
In March 2014, Swiss national Lesander Seradaris (son of Bhumibol's tutor Cline Seradaris) has published an English-language biography of the King's teenage years, King Bhumibol and the Thai Royal Family in Lausanne Lausanne, a biography of King Bhumibol's childhood with a Swiss tutor, Cline Seradaris, was officially approved by Thai authorities after its publication.
In November 2016, Thailand's GMM company launched a series of TV dramas to commemorate Thailand's former King Bhumibol Adulyadej. I was born in Rama IX ", starring more than 100 Thai artists, was officially broadcast on Thailand's One HD channel on November 14. [97]
  • Thai side
After the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, all sectors of Thai society fell into a great grief, and government agencies and social groups organized a series of mourning and commemorative activities for King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
On the evening of October 13, 2016, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha announced in a televised address that due to the death of King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thailand has entered a period of national mourning since October 14, 2016. Thai Prime Minister's Office The national flag will fly at half-mast at all government offices, embassies and schools for a period of 30 days; 2. During the period of national mourning in Thailand, all government servants and employees of state-owned enterprises wear black clothes for mourning for one year; Ordinary citizens voluntarily perform filial piety, the public can decide the length of the mourning period according to their personal circumstances, and there is no mandatory requirement on the clothing of the public; 3. All cultural and entertainment venues will be closed for 30 days. [98-99]
On the afternoon of October 14, 2016, a convoy of hearses carrying the body of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand left Siriraj Hospital and was moved from the hospital to the Rasit Palace within the Grand Palace in Bangkok for a bath and public mourning; For a long time after the body of King Bhumibol was transferred to the Grand Palace, a large number of people went to the Grand Palace every day to worship and pay respects to the remains of the former king Bhumibol. [100]
Bangkok, Thailand, October 28, 2016 Isokura University In memory of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 1,250 students used cards to create a giant portrait of the monarch.
From October 25 to 29, 2017, the Thai government held a large-scale royal funeral for the former King Bhumibol Adulyadej in Bangkok, a large number of government officials and people attended the funeral, many people who could not attend the scene can only watch the funeral ceremony through TV or network broadcast, a number of countries sent government representatives to attend the funeral, 26th morning, The body of the late King Bhumibol was respectfully invited out of the Grand Palace's Rashima Palace, and then escorted by spiritual guards to the Royal Field Square, where the body was officially cremated in the afternoon of the same day. [101] On the morning of the 29th, the ashes of the former King Bhumibol Adulyadej were moved to the Chakri Mahapasa Palace in the Grand Palace of Bangkok for worship, and on the evening of the same day, some of the ashes of Bhumibol Adulyadej were moved to the Royal cemetery of the Sangwang Temple and the Ratchabhopi Temple in Bangkok for burial respectively. On October 30, Thailand officially ended more than a year of national mourning.
  • International aspect
After the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, leaders of many countries and international organizations around the world expressed their condolences to the king's death and condolences to members of the Thai royal family, and some international dignitaries even traveled to Thailand in person embassy And other places to mourn King Bhumibol; In the civil society, Thai people all over the world have spontaneously mourned King Bhumibol in various forms, and people from other countries and regions outside Thailand have also participated in mourning activities.
Bhumibol Adulyadej Plaza in Cambridge, USA
On October 13, 2016, 71st United Nations General Assembly In the United States located in New York United Nations Headquarters building Before the plenary session was held to formally appoint the next UN Secretary-General, representatives of the participating member states held a silent ceremony on the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and they all stood in silence for the death of the Thai king. Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon issued a statement through his spokesperson, expressing deep condolences to the royal family, government and people of Thailand on the passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. [102]
October 14, 2016, in China Peking the Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand Official mourning activities were held to commemorate the passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, diplomats from many countries in China, military attaches to China and other people came to the Thai Embassy to attend the mourning activities on the same day, and the deputy Prime Minister of Thailand is on a state visit to China Tanasa Badimaphakorn He also visited the embassy during his visit to pay his respects to King Bhumibol. [103]
On October 14, 2016, in mourning for King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Kings of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namyel Wangchuck Declare a day of mourning for the King of Bhutan and fly the national flag at half-mast. In addition, schools and businesses in Bhutan will also be closed to allow nationals to pray at temples. Bhutan King Wangchuck said on social media that he was saddened by the news of the king's death. Members of the Bhutanese royal family have led a group of monks, senior government officials and Thai citizens in Bhutan to light 1,000 butter lamps in memory of King Bhumibol. Over the next week, various locations in Bhutan including Thimphu The National Monument of Bhutan and Punaka Fort, etc., also held special prayer services. [104]
On October 14, 2016, in order to mourn the death of King Bhumibol, all Thai language websites on the Internet and all Thai media accounts on Twitter were changed to black and white.
