
[xún yáng jiàn]
A large surface ship operating mainly in the ocean
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A Cruiser is a large surface vessel with strong firepower and many uses, mainly operating in the open ocean Naval vessels . Cruisers are equipped with stronger Attack And defensive weapons, with high speed and seaworthiness It can conduct long-distance operations in harsh weather conditions for a long time.
The main mission of the cruiser is to Aircraft carrier and battleship Escort, or form a maritime mobile formation as the flagship of a formation to attack enemy surface ships, submarine Or target ashore.
With the development of The Times, the cruiser gradually went into decline, World War II After the countries have basically no longer built cruisers, only the United States and the Soviet Union have built a few classes, such as the United States Ticonderoga class Soviet Kirov class. Into the 21st century, cruisers will gradually be destroyer Instead, it will be history.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ship type
Large surface vessel
Representative ship type
Ticonderoga class (US), Kirov class (Soviet/Russian)
Birth time
17th century
Development trend
Gradually replaced by destroyers
Branch of service
Function orientation
Surface main combat ship

Development history


Early origin

Cruisers of the sail age [1]
Cruisers originated from the sailing age of "clippers", in the ocean-going fleet responsible for patrol, reconnaissance, guard, escort, and pursuit tasks. At the time, there was no class name for cruisers, but the classification was based on the number of guns. The Royal Navy stipulated that clippers were equipped with 38 to 50 guns and had a displacement of about 1,000 tons [1] .
The first "Cruiser" (English as Cruiser) appeared in the 17th century, not so much as a type of warship, but rather to represent the task of a warship, that is, patrol and escort tasks.

Steam age

In the 18th century, the corvette gradually became the name of a light armed (only single gun-deck) warship capable of long-range cruise, mainly responsible for reconnaissance, escort and breaking combat missions. In the 19th century, steam power began to be used in battleships, and experimental steam-powered cruisers began to appear in the 1840s, and in the mid-1950s, the British and American navies built steam-powered cruisers with larger hulls and large-caliber guns, followed by armor protection.
Armored cruisers were collectively referred to as" Protect the cruiser The earliest armor protection was only to lay a layer of horizontal armor in key parts such as the engine room, becoming a "flat-armored cruiser." Because there are many defects in a layer of flat armor, it is improved to a layer of "dome armor" horizontal armor with a high middle and curved sides, which is the "dome armor cruiser". However, there was still no side armor, and the displacement was still relatively small, and the caliber of the main gun was generally less than 152 mm. In addition, there are some cruisers fitted with armor on the sides of the ship, but no dome armor, such cruisers are called" Armored cruisers The displacements were often smaller than those of domed cruisers. Beiyang Marine Deng Shichang served as the" Chih Yuen She was an armored cruiser, and the later Jingyuan was an armored cruiser with only side armor [1] .
In the 17th century, fleet The main body is composed of battleship The composition of these ships is better than frigate Much larger, much more expensive, and much slower, and not suitable for long-distance missions (such as the Americas). And the battleships were too strategically important to carry out Go the rounds The mission seemed too risky. Cruisers generally avoided such battleships and did not participate in fleets between such battleships Sea battle .
Dutch navy In the 17th century, the number and configuration of cruisers began to increase, British navy And later France and Spanish navy Catch the trend. In order to protect Congress The British enacted the Cruiser and Escort Act, which began to focus the Navy's attention on using cruisers for commercial protection and raids, rather than building more scary and expensive battleships.
In the 18th century, frigate It is an excellent cruiser. A frigate is a small, fast, long-range, lightly armed (single gun deck) warship used for reconnaissance, carrying mail, disrupting enemy trade lines, and so on. The other major cruiser species is A monorail schooner However, a variety of other ships were also used as cruisers.
In the 19th century, navies began to use steam-powered warships, and in the 1840s experimental steam-powered frigates and monorail schooners began to appear. In the mid-fifties, the British and American navies began to manufacture very long hulls and ships Heavy artillery The steam frigate, for example USS Merrimack and HMS Mersey . In the 1860s, ironclad On the stage of war.
France Starting from the launch of the USS Beluse in 1865, many smaller armored ships have been built to perform open sea patrol duty. These "station ironclad ships" are Armored cruisers The beginning of development - a kind of development for speed, independence, arrest and Go the rounds An ironclad ship born of the traditional cruiser mission.
The first truly armored cruiser was the Russian General Admiral, completed in 1874. The British HMS Shannon was commissioned a few years later.
For a long time, cruisers made up for very light ships such as Torpedo boat The gap between a big capital ship like a battleship. The cruisers were strong enough to withstand attacks from smaller ships, and their relatively slow speed and need for large amounts of fuel (especially after using steam turbines) made them very dependent on supply fleets when fighting at long distances. For most of the 19th century and the early 20th century, cruisers served as long-range deterrence weapons for a fleet, while battleships stayed close to their bases.
At that time, the cruiser's primary role was to attack enemy caravans. The cruisers were designed with speed in mind: they were lanky and streamlined hull Especially good for high speeds. Their bows and stern are tapered to reduce fluid swirls.
Many smaller protected cruisers were also built between 1880 and 1910. Due to their armour Very little, there is no side armor, but rather a bow type of horizontal armor inside the deck.
At the same time, cruisers were incorporated into the main fleet for reconnaissance and patrol purposes.

