
A first-level administrative unit in Canada
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synonymQuebecQuebec (Canada) Generally refers to the province of Quebec
The Province of Quebec (French: Quebec; English: Quebec) is the primary administrative unit of Canada. Canada The largest province in area, as of 2015, with a total area of 1.667 million square kilometers and a population of 8.23 million, more than 80% of the population France Descendent is the center of French culture in North America, where the official language is French .
Quebec is located in the southeast of Canada, facing the north Hudson Bay , the east Face Labrador Area sum Gulf of St. Lawrence , South to America , Siljan Ontario and James Bay For Canada and eastern North America traffic arteries. The capital Quebec City , the largest city Montreal . [1]
In 2014, the province of Quebec achieved a gross national product (GDP) $373.7 billion, accounting for about 20% of all Canada, the service sector accounts for about 70.7% of the province's GDP, and the manufacturing sector accounts for 14.4%. High-tech industries such as aviation industry and multimedia games have become core industries. [2]
Chinese name
Foreign name
French: Quebec English: Quebec
Administrative category
First-level administrative region
Subordinate region
Geographical position
Southeast Canada
Area product
1667000 km²
Subordinate area
Montreal , Sherbrooke Etc.
Government premises
Quebec City
Telephone area code
Postal code
Climatic condition
Polar and subpolar climates
Population number
8.23 million (2015)
Famous scenic spot
St. Anne's Cathedral, Olympic Park, St. Lawrence River
Montreal Trudeau International Airport, Quebec City King Luther International Airport
Total GDP
$373.7 billion (2014)
Per capita GDP
$45,850 (2014)

Historical evolution

The name "Quebec" comes from Indian language The original meaning is fjord. Aboriginal people used the term to refer to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River in present-day Quebec City, St. Lawrence River From the west stream the land is wide open.
The first Europeans to visit the area Adventurer is Jacques Katia He arrived in 1534 Gaspe It sailed into the St. Lawrence River in 1535.
After 1627, the French king Louis XIII Order, except Roman Catholicism Foreign immigrants are not allowed in New France To settle down. This ensures that colony Education and welfare are in the hands of the church. In 1663 New France became a royal province under Jean Talon.
In 1763, he was king of England Louis XV With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, France gave up New France in exchange for retaining possession of the West Indies Guadeloupe . The British will Canada (Then part of New France) Renamed the province of Quebec.
St. Lawrence River
In 1774, British parliament By" Quebec act The Act ensured that the Quebec territory French And French culture is not threatened. The Act also allowed Quebec to retain French civil law and the entire legal system, while also guaranteeing freedom of religion and the preservation of Roman Catholicism.
After the American Revolution of 1776, the influx of British loyalists into Canada changed the demographic composition. To this end, the Constitution Act of 1791 was adopted Ottawa River To divide the original colony into two parts. The west is Upper Canada , switch to the English legal system, the east is Lower Canada Maintain the status quo.
In 1841, the British government established Upper and Lower Canada as the Province of Canada.
In 1867, the Province of Canada was joined by two other British colonies New Brunswick , Nova Scotia Merged into the Canadian Union, the provinces of Canada were divided Ont (Ontario) And two parts of Quebec.
The Castle of Frontenac
In 1977, he was led by Levec Quebecois The party won the provincial elections and introduced the French Charter. (also known as Act 101) . This act established French as the sole official language of Quebec and continues to this day.
In 1980, Quebec held its first statewide referendum on sovereignty, with 60 per cent of Quebecers voting against secession from Canada.
On October 30, 1995, Quebec's second referendum on independence was again rejected, but the vote was very close (50.6% against, 49.4% in favor) .
On November 27, 2006, Parliament of Canada The prime Minister was approved by 266 votes to 16 against Harper 's" Quebecois Is one nation in a united Canada." [3]

Administrative division

The province of Quebec is divided into 17 administrative regions with 104 counties and 1,288 communes. [2]

