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A newspaper (French: journau x) was a function of publishing news and articles Current affairs review A major print publication or electronic publication that is regularly distributed to the public. It is an important carrier of mass communication, with reflection and guidance Public opinion The function of. [1]
In 2023, 25.8 billion newspapers of various types will be published nationwide. [12]
Chinese name
Foreign name
English: newspaper French: journaux
Mass communication Important carrier
Work and energy
Reflect and guide public opinion

Noun interpretation

(1) Regularly issued to the public, mainly to publish news and current affairs commentary printing Publications or electronic publications. It is an important carrier of mass communication, with reflection and guidance Public opinion The function of. [1]
2, sometimes newspaper also refers to a paper used to print newspapers or general books, that is News paper (White newspaper). [2]

Development history


Early stage

As early as 2000 years ago, there were similar manuscripts in China. It was used by the government at that time to copy the edicts of the emperor and ministers Memorials to a memorial Such documents and publications relating to political situation are called" Tipao ". It has some characteristics of the press. May be considered the earliest form of" Government gazette ". Originally hidden in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes The Tang Dynasty Enter the court It is the earliest known hand-copied mansion newspaper in China, dating back more than 1,000 years.
Use printing Newspapers appeared in Europe around 1450. report Columbus The newspaper of the discovery of the New World appeared in 1493 and was the first newspaper printed in Rome. Newspapers at that time were not published every day, but only on an AD hoc basis when new news came out.
In 1609, Thorne published in Germany a book called Avisue Affairs Published weekly, it was the first regularly published newspaper in the West. Newspapers soon became popular in Europe, and the sources of news reports generally relied on contacts with a wide range of merchants.
The daily newspaper was first published in 1650 by the German Timmoritz. Although it was only published for about three months, it was the first daily newspaper in the world.
The first newspaper in Europe was published in 1358 Norse Come out.
In 1907, the British" Daily Mirror For the first time, photographs were published, replacing drawings.

Newspaper industry in ancient China

news Publishing industry It is considered that "Di Bao" is the earliest newspaper in China. "Di" originally refers to the residence of ancient officials who visited the capital in Beijing, which appeared as early as the Warring States period, and some people say that it began in the Western Han Dynasty. Yan Shigu Say:" County state The house of the night, in the capital of the name of the mansion. The house, to also, the words return to also." "Di" was later used as the office of local senior officials in Beijing to convey communication information, which is called "Di newspaper". " Tipao Also known as "mansion copy", there are "Chaobao", "article newspaper", "miscellaneous newspaper" said, is a kind of notification declarative News refers to the documents and political information specially used to inform the government of the imperial court, and belongs to news manuscripts.

Han Dynasty

The counties of the Han Dynasty and those of the Tang Dynasty Vassal state All of them once set up "mansions" in the capital, whose role is equivalent to that of today's news organizations in Beijing, focusing on conveying the news of the government, and all the contents of the emperor's decrees, the ministers' sonoines, and the appointment, removal and transfer of relevant officials are all the contents that the officials in the palace need to collect and transcribe. The "Di newspaper" was originally circulated inside the court, and then posted on the palace gate, so it was also called "palace gate copy". The outer gate of a government office This is actually one of the earliest ways to release news.

Tang Dynasty

A surname New Century Journal "Is the mansion newspaper issued during the Kaiyuan period, the newspaper department Block printing The quality is not very high. The original did not sign up, because the year number when it was issued is in the Kaiyuan years, later generations called it "Kaiyuan Miscella". "Miscellaneous newspaper" is another name for Di newspaper.

Song Dynasty

There were many titles for newspapers in Song Dynasty, such as "Di newspaper", "Chaobao", "Di copy", "into the court", "Zhubao", etc. "Di newspaper" is the most common title. The content of "Di Bao" is mainly the imperial edicts and orders, daily life and deeds, decrees of the central government, bulletins, news about the appointment of officials, rewards and punishments, and articles of ministers. The publication of Di Pao is tightly controlled by the central government. Most of the "Di Bao" of the Song Dynasty were hand-copied, Song Dynasty Zhou Linzhi The book "Hailingji on Banning Tabloids" has a relevant description.
In the Song Dynasty, there appeared a special copy of the mansion to sell for profit businessmen. Officials are happy to spend some money on them to save time. Probably later because money can be bought, there is no need to copy. In the Song Dynasty, the publication time of Di Daily tended to be fixed.