Big ship cannon

With the development of shipbuilding technology and the growth of demand, the displacement of cruisers is also increasing. Sail It was replaced by steam engines Armored cruisers In fact, they could be considered relatively small, fast battleships that could be used as second-class capital ships. The pace of battleship development in the late 19th century was so rapid that within a few years more cruisers were being launched than battleships had been. Columbian White Fleet It's already obsolete after a few years in the water. During this time a fleet often consisted of very old ships as well as very new ships, and the new ships were often much larger than the old ships.
This is when people start to differentiate The light cruiser and The heavy cruiser . Both concepts were defined in various arms limitation treaties after the First World War. Light cruisers had guns of up to 6.1 inches (155 mm), while heavy cruisers were limited to 8 inches (203 mm). in Washington naval treaty The upper limit for heavy cruisers was 8 inches. Only five cruisers had guns of higher caliber: three German Deutsch-class armored ships And two used by the United States Navy in World War II Alaska-class large cruisers . In fact, none of the five ships were entirely cruisers in nature, but were simply called cruisers for various reasons.
Britain Royal Navy Particular emphasis is placed on cruisers. The reason lies in Britain Be abundant in colony A large number of cruisers were needed to keep the colony safe. These cruisers could spy on the enemy, protect battleship fleets from the distance, and attack large enemy warships in groups. For example, in May 1941, The heavy cruiser Norfolk and The heavy cruiser Suffolk Trailing Germany The battleship Bismarck Until the British battleships and aircraft carriers arrived and eventually sank Bismarck. And in December 1939 Naval Battle of the mouth of the La Plata Middle, British The heavy cruiser HMS Exeter And two ships Leander class light cruiser To disperse Germany. The Admiral Graff Spee The pocket battleship Superior firepower. Although the British ships were damaged, the German ships did not dare to fight, and finally decided to flee to port. [2]
The First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945) were the largest wars in human history. The number of countries involved in these two wars, the wide scope of operations, and the great disasters brought to mankind are incomparable to any other wars in history. In these two wars, land and sea battlefields were intertwined and interdependent, and large-scale battles were carried out again and again on the ocean, which accounted for seven tenths of the earth's area, leaving behind tragic scenes. In this fight between blood and fire, the cruiser, as one of the main forces of the fleet, bathed in blood, wind and bullets, leaving a stirring chapter.
After the outbreak of the First World War, Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Russia seven countries about 259 ships Battlecruisers , The heavy cruiser And light cruisers, into the sea battle field. The main operational tasks are: first, to destroy and defend maritime lines of communication; Second, attacks on ports and coastal forts; Third, offshore ambush operations; Fourth, the Battle of the main fleet.
The Second World War was an unprecedented struggle in human history. pogrom Whether it is the vastness of the battlefield and the scale of the battle, it is incomparable to the First World War.
The naval battle field in World War II was an important battlefield that decided the outcome of the war, covering the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean The Indian and Pacific Oceans. In naval battles, all types of naval ships and ship-borne weapons have tended to perfect and become hot, radar Advanced technologies such as sonar and rockets have enhanced the wings of warships, and aircraft carriers have replaced battleships to become the "hegemon" of the sea, bringing new changes to naval warfare. The traditional method of warfare in which warships confronted each other with artillery at visual range, which has been followed for more than 200 years, has come to an end, and carrier-based aviation has brought great threats to ships. Cruisers re-" choose the master and from ", began to escort the course of aircraft carrier vigilance.
At the outbreak of the Second World War, more than 190 cruisers from seven countries, Britain, the United States, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union and Germany, killed each naval battle field, broke exchanges, attacked ports, landed anti-landing, guarded escort, and ambushed at sea... He fought again and again.
The so-called breaking of the communication is to destroy the enemy's lines of communication to defend their own lines of communication. In 1939, within four months of the outbreak of the war, the Allies lost 509,320 tons of merchant ships and auxiliary ships: 2,477,56 tons by the end of 1940, and 6,546,271 tons in 1942 alone, as much as during the Second World War The merchant Marine And auxiliary ships on the summit.
In the vast sea battle field of World War II, the main fleet engaged in a battle again and again. Compared with the previous sea battle, the main fleet in World War II fought in a one-dimensional space, often under water, on the surface and in the air Three-dimensional space Together with the application of new technologies and new weapons, naval battles have become more intense and spectacular.
The heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen
On 18-27 May 1941, the British fleet attacked Germany. Bismarck The encirclement and interception of the battleship, although with the strong color of the traditional battle method of big ships and big guns, the British Army dispatched an aircraft carrier, which is an early example of the aircraft carrier participating in the attack on the ship. Germanically Iron and blood Chancellor The battleship Bismarck, which Bismarck named and launched by his granddaughter, is, like the battleship Tirpitz Hitler The two "trump cards" in his hand. The British Navy has always regarded the "Bismarck" as a thorn in the side, since the German "let the tiger out of the mountain", then the British Army will organize the "tiger". The British Navy organized seven battleships and two battleships Aircraft carrier Twelve cruisers and five destroyers encircled Bismarck. On 23 May, the British heavy cruisers Suffolk and Norfolk laid down Denmark Strait The Bismarck was found. British ship's aid radar Track the German ship. On May 24th, Holland The battlecruiser Hood, led by Lt.-Gen. Prince of Wales ", intercepted the "Bismarck". Hood was sunk by a barrage from Bismarck's guns, and Prince of Wales was hit seven times. Bismarck's two tank rounds were damaged. The German ship continued south." Prince Eugen She broke up with Bismarck to attack merchant ships.
Over the next three days, Bismarck was attacked by British aircraft carriers, battleship , cruisers, destroyer The "wheel war" was finally outnumbered, with eight torpedoes and multiple shells sinking to the bottom of the sea with the flag still flying, 2,000 sailors and Admiral Lutjens, the fleet commander, except for 100 people rescued, the rest were all buried in the fish.
In the South Pacific, fierce naval battles are also taking place between American and Japanese cruiser formations. October 26, 1944 The Great Battle of Leyte Gulf It was the largest naval battle in human history. The United States has 16 light and heavy aircraft carriers, 18 escort carriers, 12 battleships, 24 light and heavy cruisers, 111 destroyers, 29 submarines, and 1,400 carrier-based aircraft, with a total tonnage of 1.33 million tons and a total personnel of 140,000. Japan has four aircraft carriers, nine battleships, 28 light and heavy cruisers, 36 destroyers, 116 carrier-based aircraft, Luzon It will provide 300 aircraft with a gross tonnage of 730,000 and a total personnel of 43,000. The entire naval battle took place on four battlefields: Sibuyan, Cape Ngroo, Surigao, and Samar. As a result, the United States lost one light aircraft carrier, two escort carriers, three destroyers, and 100 aircraft, while the Japanese lost three aircraft carriers and three aircraft carriers battleship Ten cruisers, 11 destroyers, 150 aircraft, 10,000 dead, 10 times the number of American troops killed. It was the last major naval battle of World War II. The American fleet then marched north in a whirlwind toward the Japanese mainland.
After the baptism of World War I and World War II, the cruiser bathed in the blood and rain of many sea battles, which also laid the status of the cruiser in the sea battle field, and at the same time, it also ranked the cruiser in the world ship family. [3]
After World War II, the number of cruisers was drastically reduced, mainly to improve quality. From the perspective of technological development, it mainly adopts nuclear power devices, equipping missile weapons and carrying helicopters for combat. The development of nuclear-powered cruisers is mainly the United States and Former Soviet Union In the Navy, the United States has nuclear propulsion in five of its eight classes of cruisers, while only one class of the former Soviet Union has Nuclear power Device. From the tonnage point of view, the tonnage of cruisers built after World War II is basically about 10,000 tons, and only the former Soviet Navy has developed a class Kirov The class, with a displacement of 28,000 tons, is the largest Class I cruiser in the world.
Due to the rapid development of missile technology, cruisers that have always been equipped with dozens or hundreds of naval guns as the main attack weapons began to replace missiles, and naval guns were only used as auxiliary weapons. Former Soviet Navy Kirov-class cruisers It is the first ship in the world to adopt a missile vertical launching device. After adopting this device, the missile carrying capacity of the ship increases and the missile launching rate increases significantly. The Kirov-class is equipped with more than 250 anti-aircraft, anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles of the United States Ticonderoga class Although the tonnage is only one-third of its size, the payload has reached 122 bombs. In addition, in order to carry out anti-submarine operations, the ship can also carry two helicopters.

