Central No. 1 file

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to rural issues
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synonymFile number one(The "No. 1 Document" of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1984) generally refers to the No. 1 document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (the Central Committee attaches importance to rural issues)
The "No. 1 Central Document", as the name suggests, is the first document issued by the central government every year, usually at the beginning of the year. [16] October 1st, 1949 , Central Government of the People's Republic of China The publication of Document No. 1 began. Now it has become a term that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council attach importance to rural issues.
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the document for five consecutive years from 1982 to 1986 agriculture , village and Peasant The No. 1 Central document on the theme of "Rural reform and agricultural development" makes specific arrangements. From 2004 to 2024, it was released for 21 consecutive years. Agriculture, rural areas and farmers The No. 1 Central document on the theme of "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers" emphasized the "top priority" status of the "three rural" issues in the period of China's socialist modernization. [19]
Chinese name
Central No. 1 file
Foreign name
Central Document No.1
Issuing authority
CPC Central Committee, State Council
Release date
October 1st, 1949 (Original release)

Release background

The sixth Central Document focuses on "Agriculture, Rural areas and Farmers"
China Reform and opening up Early, to Anhui Fengyang county Xiaogang Village As the symbol of "the secret contract of the division of fields", the contract of production to the household and the contract to the household appeared in the Chinese countryside with its strong vitality, and swept the land of China. However, at that time, it was still under the system of "people's communes" and "no contracting". Was this system of responsibility for agricultural production "capital" or "society"? Is the responsibility system of agricultural production a national expedient? It raised a lot of questions at the time. To this end, the central Committee has held a number of rural work conferences, and finally issued the first "National Rural Work Conference Minutes" of the central "No. 1 document" on January 1, 1982.
With the implementation of the agricultural production responsibility system, new problems and contradictions in the society began to emerge in large numbers, such as the emergence of large contract households, hired workers, private enterprises and other phenomena, people's thoughts once again confused. Some people think that it will lead to polarization, while others think that it will promote the development of productivity. Different understandings reflect two different ideologies, which not only influence people's thinking, but also affect actual actions. In order to clarify these confusion, the second "Document No. 1", "Some Issues of Current Rural Economic Policy", was formally promulgated in January 1983. This document theoretically explains that the household contract responsibility system is a great creation of peasants under the leadership of the Party. The public reaction to the document was strong. Farmers said the document freed them, showed them the way and opened their minds. Deng Xiaoping He said, "File number one is good, Policy issue It's settled."
The masses preach the No.1 Central document
In the early days of China's reform and opening up, the issue of "three rural areas" was the "top priority". From 1982 to 1986, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the No. 1 Central Document on agriculture, rural areas and farmers for five consecutive years, making specific arrangements for rural reform and agricultural development. These five "No. 1 documents" have become a proper term in the history of rural reform in China - "five No. 1 documents". After 18 years, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Hu Jintao On December 30, 2003, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council signed the Opinions on Several Policies to Promote the Increase of Farmers' Income. Central document No. 1 returns to agriculture. 30 January 2005," Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Several Policies for Further Strengthening Rural Work and Improving the Overall Agricultural Production Capacity Publication of Document No. 7. On February 21, 2006, Xinhua News Agency authorized the release of the full text of the 2006 Central "No. 1 Document" with the theme of "Building a new socialist countryside".

