
Southeast Asian countries
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Malaysia ( Malay , English: Malaysia), short for Malaysia, is Constitutional monarchy Federal state, capital Kuala Lumpur Administrative center of the federal government Putrajaya . The country is divided into 13 states and 3 federal territories, covering an area of about 330,000 square kilometers [1] . Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia The territory is divided into two parts by the South China Sea, namely Malay Peninsula The south ( Cima ) and The island of Kalimantan North ( Tongma ), Population 33.7 million (2023) [52] . Among them, 70% were Malays, 22.7% Chinese, 6.6% Indians and 0.7% other races.
At the beginning of the Malay Peninsula, there were Kalta, Wolf tooth repair And other ancient countries. [1] In the early 15th century Malacca The central kingdom of Manchus united most of the Malay Peninsula. [1] Starting in the 16th century Portugal , Netherlands , Britain Occupy. [1] The early 20th century was completely reduced to British colony . The island of Kalimantan Sarawak , Sabah Historically genus Brunei In 1888, both became British protectorates. [1] World War II Central, Malay Peninsula, Sarawak , Sabah be Japan Occupy. Post-war British recovery Colonial rule . August 31, 1957 The Union of Malaya Declare independence. [1] On 16 September 1963, the United States of Malaya agreed Singapore , Sarawak , Sabah Merged to form Malaysia (Singapore withdrew on 9 August 1965). [1]
Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural country, the official religion is Islam . Malaysia is capitalism The country, whose economy grew by leaps and bounds in the 1990s, was The four Asian Tigers It has become a notable diversified emerging industrial country in Asia and an emerging market economy in the world. The state implements Malay and aboriginal priorities New economic policy 2022, Malaysia Gross domestic product (GDP) $343.5 billion, GDP growth rate of 8.7%, Gross domestic product per capita $12,040.
On January 31, 2024 local time, the Sultan of Johor, Malaysia Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar He was sworn in as the 17th Supreme Head of State at the National Palace in the capital Kuala Lumpur for a five-year term. [50]
Chinese name
Malaysia [1]
Foreign name
Malaysia [1]
Abbreviated form
Malaysia [2]
Kuala Lumpur [1]
National Day
August 31, 1957 [1]
National song
My Country
Country code
Official language
ringgit [1] (MYR)
Time zone
Political system
A parliamentary constitutional monarchy
National leader
Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar [3] (Supreme Head of State) , Anwar Ibrahim [39] (Prime Minister)
Population number
33.7 million [52] (2023)
Population density
98.5 people/km2 [33] (2020)
Major nationality
Malay , Ethnic Chinese , Indian [1]
Major religion
Islam [1] (Sunni)
Land area
About 330,000 km² [1]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$343.5 billion (2022)
Per capita GDP
$12,040 (2022)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Keep to the left
The national flower
Hibiscus chinensis (Big red flower, Fusao)
National motto
Unity is strength
Legal system
Common law system
Ambassador of China to Malaysia
Ouyang Yujing [32]

Historical evolution

Subject article: History of Malaysia
The Malay Peninsula was established at the beginning of the year Kalda , Wolf tooth repair Ancient Johor and other ancient countries.
From the 7th to the 14th centuries, Three Buddhas And its influence extends to Malay Peninsula and Borneo Most of the area.
It was not until the 14th-15th century, shortly after the fall of the Three Buddhas, that it was introduced in the 10th century Islam To lay its foundation in Peninsular Malaysia. The region is divided into a number of predominantly Islamic states sultanate The most prominent of these was in the early 15th century Malacca centered Kingdom of Malacca . After the fall of the Malacca Kingdom, the son of the last Sultan established it Kingdom of Johor . At that time, the Malay archipelago was divided into a number of small states, including Aceh, Brunei, Johor, Perak, Banten, Yogyakarta, Kedah, Selangor, Sulu and Terengganu.
After the end of the 16th century, Europe Traders in Malaysia have discovered different resources such as Tin ore , Pepper and Gold ore European colonial power continued to expand in the region. The weakness of the sultanates created conditions for the migration of people from other regions into these Malay lands. Buginese In 1699, he assassinated Johor's last sultan of Malacca descent and took control Johore and Selangor , The Minangabao Also moved into Malaya and founded Sembilan . The fall of Johor left a power vacuum in Peninsular Malaysia, with Perak becoming the leader of the sultanate. The Great City Kingdom of Siam made the northern states of Kedah, Kelantan, Pattani, Glass City and Terengganu its vassals.
In the 18th century, the first wave of foreign immigrants came to Malaysia, including Arab , Indian , Ethnic Chinese .
From 1942 to 1945, Malaysia was ruled by Japan Occupation, inciting anti-colonialism in the region nationalism . The Communist Party of Malaysia set up the People's anti-Japanese Army under the convening of the British Army to carry out anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare.
The year 1945 Surrender of Japan Later, the Communist Party began to turn to anti-British colonial activities, strikes, school strikes, and increasingly tense relations with the British colonial government. In June 1948, three European leaders of the Garden Hills were killed in Perak and Fung, and the British colonial government declared the Communist Party of Malaysia and other left-sided political parties as illegal organizations and banned them. The Communist Party of Malaysia changed from a peaceful struggle to an armed struggle and once again entered the forest to wage guerrilla warfare, and the whole country entered a state of emergency. In 1949, the Malayan National Liberation Army (later renamed the Malayan People's Liberation Army) was formed and fought a guerrilla war until the 1960s, when it retreated to the forests along the Malayan border. in Britain The military's intense crackdown, plus China Stop exporting the revolution, cut off all aid to the Communist parties in Southeast Asia, and stop the aid of arms and food. After losing Chinese aid, the Communist Party laid down its arms and surrendered to the governments of Southeast Asia.
In 1957, The Union of Malaya Declare independence.
On June 3, 1959, British Singapore was granted self-government status by the British colonial government, and British Sarawak and British North Borneo (Sabah) were granted self-government status on July 22 and August 31, 1963. During the self-government period, the defense, foreign affairs, finance, and internal affairs of the three states were still under the control of the British government, but they were not formally independent from the law. After many arguments and confrontations, Malay Peninsula Eleven states, Sabah , Sarawak and Singapore Malaysia was finally formed on 16 September 1963 (Singapore withdrew from Malaysia on 9 August 1965).
The government's goal is "Vision 2020" to make Malaysia an advanced nation by 2020.
On 10 December 2021, it was reported that Malaysia was elected International Maritime Organization New Council members from 2022 to 2023. [34]
December 12, 2023, Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar He reshuffled his cabinet for the first time since taking office a year ago. Anwar continued to serve as finance minister, creating a second finance minister and appointing entrepreneurs Amir Hamza Take up the post. Anwar split the existing Communications and digital components into the Communications and Digital ministries, and the Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change components into the Energy Transformation and Public Utilities ministries, and the Natural Resources and Sustainable Development ministries. [47]

Natural environment


Regional location

Malaysia country map
Location of Malaysia Southeast Asia , due to Malay Peninsula South of Malaya and located The island of Kalimantan upstate Sarawak , Sabah Make up. The whole territory is divided by the South China Sea East Malaysia (East Malaysia for short) and West Malaysia (Sima for short) two parts. West Malaysia is located in the south and north of the Malay Peninsula Thailand Bordering, south and Singapore every Johor Strait Facing each other, we face the South China Sea to the east and the west The Strait of Malacca ; East Malaysia is located in the north of Kalimantan Island, with Indonesia , The Philippines , Brunei Adjacent; The nearest point between West Malaysia and East Malaysia is 600 nautical miles. Malaysia has a total land area of about 330,000 square kilometers, including 132,000 square kilometers in West Malaysia and 198,000 square kilometers in East Malaysia. The coastline is 4,192 km long. [1] [38]


The West Malaysia terrain is high in the north and low in the south, and the mountains run from north to south, dividing the Malay Peninsula into two parts: the east coast and the west coast. The coast is a vast alluvial plain with fertile land. The central part of the mountain, from the west to the east are the Binshan mountain, the Central Mountains, the Benong Mountains, the Dahan Mountains, the eastern Mountains. The highest peak in the West is Dahansan (Gunung Tahan), 2,816 meters above sea level. locate Pahang State the Pahang Sunggai Pahang is the second largest river in Malaysia, with a total length of 434 kilometers and a drainage area of 29,137 square kilometers. The main river originates from the Dahan Mountain and flows into the South China Sea.
The east is covered with forested hills and mountains, and the west coast is a alluvial plain. The whole territory is densely covered with rivers and rich in hydraulic resources. The Klo River mountain range runs north-south, and the main peak, Mount Kinabalu (Gunung Kinabalu), at 4,095 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in Southeast Asia. locate Sarawak middle Rajan Giang Sunggai Rajang is the largest river in Malaysia, with a length of 592 kilometers and a drainage area of 39,000 square kilometers. [51]
Mountains divide the peninsula into east and west coasts; The sandy coast is mostly plain, and the interior is mostly forested hills and mountains. Crocker Mountains Extending north from Sarawak, through Sabah Divide Sabah into east and west coasts.
The highest peak in Malaysia is 4,101 meters high Mount Kinabalu .

