
Republic of Uganda
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The Republic of Uganda is also known as Uganda. Be located in Africa East of the country, across equator , the east neighbor Kenya , South to Tanzania and Rwanda , to the West Democratic Republic of the Congo , North Company South Sudan With a total area of 241,550 square kilometers. Most of the territory is located East African plateau , many lakes, Mean altitude 1000~1200 meters, known as "plateau water town", Population 47.25 million (2022 World Bank data) There are about 65 ethnic groups in the country. By language, yes Bantu There are four ethnic groups, Nile, Nilo-Semitic and Sudanese, and the country is divided into 135 districts and one capital city, the capital is Kampala.
In 1000 AD, a kingdom was established in the Buganda region in southern Ukraine. By the mid-19th century, the Kingdom of Buganda had become the most powerful state in East Africa. After 1850, Arab merchants and British and German colonialists successively entered Buganda, and successive wars among Christian, Catholic and Islamic believers broke out in Buganda, and the kingdom of Buganda rapidly declined. In 1890, Britain and Germany signed an agreement on the partition of East Africa, and Buganda was designated as a British sphere of influence. In June 1894, the British declared Buganda a protectorate. In 1896, the British extended the "protectorate" to the whole territory of Ukraine, and in 1907, the governor of Ukraine was established. On 9 October 1962, Uganda declared its independence, retaining four autonomous kingdoms, including Buganda, and establishing the Federation of Uganda, which remained in the Commonwealth. In September 1967, the feudal kingdom and the federal system were abolished and the Republic of Uganda was established.
Uganda is The British Commonwealth , Non-aligned movement , African Union , East African community (EAC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and Intergovernmental Organization for Development Member states of organizations such as IGAD. 2022 Uganda Gross domestic product $45.7 billion, GDP growth of 4.8%, Gross domestic product per capita $1,081. [1] [16]
Chinese name
Republic of Uganda [1]
Foreign name
The Republic of Uganda [1]
Abbreviated form
Kampala [1]
Major city
Luvero, Masaka, Mpigi, Mubender
National Day
October 9, 1962 [1]
National song
Oh, Uganda, Beautiful Land.
Country code
Official language
English , The Swahili language [1]
Ugandan shilling [1]
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leader
Yoweri Museveni (President) , Robina Nabanja [9] (Prime Minister)
Population number
47.25 million [1] [16] [18] (World Bank data for 2022)
Population density
228.9 people/km2 [8] (2020)
Major nationality
Bantu , Nile man , Nero-Semitic, Sudanese [1]
Major religion
Catholicism , Protestantism , Islam
Land area
241550 km² [1]
Water area ratio
About 18.23%
Total GDP
55.17 billion dollars [19] (2023)
Per capita GDP
$1,186 [19] (2023)
International telephone area code
International domain name abbreviation
Road access
Drive on the left
ㄨ ㄍ seminar ㄉ seminar
The Swahili language
Jamhuri ya Uganda
Administrative district
111 districts and 1 capital city
Inflation rate
5.0% (2016) [1]
Foreign exchange reserve
$2.88 billion (2016) [1]
Leading institution
Macrae University

Historical evolution


Early state

Before the 13th century there was one called Kitara in what is now western Uganda emirate . In the 13th and 14th centuries, the country was conquered by the nomadic Bachwezi people. A native of southern Sudan from the late 15th to early 16th centuries Luo They replaced the Bachwezi with the Kingdom of Bunioro and established the Babito Dynasty in Buganda. These foreign rulers were soon assimilated by the local Bantu people, who were agricultural and highly educated. In southwestern Uganda, the Hinda people established the Kingdom of Ankole. In northern Uganda, many small states and clans have been established. Around 1830, Prince Capoyo of the Kingdom of Bunioro founded the Kingdom of Toro east of the Rwenzori Mountains. Since the 17th century, Kingdom of Buganda Growing stronger and expanding outward. By the middle of the 18th century, its power had surpassed that of the Kingdom of Bunyolo.

Colonist invasion

Uganda regional location
In the 1870s, Britain The colonists attempted to annex parts of Uganda, which were blocked by the Kingdom of Bunioro. In the late 1970s, the Anglo-French Christian Church successively went to the Kingdom of Buganda to preach. They meddled in politics and caused sectarian strife. Years of war, make Kingdom of Buganda Decline rapidly.
In 1890, the British invaded Buganda . An agent of the Royal British East Africa Company, Captain Frederick Lugard (later Governor of Hong Kong Luggi Forced the Buganda king Mwanga to sign protection treaties with him twice. In June 1894, the British government signed a new treaty with Buganda, and Buganda officially became a British protectorate. Then, in 1896, the British extended their protection to all of Uganda.
Administrative power in Uganda was in the hands of British colonial officials headed by the Governor General. It was not until after World War II that individual Africans were allowed to participate in the executive and legislative bodies of the colonial authorities. Economically, the British transformed Uganda into cotton, coffee And other agricultural suppliers are doing their best to prevent Africans from developing their own commerce and processing industries.

National independence

In 1919, a democratic movement was launched in Uganda under the leadership of the Bataka Party and the African Farmers Union of Uganda. In 1921, Uganda's first national political party, the Uganda National Congress Party, was established, proposing universal suffrage, the establishment of self-government, African control of the economy and other demands. From 1921 to 1928, Ugandans fought for the release of King Mutesa II of Buganda, who was in exile in Britain.
In the late 1950s, the British introduced constitutional reforms aimed at self-government in Uganda. At the end of 1961, three major political parties were formed in Uganda: the Uganda People's Congress Party, the Democratic Party and the Kabakayka Party. In March 1961, Uganda held its first general election, the Democratic Party won, and Benedikto Kiwanuka was appointed Chief Minister. In March 1962, Uganda became self-governing, with Kiwanuka as Prime Minister. In April of the same year, Uganda held another general election, which was won by a coalition of the Congress of the People and the Kabakayka Party, forming a two-party coalition self-government. In accordance with the agreement of the Uganda Constitutional Convention held in London in June and July 1962, Uganda declared its independence on 9 October 1962 and remained within the Commonwealth. [2]

After independence

In accordance with the 1962 constitution, Uganda became independent federalism The kingdoms of Buganda, Bunioro, Toro, and Ankole, as well as the District of Busoga, are all members of the Federation. The Congress of the People and the Kabakayka Party form a coalition government, and the President of the Congress of the People Milton Obote He was Prime Minister, Chairman of the Kabakayka Party, and King of Buganda Mutessa II As president. In 1964, the two parties' alliance broke down, the People's Congress Party implemented a one-party rule, and the conflict between the central government and the kingdom of Buganda became increasingly intensified. In May 1966, the central government captured the Buganda Palace and Mutessa II fled to Britain. In 1967, Uganda adopted a new constitution, abolishing feudal kingdoms and Kings Republic of Uganda . Obote published the Civilian Charter (1969) and the Nakivubo Gazette (1970), denouncing feudalism and emphasizing one people and one government. On January 25, 1971, Commander of the Army Idi Amin Staged a coup against Obote's government. Obote exile Tanzania .
In the eight years of Amin's rule, the military dictatorship, political chaos, economic collapse, a large number of people fled. Uganda has strained relations with Tanzania. In October 1978, Amin sent troops to occupy a piece of territory on the Tanzanian border. In January 1979, the Tanzanian army launched a counterattack. In March of the same year, more than 20 exiled anti-Amin groups met in Mohi, Tanzania, to form the Uganda National Liberation Front and the National Liberation Army. On 11 April, the UGandan National Liberation Army, backed by the Tanzanian Army, occupied Kampala. A new government headed by Y. Lulay was proclaimed.
In March 1979, more than 20 rebels went into exile Armin The organization founded the Uganda Liberation Front and the Uganda National Liberation Army in Moshi, Tanzania. On 10 April, Kampala was captured by the National Liberation Army with the support of the Tanzanian army, and Amin fled. An interim government of the National Liberation Front of Uganda was announced on 11 April, with its chairman, Lule, as president. After 68 days in office, Lulay was deposed in a power struggle and succeeded as president by Binessa on 20 June. In May 1980, the Military Council of the National Liberation Front of Ukraine dismissed Binesa as president and formed the chairman of the Military Council Paul Muwanga Headed by a new cabinet. A general election was held in December of the same year, and the Congress of the People won to form a government, and Obote returned to the presidency nine years after being overthrown. Chairman of the Patriotic Movement Party who is running for office Yoweri Museveni Accusing Obote of rigging the election, he formed the National Resistance Movement and its armed group, the National Resistance Army, in 1981 to wage a guerrilla war against the government. On 27 July 1985, Basilio Olara Okello, commander of the Northern Brigade of the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA), launched a coup d 'etat to overthrow the Obote regime and formed a military council with Tito Okello, former commander of the Uganda Army, as chairman and head of state. In January 1986, the National Resistance Army captured the capital and seized power. January 29th Museveni Assume the presidency [3] . Uganda's parliament has approved constitutional changes to remove presidential term limits.