The late Ming Dynasty

The Ming Dynasty set up a special "Di newspaper" Department of general Administration Specialized in managing the publication and distribution of "Di Newspaper". In the late Ming Dynasty, Movable type printing Began to be used for "Di newspaper" printing. Early Qing Dynasty Gu Yanwu Said: "In retrospect, the 'Di newspaper' was only available in the eleventh year of Chongzhen (1638) letterpress " Di Bao changed from hand-copy or woodcut printing to movable type printing, and the scale was even larger.

Qing Dynasty

The "Di Daily" was renamed the Beijing News and became a newspaper that could be read by officials, scholars, and even ordinary people. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was also a "Beijing News" in addition to the mansion, and "Beijing News" had a special newspaper room to manage and operate. Widespread adoption Movable-type printing . Because it is printed with wooden movable type, the printing quality is not good, and some fonts are crooked and dark. proofread It's also not precise enough. There are many typos. However, due to the novel content, sales are actually good, after the introduction of Western printing, China then changed to type Plate printing.

History of Western newspaper development

Newspapers have come a long way since their birth, in 60 BC, Ancient Rome Caesar the statesman Roman The events of the city and the country were written on white boards, announcing the citizens. This is the West The oldest newspaper . The earliest newspaper in China is the Di newspaper of the Han Dynasty, which appeared in the early Western Han Dynasty around the second century BC Roman Empire 's Mainichi Kiwen About a century earlier.
It was invented by the German Gutenberg in Europe in 1450 Metal type Printing technology, so printed newspapers began to be distributed. In 1493, a Roman newspaper published the news of Columbus's voyage. Newspapers at that time were issued only when there was a big, high-profile event.
In 1609, Germany was the first country to publish a regular newspaper, although it was a weekly newspaper, but soon spread throughout Europe. The world's first daily newspaper was published in Germany in 1650. Newspapers did not appear in France until 1631, while in England they did Political event The newspaper was published. The first newspaper in the United States was written in 1704, before independence Boston Boston Newsletter issued by the postmaster. History extended to Europe Bourgeois revolution During this period, newspapers have been published in various European countries one after another, and have been loved and accepted by more and more people.
From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, newspapers realized the process from "minority" to "mass" and experienced a great "leap". During this period, the circulation of newspapers rose sharply, from tens of thousands in the past to hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of copies: the range of readers was also constantly expanding, and from the past political circles, Industrial and commercial circles From the upper class to the lower middle class. This qualitative leap produced by the accumulation of quantity announces the advent of an era - the era of mass communication. This "leap" marks capitalism The development of the peak.
Relative to Feudal society In terms of "minority" (aristocratic), bourgeoisie The press in the revolutionary period has already had the tendency of "popularization". Industrial revolution Promote society productivity The rapid development of the newspaper industry, thus bringing the bourgeois newspaper industry into a new era - with ordinary people as the target of readers. Penny paper (i.e., "popular" newspapers) period. During this period, as newspapers increasingly catered to the tastes of the lower classes and were sold at low prices, the readership expanded. However, the "popularization" of this period only had a preliminary form, and its development was also very unstable, with the later Popular newspaper Not in the same breath.
Second, this leap has boosted Bourgeois democracy The progress of... After the emergence of mass cheap newspapers in the 19th century, especially after the "mass" process of newspapers was completed at the end of the 19th century, newspapers no longer received party subsidies and became free to publish and operate independently. Newspapers no longer accept any kind of News check And enjoyed relatively full publishing rights, Interviewing right And the right to publish. In terms of content, newspapers are based on various types of information, providing readers with information about various affairs as much as possible, and giving readers, including people from all walks of life, adequate speech Freedom of expression . In this process, the newspaper as a "social public tool" played a role Supervision by public opinion The role of the bourgeoisie Parliamentary democracy The principles of openness, justice and fairness advocated were implemented. At the same time, through their own practice, the press has supplemented and amended the principle of bourgeois freedom of speech, making it have more abundant connotations. Thus promoted the development of bourgeois democracy.
Thirdly, it also promotes the development of social economy. Newspapers in the modern sense emerged after the Industrial Revolution Capitalist economy At the time of rapid development, he began with the emergence of "popular" newspapers in the 19th century, and implemented enterprise management, reducing prices, advertising, and expanding circulation as the way to survive, and thus became self-financing independent Economic entity . At the turn of the century, Capitalist competition Increasingly intense, Buyer's market Gradually form. In order to win in the competition, businesses take various means to promote products and expand sales. In the process, as the masses Information carrier Newspapers are becoming more and more popular with them. As a result, newspapers with large circulation get a lot of advertising, and advertising encourages newspapers to lower prices, expand distribution, and win more readers. This in turn attracted more advertising, and the result was a huge amount of advertising money, which became a major source of income for newspapers. After the 20th century, with the further development and production of capitalist economy, Concentration of capital With the intensification of the process, there are more and more advertisements on the newspaper, and the proportion of advertising income in the total income of the newspaper is also increasing. The famous American newspaper New York Times For example, newspapers publish a large number of advertisements, large and small advertisements accounted for two-thirds of the total length of the newspaper; Of its total revenue, 30% comes from newspaper circulation and 70% from advertising. Advertising "feeds" the newspaper and becomes its Economic lifeline ; At the same time, by advertising and selling products, newspapers in turn became a driving force for economic development. It starts consumption, balances supply and demand, and promotes the prosperity of the market, thus contributing to the development of social economy.
Finally, the newspaper industry's leap forward News media The industrialization of... After the Industrial Revolution, with Commodity economy With the development of the newspaper, the commodity attribute is increasingly prominent, and the newspaper industry is also produced by small enterprises Mode of operation Transition to Enterprise management And is increasingly becoming a profitable and lucrative capitalist industry. In the late 19th century, with Liberal capitalism to Monopoly capitalism The transition, the rapid concentration of newspaper capital, the emergence of the newspaper industry Monopoly organization " Group tourism ", thus formed Media industry The pattern of transformation. By the end of the 20th century, these Newspaper group It is a rolling development into financial strength, multi-angle extension, Transnational operation The media industry group. For example, the world's largest media company Time Warner In the press, Book publishing , music, movies and Cable television And other areas of all-round attack, with strong vitality.