Historical evolution

Central document No. 1 over the years
1. On January 1, 1982, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the first "No. 1 Document" on the issue of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", which summarized the rapid rural reform. The document clearly states that contract production to household, contract work to household, or contract work "are all socialist production responsibility systems," and also states that it is "different from the small private individual economy before cooperation, but an integral part of the socialist agricultural economy."
2, In January 1983, the second central "No. 1 document" Some problems of current rural economic policy Officially promulgated. It explains in theory Household contract responsibility system "It is the great creation of Chinese peasants under the leadership of the Party, yes Marxism New development of agricultural cooperation theory in practice of our country ".
3. On January 1, 1984, CPC Central Committee The Circular on Rural Work in 1984, the third "Document No. 1", was issued. The document stressed the need for continued stability and improvement Contract responsibility system for linked production The land contract period should generally be more than 15 years, and for projects with long production cycles and development, the contract period should be longer.
File number one in recent years
4. In January 1985, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued the "Ten Policies on Further Activating the Rural Economy", the fourth "No. 1 Document". The file was cancelled for 30 years Agricultural and sideline products We adopted a system of unified purchase and assigned purchase, and adopted a new policy of state planned contract purchase for a few important products such as grain and cotton.
5. On January 1, 1986, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued the "Deployment of Rural Work in 1986", the fifth "No. 1 document". The document affirmed that the principles and policies of rural reform are correct and must continue to be carried out.
6, January 2004, for the whole country Per capita net income of farmers In the case of continuous slow growth, the central government issued the" Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Several Policies to Promote the Increase of Farmers' Income be Reform and opening up Since the central government's sixth "No. 1 document."
Central government expenditure on agriculture, rural areas and farmers
7. January 30, 2005, Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Several Policies for Further Strengthening Rural Work and Improving the Overall Agricultural Production Capacity ", the seventh "Document No. 1". The document requires adhering to the principle of "giving more and taking less and releasing activities", and stabilizing, improving and strengthening various policies to support agriculture. At present and in the coming period, we must strengthen Agricultural infrastructure construction To accelerate the progress of agricultural science and technology and improve the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture, as a major and urgent Strategic task Earnestly grasp and do a good job.
8. In February 2006, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued the" Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Promoting the Construction of a new Socialist Countryside ", the eighth "document No. 1". The 2006 Central Committee "No. 1 document" shows that the Communist Party of China The fifth Plenary Session of the sixteenth Central Committee raised Building a new socialist countryside The major historical task will take a powerful step forward.
9. 29 January 2007," Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Actively Developing Modern Agriculture and Solidly Promoting the Construction of a new Socialist Countryside Issued, that is, the ninth No. 1 document of the Central Committee since the reform and opening up. The document requires that the development of modern agriculture is the primary task of the construction of a new socialist countryside, and it is necessary to equip agriculture with modern material conditions and transform agriculture with modern science and technology Modern industrial system Promote agriculture, promote agriculture with modern management forms, lead agriculture with modern development concepts, and cultivate agriculture New-type farmer We will develop agriculture, raise the level of agricultural water utilization, mechanization and information technology, and raise the land yield and resource utilization rate Agricultural labor productivity Improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture.
10. January 30, 2008," Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Effectively Strengthening Agricultural Infrastructure and Further Promoting Agricultural Development to Increase Farmers' Income Issued, that is, the tenth No. 1 document of the Central Committee since the reform and opening up. The Opinion is divided into 8 parts, about 15,000 words. These include: accelerating the establishment of a long-term mechanism to strengthen the agricultural foundation; Ensure the basic supply of major agricultural products; Do a good job Agricultural infrastructure construction ; Focus on strengthening Agricultural science and technology Basic support for the service system; Gradually improve the level of rural basic public services; Stabilize and improve the basic rural management system and deepen rural reform; Solid progress Rural grassroots organization construction ; We will strengthen and improve the Party's leadership over work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
11. February 1, 2009," Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Promoting the Steady Development of Agriculture in 2009 to Continuously Increase Farmers' Income "Do agriculture well in 2009 Rural work It is of special importance. Expanding domestic demand, with the greatest potential in rural areas; To achieve steady and rapid economic development, agriculture is the foundation; To ensure and improve people's livelihood, farmers are the key and difficult problems. The overall requirements for agricultural and rural work in 2009 are: to fully implement the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, the Third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, and to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics 邓小平理论 and The important thought of Three Represents As a guide, we will thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on development, take maintaining steady and rapid economic development in agriculture and rural areas as our primary task, focus on stabilizing grain supply, increasing income, strengthening the basic foundation, and putting more emphasis on people's livelihood, further strengthen policies that benefit agriculture, increase scientific and technological support, increase investment, optimize the industrial structure, and promote development Reform and innovation Do everything possible to ensure the country Food security And the effective supply of major agricultural products, we will do everything possible to promote the sustained growth of farmers' incomes, and continue to provide a strong guarantee for sound and rapid economic and social development. The "Opinions" is divided into five parts, about 11,000 words, including: increasing support and protection of agriculture; Steady development Agricultural production ; Strengthen the material support and service system of modern agriculture; Stabilize and improve the basic rural management system; propel Integration of urban and rural economic and social development .
12. Document dated 31 January 2010 Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Strengthening Coordinated Urban and Rural Development and Further Consolidating the Foundation for Agricultural and Rural Development On the basis of maintaining policy continuity and stability, we further improved and strengthened the good policies for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and put forward a series of new major principles and measures.
For the first time, the investment in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" emphasized that "the total amount continues to increase and the proportion steadily increases", which not only ensures the total amount of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" investment, but also determines that the proportion should be steadily increased.
Document One training session
We expanded subsidies for improved potato seed varieties, added subsidies for improved barley seed varieties, carried out trials to subsidize improved peanut seed varieties, and for the first time included forestry, animal husbandry, drought-resistant and water-saving machinery and equipment in the scope of subsidies.
For the first time, it proposed to eliminate the gap in basic financial services in townships within three years. expanded Agricultural development bank In the field of supporting agriculture, policy funds will have a larger stage of "agriculture, rural areas".
We will substantially raise the maximum price of household appliances sent to the countryside, allow all localities to select a variety to be included in the scope of subsidies based on actual conditions, and expand the target of subsidies to workers in state-owned agricultural and forestry areas.
Increasing the reward and subsidy funds for major grain-producing counties and improving the per capita financial level of major grain-producing counties will help improve the enthusiasm of China's 800 major grain-producing counties to grow grain and maintain China's food security.
13. Published on January 29, 2011 Decision of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Accelerating the Reform and Development of water Conservancy It is the eighth "No. 1 document" that the central Government has focused on "agriculture, rural areas" since the new century, and it is also the first time that the central document has fully deployed water conservancy work in the 62 years since the founding of New China.
14. Published on February 1, 2012 Several Opinions on Accelerating agricultural scientific and technological Innovation and Continuously Enhancing the ability of Agricultural Product Supply Guarantee It is the ninth central No. 1 document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the new century. Document I highlights deployment Agricultural science and technology innovation The promotion of agricultural scientific and technological innovation as the focus of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".
