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The second largest island in Italy
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Sardinia (Sardegna) is Mediterranean Italy Rank second only to Sicily The second largest island, with an area of 24,090 square kilometers and a population of about 1,656,000. The island has plains and granite mountains, gorgeous beaches, Mediterranean climate . northing France the The island of Corsica 12 kilometers, south Africa Coast 200 km. The capital Cagliari (Cagliari). In 1861, Kingdom of Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II He was made King of Italy and the island became united Kingdom of Italy Part of it. Sardinia is located to the west of Italy, a distance away The Apennine Peninsula 200 km, ancient culture, passing Italian Its capital is Cagliari in the south.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative category
Subordinate region
Geographical position
Italian peninsula 200 kilometers west of the coast
Area product
24090 km²
Government premises
Cagliari (Cagliari)
Climatic condition
Mediterranean climate
Population number
1,655,677 (2006)


District of Sardinia
Sardinia is an island located in western Italy, also known as Sardinia, located in Mediterranean In the middle, it is a large and isolated island. Sardinia has a unique Italian culture and is one of the oldest regions in Europe. In 227 BC, Sardinia became a province of the Roman Empire, and in 215 BC, a Carthaginian general baldness Hasdrubal led an army in support of the Sardinian Hampsicola's revolt against Rome, and was defeated Battle of Desimanu Hampsikola was killed in battle, and the bald Hasdrubal was captured. In the 14th century, Sardinia became part of Iberia (present-day Spain), and during the 400 years of its rule, Sardinia absorbed a great deal of Spanish culture, which is why Sardinia was a favorite sailing resort for the King of Spain.
In Italian, the island is called Sardegna, and it grows on the undulating interior of the island Marcy leaf community ( Mediterranean Summer drought Shrub community Including love wood, Wild thyme , Roxburgh rose And dwarf oaks), pleasant coastlines, clear seas, individual reefs, long sandy beaches and caves. The highest mountain on the island, Genagentu, is 1834 meters high and protects the villages in this area. In the northeast of Sardinia, the mountains gradually decline to level with the coastline of Smeralda, which is also the coast of Sardinia. Further south, the shoreline of Orosler Bay was barely damaged. Oristano, in the west, is flat and connected to the island's food supply, Fruits and vegetables The main producing area is the Kapitano Plain.

Establishment evolution

Sardinia is in Italy Historically have Significant impact . The distinctive features of the island are Nuragi (nuraghi), which is some used taken from Extinct volcano The enormity of basalt A truncated top of a block without any adhesive bond cone Body building (said to have 7,000 cases), built Prehistoric period . Most Nuraji are small, but a few Nuraji were apparently used as forts. There is also a Nuraj village near Dorgali, where the remains of about 80 buildings have been found. Experts believe that the history of Nuraj is between 1500 and 400 BC.
According to records, Phoenicians settled here about 800 BC, and were the first settlers here. After this, first the Greeks and then the Carthaginians invaded the north, in 238 BC the Romans began a brutal occupation, and in 227 BC Sardinia became ancient Roman Empire More than 600 years later, it was occupied by the Vandals. It has since been Byzantium And the Saracen. The island was built in the 11th century Pisa Acquired, then fought over Right of control the Genoa All. 1326 The Kingdom of Aragon To gain control of Sardinia. Spanish rule lasted until 1708, when they returned Austria All. In 1720, the island of Sardinia was ceded Savoy The royal family, and incorporated into Piedmont - Kingdom of Sardinia . During the wars against the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century, Piedmont was annexed by France. Napoleonic empire After the fall, the kingdom of Sardinia was restored Kingdom of Sardinia Territory on the mainland.
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Beautiful beach
In the mid-19th century, there were several states in what is now Italy, and most of the regions and states were under foreign control. with capitalism Economic development Unification was put on the agenda, and it was created for unification Objective condition . Kingdom of Sardinia Took on the task of unity, Gafur After becoming Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, he laid the material foundation for unification through reforms. In 1859, the Kingdom of Sardinia united with France to fight against Austria, and in 1860, the unification of northern Italy was basically completed. In 1860, Garibaldi formed the "Red Shirts" and went on an expedition to the southern Kingdom of the two Sicilies. Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia. In 1861, northern and southern Italy were basically unified. Kingdom of Italy Proclaimed, the King of Sardinia became King of Italy. It was completed in 1870 Great cause of reunification . In 1948, Sardinia was granted self-government status.