Chinese modern newspaper industry

China printed the world's first newspaper, Tianbao Four years (AD 745). In 1582, around the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was the first privately published newspaper in Beijing.
The first official newspaper in modern times
The first official newspaper, The" Beiyang Official Newspaper (1902, Tianjin set up the national distribution Bureau) The first Chinese commercial newspaper --" Hong Kong International News (Hong Kong, 1858);
The first commercial newspaper - "The First Commercial newspaper" Hong Kong forward cargo price paper (Hong Kong, 1857);
The first Chinese newspaper published in China --" The East and West examinations are recorded monthly "(1833, Guangzhou);
The first English newspaper - Guangzhou Record (Guangzhou Chronicle) (1827, Guangzhou - English);
The first modern domestic newspaper (and the first foreign language newspaper) --" Bee news (1822, Macau - Portuguese );
The first modern Chinese newspaper (and also the first religious newspaper) --" Observe the world monthly Chronicles (1815) Singapore ). [3]

Publication positioning

The world's first newspaper to publish pictures
A newspaper is one that carries news and news commentary, usually printed on loose pages, without binding or cover Paper publication . Has a fixed name, open to the public regularly, Continuous issue . Modern newspapers are published once a day and are called dailies. Or published once a week, called a weekly. Newspapers in this sense exist only in the modern world, Ancient society The "newspaper" is either not paper, or is not printed, or is not in regular, continuous circulation, and is not in any sense open to the public.
The immediate origin of the modern newspaper is printing, which began in Germany in the 15th century News paper (Individual news leaflets). The first edition of the 1615 magazine Frankfurt News The paper was considered the first "real" newspaper because it had a fixed name, was published regularly once a week, and printed several news items on each page rather than a single one (but the paper was Single-sided printing ). The English word "Newspaper" first appeared in 1665 in the Oxford Gazette, the first English newspaper. In Germany in 1650 Leipzig The first daily newspaper to appear Incoming news But it was only after the 18th century that daily newspapers became the main character of newspapers. The popularity of daily newspaper marks the maturity of journalism in a country or region, because the continuous publication of daily newspaper, the collection and transmission of information, Printing technology The quality of news personnel and the level of management personnel have put forward higher requirements.
Newspapers, big or small, are made of masthead , Check eye , version, column composition. The masthead is always placed in the most prominent position, mostly in the upper left corner of the page, but also in the middle of the top of the page. The most important thing on the masthead is the registration, which is generally written by celebrity calligraphy, and some are also made boldface . Under the masthead is often indicated in small print the editorial publishing department, publication registration number, Total issue number Date of publication, etc. The publication registration number indicates that this newspaper has registered with the State Administration of press and publication, and unregistered newspapers and periodicals, regardless of their content, cannot be registered Public offering . A small piece of paper next to the masthead, commonly known as the "eye." There are no rules for the content arrangement of "reporting the eye", and some are used to register Content summary , calendar Some are used for important news or pictures, and some are used for advertising. Located in the "eye" position is significant Advertising fee It's very high. The page position of a newspaper is called the page position. For a newspaper, the first page is Highlights page The news in this section is more important than the others. On a horizontal newspaper page, the top left corner is more important than the top right corner. newspaper News headline The font size used can also indicate whether it is important or not. The title is the title of the news and articles published in the newspaper, which is used to summarize and suggest the content of these news and articles, and help readers understand their meaning and substance. Therefore, readers can understand the position, view and attitude of the newspaper from the page position and the size of the title, causing greater interest in reading the newspaper. The column is a garden where newspapers regularly publish similar articles, often seen in the newspaper are "science and technology world", "international outlook", "letters from readers" and so on. In addition to columns, there are some occasional special editions, the scope is larger than the column. For example, what festivals to celebrate, organize a number of special pages; Organize some discussion panels on what issues arouse widespread interest among readers. These special editions have certain timeliness "Is not as fixed as a regular column. Advertisement is a kind commonly used in contemporary newspapers Propaganda means Here is mainly Commercial advertisement , there are also some notices, notices, notice And culture Entertainment advertising Let's wait. Newspapers charge a certain advertising fee for the capital construction of the newspaper.