Climatic characteristics

Malaysia is located near the equator and belongs to Tropical rainforest climate and Tropical monsoon climate Hot and rainy all the year round, there is no obvious division of the four seasons. The temperature difference varies little during the year. Rainfall is abundant throughout the year, with an average annual rainfall of 2000-2500 mm. The rainy season is from October to March, and the dry season is from April to September. [38]

Natural resources

The territory is rich in natural resources. rubber , Palm oil and Pepper The output and export volume ranks first in the world. Used to be the world's largest producer of tin, due to over-exploitation, production is decreasing year by year. petroleum Rich reserves, in addition to iron, gold, tungsten, coal, bauxite, manganese and other minerals. Fertile zone hardwood .
In the primitive forest, there are endangered exotic animals and rare birds, such as good at flying lemur Long-limbed brown-haired giantopithecus , White rhinoceros and orangutan And so on, birds, snakes, crocodiles, insects and other wild animals are also abundant. Orchids, giant apes and butterflies are known as the three treasures of the horse.

Administrative division


Administrative division

Subject article: Subdivisions of Malaysia
Malaysia is divided into 13 states, including Johore , Kedah , Kelantan , Malacca , Sembilan , Pahang , Penang , Thunderbolt , Perlis , Selangor , Terengganu , and Sabah and Sarawak There are also three federal territories: the capital Kuala Lumpur , Labuan and Putrajaya . [1]

National capital

Kuala Lumpur
capital Kuala Lumpur It has a population of 2.04 million. [52] It covers 243 square kilometers. Having both sightseeing and communication functions Kuala Lumpur Petro Towers At 466 meters, it was once the tallest building in the world. It is one of the tallest towers in Asia, like two silver swords sticking straight into the clouds. Kuala Lumpur is also a microcosm of this multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, with the city's mosques and Buddhism , Hinduism Temples can be found everywhere, Christianity There are also more than 20 churches.
Administrative center of the federal government Putrajaya It is located 25 kilometers south of Kuala Lumpur and covers an area of 49 square kilometers. The Prime Minister's Office and some government staff moved in in June 1999, and the relocation was completed by 2005.

National symbol

National symbols of Malaysia
Flag of Malaysia - Brilliant stripes
Flag of Malaysia Also known as the "Brilliant Stripes." The flag has been in use since 16 September 1963, when Malaysia was formed.
National emblem
Coat of arms of Malaysia
Coat of arms of Malaysia In the middle is the coat of arms, which is painted with a yellow crescent moon and a yellow star with 14 pointed points, and the patterns and colors on the surface of the shield symbolize the composition of Malaysia and its administrative areas. On each side of the coat of arms stood a red tongue Malayan tiger The hind legs of the two tigers tread on a golden sash, on which is written the motto "unity is strength".
National anthem
Malaysian National anthem "Negaraku"
Song title: Negaraku (Malay), Chinese translation of My Motherland
The national flower
Hibiscus, the national flower of Malaysia
hibiscus (also known as big red flower, Fusao)
National bird
The national bird of Malaysia, the hornbill
hornbill (Latin scientific name: Buceros rhinoceros)

Population nationality


Demographic statistics

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country
According to the Statistics Department of Malaysia in 2018, the total population was 32.385 million. In terms of ethnic groups, indigenous ( Malay and aborigines A total of 200719 million (61.98%), Malaysian Chinese A total of 6,685,500 (20.64%) Malaysian Indian people The total population was 201,400 (6.24%), 294,500 (0.90%) others, and 3,322,700 (10.26%) non-nationals. [4]
By constitutional definition, Malay Malay customs (customary law) and culture are practised Moslem . They are politically dominant. Indigenous status is also granted to certain non-Malay indigenous peoples, including Thai , Khmer , Chams And the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak. Non-malay indigenous people make up more than half of the population in Sarawak and more than two-thirds in Sabah. A small number of indigenous groups also exist on the peninsula, collectively known as the Orang Asli. State laws vary as to who can obtain indigenous status.
On the basis of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People's Republic of China The official website updated in February 2021 shows that Malaysia has a population of 32.75 million. Among them, 69.1 per cent were Malays, 23 per cent Chinese, 6.9 per cent Indians and 1.0 per cent other races. [1]
As of the end of 2020, Malaysia has a total population of about 32.73 million. Of these, there are about 16.83 million men and 15.9 million women. The top 5 states by population are Selangor , Sabah , Johor , Sarawak and Perak . [38]
On February 14, 2022, according to the brief report released by the Sixth National Census Statistics Department of the Malaysian Government on the same day, in 2020, the national population of Malaysia is about 32.45 million, of which 29.8 million are Malaysian citizens, and Chinese Malaysian citizens account for 23.2%. In 2020, there will be 110 men for every 100 women in Malaysia; In 2010, the number was 106 to 100. [35] In 2023, Malaysia has a population of 33 million.

Vital statistics

In 2017, the average life expectancy of Malaysians was 74.8 years, and the life expectancy of females was longer than that of newborn males. [5] Among those who died in the same year, the main causes of death were Ischemic heart disease 13.2%, pneumonia 12.5%, Cerebrovascular disease 6.9%, Traffic accident 5.4%, trachea, bronchus and lung malignancies 2.2%. [6]



Political system

Malaysia is Constitutional monarchy State, practice Parliamentary cabinet system The supreme law of the land is the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. The Federal Constitution divides the supreme power of the state into three parts: legislative, executive and judicial. Separation of powers Both at the federal level and at the state level, each state has its own constitution under the federal Constitution. For historical reasons, Sarawak and Sabah have greater autonomy. [7]
The highest representative of the state both internally and externally is called the head of State, while the head of government is the Prime Minister. The sovereign is Supreme Heads of State of Malaysia He is the head of State of Malaysia and formally has the highest power in the country, but the real power is in the Cabinet of Malaysia. Cabinet of Malaysia Is the executive branch of the Government of Malaysia, headed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia; Parliament of Malaysia It is the highest legislative body, consisting of the Supreme Head of State, the House of Lords and the House of Commons; Federal Court of Malaysia It is the highest body in the judicial system and the final court of appeal. [7]
The 16th Supreme Head of State of Malaysia, Sultan Abdullah
In 1963, after the formation of Malaysia, the Constitution of Malaya, promulgated in 1957, was renamed the Constitution of Malaya. Constitution of Malaysia It has since been revised several times. The Constitution says, Supreme Heads of State of Malaysia He is the supreme leader of the state, leader of the Islamic State and commander in chief of the Armed forces, elected by the Conference of Rulers for a term of five years. The head of state has supreme legislative, judicial and executive powers, as well as the power to appoint the Prime minister and refuse to dissolve parliament. In March 1993, the Malaysian Parliament passed a constitutional amendment to remove the legal immunity and other privileges of the supreme leaders of the royal families of the states. In May 1994, the Constitution was amended to stipulate that the Head of state must accept and perform official duties on the advice of the Government. In January 2005, the Lower house of Parliament passed a bill to amend the Constitution, which decided to transfer the management of water supply and cultural heritage in the states to the central government. [1]
Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution gives the Malaysian Head of State the power to protect the special status of the Malays and other indigenous peoples. Specifically, it means the right to ensure that places in public services, higher education institutions are reserved for Malays and Sarashagans when the Head of State deems it reasonable. In addition, the Head of State has the power to ensure fixed quotas for Malays and East Malaysians in the allocation of scholarships, passes and licences as he deems reasonable. [8]
In July 2019, the Malaysian Parliament passed a constitutional amendment to lower the voting and election age from 21 to 18, while introducing automatic voter registration. The system will be officially implemented in September 2022. In December 2021, the Malaysian Parliament again passed the Constitutional Amendment Bill to restore Sabah and Sarawak's status as "states" when they joined the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. [1]