Physical geography

The terrain is mainly granite and schist Made up of mountains. The highest point is Mount Ca Marmora in the Gennargentu Massif at 1,834 m. Subtropical and Mediterranean type climate . Plain area precipitation 600 mm and 990 mm in mountainous areas. The river is short and swift. The most important rivers are the Tirso and Flumendosa rivers. "Macchia" are mixed Rock rose , frankincense Pistacia chinensis A surname Jinniang , Overlord tree A surname Oak Etc. scrub The meadow covers most of the uncultivated country land.
Topographic map of Sardinia
The undulating interior of the island is home to the Marsyl community (a community of Mediterranean summer and dry shrubs, including the love tree, wild thyme, prickly pear and dwarf oak), a pleasant coastline, clear seas, individual reefs, long sandy beaches and caves. The highest mountain on the island, Genagentu, is 1834 meters high and protects the villages in this area. In the northeast of Sardinia, the mountains gradually decline to level with the coastline of Smeralda, which is also the coast of Sardinia. Further south, the shoreline of Orosler Bay was barely damaged. Oristano, in the west, is flat and connects to the Kapitano Plain, the main producer of grain, fruit and vegetables on the island.

The capital

The hero of Sardinia
Cagliari: An Italian city and port, capital of Sardinia. In southern Sardinia, at the northern end of the Gulf of Cagliari, between two salt lakes. Population 232,000 (1982). Built by the Carthaginians before Christ. Mechanical, chemical, aluminum smelting, shipbuilding, food, cement, ceramics and Salt production As main Industrial sector . There are Mining industry . Sardinia's main port, mainly exports lead, zinc and other minerals and sea salt. There are medieval church architecture art and Carthaginian cemeteries Ancient remains . There is the University (founded in 1606) and Archaeological museum . Important sea, Air base . World War II Three quarters of the city was destroyed and later rebuilt.
Starting in 1870, Unification of Italy After that, Cagliari After a century of rapid development. At the end of the 18th century, during the tenure of the mayor, Otuni Bakavuda, many outstanding buildings were built. Many of these buildings are contained Art nouveau The influence is a mixture of traditional Sardinian Floral decoration Style: For example white marble built adjacent to the harbour guildhall . Mayor Otuni Bakaryuda is also known for his violent suppression of a workers' riot in the early 20th century.
Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia
When the Italian government ended the war with the Allies in September 1943, the Germans captured Cagliari and Sardinia, but because of the need Military strength Secure their positions in mainland Italy, so the Germans quickly retreated peacefully. Then the Americans took Cagliari. Due to its location in the Mediterranean Sea, Cagliari was of great importance during wartime Strategic position . Many of the airports close to Cagliari (Aymas, Mosahuatu, Desmomanue Airport, currently North Atlantic Treaty Organization Air force base) planes can fly to North Africa Or the Italian mainland and Sicily. After the war, Cagliari's population increased dramatically, with a large number of residential buildings being built in new housing areas, but recreation areas were often poorly designed.


The economy is dominated by agriculture and mining. Natural pasture Covering more than half of the island, sheep and goats are widely raised. Produce wheat, barley, Grapes , Olive , cork And tobacco. Fishing is mainly for capture tunny , lobster and sardine . On the island Mineral resources Abundant, zinc and lead (four-fifths of Italian production), lignite Fluorite, bauxite, copper and iron. Processing industry Lead and zinc smelting and aluminum and alumina production. There are oil refineries and Petrochemical complex . Other industries are food processing, textile production, tanning, wood products processing and Electric machine industry . though Highway network It has expanded and greatly improved, but tourism is largely concentrated in the coastal areas. With all over Italy there are sea and Air traffic . Because of the island's isolation, many traditions are still preserved. The island has an area of 24,090 Square kilometer (9301) Square mile ). It has a population of 1,655,677 (2006 data).


Sardinia has a unique Italian culture and is one of the oldest regions in Europe.

National structure

Local architecture
The origin of the Sard people on the island is unknown, and they (and their equally mysterious language) were apparently influenced by a continuous succession of occupiers, the most intense External influence From Spain. As early as 2000 BC Iberian peninsula There is contact. The Sardinian language , Genoese, Tuscan, Catalan and Arabic Used in different regions. Italian It is a common language. The locals are distinguished by their warm hospitality. There's a lot of folklore and handicrafts . Each village holds a festival once a year. It featured equestrian shows, elaborately embroidered costumes, and song and dance performances accompanied by launeddas (a three-reed pipe).

