Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Balkan countries
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synonymBosnia and Herzegovina(Bosnia and Herzegovina) Generally refers to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina ( Bosnian : Bosna i Hercegovina, Serbian : Bih), short for "Bosnia and Herzegovina", the capital Sarajevo . Located in the central and western Balkans. South, west and north Croatia Adjoining, east and Serbia , Montenegro As neighbours. [4] The total area is 51,209 square kilometers, the average altitude of the country is 500 meters, and the coastline is about 21.2 kilometers long. Austral genus Mediterranean climate Northern Genus Temperate continental climate . Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two entities (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska) and one special district (Brckot District), [5] As of October 2023, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 3.53 million people, mainly Bosniaks. [4]
In the late 6th and early 7th centuries, some Slavs migrated south to the Balkans, settling in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other places. At the end of the 12th century, the Slavs established the independent Principality of Bosnia. At the end of the 14th century, Bosnia entered its heyday. In 1908, it was occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. June 28, 1914, Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated by a local youth in Sarajevo, triggering World War I . In 1918, after the end of World War I, the southern Slavic peoples formed the Serbo-Croat-Slovene Kingdom, which was renamed in 1929 Kingdom of Yugoslavia Bosnia-herzegovina is part of it. In 1945, the peoples of Yugoslavia obtained Anti-fascist war Victory, establishment Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia Bosnia and Herzegovina became one of the republics. In March 1992, Bosnian War Eruption. On 22 May 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the United Nations. [4]
Boh Developing country Located in the hinterland of Central and Eastern Europe, it is regarded as the "back garden" of the European Union, rich in various natural resources, and highly dependent on the surrounding regions and countries, the Bosnian War brought serious damage to the economy and nearly collapsed. In 2022, the GDP of BiH was 24.46 billion US dollars and the per capita GDP was 7,130 US dollars. [4]
Chinese name
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Foreign name
Bosnia and Herzegovina (English)
Bosna i Hercegovina (in Bosnian)
A surname, a surname, a surname, a surname (in Serbian)
Abbreviated form
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Major city
Banja Luka , Mostar , Tuzla Etc.
National Day
October 15th
National song
Country code
Official language
Bosnian , Serbian , Croatian
Time zone
Political system
Delegation system
National leader
Milorad Dodick (Rotating Chairman) , Geliko Komsic , Sefik Zaferovich [1]
Population number
3.53 million (as of October 2023)
Population density
68.9 persons/km2 (as of October 2023)
Major nationality
Bosnians, Serbian , Croat
Major religion
Islam , Orthodox Church , Catholicism
Land area
51209 km² [5]
Water area ratio
Total GDP
$24.46 billion [1] (2022)
Per capita GDP
$7,130 [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the right

Historical evolution

Bosnia and Herzegovina Neolithic age There was human habitation. The early inhabitants were The Illyrians .
In 168 BC Roman Empire Occupy. In 455 The Ostrogoths Occupied the area in the 6th century The Ostrogoths be Eastern Roman Empire The southern part of what is now Bosnia and Herzegovina was once part of the Eastern Roman Empire.
In the late 6th and early 7th centuries, some Slavs migrated south to the Balkans, settling in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other places.
At the end of the 12th century, the Slavs established the independent Principality of Bosnia. At the end of the 14th century, Bosnia entered its heyday.
After 1463, the Principality of Bosnia became a part of the Ottoman Turks.
In 1908, the Principality of Bosnia was occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Sarajevo incident
June 28, 1914, Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary Archduke Franz Ferdinand He was assassinated by a local youth in Sarajevo, triggering the First World War. Sarajevo incident ".
In 1918, World War I After the end, the southern Slavic peoples formed the Serbo-Croat-Slovene Kingdom.
In 1945, the Yugoslav peoples won the anti-fascist war and established the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (renamed the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1963), and Bosnia and Herzegovina became one of the republics.
In March 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina held a referendum on the independence of the country, with Bosniaks and Croats in favor of independence and Serbs boycotting the vote. The Bosnian War broke out.
On 22 May 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the United Nations.
On November 21, 1995, under the auspices of the United States, President Slobodan Milosevic of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, President Tudjman of the Republic of Croatia, and President Izetbegovic of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Dayton Peace Agreement, ending the Bosnian War. [4]

Geographical environment


Regional location

Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in the central and western Balkans in Southeast Europe, with a total area of 51,209 square kilometers, bordered by Serbia and Montenegro in the east and south, Croatia in the north, west and southwest, and a small part of the south bordering the Adriatic Sea, with a coastline of about 20 kilometers. The north is called Bosnia and the south is called Herzegovina. [5]
Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a mountainous country, mountains account for 42% of the country's area, hills account for 24%, plains account for 5%, karst landform account for 29%, the average altitude of the country is 500 meters, the highest mountain is Magrichi peak, 2387 meters above sea level. [5]
Topographic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina


The southwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina has a Mediterranean climate, the central part has a continental and mountain climate, and the northern part has a mild continental climate.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has pleasant spring and autumn, rainy summer, and snowy and foggy winter mountains. The average temperature in the southwest region is 5℃~7℃ in January and 24℃~27℃ in July. In the central region, 10℃~2℃ in January and 22℃~25℃ in July; In the northern region, 1℃~2℃ in January and 20℃~22℃ in July. The annual average temperature is 11.3℃. The southern region has a Mediterranean climate with average annual rainfall between 600 and 800 mm. The central and northern parts of the country are dominated by alpine climates with annual precipitation between 1500 and 2500 mm. [5]


There are many rivers and lakes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the longest inland river Drina is 346 kilometers long, and the largest lake Bushko is 55.8 square kilometers. [5]

Natural resources

The main resources of Bosnia and Herzegovina are minerals, water and forests. The mineral resources that can be exploited and utilized are mainly lignite, bauxite and iron ore. In addition, there are lead and zinc, asbestos, rock salt, barite and other minerals. Coal reserves amount to 5.5 billion tons. The Tuzla region has the largest reserves of edible salt in Europe. Bosnia and Herzegovina has rich water resources, hydropower generation potential of more than 4 million kilowatts, mineral water resources are rich, can be exploited to produce bottled drinking water. Bosnia and Herzegovina has the highest forest cover of any country in South-Eastern Europe, with 65% deciduous plants and 35% coniferous plants. Beech and oak of good quality. [5]

Administrative division


Zoning details

The northern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina is called Bosnia and the southern part is called Herzegovina. It consists of two entities and one special district, namely the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (about 51% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the Republika Srpska (about 49% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina), as well as the Brckot District.
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of 10 oblasts: Una-Sana, Posavina, Tuzla, Zenica - Doboi, Bosnia-Podrinne, Central Bosnia, Hercegovina - Neretva Oblast, Western Herzegovina Oblast, Sarajevo Oblast, Tenth Oblast.
Republika Srpska consists of 10 municipalities (Banja Luka, East Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Doboi, Prijedor, Zvornik, Trebigne, Gradishka, Delventa, Laktahi) and 54 districts. In 1999, the District of Brckot was established, directly under the State. [4]
The administrative division of Bosnia and Herzegovina has two main characteristics: (1) It is divided into two entities: Federal and Republika Srpska; (2) According to the three major ethnic groups, it is divided into Bosniak (" Bo ") controlled areas, Serb (" Serb ") controlled areas and Croat (" Croat ") controlled areas. Single in Brckot District. [4]

Major city

Views of Sarajevo
Sarajevo (Sarajevo) [12] It is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the largest city in the country. Located in the central and eastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is located in a hilly area surrounded by mountains. Sarajevo is divided into four districts with an area of 142 square kilometers, Population 270,000 [12] ; It is the political, economic and cultural center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is a famous city in the world. It was the place where the First World War started. Sarajevo is the only city in Europe where four religions and cultures are intermingled, with many historical and cultural monuments, as well as Islamic mosques, Catholic churches, Orthodox churches and synagogues. Saskatchewan successfully hosted the 14th Winter Olympic Games in 1984. The main attractions are the Old City of Bashkarhiya. [6]
Banja Luka
Views of Banja Luka
Banja Luka is the capital of Republika Srpska and the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has an area of 150 square kilometers and a population of about 200,000. Located in the northwest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Vrbatz River runs through the city and is the economic and cultural center of Republika Srpska. After World War II, Banja Luka's economy developed rapidly, especially in the fields of energy, metal industry, wood processing and other good foundations. [6]
Views of Mostar
Mostar is located in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the Neretva River, under the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the political, economic and cultural center of the region of Herzegovina. It covers an area of 96 square kilometers and has a population of about 110,000, with the main residents being Croats. Mostar is a famous tourist destination in Bosnia and Herzegovina, founded in the 16th century. The main industries are tourism, wine and tobacco production. The main attraction is the Old Bridge of Mostar (Stari most, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005). [6]

National symbol


Country name

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bosnian / Croatian: Bosna i Hercegovina; Serbian ( Cyrillic alphabet Version) : Brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, short for black.
Bosnia gets its name from "Bosnia." Bosnia River The Serbian word for "cold" or "clear"; Herzegovina from ancient times High German It means "duke".


Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina It's rectangular, with a 2:1 ratio. A blue flag with a large golden triangle and a row of white stars along one side of the triangle. The three sides of the large triangle symbolize the three main ethnic groups that make up the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, namely Muslims, Serbs and Croats. Gold is the brightness of the sun, symbolizing hope in the hearts of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The blue background and the white five-pointed star symbolize Europe, indicating that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a part of Europe. The flag was adopted on February 10, 1998.

National emblem

Coat of Arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Coat of Arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina The design is the same as the national flag. It was opened on 10 February 1998. The national emblem is the Blue Shield. A broad white strip runs diagonally across the shield, dotted with three yellow lilies on each side. The yellow triangle represents the three regions that make up the country, as well as the sun, symbolizing the desire for peace; The blue color and the stars symbolize the country's relationship with Europe, the European Union and the European Parliament.


The most recent national census of Bosnia and Herzegovina was conducted in October 2013. According to the census, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina was 3.531 million, of which 62.8% were from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 34.8% from Republika Srpska and 2.4% from Brckot District.
According to the World Bank website, in 2021, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 3.26 million. Due to the low birth rate and population loss, the population is on a decreasing trend. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the least urbanized countries in Europe, with about 50.6% of the population living in rural areas. By the end of 2021, there are about 420 overseas Chinese in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mainly concentrated in Brckot District, Banja Luka city and Sarajevo city. [5]




Bosnia and Herzegovina is governed by a delegation, with a collective head of state, known as the BiH Presidency, serving for a term of four years. The Bureau is composed of one member each from the Bosniak, Serb and Croat communities. Members of the Bureau are directly elected by the two entities. The presidency is based on a rotating system, with representatives of the three communities rotating every eight months. The current presidency will be formed in November 2022.
The members of the Bureau were: Zeljkacvijanovic (female, Serb), Zeljkokom (Croat) and DenisBE Ziroviic (Bosnian). [4-5]


In November 1995, the Dayton Agreement established a new constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The new constitution stipulates that the official name of the state shall be "Bosnia and Herzegovina"; Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats are the main nationalities; Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska; Bosnia and Herzegovina has a three-member presidium, composed of one representative of each of the three main ethnic groups, and the members of the presidium are directly elected by the two entities. [5]


It consists of the House of Representatives and the House of Nationalities for a term of four years. In October 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina held national elections. The new House of Representatives will be established in December 2022. The House of Representatives is composed of 42 representatives from three nationalities, 28 from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 14 from the Republika Srpska. Members of the House of Representatives are elected on a proportional basis, with a chairman and two vice chairmen, who belong to three groups. The Presidency is held by three members of the Bureau of the Court on a rotating basis every eight months. Members of the current Bureau are Denis Zvizdiic (Bosnian), Marinko Czavara (Croat) and Neboj? a Radmanovic (Serb). The new House of Nationalities was established in February 2023. The House of Nationalities has 15 seats, consisting of 10 representatives from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (5 each from Bosniaks and Croats) and 5 representatives from Republika Srpska. Members of the House of Nationalities are elected by the House of Nationalities of the Federal Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the People's Assembly of the Republika Srpska on the basis of the proportion of the main ethnic groups and the results of the general elections. The president and vice President rotate in the same way as the House of Representatives. The members of the presidency were Nikola Spirich (Serb), Kemal ADEMOVI (Bosnian), and Dragan Choic (Croat). [5] [13]


The Council of Ministers, as the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina calls it, consists of the President of the Council of Ministers and ministers for a four-year term. The President of the Council of Ministers is appointed by the Presidium and approved by the House of Representatives of the Parliament. The Minister is nominated by the President of the Council of Ministers and approved by the House of Representatives of Parliament. This Council of Ministers was established in January 2023 under the chairwoman Borjana KRI (woman, Croat) and the following members: Vice Chairman and Minister of Defence Zukan HELEZ (Polish), Vice Chairman and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasha Kosarac (Serb), Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin KONAKOVI (Polish), Minister of Finance Sran AMID Zizi (Polish), Minister of Civil Affairs Dubravka BO (female, Croat), Minister of Transport and Communications Edin FORTO, Minister of Security Nenad Nehic (Serb), Minister of Justice Davor BUNOZA (Croat), and Minister of Human Rights and Refugees Sevlid Hurtich (Bosnian). [4] [13]
The main government departments of BiH are: Presidium, Parliament, Council of Ministers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Security, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Bureau of Foreign Investment Promotion, Bureau of European Integration, Bureau of Statistics, Central Bank of Bih, etc. [5]