Conference of rulers

Conference of rulers by Johore , Pahang , Selangor , Sembilan , Perak , Terengganu , Kelantan , Kedah , Perlis The hereditary supreme leader of the nine states Sudan Or Rajat, as well Malacca , Penang , Sarawak , Sabah Heads of state of four states.
The function of the Council of Rulers is to elect the Supreme Head and Deputy Supreme Head in rotation among the nine hereditary Sultans; To review and promulgate state laws and regulations; Have the final say on national issues of Islam; Consideration of major issues concerning the privileged status of the Malays and the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak. No law relating to the privileged position of the ruler may be passed without the consent of that Assembly. The Prime Minister of the Cabinet and state Secretaries (states with Sultans) and Chief Ministers (states without Sultans) assisted in convening the meeting. [1]

Legislative body

The Malaysian legislature is divided into federal and state legislatures.
Parliament of Malaysia Parliament, also known as Parliament, consists of the Supreme Head of State, the upper house, and the lower house. It is the highest legislative body in Malaysia, but its legislative powers concerning the identity, privileges and status of the ruler, as well as the status of the Malay language as the national language, are limited. The Parliament meets under the call of the Supreme Head of State, and both houses have the power to introduce laws. After the bill has passed the third reading in the House of Commons, it must be considered by the House of Lords for the third reading and then submitted to the Supreme Head of State for approval. The House of Lords has the right to propose amendments to laws, but has no right to veto bills, and can only propose amendments. The House of Commons has the power to amend, approve or reject amendments to bills made by the House of Lords. After the bill is passed by both houses, it will be submitted to the Supreme Head of State for royal assent. After the consent and seal of the Supreme Head of State, the bill becomes an official law and will be published in the Government Gazette. [7]
Parliament is the highest legislative body, consisting of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons has 222 seats, which are renewable for a five-year term. The current Lower Speaker, Johari Abdul, took office in December 2022. The Upper House has 70 seats, two elected by each of the 13 state assemblies, and 44 appointed by the Supreme Head of State on the recommendation of the Cabinet for a three-year term, renewable for two terms. The current Speaker is Mdang Daga, who took office in February 2024. [52]
  • The Supreme Head of State of Malaysia is a symbol of state power and is elected by the Council of Rulers for a five-year term, alternating between the monarchs of the nine states. The Supreme Fuhrer is assisted by a Deputy Fuhrer who acts in his absence. The legislative power of the Supreme Head is embodied in the approval and signature of bills passed in Parliament and the exercise of the power to convene, dissolve or refuse to dissolve Parliament. [7]
  • The Upper House (Dewan Negara) has 70 seats, with 26 members elected by the 13 state legislatures and 44 members appointed by the Supreme Head of State on the recommendation of the Cabinet. Members of the House of Commons are normally elected for a term of three years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms, and their terms are not affected by the dissolution of the House of Commons. The House of Lords has a President and a vice President, each elected from among the Lords.
  • Lower House of Parliament (Dewan Rakyat) : The 222 seats are elected by Malaysians, usually for a term of five years, and can be re-elected. Members of the House of Commons cannot be Lords. The House of Commons has a Speaker, who can be elected from among Members or non-members, and whose main duty is to ensure the smooth running of the session in accordance with the parliamentary order; The two vice-chairmen can only be elected from among the members of the Parliament. [7]
State legislatures are slightly different from federal legislatures in that they are unicameral, consisting of state monarchs and state legislatures, whose members are elected by their respective state legislatures. [9]

Judicial body

Malaysian court system
There are three judicial systems in Malaysia, namely civil courts, Islamic courts and special courts. [11] 10 -
The civil court structure can be divided into higher courts and lower courts. The lower Court consists of the Magistrates' Court and the District Court, while the High Court consists of the High Court (Malaya High Court and Borneo High Court), the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. The Federal Court has been the highest court in Malaysia since 1985, and its decisions were previously appealable to London Privy Council . The jurisdiction of the Islamic courts is limited to family law and religious beliefs [11] ; The Special Court hears civil and criminal cases involving the Supreme Head of State of Malaysia [10] .
There are the Malaya High Court (for West Malaysia) and the Borneo High Court (for East Malaysia), and each state has district courts and magistrates' Chambers. There are also special military courts and Sharia courts. Chief Justice of the Federal Court Dato 'Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat, who took office in May 2019, is the first female Chief Justice of Malaysia. Attorney-general Tri Rudin, assumed office in September 2023 [52] . [1]

Administrative agency

Cabinet of Malaysia It is the executive branch of the Federal Government, headed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The members of the Cabinet must be chosen by Parliament, and the member of the lower house with the most support is elected Prime Minister, and the Supreme Head of State appoints the Cabinet ministers and vice-ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister. Similarly, the state Cabinet is elected from the State legislative Assemblies and is headed by the State Secretary/Chief Minister, appointed by the state monarch on the recommendation of the State Secretary.
The Cabinet list is as follows: Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Rural and Regional Development Ahmad Zahid, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Energy Transformation and Public Utilities Fadillah Yusof, Transport Minister Loke Siew Fook, Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu, Economy Minister Rafizi, Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming, Foreign Minister Mohamad Hasan, Defense Minister Mohamed Khaled Nordin, Works Minister Alexander, Interior Minister Saifuddin Nasution, Tengku Zafrul, Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry; Zambry, Minister of Higher Education; Chang Lih Kang, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation; Nancy, Minister of Women, Family and Social Development; Minister for Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Armizan, Minister for Legal and Institutional Reform in the Prime Minister's Office Azalina, Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability NikNazmi, Minister for Enterprise and Cooperative Development Ewon, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Tiong King Sing, Minister of Communications Fahmi, Minister of Digital Gobind Singh, Minister of Education Fadhlina, Minister of National Unity Aaron Ago, Minister for Religious Affairs Na 'im, Minister for Youth and Sports Yeoh Tseow Suan, Minister for Federal Territories Zaliha, Minister for Human Resources Sim Chee Keong, Minister for Health Dzulkefly, Plantation and Primary Industries Minister Johari. [52]
According to the results of the 15th Malaysian Election, among the major political parties in Malaysia, Alliance of hope It has the most seats of any camp, with 82 seats. The National Alliance won 73 seats, which was far more than the number of seats held before the election, and won the majority of seats in the Malaysian Glass State Assembly, and won the most seats in Perak and Pahang. The National Front lost badly, winning just 30 seats. In addition, the Sarawak coalition of political parties won 22 seats and these parties are likely to play a "key minority" role in the future government formation. [41]

Political party

According to the constitution, Malaysia practises Multi-party system However, the actual implementation of the party system is not a typical multi-party system, but a coalition of several political parties to form the ruling system. [12]
There are more than 40 registered political parties. UMNO , MCA And the Indian Congress party and other political parties National Front He was in power for a long time. After the 2018 election, by People's Justice Party , Democratic Action Party , National Integrity Party and The Native Unity Party constituent Alliance of hope To replace the National Front in power. In March 2020, the Pakatan Harapan Nasional coalition, composed of the Indigenous Unity Party and Parti Islam, joined UMNO to replace Pakatan Harapan. After the November 2022 general election, Pakatan Harapan (Pakatan Rakyat), Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Pakatan Harapan (Pakatan Harapan) came to power in a coalition government with Barisan Nasional (Barisan Nasional) and major East Malaysian parties.
Political party
Establishment time
Main ruling party
People's Justice Party/Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
April 4, 1999
It was formerly the Islamic Society Union, registered in 1990. It aims to unite political parties and non-governmental organizations to counter the government and fight for justice. Its party membership is about 500,000. The current President is the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anwar Ibrahim .
The Democratic Action Party (DAP)
In March 1966
A multi-ethnic political party dominated by Chinese. The former branch of the People's Action Party of Singapore in Peninsular Malaysia. Its party membership is about 450,000. The current chairman is Lin Guanying The Secretary-General is Lu Zhaofu.
National Integrity Party (Parti Amanah Negara)
September 16, 2015
It is made up of the Hizbul Islam Party. Its party membership is about 150,000. The current chairman is Mohamed Shab.
The United Malays National Organization (UMNO)
May 11, 1946
The Malay political party. In April 1987, it split due to party disputes and was outlawed by the court. In February 1988, Mahathir reorganized The New United Malays National Organization (UMNO) from the original UMNO. In 1996, the "46 Spirit" party, which split from UMNO, returned to the new UMNO and was once again called "UMNO". It now has about 3.5 million party members. Current Chairman Zahid, acting Chairman Mohammad Hassan.
Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA)
February 27, 1949
The Chinese political Party. Originally known as the Malayan Chinese Association, it changed its current name after the formation of Malaysia. Its party membership is about 1.1 million. The current president Wei Jiaxiang.
Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)
August 2, 1946
An Indian and Pakistani political party in Malaysia, which aims to fight for and defend the interests of both communities. Its party membership is about 550,000. The current chairman is Viniswaran.
The main opposition party
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU)
September 9, 2016
A predominantly indigenous and Malay party. Its party membership is about 560,000. The current chairman is former Prime Minister Muhyiddin.
Parti Islam Malaysia (PAS)
August 23, 1951
It is a predominantly Malay Muslim religious party. He was a member of the National Front from 1973 to 1977. In the 2022 general election, it won 45 seats and became the largest party in the lower house of Parliament. Its party membership is about 1 million. The current chairman, Hadi Awang.

