Financing channel

Assist in the financing of the enterprise
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Financing channels refer to those assisting enterprises Source of funds , mainly including Internal financing and External financing Two channels.
Chinese name
Financing channel
Assisting enterprise fund source
Internal financing And external financing
An important way for enterprises to obtain capital


Internal financing mainly refers to enterprises Own funds And at Production and management in-process Accumulation of funds Part; Assisting enterprises in financing, that is, the external funding sources of enterprises, mainly includes Direct financing And indirect assistance to enterprises financing two types of ways. Direct assistance in corporate financing refers to the initial public offering of a company Raise funds ( IPO ), rights issues and additional equity to assist corporate financing activities, so also known as Equity financing ; Indirect financing Refer to Enterprise funds From the bank, Non-bank financial institutions Loans and other debt financing activities, so also known as Debt financing . With the progress of technology and the expansion of production scale, it is difficult to meet the needs of enterprises by relying solely on internal assistance in financing Capital requirement . External assistance to enterprise financing has become an important way for enterprises to obtain funds. External assistance to enterprise financing can be divided into debt-assisted enterprise financing and equity-assisted enterprise financing.
From a source of funding standpoint, Financing channel It can be divided into internal channels and external channels of enterprises.
1. Internal financing channels
Enterprise internal financing channel refers to the development of capital sources from the enterprise. There are three sources of funds from within the enterprise: the enterprise's own funds, the tax profits and interest payable by the enterprise, and the unused or undistributed funds by the enterprise Special fund . In general, in corporate mergers and acquisitions, enterprises choose this channel as much as possible, because this way is good confidentiality, and enterprises do not have to pay outside Borrowing cost Therefore, the risk is small, but the amount of funding is similar to Enterprise profit Relevant.
2. External financing channels
External financing channels refer to the sources of funds developed by enterprises from the outside, which mainly include: professional bank credit funds, Non-bank financial institutions Funds, other enterprise funds, Private funds And foreign investment. From enterprise External financing With high speed, high elasticity, Amount of funds Large advantages, therefore, are generally the main source of raising funds in the M&A process. However, its disadvantage is that the confidentiality is poor, and the enterprise needs to bear high costs, so it has a higher risk, which should be paid attention to in the process of use.
Borrow money Financing method It is mainly directed to financial institutions (such as banks) for financing, and its cost is mainly interest liabilities. bankable Loan interest Generally can be before tax Write down Enterprise profit And thus reduce Enterprise income tax . to Non-financial institution and Enterprise financing There is a lot of room for manoeuvre, but because of the relatively low level of transparency, the State has limited control over this. If you follow Tax planning From the point of view, corporate borrowing, that is, borrowing funds between enterprises, has the best effect. Toward society Issue bonds And shares belong to Direct financing avoided middleman the Interest expense . Due to loan interest and Bond interest Can be used as Financial expense That is, a portion of the cost of the business is charged to the profit before tax, which is reduced Income tax Tax base And the distribution of dividends shall be carried out after the enterprise has paid tax. dividend The payment has no expense write-off problem, which is relatively increased Tax cost . So under normal circumstances, enterprises to issue Common stock Way to raise money to bear Tax burden Gravity over direction Bank loan The tax burden suffered by, and Financing by borrowing The tax burden borne by the government is heavier than that borne by issuing bonds to the society. Internal financing Buy a share Financing method May not pay Individual income tax . In a general sense, the enterprise in the way of self-accumulation financing to bear Tax burden Gravity over direction Loans from financial institutions Bear the tax burden while taking out loans Financing method The tax burden borne by the company is heavier than the tax burden borne by the financing methods such as corporate borrowing, and the tax burden borne by the inter-enterprise borrowing and borrowing is heavier than the tax burden borne by the internal financing of the company.

Rapid financing

The fast financing channels of enterprises are to open up from within enterprises Source of funds . There are three ways to open up funding sources from within the enterprise:
The company's own fast financing channel funds, the company's tax profits and interest payable, the company's unused or unallocated fast financing channels Special fund . Generally in Enterprise merger and acquisition In the fast financing channel companies are as much as possible to choose this channel because of this way security Well, fast financing channels businesses don't have to pay out Borrowing cost Therefore, the risk is small, but the amount of funding is similar to Enterprise profit Relevant.

