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[yìn dù jiào]
Native religion in India
unfoldTwo entries with the same name
Hinduism ( Hindi : electric mode check check check check check check check check check; Hinduism), is followed by India Feudal society Formed, Caste system The emergence of new changes.
Hinduism was not created by a guru Ideological system But in the long run Social development During the formation of the process, it is widely absorbed Brahmanism Doctrinal and Folk belief , customs and habits, Philosophical thought The synthetic product of etc. Also indicative Indian culture circle The religion produced within is one of the major religions of the world.
in South Asia the Pakistan , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , Nepal , Southeast Asia the Malaysia , Indonesia , Singapore , The Philippines , and Britain The United States Canada , Australia , NZ , S.Africa The Indian population also has a large number of devotees. It has 1.05 billion followers (1993 statistics It is second only to Christianity with 1.5 billion followers and Islam with 1.1 billion followers, and larger than Buddhism with 300 million followers. [1]
The so-called "Hinduism" was born from Indian culture circle On religion, philosophy, culture and Social custom Its beliefs, philosophies and ethical views are complex and diverse, and even contradictory. Indian Social hierarchy Groups and different cultural classes have their own different beliefs and practices, but unlike other religions, Hinduism has three characteristics: worship of three gods, direct promotion of hereditary hierarchy, and firm belief reincarnation ", a set of Caste system As a core doctrine, it requires strict adherence to the caste system. The caste system is the most typical and strict hierarchy . The four levels have strict regulations in terms of status, rights, occupations, obligations, etc. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
chromic Hindi ), Hinduism ( English ) [1]
India [1]
The third largest number of believers in the world religion [1]
Mainly distributed
India , Pakistan , Nepal Etc.
Time of occurrence
Around the 2nd century


Hinduism originated Jarapa The reincarnation and immortality of the soul, in Vedic age The late period reappeared and became a fundamental part of Hinduism at a deeper level.
The karma that a man produces in his life determines whether his soul will be reborn next time as a higher or lower human being, or as an animal, or even an animal insect . Special devotion, meditation, abstinence and right Eternal truth The understanding that reincarnation can be avoided in the cycle of life; The soul in this state avoids this samsara and achieves transcendence, which is not a physical ascension to heaven, but a spiritual bliss of reunion with God or heaven and earth. With the immortal soul of the mortal body, the mortal life can contain an immortal ghost with the immortal creativity of a god, and the soul can be reborn or reincarnated.
The belief in reincarnation reinforces Hindu feelings of respect for all life. A person's relative or ancestor may have been reborn as a horse or a horse Spider . from Jarapa Throughout the ages, cattle have received special respect due to their basic use and the creation and production of milk from cows motherhood Symbol. The bull naturally symbolizes endurance and manhood (vs Mediterranean culture The cow symbolizes tenderness with her large, radiant eyes. But for Hinduism, all life is sacred, and every living thing is a link in the great chain of life that shows the presence of God. Thus, devout Hindus are vegetarians, except for the lowest caste In addition, everyone specifically avoids eating beef . Milk, curd , ghee, yoghurt Wait, they're only used for religious sacrifices. [1]
enter Vedic age Before the late period (about 600 BC), the Hindu Pantheon had consisted of the Trinity Vishnu , Siva and Brahma Rule, they all are Supreme God All are the Creator. As Hinduism continues to merge regional and Folk religion Deities and traditions have given rise to a discomfiting situation of various deities with their own beliefs and followers, incarnations of deities and lesser deities, including benevolent ones Ganesa , yes Siva And his wife. Snow mountain goddess The son has a pictographic head; The monkey god of loyalty and strength Hanuman ; Goddess of wisdom and learning Sarasavadi ; night ; Vishnu deuto Auspicious goddess , goddess of wealth and worldly merit; And the original goddess Kali (also known as kali ) or Durga (also known as Inclose mother ), both of them Siva The figure of the mate, or its female equivalent in darker appearance, is sometimes called the goddess of death and disease, but the same Siva Likewise, people, especially women, pray for her help.
Shiva became the most widely worshipped god. He is regarded as both a god of creation and a God of destruction, God of harvest The God of abundance, the God of cosmic dance, and the master God of Yogis (practitioners of yoga and penance). He also ruled over human life and death and the reproduction of genius, and was juxtated with similar deities of other religions, including those representing suffering (crucifixion) and eternal life Christ . In some other religions, human sacrifice is used as a means of praying for the resurrection of life; The sacrificial victim gives his life to another, or gives his life to pray for another. Hinduism recognizes this concept because it sees death as an intrinsic part of life and through Shiva and Kali The image celebrates it. [1]