State dignitaries

Ibrahim Iskandar: Supreme Head of State. Born in Johor in November 1958. He became the 25th Sultan of Johor in 2010 and the Supreme Head of State of Malaysia on 31 January 2024. [50] [52]
Anwar Ibrahim : Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. He was born in Penang in August 1947. He joined the United National Organisation of Malaysia (UMNO) in 1982 and was elected as a Member of Parliament, serving as Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Education, Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister. In 1993, he was elected acting President of UMNO. In 1998, he was sacked by then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and expelled from the party. He was jailed in 1999. He was released in 2004. After the 2008 general election, he became Leader of the Opposition in Parliament through a by-election. He returned to prison in 2015. In 2018, he was granted amnesty, became the chairman of the People's Justice Party, and became a member of the Supreme Council of the ruling coalition "Alliance of Hope". In 2020, he became president of the Alliance of Hope. After the November 2022 general election, he formed a coalition government with Barisan Nasional and East Malaysia's major political parties and was sworn in as the 10th Prime Minister on November 24. [52]
Zahid Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Rural Development of Malaysia, Barisan Nasional and UMNO President
Fadilla The Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia is also the Minister of Plantation and Primary Industries [40]




Subject article: Economy of Malaysia
Malaysia is relatively open and national interest oriented Newly industrialized economy Has put forward the" New economic policy ", "2020 Vision", "National Development Policy"," Multimedia super corridor ", "Biological Valley" and other plans. [13]
Before the 1970s, the economy was dominated by agriculture and depended on exports of primary products. Since the 1970s, the industrial structure has been constantly adjusted, and the export-oriented economy has been vigorously promoted. The electronics, manufacturing, construction and service industries have developed rapidly. The New Economic Policy (NEP), which prioritizes the Malays and indigenous peoples, aims to eradicate poverty and restructure society.
Since 1987, the economy has maintained a rapid growth rate of more than 8% for 10 consecutive years. In 1991, the "2020 Vision" cross-century development strategy was proposed, aiming to build Malaysia into a developed country by 2020. Attaching importance to the development of high technology, projects such as "Multimedia Super Corridor" and "Biological Valley" have been launched. In 1998, the economy experienced negative growth due to the impact of the Asian financial crisis. The government adopted policies to stabilize the exchange rate, restructure the debts of banks and enterprises, and expand domestic demand and export, and the economy gradually recovered and maintained medium-speed growth. Since the second half of 2008, affected by the international financial crisis, Malaysia's domestic economic growth has slowed down and exports have declined, and the Malaysian government has introduced 7 billion ringgit and 60 billion ringgit stimulus measures in response to the crisis. After Prime Minister Najib took office in 2009, he adopted a number of measures to stimulate the growth of the Malaysian economy and domestic demand, and the Malaysian economy has gradually shaken off the impact of the financial crisis and has stabilized and recovered. In 2015, Malaysia announced the 11th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) to continue to promote economic transformation and focus on improving people's livelihood. In 2016, Malaysia proposed the 2050 National Transformation Plan (TN50), a vision for Malaysia's development plan for 2020-2050. In 2019, the government put forward the Vision 2030, which sets narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, creating a new development model, and making Malaysia the economic axis of Asia as its three main goals. Since 2023, the unity government has proposed the "Changming Economy" framework on the basis of the "Changming Malaysia" ruling concept, launched a number of measures to revitalize the economy such as the 2030 new industrial blueprint, the national energy transformation roadmap, and policies in taxation, social security, and financing to help small and medium-sized enterprises develop and improve people's living standards. In 2023, Malaysia's gross domestic product (GDP) at constant prices was 1.57 trillion ringgit, up 3.7% year-on-year; GDP per capita 51,475 ringgit; Imports and exports totaled 2.64 trillion ringgit. [52]

Agriculture, forestry and fishery

The cultivated land area is about 4.85 million hectares. Agriculture is dominated by cash crops, mainly oil palm, rubber, tropical fruits and so on. The food self-sufficiency rate is about 70%. It is rich in tropical trees. In recent years, deep-sea fishing and aquaculture have been developed. [52]


The government encourages processing industries based on domestic raw materials, with emphasis on electronics, automobiles, steel, petrochemicals and textiles. In 2022, the output value of the Malaysian manufacturing sector was 539.4 billion ringgit.
In 2020, Malaysia's mining industry was worth RM92 billion, down 10.6% year on year and accounting for 6.8% of GDP. Malaysia's mining industry is dominated by the exploitation of oil and natural gas.
In 2020, Malaysia's manufacturing output was RM307.9 billion, down 2.6% year-on-year and accounting for 22.9% of GDP. Manufacturing is one of the main driving forces for the development of Malaysia's national economy, with major industrial sectors including electronics, petroleum, machinery, steel, chemicals and automobile manufacturing.
In 2020, Malaysia's construction industry output value was RM53.6 billion, down 19.4% year on year, accounting for 4.0% of GDP. [38]

Service industry

A wide range of services, including water, electricity, transportation, communications, wholesale, retail, hotels, restaurants, finance, insurance, real estate and government services. Since the 1970s, the Malaysian government has continuously adjusted the industrial structure, and the service industry has developed rapidly, becoming one of the pillar industries of national economic development. [52]
In 2020, the value of Malaysia's services sector was RM775.7 billion, down 5.5% year-on-year and accounting for 57.7% of GDP. The service sector is the largest industry sector in the Malaysian economy, employing more than 60% of the total number of employees in Malaysia. Among them, tourism is one of the important sectors of service industry. [38]


The third pillar of the country's economy and the second largest source of foreign exchange earnings. It has about 4,072 hotels. The main tourist attractions are: Kuala Lumpur, Genting, Penang, Malacca, Langkawi, Tioman Island, Heat Island, Pangkor Island, etc. According to the statistics of the Malaysian side, about 20.42 million tourists will visit Malaysia in 2023. [52]

foreign trade

For the whole year of 2020, Malaysia's total foreign trade amounted to RM1.78 trillion, down 3.6% year-on-year; Among them, exports of RM981 billion, down 1.4% year-on-year; Imports of RM796.2 billion, down 6.3% year-on-year; The surplus was MYR 184.8 billion, up 26.9% year-on-year. Malaysia has recorded a trade surplus for 23 consecutive years since 1998. Despite the blow to global trade caused by the novel coronavirus pneumonia, Malaysia's foreign trade still shows some resilience.
In 2020, China, Singapore and the United States continue to rank among Malaysia's top three export destinations and sources of imports. China is Malaysia's largest trading partner for the 12th consecutive year. In 2020, Malaysia will be China's ninth largest trading partner and eighth largest source of imports, and China's second largest trading partner and first largest source of imports in ASEAN countries.
In 2020, Malaysia's top five export products are electronic and electrical products, petroleum products, palm oil and products, chemical and chemical products, and rubber products. The top five categories of imported products are electronic and electrical products, chemical and chemical products, petroleum products, machinery and equipment and parts, and metal products.
In 2020, Malaysia approved a total investment of RM164 billion in the manufacturing, services and primary industries sectors. Among them, domestic direct investment (DDI) was RM99.8 billion (60.9%); Foreign direct investment (FDI) was RM64.2 billion (39.1%). In 2020, the Malaysian government approved 4,599 investment projects. [38]

