IIS6+PHP5+MySQL5+Zend Optimizer+phpMyAdmin installation configuration graphic tutorial 2009 _php instance _ Script home

IIS6+PHP5+MySQL5+Zend Optimizer+phpMyAdmin installation and configuration tutorial 2009

Updated: June 08, 2009 01:25:07 Author:
IIS6+PHP5+MySQL5+Zend Optimizer+phpMyAdmin Installation and Configuration tutorial 2009 latest edition
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Download address: http://code.google.com/p/wpmi/downloads/list

Operating system: Windows Server. 2003. R2, Enterprise. Edition, SP2, x86, CHS, VOL, MSDN
This configuration PHP server environment: Windows2003+ IIS6+PHP5+MySQL3+Zend+phpMyAdmin
During the configuration, you must log in to the Windows operating system as an administrator
The screenshot shown in the entire configuration process may vary according to the different system used, the window interface, but the corresponding TAB column is the same, just need to find the corresponding TAB mentioned.

First, download the relevant software

Software to be prepared before installation (because the server operating system I use here is x86 version, so the following procedures Both versions are used in the Windows x86 environment) All without special instructions As of January 16, 2009:

1, PHP recommended PHP 5.2.8 ZIP package version
PHP 5.2.8 zip package [10,115Kb] - 08 December 2008
MD5:71511834881753 ea0906f2bca91632b9
Official download page: http://www.php.net/downloads.php
Direct download address: http://cn2.php.net/distributions/php-5.2.8-Win32.zip
2, MySQL 5.0.67 Windows ZIP/Setup.EXE (x86) version is recommended
MD5: ed76e5ad8b251ca643766c70926854d7
Official download page: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html#win32
Direct download address: http://mysql.cs.pu.edu.tw/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/mysql-5.0.67-win32.zip
3. Zend Optimizer recommends the latest version, which is currently Zend Optimizer v3.3
(Although the download is free, but to register users, you can download, in order to facilitate everyone's use, publicly I registered a good user name: ideacmblog password: ideacm.com.cn, convenient for everyone to use, I hope you do not change the password when using this account and for other improper ways)
MD5: f1766065288d509d5286c4c3c7239412
Official download page: http://www.zend.com/en/products/guard/downloads
Direct download address: http://downloads.zend.com/optimizer/3.3.3/ZendOptimizer-3.3.3-Windows-i386.exe
4, phpMyAdmin is not recommended to use the latest version here, recommended phpMyAdmin phpmyadmin- version
MD5:84 a4399fdac85f4fbeb0ff68a5a89edd
Official download page: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php
Direct download address: http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin-

2. Preparations before installation and configuration

2.1, the downloaded files to use anti-virus software for a virus scan, in case of accidents. 【 Figure 1 shows 】

【 Figure 1 】

2.2, OK, now start the environment configuration:
Assuming that the operating system is installed on the C disk, if your system is not installed on the C disk, please modify the following drive letter. At the same time, in order to avoid disk C due to various reasons such as reinstallation of the system to operate disk C, Do not install PHP-related software on the C driveHere I installed the PHP related programs in the D:\PHP directory (this directory you can also define, if you want to install in a different path, please modify the corresponding path mentioned).

3. Start the environment configuration

First step, install PHP

3.1.1, will download to get PHP - 5.2.8 - Win32. ZipExtract file to D:\PHPDirectory, will get the secondary directory PHP - 5.2.8 - Win32Be renamed as php5; Can also be PHP - 5.2.8 - Win32. ZipExtract in the default location, and then copy the extracted files and folders to D:\PHP\php5 【 As shown in Figure 2 】.

【 Figure 2 】

3.1.2, again D:\PHP\php5All under the directory dllCopy files to C:\windows\system32Under (Windows2000 system is C:\winnt\system32, the same below), if there are already a number of files with the same name, overwrite it. [As shown in Figure 3 and 4]

【 Figure 3 】

【 Figure 4 】

3.1.3 D:\PHP\php5subdirectory php.ini-distMake a copy and rename it php.ini(Again in the current directory) 【 As shown in Figure 5 】And open this with text editing software php.ini(Notepad2, EditPlus, UltraEdit and other text editing software that supports syntax highlighting are recommended.)

