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SAN Miguel

Eastern Frontier Province of El Salvador and capital of the same name
SAN Miguel, El Salvador Eastern border province And the capital of the same name. It covers an area of 2,077 square kilometers and is about 2,129 meters above sea level. Population 1,064 million (2020).
Chinese name
SAN Miguel
Foreign name
San Miguel
Area product
2,077 square kilometers
Population number
1,064 million (2020)
Sea bulldog
2,129 m



SAN Miguel, El Salvador Eastern border province . It borders Honduras to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. It has an area of 2,077 square kilometers. Population 502,000 (1987). The capital is SAN Miguel. It is mostly mountainous and plateau, with lowlands along the SAN Miguel River and in the west SAN Miguel Volcano It is 2,129 meters above sea level. Tropical mountain climate. To the south, the SAN Miguel River passes through, and the valley is fertile. The province was established in 1875. The economy is based on agriculture, producing cotton, grain, sugar cane and fruit, as well as raising poultry and livestock. The industry is based on the processing of agricultural and livestock products, with gold and silver minerals. Pan-American road and rail through, convenient transportation.

The capital

Eastern El Salvador city The capital of SAN Miguel Province. On the right bank of the SAN Miguel River, 110 km northwest of SAN Salvador. With a population of 165,000 (1982), it is the third largest city in the country. It was founded in 1530. It was rebuilt after being destroyed by an earthquake in 1917. An important commercial center in the eastern region. The nearby intensive agricultural area is rich in sisal, grain, cotton, sugar cane and so on. There are gold and silver minerals. The main industries are textile, rope, food processing and tanning. Road and rail hub, airport. There are Indian town monuments on the outskirts of the city.