
The basic requirement of social morality
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The basic categories of ethics and politics. in ethics In, usually refers to people press a certain Moral standard What ought to be done is also a kind of Moral evaluation That is, justice.
The word "justice" was first found in the book "Justice" in China. Xunzi "No learning, no justice, rich for long, is also a layman." The concept of justice originated from primitive people's view of equality and was formed in the society after the emergence of private property.
People of different societies or classes have different interpretations of "justice" : Ancient Greek philosophers Plato That people do what they ought to do according to their rank is justice; Christian ethicists believe that the submission of the body to the soul is justice. On the whole, the majority view is that fairness is justice. Simply put, the same people are treated the same.
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Ethics, Politics




Humanism advocates fraternity, equality and freedom, of which fraternity equality is the embodiment of justice.

The three People's Principles

The people, nation and country are equal and have equal rights. The three People's Principles Although it is not truth, it is the embodiment of justice and the only way for the evolution of truth.

Cosmic justice principle

First of all, from Natural philosophy From a perspective, the so-called universal justice principle is customary Be regarded as The proposition of natural philosophy that all things, or all beings, arise from and return to their place. When all things in the universe are born and die, birth and death, it is the first principle (or cosmic justice) that dominates or governs behind the diversity of all things in motion. From it all things arise, and shall return to it, according to it inevitability ; For in the course of time they will be punished and judged for them.
Secondly, from Political philosophy From a point of view, the principle indicates that the more fully the individual (individual) realizes universal necessity in his own existence, the more precisely he adheres to the sphere of existence defined for him by the whole, the more he thereby changes the fate of the individual. And implicit in the discourse on the necessity of the world (the law of justice) and the existence of the individual is a question of vital importance to the emerging state order: how the actual individual treats the norms, laws, and traditional laws of the universally valid State.
Finally, from an ethical point of view, cosmic justice means divine law, natural law, or Rational approach This kind of justice is not only justice in the sense of positive law, but "the law of heaven valued by God" which is higher than positive law and gives positive law legitimacy, and it is manifested in some aspects in content universality The moral law. There have been many different understandings about the meaning of natural law in the history of human cognition. But it usually refers to the collection of fundamental and ultimate principles of justice in the universal order itself, which is the basis of all designated legal systems. The idea of natural law originated in Greece and was formed in Ancient Rome It's ancient Roman." Jus gentium The birth of "natural law." The Western word for "nature" Latin natura originally referred to the physical universe, meaning movement, force, fire, water, moisture, reproduction, and so on. "Nature" in its simplest and most ancient sense is the physical universe as expressed as a principle. Thereafter, the later Greek schools returned to the path lost by the greatest Greek intellectuals at that time, in the concept of "nature", in Material world Add a moral world, and this "moral world" is "living according to nature." Medieval ecclesiastical law scholars used to make natural law consistent with God's law, but some scholars emphasized God's reason in natural law, while others emphasized God's will. In modern times, according to the ethics of natural law, in a sense, dominates Human behavior the Code of ethics Derived from the natural nature of man or harmonious universal truth; And according to natural law Legal theory The authority of legal rules derives at least in part from consideration of the moral advantages of those rules.

Alternate meaning

In Chinese, justice is the truth of justice, which is associated with fairness, justice, integrity and righteousness. In Western languages, the word "justice" comes from Latin jus titia, from Latin jus. "jus" is a multi-meaning word with many meanings, such as justice, fairness, integrity, law, and rights. French "In" droit ", German language "recht" and "diritto" in Italian have the meaning of justice, law and right. In English, justice The word has the meaning of justice, just, fair, just and so on.

Cihai interpretation

Made against right and wrong, good and evil in the political, legal, moral and other fields Affirmative judgment . Act as Moral category ", is synonymous with "justice", mainly refers to conform to a certain Social moral norm To see if everyone gets their due rights and fulfills their due obligations.

Plato's view

What is justice? Plato According to Ulbian, "Justice is the stable and eternal meaning of giving everyone his due rights," and Kelson, "Justice is a subjective value judgment." Scholars have different understandings on this concept. In our concept, justice means fairness and justice. The justice is... Source of law One is the pursuit and destination of law.
Since justice is a subjective value judgment, whether an action or a state is just involves three elements: people, society and things directly related to people. Man is the subject of justice reflection and evaluation; The formation of society belongs to the generation and combination of people, and the society plays an important role in the division of labor and distribution of people. The lack of equal status and treatment between individuals and others is often attributed to social injustice (fairness). And the things directly related to people, such as status, qualification, freedom, etc., their merits and demurs dominate people's evaluation. In ancient times, when the most primitive societies were formed, there were primitive Fruits of labor People began to talk about justice. As to what kind of behavior and state is just, with different standards, angles and standing on different positions, its observation and conclusion are often different. So justice is an act of maintaining some kind of order. This behavior can be someone's thinking, it can be someone's action, or it can be some kind of stated criterion.