Publication development

Early newspapers and magazines were mixed, with news and various essays and literary works, simply bound in volumes. For the newspapers and magazines of this period, they were generally called "newspapers", and the early concept of "newspapers" in Britain, France and China was used in this sense. In Britain and France, newspapers and magazines began to be clearly separated from each other in the 18th century, and in China, the distinction between newspapers and magazines was made clear about 20 years after the emergence of modern "newspapers" in China.
Newspapers can be used as commodities and can be used as commodities Political struggle the Propaganda material . Historically, the West Developed country Most of the newspapers went through it Three developments Period: Official period , Party newspaper period And trade newspaper period. In the period of official newspapers, newspapers were important to the feudal monarchy. It is mainly propaganda for political struggles, but for the publisher of a franchised newspaper, it is a commodity to be sold at a profit. During the period of party newspapers, quite a number of newspapers belonged to various political parties or factions and propagated for their own interests, but there were also relatively large commercial newspapers with obvious political tendencies. In the mid-19th century, the United States, Britain and other major Capitalist country Most newspapers, the price per newspaper is as cheap as just Home currency The smallest unit of ( cent , penny ). When newspapers were aimed at the lower public, they began to win over the public as much as possible, with profit as their main purpose. Thus, the period of the party newspaper ended and the period of commercial newspaper entered.
In order to maximize the circulation of newspapers, in addition to publishing news and strengthening the popularization of news, more and more entertainment content is added. In connection with Electronic media The competition for newspaper news In-depth report Get more attention.
Popular newspaper Gradually, the newspaper has occupied a large share of the overall, but the so-called "middle and upper class public" readers. Premium newspaper Also gradually stabilized, so that the formation of popular newspapers, "senior newspapers" respectively Living space . The former has a huge circulation and more profits, while the latter has a limited circulation but occupies a position in influencing public opinion and winning reputation Dominant position . Countries where this is more obvious, such as the United Kingdom and Germany; In other countries, the distinction is not clear, such as the United States, France, and Japan. [4]

Publication introduction



Military newspaper
Publication period Daily, weekly, biweekly or longer term newspapers;
Publication time : Daily newspaper, Morning paper , Morning paper Evening paper;
Political stance : Left newspaper, right newspaper;
Charge or not : paid newspapers, free newspapers;
Media form : Printed newspapers, online newspapers, Electronic newspaper , electronics diary Newspaper edition;
Focus on: Educational newspaper, military newspaper, Student newspaper Academic newspaper, financial newspaper, agricultural newspaper, tourism newspaper, etc.


The basics involved in making a newspaper Organizational structure :
1. Editor: Responsible for arranging the position and title of each piece of news, reviewing the text, and even deploying reporters;
2. Reporter: interview, shooting, writing;
4. Printing and distribution.


关于报纸的职能,从不同角度,会得出不同的看法,例如从政党机关报的角度,报纸的职能如毛泽东所说:“报纸的作用和力量,就在它能使 Party program Routes, guidelines and policies, Work task and Working method To meet the masses as quickly and widely as possible." Bernard, French journalistic scholar. Vayner's summary of the functions of the newspaper can be accepted in all directions: the main function of reporting, the consequent function of debate (that is, the function of disseminating ideas), and the incidental function of entertainment.