Geographical environment


Regional location

Subdivisions of Uganda
Uganda is a country in eastern Africa across the equator Landlocked state . It borders Kenya to the east and Tanzania to the south Rwanda Junction, west and Democratic Republic of the Congo Bordering, north of South Sudan Adjacent. The total area is 241,550 square kilometers (of which 199,807 square kilometers are land and 41,743 square kilometers are water and marshland). [1]


Rwenzori Mountain National Park
Most of Uganda is located in the East African plateau, many lakes, Mean altitude 1000~1200 meters, known as "plateau water town". The Great Rift Valley of East Africa The west branch runs through the western border, and there are many rivers and lakes in the valley floor. Between the rift zone and the eastern mountains is a broad shallow basin with many swamps. The eastern border has Mount Elgon It is 4,321 meters above sea level; In the southwest, on the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo The Rwenzori Mountains At 5,109 meters above sea level, Mount Margarita is the highest peak in the country and the third highest in Africa. There are many rivers and lakes in the territory, and its area accounts for about 17.8% of the national area. There are Sese Islands More than 10 islands.

Climatic characteristics

Uganda has a savanna climate, with an average annual temperature of 22.3℃. The highest temperature is in October, with an average of 23.5℃. The lowest temperature is from June to July, with an average of 21.4℃. The annual precipitation in most areas is between 1000 and 1500 mm, with the rainy season from March to May and September to November, and the remaining two dry seasons. In recent years, Uganda's dry rainy seasons have been unclear and the alternating timing has changed. [4]

Drainage distribution

Victoria Nile and Albert Nile abundant water, along the river more than dangerous beach waterfalls. Lake Victoria It is the second largest freshwater lake in the world and the largest in Africa, with 42.8% in Ukraine. There are others Albert Lake , Edward Lake , Lake Kioga , Lake George Let's wait.

Natural resources


Mineral resources

Uganda is rich in mineral resources, with more than 50 kinds of proven minerals, including petroleum, mica, feldspar, limestone, phosphate, iron, vermiculite, tantalum, vanadium, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, diatomite, glass sand, graphite, gold, bentonite (saponite), salt, kaolin, tin, tungsten-manganese, bismuth, uranium, coltan - tantalum, lead, talc, manganese, magnesium, cyanite, gypsum and gemstones. Among the proven reserves are oil (6 billion barrels), natural gas (14.2 billion cubic meters), limestone (23 million tons), phosphate (250 million tons), iron ore (100 million tons), copper (4.18 million tons), vermiculite (200,000 tons), diatoms (100,000 tons), glass sand (1 million tons), bentonite (200,000 tons), salt (22 million tons) ), kaolin (23 million tons). [11]

Plant resources

Uganda has 12% forest cover and produces hard wood. [11]

Other resources

Uganda is rich in aquatic resources, and Lake Victoria is one of the world's largest freshwater fish producers. Uganda's hydropower potential is about 2,000 MW. [11]

Administrative division



There are 111 districts under the central government and the capital city of Kampala, and 13 large cities, 9 small cities and 870 districts under the region. Originally divided into 45 districts, in November 2000, the Council approved the creation of 11 new districts, with 56 districts. These regions can be divided into four Geographical regions. [5] As of March 2022, Uganda has 135 districts and one capital city. [4] [15]
New district name
Year of establishment
The capital
Central District Central
Luwero Luwero
Luwero Luwero
Mpigi Mpigi
Mpigi Mpigi
Rakai Rakai
Rakai Rakai
Kiboga. Kiboga
Kiboga. Kiboga
Sembabule Sembabule
Sembabule Sembabule
Kayunga. Kayunga
Kayunga. Kayunga
2005.7.1 Analysis of Mubender
2005.7.1 Analysis of Luvero
Eastern District
Jinja Jinja
Jinja Jinja
Iganga Iganga
Iganga Iganga
Kamuli. Kamuli
Kamuli. Kamuli
Kumi Kumi
Kumi Kumi
Mbale. Mbale
Mbale. Mbale
Soroti Soroti
Soroti Soroti
Tororo Tororo
Tororo Tororo
Bugiri Bugiri
Bugiri Bugiri
Kaberama Aido Kaberamaido
Kaberama Aido Kaberamaido
2005.7.1 Analysis of Cartaqui
2005.7.1 Analysis of Palisa
2005.7.1 Analysis of Capcholova
2005.7.1 Analysis of Tororo
2005.7.1 Analysis of Kamulli
2005.7.1 Zabale
2006.7.1 Analysis of Iganga
Northern region
Gulu Gulu
Gulu Gulu
Apac. Apac
Apac. Apac
Arua Arua
Arua Arua
Kitgum. Kitgum
Kitgum. Kitgum
Kotido. Kotido
Kotido. Kotido
Lira. Lira
Lira. Lira
Moroto Moroto
Moroto Moroto
Moyo Moyo
Moyo Moyo
Nebbi Nebbi
Nebbi Nebbi
Arjumani Adjumani
Arjumani Adjumani
Oh, Pader Pader
Oh, Pader Pader
Yumbe Yumbe
Yumbe Yumbe
2005.7.1 Celila
2005.7.1 Analysis of Kotido
2005.7.1 Analysis of Arua
2006.7.1 Analysis of Kotido
2006.7.1 Lyra
2006.7.1 Analysis of Gulu
2006.7.1 Analysis of Arua
2006.7.1 Analysis of Apak
Western region
Mbarara Mbarara
Mbarara Mbarara
The Kabale
The Kabale
Kabarole. Kabarole
Fort Portal, Fort Portal
The Kasese
The Kasese
Kibaale. Kibaale
Kibaale. Kibaale
Ntungamo Ntungamo
Ntungamo Ntungamo
Kyenjojo Kyenjojo
Kyenjojo Kyenjojo
The Kanungu
The Kanungu
2005.7.1 Analysis of Mbarara
2005.7.1 Analysis of Mbarara
2005.7.1 Analysis of Mbarara
2006.7.1 Analysis of Masindi


Kampala Kampala is the capital of Uganda and the largest city in the country. Located in the southern highlands of the border, located on the north shore of Lake Victoria, the city is only 11 kilometers away from the lake shore, the city is built on 7 hills, 1190 meters above sea level, an area of about 200 square kilometers, population 1.66 million. The annual average temperature is about 23℃, April, May, September, October for the rainy season, the rest of the dry season. [1]

National symbol


Country name

The Republic of Uganda. The name of the country is derived from the Buganda ethnic name, which means "Country of the Ganda people". Also known as plateau water town.


Flag of Uganda Inaugurated on 9 October 1962, the flag is rectangular in shape, with a 3:2 ratio of length to width. From top to bottom, it is composed of six parallel and equal broad strips between black, yellow and red, and there is a white circle in the center of the flag, which is a Ugandan national bird - the crown crane. Black represents the Ugandan people and symbolizes black people; Yellow symbolizes sunlight; Red symbolizes freedom, and the three-color combination means that the Ugandan people are independent and free under the sun. On important occasions or official flag-raising ceremonies, the national flag with the national bird pattern is used; On general occasions, black, yellow and red striped flags without national bird patterns are used.

National emblem

Coat of Arms of Uganda
Coat of Arms of Uganda It was granted by the British Crown in 1962, before independence. At the centre of the coat of arms is a fusiform coat of arms backed by two crossed local spears. The serene beauty of Lake Victoria at the top of the coat of arms is gently brushed by the fingers of the wind, and the waves are gentle; The midday sun in central Uganda is directly above the land, indicating that the equatorial line runs across Uganda; The bottom is painted with a royal drum inlaid with a yellow pattern, symbolizing the traditional culture of Uganda and the ancient kingdom of Uganda. Below the coat of arms is a green mountain rich in specialties, showing that agricultural production is full of vigor and vitality; Coffee trees and cotton on the hills are the main agricultural products of the Lake Victoria region; The Hills Central River is flowing into Lake Victoria. On the right side of the coat of arms is Uganda's elfin crown crane, while on the left is the unique antelope [12] ; On the yellow sash below the coat of arms is written in English the pledge of the people of Uganda: "For God and for my country".

National anthem

Oh, Uganda, Beautiful Land.
O Uganda, may God not give up, let us entrust our future to you, and we will always stand together for freedom.

Population nationality

47.25 million (2022 World Bank data). There are about 65 ethnic groups in the country. Divided by language, there are four major groups: Bantu, Nile, Nilo-Semitic and Sudanese. Each ethnic group consists of several nationalities. The Bantu ethnic group makes up more than two-thirds of the population and includes 20 ethnic groups such as Baganda (18% of the population), Banankole (16% of the population), Bakiga and Basoga. The Nile ethnic group consists of five ethnic groups such as Ranji and Acholi. The Nilo-Semitic ethnic group consists of seven ethnic groups, including Iteso and Karamojon. The Sudanese ethnic group includes four ethnic groups, such as Lugbara and Maadi. [4] [14] [18]




After Museveni came to power in 1986, he ended the chaos of the civil war in Uganda and established and gradually improved the Uganda National Resistance Movement (renamed the Uganda National Movement after 1995 and the National Resistance Movement in 2003). "Renamo") as the core of the unique "movement system" political system (a unique political system of party and government in Ukraine, which is inclusive of political parties, nationalities, sects and people from all walks of life, allowing political parties to exist but restricting their activities), promote national reconciliation, resolve religious conflicts, formed a broad-based coalition government with RENAMO as the main, taking into account the interests of all parties. The political situation is becoming more stable.
In 2005, Ukraine's political system underwent major changes. In July, Ukraine held a referendum on retaining the "movement system" or implementing a multi-party system, and 92.5% of the people voted in favor of liberating the party ban, thus entering the ranks of multi-party countries. In August, the Ukrainian parliament voted to abolish the presidential term limit as the main content of constitutional amendment. In February 2006, the first multi-party general election was held, and RENAMO candidate Yoweri Museveni was re-elected president with 59.28% of the vote. In February 2011, the second multi-party general election was held, and Mu won again with 68.38% of the vote. On 18 February 2016, a national election was held, and Museveni was re-elected with 60.75% of the vote. In December 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a constitutional amendment to remove the age limit for presidential candidates, according to which President Museveni is entitled to run in the next presidential election. In January 2021, President Museveni was re-elected as president of Uganda with 58.34% of the vote. On 12 May, President Museveni was inaugurated. In June, he appointed a new cabinet. [1]


