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Kingdom of Buganda

Landlocked countries in Africa
Buganda, yes Great Lakes region An ancient kingdom, located in Uganda Inside, south Lake Victoria , arrive north Lake Kioga The main nationality is gayer The name means "country of the Kandars", said the king Kabaka , the capital city Kampala .
Chinese name
Kingdom of Buganda
Foreign name
Kingdom of Buganda
Establishment and development
Be founded in The 14th century At the end of the
Religious war
Islam , Christianity and Catholicism
Colonial era
Putting Christians in power in Buganda

Establishment and development

According to legend, Buganda was founded The 14th century At last, by one who moved south Buniolo The royal family Kintu was founded, and for a long time after this, Buganda was south of Buniolo Vassal state However, they often clashed with Bunyolo and encroached on Bunyolo's southern sphere of influence. 18th century In the end, Buniolo gradually declined, and Buganda quickly rose to the top Mutessa I In office ( 19th century In the second half), Buganda's power reached its peak, not only controlling the west Albert Lake , south to The Cagra River The vast area, even the nearby power of Toro, Busoga and Ankole Even the original mother state of Buniolo was threatened by its military, and Buganda became the greatest power in the Great Lakes region. By the end of the 19th century, Buganda had established a comprehensive military and administrative system, with a standing army of 6,000 men and a Lake Victoria Naval Force of 300 ships. The country was divided into ten "sazas", which were administered by "Basazas" appointed by the king.

Religious war

During Mutessa's reign, Islam, Christianity and Catholicism It was introduced to Buganda, representing Arab , Britain And France The interests of... Mutessa was inclined to accept Islam, and in 1870s Declaring Islam the state religion. But when Mutessa died, his son Mwanga I Determined to eliminate foreign influence and gradually cleanse the three religions. 1888 He planned to restore the original religion The Rubarre religion It is the state religion. So the three religions joined forces to expel Mwanga I from the capital and establish a new regime Kiwewa For the king. Soon, the Islamists, backed by Bunyolo, staged a coup that ousted the Catholics and Christians from power. The Catholics and Christians made peace with Mwanga I and successfully counterattacked the Islamists, who were expelled to Buniolo.

Colonial era

The year 1890 In December, Frederick Lugard command British East Africa Company The army arrived in Buganda and quickly took control of the situation, installing Christians in power in Buganda. The year 1894 The British government took over Buganda and turned it into a British protectorate, renamed it "Uganda" (Buganda The Swahili language Umlaut). After that, the British used Buganda as a base and conquered several surrounding kingdoms, all of which were incorporated into Uganda. The year 1900 The United Kingdom signed a treaty with Buganda specifying its status as equivalent Uganda A province of a protectorate.
The year 1953 The United Kingdom plans to bring Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika Merged to form the East African Federation. Fearing that Buganda's traditions would be forced to yield to the interests of Kenya's white colonists, the king of Buganda Mutessa II Began to rebel against the will of the British, which led to him being placed under house arrest London No return to the country. As a sign of this, the Buganda people immediately raised a groundswell of opposition, which eventually forced the British to release Mutessa II two years later. Since then, differing opinions have emerged in Uganda over the role of the Buganda king in political life, and factions have gradually organized into different political parties.

Independence and extinction

Mutessa II
After constant consultation and mutual compromise, Uganda finally settled The year 1962 October 9th Declaring independence, the new country adopted a federal system, with the Kingdom of Buganda joining as a member of the federation, while Mutessa II acted as King Kabakayka Party The party leader became president of Uganda. The year 1964 , Uganda People's Congress Party Leader of the Party and Prime Minister of Uganda Milton Obote In the military leadership Idi Amin Assuming sole power with the support of King Mutessa II, he was forced into exile. The year 1966 The Ugandan army occupied the Buganda Palace and declared the abolition of the Kingdom of Buganda the following year.


The year 1986 , Yoweri Museveni After taking power, in order to win the support of the Ganda people, it was announced that the Buganda Palace would be returned to the Buganda royal family, and the royal family would be allowed to return to carry out activities. The year 1993 The Kingdom of Buganda was formally restored as a constitutional monarchy and remained within Uganda, with the current king Mwenga Mutbe II .