1, can read at any time, is not limited by time, will not miss the information reported at the designated time like TV or radio programs;
2, circulate to each other, the number of readers can be several times the number of prints;
3. Even people with low reading or comprehension ability can spend more time absorbing news from newspapers;
4, the rise of the Internet, online version of the newspaper more traditional circulation Printed matter The newspapers are strong.


1, due to deadline and publication factors, can not provide the latest information and immediate correction information;
2, too much paper brings inconvenience to carry and circulate;
3. The shock and appeal of pictures and words are relatively low compared with the audio and video clips of TV and radio;
4, easy to be contaminated with ink dirt.


Satellite newspapers are made of Netherlands A modern newspaper media distribution model invented by Satllite Newspapers Worldwide - KIOSKS. Through the satellite system, the original newspaper information of each country is collected and sent to each patent Terminal equipment Readers pay for the newspaper by credit card or special card. So that readers around the world can print out the newspaper of the day that readers want to read through the local terminal, and realize the global distribution of newspaper media on the same day, instant reading.
From the perspective of the world, the practice of establishing websites and publishing online newspapers on the Internet began in 1994, and by the end of 1994, there were 78 newspapers in total Newspaper circulation The online version. By 1997, Network newspaper It has grown to more than 1,900. At the beginning of October 1998, the data released by the website of the American News Review magazine showed that the number of online newspapers in the world had increased to 4,295, and the number increased to 4,925 by the end of 1998, and now the development of online newspapers is even faster.
(1) In the digital phase, everything on the web is a copy of the print newspaper.
(2) hyperlink Stage, that is, through the hyperlink with a specific color on the web, so that readers can jump from this website to another website at any time through the link to seek the required information. At the same time, BBS were also opened on the websites of online newspapers. Mailing list And other services for audiences to post information online.
(3) Multimedia stage, due to the level of technology and equipment Degree of perfection The limits of, Network newspaper It will take some time to reach the full multimedia stage.
An electronic newspaper launched by the Columbus Telegraph in 1981. The reader's home is equipped with a computer terminal connected to the computer center, and the computer can provide a variety of newspaper content at the same time, which is selected by the reader.
Popular daily paper
The popular press also said Penny paper . After the emergence of modern newspapers, they experienced political party newspapers and" Yellow press "Times. In the 1830s, there appeared the "newspaper for everyone" - the mass newspaper, the characteristics of the mass newspaper are: first, the content to report the news, Social event And provide entertainment primarily; Second, the circulation is large, generally tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of copies; Third, readers are not limited to specific Social group Instead, it is for a dispersed, heterogeneous, non-quantitative majority audience; Fourth, Advertising revenue It has become the main source of revenue for newspaper management. The emergence of mass newspapers marks the beginning of the era of mass communication.
Newspaper editor Job: refers to the newspaper editor in the newspaper Production process A series of work carried out in... He works as a newspaper editor Business scope Including planning, drafting, and composition Three parts. Planning finger Newspaper planning And report planning; Compilation refers to the analysis, selection and revision of manuscripts and the creation of titles; Section formation refers to the configuration of the content of the section and the design of the newspaper layout.
Newspaper editorial planning: is the newspaper editor in News gathering and editing newsprint Publishing activity The decision-making and design work that is engaged in is the newspaper Production system An important part of the newspaper is the dissemination of the newspaper as a whole and its components Content and form Positioning and design.
Newspaper style features refer to the newspaper Overall structure , mode of transmission The style and characteristics of the communication content and layout image are comprehensively displayed. It is determined by the nature of the newspaper, the purpose of running the newspaper and the target audience.
The layout of the newspaper is also determined by the content of the newspaper, the important ones will be displayed in large font, and the rest will be arranged in small font, but you can also see the understanding of the typographer for the content and news.
Newspapers often have illustrations, such illustrations can also see that the character is not in line with the content of the newspaper, the layout design highlights the character of the newspaper.
Newspaper level
The newspaper level refers to the height of the newspaper's ideological level, culture and professional technology level, and the depth and breadth of the content communicated by the newspaper Language and writing , Layout design , Plate making printing And other factors to synthesize the performance.