【 Figure 5 】

3.1.4 Search: register_globals = Off(ca. 419)
will OffChange to Onget register_globals = On
Note: For the global variable function of PHP, consider that there are many PHP programs need global variable function, so open, please pay attention to the rigor of PHP programs after opening, if you do not need global variable function, please keep the default Off state.
research extension_dir = "./"(Approx. 491)
To know its path to the extension function directory under your PHP directory, here PHP5 corresponds to change to extension_dir = "D:/PHP/php5/ext"
reascend D:\PHPCreate a folder under and name it tmp
Look up ; upload_tmp_dir =
will ; upload_tmp_dir =The comment character of the line, the preceding semicolon" ;"Remove, make the line in php.iniThe document works.
    upload_tmp_dirIs used to define the upload file storage temporary path, here you can also modify and define a decision path, it should be noted that the directory set here must have read and write permissions.
And here I set it to upload_tmp_dir = D:/PHP/tmp(This is the folder I created earlier.)
3.1.5. Search ; Windows ExtensionsLocate to php.iniContract of document 604Line, remove the semicolon annotation before the commonly used extensions listed below:

; extension=php_curl.dll
; extension=php_dbase.dll
; extension=php_gd2.dll
; extension=php_ldap.dll
; extension=php_mbstring.dll
; extension=php_exif.dll

Special note: The Exif extension is used to display the exif information of the image. Since this extension requires mbstring support, move the line extension=php_exif.dll below the line extension=php_mbstring.dll.
; extension=php_mcrypt.dll
; extension=php_ming.dll
; extension=php_mysql.dll
; extension=php_sockets.dll
; extension=php_xmlrpc.dll
; extension=php_zip.dll

3.1.6. Search: ; date.timezone =
Remove the previous semicolon annotation, which is set here to date.timezone = PRC
Note on time zone Settings:
Since php5.1.0, php.ini has added date.timezone this option, which is closed by default, that is, the displayed time (no matter what php command is used) is Greenwich Mean time, and our time (Beijing time) is exactly 8 hours, there are two ways to restore the normal time.
1. If you want to use version 5.1 or later, and do not modify php.ini, you need to add date_default_timezone_set (XXX) above the time initialization statement. Or use date('Y-m-d G:i:T', strtotime('+8HOUR')) to get the date time;
2. Once and for all, you can only modify php.ini. Open php.ini, remove the semicolon before date.timezone, add XXX after =, and restart the http service (such as apache2 or iis).
Asia/Macao, Asia/Hong_Kong, Asia/Taipei (Macao, Hong Kong, Taipei, in that order), and Singapore: Asia/Singapore, without Beijing above, but moving on, the other available values are: Etc/GMT-8, Singapore, Hongkong, PRC (People's Republic of China).

3.1.7. Search :; session.save_path = "/tmp"
Remove the previous semicolon comment, which is set here to session.save_path = "D:/PHP/tmp"(This is the folder I created earlier.)

3.1.8 If you are unable to upload large files or run certain programs often time out, then you can modify the following to adjust the relevant quota:
In approximate control 255Well,
    max_execution_time = 30     ;This is the maximum time for each script to run, varying the value according to your needs, in seconds
    max_input_time = 60 ;This is the amount of time each script can consume, changing the value according to your needs, also in seconds

Approximate # 258Well,
    memory_limit = 128M      ;This is the maximum memory consumption of the script running, change the value according to your needs.

Approximate # 552Well,
    upload_max_filesize = 2M
The maximum permitted size of the uploaded file, varying according to your needs, M is in megabytes.
3.1.9.php.iniThe file is basically to make the above changes, the other you can modify according to your specific needs, and then save the file, and then copy a copy to C:\WindowsDown.

