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Military medal

Military medal
The military merit badge is a special award for meritorious service personnel who have made outstanding achievements in military construction such as combat, training, duty and scientific research medal .
In February 2022, the CPC Central Committee, The State Council, and the Central Army The Commission issued the" Regulations on Military Merit and Commendation At the same time, the new era military MEDALS, MEDALS, and commemorative MEDALS were launched. [2]
Chinese name
Military medal
Foreign name
military exploit, medal of army
Valence value
Collectable value

Historical evolution

Military merit for self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam
China began awarding MEDALS during the Agrarian Revolutionary War.
In the history of the greater impact of the whole army issued the badge mainly three times, respectively: in 1933, the "August 1" Army Day, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission of the Chinese Soviet Republic to the special meritorious Red Army officers and soldiers awarded the Red Star medal; In 1955, the People's Republic of China awarded State MEDALS and MEDALS to the People's Liberation Army for meritorious service during the Revolutionary War. In 1988, the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China awarded MEDALS of merit to retired army cadres. In addition, during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation and after the founding of New China, each army issued hundreds of MEDALS and commemorative MEDALS, but for various reasons, until the 1970s, there was no uniform medal for the awarded personnel of the whole army.

Grant system

Chinese People's Liberation Army Medal
Most militaries of all countries have established a system of awarding military MEDALS to military personnel for meritorious service. Since its founding, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has attached great importance to the work of awarding meritorious service, and has gradually established and improved the system of awarding meritorious service. The Regulations on Meritorious Service of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Wartime (Draft) issued by the General Political Department in September 1963 and the Regulations on Discipline of the Chinese People's Liberation Army issued by the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China in 1984 all stipulate the principles, grades, standards, authority of approval, methods of evaluation and methods of reward for meritorious service.
The Chinese People's Liberation Army Military medal is divided into: first, second and third grades, assessed once a year, usually by the masses, the Party committee (branch) and the leading organ review and approval, if necessary, can be assessed by the leading organ. After the assessment, those who celebrate their achievements, award awards, and win meritorious service MEDALS shall be issued a uniform medal certificate printed by the General Political Department, and the relevant information shall be registered and stored in the archives.
Chinese People's Liberation Army current Meritorious Service Medal
On March 23, 1979, the General Political Department issued the Notice on the Awarding of Wartime Hero Model MEDALS and Meritorious Service MEDALS, which stipulated that the third, second, and first class meritorious service MEDALS should be awarded respectively to individuals with the third, second, and first class meritorious service awards; individuals with the title of hero model of the major military regions and services should be awarded the second class meritorious Service award; individuals with the title of hero Model of the military Commission should be awarded the second class meritorious Service award; Awarded the Heroic Model Medal first class. And by the general government unified the production of hero medal and meritorious service medal. On October 20, 1979, the General Political Department issued the Notice on Awarding Meritorious Service MEDALS and Hero Model MEDALS to those who have made meritorious service and awarded honorary titles in peacetime, stipulating that meritorious service MEDALS and hero Model MEDALS should also be awarded to those who have made meritorious service and awarded honorary titles in peacetime, starting from December 1, 1979. Since then, the army has had the first generation of unified award badges, which have been used for 32 years. [1]
In 1979, with the approval of the Central Military Commission, the General Political Department unified the production of meritorious service MEDALS, and awarded the first, second and third class merit MEDALS to individuals. The middle pattern of the first class medal is the emblem of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, surrounded by five large water horns; The middle pattern of the second class medal is Tian 'anmen Gate tower and rocket; The middle design of the third Class medal is the Chinese People's Liberation Army emblem, gear and wheat. The ribbon of the Meritorious Service medal is braided by white silk, both sides are blue, and the 1-3 red bars in the middle represent one, two, and three grades respectively. MEDALS are worn on the top left of the military jacket, usually only wear a brief chapter, and wear MEDALS on gatherings or major festivals.