External capital

Vigorously attract foreign investment. The main sources of foreign investment are Singapore, Hong Kong, China and the United States. It will attract 926.3 billion ringgit of foreign investment in 2023. [52]




Malays of the same family do not have fixed surnames, so surnames are not used as salutations. The first part of a Malay name is their first name and the second part is their father's name, separated by "bin" (for men) or "binti" (for women), which is sometimes omitted.
In informal situations, the younger generation is more familiar with the name Adik or dik, meaning brother or sister, the name can be omitted. Older men can be called Pakcik, meaning uncle, and women Makcik, meaning aunt. In everyday situations, we use Encik plus name to address men, meaning Mr. So-and-so, and Cik plus name to address women, meaning Ms. So-and-so.
In more formal occasions, Tuan plus name is used to address men and Puan plus name is used to address women. Also, to have Title of Malaysia (Common as Datuk , Tan Sri (etc.) may be referred to by his title or title plus his name.
A gift presented at the first meeting
Traditionally, Malays hold each other's hands and rub them together when meeting each other, then move their right hands towards their hearts. For women who are not familiar with each other, they should not casually extend their hands to shake hands, and men should nod or bow slightly to women and take the initiative to give verbal greetings. However, the Western handshake is now the most common greeting in Malaysia, whether it is used by Malays, Chinese or Indians.
The Malays abstain from pork and alcohol. In Malay restaurants, there is usually a kettle on the table, which is used for washing hands. Most Malays eat with their right hand, so washing hands before and after meals is customary at the Malay table.
Call on
Unless permitted by the host, it is necessary to remove your shoes before entering a Malay, Chinese or Indian home. When visiting a Malay home, if the host arranges to sit on a mat on the floor, the male should sit cross-legged and the female should sit with her legs tilted to the left.
Other taboo or etiquette
Do not point at people with your index finger, and only use your thumb to indicate directions. Do not use your left hand when greeting, shaking hands, offering gifts or receiving things from Malays. Catching or greeting with your left hand is considered disrespectful. It is taboo for Malays to be touched on the head, and no one is allowed to touch another person's head except for teachers or religious ceremonies. Do not show the soles of your feet in front of others, pointing them at people is an insult to others.


Diversity in Malaysia
The traditional Malay dress for men and women is: for men, a collarless jacket, trousers, a short waist sarong, a "Songgu" skullcap, and shoes. Women's dresses are also for tops and sarong His clothes are as wide as a robe, and his head is covered with a bright colored gauze scarf. Except for members of the royal family, yellow clothing is generally not worn. In order to wear convenient work, workers generally wear light suits, and only wear traditional clothes when they are at home or visiting relatives and friends or on major festivals. In a variety of formal occasions, men can wear long-sleeved buddy shirts in addition to national clothing or suits. The Badi shirt, a thin, cool, long-sleeved blouse made of batik cloth, has gradually replaced the traditional Malay dress as the national dress of Malaysia.


Subject article: Malaysian cuisine
The natural advantage of the multi-cultural race has created many special cuisines in Malaysia. Similar to the cuisine of other Southeast Asian countries, the taste is heavier and more Pepper and curry Season to taste. Among the more famous foods are lemak , Satay (Chicken, beef and lamb kebabs), dried beef curry, Malay pastries, bamboo rice, salad, Curry chicken , bhakka , Ginger rice , Raksa , Hainanese chicken rice , Rojak , Bak kut Teh Let's wait.


Malay The official language of Bahasa Malaysia is English, but Chinese is widely spoken. Chinese Malaysians are generally able to speak Mandarin or dialects, which are commonly used Cantonese , Southern Fujian , Hakka , Teochew , Hainanese , Fuzhou dialect Let's wait. Commonly used by Indian ethnic groups Tamil Talk. [38]
Malaysian English, also known as Malaysian Standard English (MySE), is derived from British English It is a form of English, although it is rarely used officially except in discussions related to education. Bahasa Malaysia Also widely used is Manglish, a colloquial form of English with heavy Malay, Chinese and other dialects Tamil The impact of... The government discourages the misuse of Malay and imposes fines on public signs that mix Malay and English.
On account of Malaysian Chinese We insist on defending the Chinese curriculum in Chinese primary schools, Chinese independent secondary schools and National secondary schools, and have the support of Chinese newspapers and media, as well as Chinese community organizations (the three spiritual pillars of Chinese in Malaysia, called Chinese education, Chinese media and association parties), and generally can use it fluently Chinese Talk. In ordinary life and in informal Settings, most Chinese use a mixture of various dialects, English and Malay, known as "Roja Mandarin". In Chinese-language schools, radio and television, public formal occasions or speeches, standard Chinese is used. However, some radio stations such as 988, MyFM, etc. will speak dialects at certain times to prevent the Chinese from forgetting their roots.
The Chinese have been living in Malaysia for hundreds of years, and most of their ancestral homes are located in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other places. It is spoken in various dialects, which also came south with its ancestors and continue to be spoken in Malaysia. Dialects that are still spoken are arranged from north to south according to ancestral places, including Minqing dialect Hokkien, Hakka, Teochew, Cantonese, Hainanese, Guangxi Cantonese and so on. In rural areas, the same dialect group is more concentrated, there will be a relatively single dialect. In urban areas, although there are one or two strong dialects, many people are familiar with various dialects and can switch responses quickly.
In order to regulate the use of Chinese, Malaysian Chinese Language Regulation Council It was established on February 13, 2004.


Subject article: Religion in Malaysia
Islam It is the state religion of Malaysia and mainly belongs to Sunnite . In addition Buddhism , Taoism , Hinduism , Christianity , Sikhism Let's wait. Generally speaking, the Malays practice Islam, the Chinese Buddhism and Taoism, and the Indians Hinduism. Small groups of Chinese, Eurasians and ethnic minorities in Sabah and Sarawak are Christian or Catholic. As a result of multi-ethnic living together for a long time, the formation of a multi-cultural characteristics. The main religious festivals are Eid al-Fitr , Hari Raya , Deepavali , Big Bossen Day , Christmas, Vesak Day Let's wait. [38]


There are about 100 large and small festivals across the country, and there are 10 national holidays stipulated by the government, namely: National Day (also known as Independence Day, August 31) and Malaysia Day (September 16) [43] ), New Year's Day, Eid al-Fitr, Chinese New Year, Haji Festival, Deepavali, May Day, Christmas, Vesak Day, the birthday of the current Supreme Head of State. With the exception of a few fixed dates, the specific dates of the remaining festivals are uniformly announced by the government in the previous year. [1]

Military affairs


National defense

Subject article: Defence system of Malaysia
The Army's predecessor was the Malay Regiment formed by the British Colonial Government in 1935. In 1958, it took over from the British the Naval Auxiliary of the former British Colony and was officially changed to the Royal Malaysian Navy in 1963. The Royal Malay Air Force was formally established on 1 June 1958. The Supreme Fuhrer is the supreme commander of the armed forces. The defence decision-making body is the National Security Council, chaired by the Prime Minister. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is the supreme commander of the army, with Commander-in-Chief Mohammad Rahman taking office in September 2023. [1] [52]
Malaysian Armed Forces It is mainly stationed at the Malaysian border, especially during the state of emergency against the guerrilla forces moving along the Malaysia-Thailand border The Philippines Southern rebel groups to enter and eliminate in The Strait of Malacca A pirate carrying out a seizure. Internationally, the main job of the Armed forces of Malaysia is to participate in United Nations peacekeeping forces Peacekeeping operations.

Military strength

The total strength of the three armies is 129,500. The army had 105,000 men and was mainly organized into a corps headquarters. The navy of 12,500 people, mainly composed of two naval headquarters, there are four naval bases. The Air force of 12,000 people, mainly divided into two districts (under the jurisdiction of five battalions), there are three air bases. There are also reserve and paramilitary forces. [1] [52]


The country has a good road network, road and railway main trunk lines through the Malay Peninsula north and south, the aviation industry is developed.