Hinduism was formed around the 2nd century with a collection of Upanishads, Six schools of philosophy The system evolved, and it was a synthesis of various religions, mainly Brahmanism The faith arose out of a Protestantism, and before the 2nd century was also known as the Brahmanism And got the upper echelons of India at that time Nobleman The support of...
Hinduism inherits the teachings of Brahmanism, still believes in Brahmanism, and supports and actively plays on the idea of the existence of karma, karma and reincarnation. But it is different from the teachings, canons, etc. of Brahmanism.
First of all, Brahmanism Originally be a polytheism And Hinduism is a religion of God with considerable particularity. Hinduism also believes in multiple gods, but among the three gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva should be the main gods. Think, Brahma The god in charge of creating the world; Vishnu is the god in charge of maintaining the world; Shiva is the god in charge of destroying the world.
Hindus believe that Buddha Shakyamuni is Vishnu The ninth incarnation. [2]
Second, Hinduism absorbed Jainism The proposition of desire.
Again, Hinduism was generally established sangha And the temple.
Brahmanism had no temples at first, but began to have a few temples around the 1st century AD. Since the establishment of Hinduism, its sacrificial activities are held in temples, some ceremonies and special dancers dance to worship God, attracting thousands of people, forming a grand and warm scene. As a result, the impact is growing.
Finally, in philosophy, is a more complete Objective idealism Based on the system. This system was proposed by the 8th century Vedanta philosophists Sankara . He founded A treatise on unalterability , that is monism The doctrine holds that apart Cosmic spirit There is nothing real outside the Brahma, and the Brahma and the individual spirit are one and the same. It points out how to get rid of the false and reach the real road. For him, matter, the individual soul, the human God all exist, but in the sense of the general truth, they are all illusions, the result of the mysterious and incomprehensible action of the Brahma with magic powers. [1]
He thought the vision was Really have Is conditioned by man's own ignorance. He emphasized, "Only the wise can look through it and see that there is nothing behind it except the only real Brahma." In Sankara's eyes, man's ID, that is, his immortal soul, his spirit, is exactly the same in nature as the highest real Brahma, and the purpose of life is to eliminate the unreal material world and make man's ID and Brahma one. Thus one can escape from the painful cycle of life and life and enter a state of pure bliss that is wonderful and enchanting. To preach the way of liberation is to cultivate the mind in many ways, to gradually distinguish between the eternal and the impermanent, to control one's senses, to give up attachment to the material things of the world, to earnestly yearn for union with the Brahma, and to gain firm faith by meditating on the truth of the Brahma self.
Sankara It is this objective idealism of philosophical theory that leads people to worship Hinduism. He also personally organized some important Religious activity . He established four holy places in India and a Hindu organization called the "Ten Orders" modeled after the Buddhist Sangha. [1]


Unlike Buddhism and Zoroastrianism ( Zoroastrianism Before the advent of Islam in ancient times Iran The main religion, legend created by the Iranian prophet Zoroaster, was popular in ancient Iran and Iran Central Asia It is found in remote parts of Iran and is prevalent among the Parsis in India. It holds that there is good and evil in the universe, Light and dark There are two forces at war, good and light will eventually triumph over evil and darkness, and fire is the embodiment of good and light. Its main ceremony is the worship of the "holy fire", all major memorial prayers to light the holy fire. It was introduced into China during the Northern and Southern Dynasties Zoroastrianism , zoroastrianism or mazdaism . Like Hinduism, it accepts the existence of evil and is willing to endure more worldly suffering than other religions, recognizing that people themselves are good and evil, love and hate, sorrow and joy, baseness and nobility, selfishness and selfishness altruism Blending - must obey one's own nature and the nature of the universe.
Thus, the main male and female deities of Hinduism represent both destroyer Both the Creator and the Creator, who cause both suffering and well-being, are true representatives of the universe as it is. In the later period of Hinduism, the mainstream sect of Hinduism gradually developed towards monotheism, emphasizing the unity of all things in the universe and superhumanism deities The only creation above the original dignity. Even without religion, without meditation and right Eternal truth Various mediums of mystical understanding may also find their way to creativity and the universe Gate of truth . As the Hindu proverb says, "God is one and many, but the wise know him."
Hindu reformism school Jainism and Sikhism Both (in the 6th century BC and the late 14th century AD, respectively) had monotheistic tendencies. [1]