Missile age

In the Second World War Air arm The emergence of the Sea dramatically changed the nature of naval warfare. Even the fastest cruisers were not as fast as aircraft, and the range of aircraft was expanding until they could finally leap into the open ocean. This reduced the chances of a single ship or small force fighting independently. In the late 20th century, only very large fleets operated together, and such fleets could withstand almost any air attack. This has led most navies to focus on designing ships that accomplish only one mission, especially anti-submarine and anti-aircraft vessels. Most of the fleet's multi-purpose ships disappeared.
Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers
United States Navy, Russian navy , Peru The Italian Navy is the only navy that still has cruisers. The Soviet Navy used cruisers as the basis of their combat fleets. After the war they built a fleet with big guns, but soon they were replaced by big ships carrying lots of missiles and lots of anti-aircraft missiles.
The most famous Soviet-Russian cruisers are the four Kirov class, built in the 1980s and 1990s. Its nuclear power system can provide the ship with more than 30 knots of high speed and almost unlimited endurance. Except the latest" Peter the Great "In addition, the other three ships are in poor condition, the first two ships." Ushakov "(formerly") Kirov ") and "Lazarev" (formerly "Lazarev") Frunzhi "No.) has even been prepared for demolition.
The center of the U.S. Navy after World War II was Aircraft carrier . Ticonderoga class built in the 1980s The guided missile cruiser Originally designed as destroyer Their main intention was to provide extremely powerful air defenses. The ships were misnamed cruisers for public relations reasons, in order to emphasize the combat capabilities of the Aegis combat system. However, since the launch of the cruiser Ticonderoga in 1981, the ships of this class have received a series of improvements, making their anti-submarine and ground attack power (use Cruise missile (Greatly strengthened. Like their Soviet counterparts, these Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers could also serve as the center of an entire battle group.
Since 1990, since 40 years Cold war At the end of the world situation, there was a trend of disarmament, and the cruiser faced another big test. It has been found that the weapons used by large cruisers of two or three thousand tons and destroyers of several thousand tons are not much different, and they are all missiles, Naval gun And helicopters, the only difference is the amount of carry. As a result, people questioned the need to continue building new cruisers. The United States retired all nuclear powered cruisers before 2000 and began to develop new CGX cruisers, but for various reasons had to shelve the research and development plan and instead developed DDG1000 destroyers. Russia has plans to develop a new one Storm class cruisers However, due to the decline of the Russian economy, it is difficult to continue to build large warships, coupled with the lack of shipyards capable of building large warships, the actual only for the existing Kirov-class nuclear-powered cruisers The modified cruisers will enter service by 2020.
After entering the 21st century, the United States, out of its own strategic needs, made great efforts to develop Theater missile defense system The Ticonderoga class guided missile cruiser is also an important part of the anti-missile system, of which the Lake Erie guided missile cruiser carrying standard III anti-aircraft missiles has participated in ballistic missile interception tests many times.
In the 1970s, the United States also designed a number of nuclear-powered cruisers such as Virginia-class nuclear-powered guided missile cruisers However, after use, it is considered that the cost performance is not outstanding. Most modern cruisers differ so little from destroyers that the traditional distinction between destroyers and cruisers in terms of displacement and firepower is no longer applicable.
In order to conceal their military purpose, some countries have named some large surface ships close to the cruiser indicator as destroyers. Typical examples include Japan's Kongo class and South Korea's guided-missile destroyer the Great Sejong. Their full load displacement is close to 10,000 tons, the latest in the United States Arleigh Burke The class destroyers also have more than 9,000 tons, while the new DDG1000 destroyers reach 14,000 tons. And relative Ticonderoga class cruisers It's also more than 9,000 tons.
The CGX cruiser is a new generation of cruisers for the U.S. Navy, an upgraded version of the Zumwalt-class destroyers, with an estimated displacement of 10,000 to 30,000 tons and possibly a nuclear-powered unit. Still in the research and development stage.