Malaysia's highway network is relatively developed, major urban centers, ports and important industrial areas are connected by highways. Highways are divided into two parts: government construction and private development, but the design, construction and management are unified by the National Highway Bureau. At present, Malaysia's highway network is centred on highways running north and south. [38]


Subject article: Rail transport in Malaysia
Greater Kuala Lumpur/Klang Valley Integrated Transport System
The country's railway system is state-owned and is distributed on peninsulas ( East coast , West coast ) and Sabah ( Sabah Railways ). As of 2003, the railway has a total length of 2,267 km. The peninsula's railways run through the Malay Peninsula, with links to Bangkok and Singapore. Construction was announced in 2010 New high-speed railway The travel time between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore has been drastically reduced to 90 minutes.
In some cities, there are relatively low-cost rail transport systems, such as the LRT, MRT and KL Monorail in Kuala Lumpur. In addition, there is the Kuala Lumpur Airport Express Train (KLIA Ekspres), which connects Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station.
The Malaysian rail network runs from north to south, connecting to the Thai Railway in the north and to Singapore in the south, and is operated by the Malaysia Railways Corporation (KTMB), which has the capacity to carry a wide range of cargo. Malaysia does not yet have a high-speed railway. [38]

Water transport

Inland transport in Malaysia is underdeveloped, and more than 80% of sea transport depends on foreign shipping. There are 1,008 vessels of various types, including 508 registered merchant ships of more than 100 tons, with a registered gross tonnage of 1.755 million tons; There are 50 ocean-going vessels. There are 19 ports. In recent years, we have vigorously developed ocean transportation and port construction, and the main shipping company is Malaysia International Shipping Company, and the main ports are Klang, Penang, Kuantan, New SAN, Kuching and Labuan. [38]

Air freight

Kuala Lumpur International Airport
Civil aviation is mainly operated by Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia. Malaysia Airlines has 89 aircraft and 113 routes. In November 1996, AirAsia was put into operation with 188 aircraft and 83 routes. There are 25 airports in the country, seven of which are international airports: Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Langkawi, New Hills, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching. [38]




National Library of Malaysia
The Ma, Chinese and Indian ethnic groups have their own unique cultures. The government has endeavoured to shape a national culture based on Malay culture, carrying out a "national education policy" and attaching importance to the universal education of the Malay language. Chinese education is relatively common, and there is a relatively complete Chinese education system.
Free primary education. The education budget for 2020 is 64.1 billion ringgit. As of the end of 2018, there were 7,892 primary schools and 2,594 secondary schools in Malaysia. There are 20 institutions of higher learning in the country, such as the University of Malaya and the National University, and private institutions of higher learning have developed rapidly in recent years, with more than 500 private colleges. [1]
In 1961, many Chinese and Tamil secondary schools were converted into national secondary schools, the medium of instruction was changed from mother tongue to Malay, and mother tongue learning was only one of the language classes. After the reform, national primary schools continue to use mother tongue teaching, namely national Primary schools (Malay), National Chinese primary schools (Chinese) and national Tamil primary schools (Tamil). In 2003, the government changed the teaching policy and adopted English as the language of instruction in mathematics and science in national schools. In 2009, the government decided to abolish the policy of teaching mathematics and science in English, and from 2012, it will gradually restore the teaching of mathematics and science in the mother tongue in primary schools and in Malay in secondary schools. The Malaysian national education system is generally based on public education, but in the field of higher education, public education coexists with private education. Famous public universities in Malaysia have University of Malaya , Universiti Nasional Malaysia , University of Bottra Malaysia , University of Technology Malaysia Let's wait. In 1997, the Malaysian government passed the Private Education Law, which provided legal guarantee for the development of private higher education. Private institutions in Malaysia generally cooperate with institutions of higher learning in Europe, the United States, Australia and New Zealand to set up credit transfer and dual courses. These private institutions of higher learning enroll hundreds of thousands of domestic and foreign students each year. In order to ensure the standardized development of private institutions of higher learning, the Ministry of Education has set up the Private Education and National Academic Accreditation Authority (MQA) to supervise and evaluate the curriculum, tuition fees and teaching standards of private education institutions. [38]

Science and technology

The development of the space program began in 2002, and in 2006 Russia agreed to a Malaysian transport to Malaysia International Space Station . The government invested in the construction of satellites through the Lhasa Satellite Program.
In 2017, 80.1 percent of individuals aged 15 and above used the Internet, 69.8 percent used computers, and 97.7 percent used mobile phones. At the household level, 85.7 percent of households use the Internet, 74.1 percent use computers, and 98.1 percent use mobile phones. [21]


Malaysia has a semi-public medical system, and the federal government has subsidized public medical services since 1970. Outpatient patients can receive free consultation and treatment for a registration fee of only RM1, while government employees are exempt. In 2016, there were 50,087 doctors, 7,186 dentists, 153 government hospitals and 216 private hospitals in the country. [14] In the 2017 ranking of the world's Best countries for Healthcare, Malaysia topped the list.
March 2022, Prime Minister of Malaysia Ismail Sabri Announced that Malaysia will reopen the border on April 1, while transiting to an endemic phase, allowing all people who have completed the COVID-19 vaccination to enter the country without having to be vaccinated System isolation. [36]

Social security

The country's social security system is mainly composed of the Employees Provident Fund Board (EPF) and Social insurance organization (SOCSO), the implementation of national legislation to force individual savings accumulation type of social insurance system, covering pension, medical, housing, education and other basic insurance, emphasizing that individuals are responsible for their retirement life. [15] In addition to the CPF and Social Insurance, the Employment Insurance Scheme (EIS) has been added since 2018. In addition, for civil servants and military personnel, the Pension Fund Board (KWAP) and the Armed Forces Fund Board (LTAT) are responsible.


Subject article: Media in Malaysia
There are about 50 newspapers, published in eight languages, with circulations ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. The main newspapers are: Berita Harian Daily News and Sinar Harian Sunshine Daily in Malay; In English, The Star, New Strait Times, Malay Mail; Chinese" Sin Chew Daily "," China Press "," Nanyang Siang Pau ", etc.
Malaysian national news agency : Bernama, Bernama, semi-official news agency. Founded in 1968, it has 33 branches in the Asia Pacific region.
Radio and television in Malaysia : Official Office, referred to as RTM. Radio Malaysia was established in 1946. It has six national Radio channels, Radio Klasik, Nasional FM, TraXX FM, Ai FM, Minnal FM, Asyik FM, and 17 state radio channels, broadcasting in Malay, English, Chinese, Tamil and indigenous languages. Private radio stations include Fly FM, Hot FM, and One FM. Malaysia Television was established in 1963. It is broadcast on Television 1 (TV1), Television 2 (TV2) and TV Okey in Malay, English and Chinese. Private television stations include Television 3 (TV3), NTV7, Octave Space (8TV) and TV9. [1]

Physical education

Lee Chong Wei
The horse badminton The project is more prominent, is one of the five powerful countries in the badminton world (Denmark, China, South Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia), there are talents in generations. Representative figure Lee Chong Wei , Chinese, men's singles player. He has represented Malaysia since 1998 and won his first title at the Malaysian Satellite Badminton Tournament in 2003. Is often used with China lindane , Indonesia Toufik And Danish Pete Gad And listed as the four Kings of heaven. Lee Chong Wei was a strong opponent in men's singles badminton in China before retiring in 2019. [16]
He has never won an Olympic gold medal, and badminton is the only sport in which he has won an Olympic medal, in 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games Rasif and Jeleni brothers won the bronze medal in men's doubles; At the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, Cheah and Yip won the silver medal in men's doubles and Rashid won the bronze medal in men's singles. Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan, two consecutive Olympic Games in 2008 and 2012 both entered the men's singles final, Lee Chong Wei twice in a row won the silver medal.
The horse player was in 2006 Doha Asian Games It won 8 gold MEDALS, 17 silver MEDALS and 17 bronze MEDALS, both in the number of gold MEDALS and the total number of MEDALS created the best result in the history of the country's delegation at the Asian Games. The above eight gold MEDALS are from bowling (3), badminton (1), martial arts (1), sailing (1), squash (2).
Football Association of Malaysia It was officially launched in 2004 Malaysian Super League And hope to improve the level of horse football with the help of the relevant football league.

People's livelihood

The average household disposable income in 2021 is RM5,209 per month. The average life expectancy in 2021 will be 73.2 years for men and 78.3 years for women. (Source: Horse Statistics Bureau) 17 - [19]
More than 95% of the country's people have access to clean water.
As of August 2003, personal deposits accounted for 58 per cent of total bank deposits, with an annual growth rate of 6 per cent.