This is one of the main characteristics of Hinduism. On the surface, Hinduism claims 33 million deities, but most Hindus Worship only one god.
Hinduism has Three main gods : Brahma , Vishnu and Siva .
Brahma Be the first Primal God Is the creator of all things;
Vishnu Is the second main god, is the maintainer of the universe, can create and subdue the devil, is regarded as the protector god;
Siva Is the third Lord God, is the destroyer of the world, to Male genitalia As a symbol, and constantly changing in different images, is also regarded as the god of destruction.
Among the three main gods, Vishnu or Shiva is often set up as one main god, under which the other gods are all incarnations of one of these two gods, so they are special monotheism . [1]

Caste separation

Believers must observe it strictly Caste system , Brahman It enjoys supreme authority, which fully reflects the characteristics of the socialization of Hindu religious life.
The biggest difference between Hinduism and other religions, such as Buddhism and Christianity, is that Hinduism directly preaches heredity hierarchy , a set of Caste system As a core doctrine, it requires strict adherence to the caste system. The caste system is the most typical and rigid hierarchical system. The four levels have strict regulations in terms of status, rights, occupations, obligations, etc.
Dominated by monks and nobles First grade Brahman Ownership interpretation Religious scriptures And the privilege of sacrifice to the gods.
Dominated by military nobility and administrative nobility Second order Kshatriya Has the privilege of collecting all kinds of taxes.
Aryan Free civilians are Third estate Vaisya People engaged in farming, animal husbandry, fishing, hunting, etc., must support the first two levels in the form of donations and taxes.
conquered Indigenous people is Fourth estate Sudra They can only engage in farming, herding, fishing, hunting, and other menial occupations.
According to the caste system, jobs at all levels are hereditary and passed down from father to son; Marriages of the same rank shall be carried out within each rank, and marriages between men of lower rank and women of higher rank shall be strictly prohibited; Sudra has no right to participate in religious life. Hinduism is India. Exploiting class The instrument of hereditary rule over the exploited classes of India. Brahmins and Kshatriyas are the exploiting classes of India, Vaisha and Sudra are Indian Exploited class .
From 600 BC to 2017 AD, the Indian exploiting classes of Brahmins and Kshatriyas succeeded in hereditary rule over the exploited classes of Veisha and Sudra of India through Hinduism for 2617 years. [1]
Encyclopedia x Mixed Knowledge: Illustrating the Caste System


It is believed that every life has a soul, will be reborn or reincarnated, good and evil will be retribution, this cycle of rebirth, no beginning and no end. To achieve liberation, one must attain a state of Sameness, that is, the unity of the soul with God.
There are three ways of liberation:
One is the behavior of the road, strictly adhere to various commandments, routine sacrifices;
The second is the path of knowledge, through study, practice, witness and so on;
The third is the way of godliness, through faith in God to receive grace. [1]


Shiva is one of the three main Hindu gods
Because Hinduism believes Brahman Status is Paramount, therefore omnipotence It has influenced the Indian people for more than two thousand years, worshippers worship various types of gods, and rituals are cumbersome, sometimes even the sacrifice of living people.
In addition, Hinduism believes in restraint of emotions and asceticism It is a very important cultivation method that enables one to achieve the same state of Brahma and self and get rid of the suffering of Samsara. [1]

Vedic scriptures

Veda Classics are considered to be History of India The source of all cultures is called "the Apocalypse." This earliest religious Canon of India is a collection of ancient religious and historical documents of India, and the religion and history of later generations in India Philosophical thought The implications are profound. [1]


Brahma is Hinduism Three main gods One of them. In... Book of Past Events He is called the Creator of the world. He is said to have four hands and four heads. Ever created Sarasavadi To be a wife; In mythology, Sarasurvath is the protector of wisdom, literature and science. Holding Musical Instruments, Bayeux books, rosary beads and lotus flowers, often ride Swan or Peacock . Hindus believe that Brahma has done his duty after creating the world. It was a great sin for him to take his daughter as his wife. Therefore, Brahma is not very important. There is only one temple dedicated to Brahma at Puhijjar. But the worship of Sarasvadi is very popular. [1]