15. On January 31, 2013, the first Central document of 2013, "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Accelerating the Development of Modern Agriculture and Further Enhancing the Vitality of Rural Development", the first document focused on "three farmers" for the tenth consecutive year.
16. On January 19, 2014, Xinhua News Agency was authorized to publish the" Several Opinions on Comprehensively Deepening Rural Reform and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization The full text is about 10,000 words, and it is divided into 8 parts and 33 articles, including: improving the national food security system; Strengthen the agricultural support and protection system; Establish long-term mechanism of agricultural sustainable development; deepen Rural land system reform ; construct New agricultural management system ; Accelerate the innovation of rural financial system; Improve the systems and mechanisms for integrating urban and rural development; We will improve rural governance mechanisms.
17, February 1, 2015, 2015 Central document No. 1" Several Opinions on Strengthening Reform and Innovation to speed up Agricultural Modernization "Published. The full text of about 12,000 words, a total of 5 parts 32 articles, including: around the construction Modern agriculture Accelerate the transformation of agricultural development mode; Focusing on promoting farmers' income, we will intensify policies to benefit farmers. We deepened the integration of urban and rural development New countryside construction ; We will comprehensively deepen rural reform to enhance the vitality of rural development. Centering on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", we will strengthen the construction of the rule of law in rural areas.
18, January 27, 2016, 2016 Central document No. 1" Several opinions on Implementing the New Concept of Development, Accelerating Agricultural Modernization and Realizing the goal of a well-off society in an all-round way The full text of about 15,000 words, a total of 6 parts of 30 articles, including: continue to consolidate the foundation of modern agriculture, improve agricultural quality and efficiency and competitiveness; Strengthen resource protection and ecological restoration, and promote green agricultural development; Promote the integration of rural industries and promote the sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income; Promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and improve the level of new rural construction; We will deepen rural reform and strengthen the internal driving force for rural development. We will strengthen and improve the Party's guidance on work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
19, February 5, 2017, 2017 Central Document No. 1" Several opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Deepening the structural reform of the agricultural supply side and Accelerating the Cultivation of new driving forces for agricultural and Rural Development The full text is about 13,000 words, and it is divided into 6 parts and 33 articles, including: optimizing the industrial structure of products, focusing on promoting the quality and efficiency of agriculture; Promote green production mode and enhance the sustainable development ability of agriculture; Expand new industries and new forms of business, and expand the agricultural industrial chain value chain; We will strengthen the drive of scientific and technological innovation to accelerate the development of modern agriculture. Strengthen the weak links in agriculture and rural areas and consolidate the foundation for shared development in rural areas. We will intensify rural reform and activate the internal impetus for the development of agriculture and rural areas. [3]
20, January 2, 2018, 2018 Central Document No. 1" Opinions on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy The full text is about 16,000 words, and it is divided into 12 parts and 49 articles, including: improving the quality of agricultural development, cultivating new driving forces for rural development; Promote green development in rural areas and create a new pattern of harmonious coexistence between man and nature; Flourishing rural culture, radiating the new atmosphere of rural civilization; Strengthen basic work in rural areas and build a new system of rural governance; Improve the level of people's livelihood in rural areas and create a new look of beautiful rural areas; We will fight the battle of targeted poverty alleviation and enhance the poor people's sense of fulfillment. Promote institutional innovation and strengthen institutional supply for rural revitalization; Pooling the strength of the whole society to strengthen the talent support for rural revitalization; Expand investment and financing channels and strengthen Rural revitalization Input guarantee; Adhere to and improve the Party's leadership over the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. [4]
21, February 20, 2019, 2019 Central Document No. 1" Several Opinions on giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas and doing a good job in the work of Agriculture, Rural areas and Farmers "The full text of more than 11,000 words, a total of 8 parts, including: gather force accurate policy, decisive battle to win poverty alleviation; Strengthen the foundation of agriculture and ensure the effective supply of important agricultural products; We will make solid progress in rural development and speed up efforts to improve rural living environment and public services. Develop and strengthen rural industries and broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income; Comprehensively deepen rural reform and invigorate rural development; Improve the rural governance mechanism to maintain rural social harmony and stability; Give full play to the role of rural party branches as fighting fortresses, and comprehensively strengthen the construction of rural grass-roots organizations; We will strengthen the Party's leadership over the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and implement the general policy of giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas. [1] [5]
22. On February 5, 2020, the No. 1 Central document is "Opinions on Focusing on key work in the fields of" Agriculture, Rural areas "to Ensure the realization of a well-off society in an all-round Way on schedule." The document makes clear that the two key tasks in 2020 are to focus on winning The battle against poverty And make up for the outstanding weaknesses in the areas of "agriculture, rural areas" in an all-round well-off society, and put forward a series of policies and measures with high gold content and strong operability. The full text consists of five parts, including: resolutely winning the battle against poverty; benchmarking Build a moderately prosperous society in all respects We will accelerate efforts to improve rural infrastructure and public services. Ensuring the effective supply of important agricultural products and promoting the sustained increase of farmers' incomes; Strengthening rural grass-roots governance; We will strengthen safeguards for rural areas to shore up weak links. [6]
23. On February 21, 2021, the Central Document No. 1 is" Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating Agricultural and Rural Modernization ". This is the 18th central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 21st century. The countryside must be revitalized if the nation is to be revived, the document said. We must make solving problems related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers a top priority in the work of the whole Party, take all-round rural revitalization as a major task in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and mobilize the efforts of the whole Party and society to speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas so that farmers can live a better life. [13]
24, On February 22, 2022, the Central document No. 1 is" Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Completing the Key Work of Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization in 2022 ". New progress has been made in promoting rural revitalization, and new steps have been taken in the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. This is the 19th central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 21st century. The document pointed out that firmly adhere to the two bottom lines of ensuring national food security and not returning to poverty on a scale, highlight annual tasks, targeted measures, and result-oriented, give full play to the leadership role of rural grass-roots party organizations, and do a solid and orderly job in rural development, rural construction, and rural governance. [18]
25. On February 13, 2023, the Central Document No. 1 is" Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Completing the Key work of Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization in 2023 ". The document pointed out that the most arduous and onerous task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country is still in the countryside. The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and China's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities, risks and challenges, and increasing uncertainties and unpredictable factors. It is of Paramount importance to ensure that the basic agenda of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is well maintained. The Party Central Committee believes that we must unswervingly solve the problems of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" as the top priority in the work of the whole Party, give full play to the efforts of the whole Party and the whole society to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. [20]
26. On February 3, 2024, Xinhua News Agency was authorized to issue Document No. 1 of the Central Committee for 2024, entitled" Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on learning and applying the experience of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and ten thousand villages Renovation" project to effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas " . The full text consists of six parts, including: ensuring national food security, ensuring that there is no large-scale return to poverty, improving the level of rural industrial development, improving the level of rural construction, improving the level of rural governance, and strengthening the Party's overall leadership over the work of "three rural areas". [21]