News agency
Xinhua Xinhua News Agency
Associated Press Associated Press AP
Agence Presse (France) Agency France Press AFP
TASS ( Russia ) Tass
Reuters (UK) Reuter's News Agency Reuter
Kyodo News (Japan) KyodoNews services Kyodo
The News ( American newspapers ) Press
" Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal
The Times ( British newspapers (Times)
" Yomiuri Shimbun Mainichi Daily News
" China Daily "China Daily"
People's Daily People's Daily
Liberation Daily
" Workers' daily "Workers' Daily
The Peasants' Daily
Guangming Daily. Guangming Daily
" Economic Daily Economic Daily
" China Youth Daily "China Youth News
" China Education Daily China Education Journal
Editorial department
issuer Publisher
Editing desk
Slotman, Editorial Director; copy editor
Managing editor; editor-in-chief
Editing editor
Female editor editress
Cable editor for telecommunications
The News editor
Local edition Edit local editor
Title editor Headliner
supplement editor Supplement editor
Pictorial magazine editor Picture editor
Sporting editor
Feature editor
proof-reader Proof-reader
Acquisition department
A Reporter; newsman; newshawk; legman ;
newspaperman, a journalist; mewshound
Interview reporter Paragrapher
photojournalist Press photographer
Keyhole reporter for social journalism
Special correspondent Staff writer
A Special correspondent
An X-based reporter
correspondent Ace reporter; star reporter
A Newswoman; newshen
A Journalist
Columnist columnist columnist
News Critic analyst
Editorial writer. Editorial Writer
advertiser Advertise ; Advertizer
The Advertising agency
Mass-communication company
Anchorman; anchorwoman
Newspaper terminology
Newspapers newspaper
The first morning paper, Bulldog edition
Morning paper Morning paper
Daily Journal; Daily
Noon report paper
Evening paper ; afternoon paper
organ Organ
The Party Organ
The Official Gazette; communique
Semi-official newspaper
The Trade paper
The Air edition
International edition International edition
News source News source
Official Mouthpiece
It's the Official announcement
The semi-official Officious announcement
The latest Hot news
News background Background news
Well informed
Reliable source

Extra (of a newspaper)

" Ci Hai The explanation for the extra-number of a newspaper is: "A periodical newspaper is a periodical that is temporarily printed for the purpose of reporting important news and special events to the readers in a timely manner during a period of time when the previous issue has been published and the next issue has not been published, so it is named because it is not included in the original number."
newspaper Extra (of a newspaper) It should have three elements: First, the content must be important news and special events; Second, the time should be published temporarily between the two issues; The third is no number. (The indefinite number doesn't matter.)
newspaper Extra (of a newspaper) [5] There are two major characteristics (1) most of the number of free gifts; (2) Some of them include "major news", "good news", "major news", "special report", "Special report", "Great news". Special issue "And other words, although not marked" extra "2 words, should be regarded as" extra "report. [6]

Newspaper name



Yomiuri Shimbun
Asahi Shimbun (The Asahi Shimbun)
Mainichi Shimbun
Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nihon Keizai Shimbun)
Japan News (Chunichi Shimbun)
Sankei Shimbun
Tokyo Sports daily (Tokyo Sports)
Japan Sports (Nikkan Sports)
Hokkaido News (Hokkaido Shimbun)
Japan Sports (Sports Nippon)
The Nikkan Gendai
Yukan Fuji
Jinggang News (Shizuoka Shimbun)
Sankei Sports Daily (Sankei) Sports )
Air News (Hochi Shimbun)
West Nippon Shimbun (Nishinippon Shimbun)
Sports daily (Daily Sports)
Tokyo Shimbun (Kyoto Shimbun)
Kobe Shimbun (Kobe Shimbun)
China news (Chugoku Shimbun)
Hebei New News (Kahoku Shimpo)
Chosun Ilbo (The Chosun Ilbo)
Joongang Ilbo
Dong-A Ilbo (Dong-A Ilbo)
The Straits Times
Chinese mainland
everyday Fresh paper
Guangzhou Daily
New express
Dalian Business Daily
People's Daily
News Evening Post
Straits Metropolitan Daily
Nanjing service guide
Yanzhao City Daily
Sanqin City Daily
Changjiang Daily
Chutian City Daily
Contemporary Business Daily
21st Century Talent
China Taiwan district
Liberty Times
Apple Daily paper
United Daily News
Economic Daily
Business Times
Daily People
Joongang Ilbo network Submitted to the
China Daily
Financial news Express
Mandarin daily
Taiwan Daily
China Hong Kong district
Economic Daily
Ming Pao Daily
Sing Tao Daily
Oriental Daily
Hong Kong Economic Journal
Ta Kung Pao
Make a report
Apple Daily
El Comercio
Catholic Newspaper (Catholic)
The Tiger
Metropolitan daily
Headline daily
China Macau district
(Includes Chinese, English and Portuguese versions. Daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)
Popular daily
Citizen daily
The Star
Macao Daily News
Macau pulse
Macau Entertainment News
Current affairs newspaper
Macau Observer
Macau Labour Daily
Macau today
Macao Tribune
Report with full stop
Macau Daily Times
Moskovskiy Komsomolets
Labour Daily (Trud)
Moscow Times
Business Daily (Chinese)
The Star
Daily survey
Jakarta The Post
Consciousness Daily (Dainik Jagran)
The Times of India
PASCAL Daily Newspaper (Dainik Bhaskar)
Gujarat Newspaper (Gujarat Samachar)
Be fond of Market report (Ananda Bazar Patrika)
Hindustan Daily (Hindustan)
The Hindu
The Punjab Lion (Punjab Kesari)
Rajasthan Fatherland Newspaper (Rajasthan Patrika)
Daily Sakal
Today Newspaper (AJ)
Daily Telegraph (Daily Thanthi)
Communication ( Sandesh )
The Hindustan Times (Hindustan Times)
Thailand Morning paper (Thai Rath)
Daily News
To the point (Kom Chad Luek)
La Pop (Matichon)
New News (Khao Sod)