Investment and financing


Application method

1. The involvement degree of investment and financing behavior: Direct investment , Indirect investment .
2. Investment and financing application Investment field: production investment and financing application, unproductive Investment and financing application.
3. Investment and financing application methods: internal investment and financing application, external investment and financing application.
4. Investment and financing procedures: Fixed assets Investment and financing application, Intangible assets Investment and financing processing, Current assets Investment and financing application, real estate investment and financing application, insurance investment and financing processing, trust investment and financing processing, etc.

Handling process

(1) Investment and financing enterprises to submit to the examination and approval authority Board resolution Signed with the chairman Application form Wait for the file.
2. After receiving the application documents for investment and financing, the examination and approval authority shall Written form Give a yes or no reply.
3. The examination and approval authority shall review investment and financing applications.
4. After the examination and approval of the examination and approval authority, the investment and financing enterprises shall comply with Change registration To apply to the administrative department for industry and commerce for registration of changes.
5. Completion of investment and financing.

Financing method



The means is Fake stocks and dark loans . The so-called fake stock dark loan, as the name suggests, is that the investor invests in the project by way of shares but does not actually participate in the management of the project. At a certain time, they withdraw their shares from the project. This way is mostly Foreign fund Adopted. The disadvantage is that the operation cycle is longer, and it is necessary to change the shareholder structure of the company and even change the nature of the company. Since there are many foreign funds, the nature of domestic companies must be changed Sino-foreign joint venture .

Banker's acceptance

The investor will send a certain amount of money to the project side, such as 100 million Company account And then immediately asked the bank for a hundred million dollars Banker's acceptance Come out. The investor takes away the banker's acceptance. This method of financing is greatly beneficial to the investor, because he actually changes the 100 million yuan to use several times. He can take the bank acceptance of the 100 million yuan and post another 100 million yuan to a bank somewhere else. At least 80% discount. But the problem is Corporate account If there's 100 million dollars on it, can the bank accept 100 million dollars? It is likely that only 80 to 90 per cent of bank acceptances will be issued. If 100% bank acceptance is issued, how much of the funds on the company's account the bank allows you to use is still a problem. It depends on the level of the company and its relationship with the bank. In addition, one of the biggest disadvantages of acceptance is that according to national regulations, bank acceptance can only be opened for 12 months at most, and most places can only open for 6 months. That means you have to renew it every six months or a year. It is very troublesome to use the money for a long time.

Direct deposit

This is the most difficult form of financing. Because of doing Direct deposit It is against the regulations of the bank, and the relationship between the enterprise and the bank must be particularly good. The investor shall open an account with the bank designated by the project party and deposit the specified amount into his own account. Then sign an agreement with the bank. Promise that the money will not be diverted within a specified period of time. The bank will pay the project side according to this amount Less than or equal to A loan of the same amount. Note: The commitment here is not a pledge against the bank. Is not agreeing to pledge the money. Agreed to pledge another form of financing called a large pledge deposit. Of course, that kind of financing also has its violations of bank rules. Just need the bank to sign a guarantee of payment 30 days before maturity Close a position the Letter of commitment . In fact, once he gets this thing, he can refinance it with a bank somewhere else.

Bank letter of credit

The state has policies for global commercial banks such as The Citi Wait for the open consent to give Enterprise financing the Bank letter of credit It is deemed that the enterprise has already deposited the same amount in its account. In the past, many enterprises used this bank letter of credit to collect money. Therefore, the national policy has been slightly changed, and it is difficult for domestic enterprises to use this method for financing. Only foreign-owned and Sino-foreign joint venture The enterprise can. So if domestic enterprises want to use this method of financing, they must first change Nature of enterprise .

Entrusted loan

What is called Entrusted loan That is, the investor sets up a special fund account for the project side in the bank, and then transfers the money into the special fund account and entrusts Bank loan To the project side. This is a form of financing that is relatively easy to operate. Usually, the review of the project is not very strict, and the bank is required to make a commitment to the project side to collect interest and recover the principal every year. Of course, those who do not repay the principal only need to promise to collect interest every year.
Personal entrusted loan The attraction of the business lies in the credibility of the professional financial institution of the bank - on the surface, people are lending money to the company through the bank, but in fact, they are investing their money in the credit of the bank. This reputation includes: the bank can help the client to choose a good investment target, Control risk ; Whether the principal, or the lender, can get professional in the bank Financial service ; When risks arise from loans, banks have the ability to help customers solve problems and reduce risks.

Direct payment

What is called Direct payment exactly Direct investment . This review of the project is very strict and often requires the mortgage of fixed assets or Bank guarantee . Interest rates are also relatively high. Mostly short-term. The lowest personal exposure is Interest per annum 18. It's usually above 20.