Under the Constitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a Constitutional Court and a State court. The Constitutional Court is the only legally authorized body to adjudicate disputes between BiH and the two entities and between the two entities, as well as disputes between the various institutions of BiH at the State level, and its decisions are final. The Constitutional Court shall be composed of nine judges for a term of five years, four of whom shall be elected by the House of Representatives of the Federal Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, two by the People's Assembly of the Republika Srpska and three by the President of the European Court of Human Rights in consultation with the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, provided that these three judges cannot be citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina or of neighbouring countries. The Constitutional Court elects a president and a vice president from among its nine judges.
The Court of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the highest court of the country, which mainly adjudicates appeals from the State institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brckot District institutions, public institutions and state-owned enterprises. The BIH Court is composed of 15 judges of BiH nationality, who are elected for a six-year term, renewable. The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina elects a president and two Vice-presidents from among its 15 judges. In addition, the Federal Supreme Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Supreme Court of Republika Srpska are established respectively in the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to adjudicate judicial appeals within the two entities. [5]

Political party

Bosnia and Herzegovina has a multi-party system. The main political parties are:
(1) Democratic Action Party (Stranka Demokratske Akcije) : Founded in May 1990. Chairman Bakir IZETBEGOVI.
(2) Savez Nezavisnih Socijaldemokrata (Union of Independent Social Democrats) : Founded in March 1996. Chairman Milorad DODIK.
(3) Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica BiH (Croatian Democratic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina) : Established in August 1990. Chairman Dragan Covic.
(4) Democratic Front Party (Demokratska Fronta) : Founded in April 2013. Chairman Geliko Komsic.
(5) Social Democratic Party (Socijaldemokratska partija BiH) : Founded in December 1992. Chairman Nermin NIK is with the opera.
(6) People and Justice Party (Narod i Pravda) : Founded in March 2018. Chairman Ermedin Konakovic. [1]


Jelica Tsvianovic: Serbian Member of the Bureau. He was born in Tersledge in 1967. Vice-president of the Union of Independent Serb Social Democrats Party. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka and the Faculty of Law. He served as Prime Minister and President of Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Elected Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina in November 2022.
Zeliko Komsic: Croat member of the Presidium. He was born in Sarajevo in 1964. Chairman of the Democratic Front Party. He graduated from the Law School of the University of Sarajevo. He has served as President of the Sarajevo City Council, Deputy Mayor of Sarajevo and Mayor of the New Sarajevo District. He was elected several times as a Croat member of the BiH Presidium.
Danis Bechrovich: Wave member of the Presidium. He was born in Tuzla in 1975. Deputy Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He graduated from the University of Tuzla and the University of Sarajevo. He was a member of the House of Representatives and the House of Nationalities of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was elected as a Bosnian member of the BiH Presidium in November 2022.
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Danis Zvizdic (Denis ZVIZDI O, Wave family). [1]




Located in the heart of Central and Eastern Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina is regarded as the "back garden" of the EU and has great potential for economic development. Bosnia and Herzegovina's geographical location, low labor prices, suitable to undertake textile, clothing, footwear and other labor-intensive industries, products to meet the domestic market demand, but also radiate the Central and Eastern Europe and the European Union market. The economy is highly dependent on the surrounding areas and European countries. The economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina is slow, poverty is increasing, unemployment is high, and the purchasing power of the market is one of the lowest in Europe.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the poorer parts of the Federation during the Yugoslav era, suffered a civil war and severe economic damage after independence. Since the end of the war, Bosnia and Herzegovina's economy is gradually recovering, and it is also undergoing a transition from a planned economy to a market economy. The macro-economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina has undergone three stages of reconstruction, transformation and recovery and development, showing a slow recovery trend. In 2020, the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina contracted again due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Since the bottom of the rebound in 2021, there has been a significant change from the statistical point of view, but in fact, the recovery is still weak, and the economic performance is still at the bottom of the Western Balkans. [5]
In 2022, the GDP of BiH was 24.46 billion US dollars and the per capita GDP was 7,130 US dollars. The GDP growth rate was 3.82%. The currency name is CONVERTIBLEMARK (BAM), or the Bosnian Mark, with an exchange rate of 1 euro ≈1.95 convertible marks (fixed exchange rate). Inflation is 2.2% (2023). The unemployment rate is 11.8%. [4] [15]
In February 2022, the international credit rating agency Standard & Poor's confirmed the credit rating of Bosnia and Herzegovina at B with a stable outlook. In August 2021, Moody's confirmed BiH's rating at BBB with a stable outlook. [5]