File characteristics

First, we will emphasize the two key points and difficulties of increasing the incomes of farmers in major grain-producing areas and those in poor areas.
Second, from the three levels of agriculture, rural and rural areas, to promote farmers to expand employment and increase income related policies.
The third is to create the necessary external conditions for farmers to increase income, put forward the development of agricultural products market, increase investment in agriculture and rural areas, and deepen the rural reform of the policy measures.
Fourth, it stressed that party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels should effectively strengthen leadership and implement policies.

Document interpretation

The first central document proposed to promote the reform of the provincial management system
Under the guidance of this series of central documents, for 30 years Rural reform Climax after climax.
In the context of different eras, the 11 central No. 1 documents have different focuses, accurately grasp the protection of farmers' material interests and respect for farmers Democratic right Constantly liberating and developing society productivity The main line of the reform has accelerated the historical process of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and jointly played the magnificent main melody of the prosperity of the rural economy, the promotion of farmers' income, and the promotion of rural social development, which is the strongest sound of the era when China's urban and rural society is moving toward harmonious development and committed to common prosperity.
Writing Five glorious chapters in China's reform process China's magnificent reform began in the countryside. To study the reform of China's economic system, one cannot but study the reform of rural areas and cannot but know a special term - the "five documents No. 1".
The first "Five No. 1 documents" refers to the five documents on rural work formulated and promulgated by the Party Central Committee from 1982 to 1986. These five No. 1 documents record the Communist Party of China's pioneering spirit of respecting the people, from the masses to the masses, guiding a series of major decisions in China's rural reform, and have played a huge role in promoting the realization of rural reform, mobilizing the enthusiasm of farmers, and liberating rural productive forces, and have deeply impressed on the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers.
The first "five No. 1 documents", passed on Household contract The affirmation has gradually liberated hundreds of millions of farmers from the production mode of "facing loess and turning upside down" for thousands of years. Through non-agricultural operation and other means, while liberating productive forces, they have further liberated the labor force itself, and began to participate in the great historical process of China's industrialization and urbanization, and contributed to the reform of China's urban economic system. It provides a solid material foundation and inexhaustible spiritual motivation.
The first "Five No. 1 documents" on the reform monument stimulated the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of farmers for production and opened up a new situation in the reform and development of China's rural areas. Since then, farmers' income has grown steadily and rapidly, faster than that of cities, and the income gap between urban and rural residents has gradually narrowed. Chinese farmers, who have not had enough food and clothing for thousands of years, have overcome poverty and moved from food and clothing to a well-off society.
According to statistics, between 1978 and 1984, Per capita net income of farmers It increased from 133.57 yuan to 355.33 yuan, with an average annual increase of 17.71%. In 1982, the annual growth rate was 19.9%, which was the highest in history. From 1978 to 1988, the total grain production increased from 400 billion jin to 800 billion jin, creating a miracle of feeding 22% of the world's population with 7% of the world's arable land. Township enterprise Such as Spring up after rain By the early 1990s, township enterprises had become the most active part of China's economy, and China's industrial output was "one in three".
2004: Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Several Policies to Promote the Increase of Farmers' Income
In January 2004, the Central Committee issued the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Several Policies to Promote the increase of Farmers' income", which is the sixth "No. 1 document" of the Central Committee on "agriculture, rural areas" since the reform and opening up, and the first "No. 1 document" on "agriculture, rural areas" in the new century.
Document number one focusing on the countryside
The document pointed out that adhering to the policy of "giving more, taking less and letting go of activities", adjusting the agricultural structure, expanding farmers' employment, accelerating scientific and technological progress, deepening rural reform, increasing agricultural input, strengthening support and protection for agriculture, striving to achieve rapid growth of farmers' income, and reversing the widening income gap between urban and rural residents as soon as possible. [17]
2005: Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Several Policies for Further Strengthening Rural Work and Improving the Overall Agricultural Production Capacity
On January 30, 2005, the Central Government issued the "No. 1 document", "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Several Policies for Further Strengthening Rural Work and Improving the Comprehensive Agricultural Production Capacity".
The document requires adhering to the principle of "giving more and taking less and releasing activities", and stabilizing, improving and strengthening various policies to support agriculture. At present and in the future, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, accelerate the progress of agricultural science and technology, and improve the overall production capacity of agriculture as a major and urgent strategic task, and pay close attention to it. [17]
2006: Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Promoting the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside
In February 2006, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued Several Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Promoting the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside.
Document requirements, overall urban and rural economic and social development, solidly promote the construction of a new socialist countryside, promote the construction of modern agriculture, strengthen the industrial support of the construction of a new socialist countryside, promote the continuous increase of farmers' income, consolidate the economic foundation of the construction of a new socialist countryside, strengthen the construction of rural infrastructure, improve the material conditions of the construction of a new socialist countryside. [17]
2007: Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Actively Developing Modern Agriculture and SolIdly Promoting the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside
In 2007, the "No. 1 document" was titled "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Actively Developing Modern Agriculture and Firmly Promoting the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside." According to the document, the overall requirements for agriculture and rural work in 2007 are: We will actively promote the development of modern agriculture, strengthen public services in rural areas, deepen comprehensive rural reform, promote stable development of grain, sustained increases in farmers' incomes, and greater rural harmony, ensure new progress in building a new countryside, and consolidate and develop the good situation in agriculture and rural areas. [17]
The year 2008
In 2008, the "No. 1 document" was titled "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Effectively Strengthening Agricultural Infrastructure and Further Promoting Agricultural Development to Increase Farmers' Income."
The document proposes to accelerate the establishment of a long-term mechanism to strengthen the agricultural foundation; Ensure the basic supply of major agricultural products; We will give priority to the development of agricultural infrastructure. Strengthen the basic support of agricultural science and technology and service system; Gradually improve the level of rural basic public services; Stabilize and improve the basic rural management system and deepen rural reform; Solid progress in the construction of rural grass-roots organizations; We will strengthen and improve the Party's leadership over work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers. [17]
2009: Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Promoting Stable Agricultural Development and Sustainable Increase of Farmers' Income in 2009
In 2009, the "No. 1 document" was titled "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Promoting Stable Agricultural Development and Sustainable Increase of Farmers' Income in 2009." The document proposes 28 measures to promote agricultural development and increase farmers' incomes, including a substantial increase in agricultural subsidies, the establishment of a market for the transfer of contracted land management rights, encouraging some provinces to implement a system of provincial direct management of counties, and the implementation of a plan for one college student in one village. [17]
2010: Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Strengthening the Overall Coordination of Urban and Rural Development and Further Consolidating the Foundation of Agricultural and Rural Development
In 2010, the "No. 1 document" titled "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Strengthening Overall Urban and Rural Development Efforts to Further Consolidate the Foundation of Agricultural and Rural Development" put forward the two-cross basic ideas and guidelines of "stabilizing grain supply, increasing income and benefiting people's livelihood, promoting overall reform and strengthening the foundation and increasing the momentum."