Development trend

From the foreseeable situation, the development trend of cruisers in the future can be summarized in the following aspects:
1. The position of cruisers in the naval ship family tree will not change; in Aircraft carrier The position in the formation will not change.
2) The total number of cruisers in the world will tend to decrease, and the number of countries with cruisers will also tend to decrease.
3. The tonnage of cruisers will be maintained at the current level and developed towards quality.
4. The functions of the cruiser will be with destroyer Convergence. For example, the cruiser is required to have stealth function, theater missile defense function, cooperative combat function with aircraft carriers and amphibious ships, and powerful land attack function, in short, has a variety of combat capabilities against air, land and anti-submarine, attack various targets, fire support in landing operations, and serve as a maritime formation command ship. [4]
5. Particle beams, lasers, Electromagnetic gun And other new concept weapons will be first tested on cruisers and first equipped,
6. The new generation of cruisers will adopt a modular design and its degree of information will be higher.

Warship type


The unprotected cruiser

The oldest of the modern cruisers, gunships that still retain their sails. No armor protection.

Protect the cruiser

Protect the cruiser The predecessor of the light cruiser, equipped with lightweight horizontal armor protection, was almost replaced by the light cruiser before World War I.
For example, the Japanese in the Sino-Japanese War Wave velocity Number, Takachiho number

Armored cruisers

Armored cruisers The predecessor of the modern cruiser, a cruiser with armored protection at the waterline, was the most capable of combat of its generation, and some were used as second-class main ships.

The light cruiser

Generally superior in displacement, armor, and firepower destroyer But weaker than The heavy cruiser The ship.
* Washington naval treaty During this period, light cruisers were specifically defined as cruisers with main guns of 155 mm (6 in) or less (treaty signatories).
Light cruisers (CL), small tonnage, flexible, 127-155 mm gun caliber, these cruisers are equipped with both range and rate of fire main guns, can effectively neutralizer destroyers, their anti-aircraft fire relies on their own dual-purpose main guns (Atlanta is the most typical example). [7]

The heavy cruiser

Generally a ship superior in firepower and armor to a light cruiser but second only to a battleship.
* Washington naval treaty During the period, heavy cruisers specifically referred to cruisers with main guns of 155 mm (6 in) to 203 mm (8 in) caliber (treaty signatories).

The guided missile cruiser

in destroyer In place of the cruisers, the primary armament was changed to Anti-ship missile Modern cruisers replacing the main guns, equipped with modern radar and electronics, and enhanced air defense and anti-submarine capabilities.

A large cruiser

Large cruisers are a rare class, with more firepower and armor than cruisers, but not as much battleship It was also faster than standard battleships. Since the line between heavy cruisers and battleships has been blurred, there are some elements of both Battle line Cruisers are often difficult to identify, and many of the closest ships are classified as battlecruisers, so this category exists only as an official government designation. The only ones actually built are American ones Alaska-class cruisers .