Metal processing industry
The metal processing industry is one of the important industries of the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its products are mainly exported. In 2022, the export value of metal processing products accounted for 39% of the total foreign trade value. The main products of the metal processing industry are steel, lead, zinc and copper processing products. [4] [13]
Forestry and wood processing
According to the BIH Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, 53% of the country's forests and woodlands are covered, 80% of which are state-owned and 20% of which are private. The main tree species are: beech, oak, pine, fir and spruce. The timber reserves of Bosnia and Herzegovina are about 435 million cubic meters. The forestry and wood processing industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long history, and from the second half of the 19th century, the forestry and wood processing industry became one of the main industries of the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. More than 60% of BiH's timber, furniture and joinery products are exported to EU countries such as Germany, Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a large pool of skilled and cheap labor in the forestry and wood-processing industries. [5]

Farming and animal husbandry

Bih has the natural conditions to develop diversified agriculture, and the food processing industry has a long tradition. Bih is mountainous and agricultural land accounts for 42.2% of the total land area, a total of about 2.39 million hectares, of which 1 million hectares are intensive agricultural land. Bosnia and Herzegovina has 1.04 million hectares of natural grasslands and pastures, and 350,000 hectares of land are dedicated to orchards, vineyards and the cultivation of herbs, spices and herbs for the production of medical and health products. Bosnia and Herzegovina's dairy products, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products are qualified for export to the EU. Fragrant plants such as wax chrysanthemum are popular in the south. [4]


In 2023, a total of 1.733 million tourists were received, a year-on-year increase of 17.3 percent. Among them, the number of domestic tourists was 555,000, down 2.2% year-on-year; The number of foreign tourists reached 1.183 million, up 29.3 percent year on year. The main tourist facilities are hotels, baths, private inns, motor camps, hot springs and health resorts. [1] [15]

foreign trade

In 2022, the foreign trade volume of Bosnia and Herzegovina was 46.61 billion marks, an increase of 29.9%; Among them, the export value was 17.97 billion marks, an increase of 25.9%; Imports amounted to 28.64 billion marks, up 32.6% year on year. The main export commodity categories are basic metals and products, mechanical and electrical products, wood products, mineral products, etc. The main categories of imported commodities are mineral products, mechanical and electrical products, basic metals and products, chemical products, food, etc. The main trading partners are: Germany, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, etc. [4]




The official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina are Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian, which use the Latin alphabet and the Cheril alphabet. A few can speak English, German or French. [5]


According to the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Dayton Agreement), the three main ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina are Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats. The three ethnic groups are Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic. [5]


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a place where Eastern and Western cultures meet, and Bosnian people like to relax, vacation, and tend to fashion. The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina are bold, forthrightly, hospitable and able to sing and dance. When meeting guests on social occasions, they often shake hands as a ritual, and more familiar friends and relatives often hug and kiss each other. To Bosnia and Herzegovina people's home, you can send flowers, wine or chocolate, etc., send flowers must be singular, but not 13.
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is dominated by Muslim Bosniaks and Catholic Croats, with the Croats mainly living in the southeast of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the Republika Srpska is dominated by Orthodox Serbs. The three ethnic groups have their own traditional clothing and eating habits. Due to the large number of ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the customs of all ethnic groups should be respected. When visiting mosques, churches and other religious places in Bosnia and Herzegovina, be careful not to wear revealing clothes, especially in mosques, female tourists need to wear scarves and so on [5]


Coffee is a traditional hobby of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Working breaks, spare time and weekends must drink coffee, so all kinds of cafes and street coffee kiosks abound in the streets of Bosnia and Herzegovina, forming a beautiful scenery on the streets of Bosnia and Herzegovina, people often use coffee to chat, make friends, negotiate business and so on. People in Bosnia and Herzegovina also like to eat sweet, walnut meat with honey and cream of all kinds of sweet dessert for the traditional characteristics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. People in Bosnia and Herzegovina love barbecue. On weekends or holidays in spring and summer, Bosnian families or friends also like to have barbecues by the river and lake.
The main meal of the Bosnians is the mellow Bosnian meal, which mainly includes Bei soup, braised veal with potatoes, roast mutton, pan-roasted mixed meat and pan-fried rainbow trout, in addition to the Bosnian hot pot, cold dishes of bacon, sausage, milk and cheese. The most distinctive public traditional snacks in Bosnia and Herzegovina are "chewabi" (a kind of beef and mutton balls mixed with onion and noodles); The second is the Bragg pie. [5]