The document points out that the fundamental requirement of building a well-off society in an all-round way is to balance urban and rural development, to improve rural people's livelihood as an important part of adjusting the pattern of national income distribution, to expand rural demand as a key measure to stimulate domestic demand, and to develop modern agriculture as a major task of transforming the mode of economic development. We will build a new socialist countryside and promote urbanization as the lasting driving force for maintaining steady and rapid economic development. We will work tirelessly in agriculture and rural areas to ensure stable grain supply, increase income and benefit the people, promote overall planning through reform, and strengthen the foundation for sustainable development, and continue to make new contributions to the overall situation of reform, development and stability. [17]
Central No. 1 document to preach the theme report conference
2011: Decision of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Accelerating the Reform and Development of Water Conservancy
In 2011, the "No. 1 document" was titled "The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Accelerating the Reform and Development of Water Conservancy." The document pointed out that efforts should be made in 5 to 10 years to fundamentally reverse the obvious lag in water conservancy construction. By 2020, a flood control, drought relief and disaster reduction system will be basically in place. A system for rational allocation and efficient use of water resources has been basically established; A system for protecting water resources and ensuring the health of rivers and lakes has been basically established. An institutional system conducive to the development of water conservancy science has been basically established. [17]
The year 2012
Central document No. 1 supports agricultural science and technology
In 2012, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee emphasized "putting agricultural science and technology in a more prominent position", and half of the space concerned agricultural science and technology. The document makes it clear that it is necessary to continue to increase investment in agricultural science and technology to ensure that the increase and proportion are increased.
In 2012, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee was titled "Several Opinions on Accelerating Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation and Continuously Enhancing the Ability to Ensure the Supply of Agricultural Products". The full text is divided into six parts and 23 articles, including: increasing the intensity of investment and work, and continuously promoting the stable development of agriculture; Relying on scientific and technological innovation to lead and support the construction of modern agriculture; Up Agricultural technology extension Ability, vigorously develop agricultural socialization services; Strengthen the training of education and science and technology to create a new type of agricultural and rural talents; Improve facilities and equipment conditions, and continuously consolidate the material foundation of agricultural development; We will improve the efficiency of market circulation and ensure a stable and balanced supply of agricultural products.
Among the above six parts, the second, third and fourth parts are related to agricultural science and technology. The document pointed out that the fundamental way to achieve sustainable and stable development of agriculture and ensure the effective supply of agricultural products in the long term is science and technology. "We will give greater prominence to agricultural science and technology, resolve to break through institutional barriers, substantially increase investment in agricultural science and technology, promote its leapfrog development, and inject strong impetus into increasing agricultural production, increasing farmers' incomes, and rural prosperity."
In particular, it should be noted that the document attaches special importance to agricultural scientific and technological innovation, focusing on the scientific and technological innovation of the seed industry.
It is necessary to clarify the direction of agricultural science and technology innovation, highlight innovation priorities, improve innovation mechanisms, and improve innovation conditions, and strive to occupy an important position in the forefront of agricultural science and technology in the world. Facing the needs of industry, we will strive to break through major key technologies and common technologies in agriculture, and effectively solve the problem of the disconnect between science and technology and the economy. We will increase the support of various national science and technology programs to the agricultural sector, and strive to make scientific and technological innovation in the seed industry.
In addition, the document also calls for continued improvement of facilities and equipment conditions to be strengthened Irrigation and water conservancy construction Accelerate rural areas Entrepreneurial experimental field We will develop and speed up agricultural mechanization, make overall plans for the distribution of agricultural product distribution facilities nationwide, and explore ways to establish flexible and diversified models of agricultural product production and marketing that effectively link production and consumption. We will take targeted regulatory measures to ensure effective supply and market stability of major agricultural products and keep their prices at reasonable levels.
In terms of policies, the document determines that the government will continue to increase fiscal expenditure for "agriculture, rural areas", continue to increase the investment in national fixed assets investment in agriculture and rural areas, continue to increase investment in agricultural science and technology, and ensure that the increment and proportion are increased. We will give full play to the leading role of the government in investment in agricultural science and technology, ensure that the increase of government investment in agricultural science and technology is significantly higher than that of regular government revenue, gradually increase the proportion of investment in agricultural research and development in agricultural added value, and establish a long-term mechanism for steady growth of investment.
The year 2013
January 31, 2013," Several Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Accelerating the Development of Modern Agriculture and Further Enhancing the Vitality of Rural Development The full text was published, and the agricultural and rural work in China in the past ten years was summarized, highlighting the construction of modern agriculture, giving full play to the superiority of the basic management system, and focusing on the construction of a new agricultural management system. In 2013, the No. 1 Central document proposed to encourage and support the transfer of contracted land to large professional households, family farms and farmers' cooperatives. Among them, the concept of "family farm" appears for the first time in the central document No. 1.
The year 2014
In January 2014, CPC Central Committee The State Council issued it Several Opinions on Comprehensively Deepening Rural Reform and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization . Xinhua News Agency On 19 January 2014, it was authorized to publish the full text of the document. Opinions determined that further emancipate the mind, seek progress while maintaining stability, reform and innovation, resolutely eliminate institutional and mechanism drawbacks, adhere to the basic position of agriculture, and accelerate progress Agricultural modernization . [7]
2014 Central document No. 1 locked 8 "agriculture, rural areas" work priorities. The document determined that in 2014 and in the future period, we should improve the national food security system, strengthen the agricultural support and protection system, establish a long-term mechanism for sustainable agricultural development, deepen the reform of the rural land system, build a new agricultural management system, accelerate the innovation of the rural financial system, improve the system and mechanism of integrated urban and rural development, and improve the rural governance mechanism.
No one-size-fits-all approach should be adopted in deepening rural reform. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council put forward several Opinions on Comprehensively Deepening Rural Reform and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization, encouraging exploration and innovation, supporting local governments to try first and respect the practice and creation of farmers under the premise of a clear bottom line; We should adopt different and transitional systems and policy arrangements, instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all approach or pursuing a one-step approach.
2014 Central Document No. 1: The new agricultural modernization road with Chinese characteristics must adhere to the "three directions". The document proposed to accelerate the construction of a new agricultural management system in order to solve the problem of how to properly seed, to solve the resource and environmental constraints of insufficient water, to further promote the transformation of agricultural development mode, and to develop high-quality and safe agricultural products in order to meet the requirements of good food and safety.
The year 2015