Strictly speaking, the battlecruiser is generally regarded as a separate ship class rather than a cruiser branch. An unwritten rule at the time of the design of battleships was that their armor should be able to withstand their own fire at a conventional engagement distance for such designs to be considered acceptable. Before the First World War there was a design to disrupt this equilibrium. The aim was to design ships much faster than the battleships, but with the same firepower as the battleships, whose role was to pursue the enemy's cruisers, especially the armoured cruisers active in the oceans and mainly used to break up the engagement. First Sea Lord in England John Arbuthnot Fisher Under the auspices of the first ship of this warship known as the battlecruiser was at Alvik on 14 April 1907 shipyard In the water, it is Battlecruiser Invincible .
These ships, between battleships and cruisers, had the same tonnage and firepower as battleships, but their armour It was weak, only cruiser level, and the weight saved was invested in engines and firepower. The result is a vehicle with high mobility warship More firepower than any cruiser, but faster than a battleship. The Father of the War Patrol praised this ship, because it was second only to battleship The main force of the navy -- Armored cruisers When faced with a battlecruiser at speeds above 25 knots, only carnage awaited the former.
The battlecruiser Hood
They were designed to be very successful, at least to fulfill the design requirements. For example, the Malvinas in 1914 Battle of archipelagos And subsequent Battle of Dogger Bar During the war, the battlecruisers demonstrated their immense power against their designed opponents. But in fleet operations against the enemy's armored cruisers and battleships they are very vulnerable. 1916 Battle of Jutland This defect was evident in the British battlecruisers, which suffered heavy losses. After the war many of the battlecruisers were demolished by the British Navy, with the remainder reinforced in their permitted condition. But the main reason for the demolition is because Washington naval treaty The number and drainage limits of heavy warships are specified.
In 1940, the British fleet pursued Germany during World War II The battleship Bismarck The process also revealed the vulnerability of the battlecruisers' armor. Anglican The battlecruiser Hood On fire with The Bismarck Just as powerful, but much weaker in armor. in Naval Battle of Denmark Strait Before she could hit Bismarck, Hood was hit by Bismarck's gunfire, which punctured her armor and caused an explosion in her ammunition magazine, breaking her in half, and rapidly sinking. Only three of the 1,419 sailors survived.

Auxiliary cruisers

Another type of ship called a "cruiser" is Auxiliary cruisers In fact, they were merchant ships quickly equipped with small guns after the outbreak of war. They are practically useless. In both World wars, Germany used small merchant ships equipped with cruiser guns to attack Allied merchant ships. These ships, often disguised as neutral or even Allied merchant ships, achieved some successes. Some large ocean ships were also modified in this way. During World War I, the French and Germans used these ships to attack the enemy, and the advantage of these ships was their high speed (around 30 knots). World War II Germany and Japan used such ships again. In the early years of World War I and World War II, the British also used such ships to protect the merchant fleet to make up for the shortage of destroyers.

