Alfred Bernhard Nobel

Swedish chemists
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Alfred Bernhard Nobel (October 21, 1833 - December 10, 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, military equipment manufacturer, and inventor of diatomite Stockholm . [1]
During his lifetime, Nobel owned 355 patents and accumulated a huge fortune by opening about 100 companies and factories in 20 countries on five continents, including Europe and the United States.
In 1895, Nobel ordered the majority of his estate (about $9.2 million) to be set up as a fund, with the annual interest divided into five shares Nobel Prize It is divided into five kinds of prizes: physics prize, chemistry prize, physiology or medicine prize, Literature Prize and Peace Prize (in 1969, the Swedish Bank added the Economics Prize), awarded to people from all over the world who have made significant contributions to mankind in these fields. [2] In honor of Nobel's contribution, artificial elements nobelium Nobelium is named after Nobel. [3]
Chinese name
Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Foreign name
Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Date of birth
October 21, 1833
Date of death
December 10th, 1896
Major achievement
Founders of the Nobel Prize
Diatomite explosive
Aster Prize, Swedish Academy of Sciences
Place of Birth



Study stage

A young Nobel
In 1841, Nobel entered the local Yotai Elementary School, which was the only school in his life where he received a formal education. Nobel had the lowest class attendance due to illness. But in school, he worked hard, so he was always at the top of the class.
In 1842, Nobel's family moved to Petersburg, Russia. The 9-year-old Nobel could not attend the local school because he did not know Russian and was not in good health. His father hired a tutor to tutor his three brothers in culture. The teacher often conducted a grade assessment and reported his study to his father, and Nobel made rapid progress.
In 1850, at the age of 17, Nobel crossed the ocean in the name of an engineer and went to the United States to intern in the workshop of the famous engineer Allison. After the internship, he went to Europe and the United States for four years before returning home. In every place he visited, he immediately began to work to gain an in-depth understanding of the industrial development of various countries.
In 1850, he studied chemistry in the United States.
He returned to St. Petersburg in 1852.
In 1858, he went to London to raise funds for his father's career.
In 1859, his father's business failed and he returned to Stockholm with his brother Jemil. [4]

Research stage

In 1860, he began to work on nitroglycerin explosives.
In 1863, Nobel returned to Sweden and worked with his father and brother to develop explosives. In 1864, an accidental explosion destroyed the workshop, killing his brother, and the government forbade them to conduct further tests. [5] For a time, he set up his laboratory on a barge in Mala Lake outside Stockholm. [6] In the autumn of that year, Nobel successfully invented the detonator for nitroglycerin explosives; In October, obtained the patent of nitroglycerin explosive and established the nitroglycerin explosive company.
In 1865, the Gunpowder Company was established in Hamburg, Germany, and a factory was built in Kluber.
In 1866, nitroglycerin explosions continued to occur around the world, so there was a scramble to ban nitroglycerin companies in trouble, and glycerin explosives were invented.
In May 1867, the British patent for explosives was granted, and the new Noble detonator was successfully invented.
In 1867, the Nobel Company was opened across Europe, and the explosive business was at its peak, which was obtained at the same time as his father Swedish Academy of Science the Aster Prize .
In 1871, he founded an explosive company in England Paul Bowe Cooperative entrepreneurship.
He settled in Paris in 1873.
Hired in 1876 Lady Stowe He became a secretary and then became interested in the peace movement.
Portrait of Nobel
In 1878, the invention was completed Plastic explosive ; In May, he joined the oil industry and founded Nobel Brothers Oil Company.
In 1880, he received the Scientific Order initiated by the King of Sweden and the Grand Order of France.
In 1884, he was recommended as a member of the Royal Society of London, the Technical Society of Paris, and the Royal Swedish Society of Science.
In 1887, he obtained a patent for blasting gunpowder.
In 1890, persecuted by the French, he left Paris, where he had lived for 18 years, and moved to St. Limo, Italy, where he founded an institute. In the next six years, he continued to work on a variety of new inventions, involving chemical, mechanical, electrical, medical and other fields. [6]
1893, obtained Uppsala University, Sweden Honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 7 [8]
On November 27, 1895, a will was made, resulting in the Nobel Prize.
He died on the evening of December 10, 1896, at the age of 63, at the village of Meonides in St. Lemore. [4]