" Several Opinions on Strengthening Reform and Innovation to speed up Agricultural Modernization "Pointed out that at present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, is shifting from high-speed growth to medium-high growth, how to continue to strengthen the basic position of agriculture in the context of slowing economic growth, to promote farmers to continue to increase income, is a major issue that must be cracked. Domestic agricultural production costs are rising rapidly, and the price of bulk agricultural products is generally higher than that of the international market. How to innovate agricultural support and protection policies and improve agricultural competitiveness under the "double squeeze" is a major test that must be faced. China's agricultural resources are short, over-exploited and polluted. How to ensure the effective supply and quality safety of agricultural products under the hard constraints of resources and environment and improve the ability of sustainable development of agriculture is a major challenge that must be addressed. With the acceleration of the flow of urban and rural resource factors and the increasing interaction between urban and rural areas, how to accelerate the pace of new rural construction and achieve common prosperity in urban and rural areas under the background of in-depth urbanization development is a major issue that must be solved. Solving these problems is a major task for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in the coming period. We must always make solving problems related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers a top priority in the work of the whole Party. We must rely on reform to give impetus to our efforts, ensure the rule of law, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture with Chinese characteristics.
"The central No. 1 document once again focuses on 'agriculture, rural areas', highlighting the' top priority 'positioning of' agriculture, rural areas' work." Compared with 2014, the No. 1 document in 2015 further emphasized "strengthening reform and innovation", and it is believed that under the deployment of the document, China's agricultural modernization is expected to accelerate. [8]
The year 2016
" Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Implementing the New Development Concept, Accelerating Agricultural Modernization and Achieving the Goal of a Well-off Society in an all-round Way This is the 18th central No. 1 document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since China's reform and opening up, and the 13th central No. 1 document continuously released since 2004. The document states that" The 13th Five-Year Plan Promote rural reform and development during the period, adhere to the policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching peasants, and promote rural areas Moderately prosperous society in all respects We need to accelerate the development of modern agriculture, increase farmers' incomes and accelerate development New socialist countryside We will continue to consolidate and develop the good situation in agriculture and rural areas. [9]
The year 2017
On February 5, 2017, the 14th Central No. 1 document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the new century began Xinhua News Agency Authorized to publish. The document is entitled" Several opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Deepening the structural reform of the agricultural supply side and Accelerating the Cultivation of new driving forces for agricultural and Rural Development The full text is about 13,000 words, and it is divided into 6 parts and 33 articles, including: optimizing the industrial structure of products, focusing on promoting the quality and efficiency of agriculture; Promote green production mode and enhance the sustainable development ability of agriculture; Expand new industries and new forms of business, and expand the agricultural industrial chain value chain; We will strengthen the drive of scientific and technological innovation to accelerate the development of modern agriculture. Strengthen the weak links in agriculture and rural areas and consolidate the foundation for shared development in rural areas. We will intensify rural reform and activate the internal impetus for the development of agriculture and rural areas. [3]
The year 2018
On January 2, 2018, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued the" Opinions on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy ". "Opinions" pointed out that implementation Rural revitalization The strategy is a major decision and arrangement made at the 19th National Congress of the Party, a major historical task to achieve a decisive victory in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and a general starting point for the work concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the new era. [4]
On February 19, 2019, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued the" Several Opinions on giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas and doing a good job in the work of Agriculture, Rural areas and Farmers The opinions put forward that the "three rural" work must be completed in an all-round way to build a well-off society, adapt to the new requirements put forward by the complex situation at home and abroad for rural reform and development, focus on the key points, make up for weaknesses, strengthen the foundation, and ensure the smooth completion of the promised rural reform and development goals and tasks by 2020. [1] [10]
The year 2020
On February 5, 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued the" Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on focusing on key work in the areas of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" to Ensure the realization of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way on schedule ". The document makes clear that the two key tasks in 2020 are to focus on winning the battle against poverty and making up for outstanding weaknesses in the areas of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in an all-round well-off society, and put forward a series of policies and measures with high gold content and strong operability. [2]
The year 2021
21 February 2021," Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating Agricultural and Rural Modernization That is, the Central Document No. 1 will be released in 2021. This is the 18th central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 21st century. The countryside must be revitalized if the nation is to be revived, the document said. We must make solving problems related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers a top priority in the work of the whole Party, take all-round rural revitalization as a major task in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and mobilize the efforts of the whole Party and society to speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas so that farmers can live a better life. [13]
Central No. 1 file
February 22, 2022," Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Completing the Key Work of Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization in 2022 That is, the Central Document No. 1 will be released in 2022. This is the 19th central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 21st century. The document pointed out that firmly adhere to the two bottom lines of ensuring national food security and preventing large-scale return to poverty, highlight annual tasks, targeted measures, and result-oriented, give full play to the leadership role of rural grass-roots party organizations, do a solid and orderly job in rural development, rural construction, and rural governance, and promote new progress in rural revitalization and new steps in agricultural and rural modernization. [14]
February 13, 2023, Central Document No. 1, 2023 Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the key work of rural revitalization in 2023 "Published. This is the 20th central document to guide the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 21st century, the document pointed out that the most arduous and onerous task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country is still in the countryside. The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and China's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities, risks and challenges, and increasing uncertainties and unpredictable factors. It is of Paramount importance to ensure that the basic agenda of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is well maintained. The Party Central Committee believes that we must persist in solving the problems of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" as the top priority of the Party's work, and fully promote rural revitalization with the efforts of the whole Party and the whole society Agricultural and rural modernization . [20]
On February 3, 2024, Xinhua News Agency was authorized to issue Document No. 1 of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Learning and Applying the experience of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation" Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas in 2024. . The full text consists of six parts, including: ensuring national food security, ensuring that there is no large-scale return to poverty, improving the level of rural industrial development, improving the level of rural construction, improving the level of rural governance, and strengthening the Party's overall leadership over the work of "three rural areas". The document pointed out that to promote Chinese-style modernization, we must make unremitting efforts to consolidate the agricultural foundation and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. We should learn to apply the development concepts, working methods and promotion mechanisms contained in the "ten million project", take the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization as the general starting point of the "three rural areas and farmers" work in the new era and new journey, adhere to the people-centered development thought, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, and apply policies according to local conditions and types, step by step and work for a long time. We will concentrate our efforts on delivering tangible results that can be felt by a number of people, and continue to make substantial progress and phased results. [21]