Hinduism has densification Two times the difference. in Esoteric Buddhism In the prevailing wheel seat, the sexual force goddess "five M" worship and so on. In addition, in Folk belief In China, it is also popular to slaughter animals or even human beings as sacrifices. It is strictly practiced in other denominations veganism . advocate Sanskrit practice (pure behavior). espouse non-violence Or" innocency "The ideal.
"No harm" is listed in the Upanishads as one of the five ways of regenerating people to break samsara. The Dwarf Book of the Past also worshipped her as a kind of personified goddess. Gandhi inherited this idea, making "do no harm" his nonviolence the Basic principle One of them. [1]


In traditional Indian thought, there is one called Yuga Time unit .
A cycle of the world is divided into four Yuga: SatyaYuga (or KritaYuga), TretaYuga, DvaparYuga, and KaliYuga.
In SatyaYuga, the power of God is felt by all beings and people pass through each other Psychic communication , Material world There is no separation from the spiritual world, there is no pain or sorrow in the world, there is no war, there is no religion, and there is no feeling of the flow of time, which can be said to be the golden age of mankind.
TretaYuga is a spiritual age in which man discovered time, invented tools, and occupied the world with his own mind Dominant position . The communication of hearts and minds was hindered, and there were wars. " The Ramayana The story is said to have taken place at this time.
In DvaparYuga, humans began to study science, invented more tools, and began to choose between the spiritual and the material. They are aware of the distance between people, and the communication between people depends on words. In this day and age, power is in the hands of women. Krishna's death is said to be the end of this era, and the book The Mahabharata This passage is described in ". At the end of the Mahabharata, humanity welcomes the KaliYuga.
KaliYuga is an age of material things, where men hold the power of the world instead of women. People pursue material rather than spiritual pursuits. Power and superstition began to rule the spirit of men, and the existence of God was only perceived by a few, leaving only religion as the only means of understanding God.


The Hindu view of the relationship between the soul and the body is that life does not begin with birth and end with death, but is a link in an endless series of lives, each determined by an act (karma) created in a previous life. The existence of animals, man and God are all links in this chain. A person's good behavior, can make him ascend to heaven, evil can make him fall into the afterlife as a beast. And all life, even in heaven, shall be telophase Can't find happiness in heaven or on earth. The desire of the pious Hindu is to attain liberation, to rest in that unchanging state, which is called Brahma.
Hinduism has a positive and negative "duality", it accepts the existence of evil, is willing to endure more worldly suffering than other religions, and recognizes that people - themselves are good and evil, love and hate, sorrow and joy, low and noble, selfish and selfish altruism Blending - must obey their own nature and the nature of the universe. Thus, the main male and female deities of Hinduism represent both destroyer and creator Two aspects that create both pain and well-being.
Thus, the devout, especially the literate, are essentially monotheists, emphasizing the unity of all things in the universe and the dignity of the sole source of creation above the humanoid deity. Even without religious faith, the door to creativity and universal truth can be found through various intermediate mediums of faith, meditation, and mystical understanding of eternal truth.