The new Constitution was officially promulgated on 8 October 1995 and amended twice in November 2005 and December 2017. Provides that the President shall be directly elected for a term of five years with unlimited term limits; The Parliament has the power to impeach the President and dismiss incompetent ministers, and the President's major appointments, decisions and signing of important treaties must be approved by the Parliament; The Council of State, composed of some members of the Cabinet and parliamentarians, was established to resolve conflicts between the Government and the Parliament, act as an adviser to the President in the event of a political crisis, and approve the President's appointments on behalf of the Parliament. [1]


After the RENAMO government was formed in 1986, the National Council of Resistance took over the functions of the interim parliament. Following a new constitution in 1995, a new parliament was elected in June 1996, with a majority of seats for the movement. In May 2021, the eleventh Parliament of Uganda was established and currently has 426 members, of which 293 are RENAMO, representing 68.6 per cent of the total number of members. Speaker Anetta Amon (female).


The current government will be formed in June 2021 and its main members are: President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Vice President JessicaAlupo (female), Prime Minister Robina Nabanja (female), First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of EC Affairs RebeccaKadaga (female), Moshe Ali, Second Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of Government Affairs in Parliament; LukiaNakadama, Third Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Government; Janet Kataha Museveni, Minister of Education and Sports; Mariam Doka Barbaranda, Minister of Presidential Affairs (female); JimMuhwezi, Minister of Security; MonicaMusenero, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation and Treasurer of the Presidential Palace (female); Kampala Minister of Municipal Affairs HajatiMisiKabanda, Minister of Prime Minister's Affairs Kasulele Lumumba, Government Supervisor Thomas Tayebwa, Attorney-general KiryowaKiwanuka, Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs Oboth Markson Jacob, Minister of Energy and Mines RuthNankabirwa, female, Minister of Health JaneAceng (female); Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Matia Casaija (female); Minister of Foreign Affairs Jejee Odongo (female); Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Affairs Betty Amonji (female); ChrisBaryomounsi, Minister of Information and Information and Communication Technology; Kahinda Otaferei, Minister of Interior; JudithNabakooba, Minister of Land, Housing and Urban Development; Local Government Minister RafaelMagyezi, Public Service Minister Murulli Mukasa, Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Conservation Minister Tom Butimme, FrancisMwebesa, Minister of Trade, Industry and Commerce; CheptorisMangusho, Minister of Water and Environment; and KatumbaWamala, Minister of Works and Transport. [21]


There are high courts, Courts of appeal and district courts throughout the country. The government has a Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. Chief Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo. [1]

Political party

There are more than 30 registered political parties, mainly:
(1) the national resistance movement (TheNationalResistanceMovementOrganization - NRMO) referred to as "the arrival of the shipment", the ruling party. In June 1981, Museveni created the anti-government organization "National Resistance Movement", its military organization is "National Resistance Army", the political organization is "National Resistance Movement Committee", under the grass-roots committees at all levels. In January 1986, RENAMO seized power throughout the country, with the National RENAMO acting as parliament and local administrations replaced by RENAMO at all levels, and the "movement system" was established throughout the country. In September 1995, the Constitutional Assembly of Uzbekistan adopted a new constitution, stipulating that the "movement system" would continue until 2000, and that a referendum would be held every five years to allow all the people to choose whether to continue the "movement system" or change to a multi-party system. In June 1996, a parliament was elected to replace the parliamentary functions of the National Security Council. In June 2000, Uzbekistan held a referendum and decided to retain the "movement system". In July 2005, the referendum decided to abandon the "movement system" and adopt a multi-party system. At this point, the "movement system" implemented in Ukraine for nearly 20 years was announced to withdraw from the historical stage, and RENAMO was transformed into a political party. In the 2006, 2011, 2016 and 2021 general elections, the party won an absolute majority of seats in parliament.
Renamo's political platform, often referred to as the "Ten Programs", was formulated by Museveni and promulgated in July 1984 with the objectives of: establishing a people's democracy; Restore and protect the safety of persons and lawful property; Strengthening national unity and eliminating all forms of sectarianism; Safeguarding and consolidating national independence; To build an independent, integrated and self-sustaining national economy; Rehabilitate and improve social services and rebuild war-damaged areas; Eliminate corruption and abuse of power; Resettling the homeless and improving people's lives; Work with other African countries to defend the democratic rights of Africans and build a mixed economy. In April 1999, the RENAMO National Executive Committee supplemented the original Ten Programmes on environmental protection, employment and poverty alleviation, and expanded them into the Fifteenth Programme.
(2) the BBS for democratic change (TheForumforDemocraticChange) : a reform agenda by the original organization, parliament and the national democratic incited BBS BBS on August 8, 2004, the merged, hereinafter referred to as "BBS", Uganda's main opposition. The slogan is "One nation, one people." The party absorbed former army commander Montu, former national security chief Pukor and other movement elders and heavyweight politicians who had held key positions in the movement government, and elected Bisigye as its interim executive committee chairman. The party formed an "inter-party coalition" with the Conservative Party, the Justice Forum and the Social Democratic Party, and put Bisigye as its joint candidate in the 2011 general election. He won 26.01% of the vote, second only to Museveni. In 2016, Bee stood again in the presidential election on behalf of the Forum for Democratic Change and received 35.37% of the vote.
(3) TheDemocraticParty: The opposition party, founded in 1956, supported by the Catholic church, has a great influence in the Baganda ethnic group and the urban business community, and has been favored by Western countries such as Britain, the United States, Germany and the Vatican. In 1961, he won the general election and formed the first self-government of Uganda. The following year it lost the parliamentary elections to an alliance between the Congress Party and the Kabakayka Party. It was banned by the National People's Congress Government in December 1969. In 1973, the party's propaganda secretary, Paul Semogrel, fled to the United States to rebuild the Democratic Party. The party later joined the National Liberation Front and participated in all the governments after Amin's ouster. In May 1992, the reconstruction of the branch and the resumption of activities began in Kampala and other places. They believe in liberal capitalism and parliamentary democracy. Denouncing the "movement system" as a one-party dictatorship, calling for multi-party democracy, and boycotting the referendum on Ukrainian government held in June 2000.
(4) UgandaPeople's Congress Party (TheUgandaPeople's Congress) : referred to as the People's Congress Party, the opposition party, founded in March 1960, by the radical faction of the Uganda National Congress Party headed by Obote, the National Progressive Party, the UgandaPeople's Union Party merged. From 1964 to 1971 and from 1980 to 1985, the NPCP was in power twice, and Obote was president twice. After RENAMO came to power in January 1986, some of the party's leaders joined the RENAMO Government in their personal capacity. The party was generally uncooperative towards the RENAMO Government and boycotted the June 2000 polity referendum.
(5) TheConservativeParty (formerly known as the Kabakayka Party) was founded in September 1960 and changed to its current name in May 1980. In 1962, the party joined forces with the Congress Party to win the general election, and King Mutessa II of Buganda became president. In 1964, the party was forced out of the cabinet by the NPCP, and Mutessa went into exile in Britain. Representing the interests of the Buganda feudal chiefs and the royal nobility, they opposed the centralization of the government, advocated the establishment of a federation, the restoration of the 1962 constitution which guaranteed federalism, the introduction of a multi-party system and a bicameral parliament, but adopted a cooperative approach with the RENAMO government. The current chairman is JohnKenLukyamuzi.
(6) NationalUnityPlatform: formerly known as the People Power Movement, founded by opposition leader Bobby Wynn. Known as the "civilian president", Wynn graduated from the art department of MacRae University, Ukraine's highest institution, in 2003, and made his debut at the age of 18 and gradually became a famous pop singer in East Africa. After 2014, the song gradually turned from social issues to political themes, and in 2017, Way first entered the political campaign, running as an independent candidate in a by-election for a member of Parliament in Kampala and winning by a landslide. In the process of Wynn's transformation from artist to politician, the People Power Movement gradually grew and in July 2020, the movement officially became a political party, and Wynn became its president and registered to run in the 2021 Ugandan general election. The party, whose support is mainly made up of urban youth, is strong in Kampala and its influence has risen rapidly, winning 61 seats in the 2021 parliamentary elections, accounting for 12.22%.