Equipment by country



America is what the world has The guided missile cruiser The largest number of countries. Since the 1960s, a total of 54 cruisers in 8 classes have been developed, and 9 nuclear-powered guided missile cruisers in 5 classes, including 1 Long Beach class, 1 Bainbridge class, 1 Traxton class, and 1 Trxton class. California "Class 2," Virginia "Class 4 ships; Conventional power 45 guided missile cruisers in 3 classes, including 9 Lehi class, 9 Belknup class, and 27 Ticonderoga class. The Ticonderoga class is also the only first-stage guided missile cruiser in service; the others have been retired.
  • "Long Beach" class
Only one ship of this class was built, the ship named Long Beach, by the United States Bethlehem Steel Construction began in November 1957, it was launched in 1959, and it was officially commissioned in 1961. It was the first in the world Nuclear-powered cruisers It is also the world's first nuclear-powered surface ship, and its birth is not only in the history of cruiser development, but also in Nuclear power The history of the ship is of great significance, and at the same time, it is also Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier The development provides a successful example of feasibility. Is the world Surface ship A leap in the history of development.
"Long Beach" class nuclear-powered missile cruiser standard displacement of 15,540 tons, full displacement of 17,525 tons; The ship is 219.9 meters long, 22.3 meters wide, and 9.1 meters in draft; Power: 2 C1W pressurized water reactors, 2 gas turbines, 80,000 HP; Speed 30 knots; The number of 825 people, another 68 flagship command personnel can be arranged.
The background of the construction of the Long Beach. After the Second World War, the United States increased its power in order to achieve world domination Great ambition The United States pursues a policy of "strategic deterrence" and "control of the seas." To make warships regularly cruise the world's oceans, a new source of power is needed without refueling in the middle, so nuclear power is favored. On January 17, 1955, Nautilus, the world's first nuclear-powered ship, was launched Nuclear submarine After sea trials, the U.S. Navy decided to build nuclear power after several controversies Aircraft carrier It also plans to build a nuclear-powered cruiser to carry out escort and warning tasks. Thus, the "Long Beach" began to be conceived.
The ship is highly self-sustaining. In 1964, the "Long Beach" aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "Enterprise" on a 65-day voyage around the world, without any logistics. The ship's first nuclear fuel replacement took place in 1965 after a voyage of 165,700 nautical miles. The ship underwent an extensive refit in 1980-1985, removing the outdated "Brass Knight" ship-to-air missile system and replacing the "Beagle" ship-to-air missiles with advanced "standard" long-range missiles. In 1979, Long Beach was equipped with two four-mounted Harpoon ship-to-ship missile launchers. During the overhaul in 1985, the ship was equipped with two four-mounted Tomahawk long-range cruise missiles, making the ship truly capable of long-range attack. The ship was originally planned to be equipped with the Aegis weapon system, but it did not materialize due to other reasons. On the rear upper platform, the ship is newly equipped with two 20mm "Vulcan" phalanx close-in defense guns, which greatly improves the short-range defense capability. The ship was also equipped with two additional 127-mm guns. The gun was suitable for attacking coastal targets and engaging on the surface. The ship is also equipped with an eight-mounted Aslok anti-submarine missile launcher and two MK32 triplet anti-submarine torpedo tubes. The modified "Long Beach" is far better than the prototype in weapons, and truly has the comprehensive combat capability of ship, air, submarine and shore. The ship has advanced electronics. The original SPS-32 and SPS-33 phased array radars were removed along with the Brass Knight ship-to-air missile system. Meanwhile, the SPS-48C Three-coordinate radar The SPS-49CV sea and air search radar also replaced the older horizontal directional radar. The ship has an advanced combat command center and a flagship command facility attached to it. The ship's rear deck has been modified to provide a helicopter platform for helicopter replenishment at sea, and the ship has no hangar and does not carry it in peacetime Antisubmarine helicopter . The ship was decommissioned in 1994.
  • Ticonderoga class
The ship is hailed as "the most advanced cruiser of the contemporary era" and "has epoch-making combat effectiveness and vitality." It is the first ship equipped with the Aegis system in the United States, solving the problem of fleet air defense that has long plagued the United States Navy, and taking the lead in modern military technology.
in Cold war Period, Former Soviet Union In order to compete with the United States in the sea, a complete set of naval strategy and development has been developed
Exhibition equipment planning. One of their mace is to attack the US aircraft carrier formation as the main goal, and strive to develop Anti-ship missile . There are as many as 17 or 18 types of missiles developed, with different guidance methods, different ranges, different altitudes and speeds, and they are not only equipped on surface ships, but also equipped on surface ships submarine And on the plane. Once the war broke out, the anti-ship missiles of the Soviet army were like a swarm of locusts, and they could be used in all directions. Multidimensional space At the same time towards the US aircraft carrier. This type of attack is called "saturation attack" by the Americans. By contrast, the American cruisers are outfitted Antiaircraft missile For example, "Beagle", "Beagle" Tatars "And" Standard Type I ", etc., against a small number of incoming anti-ship missiles can still cope with more or less, the incoming missiles are more and more, and it is impossible to defend against this. Their slow reaction problem is mainly reflected in radar Search, measurement, and tracking are also present in missile guidance methods and launch systems. Usually, the air warning radar needs 12-24 seconds from finding the target to determining the heading, speed, flight altitude and other parameters of the target, and then transmits the measured target data to the target Fire control system Since it takes at least 1 minute for the air radar to track, calculate the design parameters and then launch the missile, coupled with the semi-active radar homing method used by the United States for air missile guidance, the tracking and irradiation radar on the ship needs to consistently align the target to launch a beam to it, which is solved A goal Then we can move on to the next target. That way, you can't deal with multiple targets at once. In addition, the missile launch system also has a complex procedure from loading, aiming to launching, which takes at least 20 seconds. In this way, it is indeed difficult to deal with the "saturation attack" of Soviet anti-ship missiles. Therefore, the Americans designed the Aegis system and began to build a new cruiser equipped with the Aegis system - "Ticonderoga".
There are 27 ships of this class in service, the ship number is "CG47-73, the ship names are:" Ticonderoga ", "Ticonderoga", "Ticonderoga". Vincennes "York City," "Valley Forge," " Gates ", "Bunker Hill"," Mobile Bay "SAN Jacinto", "SAN Jacinto" Antietam "," Leyte Gulf "Hue City", "Champland Lake", "Hue City" Philippine sea "Princeton", "Princeton" Normandy "Monterey," "Chancellorsville," "Cowpens," Gettysburg ", "Qiu Xin"," Shiloh ", "Anzio", "Cape SAN Giorgio"," Vicksburg "Lake Erie," "Wella Bay," and "Lake Erie." Port Royal ". The first ship, Ticonderoga, began construction at Ingalls Shipbuilding in January 1980, was launched in April 1981, and was commissioned in January 1983. The ship is 172.5 meters long, 16.8 meters wide, and has a draft of 9.5 meters. Standard displacement 7260 tons, full load displacement 9600 tons; The power plant is 4 LM2500 gas turbines with 80,000 HP. Over 30 knots. If it's 20 knots Sailing speed Degree calculation, endurance up to 60,000 nautical miles; It has a total strength of 395, including 37 officers. The class is equipped with strong offensive and defensive firepower, and is the most comprehensive combat capability of current U.S. cruisers. The ship is equipped with two MK41 missiles Vertical launch system . The vertical launch system usually stores the missile, and when it is launched, as long as the deck launch port cover is opened and the launch power is switched on, the missile can soar into the air. The launch port cover is made of plastic, and the missile can be launched without lifting the cover in an emergency, and the missile can break the cover and react very fast. The two missile libraries can hold 122 missiles according to the vertical launch plan, and can be mixed with Tomahawk missiles, Standard Type 2 anti-air and Aslok missiles. Antisubmarine missile . The ship has two quad Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers. The class is also equipped with two novel MK45 127-mm guns and two Phalanx 6-barrel 20mm short-range defense systems, which can fire 3,000 rounds per minute. Antisubmarine weapon There are "Aslok" missiles, two MK32 triple torpedo tubes, equipped with two anti-submarine helicopters.
The ship is notable for being equipped with the world's most advanced Aegis system. The Aegis system consists of six components: phased array radar, command and decision system, weapons control system, and missiles Fire control system Missile launching system and combat readiness inspection system. It is characterized by: reflecting very fast, with a variety of functions such as search, tracking and guidance, and can simultaneously track and process nearly 100 targets in the air, water or underwater, which is beyond the reach of other current combat command systems.
In addition to Aegis, the ship is equipped with a long-range air alert radar , one ball-headed sonar, one Towing sonar And a fully integrated automatic electronic warfare system with a fast chaff decoy launcher.
Another unique feature of this class is that it is improving Ship vitality Efforts have been made. In order to prevent fire, the ship is divided into fire zones, and special electromagnetic doors can be isolated. The superstructure is made of steel and covered with firefelt, Key position With high strength thick steel plate protection. The fire control piping and damage control arrangement of the ship fully consider all kinds of battle damage can still carry out effective rescue, and maintain combat effectiveness.
On July 3, 1988, the Vincennes, which was in the Persian Gulf, mistook an Iranian A-300B airliner for an F-14 fighter jet. As a result, a missile flew into the air, killing all 290 innocent passengers on board. In January 1991 Gulf War Ten ships of this class took part in the battle. In the early morning of January 17, the "SAN Jacinto" launched the first "Tomahawk" missile, firing the "Desert Storm" first shot. The Princeton was damaged by a mine in the bay.