Personal life


Family member

Nobel's father, Emmanuel Nobel, was an inventor who invented the boiler system for home heating, designed a machine for making wooden wheels, designed and made large forging hammers, and modified factory equipment. In 1853, the Russian Tsar Nicholas I In recognition of his achievements, Emanuel Nobel was awarded an exceptional medal. [6] Emmanuel Nobel was a man of great interest in invention; At the same time, Nobel's mother, Lorina Andrita Arcelle, had a strong-willed and hard-working personality, and the couple had a great influence on Nobel's life. [9]

Love literature

Nobel had a long-standing interest in literature and had written some poems in English in his youth. Later generations also found the beginning of a novel he wrote in his manuscript. It is little known that Nobel was also a playwright, but it was only when he was dying that his only play was reproduced. Unfortunately, his work was considered "libelous and blasphemous" and almost all of it was destroyed immediately after Nobel's death; only three copies survived. It was not until 2003 that the first surviving edition was published in Sweden. In addition to Esperanto, the play has not been translated into any other languages, including English. [4]
In his later years he began to write novels, In the Brightest Africa (1861) and The Sisters (1862), both of which expressed his views on social reform, and the comedy Patent for the Invention of Bacilli (1895), which was critical of reality and full of satire and sarcasm. His only published play was The Avenged Goddess, written in 1895. [10]
Nobel was popular with English poets in his boyhood Shelley Therefore, he had a "Shelley dream" of becoming a poet. As an adult, Nobel's interest in literature was as consistent as his interest in science, although he had little spare time because of his busy schedule of technological inventions and business development. It can be said that literature and science are the two spiritual pillars of Nobel.
Nobel not only enjoyed reading literature, but also tried his hand at writing it. He wrote poetry, and "A Riddle" is one of his long autobiographical poems. [10]

Dabble in philosophy

Nobel also liked philosophy closely related to literature, and for the famous European and American philosophers at that time, he preferred the positivist philosophy of British philosopher Herbert Spencer. In philosophy, he had made lists and Outlines of papers he intended to write. [10]

Love life

Nobel had no wife or children in his life, and his love was tragic. During his youth in Europe and the United States, Nobel had a brief love affair with a French girl in Paris, but the girl died soon after.
In 1876, Bertha, the daughter of Austrian Grand Marshal Count Franz Kinski, was hired as his secretary. Nobel liked her, but Bertha was already in love. In the autumn of the same year, while on a business trip to Austria, Nobel met Sophie, a flower seller, in a flower shop in Vienna. Nobel and Sophie continued their relationship for nearly 15 years (say 18 years). Nobel wanted Sophie to be his companion, and bought her a villa at a health resort and a gorgeous mansion in a wealthy part of Paris, but because Sophie had no culture and lack of education, did not listen to Nobel's advice, but only squandered, Nobel felt sad and disappointed. In the spring of 1891, Sophie wrote to Nobel to tell him that she was going to have a child. When Nobel read this news, he was completely disappointed, but he wrote to her to comfort and advise her, and decided not to have any dealings with her from now on, through a lawyer to provide her with 300,000 Hungarian kroner pension. [11]

Major contribution


Scientific research achievement

In October 1863, Nobel won the patent for the invention of explosive detonator. This invention is known as the Nobel igniter. [6]
In 1864, he patented the invention of nitroglycerine explosive. [12]
In 1865, he repeatedly experimented and researched, developed a solid ductile fuel, and successively obtained patents for explosives in Sweden, Britain and the United States. [6]
In 1866, he produced "diatomite explosive" that can absorb three times more nitroglycerin than itself and is as soft and hard as clay, which became the cornerstone of the Nobel international industrial group. [12]
In 1867, the safety detonator was invented. [4]
In 1888, a smokeless explosive, also known as Nobel explosive, was invented for the manufacture of military shells, grenades and ammunition. [6]
In 1896, the patent for a glass press nozzle with a fine hole was obtained, and the invention also had a considerable impact on the textile industry. [12]
Nobel not only made contributions in the field of explosives, but also in the fields of electrochemistry, optics, biology, physiology and literature. During his lifetime, Nobel patented 355 inventions in the UK alone. [6] In addition to explosives, Nobel has theoretical and practical achievements for the use of nitroglycerin fuse, silent guns, metal hardening, welding, welding, as well as the stability of bullets, the use of gas submarine equipment extremely safe, rescue rockets for maritime disasters, etc. He has created experimental research in artificial rubber, artificial leather and nitrocellulose based on the manufacture of real paint or dyes, artificial gems and so on. [12]