Hedge funds

On the market, there is a kind of entrusted loan that does not pay the principal and does not pay interest.

Loan guarantee

Many on the market Investment guarantee company You only need to pay higher bank interest rates to get much-needed funds.

Issue bonds

Corporate bond Is the enterprise to raise money Long-term funds Loans to the general public are promised to be paid unconditionally to creditors on a specified maturity date Par amount And pay interest at the agreed rate for a fixed period.

Enterprise financing

home Bank loan -- Commercial banks generally adopt mortgage, Secured loan ; Policy bank Adoption items and Right of management or Financial guarantee .
Foreign bank loans - require guarantees from our official institutions or banks.
Issue bonds Financing -- Net assets Joint stock company more than 30 million yuan, limited company more than 60 million yuan, meet National industrial policy .
Private lending financing - high risk, high cost, not yet standardized, simple to handle, quick operation
Credit guarantee financing - It is not easy for small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain guarantee institutions Credit guarantee .
Financial lease Financing - applicable if not available Loan terms Sme equipment update. It also applies to others Financial leasing business .
Equity transfer financing - refers to small and medium-sized enterprises to transfer part of the equity of the enterprise to raise the funds needed by the enterprise.
Increase capital and shares Financing - smes expand according to the needs of development Capital stock To finance the required funds, there are premium expansion and parity expansion.
Venture capital Financing - Investing in great Development potential High growth Venture enterprise And provide operations for them Management service the Equity capital .
Investment bank Financing - to securities, Merger and reorganization Consulting, fund management, venture capital companies (investment banking institutions) financing.
home Listing financing -- To solve the enterprise Shortage of funds To attract new shareholders, to prevent mergers and acquisitions of enterprises to issue stock financing.
There are also overseas Listing financing , buy shell listing financing, Equity transaction Financing, leveraged buyout financing.
Retained earnings When smes pay dividends to investors and retain part of their earnings, they use retained earnings for financing.
Asset management financing corporate Internal financing . Small and medium-sized enterprises can finance their assets through collateral, pledge and other means.
4. Project financing and government financing
Project packaging financing According to the Market law Through precise planning, the packaging operation and financing construction of potential projects are carried out
BOT project financing Government project Special right To the investor, the project is completed, the investor's operating fees expire, the project will be returned to the government.
And BT project finance, TOT Project financing, IFC Project Finance (IFC is International finance corporation (short for), high-tech financing, Special fund Financing, industrial policy financing.
Equity financing As the main business Financing method , in Capital market Plays a pivotal role in; It is also an important means for the rapid development of enterprises. Compare with Debt financing The advantages of equity financing are mainly reflected in: equity financing absorbs Equity capital . Therefore, Capital stock of company The pressure to return or even pay dividends is small, which enhances the company's ability to resist risks. If it attracts someone with certain resources Strategic investor It can also use the management advantages of strategic investors, market channel advantages, Government relations Advantages, as well as Technological advantage produce Synergistic effect And rapidly expand their strength. Enterprises need to have certain ways and strategies to carry out equity financing. But from Financing method From a perspective, Equity financing The main performance is absorption Venture capital , Private financing , pre-IPO financing and Management buyout And so on.
In English, Venture capital (Venture Capital) is short for VC, and Vitamin C The abbreviation Vc is the same, and from the point of view of function, the two also have the same place, can provide the necessary "nutrition". Sohu , Sina The reason for today's achievements has a lot to do with the "replenishment" of tens of millions of dollars of venture capital. Compared with general investment, venture capital has High risk Features with high returns. High-risk because only 30 percent of venture capital projects are successful, Venture capitalist It is necessary to make up for the loss of 70% of the project with the profit of 30% of the project. The so-called high return is that venture investors pursue a short period of high Rate of return It will not consider projects with an annual return of less than 25%.
Private financing is relative to Public offering financing The faster and more effective one Financing method Privately invest in a select few through non-public publicity Raise funds Its sales and redemptions are privately negotiated between money managers and investors. Although this is "allowed" under qualified conditions Public offering The securities have yet to see the light of day, but numerous successful private placements suggest that they are becoming legitimate; And compared with public financing, private financing has irreplaceable advantages, thus becoming an ideal way for many enterprises to successfully go public. According to one study, Private equity fund The proportion of investors' trading funds reached 30% to 35%, and the total scale of funds was between 600 and 700 billion yuan, and the overall scale exceeded Public offering fund Twice.
PE = Private Equity, Private equity investment Refers to private enterprises, that is, non-listed enterprises through the form of private placement Equity investment On the deal Implementation process In addition to consideration of the future Exit mechanism That is, through listing, mergers and acquisitions or management buybacks, the sale of holdings for profit.
in Structural design On the other hand, PE generally involves two layers of entities, one of which acts as a manager Fund management company The first layer is the fund itself. Limited partnership is the most common form of PE organization in the world. In general, Fund investor Act as Limited partner (Limited Partner, LP ) no Participation management , undertake Limited liability ; Fund management company as General partner (General Partner, GP Invest a small amount of money, master management and investment decisions, and undertake Unlimited liability .
Step 4 Analyze Venture capital , Angel investment And private equity investment
Angel investment is a kind of venture capital. Venture capital in general Amount invested Larger in Invest capital At the same time, it is also invested in management, and will gradually increase investment with the development of the invested enterprises. The amount of capital invested in angel investment is generally small, and one investment does not participate in the enterprise Direct management The choice of investment enterprises is more based on investors Subjective judgment Even like.
Although PE and VC are both investments in pre-listing enterprises, both are in the investment stage, Investment scale , Investment concept And investment characteristics and other aspects are very different. A simple way to distinguish between VC and PE: VC mainly invests in the early stage of the enterprise, PE mainly invests in the late stage. Of course, the division of the pre-later period makes VC and PE different in terms of investment concept and scale. PE pair in seed stage, Start-up stage , development period, expansion period, maturity period and Pre-IPO Enterprises invest in various periods, so PE in a broad sense includes VC.
In the heat of Market competition Next, VC and PE business penetration is increasing. Many traditional VC institutions are also involved in PE business, and many institutions that are traditionally considered to be specialized in PE business are also involved in VC projects, that is, PE and VC are only a conceptual distinction, and the boundary between the two is increasingly blurred in the actual business. For example, well-known PE institutions such as Kerre (Carlyle) is also involved in the VC business, which invests in Ctrip Net, Mass media These are VC investments.
In a broad sense, listing financing not only includes the preparatory work before the initial public listing, but also puts special emphasis on the guidance and transformation of enterprise management, production, marketing, finance, technology and other aspects. In contrast, the narrow purpose of listing financing is only to enable enterprises to successfully raise funds. Venture capital market The emergence of enterprises to obtain external Equity capital The time is greatly advanced, in Enterprise life cycle In the beginning, if there is sufficient growth potential, it is possible to obtain external equity Sexual capital This incidental Value-added service The financing accompanied the enterprise through the initial period and expansion period, and then the investment bank took over into the narrow sense of listing financing, and gradually and steadily established a good Operation mechanism , accumulate Operating performance And become qualified Public company . This will improve the overall quality of listed companies and reduce it Open market Risks, and even economic growth, have important implications.
In addition, MBO ( Management buy-out ), M&A [corporate mergers and acquisitions] and so on Equity financing An important form, more and more state-owned enterprises have adopted such a transformative way to further finance. Doing the right thing, doing it right is what makes you successful. For enterprises, choose what suits them Financing method And use it appropriately Financing strategy It was successfully funded Necessary condition .