Europe, America

USA Today
Wall Street Journal (The Wall Street Journal)
Wall Street Journal
New York Times (The New York Times)
Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles Times)
Al Ahram (Al-Ahram)
New York Daily News New York Daily News
Washington Post (The Washington Post)
New York Post (New York Post)
Chicago Tribune (Chicago Tribune)
SAN Jose Courier
The Sun (Sun)
Daily Mirror (Daily Mirror)
Daily Express
Daily Star
The Times
Financial Times
The Economist
Le Monde
Le Point
Le Figaro (Le Figaro)
Liberation Daily (Liberation)
L 'Express
Le Nouvel Observateur
echo (Les Echos)
L 'Humanite
Ouest de France (L 'Ouest-France)
Bild (BILD)
WAZ Report (WAZ Mediengruppe)
Zeitungsgruppe K? ln)
Le Monde
Frankfurter Zeitung
The Mirror
Bragg The Post
Sofia Echo
Kronen Zeitung
The Telegraph (De Telegraaf)
Ireland Times
Jang (Jang)
Nepal news
Iraqi news
Jordan Times
The Khaleej Times
Jerusalem Times
Australia Daily paper
Middle East Times (Egypt)

Common sense

Opening: Full sheet The size of the newspaper area. It's called the opening of a white newspaper. A newspaper half the size of a white newspaper is called a broadsheet, which is a broadsheet; A newspaper the size of a quarter of a white newspaper, called a quarto, is a tabloid. The former, such as People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Minxi Daily "; The latter as in Reference message "" Xinmin Evening News "" Straits Metropolitan Daily ".
Layout: refers to the overall layout of various manuscripts on the plane of each page of the newspaper, which centrally reflects the editorial department of the newspaper Propaganda report Intent, known as "the face of the newspaper." Newspapers in our country are usually from four to eight pages, and there are more than eight pages. The first edition is the "important news", its importance ranks first among the other editions; Other editions are "division edition" (such as "local edition", "supplement edition", "international edition", etc.), and there is no division of priority.
Page position: The position of the page, indicating the degree to which these positions are valued by the reader. According to the direction of text arrangement, people's visual physiology, and the habit of reading newspapers and other factors, usually top is more important than bottom, left is more important than right ( in-line Newspapers to the right Relative left Important).
Type center : refers to the space where text or pictures can be arranged except for the white edges around a page, that is, the capacity of the page. The size of a page is determined by the opening of a newspaper, subfield The situation, the size of the basic font and other factors determine that each newspaper is not exactly the same.
masthead The first edition of the newspaper places the registration, usually placed at the top of the page, the masthead of the horizontal newspaper in addition to the registration, the masthead status also publishes the newspaper's founding date, the total number of issues, the number of newspaper pages on the day and the publication date, and some also indicate that it is the organ of a certain organization.
Check eye : A small page next to the registration. There are usually some individual, more important text and picture manuscripts, but also published in the newspaper of the day Content summary Weather reports, calendars, etc.
The gap between two adjacent pages of a newspaper (e.g., page 1 and Page 4, page 2 and page 3), usually containing small intellectual articles, television programs, Movie advertisement , notice Let's wait.
Headlines: Status refers to the top half of each page, with horizontal newspapers focusing on the left and straight newspapers focusing on the right.