Step 2: Install IIS

3.2.1. Open" Add or remove programsPanel [As shown in Figure 6]
The Add or Remove Programs panel can be opened in either of the following ways:
1. Click"initiate"-"Control panel"-"Add/remove programs";
2, directly in"initiate"-"operationEnter:Appwiz.cplCarriage returnOk)

【 Figure 6 】

Tap" Add/Remove Windows Components (A)" 【 As shown in Figure 7 】

【 Figure 7 】

3.2.3 The Windows Component Wizard is displayed 【 As shown in Figure 8 】

【 Figure 8 】

3.2.4 Drag the right scroll bar inside the panel until you see" Application serverClick on the check box in front of it, and then click on" Detailed information"And then click" ASP.NET"In front of the check box, then in" Internet Information Services (IIS)Click on (the current check box here is already selected, here click on its text, not click on the signature check box), and then click" Details (D)In the open panel, drag the right scroll bar down. Rein" Web services"Click on it, click again." Detailed information".
Check" Active Server Pages"," Internet data connector"," Contains files on the server side"; " Web services"Is already selected.

3.2.5, then click OK (World Wide Web Services Panel) - OK (Internet Information Services (IIS) panel) - OK (Application Server panel) 【 Figure 9 shows 】- Next (Windows Component Wizard Panel), the required file dialog box will be displayed during the configuration process 【 As shown in Figure 10 】At this time, insert the installation CD of the system into the CD-ROM drive, click browse, select the CD-ROM drive letter, enter i386Folder, at this time will automatically display the required files, directly click" unpack" 【 Figure 11 shows 】And click" OK" 【 As shown in FIG. 12 and 13 】At this time, a pop-up" Required document"Dialog box, still follow the steps just now, click" browseThen locate to the i386 folder, the required file will be automatically displayed at this time, directly click" unpack"-" OK"And then wait until" Windows Component Wizard"Complete screen 【 As shown in Figure 14 】, click" complete", appear" Windows installer please wait..."Dialog box, wait for it to close automatically, then close" Add or remove programs"Panel, in initiate- Control panel- Management toolIn the menu you can see" Internet Information Services (IIS) managerAt this point IIS is installed 【 As shown in FIG. 15 】.

【 Figure 9 】

【 Figure 10 】

【 Figure 11 】

【 Figure 12 】

【 Figure 13 】

【 Figure 14 】

【 Figure 15 】

Step 3: Configure IIS to support PHP

3.3.1. Open the browser and enter: http://localhostYou can visit normally and see the "under construction" page with similar text 【 Figure 16 shows 】.

【 Figure 16 】

3.3.2, PHP supports CGI and ISAPI two installation modes, CGI is more resource-consuming, easy because of timeout and no response, but in fact is relatively safe; ISAPI has strong load capacity and saves resources, but the security is slightly worse than CGI mode, and ISAPI mode is recommended here. So only the ISAPI schema configuration method is covered here.

3.3.3. Open"Internet Information Services (IIS) manager"(atinitiate-operationInput:inetmgr,Carriage returnOk; Or click on the icon inside the management tool mentioned above)
Click on "(Computer name)(Local computer)"In front"+"To expand the tree directory.【 As shown in Figure 17 】