The main rebel group

(1) Lord's ResistanceArmy (LRA). In early 1987, a witch calling herself Alise Laicelakwena gathered 5,000 or 6,000 people under the banner of the Holyspirit-Movement (HSM) in the northern part of the country. After being besieged by government forces, Laquina fled to Kenya. After 1989, the remnants of the "Lord's Resistance Army" were absorbed by the remnants of the Uganda People's Democratic Army (UPDA) led by Raquina's brother JosephKony, and renamed the "Lord's Resistance Army", stationed in southern Sudan and eastern Congo (DRC), and continued to cause unrest and disturb social security in northern areas of Ukraine. The government began its campaign against the Lord's Resistance Army in 1993. In March 2002, with the cooperation of the Sudanese government, the Ukrainian army entered southern Sudan and launched a large-scale encirclement and suppression of the Lord's Resistance Army, greatly improving the security situation in the north. In July 2006, the Ukrainian army and the Lord's Resistance Army began intermittent peace talks, and the two sides signed the first formal agreement in 20 years on August 26, 2006, the "Cessation of Hostilities Agreement", but the negotiators still differ on many issues, and the peace process faces many obstacles. In 2007, the situation of peace talks turned for the better. The Ukrainian government forces signed a new ceasefire agreement and the Responsibility and Reconciliation Agreement with the Lord's Resistance Army, and the Lord's Resistance Army sent a delegation to the capital for negotiations for the first time. The security situation in northern Ukraine continued to improve. On March 26, 2008, the two sides signed the "Monitoring and Implementation Agreement", which officially concluded the negotiations. However, Kony refused to sign the Final Peace Agreement on the grounds that the International Criminal Court had not lifted his wanted list and his personal safety was not guaranteed. In December 2008, the Ukrainian army, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Southern Sudanese Army launched a joint military operation against the Lord's Resistance Army, which severely damaged the Lord's Resistance Army, and its remnants fled to the Central African Republic, where they no longer pose a threat to northern Ukraine. In October 2011, the United States announced the dispatch of 100 special forces to Ukraine, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa, and South Sudan to assist the four countries in their fight against the Lord's Resistance Army. In March 2012, Uganda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and four Central African countries formed a 5,000-strong joint force to fight the Lord's Resistance Army. In 2017, Uganda withdrew its troops from Central Africa.
(2) AlliedDemocraticForces (ADF). Its members are mostly young Muslim extremists who claim to liberate the country from the movement and establish an Islamic state. The leader is Mpoza, a former deputy battalion commander in the army. In 1997, after Ukraine supported Kabila's overthrow of Mobutu, it reached an understanding with the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Congo (DRC) assisted the Ukrainian army to jointly encirll and suppress the ADF on the border of the two countries, and the ADF was devastated. In 1998, Ukraine sent troops to the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the name of pursuing rebels in the west, and the DRC government strongly condemned it. Once again, ADF activities became more active. Based on the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), ADF frequently attacked relevant areas in western Ukraine, which seriously threatened the security of western Ukraine. After the occupation of the eastern region of the Congo, the Ukrainian government forces gained greater strategic depth, cut off the ADF's supply lines, and inflicted heavy losses on it. Since 2017, ADF has become more active, and the Ukrainian government has intensified its crackdown on it.


Yoweri Kaguta Museveni: President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Chairman of the National Resistance Movement. Born in 1944, from Baniankole. From 1966 to 1969, he studied political economy at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where he received a bachelor's degree. In 1970, he became Assistant secretary for research in the Obote Presidential Palace. After Amin came to power in 1971, he went into exile in Tanzania and participated in the struggle against Amin. After Amin was overthrown in 1979, he was the Executive Committee of the National Liberation Front and Vice Chairman of the Military Council, and served as Minister of State for Defense, Minister of Defense, and Minister of Regional Cooperation. The Uganda Patriotic Movement was founded in 1980. In June 1981, Mu and Lule co-founded the "Uganda National Resistance Movement", and successively served as vice chairman, interim chairman, and chairman. In January 1986, he overthrew the Okello military government and became President, Minister of Defense and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces. In May 1996, he was elected president in the country's first general election, and in March 2001, February 2006, February 2011 and February 2016, he was re-elected four times. He visited China in 1989, 1996 and 2004, attended the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in November 2006, paid a state visit and attended the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2015 in March 2015, attended the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in September 2018, and paid a working visit to China in June 2019. Married with three daughters and a son. [1]
It was reported on 22 March 2024 that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni appointed his son Muhoozi Kainerugaba as the new Chief of Defence staff. [20]




The natural condition is better, the land is fertile, the rainfall is abundant, the climate is suitable. Agriculture and animal husbandry play a dominant role in the national economy, accounting for 70% of GDP and 95% of export earnings respectively, and there is more than enough food for self-sufficiency. Backward industry, small number of enterprises, poor equipment, low operating rate. Foreign trade occupies an important position in the national economy.
It is one of the world's least developed countries announced by the United Nations. Due to years of war, the economy was on the verge of collapse. After RENAMO came to power in 1986, it implemented a pragmatic and prudent economic development policy, actively carried out structural adjustment, gave priority to the development of agriculture, restructured state enterprises, fostered the private sector, and promoted free trade. Since 1991, the economy has grown at an average annual rate of about 6 percent. Affected by the international financial crisis, exports of traditional pillar industries such as black cotton, fish and coffee have shrunk, and economic growth has slowed down. In June 2015, the National Development Plan 2015-2020 was released, setting overall goals for national development in the next five years.
Key economic data for 2023 are as follows:
Gross Domestic Product: $52.39 billion.
GDP growth rate: 4.6%.
GDP per capita: $1,160.
Name of currency: Uganda shilling.
Exchange rate: US $1 = 3765 Ugandan Shillings.
(Source: World Bank, etc.) [21]


The industry is backward. The main industrial sectors are construction, food, beverage, tobacco, iron and steel, hardware, metal minerals, textiles, clothing, leather and shoemaking. The number of enterprises is small, the scale is small, the equipment is poor and the utilization rate is low. In order to attract foreign investment for industrial development, the Uzbek government established the Investment Bureau in 1991, which has attracted more than 2,000 foreign enterprises to invest in Uzbekistan, with actual investment exceeding US $2.5 billion. The Ukrainian government has vigorously pursued privatization policies, and 122 state-owned enterprises have been privatized so far.
In the fiscal year 2019/2020, Uganda's total industrial output grew by 2.3%, a sharp slowdown from the previous year's 10.1% growth, mainly due to a slowdown in the manufacturing and mining and quarrying industries, which accounted for 26% of GDP. Major industrial enterprises in Uganda are: France Total, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), UK Tullow, British American Tobacco, HIMA Cement Works, US EGL Building Materials, UK BOC Gas, Indian-Ugandan-owned Mukwano Group, Quality Chemicals, etc.
Steel and cement are currently industries that Uganda has a certain basis for development. According to the Uganda National Planning Authority, Uganda's annual steel production was about 511,000 tons in 2017. According to the Uganda Manufacturers Association, there are currently 11 steel mills in Uganda, They mainly include Roofingsteel (Indian investment), Tiantang Group (Chinese investment), Ugandabaati (Indian investment), Steelandtube (Indian investment), Primukesteel (Indian investment), etc. The above manufacturers account for 65% ~ 75% of the market share in Uganda. According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Uganda's cement production in 2018 was 2.57 million tons, with 53,000 tons imported and 393,000 tons exported. The main cement manufacturers are Tororo cement (Kenya and local cooperation investment), Hima cement (France Lafarge investment), Kampala cement (India investment). [4]


Agriculture and animal husbandry play a leading role in the entire national economy, and the agricultural population accounts for about 80% of the country's population. We have more than enough food for ourselves. The country's arable land area accounts for 42% of the total land area, and has cultivated an area of 5 million hectares. The main food crops are rice banana, millet, cassava, corn, sorghum, rice and so on. The main cash crops are coffee, cotton, tobacco, tea and so on. [13]
In the fiscal year 2019/2020, Uganda's agriculture grew by 4.2%, a slower growth rate, mainly due to an increase in grain harvests (+ 4.3%) and livestock (+ 7.7%), with agriculture contributing 23.7% to GDP. The major agricultural enterprises in Uganda are: Uganda Breweries, Nile Brewery (NileBreweries), Kakiri and Lugazi sugar mills in India, the Uganda branch of Monsanto Agricultural Products Company in the United States, and the Uganda branch of SaraLee Food Company in the United States. [4]

Fishery industry

Wuhe River lake area 36,902.6 square kilometers, rich in fishery resources. Fishery is an important part of Ukrainian economy, and fishery products are important export products of Ukraine. [13]

Service industry

In the fiscal year 2019/2020, Uganda's total services output grew by 3.6%, also slowing down. Among them, the information and communication industry increased by 34.3 percent, and the public service industry increased by 13 percent. In addition, the technology sector grew 4.4%, 1.5 percentage points higher than the previous year. Uganda's service industry is dominated by hotel industry, tourism industry and communication industry, and large enterprises and institutions mainly include: India Speke Hotel, Uganda Tourism Board, MTN, Airtel, Huawei, ZTE and so on. [4]


The main tourist attractions are the source of the Nile, Elizabeth National Park and Kidepo Valley National Park. In the 1960s and early 1970s, tourism was the third largest foreign exchange earner after coffee and cotton. But the ensuing years of civil war have severely damaged tourism. After RENAMO came to power, tourism was revived as the situation in the country became more stable and tourist facilities were gradually restored. In 2017, CNN ranked Ukraine as the fifth most visited country in the world. In the same year, the 21st General Conference of UNESCO inscribed the Bundi National Park, the Rwenzori Mountain National Park and the Kasubi Royal Tombs on the World Heritage List. The World Bank estimates that Uzbekistan's tourism industry is worth $1 billion.