Hinduism originates from Ancient India Wetuo teaching and Brahmanism It is one of the world's major religions. It has 1.05 billion followers (1993 statistics It is second only to Christianity with 1.5 billion followers and Islam with 1.1 billion.
The so-called "Hinduism" is the religion, philosophy, culture and culture that exist in India Social custom Its beliefs, philosophies and ethical views are complex and diverse, and even contradictory. Indian Social hierarchy Groups, groups, and different cultural classes have different beliefs and practices. This synthesis and diversity make it difficult to come up with an accepted and clear definition of Hindu beliefs and characteristics.
Marx He said, "This religion is both a religion of indulgence and self-torture. asceticism The religion of; The religion of both Linga worship and Jagnath; It is the religion of both monks and dancers." It can be said that "Hinduism" encompasses monotheism , polytheism , pantheism and atheism .
19th century British colony After 20 years of systematic research on Hinduism, the British Foreign Office announced that it could not provide an accurate definition of Hinduism, which is both theism The religion of God, and the religion of atheism, both pluralism The religion, again monism The religion of; A religion of asceticism, and carnalism The religion of; It's religion, it's lifestyle and so on.
The word "Hinduism" is not the name Indians use for their own religion, but is imposed by outsiders. The word does not appear in any of the Indian scriptures." "Hindu" is actually a false version of the word "Sindhu". This word has been used since ancient times Western countries Be called" India "The kingdom of India," is a word borrowed by the Greeks from the Persians. Later, Muslims in the surrounding areas of India were unable to pronounce "Sindhu River". Indus The first letter of the word is "S", so the word is pronounced "Hindu". The word was later used by foreigners to refer to the area grown by the Indus River The Ganges The religious beliefs of the people of the irrigated land and Traditional culture . Therefore, Hinduism is, to be precise, a collection of different faith organizations that exist in India itself.
But despite all these beliefs, most of them have their roots in one, the Vedic Sutra, which was written 2,000 years before BC. Veda "). There are four sections of the Vedas: Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Rig Veda, and Atharva Veda. The teachings of the four Vedic Sutras are divided into two main parts: the prayer for worldly blessings and the attainment of spiritual liberation. Each part is divided into different goals and different levels. It is these various goals and different levels that constitute the "blooming of a hundred flowers and a hundred schools of thought" of the various faiths of Hinduism.
There are many gods worshipped in Hinduism, but the main gods are: the god of creation Brahma Shiva, God of destruction, God of maintenance Vishnu . Hinduism believes that good and evil have cause and effect, and the soul has reincarnation. Good deeds can make a man ascend to heaven after death, and bad deeds can make a man fall into an animal after death. Hinduism advocates abstinence and peace asceticism To achieve the purification of the soul. Hinduism also maintains that non-violence If you do not kill, even if you step on an ant, it is not kind. Therefore, Hindus are generally vegetarian, and the most conservative Hindus do not even eat eggs.
Hinduism has strict Caste system In other words, people are divided into four levels, from high to low: Brahman , Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra . There are clear boundaries between various family names, no intermarriage, no exchanges, no changes. There are also various teachings in Hinduism, such as: son preference, widows can not remarry, married women can not be seen in public, and bigamy. [1]
The main Hindu scriptures are the four Vedic Sutras, in addition to the Vedic philosophy which is the source of the Vedic philosophy. upanishads "And" Forest book Historical documents purana ", the two epic" The Ramayana "And" The Mahabharata And biographies of some religious saints.


Hinduism has never been prescribed immutable with Christianity or Judaism Quite uniform liturgy. Devout Hindus recite the prescribed prayers daily at the humble altar in every Hindu home, and they may frequently go to one of India's ubiquitous temples to pray or to donate food and flowers, overseen by men called priests. But there is no fixed ritual, no fixed ordination or priesthood, no special observance like Christian Sunday, Jewish Sabbath, or Muslim Friday Religious festival For worship.
in Religious ceremony In it, he served as a full-time clerk, and was mainly written in Sanskrit Veda and Narrative poem The recitators of the people are all Brahmins of the highest rank caste Members, who are also responsible for funerals, weddings, Puberty rite And the sole executor of prayer to God on behalf of the people. These were undoubtedly priestly functions, but they did not require the executor to be an intermediary between the laity and the gods. All members of the Hindu Brahmins are not priests, although the Hindu priests administer the temple and receive it offerings But they are far from officially appointed positions as in Christianity or Judaism.


There are also many Hindu festivals, most of which are as cultural as they are religious, such as autumn festivals Diwali And the Holi Festival in spring.


Diwali is a major festival in India Religious festival One, five days, equivalent to the current universal calendar In late October. This section is dedicated to wealth nymph Auspicious goddess In Bengal, it is dedicated to the goddess Kali .


Holi Festival, the Hindu Spring Festival, that is, the Gregorian calendar between 2 and March. The festival is characterized by revelry, when people regardless of caste, gender, Social status And age, try to do. Hinduism also has an ancient tradition of pilgrimages to famous temples and shrines.

Open assembly

In 2001, in The Ganges Middle reaches Allahabad It's held every 12 years Open assembly Attracting 30 million people, this is the largest riverside Dharma festival in India, held every three years in four places in rotation, so the same place is held every 12 years.
It is said that during the congress, people bathe in the river to cleanse their bodies, minds and mouths.