Second generation medal

New and old First Class medal
Chairman of the Central Military Commission Hu Jintao Approved, the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army recently issued a notice, from August 1, 2011, the army officially launched the new medal, medal, commemorative medal and award certificate. [1]
The notice pointed out that the use of new MEDALS, MEDALS and commemorative MEDALS is an important measure to implement the relevant instructions and requirements of President Hu and the Central Military Commission, promote the reform and innovation of the army's reward work, and is a major event related to the honor of the army's officers and soldiers, and to carry forward the fine traditions of the army, innovate and enrich the forms of reward, and better encourage the officers and soldiers to consciously practice the core values of contemporary revolutionary soldiers. It is of great significance to effectively fulfill the historical mission of our army. [1]
Badge increased to 17
The number of new badges has been increased from 5 to 17. The original 5 badges include 2 hero model MEDALS and 3 meritorious service MEDALS, and the new badge adds 12 commemorative badges, and adjusts the first and second class hero model MEDALS to the first and second class hero model MEDALS. In addition, the 12 commemorative MEDALS are divided into five categories, namely: the national defense service commemorative medal, the national defense defense commemorative medal, the national defense dedication commemorative medal, the peace mission commemorative medal, and the execution of operations and major tasks commemorative medal. Among them, the three types of commemorative MEDALS for national defense service, defending the country's borders and dedicating oneself to national defense have three levels of gold, silver and bronze.
This design and production of the new award badge, more solemn, delicate, beautiful, full of incentive and commemorative significance.
First of all, the new award badge pays more attention to the internal connection between the design elements, forming a system. In the pattern, the military emblem as a common element, and highlight the red flag, laurel leaf, the Great Wall and other elements, meaning that the hero model is a flag, meritorious award glory, the glory of defending the home and the country.
Five new categories of commemorative MEDALS
Secondly, the new award badge is more prominent political and honorable, reflecting the characteristics of the army and the characteristics of The Times. In the specification design, the size of the badge is generally increased and more thick, the diameter of the first and second class hero medal and the first, second and third class medal are 70, 65, 60, 55, 50 mm (the diameter of the original medal is 45, 43, 41, 38, 36 mm), and the diameter of the commemorative medal is 45 mm; In terms of material selection, the gold, silver and copper commemorative MEDALS are made of gold-plated copper, silver-plated copper and copper respectively, the military emblem in the middle of the Heroic Model Medal and the first class merit medal is made of pure gold, and the main body of the second class merit medal is pure silver, highlighting the hierarchy of honor.
Each seal is designed with a seal and a brief seal, with a wooden box and explanatory cards, ribbons, MEDALS, MEDALS and certificates are designed separately, made of anti-counterfeiting paper, and strive to be beautifully matched, highlighting the supreme honor.
In addition, the addition of five categories of commemorative MEDALS has become the highlight of the innovation of the award system.
The National Defense Service Commemorative Medal is used to commend officers and soldiers who have served in active service for a long time, the National Defense Garrison Commemorative Medal is used to commend officers and soldiers who have served in remote and difficult areas, the National Defense Dedication Commemorative Medal is used to commend officers and soldiers who have lost their lives or been disabled in the glorious service of national defense and army building, and the Peace Mission Commemorative Medal is used to commend officers and soldiers who have carried out international peacekeeping, joint counter-terrorism and other foreign-related military missions. The Commemorative MEDALS for the Execution of Operations and Major Tasks are used to commend officers and soldiers who have carried out major military operational tasks entrusted by the CMC, such as operations, rescue and disaster relief, and emergency maintenance of stability.

Collection points

Military medal
The military for outstanding contributions or achievements of the personnel, an important award is to issue a commemorative medal, medal or certificate, which is a symbol of military identity, but also a means to motivate the military momentum and ambition. And historically, military awards have Collect value . To collect military MEDALS, we should understand the military characteristics of each historical period in advance, and understand the process of its development and evolution, and then he combed through it in detail.
On the origin, the Chinese People's Liberation Army awarded MEDALS from the agrarian revolutionary War period. The most famous is the order issued by the Central Revolutionary Military Commission of the Chinese Soviet in 1933, proposing to issue the Red Star Medal on the anniversary of the founding of the Army on August 1. According to the size of the merit, it is divided into one, two and three grades. From the type point of view, during the Anti-Japanese War, hundreds of MEDALS and commemorative MEDALS were issued to the troops in each theater. In addition to copper and silver, the seals of this period were made of silver, copper, iron, film and photographic paper. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and the troops in the anti-Japanese base areas carried out the selection of hero models with combat, production and mass work as the main content, and issued such badges as the Eighth Route Army's "Honorary soldier Commemorative medal", the Jinzhong Military Region's "May Day" medal, and the "Badge of the Army's 18th Group Army Headquarters". In addition, the Shan-Gansu-Ningxia Border region government seal and so on are rare precious cultural relics in this period.
The period from August 1945 to September 1949 was the National War of Liberation. In this period, there appeared new characteristics of the badges: first, the appearance of the battle as the main name of the badges, such as Taiyuan campaign MEDALS and commemorative MEDALS, Huaihai Campaign commemorative MEDALS and so on; Second, many MEDALS have the same or similar shape, but the main body of the award is different, such as the battle hero medal of the Northeast Democratic Allied Army;
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the awarding of MEDALS by the Chinese army gradually became unified. On January 21, 1952, in order to strengthen the leadership of the Meritorious Service model movement and unify the award work of the entire army, the People's Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central People's Government promulgated the Regulations on the Work of Meritorious Service and Award of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Draft), which determined that before the Central People's Government issued national MEDALS and MEDALS, The first unified issue of war service MEDALS, honor MEDALS, hero MEDALS, and model MEDALS, respectively awarded to a variety of meritorious achievements and selected as hero models. In 1955, when the system of military ranks was first introduced, the August 1 Medal and Medal, the Medal and Medal of Independence and Freedom, and the Medal and medal of Liberation were awarded respectively to meritorious members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army who participated in the revolutionary War during the period of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation. In 1988, the military rank system was restored, and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China awarded MEDALS of Merit and honor to demobilized cadres of the People's Liberation Army who enlisted or participated in revolutionary work during the revolutionary War.
The medal system of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is an important system for the revolutionary and regularized construction of the army, and it is also an integral part of the national award system. The awarding of MEDALS, MEDALS and commemorative MEDALS greatly stimulated the sense of honor and ambition of all officers and men of the People's Liberation Army, aroused their enthusiasm and creativity in building national defense and defending the motherland, encouraged them to carry forward the spirit of patriotism and revolutionary heroism, courageously strive for the lead and make contributions, and effectively promoted the military's national defense construction.