Newspaper magic

Many people buy newspapers after reading it feel no use, throw it everywhere, in fact, the use of waste newspapers is indeed a lot:
1, wipe the glass: first spray some water on the newspaper, and then carefully wipe, and finally wipe with dry newspaper once, you can make the glass bright.
2, scrub the bathtub: the dirt deposited by the bathtub after a long time is not easy to clean, you can spread some old newspapers on the bathtub, absorb water and gently wipe, after one or two, the bathtub will naturally become clean.
3, save vegetables: if you just bought vegetables such as: scallions, radish , carrot If you want to keep fresh for a long time, you should wrap it with newspaper and place it in a ventilated place in the upright position.
4. Simple packing : Fresh out of the oven Roasted Sweet Potato It can get dirty, and because the temperature is too high to use plastic bags is unhealthy, many vendors choose to use old newspaper packaging Sweet potato .

The best of newspapers



Britain London The British Library owns our country Dunhuang The tang dynasty Returning Army " Enter the court It is believed to be the oldest surviving newspaper in the world.
The first Chinese-language daily newspaper published in China was the Foreign and Chinese New Times, founded in Hong Kong in 1858. Lin Zexu Some modern people say he was Qing Dynasty The first person to open their eyes to the world. The "Macau Newsprint" he ran is the earliest in China Translated newspaper . " Macau newsprint "And" Macao Monthly News "( Wei Yuan In... Atlas of the Sea It's called a newspaper, but Unfair bank .
Published in Guangzhou in 1872 Yangcheng new record 》,是我国内地出版的第一家 modernization Newspapers.
" Zhaowen New Newspaper In 1873, Ai Xiaomei, Hankou Founded, the Chinese people run the first modern newspaper.
【 Modern Chinese newspaper 】 Hundred Days' Reform period Newspaper of current affairs "
During the Revolution of 1911 Min Pao "
During the May Fourth Movement, "New Youth" became a weapon for reforming revolution and new culture.


The smallest newspaper in the world
On February 16, 2012, in Portugal The Azores Punta Delgada , a weekly newspaper published locally
TerraNostra was Guinness The record is confirmed as the world's smallest newspaper, measuring 32 x 22 mm. It has 24 pages and covers current events, entertainment, and puzzles. The newspaper was small, but the words were clearly visible. Price: 4.50 pounds. The paper is a mini-version of its normal edition, with only 1,000 copies distributed worldwide.
The issue, titled "Embracing the World," is 32 pages long and needs to be used Magnifying glass Zoom in 6 to 8 times to read.
The longest newspaper in the world
In 1988, the French newspaper Manche News celebrated the nation News festival It publishes the world's longest newspaper, 2.5 kilometers long.
The biggest newspaper in the world
In celebration of the British Financial Times The Asian edition of the newspaper was launched recently, at the location of its Asian edition headquarters, Hong Kong International Financial Centre On the east and north walls of the second issue are hung the world's largest newspaper. The 415-metre building is Hong Kong's tallest, The third tallest building in the world This newspaper Outdoor advertising It is 226 meters tall, nearly 20,000 square meters in area, and took 425 liters of ink to make.
Chinese mainland

Statistical data

" Statistical Bulletin of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development for 2021 "Show: In 2021, A total of 27.6 billion newspapers are published [9] .
In April 2023, the Printing Committee of the China Press Association announced the survey and statistical results of the national newspaper printing volume in 2022. According to the summary, the total newspaper printing volume of 153 newspaper printing units in 2022 was 38.513 billion folio, which was 4.01% lower than the total newspaper printing volume of 40.123 billion folio in 2021. [11]
According to the calculation of the newspaper printing volume of the sample unit of the survey, the total printing volume of the national newspaper printing in 2022 is about 58.4 billion folios, which is about 2.4 billion folios less than the 60.8 billion folios in 2021, a decline of 4.01%. In 2022, 1.31 million tons of newsprint was consumed, down 4.38% from 1.37 million tons in 2021. [11]
In 2022, 26.6 billion newspapers of various types will be published nationwide. [10]
On February 29, 2024, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the Statistical Communique of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 2023, and published 25.8 billion copies of various newspapers in 2023. [12]