Evolution of religious ideas

Take a look at the modern Indian festivals and hajj GeoffreyChaucer (c. 1342-1400, England) Shakespeare One of the greatest writers and poets of his time. The long poem he wrote in his later years The Canterbury Tales ", narrated Pilgrim Ride from London A visit to the shrine of the martyred saint in Canterbury. Most Western people in England and medieval Europe were aware of religious ideas.
However, Renaissance The wave of retrenchment that spread across Europe at the beginning of the period has been affected by urbanization, industrialization, Technological revolution and nation-state The rise of shocks such as the emergence of India today. For the growing number of urban, professional Indians, religion has become less important than other, more secular opportunities. Although these people are still a minority of the population, they are mostly those who have abandoned caste Or caste indifferent groups.
Many modern Indian leaders have adopted secular ideas. Even Gandhi spoke out against caste discrimination and harsh treatment of the untouchable, untouchable It is a part of the lowest class of people in India who are not surnamed, have no rights, no status, and are also called immigrants.

Chinese documentation

Recorded content
Among the religions introduced into China from India, Buddhism is the only one, and the ancient Chinese people almost took Buddhism as their head Indian culture Everything that comes from India is often referred to as Buddhism. Everything about the Indian component is generally regarded as Buddhist terminology and thought, but this is not true. Hinduism was introduced into China before Buddhism and was the prototype of Buddhism.
Buddhism was introduced into China during the Yongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Along with many Buddhist monks have come to China to preach, some Brahman The priest came to China. According to... Biography of the Eminent Monk According to the book, there are several senior monks with Brahman identity who have a name and a surname:
" Buddha Yesha This cloud sense Ming, N guest, Brahman species, world affairs Outer lane "
" Cunabhadra This cloud of merit, mesoponia People, with Mahayana learning, number Mahayan This Brahman species. preschool The theory of the five Ming, the calculation of the heavenly documents, the magic of the medical prescriptions, all can not be Bo. Meet in Abhidan Mixed heart, seek to read the shock, is deep worship of Buddhism. His family outside the road, abdication of samanas, is the house hidden, far to seek normal, that is, to throw hairpin, specialized in Chronicles, and by the precepts, Botong three Tibetan. ... Yuan Jia twelve years to Guangzhou."
"In the Yuan dynasty, there was a Brahmin in the southern Tianzhu Boronai city named Qutan, named Prajna Liu Zhi, Wei Yan Zhixi, from metaimage The first year to Xing and the end, in Ye Translating the Dharma, reciting the holy, habitability In a heated way, Vijnana And on the Scriptures, fourteen and eighty-five books."
The three people listed above were all Brahmins who converted to the Dharma. Because of... Biography of the Eminent Monk All of them were Buddhist monks who were not interested in Brahmin priests. Then, during the Han and Tang Dynasties, did any pure Brahmin priests come to Middle Earth? The answer is yes. We wrote in" Poetry of the Tang dynasty Find a song written by Qingjiang Send brahmin Poetry, its poetry cloud: "Snow ridge gold River alone to the east, Wu Shan Chu Ze infinite meaning." Now the heart of the white head village is done, and the journey home is in a dream." The poet socialized with the Brahmin priests who came from afar.
Poets of Tang dynasty Liu Yuxi To develop Eye disease Probably cataract , classics Brahmanism The scholar was cured with golden rickets, so he gave a poem to a Brahmin monk to pass down to the world. His poem said: "Three autumns hurt to look far away, all day long cry road poor." Two eyes now dark, middle-aged like old man. See Zhu gradually into green, shame day can not help but wind. A surname Golden grate "How to be blinded?"
Brahmin medicine, at that time in the world's leading position, and introduced to China. " The History of Sui Dynasty The book contains the text" Brahmin immortals Prescription Twenty books, five books of Brahman's Prescriptions, are the best evidence. Thus, it can be inferred that the Brahmin priests who came to China successively were by no means one or two.
In the Book of Sui · Annals of Confucian classics There are a number of texts in the name of "Brahmin", here we will call them Brahmin texts. They are mainly distributed in the Annals of Classics child and Sutra sutra Inside, Department of history There are also, namely:
Book of Brahmanas;
The Brahmin Astronomical Sutra, book XXI, said by the Brahmansha immortals;
The Astronomical Treatise of the Brahmanja Immortals, 30 volumes;
" Brahmanic astronomy "A volume;