Social evaluation

If the five No. 1 documents in the 1980s focused on solving the obstacles in the rural system, promoting the great development of rural productive forces, and then creating material and ideological impetus for the reform of the urban economic system, the core idea of the five central No. 1 documents in the 21st century on "agriculture, rural areas" is that cities support rural areas. Industry feeds back into agriculture Through a series of" Give more, take less, and let go The policy measures to make farmers rest and rest, focus on farmers to increase income, give farmers equal rights, give priority to rural areas, and give agriculture more feedback.
Only work it out." Agriculture, rural areas and farmers The problem is that the long-term and stable development of China's economy can be guaranteed and China can be formed Domestic demand Pull-led Economic model Have a solid foundation.

Historical value


One of values

The farmers enjoyed a good harvest
Reconstruction of rural economic system, liberation and development of productive forces, prosperity of rural economy. From 1982 to 1986, the Party Central Committee and The State Council issued five No. 1 documents in a row, promoting the integration of unified and decentralized rural areas on the basis of the household contract responsibility system Two-tier management system It has improved agricultural production relations, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers for production, liberated agricultural productive forces, and promoted the development of rural commodity economy. During this period, the average annual growth rate of agricultural production was 7.3%, and the average annual growth rate of total grain was 4.9%. The problem of food and clothing for 800 million farmers was solved. The income of farmers increased rapidly, and the income gap between urban and rural residents was narrowed.
In the 1980s, the five No. 1 documents of the Central Committee had two remarkable features: First, they highlighted the importance of rural reform in building a new economic system. We carried out the household contract responsibility system, abolished the people's communes, broke through the planned economy model, and built adaptive development Socialist market economy The requirements of the new rural economic system framework. Second, focus on the emancipation and development of rural productive forces, prosperity of rural commodity economy. The fundamental purpose of rural reform is to liberate and develop productive forces, develop rural commodity economy, promote agricultural modernization and make rural areas prosperous. Promoting the development of rural commodity economy, the central No. 1 document is indispensable.
In the 1980s, agricultural productivity was liberated, agricultural output and farmers' income increased abnormally, which was due to the guidance of the Party and state policies such as the five No.1 Documents of the Central Committee, and two main institutional factors were at work: first, farmers' behavior was the main body Household contract responsibility system This induced institutional change greatly improved the enthusiasm of farmers to work, and promoted the growth of agricultural output and rural surplus labor products. More importantly, the institutional innovation of the household contract responsibility system enables farmers to obtain the right to control the surplus labor products and working time, while the national policy of enriching the people reduces the amount of industrial extraction of agriculture, so that a considerable part of agricultural surplus products remain in the hands of farmers, and increases the choice of farmers to invest in non-agricultural industries. Second, the compulsory institutional change of price adjustment of agricultural products, which is mainly based on government behavior, has been greatly improved Agricultural and sideline products The purchase price. The above two institutional changes alone have brought more than 60% growth to agricultural production and promoted the great development of agriculture.
The success of rural reform has strongly promoted the growth of the whole national economy from both supply and demand. The rural reform set an example at the early stage of the reform, providing a reference for China's economic system reform, and providing a material basis and spiritual impetus for urban reform. At the same time, the rural reform has always adhered to the market orientation, and the market mechanism has also introduced agriculture and the rural economy, and the "dual-track" operation pattern calls for the state to comprehensively implement market-oriented reform. All these laid the foundation for the establishment of the goal of market economy reform after 1992.

Value ii

Study the central No. 1 document carefully
To deepen the reform of the rural economic system, further liberate and develop the rural productive forces, coordinate urban and rural development, and build a new socialist countryside into the new century, in order to deepen the reform of the rural economic system and further liberate and develop the rural productive forces, the central Government has judged the situation and taken measures to Scientific outlook on development For guidance, go Promote agriculture through industry Take the city with the countryside, Overall planning between urban and rural areas The new way of development, 2004 to 2008, and issued five consecutive No. 1 documents.
The first five central documents in the new century have a distinct theme: narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and promoting the integrated development of urban and rural economy and society. Through a series of policies and measures of "giving more, taking less, and letting go of activities", we have enabled farmers to rest and live, with emphasis on increasing farmers' income, giving farmers equal rights, giving rural areas priority, and giving agriculture more feedback. China's agriculture and rural areas have entered an unprecedented new stage of development, and the most direct expression is that farmers' per capita income has entered a period of rapid growth.
The five central No. 1 documents of the new century show the following characteristics: First, in strategic decision-making, it reflects the "overall urban and rural development". The common denominator of the five central No. 1 documents in the new century is to coordinate urban and rural development, establish a long-term mechanism of subsidizing agriculture with industry and bringing countryside with city, and gradually solve the problems of "three rural areas" and change Urban-rural dual economic structure . Second, in the guidelines, it reflects "giving more, taking less, and letting go", focusing on "giving more". adjust National income distribution Structure, expand the scope of public finance to cover rural areas, and strengthen the government's investment in rural public services. The state has realized a significant change from "taking" to "giving" to farmers. The relationship between urban and rural economy has changed from "absorbing type" to "feeding type". Third, in the focus, it reflects the "improvement of rural people's livelihood". Effectively solving the problems of the people's livelihood in rural areas and solidly promoting the construction of a new socialist countryside will become the "highlight" of the work of "three rural areas" in the coming period.
Under the guidance of the No. 1 Central document, the construction of socialist new countryside presents a new trend and a new atmosphere.
First of all, China's rural areas have formed a new agricultural and rural policy system framework to meet the needs of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Direct subsidies for agricultural production; We will strengthen rural infrastructure and shift the focus of social development to rural areas. We will establish a subsistence allowance system in all rural areas to protect the rights and interests of migrant workers. The new agricultural and rural policy framework system provides important institutional, financial and policy support for building a new socialist countryside, taking the road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, and realizing a new pattern of urban-rural integration.
Secondly, the five central No. 1 documents issued, in accordance with the idea of "making up for agriculture by industry, taking rural areas by city" and the policy of "giving more, taking less, and letting loose", formed a long-term mechanism of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers, and the "cycle" of agricultural production in China began to be broken, and food production has been a good harvest for five consecutive years.
Third, greater efforts should be made to establish and improve infrastructure suitable for modern agriculture and rural development. The No. 1 document of the Central Committee clearly pointed out that in the future, the level of basic public services in rural areas will be gradually improved, including improving the level of compulsory education in rural areas, enhancing the ability of basic medical services in rural areas, stabilizing the fertility level in rural areas, thriving rural public culture, and establishing and improving the rural social security system. It was fully implemented nationwide in 2008 Rural minimum living allowance system 90% of farmers nationwide have participated in the new cooperative medical care. Local governments increased funding for rural compulsory education. In accordance with the requirements of "strengthening the construction of rural infrastructure and improving the rural market and agricultural service system" put forward by the Central Document No. 1, in May 2008, the Ministry of Commerce, the SAIC, the AQSIQ and the National Supply and Marketing Cooperation Agency jointly issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of the Rural Market System.
It can be seen that in the construction of the new socialist countryside, China not only increases the construction of agricultural infrastructure, but also comprehensively strengthens the construction of rural social infrastructure, which has far-reaching significance.