【 Figure 17 】

3.3.4. In"WEBSITE"Click on the right mouse button to view"Stats", click"ISAPI filters"TAB and click"append"Button, in the pop-up"Add/edit filter properties"In panel"Filter nameEnter in the "field:PHPAnd click"Executable file"Below"browse"Button, selectphp5isapi.dllFile (according to the previous Settings here the path should beD:\PHP\php5\php5isapi.dll), click the Open button【 As shown in Figure 18 】, make"Path of the executable filePoint to the file. Tap"OK"Button; Then click"Master directory"TAB, find and click"disposition"Button, in the pop-up"Application configuration"In panel"Application extension"TAB find and click"append"Button to add an extension map, then click"Executable file"After"browse"Button, selectphp5isapi.dllFile (according to the previous Settings here the path should beD:\PHP\php5\php5isapi.dll), in"extension"Field input:.php, the action limit is:GET,HEAD,POST,TRACE, will"Script engine","Verify that the file exists"Two items are selected【 Figure 19 shows 】(If you also want to support things like.php5,.phtmlSuch extension of PHP file, repeatable"appendStep, corresponding to the extension set as needed), then clickOKButton (Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping panel), click"Options", put"Enable parent pathCheck, then click the OK button all the way.
This step will make all the sites under your server IIS support the PHP extension file you have added. If you only need some sites to support PHP, only need to support PHP in the Web site you need to support PHP.WEBSITE"Directory and visibility) such as"Default website"Right-click on select"Stats"In the open"Default site properties""Master directory"TAB do as above"Add/edit the application extensionDo that, or put it in a site where you don't need to support PHP.phpDelete the extension mapping.

【 Figure 18 】

【 Figure 19 】

3.3.5. Open"WEBSITE"In properties"document"TAB, put"Enable the default content document"Is added in the listindex.phpandDefault.phpYou can also move them up to the first two so that they are found and opened first when you visit the siteindex.php,Default.phpDocumentation.
【 As shown in Figure 20 】
What is the default content document:
The default content document, the default home page, is a file that is automatically located when a file directory is accessed. For example, you have many files with different names in your host space, but you want to enter the URLideacm.com.cnWhen, the default access to one of the files called index.htm, then you need to set the default home page to index.htm, you can also add many default content documents, when visiting the site will automatically according to the default content document order to use the priority.

【 Figure 20 】

Here I recommend setting the default content document in the following order:

3.3.6 After setting the default content document, clickApplyButton, will pop up a"Inherited overlay"Dialog box, clickselect allButton, click againOK-OK.

3.3.7, click"Web service extension", click on the"Add a new Web service extensionIn the displayed window, enter the extension fieldPHP, tapappendButton, inAdd fileBrowse the file path column in the dialog box to select the one mentioned abovephp5isapi.dllFile, clickOK, check"Set the extension status to Allow", clickOK.

3.3.8 After the preceding operations are complete, restart the IIS service.
Save the following command file named IS.bat on your desktop【 Figure 21 shows 】, double-click to restart the IIS service【 As shown in Figure 22 】, the window will automatically close after the restart.
Save the following code as IS.bat:
@ECHO off  
@Title The IIS6 restarts
net stop w3svc
net stop iisadmin /y
net start w3svc

【 Figure 21 】

【 Figure 22 】

3.3.9, to this, the basic configuration of PHP and complete, IIS websites can already support PHP scripts.
Open the folder that the default website points to (Click Properties on the default website below the website in IIS Manager, view the main directory, you can see the folder where the default website is located in the local road column), and create a foldertest.phpThe contents of the file are as follows:
Save the following code as test.php:
<? php
? >

3.3.10. Open the browser and enter: http://localhost/test.phpWill display all information about PHP supported by this server, you can see the PHP version is 5.2.8, the Server API pattern is: ISAPI 【 As shown in Figure 23 】.

【 Figure 23 】

3.3.11, or use the PHP probe check (a PHP file with specific and intuitive php environment configuration detection, download link: http://ideacm.com.cn/read.php?11), and then decompress it to the root directory of the website 【 As shown in Figure 24 】.

【 Figure 24 】

Step 4: Install MySQL (Ensure that you do not have any version of mysql or mysql directory on your server)

3.4.1. Decompress the downloaded mysql-5.0.67-win32.zip package and double-click to run Setup.exe 【 Figure 25 shows 】

【 Figure 25 】

3.4.2 Here is the installation welcome screen, click [Next>]The next installation begins. The default is Typical, it is suggested to change to Custom, Because the Typical mode does not allow you to change the installation path, you can only install it on drive C. Select CustomOptions, 【 As shown in Figure 26 】.