Brahman's Algorithm, three volumes;
Brahman Yin-Yang Calendar volume;
Three volumes of Brahman Sutra;
The Brahmin Immortals' Prescriptions, vol. 20;
Brahman's Prescription, 5 volumes;
"Great Sui Sutra Brahmin Master Foreign Biography" five volumes;
Nanzhao existed in Yunnan from the middle of the 7th century to the beginning of the 10th century Dali A surname The Yi nationality and The Bai nationality, living in Yunnan Province Local government established by the ancestors. Nanzhao Religious belief It's complicated. It's primitive witchcraft Later, Buddhism was introduced tantra And Taoism. Recently, some people have copied the Nanzhao Dehua Stele Evidence that Nanzhao once believed in Brahmanism was found in Nanzhao Map Biography and Text Volume.
"Nanzhao Dehua Stele" exists 15 miles south of Dali City Taihe Village Built in the first year of the Tang Dali Calendar (766), the monument is 3.02 meters high, 2.27 meters wide, and 0.58 meters thick. The front is the body of the monument, about 3,800 words, and the back is the title and name, about 1,000 words, written in Chinese, which is important for the study of Nanzhao history Physical data .
"Nanzhao Dehua Monument" cloud: Garo phoenix when Crown prince "Do not read unholy books, and try to learn the art of human beings." Wen Yucheng Mr. Yu believes that "Yu Ren" should be the "immortal" or "the original" translated by "Modern Gacha Sutra". The "art" of "the art of man" refers specifically to the Brahmanism" Four vedas The fourth. Xuanzang's work The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty Vol. Ii: "His Brahmanism, iv Veda ", a day of life, called health maintenance; Two said temple, that enjoy sacrifice prayer; Three said flat, called rites, divination, war, army; Four days of art, called power, skill, anathema Medical prescriptions ". From this, it can be seen that Galavon also studied the Veda of Brahmanism.
"Nanzhao Dehua Stele" cloud: Ge Luofeng sent troops to defeat the Tang Dynasty Fresh in Zhongtong It is "the spirit of the first blessing, God torch cheer, heaven and man association heart, military county all pull." One of the "torch cheer" sentence, especially worth studying. "God torch", God fire also. According to Brahmanic" omnipotence According to the theory, holding the "Sutra Ramani sacrifice" (one of the "fire sacrifices") can "subdue" the enemy and get the help of the fire god.
" Nanzhao, a feudal regime in ancient China Dehua Monument Cloud: Zampu Zhong three years (754), Ge Luo Feng ordered the defeat of Yunnan county governor, acolyte make Li Fu Waiting for people, "lying dead all over the field of Pisshe." Vaisya (Vaisya) is India Caste system Middle, inferior to Brahman, Kshatriya The third caste refers to farmers, traders and artisan Class. This inscription strongly suggests that Nanzhao was deeply influenced by Brahmanism.
"Nanzhao Dehua Tablet" cloud: after the general situation of Ge Luo Feng stability (765), "sitting in the south to call the lonely, the east side and the Lord." Then study the martial arts, the official set up a hundred, the list of respect, subdivision, the position of nine. Explain three kinds of teaching and four kinds of teaching..." . Among them, those who "explain the three religions" set the elucidation of Confucianism, Buddhism and Brahma as the national policy in the construction of the ritual system.
In addition to the Nanzhao Dehua Stele, the Nanzhao Map Biography is another important one in the Nanzhao period Historical relics He was painted in Nanzhao Dynasty for two years (898) and is now in Japan Tokyo Prefecture There are adjacent pavilions. The first half of "Nanzhao Map Biography" is a picture scroll, and the second half is a text. The content of the picture can be divided into three parts: Weishan Mountain The cause, that is, the story of the Buddhist monk fasting. Second, the story of the Iron pillar, that is, the sacrifice of the iron pillar. Three. Xier River Remember, shunhuazine For the establishment of the king of the industry "with the animal prison and enjoy the sacrifice of the Xi 'er River (Erhai)."
Some people believe that the Weishan Holy monk in the "Nanzhao Tu Biography" is a Brahmin. Because the monk wears a "red lotus crown" on his head and has a beard, which looks different Buddhist Of... And the monk is on the top of the mountain Senarutra Wife and daughter-in-law" Take note "On the left there was a white horse with red bristles, and above the clouds went a page boy with an iron scepter in his hand; Right have White elephant There is a golden mirror with a page boy's hand and a green sand cow in the cloud." This is supposed to be a fictitious Brahmin sacrifice scene. Dadhikra, Ganesha , Siva His son, Ganesa, appears as a page boy. Shiva's cow, the name Nanda (Nanda), represented by the Green sand cow.