Finance and finance

There are three main sources of finance: taxation, foreign aid and export. At the beginning of 2005, Uzbekistan reformed its tax bureau, improving its management efficiency and enhancing direct taxation.
The central Bank of Uganda is the Bank of Uganda. As of December 2019, there are 25 major commercial banks in Uganda. According to Uganda's central bank, the top three banks account for 50% of the local market. Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited and Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited are the two largest banks in Uganda. There are many foreign banks in Uganda, among which KCB, NC Bank and Equity Bank are capital banks in Kenya. Bank of India, a capital bank of India, was licensed in Uganda on 22 March 2012. Citibank, Capital Bank of New York, was licensed to operate in Uganda on January 1, 1999. UnitedBank for Africa Uganda Limited is a Capital bank of Nigeria and was licensed in Uganda in May 2008.
According to the data of Uganda Insurance Authority, there are 21 major non-life insurance companies in Uganda, such as AIG Uganda Ltd, East African Underwriters Ltd and Rio InsuranceCompany Ltd. There are seven Life insurance companies, including CIC Africa LifeAssurance Ltd, Liberty LifeAssurance Co Ltd and Prudential Assurance (U) Ltd.
In 1998, the Uganda Stock Exchange (USE) opened for business. Stocks and Treasury bonds are currently traded. As of April 2020, there are 18 listed companies. Since 2011, trading hours are five days a week, Monday to Friday, with two afternoon sessions each day. The UGandan Stock Exchange is still in its infancy, with small trading volumes for local financial and news media companies. In April 2020, the stock index of the exchange was 1327.24 points. [4]

foreign trade

It occupies an important position in the national economy, and in recent years, the import and export volume shows an overall growth trend. In 2023, Uzbekistan's total foreign trade was 11.726 billion US dollars, of which exports were 6.983 billion US dollars and imports 10.143 billion US dollars. Main export commodities are: coffee, gold, aquatic products, tobacco, corn, flowers, leather and so on. Uzbekistan's main imports include refined oil products, automobiles, steel, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment, medical equipment and medicines. [21]
According to the Central Bank of Uganda, Uganda's total foreign trade in 2020 was $12.399 billion, an increase of 10.17 percent year-on-year. Among them, the export of 4.149 billion US dollars, up 16.44%; Imports reached US $8.251 billion, up 7.27 percent year on year. The trade deficit was $4.102 billion, down 0.65 percent year-on-year.
In 2020, Uganda's gold exports continued to increase significantly, reaching $1.82 billion, an increase of 44.59%, continuing to maintain the status of Uganda's largest export commodity. It was followed by coffee, aquatic products, and corn. Uganda's industrial base is backward, and all the machinery and equipment and high-tech required for economic development rely on imports. The main imported commodities include gold, mineral products (except petroleum products), machinery and equipment, automobiles and spare parts, petroleum products, chemical products, etc.
In 2020, Uganda's main export markets include: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) [Kenya, South Sudan, Congo (DRC)], UAE, EU, Turkey, Tanzania, India, etc. The main sources of imports include: China, India, Kenya, UAE, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and so on.
According to the statistics of the World Bank WITS, Uganda's imports of services trade in 2019 amounted to US $2.687 billion, an increase of 5.54%. The export value of service trade was 2.029 billion US dollars, up 1.96% year on year. [4]

Foreign capital

The Uzbek Investment Authority has made great efforts to attract foreign investment, focusing on horticulture, food processing, textiles and packaging industries. By the end of April 2023, Uzbekistan's stock of foreign investment had reached 19.433 billion US dollars. According to the 2019 World Investment Report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in 2018, Uzbekistan attracted foreign investment flows of 1.337 billion US dollars. In 2022-2023, Uzbekistan will attract $2.84 billion in foreign investment. [21]
According to the Uganda Investment Authority, in the fiscal year 2019/2020, Uganda received $520 million in foreign direct investment (FDI), a significant decrease from the previous fiscal year. Fdi flows mainly into manufacturing, construction and agricultural processing industries. China is the largest source of foreign direct investment in Uganda, with an investment of US $257 million, accounting for 49.37% of the total foreign investment in Uganda, Mauritius invested US $59 million, accounting for 11.43%, the United Kingdom invested US $57 million, accounting for 10.92%, and India invested US $43 million, accounting for 8.29%. [4]

Foreign aid

After RENAMO came to power, the political situation in Ukraine was stable and the economic situation continued to improve. In particular, after the Ukrainian government accepted the economic restructuring plan proposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Ukraine's foreign aid continued to increase, and the United States, Britain and other Western countries listed Ukraine as a key aid country to Africa. In recent years, Ukraine's business environment has improved significantly, won the favor of the international community, and foreign aid has increased significantly. Among the foreign aid, multilateral aid mainly comes from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Development Program and the European Union, while bilateral aid mainly comes from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.
World Bank It is Uganda's largest development partner with an average annual assistance of US $240 million in the fields of transportation, energy, agriculture, education, science and technology, etc. The main projects include road construction, agricultural research and training, power transmission and transformation, poverty reduction and the Millennium Science and Technology Program. The World Bank mainly through the way of budget support, by the Ukrainian side to tender the implementation of the project.
The African Development Fund (AFDF) is Uganda's second largest development partner with an average annual assistance of US $95 million in the fields of agriculture, transport, environment and health, including agricultural modernization, national fisheries/livestock production, road construction, urban water supply and sewage treatment, and power transmission lines. The African Development Bank's projects are mainly implemented through tendering by the government of Uganda.
European Union It is Uganda's third largest development partner with an average annual aid of 84 million US dollars, covering areas such as transportation, agriculture, education, environment, governance, etc. The main projects include animal husbandry development, skilled training, drinking water treatment projects, human rights capacity building, etc. Eu-backed infrastructure projects are often tendered among businesses in the EU, Africa and the Caribbean, and livelihood projects are mainly implemented by ngos.
America The annual aid amounted to US $80 million, with major projects such as AIDS prevention and control, hydropower stations, agricultural production and public service reform. The United States is Uganda's largest development partner in the health sector, often in collaboration with local research institutions, ngos and through extrabudgetary project support.
Britain The annual aid amounted to US $60 million, with major projects such as poverty reduction budget, malaria prevention and control, forest planting and public program reform. UK aid is mainly delivered by local ngos organised by the UK Agency for International Development (DFID), who regularly report on project progress and completion. [4]




The official languages of Uganda are English and Swahili, and each of Uganda's ethnic groups has its own language, but most have only pronunciation and no writing. Luganda was the first written language to have a detailed written record, and is the most widely spoken local language in central Uganda, including the capital Kampala. Swahili is widely spoken in some parts of northern and northeastern Uganda. [4]


Qadhafi Grand Mosque
According to the provisions of the 1995 Constitution of Uganda, there is no state religion in Uganda and citizens enjoy freedom of religious belief. The population is predominantly Catholic (45% of the population), Protestant (40%) and Islamic (11%), while the rest are Orthodox and primitive fetishists. [4]


Religious beliefs play an important role in the political and social life of Uganda, and some political parties are based on religious beliefs. There is a large Catholic population in Uganda, so you should be aware of the following when dealing with Ugandans:
When dealing with Catholics, you should not ask a bishop "how many children do you have?" or a young priest or nun "where does your wife work?" Try to avoid scheduling meetings and other activities on Sundays; Do not run, make loud noises, fight for seats, etc. in the church, and do not allow eating and smoking in the church.
Ugandans are generally hospitable and welcome with hugs and handshakes. Most tribes greet each other after they sit down, with the woman kneeling or slightly stooping. Ugandans have a rich variety of food, mainly corn, rice bananas, sorghum, cassava, sweet potatoes and potatoes as staple foods. Ugandan businessmen do business in offices, not in restaurants or hotels.
There are few taboo topics to talk about when socializing with Ugandan businessmen, but in most meetings, even informal evening occasions, people like to focus on business, world events and various art topics are also popular.
In Uganda, there are many social activities outside office hours, and Ugandan business people are invited to dinner, unless specifically stated, the wife must be invited. A 10% tip is typical for waiters, baggage handlers and taxi drivers. Ugandans rarely smoke and do not like to be around people smoking, smoking in indoor and outdoor public places should be kept away from locals, otherwise there will be protests. Ugandans don't like people cutting in line or making noise. In Ugandan homes, there are small huts or small ornaments for ancestors to worship, and outsiders should not touch them.
Karamoja families in northern Uganda generally have a lot of cattle and sheep, but the owner is taboo for guests to ask him how many cattle and sheep he has, and does not allow others to count the number of cows or point fingers at the lambs. They believe that counting cows will lead to the loss of cows and that the sheep will be evil. Some tribes do not like to touch a child's head with the left hand, believing that it will prevent the child from growing taller. [4]


Public holidays in Uganda include religious, international and local holidays. Religious holidays include Christmas, Easter, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, etc., international holidays include New Year's Day, Women's Day, International Labor Day, etc., and national holidays include Liberation Day (also known as the National Resistance Movement's ruling Day, January 26), Martyrs' Day (June 3), National Heroes' Day (June 9), Independence Day (October 9), etc. The Ugandan government and most businesses have a five-day work week, with Saturday and Sunday closed, and some departments also open on Saturday mornings. [4]


Ugandan cuisine
For dinner we eat something called "mattoki" Banana rice . "Matoki" is a kind of non-sweet banana variety as raw material, peeled and mashed into a puree, steamed and mixed with red bean juice, peanut butter, braised chicken pieces, curry beef. People who have eaten "Matoki" generally praise it as "the best meal in the world", so it has become the main course of Uganda's state dinner. Uganda's "national drink" is made of banana and sorghum flour mixed fermentation, sweet and mellow. When the banquet, the wine altar is placed on the table, the top of the altar is inserted with 1 meter long grass tube, and the guest and host suck the tube to suck.