Corporate financing skills

1. Establish good relations between banks and enterprises.
(1) Enterprises should pay attention to reputation. In the communication between enterprises and banks, the bank should be absolutely assured of the security of loans. How can banks reassure companies?
(2) Enterprises should be patient. When seeking loans, we should be patient, fully understand and understand the difficulties of the bank, and avoid the impulse to hurt the peace, so that the gain is not worth the loss.
(3) To actively and enthusiastically cooperate with the bank to carry out various work. For example, actively cooperate with the bank to carry out various investigations, and carefully fill in and submit to the enterprise Financial statement ; Take the initiative to fulfill the repayment or extension procedures on time when the loan expires, so as to obtain the trust of the bank for smes.
2. Write your investments Project feasibility study report
Investment project feasibility study report for striving Project loan The size of the scale, as well as the priority support of bank loans, has a very important role, therefore, small and medium-sized enterprises should pay attention to solve the following problems when writing reports:
(1) The project to be reported should conform to the relevant national policies, focusing on the demonstration of technology advancement Economically rationality And practical feasibility.
(2) To put Major problem Speak clearly and make a strong argument for the relevant issues. For example, in the demonstration of product sales, it is necessary to market demand for the product, the current society Productive capacity And the future trend to make analysis and demonstration.
(3) A Economic benefit As the starting point and landing point of feasibility.
3. Highlight the characteristics of the project
Different projects have their own inherent characteristics, according to these characteristics, bank loans also have corresponding requirements.
4. Choose the right time to borrow
Attention should be paid not only to ensure that the funds needed by small and medium-sized enterprises are in place in time, but also to facilitate the bank to adjust and arrange credit Fund dispatching The size of credit. Generally speaking, if smes want to apply for loans of larger amounts, it is not appropriate to arrange them at the end of the year and the end of each quarter.
5. Seek support from SME guarantee institutions
Small and medium-sized enterprises, due to their own funds and small scale of operation, are difficult to provide the mortgage needed by banks. Collateral security At the same time, it is difficult to obtain third-party credit guarantees, so it is very difficult to obtain bank loans. These are certainly unfavorable conditions, but if we can get a good relationship with all parties, the financing work can be done in advance, and the support of these specialized agencies, such as the SME guarantee agency, can be improved Commercial bank loan It's a lot easier.