The neck of the slain monk in the fourth Hua of Nanzhao Map Biography lower A white band, that's the Brahmin high school." Five senses The scholar (Banjie) used the "item belt". " Jinra Modoki Said: "For Confucians called Banjie,... Hang a white thread around your neck. ... neck Kamiyuki The thread never goes." Pandit, pronounced pandit, originated from Sanskrit and is used in Thai today to refer to a learned person. Chenla The period was called Banjie, mostly Brahmin priests, because knowledge was monopolized by Brahmins at that time, and the general public had no opportunity to receive education. therefore Zhou Daguan It is said in the "Zhenla Fenglu Ji" that "those who become official by Banjie are the highest people." Since they are Brahmin priests, the white line around their neck that marks their Brahmin status will not be removed for life.
In addition, in the period of Nanzhao, Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake were widely existed The Great Black God The worship also attests to Brahmanism once sutras The Shu body poisons the way From India directly into Yunnan. The name of the Great Black God is "Mahakala" (Mahakala is big, Garo is black), so the Great black God is a free translation. His model was Shiva, the great Freedom king of Brahmanism. The Bai and Yi people regard the Great Black God as" owner "And" landowners, "that is," masters of the land "and" masters of the land, "are the ones who secure the land and secure the people godhead . Today, Dianchi Lake, Erhai Lake The area still retains many native and indigenous temples dedicated to the Great Black God. This is evidence of the integration of Brahmanism with the local witch religion.
The above proves that many elements of Brahmanism were transmitted to the East before Sui Dynasty, and shows that they were in Ancient China The existence of Buddhism, of course, is far from comparable in scale to that of its contemporaries. So can we assume that Brahmanism has already spread to China? This involves how to view the spread of religion and how to recognize the existence of religion standards.
The spread of religion is a gradual process, and the journey between starting in a new region and settling down is often long, and there are even twists and turns. Take Buddhism into China as an example, the beginning of its introduction, historians or the Western Han Dynasty Yuan Emperor Yuan Shou two years (2 BC) Otsuki envoy Ijun to Doctoral disciple Keng Luk Oral instruction The Buddhist Scriptures Or the Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Ming One night in the seventh year of Yongping (AD 64), he dreamed of the Golden People and sent CAI Kai and other doctors to visit the Buddhist Road in the Western regions, or CAI Kai and other monks in China selmoten , Zhu Flange And the Buddha back Luoyang Live in a temple.
Regardless of whether the above statement is true, Buddhism was introduced into China between the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, which has become the academic consensus. If this is taken as a sign of the introduction of a foreign religion into China, then the existence of Brahmanism in China before Sui Dynasty has far exceeded this standard. It can even be said that the historical materials about Buddhism in China before Wei and Jin dynasties are very few, at least not more than the historical materials about Brahmanism in Middle Earth before Sui Dynasty listed in this paper. Moreover, just as the distinction between Brahmanism and Buddhism was not clear in ancient China, "Buddhism and Taoism in the Han Dynasty could have been connected, and people at that time were often confused," and it was a common phenomenon in religious transmission to enter a new cultural region with other religious colors.
Therefore, even if, for various reasons, Brahmanism did not later establish itself in China and form an overall scale, it should be regarded as having been introduced into China before the Sui Dynasty. Otherwise, according to the same standard, the introduction of Buddhism into China can only be extended to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, or even in The two Jin dynasties Between, because until the late Western Jin Dynasty after the unrest Sixteen states of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Only then were the Han allowed to become monks.
In fact, after Brahmanism came to China, it was not a flash in the pan before Sui. From Brahmanism, music, painting, sculpture, medicine, astronomy, numeracy , divination, spells, etc., yes Chinese culture Has a significant and lasting impact. Although these are often confused with the cultural influences of Buddhism, they can still be distinguished.
As for our work in" Sui Shu · Classics records The Brahmin texts seen in the book are even more clear. Hundreds of years later in" History of Song Dynasty. Literature and Art We can also find the existence and circulation of books such as the volume of the Brahmin Monk's Robe, which proves that Brahmanism still tenaciously retains some of its characteristics.