Nobel Prize

Before his death in 1895, Nobel made a will, using $9.2 million of his fortune as a fund to set up five prizes with annual interest ($200,000 per year) : physics prize, Chemistry prize, physiology or Medicine prize, literature prize, and Peace Prize (in 1969, the Bank of Sweden added the Economics Prize) to reward the scholars who made the greatest contributions in the above fields. Since 1901, the prize has been awarded annually at 4:30 p.m. on December 10, the day of Nobel's death.
Nobel Prize Divided into the following six categories:
(1) Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences for important inventions and discoveries in physics.
(2) Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences for important discoveries and improvements in chemistry.
(3) Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded by the Caroline Society of Stockholm for important discoveries in physiology or medicine.
(4) Nobel Prize in Literature Awarded by the Academy of Stockholm to those who have inspired and guided literary thought.
(5) Nobel Peace Prize The award shall be made by a committee of five members of the Norwegian Parliament to the person who has made an important contribution to the abolition and reduction of armaments for the promotion of friendly relations among nations and for the establishment and popularization of the Peace Conference.
(6) Nobel Prize in Economics Not one of the five award areas mentioned in Nobel's will, is by Svenksbank Added in 1968 in honor of Nobel, the winner is Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Decided. [11]

Character works

Nobel works
Brothers and Sisters
Happiest Africa
Patented Virus
The Avenged Goddess
Above sources [3] [10]

Award record

Swedish Academy of Science
Award time Award name Award result
1867 Aster Prize [10] Win a prize

Character evaluation

Nobel devoted his life to the practical popularization of scientific inventions, and donated all his property to establish the world-famous Nobel Prize after his death. [13] (Tencent review)
Nobel was a man who admired science and an enthusiastic reader with literary ambitions. [14] (Commentary by Nobel biographer Fred Dixon)
Nobel is indeed a typical inventor of genius in the 19th century, and his inventions seem to come more from his keen intuition and extraordinary creativity. [15] (China Youth network review)
Nobel not only devoted all his life to the cause of science, but also left a will after his death, donating all his legacy to the cause of science, and his name and human achievements in scientific exploration, forever left in the annals of civilization in the development of human society. [4] (People's Daily online review)
Nobel is not insatiable for money and property, generous to others, to the development of science greatly assisted, but he lives frugally, his life spent in hardship. He created a lot of material civilization wealth for human beings, and left people with the spirit of hard work, not caring for utility and false fame. [6] (Northern network review)
Incommunicative, solitary and prone to flinching, Nobel offered little justification for the general public's recognition of him as the inventor of tools of war and destruction. He liked to think, with his visionary poet and visionary nature, keen insight and unyielding spirit, but also hated war and worried about the conversion of explosives to military use. In short, there is a rather marked antagonism in his character. He always maintains a poet's attitude towards life. [12] (Southern network review)


In order to commemorate Nobel, the Nobel Prize awards ceremony is held every year on the anniversary of Nobel's death. For the award ceremony, men wear it tailcoat Women wore solemn evening dresses, and the white and yellow flowers used in the ceremony had to be brought from SAN Morey, Italy. [16]
June 8, 2011, Artificial Element nobelium Nobelium is named after Nobel. [17]
In March 2015, the Nobel Museum in Sweden put on display the manuscript of inventor Alfred Nobel's will, the first time it has been shown to the public. During his lifetime, Nobel owned 355 patents and accumulated a huge fortune by opening about 100 companies and factories in 20 countries on five continents, including Europe and the United States. Nobel Prizes are awarded to people from all over the world who have made significant contributions to humanity in these fields. [18]

Character dispute

Nobel's suicide note in 1895 caused a heated debate after it was made public. Some people criticized Nobel for being a Swede but giving Swedish property to people around the world, which was an unpatriotic act. Some suspect that the judges may be guilty of bribery and unable to fulfil their tasks; Others say it is doubtful that Norway, which has a strained relationship with Sweden, should be given the prize by a committee of Norwegian parliamentarians. In addition to the fact that the will had a de facto non-existent foundation as its successor, and that its huge estate was scattered among countries and governed by completely different laws, the chief executor of the will, Laguna Soluman, mobilized financial, scientific, and legal experts in various countries to clean up the estate and resolve disputes. After several years of effort, with the support of members of Nobel's second brother, the Lyudubek family, the Nobel Foundation was established, and on June 29, 1900, the Swedish government approved the constitution of the Foundation and the awarding of prizes by various Swedish institutions. [12]