KesionIExam online exam system v10.230310

Online examination system

  • Source code size: 147MB
  • Source language: Simplified Chinese
  • Source code type: domestic software
  • Source code license: Free software
  • Source code category: School class
  • Application platform:.NET/MSSQL
  • Source official website: official website
  • Update time: 2023-03-13
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

KesionIEXAM (later referred to as IEXAM) online exam system using Microsoft. NET4.0 platform and a new software development environment (VS2012 SqlServer2000/2005/2008), adopts B/S three-tier structure and development of content management system. IExam system is suitable for any need to carry out network test assessment, knowledge competition schools, enterprises, institutions designed a new generation of all B/S structure network examination system; Support rich question types such as subjective questions, single choice, multiple choice, judgment questions and filling-in questions, reading comprehension questions (combination questions), support knowledge point practice, chapter practice; Paper random extraction exercises or a daily practice and other brush questions, can also form a complete test paper, designated time to start the test, manual marking and result announcement;

Manage performance analysis, support multi-dimensional data analysis, such as error rate, department/post/user group analysis, user ranking analysis, knowledge point analysis, etc.; Support test results screening and export. The full network management of "online learning, online practice, online homework, online examination, online review, online score analysis" has been fully realized.

Advantages of KesionICMS intelligent station building system

1. Support word whole test paper + answer analysis to import complete test paper at one time;

2, support word format question bank batch import, excel format question bank batch import;

3, rich question format, to meet the subjective questions, single choice, multiple choice, judgment questions and fill-in-the-blank questions, reading comprehension questions (combination questions) and other different question type input;

4, brush exercises, support package fees;

5. See the answer parsing. Support whether to charge;

6, set PC terminal + mobile H5 terminal + public number in one, each terminal brush record synchronous implementation, unified background data management.

Cache software, since the beginning of 2006, with its system has extremely powerful system functions, so far has more than 600,000 website user groups. Today will be another milestone in the development of KESION. With the joint efforts of the official technical team and the majority of users, KESION's ASP.NET series products KesionIEXAM(online exam system) and V9.0 version system are more stable, secure, more user-friendly and more and more complete. More and more flexible.

Installation method:

For details about the software package, the default path is http:// your domain name /manage/login.aspx

Default background account admin The default password is admin888


Update content

V10.230310 Updated content list:

[Add] Add records When students learn IP changes, record the changed IP information

[Added] Total back office user management, added search by nickname

[Add] Back desk to view the test score management list New switch, you can screen the same exam and the same student's test score to leave a maximum score

[Add] The general back desk to view the test score management export function, add a switch, you can screen the same exam results of the same student to export the record of the highest score

[Optimization] If the back-office management directory is rewritten and you directly access the actual path admin, a message will be displayed indicating that the page does not exist, avoiding the background management path being exposed;

[Optimization] Optimize the third-party public account/small program configuration authorization event receiving URL in the background path error. After the configuration, the ticket cannot be received

[Optimization] Optimize retrieve password prompt "Sorry, retrieve password mobile verification code is not enabled!" , prompt content can be free in the/config/language/language. XML Settings

[Optimization] When adding students to the back desk, if the IP limit of registered members in the front desk is enabled, the background management will prompt you to add students.

[Optimization] Optimize the backend enable user name hiding display processing, but the common user name is not hidden, only the mobile phone number will be hidden

[Fix] Fix the article content added by the main desk, upload the attachment, if the title of the attachment has English comma, resulting in the front-end attachment can not be explained, can not download the BUG

[Fix] Fixed the BUG of chapter sorting and yellow pages when turning pages in the general back desk exam system

[Fix] Fixed article content model Settings that allow visitor comments to be invalid

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KesionIExam online exam system v10.230310

      peopleSource code

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