【 Figure 26 】

3.4.3. Click [Next>] 【 As shown in Figure 27 】

【 Figure 27 】

3.4.4 To this step, you need to select the component and change the folder location, the component will use the default, the folder location can be selected ChangeTo change, it is recommended to set the path to D:\PHP\MySQL5\(You can also select another disk for installation) ( Note: The path to install mysql cannot contain Chinese!). 【 As shown in Figure 28 】

【 Figure 28 】

3.4.5 Click [OK] 【 As shown in Figure 29 】

【 Figure 29 】
3.4.6. Click [Next>] 【 Figure 30 shows 】

【 Figure 30 】
3.4.7, everything is ready, click [Install]The installation starts. 【 As shown in Figure 31 】

【 Figure 31 】

3.4.8 After finishing here, click [Next>], [Next>]For example 【 As shown in Figure 32 】By default, Start configuring the MySQL server now. tap [Finish]Continue.

【 Figure 32 】

3.4.9 To start the configuration, click [Next>]Continue. 【 As shown in Figure 33 】

【 Figure 33 】

3.4.10. Select Detailed Configuration 【 As shown in Figure 34 】

【 Figure 34 】

3.4.11, point [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 35 】
This option is to choose what type of mysql application, the first is a development server, will take up as little memory as possible, the second is an ordinary web server, will take up a medium amount of memory, and the last is this server only runs the mysql database, will take up all the memory, choose the second item here, you can choose other options according to your needs.

【 Figure 35 】
3.4.12. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 36 】
Here is the choice of database use, the first is multi-functional use, will optimize the database into a very good InnoDBStorage type and efficient MyISAMThe storage type, the second type is only used for transaction processing types and is best optimized InnoDBBut also support MyISAMThe last is a non-transaction type, suitable for simple applications, only those that do not support transaction processing MyISAMTypes are supported. Generally choose the first multifunctional.

【 Figure 36 】
3.4.13, click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 37 】
Here are the choices InnoDBThe data storage location, the general default is good, do not need to change.

【 Figure 37 】
3.4.14, click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 38 】
Here is to choose the maximum number of connections allowed by mysql, the first is a maximum of 20 concurrent connections, the second is a maximum of 500 concurrent connections, and the last is a custom, you can choose according to your own needs. Here I choose the third custom, enter 20 (you can choose or enter according to your specific needs).

【 Figure 38 】

3.4.15. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 39 】
Here is to select the database listening port, the default is 3306, If it is changed to another port, remember the changed port when connecting to the database in the future; otherwise, the mysql database cannot be connectedYou are advised to use the default mysql port 3306.
Put "after port Settings" Add firewall exception for this port"Check in if you are turned on Windows firewall, will automatically put the port set here ( 3306Excluded (network connection allowed) ( If you do not have Windows Firewall enabled, do not check this box. Windows server 2003 is disabled by default).
nether Enable Strict ModeCheck off, change to not select. 【 Figure 40 shows 】

【 Figure 39 】

【 Figure 40 】

3.4.16, click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 41 】
This step sets the default encoding of mysql. The default is latin1It is recommended to select the third custom and change it to utf8.

【 Figure 41 】

3.4.17, click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 42 】
This step sets up mysql as a windows service. service nameIs the name of the service that named MySQL, below launch the mysql server automaticallyIf yes, the service is running automatically. This allows you to later start and shut down the mysql database through windows Services.
And then put the bottom Include Bin Directory in Windows PATHCheck in (this means Autoedit Environment variable, in PATHIncreased in the value of .. /binDirectory).

【 Figure 42 】

3.4.18. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 43 】
This step is to set the mysql superuser password, This super user is very important, has all the rights to mysql, set the password must be remembered.
In the two input fields ( New root password, ConfirmEnter the password you want to set twice.
     For security reasons, do not select "Enable root access from remote machines". It is dangerous to allow database connection.
" Create An Anonymous Account"Is to create an anonymous account, which will lead to unauthorized users to illegally access your database, there are security risks," Do not check.