Holidays and festivals

The main holidays in Bosnia and Herzegovina are: January 1, New Year's Day; January 7 Orthodox Christmas Day; 14 January Orthodox New Year; Catholic Easter and Orthodox Easter (each year from the time of Qingming to the beginning of May); May 1, International Workers' Day; 25 December Catholic Christmas Day; Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha (dates vary from year to year). We work 5 days a week, closed on Saturday and Sunday.
In addition, July and August of each year is the holiday season in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and most of the personnel of organs, enterprises and institutions take turns to leave, and the holiday period is usually about two weeks per person. The schedule of a group visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina is best avoided in July and August. [5]

Military affairs

In December 2003, Bosnia and Herzegovina promulgated the first Defense Law and established the Ministry of Defense. In October 2005, Bosnia and Herzegovina passed the Amendment of the National Defense Law and the Military Service Law, establishing a unified and professional national army. The Presidium is the Supreme commander of the armed forces, the Ministry of Defence is the highest military leadership body, and the Parliament exercises supervision over the armed forces within its responsibilities.
As of December 2022, the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina numbered 8,739. The defense budget for 2022 is about $160 million, or about 0.8 percent of GDP. The joint Chief of staff of the Armed Forces is Lieutenant-General Senad Masovi. The Day of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina is celebrated on December 1. [4]


Transportation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is mainly by rail and road. There were 1.151 million registered motor vehicles nationwide. By transport use, passenger cars accounted for 88%, trucks accounted for 8%, other 4%; By energy type, diesel cars accounted for 75.7 percent, gasoline cars 20.6 percent, and other 3.7 percent. [4]


The total length of roads in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 9,110 km, of which 4,237 km are trunk roads and 220.42 km are expressways. Among the expressways, the length of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 114.5 kilometers, all belonging to the European 5C road; Republika Srpska has 105.92 km of motorways, with no European route 5C. According to the report on the quality of global road network construction released by the World Economic Forum in June 2019, Bosnia and Herzegovina ranks 109th among 137 countries and regions in the world included in statistics, which is classified as Tier 3. [4]


There are now 1,018 km of railways in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 925 km of monorails, of which 656 km are electrified; 93 km of double-track railway, all electrified railway. The railway infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina is old, with a maximum speed of only 70-90 km/h, and both physical railway networks are in urgent need of upgrading. [5]

Air freight

There are four airports in Bosnia and Herzegovina, located in Sarajevo, Mostar, Banja Luka and Tuzla. In February 2022, Republika Srpska approved the land plan for Trebigne Airport. Sarajevo Airport's main international routes fly to Vienna, Munich, Zurich, Zagreb, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Istanbul and other cities. [5] In 2022, the four airports will handle 1.377 million passengers, 340,000 passengers, 10,000 passengers and 474,000 passengers respectively, up 79.5%, 142.8%, 400% and 54.9% year-on-year. [4]

Water transport

Bosnia and Herzegovina has no cargo seaports, mainly the Croatian port of Ploce on the southern coast.
There are many inland rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the main rivers that meet the conditions for water transportation are the Sava and Drina rivers. The Sava River, 333 km long in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a tributary of the Danube and is part of the European water network. The Sava River has two ports, the district of Brckot and the city of Samac. [5]



Science and technology

The Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina has formulated a series of policies for scientific and technological development. However, the development of science and technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina has long been hampered by low wages, insufficient investment in research and development, and the integration of research and industry is not yet good. In January 2018, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the BIH 2022 Science and Technology Development Strategy, which will promote the integration of BiH in science and technology into European integration. [5]


The education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina complies with international standards. In the 2022/2023 academic year, 41,214 children were enrolled in 493 pre-school education institutions. There are 1,686 primary schools with 260,337 students and 24,080 teachers. There are 312 middle schools with 107,936 students and 13,068 teachers. There are 49 colleges and universities with 73,250 students, including 64,064 full-time students. In 2022, 11,312 undergraduate students graduated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Major universities include the University of Sarajevo, the University of Banja Luka, the University of Mostar, the University of Tuzla and the University of Eastern Sarajevo. [4] [15]

Medical treatment

Bosnia and Herzegovina has a health insurance system in which both employers and employees are required to pay for health insurance by law. However, the status of health insurance and the rates of contribution are different in the two entities of the Federation of BIH and Republika Srpska. In 2021, the total expenditure on health care in Bosnia and Herzegovina accounted for 4.9% of GDP. The average life expectancy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 76.9 years, of which 74.4 years for males and 79.4 years for females. [5]