Military affairs

The Ugandan honor Guard
The UPDF was created in February 1981 as the "National Resistance Army" and later as the "Uganda People's Resistance Force" before RENAMO came to power. The current name was adopted in January 1995. The Air Force was formed in 1987. The army is headed by President Museveni.
According to the relevant agreements between the Ukrainian government and Western countries, the annual military expenditure of Ukraine is less than 2% of GDP. [4] [18]


As a landlocked country, more than 90% of Ukraine's imports and exports pass through the Kenyan port of Mombasa. Domestic transportation is mainly by road. [13]


With a total length of about 78,000 km, it carries 99% of passenger traffic and 95% of freight. In 2008, the number of motor vehicles was about 470,000. In 2018, the Kampala to Entebbe Airport highway was completed, and the highway from Kampala to Jinja, the second largest city, is planned to be built. [13]
Uganda's roads are divided into national, regional, urban and community roads, with a total mileage of about 159,400 kilometers. National highways connect all commercial centers and are basically two-lane highways.
Uganda is mainly connected to the surrounding countries by road, which can be divided into three major corridors, namely the Northern corridor, including Kampala-Nairobi-Mombasa; Malaba-Kampala-Juba, Kampala-Kigali, Kampala-eastern DRC; Central corridor, including Masaka-Kyotera-Dares Salaam; The north-eastern corridor includes Tororo-Mbale-Soroti-Kamudini-Juba. These roads are basically two-way, two-lane national highways. Roads carry 95% of Uganda's passenger traffic and 96.5% of its freight. In order to improve the management of roads, in July 2008, Uganda established the National Roads Authority (UNRA), which is specifically responsible for road management and maintenance. In the same year, Uganda established the Uganda Roads Fund (UFA) to support road maintenance. The main source of the road fund is the fuel surcharge collected from oil and gas companies. [4]

Water transport

About 18% of Uganda's land area is made up of lakes, rivers or swamps. The water transport system still relies on small motorized and non-motorized vessels to transport goods and passengers. Major lake and river systems include Lake Victoria, Lake Choga, Lake Albert, and Lake George, as well as the Kagera River, Victoria Nile, and Albert Nile. Water transport facilities in Uganda include: ferry services on Lake Victoria; Short-distance road vehicle ferries as "highway Bridges"; Informal sector business of individual canoes. According to Uganda's statistics, Uganda's water passenger transport capacity is 6 million to 8 million passengers per year. In 2018, Uganda ferries carried 4.3 million passengers, an increase of 7% over the previous year. The freight capacity between Uganda and Kenya's Kisumu port and Tanzania's Mwanza South Port is 1,000 tons per shift. [4]


It has a total length of 1241 km. Since 1997, passenger rail transport has ceased to operate, but rail transport is still a way of importing and exporting goods. Cargo transport in 2005 amounted to 186,000 tonne-km. Uganda intends to upgrade the existing railway into a standard gauge railway, connecting Kenya, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda. [13]
Uganda is a landlocked country and goods are transported by road and rail. At present, the total length of the railway is about 1266 km, which is a narrow gauge railway with a width of 1 meter. Major railway lines include the main line from the Ukan border town of Malaba via Jijia to the capital Kampala; Northern route from the eastern city of Tororo to Pakwach via Mbale, Soroti, Lira, Gulu; From the capital Kampala, the western line via Mityana to Kasee, etc. The railway infrastructure and the 60-meter-wide land along the route are owned by the Uganda Railways Corporation, a wholly state-owned enterprise.
In order to improve Uganda's Railway operation management capacity, the Ugandan government, through privatization, granted Rift Valley Railway a 25-year rail freight franchise (until 2032), which was terminated in 2017 due to poor performance. In the last 10 years, the market share of rail transportation has fallen from 12% to 3.5%. Only about 315 km of the railway is currently operational, with most of the remaining network closed due to disrepair. In the fiscal year 2019/2020, railway operations soared, with the number of passengers reaching 488,900 and freight volume increasing to 40.172 million tons from 3.735 million tons in the previous fiscal year, up 975.5% year-on-year. [4]

Air freight

At the end of 2015, there were 34 airports in Uganda, four of which operated commercial routes. Entebbe International Airport is the only port airport in Ukraine, 45 kilometers from the capital Kampala, and in 2014, the passenger and cargo volume was 1,449,824 and 54,856 tons, respectively. In September 2019, the Ugandan government successfully restarted the national airline after more than 20 years of closure and completed its maiden flight to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. [13]
Uganda's air transport infrastructure is relatively poor, with a small number of airports and inefficient use. At the end of 2016, there were 47 airports in Uganda, 14 of which were operated by the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority. Entebbe International Airport is the main large international airport and the only port airport in Uganda, about 45 km from the capital Kampala.
Uganda currently has 13 regional airports, five of which have been designated as entry and exit points to facilitate trade and tourism. In the fiscal year 2019/2020, Entebbe International Airport handled 1.35 million passengers. By 2033, the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority expects the number of passengers transported by Uganda's aviation industry to rise to 7.5 million and the cargo volume to rise to 172,000 tons.
Air Uganda Limited was established on 30 January 2019 and is headquartered in Entebbe. As of January 2020, the company operates in nine cities in the East African region (Bujumbura, Mombasa, Nairobi, Mogadishu, Juba, Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar and Entebbe). [4]



Science and education

Due to historical reasons, Uganda's scientific and technological level is low, and basic scientific research projects progress slowly. In recent years, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Uganda has been committed to strengthening the integration of science and technology innovation into the national development process, increasing technology transfer and transformation efforts, strengthening research and development in Uganda, and improving the legal and regulatory framework for science and technology innovation.
The Ugandan public education system is divided into 7-4-2-3, i.e., 7 years of primary school, 4 years of upper secondary school, 2 years of upper secondary school, and 3 years or more of university. Macrae University is Uganda's highest institution of learning, was founded in 1937, the current school about 35,000 undergraduate students, about 3,000 graduate students. In addition, there are more than 20 institutions of higher learning, such as Mbarai Islamic University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, East African Christian University, Uganda Martyrs University, with about 259,000 registered students in 2016/2017. The literacy rate of the population over the age of 10 is 70%. Since the introduction of the free education system in 1997, the Government has provided free primary education for four children per family throughout the country. [4]

Medical treatment

Uganda's health service system and infrastructure need to be improved and perfected. According to statistics, Uganda's health system covers only 49% of the country's households, and most rural areas still do not have access to basic health services. There are 155 hospitals in Uganda, of which the health care system is divided into government and private, the main institutions are the capital Mlago Hospital, Jinja Hospital and health posts and health centres throughout the country in the fifth level of government administration. Mlago Hospital and Jinja Hospital have good doctors and equipment, and are able to treat common diseases. Health posts and health centres are mainly engaged in basic health care. Public hospitals charge only outpatient fees (about US $1 per person), and most medicines are provided free of charge, but the variety is small and the quantity is limited. Private medical institutions are better equipped but expensive. The medical insurance system is not sound, and the medical insurance is all in the private sector, operated by life insurance companies and related banks. In recent years, the foreign insurance industry has gradually entered Uganda, and the general public has no conditions to participate in insurance.
According to the World Health Organization, Uganda's national recurrent health expenditure accounted for 6.2% of GDP in 2017, and the per capita recurrent health expenditure was US $121.15 in purchasing power parity terms. In 2018, life expectancy in Uganda was 63 years. In 2018, the mortality rate of children under five years of age was 50.2 per thousand.
Uganda is a country with a high incidence of tropical diseases, malaria, AIDS, Ebola, sleeping sickness, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis frequent and relatively concentrated country. Anthrax occurs from time to time, foot-and-mouth disease, swine fever and so on sometimes appear in some rural areas where livestock are raised. In 2018, the adult HIV infection rate dropped to 7.3%. In 2019, the World Air Quality Report showed that Kampala was the third most polluted city in Africa. Air pollution can cause heart disease, lung cancer and other diseases. Research from the University of MacRaere shows that the number of lung cancer cases in Uganda has increased by 40% in the last 10 years. On 21 March 2020, Uganda reported its first confirmed imported case of COVID-19. On 17 August 2021, Uganda's Ministry of Health declared a public health emergency after polio cases were reported from the country's laboratory in Kampala.
The Chinese government began sending medical teams to Uganda in 1983. At present, the 20th medical team is composed of 9 doctors, interpreters and cooks from the departments of otolaryngology, urology, abdominal surgery, colorectal surgery, anesthesiology, infectious diseases and acupuncture selected by Yunnan Provincial Health Commission. [4]

Physical education

Uganda's flag raising ceremony at the Olympic Village
Uganda first participated in the Olympic Games in 1956 and boycotted the 1976 Games in Montreal. to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Over the past 13 Olympic Games, Uganda has won a total of six Olympic MEDALS, one gold, three silver and two bronze. In London, Uganda's main strengths will be boxing and track and field. [6]