【 Figure 43 】
3.4.19, click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 44 】
At this point, the mysql database has been configured with sufficient conditions

【 Figure 44 】
3.4.20, click [Execute]Start executing the MySQL configuration you set up earlier to make it take effect. 【 Figure 45 shows 】
tap [Finish]The installation is complete.

【 Figure 45 】

3.4.21. Viewing" Control panel's Management tool"In," service"Is there?" MySQL"Process" 【 As shown in Figure 46 】

【 Figure 46 】

3.4.22, for further optimization of MySQL Settings, you can refer to the relevant materials, or visit this website: http://ideacm.com.cn/read.php?13

MySQL installation complete

Step 5: Install the Zend Optimizer

3.5.1, directly double-click to download ZendOptimizer - 3.3.3 - Windows - i386. Exe, run the installer 【 As shown in Figure 47 】

【 Figure 47 】

3.5.2. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 48 】
Select" I accept the terms of the license agreement"Agree to the license agreement.

【 Figure 48 】

3.5.3. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 49 】
Select the location where Zend is located, and change the Zend installation path to D:\PHP\Zend . 【 As shown in Figure 50 】

【 Figure 49 】

【 Figure 50 】

3.5.4 Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in FIG. 51 】
Choose your Web server version here, because we need to configure it in IIS, and IIS is already installed, so the first option is selected by default IIS(If IIS is not selected by default, click Select manually.)

【 Figure 51 】
3.5.5. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 52 】
Select the configuration file for PHP php.iniDirectory, this is automatic The default path is the directory where the Windows system resides(C:\Windows, if your system installed in D disk, then here should enter D:\Windows), if the default path here is not the Windows system directory, please manually modify.

【 Figure 52 】

3.5.6. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in Figure 53 】
Here is to choose your website directory, here you can choose according to their default site directory, you can also choose directly to D:\PHP\ZendIn order to standardize the website directory structure, I put the site to be built here D:\webrootDirectory, so I changed the path to D:\webroot 【 As shown in Figure 54 】

【 Figure 53 】

【 Figure 54 】

3.5.7. Click [Next>]Resume 【 As shown in FIG. 55 】
This interface is a preview of the previous step by step Settings. If the previous Settings are wrong and need to be modified, click [<Back]Button to return and modify as required. If you're sure there's no problem, just click [Install]Button to install.

【 Figure 55 】

3.5.8. Click [Install]A dialog box will pop up after the button, which basically means that the IIS service needs to be turned off during the next installation process until the installation process is complete. Yes (Y)"Agree to execute, click" No (N)"Refused to execute, click here" Yes (Y)". 【 As shown in Figure 56 】

【 Figure 56 】

3.5.9 Stopping the Web server (IIS) 【 As shown in Figure 57 】
After Zend is installed, the Web Server (IIS) is automatically started. 【 As shown in Figure 58 】

【 Figure 57 】

【 Figure 58 】

3.5.10, the entire zend installation process is complete, remove" View Readme NowView the checkmark in front of the description file and click [Finish]Button to complete the installation. 【 As shown in Figure 59 】

【 Figure 59 】
3.5.11 For a detailed description of the Zend Optimizer configuration file, please refer to the relevant resources or visit this website: http://ideacm.com.cn/read.php?12

Step 6: Configure phpMyAdmin to manage MySQL

3.6.1, in D:\PHPEstablished under the name phpMyAdminThe directory will be downloaded to get it PhpMyAdmin - - all - languages. ZipUnzip and copy the files and folders inside. 【 As shown in Figure 60 】

【 Figure 60 】
3.6.2. Open first Internet Information Services (IIS) manager, click" +Expand the directory tree, then expand the website, in Default websiteRight click on - new- Virtual directory. 【 As shown in Figure 61 】

【 Figure 61 】

3.6.3. Click in the pop-up panel nextButton, enter in the alias field: phpmyadmin 【 As shown in Figure 62 】

【 Figure 62 】

3.6.4. Click nextButton, route selection: D:\PHP\phpMyAdmin 【 As shown in Figure 63 】

【 Figure 63 】

3.6.5. Click nextButton, check" read"," Run scripts (such as asp)"These two items 【 As shown in Figure 64 】, click again next- complete.
This step can be set up according to your own specific needs to create a stand-alone website as phpMyAdmin or create a virtual directory in any website you have built to use phpMyAdmin.