Festival activity

SAN Eficio Festival (Cagliari)
Groups from all over the island wear Traditional clothing A parade was held (1 May).
Sardinian Riding Festival (Sassari)
The Museum of Modern Art in Cagliari, Sardinia
Be dressed in National costume Horse racing festival (May).
Candlestick Festival (Sassari)
archaic guild Geremi gives thanks to the Virgin in a religious procession (August 14).
Saviour Day (Nuoro)
The festival is island-wide Civil organization All meet here (August).
Satylia Oristano )
A competition between masked knights (Carnival).

Art town


The city of wall painting

The village of Ogsulo Located in the Jenal Jettu Mountains of Nuoro Province, it is known as" Mural painting The City ". When you walk into Ogsulo, you will be surprised to find that you have entered an open-air gallery. Whether it's a flat brick wall or Earth wall Or the uneven stone walls, Ogsulo's amateur painters boldly underpaint them, painting images that are realistic or exaggerated, happy or melancholy.
The village of Ogsulo is a holy place for art, and also embodies the romantic temperament of Italians.

Ancient charm

Arange As early as Ancient Rome The age is built, and it is a little mysterious because it is old. After several historical changes, there were two dark bays at that time Lost mountain One of the town of Aranchi has been attached to the land, as a screen; The other hangs out of the bay like a gateway.
In the afternoon of summer, the resort villas and sailing clubs on the seaside of Aranchi Town are full of life, and the old town gradually returns to quiet in the sunset.


Football pitch on the island
Sardinia, a small island belonging to the Kingdom of Boots, Italy, although in our opinion, far less well-known Sicily Or Tuscany name sound, but in Europe, it is the royal dignitaries and celebrities flock to the resort, probably because it is a beautiful and indifferent paradise.

Historical reason

In the 14th century, Sardinia became part of Iberia (today's Spain), and during the 400 years of its rule, Sardinia absorbed a great deal of Spanish culture, which is why Sardinia is a part of Spain King of Spain Very favorite sailing resort.

The choice of a famous man

Royalty and celebrities choose Sardinia because of its seclusion. Back then, Diana, Princess of Britain, and her millionaire boyfriend Fayad In those days, it took a lot of effort to find a place where people would not notice the beautiful scenery. Because they both are Magnesium lamp chaser Public figure Once found by the perpetrators, it will always cause an uproar, and if the place is too remote, the environment is not enough to enjoy, they will not be able to tolerate the privilege. After much thought, they decided that Sardinia was the most suitable choice. On the one hand, the inhabitants of this island are by nature indifferent, and I do not care about any important person; On the other hand, because there are too many stars, everyone has seen it. But who knows, their leisure vacation is just beginning, paparazzo I took a picture of them together on a luxury yacht, which is great, not only for Entertainment headlines Contributed to the blockbuster news, but also brought in a million dollars for himself.

Special source

Another person with some connection to Sardinia is the former prime minister of Italy Berlusconi The temperament of the prime minister is super rich, after entering politics through the election with financial resources, he has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction in public, saying that the position of the prime minister makes him too busy, so that he stops in the Sardinian bay from the purchase of luxury cruise only once, and the luxury villa all over the island, but also because of this reason to enjoy. The prime minister with a charming singing voice through his own Private television station -- Italian TV channel 5 sang his own love songs to his people, and more than 10 million people across Italy watched the Prime Minister sing. In the show, Berlusconi, dressed in white, gathered with a group of people at the edge of a swimming pool, led by his favorite Naples Accompanied by guitarist and singer Mariano Apicilla on guitar, she sang her latest song, "A Song Is Better." The background of the whole program is the bay of Sardinia, Italy, the blue sea and the beautiful beach, which sets off a beautiful artistic conception for Berlusconi's singing. At the time of recording this programme, he was on a rare holiday at his luxury villa in Sardinia. Recently, he hosted British Prime Minister Tony Blair at his luxurious villa, and it seems that he has finally found a balance between work and enjoyment, and can handle government affairs without giving up the feeling of luxury.

Happy land

Because of the island's natural calmness, the inhabitants of Sardinia also live a long life. The main reason is that people there are always happy. islander Family structure Relatively large, family members can share the joy of life together and solve problems and troubles, so the elderly in the family will not feel lonely because of age. It is this positive attitude towards life that enables many elderly people there to "stay young forever" and spend more than 100 years calmly. Perhaps this is also the reason why the island has become a holiday destination, and the royal dignitaries may also want to live in Sardinia for a long time, learning the habits and attitudes of the islanders.