Financing activities

For any enterprise in the state of survival and development, financing is a series of its Business activity the prerequisite . If we can't raise a certain amount of funds, we can't get the expected economic benefits. Financing as a relatively independent behavior, its impact on the financial performance of enterprises is mainly through the help of Capital structure Is effected by the change of... Therefore, in the financing activities should focus on the following aspects:
1. Financing activities What would happen to the capital structure.
2. What impact will changes in capital structure have on corporate performance and tax burden?
3, the enterprise should choose what Financing method How to optimize the capital structure ( Long-term liabilities Only when the allocation is in proportion to capital can the owner realize after-tax while saving tax Benefit maximization Goal.
Different funding methods correspond to different Financing channel And form different Capital structure . Different ways of raising money before and after tax Cost of capital It's also different.

Financing channel

corporate Financing channel There are mainly the following kinds, namely, enterprise self-accumulation, to Loans from financial institutions towards Non-financial institution And corporate loans, Internal financing To society Issue bonds And stocks, leases, etc. Different financing channels, its tax burden is not the same.
Enterprise self-accumulation is by enterprises After-tax profit The form, the accumulation rate is slow, inadaptation Enterprise scale The rapid expansion, and self-accumulation exists Double taxation Question. Although this Financing method make Owner's equity Increase, Ownership of funds It is combined with management rights, but the tax burden is the heaviest.
The financing method of borrowing is mainly to finance financial institutions (such as banks), and its cost is mainly interest liabilities. Interest on loans from banks is generally deductible before taxes Enterprise profit And thus reduce Enterprise income tax . To non-financial institutions and Enterprise financing There is a lot of room for manoeuvre, but because of the relatively low level of transparency, the State has limited control over this. From the perspective of tax planning, corporate borrowing is the best effect of inter-corporate borrowing.
Therefore, the usual situation is that the tax burden borne by the self-accumulation financing method is heavier than the tax burden associated with loans to financial institutions, the tax burden borne by loan financing is heavier than the tax burden borne by mutual lending between enterprises, and the tax burden borne by mutual lending between enterprises is heavier than the tax burden borne by enterprises Internal financing The tax burden borne. from Tax planning From the perspective of internal financing and inter-enterprise lending have the best effect, followed by loans from financial institutions, self Cumulative effect Worst. The reason is that internal financing and inter-enterprise lending involve more personnel and institutions, which is easy to reduce the scale of tax profits and help to achieve "cutting the mountain". When enterprises borrow from financial institutions, they can use the special connection with institutions to achieve part of the tax savings. Self-accumulation due to the user of funds and owner Combined, taxes are difficult to apportion and offset, and from the tax burden and Operating benefit From the relationship point of view, ego Accumulate funds It will take a long time to complete, and at the same time, after the enterprise is put into production and operation, all the tax burden generated shall be borne by the enterprise itself. Loans, on the other hand, do not take long to raise. And after the investment generates income, the investment institution actually has to bear a certain amount of tax, so the enterprise Actual tax burden Has been greatly reduced.
The above financing channels can actually be divided into Capital fund And liabilities. Capital structure The changes and composition of the Long-term liabilities Proportion to capital composition. Debt ratio Whether it is reasonable is the key to determine whether the capital structure is optimized. Because a high debt ratio means Business risk It's huge, Pretax deduction The amount is large, so the tax saving effect is obvious. Therefore, choosing what kind of financing channel, what kind of capital structure, and how high debt ratio is a trade-off between risk and profit. In the process of financing channel planning must fully consider the enterprise's own characteristics and Risk tolerance . In practice, the cross combination of multiple financing channels can often solve multiple problems Economic problem , reduce Business risk .
Investment structure The planning of
In the ongoing operation of the business, investment and reinvestment It is a stage that enterprises must go through to produce and expand reproduction. After a series in the enterprise Financing activities After that, you may have accumulated a lot of money, so how to use these funds to get the maximum Investment income What do you think? To achieve the above Enterprise management The goal of financial management (i.e., maximizing investment returns) must be viewed with a holistic view Investment activity . Investment structure Planning is a necessary link for enterprises to obtain the maximum investment income.
tax universality And income from investment activities purposefulness Therefore, when analyzing the investment structure, the taxable income source structure is often analyzed.