The Uganda News Agency is the national news agency with an Earth satellite relay station. In November 2005, the Uganda Ministry of Information established the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation to replace the news agency. Uganda's domestic media market is relatively developed, with TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines and other media.
Uganda has more than 10 national and regional newspapers in English and Luganda, with a total circulation of more than 100,000 copies. The two most influential and widely circulated English-language dailies in Uganda are the New Vision and the DailyMonitor. New View tends to support and defend the policies of the current Museveni government, with an average daily circulation of about 35,000 copies, and mainly uses Reuters for international news. The Daily Observer, which is part of Kenya's National media Group and leans towards opposition political parties, has a daily circulation of about 30,000. In addition, there are the Observer (weekly), The East African (weekly) and lifestyle magazines, which focus on current affairs.
In 1994, Uganda fully opened the media market, now has a nationwide Radio network, in addition to the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation affiliated radio, a variety of commercial radio (private radio), non-governmental organization radio, community radio, group radio reached more than 190, of which Capital Radio (Capital Radio) in the commercial radio second to none. The most influential broadcasters in Uganda are the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) television, which focuses on news and educational programming, and WBS (Wavah Broadcasting Service) television, which focuses on news and music programming. In May 2009, China StarD Digital TV obtained a pay TV license and a digital TV transmission system license issued by the Ugandan government. In October 2010, Stard Digital TV was officially put into operation. The company uses satellite communication technology and terrestrial wireless digital television broadcasting transmission technology (DVB-T) to establish a multi-frequency, multi-channel wireless digital TV transmission platform in Uganda, and operates digital TV services and pay TV services for the public. It also provides digital television transmission services to Ugandan National Television and other commercial television stations.
The most influential websites in Uganda are those of the New Vision and Daliy Monitor newspapers. [4]


According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2020, the installed capacity of Uganda's power grid was 1,268.9 MW, which is expected to increase to 1,837.49 MW by the end of 2021. The power generation is 1237.49MW. According to the Uganda Electricity Authority, in 2020, Uganda has more than 40 power plants supplying electricity to the national grid, including three large hydropower stations, nine small hydropower stations, two thermal power stations, five cogeneration power stations and two solar photovoltaic power stations. Hydroelectric power generation is 1023.59 megawatts, geothermal power generation is 100 megawatts, industrial waste heat generation is 63.9 megawatts, and grid-connected solar power generation is 60 megawatts. Technically, 89% of the electricity supply comes from hydropower stations. [4]


Uganda has two mainstream operators with good network coverage, specifically: 2G coverage is 98.5%, 3G coverage is 97.6%, 4G coverage is 83.2%, 5G is not currently deployed in Uganda. [4]



Foreign policy

It pursues an independent and non-aligned foreign policy and advocates friendly relations with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. It values relations with Western countries, but opposes external interference. It advocates joint revitalization of Africa and regional integration, and calls for the African Union and this regional organization to play a leading role in resolving regional conflicts. It has taken an active part in regional and international affairs, and mediated regional hotspot issues such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Burundi. It is the largest troop contributor to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and one of the largest refugee receiving countries in Africa.
He is a member of the Committee of Heads of State and Government of Africa on Climate Change, the Group of 77, the Non-Aligned Movement, the African Union, the East African Community (EAC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Intergovernmental Organization on Development (IGAD). In January 2024, Uganda hosted the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Third South Summit and assumed the rotating chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Group of 77. [21]