Tourist attraction

Traditional cuisine
The most prominent is the Tower of St. Christophe, built in 1291
Typical of the old town, there is the Sanctuary of Thanksgiving and the Church of SAN Salvatore.
Worth seeing are the main church, the Rossello Fountain and Piazza Italia , and next to the Provincial House. 15 km outside the city is the Church of the Three Saints of Sakaja, which contains frescoes from the 13th century.
Beautiful medieval city. Worth seeing are SAN Michele and St. Francis of Assisi Church . On the rocky beach outside the city is the famous Sea King Cave.
Nola Monuments (Pula)
Among the very old remains can be enjoyed prehistoric, Phoenicia Sum of Roman The testimony of the period.
Nuraget Toralba in Santuantine
Built in 1500 BC, the Nuragai Group has three connected towers, a 20-meter deep well and the remains of an ancient village.
St. Peter's Church (Bosa)
The main church in a beautiful place.
Castell Sado
The picturesque town, built on the Bay of Assinara, is worth seeing for its castles, walls, pillboxes and elephant forts.
Santa Teresa Gallura
This is the most famous saltware in Sardinia with beautiful white sand beaches.
Worth seeing are the 17th-century towers and red reefs.
Temple of Antas (Flumini Maggiore)
A tall temple built in the 6th century BC.
Puerto Torres
Worth seeing is one of the most important buildings on the island, the Church of SAN Gavino.
Assinara National Park
The beautiful island north of Sardinia has a jagged stone coast, crystal clear waters and a wide variety of vegetation and animals.
Orosei Bay and Mount Jenazentu National Park
Beautiful protected areas, including Mount Jenazentu and the beautiful Orosei Bay.
Madalena Islands National Park
Made up of 7 large and many small islands, it is a true paradise for sea lovers.
beautiful Port city It has a rich history with its architecture: the main church, the Tower of St. Pancrazio and the Tower of the Elephant (1305-07), the marble municipal building, of the 2nd century Roman theatre The Church of SAN Saturno in the 5th century, the Sanctuary in 1323-24 and the Church of Bornalia in the 18th century.
Sunurasi (Balomini)
Composed of the central castle from the 15th to 11th centuries BC and a newly built village around it, it is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Sardinia.


Italian cuisine The best of the family, generally speaking, North Italian food with French cuisine Similar, multi-purpose cheese , Fresh milk . It's mostly used in southern Italy Tomato , Olive oil . When you travel to Sardinia, you can't miss not only the beautiful scenery, but also all kinds of Italian delicacies.
Bella Napoli Dining room
Bella Napoli Restaurant is Sardinia Specialty restaurant One, divided into three dining areas, one of which is located outside to enjoy the warm Mediterranean sun while dining. There is also a bar serving coffee and other drinks.
Address: Coluccia Hotel Restaurant, Civic square n29La
At the restaurant of La Coluccia, you can enjoy not only Sardinian cuisine, but also the artistic decoration and design of the restaurant itself.
La Coluccia Hotel looks like a choppy sea, melting Architectural style In nature, as a visual effect of special decorative elements appear in every corner of the hotel interior. Buffet is available at the hotel's restaurant breakfast , light lunch and full dinner, you can taste the traditional here Handmade dumplings , soaked in white wine and lemonade the Grilled cod And other Sardinian specialties.
Address: Localita Conca Verde,Santa Teresa Gallura
Dal Corsaro Restaurant
Dal Corsaro is one of the best restaurants in the area, the fish food is very attractive, the other dishes are also highly praised, and the local wine can be tasted here.
Address: Viale Regina Margherita,28 09100,Cagliari (CA)
S'Apposentu Restaurant
At S'Apposentu, you can enjoy different delicacies in different seasons, and the menu of the restaurant varies with the season Periodic replacement To ensure that visitors can taste the seasonal food. At the same time, the restaurant also offers over 800 local and foreign brands of wine.
Address: Via Sant'Alenixedda (Teatro lirico) - Cagliari




Sardinia is a large island in the Mediterranean Sea, and of all the producing areas in mainland Italy, it is closest to Tuscany and Lazio (Latium), about 200 km, and the other one on the southeast side Islands of Italy Sicily Sicily is 300 km away. There is one DOCG region (Vermentino di Gallura DOCG) and 19 DOC regions.