Soviet Union - Russia

  • Artillery cruisers
Russia's most famous cruiser The Lovell Now, the battleship that fired the first shots of the revolution was a Parada-class protected cruiser.
The first cruisers built by the Soviet Navy after the last Admiral Nakhimov class cruisers of the Tsarist Russian Navy were the Kirov-class cruisers (Project 26) in 1935 (this class was a light cruiser armed with 180 mm guns, not the nuclear-powered guided missile cruisers that followed) Xia Boyang class cruiser After World War II, he designed the Sverdlov-class cruisers, the last of which was an artillery cruiser. [5] Then the Soviet Union began building missile cruisers.
Kirov-class ships
Russia has four classes of seven ships, of which the "Kirov" class is nuclear-powered and the rest is conventionally powered.
The guided missile cruiser. Italian and Peru One each, all conventionally powered guided missile cruisers. Due to the increasing size of destroyers and increasing firepower, coupled with a light aircraft carrier that has "grafted" the functions of cruisers and aircraft carriers together, some countries such as Britain and France have replaced cruisers with destroyers and light aircraft carriers. The United States and Russia, especially the United States, continued to retain powerful cruisers due to the need for ocean-going operations. After the Second World War, the former Soviet Navy has always attached importance to the development of cruisers, and has built seven classes of cruisers, respectively. Sverdlov "Class," Kenta "class," Cresta I "class "Cresta II" class, "Kara" class, "Glory" class, "Kirov" class, of these seven classes only "Kirov" class is a nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser, the other classes are conventionally powered cruisers.
The Kirov-class nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser is the world's largest guided missile cruiser and the world's first surface ship equipped with a missile vertical launch system. The first ship "Kirov" started construction in 1975, launched in December 1977, and entered service in July 1980; The second ship, Frunzhi, was commissioned in November 1983; The third ship." Kalinin Commissioned in 1988; The fourth ship." Andropov She was launched for sea trials in late 1991. All four of these ships were built by Baltic Sea Shipyard built. The first ship served in the Northern Fleet, the second in the Pacific Fleet, and the third in the Pacific Fleet The Baltic Fleet The fourth ship was incorporated Caspian Sea The fleet.
The ship is 248 meters long, 28 meters wide, and has a draft of 8.8 meters. Standard displacement of 24,000 tons, full load displacement of 28,000 tons (there are data reports: standard displacement of 27,000 tons, full load displacement of 37,000 tons), so some people call it Battlecruisers . The power plant is: Nuclear reactor 2 units, 2 steam turbines, 8 motors, total power 150,000 kilowatts; It has a speed of 32 knots and a range of 150,000 nautical miles at 25 knots.

Other countries

In addition to the United States and Russia, Italy and Peru each have one guided missile cruiser, the only guided missile cruiser in the Italian Navy at present, in fact, can also be called Helicopter carrier It can be used for both air defense and anti-submarine Combat mission .
The cruiser Admiral Grau
Seven Province class guided missile cruisers of the Peruvian Navy The cruiser Admiral Grau It is one of the oldest ships in the world. Built by the Netherlands in 1939, launched in 1944, she was commissioned as an anti-aircraft cruiser until 1953, bought by Peru in 1973, and returned to the Netherlands from 1985 to 1988 for a $140 million overhaul and refit, at the time a more capable cruiser, has been retired from active service in September 2017. It was the last gun cruiser in the world to be decommissioned.


