Ant Design(Ali front-end design language /React framework implementation) v5.17.2 official version

Enterprise front-end development framework download

  • Source size: 1.6MB
  • Source language: Simplified Chinese
  • Source code type: domestic software
  • Source code license: Free software
  • Source code category: Other source code
  • Application platform: JavaScript/CSS
  • Source official website: official website
  • Updated: 2024-05-19
  • Netizen rating:
360 pass Tencent through Jinshan pass

detailedInformation introduction

Ant Design is a set of enterprise-class front-end design language and React-based front-end framework implementation developed and used by Ant Financial. Need friends can download!


Interactive language and visual system for enterprise financial products.

Rich and useful React UI components.

Componentized development model based on React.

Back to the npm ecosystem.

Webpack-based debug build solution with ES6 support.

Give an example

var antd = require('antd');

var Datepicker = antd.Datepicker;

React.render(<Datepicker />, mountNode);

Development note:

Local debugging

$ npm start

Then access //

Website deployment

$ npm run deploy

Version building

$ npm run release

What's New:

Button added danger and ghost properties.

AutoComplete supports the use of custom input boxes.

rc-cascader has been upgraded to 0.11.0 with keyboard support.

notification supports more pop-up directions.

rc-steps has been upgraded to 2.3.0 with the addition of the progressDot property to Steps, which supports a custom point-like step bar style.

rc-input-number was upgraded to 3.0.0

-- onChange will now also be triggered when typing.

-- Fixed the onKeyUp event.

Slider adds veritical mode.


-- Added preset colors.

Adjusted vertical alignment and default spacing.

Added support for German.

Added support for Swedish.

Added support for French.

Transfer added the onSearchChange callback.

Modal.confirm added the maskClosable configuration item.

Add the hideRequiredMark attribute to Form.

Improved list image preview for Upload.

rc-select was upgraded to 6.7.1.

- Fixed an issue where onChange callbacks of Select were triggered repeatedly.

-- Fixed an issue with Select displaying initialization values.

Upgrade rc-tree-select to 1.9.0.

-- Added treeDefaultExpandedKeys property.

-- Fixed text overflow wrap issue.

Add less variable: @border-style-base-@border-width-base-@btn-danger-color @btn-danger-bg, etc.

Fixed Badge misalignment when page zoomed in.

Fixed a table misalignment issue with a fixed table head.

Fixed an issue where table scrolling in IE was stuck.

Add aliases to correct the icon naming style :addfile => file-add,addfolder => folder-open, the original name is still valid.

Ant Design has been released with the following updates:

Fixed an issue where Mentions were slightly higher in Form.

Fix allowClear is still supported on Input.

Fix input.password unmount error Cannot read property 'input' of null.

Fixed the Table style attribute to the outermost container.

Fixed default PageHeader text in English.

Ant Design Update log:


Fixed an issue where the toolip property of FloatButton could not be set to 0.

Fixed an issue where the Select series component of the Space component package was not displayed when the icon was cleared during hover.

Fixed an issue with abnormal ul margin value inside Cascader.

Fixed an issue with the Input component's inner margin exception in compact mode.

Optimize the margins of the Message component in compact mode.

Fixed text color of Radio.Button component in dark mode.

Fixed an issue with the Select component's inner margin exception in compact mode.

Fix Slider component label origin style issue.

Optimized colors for Switch components in dark mode.

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Ant Design(Ali front-end design language /React framework implementation) v5.17.2 official version

      peopleSource code

      phaseGuan Wen

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