Public security

According to the Sydney Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) Global peace index (GPI), Malaysia was ranked 25th globally in 2018 and 4th in Asia. While... The Economist In the Global Cities Safety Index report, Kuala Lumpur was ranked 31st. [20]


In 2018, Malaysia decided to abolish it Death penalty . [22]
On June 10, 2022, the Malaysian government agreed to abolish the mandatory death penalty and replace it with a crime that is carried out at the discretion of the courts. [37]
On April 3, 2023, the Lower house of the Malaysian Parliament passed the third reading of the Bill to Abolish the Mandatory Death Penalty 2023, formally abolishing the relevant provisions in the seven decrees that originally provided for the mandatory death penalty. [42]


There are 200 industrial zones. During the colonial period, development efforts were concentrated in large cities and certain areas with security concerns. Rural areas have been the focus of significant development, but still lag behind, for example Peninsular Malaysia The West Coast. Although telecommunications networks are extensive in urban areas, rural residents have few opportunities to benefit.
Malaysia's housing prices rank 99th in the world, while rents are 9th, compared to Singapore's high costs. Not only is it ideally located but there are also many preferential policies," Malaysia Second Home Project (MM2H) with its lower threshold, easier procedures and more favorable treatment has attracted a large number of foreign people to settle down and invest in Malaysia.


At the end of 2019, there were 6.42 million residential fixed-line subscribers in Malaysia. The landline operator is Telecommunications companies of Malaysia (TM). Malaysia's mobile phone network covers most of the country, with 43.37 million mobile phone subscribers at the end of 2019. The main mobile phone operators are Celcom, Maxis and DiGi.
As of 2019, Malaysia had 2.69 million fixed broadband Internet users and 39.16 million mobile broadband Internet users, with an Internet penetration rate of 127.7%. In May 2019, Malaysia's Internet speed was 68.5Mbps, slightly higher than the global average of 59.6Mbps. Following the implementation of the Mandatory Pricing (MSAP) scheme by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission in October 2018, the price of high-speed broadband packages in Malaysia has been reduced by an average of 49%.
According to Statistics Malaysia, as of 2017, there are 1,028 post offices in Malaysia, all of which are computerised, including 227 small post offices and 694 post offices. In 2017, the number of domestic mail packages in Malaysia was 738 million, and the number of international packages was 29.646 million. In addition, Malaysia also has a 24-hour automated service terminal (POS24) for easy use by residents.
Electricity in Malaysia is provided by public energy companies (98%, including National Energy Corporation (TNB) and State Energy Companies) and independent private power plants (2%). Singapore and Malaysia, and Indonesia and Malaysia, have already achieved partial power interconnection in a small area. [38]



Foreign policy

Malaysia is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
The Malaysian Government pursues an independent, principled and pragmatic foreign policy based on peace, humanity, justice and equality, maintains friendly relations with other countries and advocates the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with international law. Depending on the Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) As the cornerstone of our foreign policy, we give priority to developing relations with ASEAN countries. We attach importance to developing relations with major countries. Department of The British Commonwealth It has more contacts with other member states. China has established diplomatic relations with 132 countries and has 110 diplomatic missions in 84 countries.
Vigorously carry out economic diplomacy and actively promote it South-south cooperation Against Western countries Trade protectionism . The sixth edition was held in 1998 Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting. It advocates that APEC remain a loose economic forum and opposes its development into a regional bloc. We attach importance to East Asian cooperation and advocate the establishment of an East Asian community. It hosted the first ASEAN Plus China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (10+3) Informal Leaders' Meeting in 1997 and the first in late 2005 East Asia Summit . Be actively committed to Asean Free Trade Area Construction and economic development cooperation in the Mekong River basin. As the rotating chair of ASEAN in 2015 Asean summit , Asean and Dialogue Partners Meeting And the East Asia Summit. It will host the 27th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 2020.
Positive development Islamic state and Non-aligned countries Relations, focusing on Islamic affairs. proposition Iraq Post-war reconstruction should respect its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and conform to the will of the Iraqi people. On the issue of the Middle East, think Palestine The struggle of the people is not a religious confrontation, but the defence of territorial sovereignty, and an independent Palestinian State should be recognized by the international community. In 2006, he convened several meetings and wrote letters as the chair of the Organization of the Conference of Islamic States and the Non-Aligned Movement United Nations Secretary-General and The Security Council The permanent members seek a just and reasonable solution to the problems of Iraq and the Middle East.
We call for safeguarding the status of the United Nations as the core international organization and paying attention to the establishment of a new international political and economic order.
We support international counter-terrorism cooperation, stress that counter-terrorism should address the root causes of terrorism, deny the inevitable link between Islam and terrorism, and promote dialogue among religions and civilizations.