On October 17, 2016, in mourning the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Apple Change the color of its Thailand website to black and white. [105]
2016年10月22日,习近平主席特使、 Vice President of the People's Republic of China Li Yuanchao I came to Thailand to mourn the death of King Bhumibol. During his stay in Thailand, Li Yuanchao went Grand Palace, Bangkok Condolence and inscription in the condolence book, on behalf of the Chinese government and people to express the memory of and respect for King Bhumibol. [116]
  • Related facilities
  • Square, highest building
On 8 April 1990, Princess Chulabhorn donated money to King Bhumibol's birthplace in Massachusetts, USA Cambridge Bhumibol Adulyadej Square was officially inaugurated on November 14, 1992.
"Thai Pavilion" in Lausanne de Nantu Park, Switzerland
On October 15, 2014, Grand Canal Land Limited, a Thai real estate developer, announced that it would build a 615-meter-high, 125-story skyscraper, the Super Tower, on Rachatabitha Road in Bangkok. Later, the "Super Tower" was officially named "Rama IX Super Tower".
  • Bridges, hydropower stations
In Bangkok, Thailand Rama IX Bridge Named in honor of King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 60th birthday, the opening date was also chosen on the King's birthday, the bridge is the first cable-stayed bridge in Thailand, and was once the world's longest single-cable plane cable-stayed bridge and the world's second longest main span.
The largest hydropower station in Thailand is named after Bhumibol Bhumibol Hydropower Station Also known as the Bhumibol Dam.
  • Gardens, temples
In the southeast of Bangkok, there was a building to celebrate King Bhumibol's 60th birthday The Ninth King's Garden The park is the largest park in Thailand and the largest botanical garden in Bangkok. Pattaya It was built in honor of King Bhumibol The Ninth Emperor Temple .
In 2007, the "Thai Pavilion" was built in Denanto Park in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the text on the pavilion reads: "This pavilion commemorates the 60th anniversary of King Bhumibol's accession to the throne of Thailand and the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Thailand." The pavilion is 16 meters high, wooden structure, outside gold-filled, made by 13 Thai craftsmen and an architect, on March 17, 2009, the "Thai Pavilion" was officially inaugurated and opened to the public.
  • Naval vessels
The Royal Thai Navy's guided missile frigate Bhumibol Adulyadej
Royal Thai Navy The DW-3000H guided missile frigate HTMS Tachin (hull number: FFG-471) was renamed HTMS Bhumibol Adulyadej in honor of King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the eve of its official commissioning. [78]
  • museum
In 1996, the Rama Foundation was established to fund the establishment of a permanent museum of contemporary and modern Thai art, named the Rama IX Art Museum, in honor of King Bhumibol's achievements in the arts. In 1999, the Rama IX Art Museum in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, was officially established and opened to the public, which mainly displays the art works created by King Bhumibol and introduces the deeds related to it.
Portrait of King Bhumibol Adulyadej (in Ponshiloh City)
In March 2019, in order to commemorate the great achievements of former King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the Thai government decided to make a decision Baton Thani Construction of a science museum for the late King began, to be named the Rama IX Museum, to commemorate King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej's contributions to Thailand in science, ecology, environmental protection and other aspects. On October 15 of the same year, the Rama IX Museum officially held the opening ceremony, Rama X Maha Vajiralongkorn personally attended and presided over the opening ceremony of the museum, at the opening ceremony, King Vajiralongkorn made a speech in memory of his father, after the opening ceremony, King Vajiralongkorn and King Vajiralongkorn Suthida Vajiralongkorn The Queen and others visited the museum together.
  • other
Thailand has a large number of statues, statues, exhibition centers and monuments dedicated to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and many cities have streets, stations, squares, hospitals, parks, buildings, theaters and shopping malls named after King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
In addition to Thailand itself, there are also monuments to King Bhumibol at Mount Auburn Hospital and Bhumibol Adulyadej Place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 63 Longwood Street in Brookline Town, USA, and 16 August-Tissot Street in Lausanne, Switzerland.