General situation of producing area

Vineyard area:
43,331 hectares
Grape variety:
White grape varieties include Vermentino, Torbato, Nuragus, Moscato, Malvasia; Red grape varieties include Grenache, Carignano, and Monica.
Recommended year:
In 1997, 1996, 1995, 1986, 1983, 1982, 1981
1 docg, 19 doc.
Production area:
106.2 million litres, 43% white wine, 57% red wine; Of these, 15.6% are DOC level.
It is located in the Mediterranean Sea, with the Tyrrhaninean Sea to the east.
The climate of Sardinia is mild and humid, with low rainfall, typical of the Mediterranean.
Mainly for granite And volcanic rocks.
Main wine producing areas:
Alghero, Cagliari, Oristano, Santadi, Tempio Pausania

Appellation details

Sardinia is a large island in the Mediterranean Sea, of all the producing areas of the Italian mainland, the distance from Tuscany and Lazio (Latium) is the closest, about 200 km, and the southeast side of the other Italian island Sicily (Sicily) is 300 km. There is one DOCG region (Vermentino di Gallura DOCG) and 19 DOC regions.
The terroir of Sardinia is loved by many vineyard owners. There are coastal areas and inland areas, hills and plains, and vineyard owners are able to take advantage of the diversity of terrain and climate to produce the type of wine they like. Sardinia, located between 38 and 41 degrees north latitude, is one of the closest producing areas in Europe to the equator, and the climate should be very hot, but due to the Mediterranean Sea Cooling effect The area is more suitable for cultivation than other areas of the same latitude vine .
Sardinia and France on the north side The island of Corsica Like Corsica, it has been occupied by different countries for hundreds of years, so the wine culture of the region is different from that of Italy itself. Sardinia has few of the species commonly found in Italy Sangiovese (Sangiovese), Montebuchano (Montepulciano), Barbera ( Barbera ) and Bai Yumi (Ugni Blanc, locally known as Trebbiano Instead, many French and Spanish varieties and their close relatives, such as Cannonau, are cultivated. Grenache (clone of Grenache) and carignan (Carignan, locally known as Carignano). island-grown Cabernet sauvignon (Cabernet Sauvignon) and Bobar ( Bobal ), commonly used to make varietal wines. It's also grown in Sardinia Malagcia (Malvasia), Kor Rolle (locally known as Vermentino) and Muscat varieties that grow well in warm climates.
Only a small portion of Sardinia's land is devoted to vines, and its wine industry is driven more by commerce than culture. Therefore, the further development of Sardinian wine in the future depends on the following factors: the overall wine market is good or bad, Italian wine Whether the relevant institutions and markets have a positive role, and whether the tastes and interests of wine consumers will shift to the types of wines of the island.
According to the British media In early March 2014, it was reported that due to the heavy debt and the strong desire of the island's residents to be part of Switzerland, Italy may put Sardinia up for sale, and the buyer may be Switzerland.

Maijima Shimbun

Sardinians' willing to be sold '
According to British media, Switzerland The idea of buying an island was first suggested by Swiss website The reason for the news is that Sardinian resident Caruso has set up a social group called "Swiss Small County on the Sea" on the "noodles", calling on islanders to push the Italian government to sell Sardinia to Switzerland. Nearly 4,000 people have reportedly joined the social networking group. [1]
Switzerland's economy is developed, per capita wealth ranks first in the world, Swiss people have a high Living standard And welfare guarantees, and Swiss counties enjoy High degree of autonomy . These are favorable conditions for attracting Sardinians. The takeover would make Sardinia Switzerland's 27th Canton.
And among the Swiss, yes Government purchase Sardinia is also vociferous. According to the Swiss-German From the news site Bluewin Reader survey Nearly three-quarters of respondents supported the purchase of the island, "Buy! Switzerland will finally have its own coastline!" The choice speaks for many Swiss.
Italy sold the island to pay its debts
The Italian government has not responded to rumours of an island sale. The pressure on Italy to sell the islands is mainly due to the huge national debt - Italy has more than $2 trillion in debt.
In order to pay off its debts, the Italian government began selling off properties such as houses, palaces, beaches, islands and castles as early as 2010. But given that Sardinia is Mediterranean islands The second largest island after Sicily, the Italian government is expected to consider it carefully.