There are more than 100 newspapers and periodicals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Among them are the Independent, The Daily Voice, Liberation, The Voice of Serbs and Free Bosnia Weekly. There are 149 radio stations and 38 television stations in the country, the main television stations are BIH TV 1, BIH Federal TV, Republika Srpska TV, Sarajevo TV, Banja Luka TV, Mostar TV, HAYAT TV, OBN TV and so on. Professional online media in Bosnia and Herzegovina are mainly ONASA and FENA in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and SRNA in the Republika Srpska. Local mainstream media are more neutral towards China. [5]

People's livelihood

After the outbreak of the war in 1992, the living standards of the people fell sharply, and food and medical supplies were extremely scarce. The international community has provided substantial humanitarian assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the signing of the peace agreement in 1995, the life of the people gradually improved. In 2017, the per capita net monthly wage in Bosnia and Herzegovina was 844 convertible marks (about 432 euros), an increase of 0.83% over the previous year. The total number of unemployed is 478,200. According to the statistics of 2015, there are 29 large general hospitals and specialized hospitals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with 49,840 medical personnel.


In 2021, the total installed power capacity of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 4,608.28 MW. Among them, hydropower is 2076.6MW, thermal power is 2065MW, and wind power is 134.6MW. Electricity production 17,055.44 GWh, an increase of 10.8%. Among them, thermal power 9821GWh, a decrease of 6%; Hydropower 6314GWh, an increase of 47.6%; Wind power was 382GWh, up 45.8% year on year.
In 2020, Bosnia and Herzegovina exported 9813.7GWh of electricity, an increase of 33.93%. The imported electricity was 5032.2GWh, up 54.07% year on year. [5]


There are three mobile operators in BiH: BiH Telecom (Sarajevo), Srpska Telecom (Banja Luka) and HT Mostar Telecom (Mostar), which use Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) technology, and have also introduced General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Electronic Data Acquisition Equipment (EDGE) technology. In May 2019, BiH Mobile officially launched 4G network services. The international code for telephone communication in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 00387.
The Internet in BiH was fully opened in 2002 and offers a wide range of services. The Internet country domain of Bosnia and Herzegovina is identified as BA.
According to the data of the Communications Regulatory Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RAK), in 2021, the number of fixed-line users in Bosnia and Herzegovina was 689,600, a decrease of 19.53%. The number of mobile phone users was 3.7678 million, an increase of 7.35%. The number of Internet users was 3.3741 million, basically the same as last year. [5]

Price of goods

The purchasing power and market prices of the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina are relatively low compared to the EU countries. According to the Statistics Office of BIH, in 2021, the consumer price index of BIH increased by 2% year-on-year, with the price index of food and non-alcoholic beverages increasing by 3.5%, the price index of alcohol and tobacco increasing by 1.9%, the price index of clothing and footwear decreasing by 8.9%, the price index of entertainment and cultural products increasing by 0.6%, and the price index of catering and accommodation increasing by 1.0%. The housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel price index rose 1.3 percent, the transportation price index rose 5.9 percent, the communications price index fell 3.4 percent, and the medical price index rose 0.5 percent. [5]

Labour force

Bosnia and Herzegovina has abundant labor resources and high labor quality, but it lacks professional and technical personnel. By the end of 2021, the number of employed people in BiH (aged 15-74) was 1.151 million, the national labor force participation was 48%, the employment rate was 39.6%, the unemployment rate was 17.4%, and the youth unemployment rate was 34.5%. In 2021, the average monthly salary in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be 1,542 marks; The average take-home pay was DM 998. [5]
According to the statistics of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs of BiH, the Bureau issued 2,319 work permits to foreign citizens in 2021, 2,619 in 2022, and 3,058 in January-November 2023. The employment of foreign workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased significantly. Foreign workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are mainly from Turkey (659), Serbia (531), India (144), China (140) and Nepal (100). Wood, metals, chemicals and food services are among the industries with the greatest shortage of workers. (Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina) [7]

Social security

The public security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is generally good, and there is no danger of war or terrorist attacks. Due to the 1992-1995 civil war, some guns are still scattered in the hands of Bosnian residents. In recent years, the number of refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased, and the number of thefts and robberies against tourists has increased significantly. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a mountainous area with complex road conditions, poor traffic conditions and frequent traffic accidents. Although there is no greater security threat, it is still necessary to pay attention to personal, traffic and property safety. [5]
A large number of mines left over from the Bosnian War in the 1990s have not been cleared, and it is necessary to pay attention to the warning of minefields, and do not explore the unfrequented places (such as abandoned houses, desert mountains, etc.); Theft and robbery against tourists occur from time to time. Individuals are advised not to carry large amounts of cash with them when going out, and to look after their documents and belongings when visiting popular attractions and taking public transport such as buses and trams; Avoid going out alone late at night; In case of public security cases, the parties should report to the police as soon as possible. [6]