External relations

Relations with the United States
Ukraine and the United States have close relations. Since 2003, President Museveni has visited the United States several times, met with George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and other then-presidents, and visited Ukraine by then-US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Uzbekistan is one of the largest recipients of US aid among sub-Saharan African countries, and is also one of the beneficiaries of the US African Growth and Opportunity Act. In 2010, the United States provided $526 million in development assistance to Ukraine and $285 million in assistance from the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). In January 2011, the representative of the United States Agency for International Development in Ukraine said that the United States would provide $150 million over five years to build 10 wheat, soybean and coffee warehouses in Ukraine. In 2013, the United States provided $723 million in aid to Ukraine. In 2017, US-Ukraine financing amounted to $971 million. According to the 2018 US-Ukraine Cooperation Report released by the US Embassy in Ukraine, the US government claimed to provide $896 million in assistance to Ukraine during the year. Ukraine supports international anti-terrorism operations led by the United States, which has designated two rebel groups, the Lord's Resistance Army and the Allied Democratic Forces, as terrorist organizations. Since 2007, the United States has provided more than $185 million in military assistance to Uganda and Burundi, countries contributing troops to AMISOM. Since 2014, there have been setbacks in the relations between Ukraine and the United States, and the US government announced further sanctions against Ukraine's promulgation of the anti-gay law, including restricting the entry of relevant personnel into the United States, canceling military exercises, cutting funds to support the Ukrainian police, and diverting aid funds intended for Ukrainian medical institutions to other countries. In 2016, the United States repeatedly publicly accused the Ugandan government of violating civil and media freedoms before and after the election, and threatened to review Uganda's eligibility for preferential trade treatment with the United States under the African Growth and Opportunity Act. The information minister of the Ukrainian government made a public speech, opposing the US side's meddling in Ukraine's internal affairs. In January 2021, following President Museveni's re-election, the US State Department issued a statement condemning the violence that occurred during the election. In December 2022, President Museveni attended the US-Africa Summit in the United States. [1] [13]
Relations with Britain
Britain, as the former sovereign state of Ukraine, had a traditional influence on Ukraine and bilateral relations have always been friendly. President Museveni has visited the UK many times. The UK provides about US $60 million in aid and more than 200 scholarships to Ukraine every year. In 2005, the British government suspended £5 million (Sh17 billion) in aid to Ukraine, citing the lack of transparency and democracy in the political transition process. However, Britain's actual investment in Ukraine's aid projects and humanitarian relief is still increasing. In November 2007, the 36th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting was held in Kampala, the capital of Ukraine, and Queen Elizabeth II paid a state visit to Ukraine. In May 2014, Museveni went to the UK to attend the UK-Uganda Business Forum and in May 2017, he went to the UK to attend the London International Conference on Somalia. In April 2018, he attended the 25th Commonwealth Summit in the United Kingdom, during which he met with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. In 2020, the Uganda Virus Research Institute announced a collaboration with Imperial College London to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. [1]
Relations with France
Since the RENAMO government came to power, Uzbekan-French relations have developed rapidly. France has provided substantial assistance for economic rehabilitation, health care, mining and water supply projects. After the outbreak of the Rwandan civil war in 1992, FainuU intervened in the Rwandan civil war and temporarily suspended aid to Rwanda. In 1997, France expressed its dissatisfaction with Ukraine's interference in the internal affairs of the former Zaire. In 1998, France publicly condemned Ukraine for sending troops to the Democratic Republic of Congo. In order to ease the conflict with France and improve bilateral relations, President Museveni visited France several times in 2001 and 2002, and the French Foreign Minister and other officials also visited Uzbekistan many times, and bilateral relations have been rapidly improved and developed. At present, France is an important donor to Ukraine and an important export market for Ukrainian products. [1]
Relations with Japan
Japan has long attached importance to its relations with Uganda. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Japan has helped Uganda build many infrastructure facilities such as electricity and Bridges, and repaired hospitals for Uganda. In June 2013, President Museveni went to Japan to attend the Tokyo International Conference on African Development. In September 2015, President Museveni paid a working visit to Japan, where he met and held talks with the Japanese Emperor and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe respectively. Meanwhile, Japan announced a concessional loan of about $200 million to Uganda to help it build two overpasses in the capital. In April 2018, President Museveni met with the visiting head of African Affairs of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, during which the two sides signed loan and aid agreements totaling about $200 million. In June, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kutesa visited Japan. In August 2019, President Museveni went to Yokohama to attend the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development. [4]
Relations with the Sudan
Relations between Moscow and Moscow have long been fraying, with both countries accusing each other of supporting domestic opposition groups. In April 1995, Ukraine broke off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. In June 2001, the two countries announced the restoration of diplomatic relations at the charge d 'affaires level. In early 2002, President Museveni visited the Soviet Union and the two countries signed a border and security agreement, allowing the Sudanese army to enter Sudan to fight the Lord's Resistance Army, and the Ukrainian government announced that it would no longer support the SPLM and persuade the SPLM to reach a peace agreement with the Sudanese government. In the same year, the two countries formally restored diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level. During President Museveni's visit to Sudan in September 2015, the two heads of state unanimously decided to overcome obstacles and open a new chapter in bilateral relations. In November 2017, then-Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visited Ukraine, during which the two sides exchanged views on the security situation in South Sudan and reached agreement on coordinating and advancing the peace process in South Sudan. In July 2019, President Museveni held talks with Burhan, then chairman of Sudan's Transitional Military Council and current Chairman of the Joint Sovereignty Commission, at the Presidential Palace in Entebbe. The two sides discussed the situation in Sudan. [1]
Relations with South Sudan
Ukraine has close relations with the government of Southern Sudan and President Kiir has visited Ukraine many times. In July 2011, President Museveni visited Juba to attend South Sudan's independence celebrations. On the same day, Ukraine issued a statement recognizing South Sudan. In the same month, Ukraine and Ethiopia signed an agreement to set up a ministerial committee to jointly support the development of South Sudan. In October, the police of the two countries set up a liaison office to jointly fight border crimes. In December 2012, Museveni visited South Sudan to meet with President Salva Kiir. After the outbreak of conflict in South Sudan at the end of 2013, Ukraine sent troops to help the government of South Sudan fight against the rebels. In October 2015, Ukraine announced the withdrawal of its troops from South Sudan. After the outbreak of conflict in South Sudan again in July 2016, the Ukrainian side advocated sending more IGAD countries or regional armed forces led by the African Union to peacekeeping in South Sudan. In July 2017, Museveni summoned representatives of the three factions of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, South Sudan's ruling party, to sign the Entebbe Declaration in Ukraine to promote the reconciliation process among the three factions. At present, more than 150,000 Uzbek citizens are working in South Sudan, and 1.05 million South Sudanese refugees are living in the country. In January 2021, South Sudan's President Salva Kiir issued a statement congratulating Museveni on his re-election. [13]
Relations with the Democratic Republic of the Congo
In 1997, Ukraine supported Laurent Kabila in overthrowing the Mobutu regime of former Zaire, and once had very close relations with the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Relations between the two countries deteriorated after Ukraine accused him of sheltering rebels. In August 1998, Ukraine supported the opposition in the war with the government, and directly sent troops to the war. In 2003, Uzbekistan completed its complete withdrawal from the DRC and the two sides decided to normalize relations. The two countries briefly severed diplomatic relations between June 2006 and December 2007 over border resources. Between December 2008 and March 2009, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Sudan carried out a devastating attack on the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), which was based in Jaramba Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Kony fled with his remnants to the Central African Republic. In February 2011, Ministers of Defense of Ukraine and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and representatives of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (UNMIC) held a three-day conference on defense and security. The Democratic Republic of Congo and the United Nations have agreed to continue cross-border operations against the Lord's Resistance Army and United Democratic Front rebels. In 2012, the situation in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo was once again tense, and Ukraine participated in the mediation to promote peace talks between the rebels and the government of the Congo. In December 2017, the Uganda People's Defense Force used artillery and aircraft to carry out cross-border attacks on eight camps of the Democratic Allied Forces (ADF) stationed in North Kivu province, eastern Congo (DRC), killing more than 100 militants. In July 2018, the two armies clashed on Lake Edward over "illegal fishing", leaving four Ukrainian soldiers dead and 30 fishermen dead or missing. In 2019, President Tshisekedi visited Uganda twice. In 2022, jointly send troops to wipe out the rebels in eastern Congo (Kim). [1] [13]
With Kenya and Tanzania
Uzbekistan enjoys good relations with Kenya and Tanzania, and the ports of Mombasa and Tandar-es-Salaam are the main import and export ports of Uzbek goods. Kenya is Uzbekistan's largest trading partner and one of its major sources of investment. The three countries are the founding members of the East African Community, on which a customs union was established in 2005 and a common market was established in 2010, with plans to eventually establish the East African Federation. At present, Wukun is exploring to jointly build the northern corridor of the East African railway network connecting Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and other important cities of the two countries, and Wutan has reached consensus on the construction of an export oil pipeline from Uganda's Albert Lake field to Tanzania's Tanga port. There have been frequent visits and high-level interactions with Kenya and Tanzania. [1] [13]
with Rwanda relation
After the Rwandan Patriotic Front seized power in 1994, relations between Uganda and Rwanda were very close. In 1997, the two countries jointly supported Laurent Kabila to overthrow the Mobutu regime, and in 1998, they jointly supported the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) rebels and sent troops to the DRC. However, after August 1999, the two sides intensified their differences over the DRC issue, and the two armies clashed three times in the eastern DRC, which led to the deterioration of relations. Since November 2001, bilateral relations have slowed down, and leaders and senior officials have exchanged visits several times. In February 2019, Rwanda suddenly closed Katuna, the main border clearance port between Uganda and Rwanda, prohibiting trucks and related personnel from entering Rwanda through the port, and refusing to allow its citizens to enter Uganda through the port. Foreign Minister Lu also publicly accused Ukraine of mistreating its citizens in Ukraine, allowing the opposition to engage in subversive activities on its territory, and even harbouring terrorists, and frequently experiencing difficulties in the transit of Rwandan exports. Subsequently, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister issued a statement to refute article by article. In May, Rwandan soldiers shot dead a resident of each country in the border area of Ulu, an incident that both governments claimed took place within their borders. On August 21, 2019, under the mediation of Angolan President Lorenzo, President Museveni and President Lew of Ukraine met Kagame in Angola capital Luanda A memorandum of understanding was signed, vowing to end confrontation and tensions between the two countries. In November 2019, Uganda issued a statement condemning the shooting death of two Uzbek border residents by Rwandan security personnel. In February 2020, the two sides signed an extradition treaty, temporarily easing tensions. [1] [13]
Relations with Burundi
Relations between the two sides are good. From 1993 to 2003, Uganda was involved in brokering peace talks in Burundi. Burundi is one of the main export markets for Ugandan goods. Both countries are troop-contributing countries to the African Union Mission in Somalia. Since 2015, various parties in Burundi have fiercely contested the issue of President Nkurunziza's "third term". President Museveni was appointed by the EEC as mediator on the Burundi issue and has been to Burundi many times to mediate, but no substantive progress has been made. Ukraine believes that the East Community should strengthen coordination on the Burkina Frau issue and adhere to consultation and dialogue and political settlement. However, if the situation in Burkina Faso continues to deteriorate, we should consider sending peacekeeping troops to Burkina Faso. [1]
Relations with other African countries
In 2000, President Museveni attended the first Africa-EU Summit in Cairo (April), the 36th OAU Summit in Lome (July), and the first African Union Summit in Cairo (April) Arusha The Burundi Peace Conference (March) and the regional Summit on the Burundi peace process (September), held in Arusha (July) and Nairobi (September). President Museveni visited Libya (August and November), Nigeria (September), Mozambique (November). President Buyoya of Burundi (January, March and September), Djibouti President Guled (July), S.Africa Former president Mandela (October) and President Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) visited Uganda (November). [7]
Relations with China
China and Uzbekistan established diplomatic relations on October 18, 1962. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the two countries have maintained friendly relations. Since the National Resistance Movement came to power in Uganda in 1986, China-Uganda relations have developed rapidly, and the two countries have supported and cooperated with each other in international affairs.
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral economic and trade relations and economic and technological cooperation have been progressing smoothly. Since 1962, China has assisted Uganda in the construction of complete sets of projects, including: Chipemba Farm, Duohe Farm, Kampala ice plant, biogas digester, food ceramics research center, National Stadium, fishing dock, Foreign Ministry office building, etc. China's project contracting and labor cooperation in Uganda began in 1987, mainly in housing, road and bridge construction. Trade between China and Uzbekistan began in 1960. In 2023, bilateral trade volume reached 1.305 billion U.S. dollars, up 17 percent year-on-year. Among them, China's exports reached 1.235 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 16.8%, and imports reached 0.7 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 19.6%. China's main exports to Ukraine include mechanical and electrical products, vehicles, etc., while its imports from Ukraine are mainly sesame, wood, coffee and so on.
The two countries have signed an agreement on cultural cooperation, and Chinese performance delegations have visited Uzbekistan many times in recent years. Uganda is a destination country for group tourism of Chinese citizens. In April 2005, the two countries signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation Plan of Self-funded tourism for Chinese Citizens. There is a Confucius Institute at MacRae University hosted by Xiangtan University in Wujian. Under the "20+20 cooperation plan between Chinese and African Universities", Xiangtan University has formed a "one-to-one" partnership with MacRae University of Uganda. Since 1983, China has sent 23 batches of medical teams to Ukraine with a total of 218 personnel. Currently, this is the 23rd batch of nine medical teams in Ukraine. China and Uzbekistan have five pairs of sister cities, namely Changsha - Entebbe in Hunan Province, Sanya - Mbalala in Hainan Province, Wuhan - Entebbe in Hubei province, Shenyang - Jindja in Liaoning Province, and Tangshan - Mbalai in Hebei Province. [22]
October 18, 2022, President Xi Jinping With the President of Uganda Museveni Congratulatory messages were exchanged to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. [10]
October 20, 2023 news, China Hong Kong Special Administrative Region The Government has been advised by the Government of the Republic of Uganda that the visa-free entry period for HKSAR passport holders travelling to Uganda has been changed from the current period of visa-free entry, which is subject to a decision by the relevant authorities on arrival in Uganda, to a maximum stay of 90 days. [17]


Source of the Nile
The Nile is 6,690 kilometers long and is the largest river in the world. South of Khartoum, Sudan's capital, there are two main rivers: the Blue Nile, which flows from Ethiopia to Sudan, and the White Nile, which flows from Uganda to Sudan.
The furthest of the Nile's sources is in Burundi The Kagera River The Source. The Kagera River flows through Rwanda and Tanzania to Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria's only outlet is the White Nile.
Source of the Nile
British explorers Speake He was the first European to enter Buganda (now the Buganda region of Uganda) in 1862. Upon investigation, he declared the outlet of Jinja on the north shore of Lake Victoria to be the source of the Nile. Later, a monument was erected at the place where Speke declared the source of the Nile, and it became known as the source of the Nile. With lush greenery and beautiful scenery, it is one of Uganda's main tourist attractions. About 10 km down the source is Bujagali Falls. Although the drop of the waterfall is not large, the river twists and turns, and the water is swift, forming a majestic cascade waterfall.
Equatorial circle
Equatorial Circle is located about 80 kilometers west of the capital Kampala, is the east-west highway through the main road, because it is located on the equatorial line and named, is one of the unique representative scenery. The equatorial circle is a ring symbol building with a diameter of about 2.5 meters, which has a unique design and is separated from the north and south sides of the highway. At the top of the Equator circle is the "equator" mark, below the line dividing the north and south, next to the arts and crafts shop. Tourists often come, stop to admire, take photos.