This section describes how to rectify the Mcafee scan automatically stops

Post time: 2012-07-17 21:13:08 Author: Anonymous I would like to comment
Today, I found that the mcafee of multiple servers automatically stopped, which may be related to the automatic upgrade in the morning. Refer to the following methods to solve the problem
Something strange happened today, when the system resource usage is large, coffee access protection, scan by access, buffer overflow protection will suddenly stop themselves, MCSHIELD service will stop, but after a while the service will start itself (once failed to run automatically, manually started), the three protection will return to normal. Does anyone know why that is?

In fact, McAfee automatically stops scanning by access, resulting in many policies that cannot be used, and security is reduced a lot

Repair method:

Open the admin tool, select the service, see the status of the Mcshield service, right-click and select Properties, go in and set startup to automatic, then start the service and see if it starts. If the service does not start, select Repair Installation in the Help section of the console and check the item below. After the repair is complete, download the latest virus library.
  • Tag: Automatically stops scanning McAfee

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