Fundamentally speaking, the investment structure refers to the internal order of various types of investment allocation, in which the functional capital elements restrict each other and depend on each other to form a unity. The investment structure has different classification criteria: according to the investment industry, it can be composed of investment Industry structure ; According to the place of investment, it can be composed of investment Regional structure ; According to the Investment mode It can constitute the structure of investment mode; According to the source of investment income, the taxable income source structure can be formed.
Since the purpose of enterprise operation and operation is income, the analysis of the source structure of taxable income has the most practical significance, which can directly guide enterprises to make a difference in investment income. Therefore, the main object of this paper is the taxable income source structure.
The taxable income source structure generally divides the income source into three categories, namely, the enterprise itself Operating profit , Income on foreign investment and Other income . The source of income is the object of investment, and the structure of income source is Investment structure A copy of... For the investment used for the enterprise itself can be divided into a variety of types, generally applicable to more regional division standards. According to this standard, the investment of enterprises themselves can be divided into investment in special zones, investment in development zones and investment in other areas. In the foreign investment can be divided into Joint investment and securities Invest. Other investment Have... in... Treasury bond investment (if purchased) State Treasury bond ).
The investment structure is an organic one economy different Investment cost The composition forms different investment structures. Different investment costs are subject to different tax treatment because of different preferential policies such as industry preferences and regional preferences, so they are integrated by investment components Investment structure They are also subject to different tax treatment. This is the basis for investment structure planning.
The impact of investment structure on corporate tax burden and after-tax profit is mainly reflected in the changes of three factors, namely, the overall level of tax rate, the comprehensive proportion of effective tax base, and the following Comprehensive cost The high and low. The changes of the above three factors will affect the amount of after-tax profits and the level of profits of enterprises. From this perspective, the composition and change of investment structure determines the composition and change of taxable income sources, the composition and change of taxable income sources determines the composition and change of taxable income sources, and the composition and change of taxable income sources determines the enterprise Tax planning The level of success.
In the concrete operation of investment structure planning, income sources should be mainly concentrated in Zero tax rate or Low tax rate On the investment components, such as State Treasury bond Investment income is taxed at zero and the amount of investment income is the amount of after-tax profit. In addition, in special economic zones, Bonded area , Economic and technological development zone Investment businesses often enjoy low tax rates. Obviously, more investment in zero-tax or low-tax industries, regions can achieve better Tax saving Effect. Of course, the cost of tax savings greatly reduces the taxable amount Gross income Under the conditions, Investment structure The optimization of the combination of activities must continue.

New financing channels

With the slow recovery of the economy in recent years, it is difficult for many small and medium-sized enterprises to get approval from banks if they want to expand, so financing loans are very important for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
However, for smes, the biggest barriers and barriers to financing are difficult to find collateral . But now the enterprise credit mortgage has a more flexible way "guarantee loan pass" to achieve credit innovation. First of all, break through the traditional Mortgage guarantee Ideas, built new Financing platform ; Second, not subject Guarantee company Guarantee limit, high customer financing limit, single family loan amount up to 20 million yuan; The third is to implement zero Security deposit The policy, Enterprise financing Low cost, higher utilization of loan funds. In March this year, Jiangsu Postal Savings Bank of China The small pledge loan business was officially launched, and both individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises can use postal savings Deposit receipt Make a pledge for a loan, the loan limit is 1000 yuan - 500,000 yuan. while Wenzhou Financial reform Square Platform developed innovative business "collateralization" of loans. "Custodial" loans are aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises Financing method , Yuichi Finance office Take the lead, Bank of Wenzhou with Export-import Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch The cooperation, which then provides financing for small and medium-sized enterprises through the Wenzhou Financial Reform Square platform, was launched on February 22.
In general, there is another way for smes to raise money.