Geographical environment


Location boundary

Quebec is located between 57° and 80° west, 45° and 63° north, in southeastern Canada The Arctic Ocean , to the West Ontario and Hudson Bay To the east lies the Labrador area and Gulf of St. Lawrence , South to New Brunswick And the United States Maine , New Hampshire , Vermont and New York Adjoining, West Ontario and James Bay .
Quebec has a total area of 1.667 million square kilometers, accounting for nearly one-sixth of Canada's total land area, and is the largest province in Canada (Together with regional statistics, it is second only to Nunavut ) , an area of approximately France Three times as much. [2]

Terrain and relief

The topography of Quebec is divided into three parts: St. Lawrence River The mountains and highlands to the north, which account for about four-fifths of the province's land; eastern Gaspe peninsula ; To the west, the St. Lawrence Lowland is a fertile delta where the whole land is located. [4] The two highest mountains in Quebec are Mont de L 'Iberville (1,622 m) and Jacques Cartier (1,268 m). [5]

Climatic condition

Quebec has a diverse climate, from south to north, with an average summer temperature of 25 ~ 5 ° C, an average winter temperature of -10~-25 ° C, and the lowest temperature in the north as low as -60 ° C. The average snowfall in winter is about 3 meters. The south has a wet continental climate, and the far north is a polar climate Subpolar climate . [2]

Hydrological regime

Quebec has 180,000 square kilometers of fresh water, 4,500 rivers that end up in the Atlantic Ocean, and millions of lakes, 30 of which are more than 250 square kilometers in size, Lake Mistasini It is the largest natural lake. In addition, the largest inland body of water in Quebec is the Cania Pisco Reservoir. [5]

Natural resources

Map of Quebec
As of 2015, among the mineral resources owned by Quebec Province, the developed resources mainly include iron ore, gold, nickel copper and other metal minerals and non-metallic minerals such as gravel, and the development activities are concentrated in four regions such as Northern Quebec, which is the largest iron ore and aluminum producing area in Canada. Mineral resources to be developed are concentrated in the northern region, iron ore still has great potential for development, diamond, rare earth, lithium, oil and gas resources waiting to be developed. Hydropower resources are well developed, and it is the fourth largest hydropower producer in the world. [2]
Quebec is located in the Saint Lawrence Forest region, which is known as Mixed forest Mainly, the main tree species are eastern white pine, red pine, Eastern hemlock, yellow birch, sugar maple, red maple and red oak. [6]

Population nationality

As of 2015, Quebec has a total population of 8.23 million, of which more than 80% are French residents and 82% are French speakers, concentrated in the southern region along the St. Lawrence River. [7]


Quebec Provincial Parliament Building
The Parliament of Quebec Province was founded in 1791, the assembly executive legislative power, the implementation of the unicameral system, also known as the National Assembly, consisting of 125 members, elected by universal suffrage, each member of Parliament represents a constituency, at least every five years need to call a general election. Quebec is in the Canadian Federal House of Commons (Total 308 Members) It holds 75 seats in Canada's upper house of Parliament (105 members) It has 24 seats.
The lieutenant Governor is the head of state Queen Elizabeth II In the province, the current Lieutenant Governor is Michel Doyoung. The head of the provincial government is the Governor, who is headed by the majority Leader of the Parliament, and the current governor is Philippe Couillard. Elections for the government of Quebec are held every five years, and the government is formed by the majority party in the National Assembly, the head of which is the Premier, who appoints the ministers and makes up the Executive Council. [8]




In 2014, the province of Quebec achieved a gross national product (GDP) $373.7 billion, up 1.5% in real terms from 2013. Among them, the service industry accounted for 70.7% of GDP, the manufacturing industry accounted for 14.4%, the construction industry accounted for 6.4%, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industry accounted for 1.5%, mining, stone and oil and gas extraction industry accounted for 1.4%. In 2014, the consumer price index in Quebec increased by 1.4% compared to 2013, and the unemployment rate was 7.7%. [9]

Primary industry

Quebec's planting industry is dominated by corn, soybeans, vegetables and potatoes, and animal husbandry is dominated by dairy cows, livestock and poultry. Within the province St. Lawrence River The valley is a rich agricultural region, producing dairy products, fruits, vegetables, livestock, and maple syrup Quebec is the largest in the world Maple sugar Place of origin) . There are coniferous forests in the north of the valley, and the forestry is more developed.