Natural disaster

The general natural conditions of Bosnia and Herzegovina are good, and the common natural disasters are floods, landslides and avalanches. In the spring of 2014, the worst floods in a century occurred, and landslides occurred throughout the country, especially in the Tuzla region. It is recommended that individuals pay attention to find instant information when traveling, make travel plans, and avoid flood areas. During the ski season, please visit the regular ski resort and follow the signs strictly. When playing in the wild, pay attention to the prevention of mosquitoes (especially ticks) bites, do not go alone to the unknown mountain forest adventure or go to rivers and lakes swimming, to avoid drowning and other safety accidents. [6]


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of the United Nations, the European Energy Community and has not joined the World Trade Organization. Submitted an application for membership to the EU in 2016 and has not yet become a candidate country. Bosnia and Herzegovina will join European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization As the central task of diplomacy, China focuses on developing relations with the United States and the European Union, and is committed to building good-neighborly relations and strengthening regional cooperation. In April 2008, it was granted interlocutor status during the NATO Bucharest Summit. In June, a Stabilization and Association Agreement was signed with the European Union. [5]
In October 2022, the European Commission recommended that member states grant Bosnia and Herzegovina EU candidate status. [2] On 15 December, the European Council granted Bosnia and Herzegovina candidate status in the European Union. [3]
As of 2019, Bosnia and Herzegovina has established diplomatic relations with 180 of the 193 member states of the United Nations. [8]
On March 12, 2024, the European Commission submitted a report to the European Council, stating that Bosnia and Herzegovina had reached and maintained full alignment with the EU on the Common Foreign and Security Policy, and therefore proposed the launch of negotiations on Bosnia and Herzegovina's accession to the EU. [14]
Relations between China, Bosnia and Herzegovina
On May 22, 1992, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution agreeing to admit Bosnia and Herzegovina into the United Nations as an independent state, and China voted for it. On April 3, 1995, Chinese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Xie Xiqin, on behalf of the Chinese Government, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary KasimTRNKA, on behalf of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, signed the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Zagreb.
Main exchanges in recent years: In February 2021, rotating Chairman of the BiH Presidency Dodik attended the China-Central and Eastern European Countries Summit. In February 2022, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Tegertia came to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. In October 2023, rotating Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina Chawala attended the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China. [9]
In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Bosnia and Herzegovina reached 360 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 17.6 percent, of which China's exports reached 280 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 50.8 percent, and imports reached 80 million US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 32.5 percent.
In February 2019, Inner Mongolia Xingan Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe "Happy Spring Festival" performed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In January 2020, Gansu Provincial Song and Dance Theater's "Happy Spring Festival" tour went to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In November 2021, the 5th China-CEEC Capital Mayors Forum hosted by Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held via video.
There are two Confucius Institutes and one Confucius classroom in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The University of Eastern Sarajevo and the University of Banja Luka have departments of Han. [16]


Bosnia and Herzegovina tourist facilities are mainly hotels, hot springs, skiing, rafting, hunting, resorts and cultural and religious facilities (such as the World cultural heritage of Mostar Old Bridge and mosques, monasteries, etc.), the capital Sarajevo is the 1984 World Winter Olympics, snow and ice tourism resources. Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina has developed rapidly in recent years, and the government has listed tourism as one of the key development industries and vigorously attracted foreign investment. [5]
The Old Bridge of Mostar
The Old Bridge of Mostar
The Old Bridge of Mostar, which spans the Nerevat River, was built during the Ottoman Empire and completed in 1566 or 1567. The Old Bridge of Mostar was inscribed on the World Heritage List by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 2005. The Old Bridge was originally the main link between the two sides of Mostar, helping to facilitate trade and cultural exchanges. However, during the Bosnian War in the 1990s, the bridge was severely damaged and became a symbol of the war. Later, with the support of the international community, restoration work was completed in 2004 and it was restored to its original appearance.
The curved body of the bridge is made of white stone, which is contrasted by the steep rock walls on both sides. Every summer, it becomes a popular destination for divers. Brave people jumped from the bridge into the crystal clear Neretva River to show their courage and skill. The event attracted a large number of tourists and spectators. [10]
Latin Bridge
Latin Bridge
Latin Bridge is located in the old city of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a stone arch bridge with more than 200 years of history, 3 piers, 4 bridge holes, the shape is ordinary. However, because of the first World War Sarajevo incident Latin Bridge is famous all over the world. [11]