Rawls's view

Rawls, an American scholar, put forward two principles of justice. One is that everyone should have an equal right to the broadest basic freedom system compatible with other people's similar freedom system. The second is that social and economic inequalities should be arranged in such a way that they are (1) reasonably expected to suit the interests of everyone; And (2) open to all, depending on status and position. Rawls also identifies a more general view of justice that can be expressed as follows: "All Social value Liberty and opportunity, income and wealth, self-esteem and foundation, are to be equally distributed, unless an unequal distribution of one or all of these values is in everyone's interest."
It is difficult to detach the idea of law from justice. In the eyes of the media and people in general, justice and Concept of law Constantly being cross-referenced, and Pure jurisprudence It is opposed to treating law and justice as two different issues. Personally, I prefer to blend the two, and I don't agree with the concept of too clear a distinction. When law abandons justice, it loses its function of regulating social relations. In the same way, when justice is separated from law, it loses its carrier and can only become" Value judgment ", no practical use. I highly recommend Kelsen The view that justice as a subjective value judgment may be Legal science But if justice is understood as" legitimacy Then the concept of justice should be included in legal science.
When people evaluate whether a law meets the standard of justice (legitimacy), it is often based on whether the law can adjust social relations to all Member of society But in fact, it is impossible to exist a law that can meet the needs of every member of society. It can be said that the needs of everyone are inconsistent, and conflicts between needs are inevitable. Social order What can be achieved is the approval and satisfaction of the majority of the members of society.
It should also be mentioned that Natural law school The concept of absolute justice, Natural law School of law dualism The law should be divided into Positive law And natural law, on top of the imperfect positive law, there exists perfect and absolutely just natural law. But the rational man should know that such absolute justice is impossible, just as the world is knowable and man is infinite Cognitive ability And the world can never be fully understood, to borrow Kelson's words "justice is an ideal that no one's knowledge can approach."
Legal need The test for those on the receiving end is whether fairness is upheld and justice is upheld when people seek legal help and when the law punishes criminals Sense of justice Determined (legal) staff It is also the soil for the survival of law. Only when the law is based on justice, can the concept of justice be sublimated on the basis of law.

Marx's view

According to Marx, justice is subordinate to Moral category And therefore belong to superstructure The field is existing Economic relations The nature and content of the manifestation of idealized sanctification depend on the material basis of a certain society. At the same time, justice is a Historical category Justice varies from time to time, place to place, and from person to person, with historical, concrete, relativity Characterized by no eternal justice, justice is Ought to The concept of unity between nature and reality . [2] Marx will be just Ultimate concern Set to achieve human freedom All-round development . [2] According to Marx, it is overthrown by proletarian revolution capitalism System, establishment Communist society Overcome the paradox of freedom and equality, and pursue the complete liberation of all mankind Association of free persons Of justice, yes Human society True justice . [2]

Justice at the legal level

(1) The concept of justice
The justice is... Human society It is generally believed that the noble value means having impartiality , rationality Views, actions, activities, ideas, institutions, etc. Justice is a relative concept, and different societies and classes have different views of justice. The objective criterion to measure justice is whether the views, behaviors and thoughts of justice promote social progress and conform to it Social development The law of whether to meet the needs of the greatest interests of the vast majority of people in society. The lowest content of justice is that justice requires distribution Social interest And undertake Social obligation Not arbitrary, to follow certain norms and standards; righteous universality It requires equality or quantitative equality according to certain standards, or equality according to the contribution of people or equality according to status, and the distribution of social benefits and obligations; Those who distribute social benefits and obligations must maintain a certain neutrality. In short, justice is behavior that demonstrates conformity with fact, law, reason, or some accepted standard.
(2) Classification of justice
According to the criteria of the different fields involved in justice, justice can be divided into institutional justice, Formal justice and Procedural justice . Institutional justice index Social system The justice, specifically means Social wealth Whether the distribution of resources, responsibilities and obligations is fair and just. Formal justice is right Legal system It does not matter whether the legal system itself conforms to justice, it emphasizes the consistent realization of the legal system. Procedural justice refers to the concrete steps and methods to ensure the realization of institutional justice and formal justice. Make just laws. They should be just Legislative procedure , too, guaranteed Judicial justice And there must be justice Judicial procedure .
(3) Law and justice
Law and justice are interrelated and promote each other, and justice plays a certain role in promoting the development of law. Justice, as the highest goal pursued by law, is to serve as distinction Good law Evil law The standard has always been the spirit of legal evolution Driving force . At the same time, the law is also an important means to achieve justice, the minimum requirement of justice is to limit arbitrary violence. Laws used by the state are mandatory and protected Social subject The legitimate interests shall be punished by adjudication of disputes injustice the Illegal act In order to achieve Social justice .
Justice is the precondition for the establishment of social system.

Political justice

The role of justice
  1. 1.
    Justice ensures the safety of people's lives and property, enables them to survive and develop, and promotes social progress;
  2. 2.
    The system of justice provides support and guarantee for people to cooperate fairly;
  3. 3.
    Justice avoids serious social differentiation through institutional regulation, which is conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of society. [1]