【 Figure 64 】

3.6.6. Find and open D:\PHP\phpMyAdmin\librariessubdirectory config.default.phpFile.

3.6.7. Find: $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';
Here is the setup for you phpMyAdminAccording to the Settings in the previous step, the address I fill in here is: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ 【 As shown in FIG. 65 】
    $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://localhost/phpmyadmin/';

【 Figure 65 】

3.6.8. Find: $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '';
Here is the set cookie encryption key, you can set any legal character. Here I set it as follows: 【 As shown in Figure 66 】

【 Figure 66 】

3.6.9. Find: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
acquiesce config, if set to configOnly need to directly access the login address of phpmyadmin, you can directly manage MySQL, is not safe, not recommended.
Recommended use cookie, set it to: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; 【 As shown in Figure 67 】

【 Figure 67 】

3.6.10, If you must set to configPlease fill in your MySQL admin account in the next few lines rootand cipher. 【 As shown in Figure 68 】

【 Figure 68 】

3.6.11. Find: $cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'en-iso-8859-1';
Set it to: $cfg['DefaultLang'] = ' zh-gb2312';

3.6.12. Find: $cfg['DefaultCharset']
Set it to $cfg['DefaultCharset'] = 'gb2312';

3.6.13, then save and close.
phpMyAdmin's richer features, please refer to the relevant materials slowly familiar, not detailed here.

The seventh step, the directory permission setting (the permission setting here is for reference only, according to your actual needs can do more detailed, strict permission control, here will not be detailed.)

3.7.1. D:\PHPDirectory set to Administrator user groupperhaps The account of an administrator group, system full permission, The users group has read and run permissions.
     php5, tmpCatalog giving everyone has full control over permissions.
     MySQL5, ZendYou can inherit the parent PHP directory permissions.
     phpMyAdminOn the basis of inheriting the permissions of the parent PHP directory, Add permission for an Internet guest account to read and run.

Fourth, the configuration is complete, by opening phpMyAdmin to monitor whether the configuration is correct

4.1. Double-click the IS.bat file on the desktop to restart the IIS server, and then type in the address bar of the browser:
The phpMyAdmin login screen will appear 【 As shown in Figure 69 】

【 Figure 69 】

4.2. Enter the MySQL administrator account rootAnd the root account configured during MySQL configuration cipher, tap Carry outButton, you can log in phpMyAdminPerform MySQL management operations. 【 Figure 70 shows 】

【 Figure 70 】

At this point, the entire environment configuration is complete.

V. Supplementary explanation

5.1 In order to avoid re-copying the dll files in the php5 directory to the system after reinstalling the server system C:\windows\system32 Directory, can be 3.1.2 Step skip Do not operate, then right mouse click on the desktop"My computer" - Stats - advanced - Environment variable - System variable - And find" Path "This variable, clickEDITORAt the end add" ; D:\PHP\php5"(Characters inside quotation marks, without quotation marks), click OK , click againnew, variable name enter" phpext ", variable value input" D:\PHP\php5\ext ", clickOK.

5.2 In order to avoid the part php Procedural cause session If the configuration cannot be used properly, you can 3.1.7 Step Skip Do not perform this operation.

5.3 After the entire configuration process is complete, restart the computer.

5.4 If all configuration is complete, access phpmyadmin The red screen prompts, please follow 3.6.6-3.6.13 Check over phpmyadmin The Settings are then based on 3.7.1 Check permission Settings.

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