External relations

Relations with China
China-malaysia relations It has a long history. Chinese merchants went as early as the 2nd century BC Malay Peninsula Engage in business activities. On May 31, 1974, the two countries established diplomatic relations and Malaysia became Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) The first country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China and Malaysia have continuously expanded and deepened bilateral relations, which has brought tangible benefits to both sides and played an important role in promoting prosperity and progress of the two countries and the region. The two sides will further strengthen coordination and cooperation in a wide range of fields and jointly promote peace, stability, security, harmony and development of the two countries and the region.
In 1999, the two countries signed a joint statement on the framework for future bilateral cooperation. In 2004, leaders of the two countries reached consensus on developing China-Malaysia strategic cooperation. In 2013, the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In 2023, the two countries announced to build a China-Malaysia community of shared future.
The two countries have frequent high-level visits and contacts. In 2005), Chairman Zhao Leji (2023), Chairman Li Ruihuan (1995), and Chairman Jia Qinglin (2006, 2012) visited Malaysia respectively. Malaysian Supreme Head of State Azlan, Ja 'afa, Salahuddin, Sirajuddin and Halim, and Malaysian Prime Minister Razak, Mahathir, Badawi, Najib and Anwar visited China. In May 2014, Prime Minister Najib paid an official visit to China. In September, Malaysian Supreme Head of State Halim paid a state visit to China. In November, Prime Minister Najib attended the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in China. In October 2016, Prime Minister Najib paid an official visit to China. In May 2017, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China. In August 2018, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad paid an official visit to China. In April 2019, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad attended the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China. In March and August, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had two phone conversations with Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein at request. In May, State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe held a phone conversation with Malaysian Defense Minister Ismail Shapili at request. In September, State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe visited Malaysia. In October, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Malaysia. In April 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi received visiting Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein in Nanping, Fujian Province. In December, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi received visiting Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Hussein in Anji, Zhejiang Province. The two sides co-chaired the first meeting of the High-level Committee on China-Malaysia Cooperation. In July 2022, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Malaysia. In December, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a video meeting with Malaysian Foreign Minister Zambiri. From late March to early April 2023, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim attended the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference and paid an official visit to China. In August, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Malaysia. In September, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim came to China to attend the 20th China-Asean Expo. In September, Johari, Speaker of the Lower house of the Malaysian Parliament, visited China and attended the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games. In October, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a phone conversation with Malaysian Foreign Minister Zambiri. In November, Vice President Han Zheng visited Malaysia; Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Fadillah visited China. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has met with Malaysian Foreign Minister Sambiri in New York.
China has consulates General in Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and Penang in Malaysia and Malaysia has consulates General in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Kunming, Nanning, Xi 'an and Hong Kong in China.
From 16 to 19 August 2013, Chinese navy The training ship Zheng He Against Malaysia Kota Kinabalu Hong Kong visit, but also combined with a return flight to China Nansha Maritime patrol islands. [23]
On January 7, 2017, the Information Bureau of China's Ministry of National Defense confirmed that a Chinese submarine stopped in Malaysia for rest and resupply on the way back from the escort mission, which was the first time a Chinese submarine visited Malaysia. Malaysian Navy officials said that a Type 039A submarine of the Chinese navy and Changxingdao lifeboat Visit Malaysia. [24]
May 12-15, 2017, Destroyer Changchun , Frigate Jingzhou (Frigate Jingzhou) and Chaohu integrated supply ship A visiting Chinese Navy taskforce has arrived in Malaysia Penang Butterworth North Container Terminal. [25]
In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Malaysia will be US $190.24 billion, down 5.2% year on year. Of this total, China exported 87.38 billion US dollars and imported 102.86 billion US dollars. China has been Malaysia's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years. China's main imports from Malaysia include integrated circuits, computers and their parts, palm oil and plastic products. China's main exports to Malaysia include computers and their components, integrated circuits, clothing and textiles. [53]
From December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024, Malaysian ordinary passport holders can enter China without a visa for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends and transit for no more than 15 days. [44]
November 26, 2023, Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim Malaysia will implement a 30-day visa-free entry measure for tourists from China and other countries from December 1. [45]
At the invitation of Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, Premier Li Qiang of The State Council will pay an official visit to Malaysia from June 13 to 20. [54]
Relations with ASEAN
Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds flag-raising ceremony to mark ASEAN Day
As an important member of ASEAN, Malaysia enjoys close political, economic and cultural relations with other ASEAN countries, frequent high-level visits and coordination of positions on major international and regional issues. Malaysia is an important member of intra-ASEAN trade, with its trade volume with other ASEAN countries amounting to RM246.2 billion in 2005, accounting for 25.44% of its total foreign trade (Malaysian statistics, same below). Attach importance to regional security cooperation. In July 2004, it began working with Indonesia and Singapore The Strait of Malacca Conduct coordinated patrols to jointly combat piracy, smuggling and terrorist activities.
Relations with Indonesia
Both Muslim-majority countries are closely related to each other. In 2005, bilateral trade between Malaysia and Indonesia reached RM29.15 billion, accounting for 3.01% of Malaysia's total foreign trade. The two countries are in Sipadan Island and Ligidan Island Sovereignty is disputed. In 2002, the International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled that Malaysia had sovereignty over the two islands, which Indonesia accepted. January 2005, Prime Minister Badawi in Jakarta Met with President Susilo on the sidelines of the Special ASEAN Leaders' Meeting on the Aftermath of the Earthquake and Tsunami, and provided disaster relief assistance to Indonesia; In April, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi attended the 2005 Asian-African Summit and the 50th anniversary of the Bandung Conference in Indonesia. In January 2006, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Sumatra With the President of Indonesia Susilo Holding annual consultations; Heads of state of Malaysia Sirajuddin Visit Indonesia. In March, Indonesian Parliament Speaker Agung Lakso visited Malaysia. In August, Indonesian President Susilo visited Malaysia. In December, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Najib Visit Indonesia.
Relations with Singapore
Singapore is Malaysia's second largest trading partner and second largest source of foreign investment. In 2005, the bilateral trade volume between Malaysia and Singapore reached RM134.16 billion, accounting for 13.86% of Malaysia's total foreign trade. The two countries opened their airspace to new airspace and long-term water supply in Malaysia Johor Strait Carry out reclamation works, White Cay There are differences over sovereignty, the Malaysia New Bridge, and the relocation of the new railway checkpoint. Since Abdullah Badawi took office as Prime Minister, he has actively resolved issues through dialogue and consultation, and bilateral relations have improved. In March 2005, Goh Chok Tong Counsellor and Prime Minister Badawi Talks on bilateral relations were held again in Malaysia. In April, Nadan The President visits Malaysia. In the same month, the two countries signed an agreement on new reclamation in the Johor Strait. In June, Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Najib Razak attended the Asian Security Conference in Singapore. In September, Najib Razak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, attended and delivered a speech at the 2005 ASEAN 100 Leaders Forum in Singapore. In November, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister of National Security of Singapore Jakuma visited Malaysia. In January 2006, Sirajuddin visited Singapore.
Relations with Thailand
In 2005, the bilateral trade volume between Malaysia and Thailand reached RM51.61 billion, accounting for 5.33% of the total foreign trade volume of Malaysia. In July 2006, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Najib Razak went to Thailand to attend the meeting of the Malaysia-Thailand Border Committee.
Relations with Britain
Ma was a British colony, then joined The British Commonwealth ", and the same as the English" The defense of the five countries Arrangement "members, the two sides have a close relationship. Relations between the two countries cooled in the early 1980s as a result of Malaysia's acquisition of British companies, and although they have since recovered, there are still some frictions. Between 1995 and 1996, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir visited the UK three times and relations between the two countries improved significantly. In March 2005, Najib, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, visited the UK. In September, Prime Minister Badawi went to London, UK, to attend the Malaysian global Promotion tour development conference and delivered a speech. In July 2006, Najib, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, visited the UK.
Relations with Japan
The two countries have close economic and trade relations. In the 1980s, Prime Minister Mahathir proposed the "Look East" policy of learning from Japan, aiming to accelerate Malaysia's economic construction by introducing Japanese capital, technology and management. In 2005, the bilateral trade volume was RM112.9 billion, accounting for 11.67% of Malaysia's total foreign trade. In May 2005, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi visited Japan and the two sides agreed to formally sign a free trade agreement by the end of the year. In December, Malaysia signed an Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan, becoming the third country to sign such an agreement with Japan after Singapore and Mexico. In May 2006, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi visited Japan. June, Japan Emperor Akihito Visiting horses; Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Najib Razak visits Japan.
Relations with the United States
The United States has been Malaysia's largest trading partner and main foreign investor in recent years. In 2005, bilateral trade between Malaysia and the US reached RM160.95 billion, accounting for 16.63% of Malaysia's total foreign trade. From 1999 to June 2003, the cumulative investment amount of US-Malaysia agreements was 5.074 billion US dollars. The two countries have deep conflicts on such issues as "democracy" and "human rights", and bilateral relations have been affected to some extent by the "Anwar incident". 9/11 Later, due to the need of international counter-terrorism cooperation, the United States attached importance to the special role of Malaysia in Islamic countries, and the political relations between the two countries improved and counter-terrorism cooperation was strengthened.
Relations with North Korea
North Korea and Malaysia established diplomatic relations in June 1973, and relations between the two countries were further developed when North Korea opened an embassy in Kuala Lumpur in 2003 and Malaysia opened an embassy in Pyongyang in 2004.
On February 13, 2017, a North Korean man surnamed Kim was killed at Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia [31] Dprk-malaysia relations are getting tighter. On March 4, 2017, the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Malaysian government decided to expel the North Korean ambassador to Malaysia Jiang Zhe It declared him persona non grata and deported him within 48 hours from 18:00 on 4 March [30] . On March 6, the North Korean Foreign Ministry declared the Malaysian ambassador to North Korea "persona non grata" and gave him 48 hours to leave the country from 10:00 local time on March 5.
On March 19, 2021, North Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it had decided to suspend diplomatic relations with Malaysia over Malaysia's decision to forcibly extradite a North Korean citizen to the United States 28 - [29] .
Relations with Israel
On December 20, 2023 local time, the Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Declare lockdown and not allow headquarters to be located Israel ZIM, which has ships berthing at any Malaysian port, ordered the country's transport Ministry to implement the permanent ban immediately. The Malaysian government has also decided to ban Israeli-flagged vessels from docking and to prohibit any ship en route to Israel from loading cargo at Malaysian ports, both of which are also effective immediately. [48]
Relations with other countries
In January 2006, Saudi Arabia King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Visit the horse. In February, Prime Minister Abdullah visited Australia. March, the president of Iran Ahmadinejad Visit the horse. In May, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi visited Jamaica . In June, Presidents of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev Visiting horses; Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Najib Razak visits India. In July, East Timor premier Horta Visit the horse. In August, Venezuela Pres. Chavez Visit the horse. In September, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi went to Finland to attend the 6th session Asia-europe Meeting He attended the 14th Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Cuba and the 61st session of the United Nations General Assembly in the United States. In November, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi visited Pakistan . In December, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi visited Venezuela.

Related news

In accordance with Cabinet Decree No. 23/1885/602/023 of October 24, 2023, as a pilot scheme for the reconstruction of tourism, Sri Lanka A free visa system will be introduced for nationals of China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. The scheme came into effect on November 28, 2023 and is valid until March 31, 2024. [46]


Since March 1, 2016, Malaysia has launched an e-visa and visa-free policy for Chinese mainland citizens, and the fastest visa issuance is 24 hours. [26]


  • Restart COVID-19 quarantine
On December 23, 2023, according to CCTV quoting Malaysian media reports, the number of new coronavirus cases in Malaysia has increased in recent days, and the local Ministry of Health announced on December 19 that confirmed patients need to isolate themselves for 5 days from the first day of symptoms, and five days later, they need to continue to take epidemic prevention measures such as wearing masks. Malaysia's transport ministry has also encouraged people to wear masks when travelling on the public transport system. From December 10 to 16, Malaysia reported more than 20,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, most with mild symptoms. [49]