Secondary industry

Quebec manufacturing industry started early, is an important iron ore, electricity, paper products in Canada. The province promotes mineral development in the north, supports an innovative economy and high-tech industries, and makes aviation, aluminum processing, multimedia games, biomedicine, information and communication, and clean energy its core industries. [2]

Tertiary industry

Bank of Montreal, Quebec
Quebec's financial insurance, legal, transportation, retail and other industries developed. Montreal is one of Canada's financial centers, good at financial asset management, financial derivatives and other fields, but also the Royal Bank, the Bank of Montreal legal headquarters and national Bank and well-known investment management institutions headquarters, the Montreal exchange is Canada's financial derivatives options futures trading center. Garding Group, a co-operative financial organization, holds more than 50% of the Quebec banking market, while Banque Nationale holds about 25%. [2]
In 2014, Quebec's total international trade was about 165.9 billion Canadian dollars, of which imports were about 90 billion Canadian dollars, an increase of 1.9% over 2013, accounting for 18.5% of Canada's total imports; Exports were approximately $75.91 billion, up 14.8% from 2013, and accounted for 14.5% of Canada's total exports. In terms of imports, the top five import source countries in Quebec are the United States, China, Germany, Mexico and the United Kingdom; In terms of exports, the top five exporting countries in Quebec are the United States, China, France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. [9]




Quebec is a major education province, and the education budget accounts for about 25% of government spending. There are 18 institutions of higher learning and 63 community colleges. The number of college students is about 500,000, and more than 60,000 college graduates are graduated every year. Twenty-one percent of the working population has a college degree. Famous universities McGill University , University of Montreal , Laval University , Concordia University Let's wait. [2]

Medical treatment

Quebec has a health insurance and social security system based on the principle of equality. All Quebec citizens, regardless of their financial status, are entitled to free medical care and free hospitalization by participating in public hospitalization insurance and medical insurance. [10]



Land route

Quebec is a major traffic artery between Canada and eastern North America, as of 2015, the total mileage of railways in the province is 6,596 kilometers, and the total mileage of roads is 200,000 kilometers. [2]


The St. Lawrence River deep Water Channel in Quebec is 3,769 km long and accessible from the Atlantic Ocean Great Lakes There are 11 national commercial ports in the province, and the Port of Montreal has an annual throughput of about 28 million tons. [2]


There are 43 airports in the province of Quebec, three of which are international airports Jean Lesage International Airport, Quebec , Montreal Trudeau International Airport Montreal Trudeau International Airport is Canada's third largest airport, with 13.8 million passengers in 2012, 40% of whom were international passengers. [2]




Arms of Quebec
The pictorial symbol of Quebec is iris It is usually white and blue. The provincial flag of Quebec is a white cross on a blue background with an iris at each corner. The flag was adopted as the provincial flag in 1948. White cross on blue used to be Kingdom of France The national flag of... The coat of arms is topped by three yellow lilies, symbolizing the French royal family. The middle is a golden lion representing the British royal family, and the lower part is a three-leaf maple branch representing the local people.
The Quebec flower is the iris, once used in Quebec lily (Symbol of France) As a provincial flower, it was replaced by the native iris. Bird of Quebec Snowy owl The patron saint of French Canada is John the Baptist .
St. John's Day since 1977 (24 June) It is an official provincial celebration in Quebec. Song "National" (Gens du pays) It is often used as the unofficial provincial song of Quebec. Quebec's motto is "I keep it in mind." (Je me souviens The words are engraved on the front of the Quebec Parliament building and are also on the Quebec coat of arms. Quebec is sometimes called the Province of Beauty. (La Belle Province) The phrase was used on car license plates before the 1970s and was adopted as an official motto after the 1970s Je me souviens Instead. [11]