Cooperation between China and Japan
On April 12, 1929, the National Government explicitly established the Ministry of the Navy; On June 1, the Naval Department of the Nanjing Nationalist Government was formally established under Yang Shuzhuang (in January 1938, the Naval Department was ordered to be abolished and reorganized into the Naval General Command). In 1930, the Admiralty ordered two new 2,600-ton cruisers: signed a contract with the Japanese Soho Shipyard, and the ships were delivered in stages at the discount of Northeast soybeans; The drawings were designed by Japan and built in China and Japan respectively. In 1932, the Ninghai, built in Japan, was completed and set sail for China. Built by Jiangnan Shipbuilding, the "Heihai" began construction in August 1931, sailed to Japan in 1936 to install weapons systems, and returned to China in April 1937. These two cruisers became China's most advanced warships at the time. In 1931, Jiangnan Shipyard also built a 1,500 ton light cruiser "Yi Xian".
Anti-Japanese War period
In the Japanese War of aggression against China in 1937, the Republic of China Navy only had nine cruisers, namely "Haiqi", "Haichen", "Hairong", "Haichao", "Pinghai", "Haihai". Yonghae The "Yixian", "Yingrui" and "Zhaohe" were ordered to set up a blockade in the Yangtze River channel at Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province; On 25 September, four old cruisers, Haiqi, Haichen, Hairong, and Haichao, were sunk behind the main blockade line to act as auxiliary blockades. These four cruisers would have sunk without a fight. Almost at the same time, in a fierce battle with Japanese aircraft at the same location, the three cruisers "Flat sea", "Ninghai" and "Yi Xian" were also sunk. On 23 October, the cruiser Ying Rui, which was retreating from Jiangyin to Caishiji, Anhui Province, was also sunk by Japanese aircraft. In late September of the same year, another cruiser, the Zhaohe, was sunk by Japanese aircraft during a fierce battle at Humen Fortress in Guangdong Province. At this point, all the cruisers of the Chinese Navy have been lost and martyred under the water.
After the victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese Navy received a group of warships as gifts from the British Navy, of which the "Chongqing" cruiser was the largest (displacement 7,500 tons). [6] . The ship, originally known as HMS Aurora or Dawn, was a British light cruiser built in 1936 (at a cost of £2,259,951). In World War II, the ship served as the flagship of the British Navy's Mediterranean k Fleet, sinking more than 10 enemy ships and more than 20 merchant ships, and was known as the "silver ghost" by the British Army. In 1943, the ship transported the King of England to Malta; In 1944, Admiral Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, commanded the attack on the island of Bantarella from the ship. After the war, the Chinese ships were delivered to China in 1948 as compensation for British requisitions during the war. [2]
The main technical data of the ship are: the ship is 154.03 meters long, 15.56 meters wide, 4.2 meters draft, standard displacement of 5,274 tons, full displacement of 7,500 tons, using four turbine engines, the propulsion power of 64,000 horsepower, the maximum speed of 32.25 knots, the endurance of 4000 nautical miles, the crew of nearly 600. The main weapons on the ship are three dual-mounted 152mm guns, four dual-mounted 100mm guns (all capable of automatic loading), two 40mm anti-aircraft guns, three dual-mounted 20mm machine guns, two triple-mounted 533mm torpedo tubes and depth charges. The ship is equipped with a radar director to control the air fire of the gun. [2]
The cruiser "Chongqing" can be called the latest equipment and the most powerful warship in the history of the Chinese Navy, and was hailed as "the new birth of the Chinese Navy" by the Kuomintang military and political leaders at that time. However, the "good scenery" was not long, on February 26, 1949, the "Chongqing" sailed from Wusongkou in Shanghai to Yantai port under the control of the Communist Party, and went to the new owner; Soon after, because of the bombing of the Kuomintang air force and sank in the waters near Huludao, Liaoxi. Since then, the Chinese no longer have their own cruisers. [2]
In order to receive warships from Britain, the Kuomintang Navy Department recruited college and middle school students to train in Britain three times in advance. On May 26, 1948, the cruiser Chongqing, led by Captain Deng Zhaoxiang, set sail from Portsmouth, England, sailing more than 10,000 nautical miles, and arrived in Shanghai on August 20. Due to the tension of the civil war, in October, the Kuomintang Admiralty Minister GUI Yongqing ordered the Chongqing ship to Huludao to participate in the Liaodong Campaign, and Chiang Kai-shek had personally summoned the generals on this warship to command the Liaodong campaign. The ship soon sailed back to Shanghai. [6]
In 1946, the Kuomintang reactionaries tore up the armistice agreement between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and launched mad attacks on the people's liberated areas. In October 1946, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reiterated to the whole Party that it was necessary to strengthen the leadership of mass struggles in the areas ruled by the Kuomintang. Intensify the work of disintegrating the Kuomintang army. There are already two fronts in China; the People's War of Liberation is the first; in the areas under the rule of the Kuomintang, an extremely broad united front of the whole nation has been formed as a result of the upsurge of the student movement and the upsurge of the revolutionary movement of the masses of the people. In this favorable situation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China also issued instructions within the party: "The focus of intelligence work in the national control area should be turned to comprehensively engage in counter-insurgency and grasp the strength." The former Southern Bureau of the Central Committee and later the Central Shanghai Bureau, as well as the relevant Party committees and democratic personage under their leadership, have, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee, done a great deal of work on some Kuomintang government functionaries and patriotic officers and men in the land, sea and air forces. The glorious uprising of the "Chongqing" is one of the products of the implementation of the central instructions by the Shanghai Bureau. On February 25, 1949, in the situation of the imminent victory of the liberation War, the largest cruiser of the Kuomintang Navy "Chongqing" in Shanghai Wusongkou glorious uprising, the next day safely sailed to the liberated area of Yantai port. Caused a great shock of public opinion at home and abroad.
The "Chongqing" warship has more than 300 soldiers returning from training in Britain. When they were trained in Britain, they were discriminated against and bullied, and when they returned home, they saw the corruption and incompetence of the Kuomintang, the soaring prices of goods, and the very hard life of some officers and soldiers, they felt great disappointment, dissatisfaction, depression and hesitation, and many soldiers found another way out. Among the officers, there had always been factional strife in the Kuomintang Navy, and many were excluded. Captain Deng Zhaoxiang and others are Fujian Mawei Navy personnel, but also by GUI Yongqing sidelined. GUI Yongqing sent his confidant Navy Qingdao Department Mou Bingjian as deputy captain, monitoring Deng Zhaoxiang and other officers and soldiers, and ready to let Mou take over the position of Captain Deng Zhaoxiang at the appropriate time. These circumstances are undoubtedly favorable conditions for turning the ship. [6]