Basic experience

Since the reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China has issued ten "No. 1 documents" to solve the problems of "three rural areas". The promulgation of these documents is realistic, contemporary and forward-looking. It directly guides the process of China's socialist modernization, promotes the construction of new socialist countryside, fully implements the scientific outlook on development, and builds socialism Harmonious society It has played a very important role in the construction of an all-round well-off society, and more importantly, the promulgation of ten "No. 1 Documents" has made Chinese farmers really get real benefits, aroused the enthusiasm of farmers, and promoted the reform of rural production relations and the development of rural productive forces. Looking at the ten "No. 1 documents" since the reform and opening up, we can draw the following three basic lessons:
First, stimulate the peasants' subjectivity. Farmers are the main body to solve the problem of "three rural areas", if the farmers do not know clearly in ideology, the problem of "three rural areas" can not be solved. The promulgation and implementation of the ten central "No. 1 document" shows that the Party and the state have put the "three farmers" issue on the "top priority" position, but in the implementation process, there have been backfires, good policies have not received good results, and the phenomenon of policy failure or decline is serious. The key point is that the main role of farmers has not been well played, the ideology has not been fully understood, there are more doubts and confusion, hindering the actions of farmers, mainly manifested as "one confusion and three fears". One confusion is that farmers do not understand why the state requires a document a year? Why does the state not institutionalize and standardize successful experiences and effective measures through legal forms? The three fears are: the first fear is that the policy is difficult to deliver. Some people believe that the "No. 1 document" has a high gold content, but it is not directly implemented in the heads of farmers, but is implemented by layer by layer of government departments, which is easy to strengthen the interests of departments and breed unhealthy industry. Two fear policy is difficult to support. Rising prices of agricultural products can bring benefits to farmers, but the prices of commodities and services related to agricultural production will all rise, and farmers will increase production without increasing income. The policy of fear will not last. Some people say that when there is a shortage of food, preferential policies will be introduced, and if there is more food, will these policies be reversed? Because of the existence of these thoughts, farmers must have some resistance emotions in their actions, which hinders the real solution of the "three rural" problems. Therefore, the real solution to the problem of "three farmers" must solve the worries and worries of the Party and the state policy from the ideological perspective, so that the interests of farmers can be truly implemented.
Second, to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, we must "triple". To solve the problems of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", we must implement them in concrete practice. The issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is an old one, with many accumulated contradictions, a long time, and many departments and industries involved. We cannot expect that all problems can be solved in a short period of time with a single document and a few meetings, and we must be prepared for long-term thinking. The promulgation and implementation process of the ten "No. 1 documents" followed this basic principle, the first four of the five "No. 1 documents" before 1986 emphasized the household contract management responsibility system, and the fifth document began to turn to the new stage of the development of the commodity economy in the second step of rural reform. The key words of the five "No. 1 Documents" issued since 2004 are farmer income increase, agricultural comprehensive capacity, socialist new countryside construction, modern agriculture and rural infrastructure construction. The key words are different, but the efforts and directions to solve the problems of "three rural areas" are consistent. Therefore, this needs to be solid, down-to-earth, step by step to do each thing, do not have a restless mentality, only to lay a solid foundation, development can have momentum; Second, we must re-coordinate. The ten "No. 1 Documents" show that the solution to the problem of "three agriculture" is not only in agriculture. It is impossible to find a way out in rural areas to fundamentally solve the problem. We must proceed from the idea of coordinating the economic and social development of urban and rural areas. The reform should be comprehensively promoted in all areas of the national economy that are closely related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and consider rural infrastructure, employment, education, medical care, culture and social security from the perspective of urban-rural integration. To create a good internal and external environment for solving the problems of "three rural areas"; Third, we must focus on practical results. The central government issued ten "No. 1 documents" to show that in the process of solving the problems of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", effectiveness is very important, that is, to actively adapt to changes in the development stage, constantly study new situations and solve new problems, timely adjust policy trends, implement the main spirit of the "No. 1 document" into specific work, and truly put agriculture and rural economy in an important position and implement it in place.
Third, explore new ways to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. China's development must be based on rural reality and focus on solving the problems of "three rural areas". The ten "No. 1 Documents" irrefutably illustrate this point, and this spirit is particularly important in the new historical period and stage of development, in the course of our country's development. Only by relying on this spirit can we correctly handle all kinds of relations, make the Party's rural policy fully implemented and effective, and only by relying on this spirit can we adapt to the development of The Times and form a correct system and system. Therefore, in" Agriculture, rural areas and farmers In solving the problem, we must adhere to the ideological line of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and advancing with The Times, open up new ways of development in deepening reform, get rid of all ideas that hinder development, change all practices that restrict development, and get rid of all systems that affect development. Only in this way can there be hope for the real solution of the problems of "three rural areas".
If agriculture is stable, the foundation is solid, if rural areas are stable, the society is safe, and if farmers are rich, the country is strong. Since the reform and opening up, China's rural areas have made remarkable achievements, but problems still exist. Due to the system and institutional obstacles formed in history, the rural areas are backward and poor, ignorant and remote, paranoid and conservative, and there is still a certain contrast with the urban areas. Therefore, strengthening the work of "agriculture, rural areas" and focusing on solving the problems of "agriculture, rural areas and rural areas" are related to the overall situation of the Party and the country, the grand goal of realizing a well-off society in an all-round way, and the great rejuvenation and development of the Chinese nation Socialism with Chinese characteristics The long-term development of the cause is also related to the construction of a new socialist countryside and the construction of a harmonious society.

Calendar documents

"Document No. 1" review over the years
2020: Opinions on Focusing on Key Work in the areas of "Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers" to Ensure the Realization of a Well-off Society in an All-round Way on Schedule [6]
2017:" Several opinions on Deepening the structural reform of agricultural supply side and Accelerating the Cultivation of new driving forces for Agricultural and Rural Development " [12]
2016:" Several opinions on Implementing the New Concept of Development, Accelerating Agricultural Modernization and Realizing the goal of a well-off society in an all-round way "
2013: Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Modern Agriculture and Further Enhancing the Vitality of Rural Development
2011: Decision on Accelerating the Reform and Development of Water Conservancy
2010: Several Opinions on Strengthening the Overall Development of Urban and Rural Areas and Further Consolidating the Foundation of Agricultural and Rural Development
2009: Several Opinions on Promoting Stable Agricultural Development and Sustainable Increase of Farmers' Income
2008: Several Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Agricultural Infrastructure to Further Promote Agricultural Development and Increase Farmers' Income
2007: Several Opinions on Actively Developing Modern Agriculture and SolIdly Promoting the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside
2006: Several Opinions on Promoting the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside
2005: Opinions on Several Policies for Further Strengthening Rural Work and Improving Comprehensive Agricultural Production Capacity
2004: Opinions on Several Policies to Increase Farmers' Income