Flag of Quebec
Quebecers are the largest French-speaking ethnic group in the Americas, and the majority of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec. Most of the other French-speaking regions in Canada have varying degrees of connection with Quebec (Of the Atlantic Provinces Acadia Except for persons) . Montreal is second only to Paris The second largest French-speaking city. Due to historical reasons, Quebec has become a place where many cultures blend. People from all over the world come here to experience North America, but they keep a small distance from the North American mainstream.
Quebec is often described as Europe and America It inherited both French tradition and culture and the British parliamentary system. People can experience American, French and British culture at the same time. Quebec is also home to 11 indigenous cultures and about 600,000 others in the province English Ethnic minorities. [10]

Winter carnival

The Winter Carnival is the most grand festival of Quebec residents, the festival begins in February every year, known as the world's largest winter parade, with typical French cultural characteristics. Before the festival, it is necessary to build a five-storey "snow castle" with snow; During the festival, to elect a "carnival king", as the temporary "ruler" of Quebec City, he dressed in white, wearing a white hat, dressed as a snowman. The traditional "ice boat race" is held on the ice-broken St. Lawrence River. There are also various other activities on ice and snow. [4]


Quebec City
Quebec City
Quebec City is the capital of the province of Quebec, an important city and port in eastern Canada, located at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and St. Charles Rivers. The city is divided into two parts: new and old areas. The new city is full of high-rise buildings and prosperous commerce, which gives it a modern urban look. The old town still has the look of an 18th-century French city, with shops and shops decorated with 18th-century plaques and staff dressed in ancient clothes and hairstyles.
Quebec is the oldest city in North America, a historic and cultural city in North America, Places of historical interest It is the only American city north of Mexico with an ancient wall UNESCO Rated as a world-class historic preservation site. Not only is the language French, but everyday life, pebble Streets, French architecture, stone churches, etc., all show the Middle Ages Europe Style. [8]
St. Anne's Cathedral
St. Anne's Cathedral
In 1888, a miracle was reported in the parish church: three churchgoers passed by Virgin Mary In front of the statue, suddenly the eyes of the Virgin opened. Since then, millions of pilgrims have flocked here. Between 1960 and 1969, an octagonal church was built to receive these new pilgrims. Architecturally, it is as dazzlingly elaborate as a jewel, with fine Gothic stained glass.
Olympic Park
The Olympic Park in Montreal, Quebec was held in 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics The former site of the stadium, with its sloping tower, has become a symbol of Montreal with a height of about 50 meters (163 inches) It is the tallest Leaning Tower in the world. On a good day, you can see 80 kilometers (50 miles) away. Visitors can take a cable car to the top of the tower for a panoramic view of the city The St. Lawrence River Trade fairs and performances are often held in the park. [4]
St. Lawrence River
The St. Lawrence River is a large water system in east-central North America, connecting the United States Minnesota The source of the St. Louis River and Canada The eastern end leads to the Atlantic Cabot Strait It flows through the interior of North America for about 4,000 kilometers. Whale watching cruises on the river run from mid-July to September each year, during which time the St. Lawrence River near the Saguna River is home to a large number of whales. Visitors can take a boat ride from Tedowshak to get a closer look at the giant mammals. [4]
St. Joseph's Chapel
St. Joseph's Chapel
St. Joseph's Chapel It's a Rome Catholic church , located in Montreal, Quebec Mount Royal Southwest corner, for the largest number of pilgrims in North America. In 1904, Saint Andre Besser of the Holy Cross began construction of a chapel at Notre Dame College near Mount Royal, which soon became too small due to the increasing number of visitors, and was expanded into a new church with 1,000 seats in 1917, rebuilt again in 1924, and completed in 1967. Saint Andre Besser treated many disabled people here, and it is said that the old crutches hanging in the church are left by some disabled people who have been healed. The church is covered with a copper domed roof, and inside the church is a display of elaborately carved crosses and bitter statues, and the body of Saint Andre Besser is also buried here. [4]