Wang Huan

The late former CCTV host
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Wang Huan (February 14, 1971 - July 3, 2013) was born Wang Wei in Hebei Province Chengde The man. Former CCTV program host, director, also worked in Hebei Chengde TV station [2] .
Since 1994, he has worked for China Central Television (CCTV). East, west, north, south "," China music TV "The host. He served from 1995 to 2013 CCTV-6 " Program preview Director and host of Next Week's Movie. [2]
At 18:58 on July 3, 2013, Wang Huan died of illness [2] .
Wang Huan
Foreign name
Wang Huan
Ethnic group
Place of Birth
Chengde, Hebei
Date of birth
February 14, 1971
Date of death
July 3, 2013 18:58 [2]
Blood type
Type AB
166 cm
Body weight
51 kg
Representative works
Next week's movie , East, west, north, south
Director, host [2]
Wang Wei
Academic calendar
Undergraduate course

Early experience

Wang Huan was born in a strict family. My mother is a student of opera, which makes her and her brother from the day they can speak, pronunciation and words are very standardized. During the years of working in my hometown TV station, I broadcast news, matched special topics, matched advertisements, and hosted entertainment columns... She did almost all the programs in all the stations, and it was the training and exercise at that time that would make her full of confidence in her future work.
Then she came to Beijing, in the country's most authoritative television station, she studied hard, worked hard, became Movie channel 's Program preview "And" Next Week's Movie ".


Wang Huan
He worked in Hebei Province from 1990 to 1994 Chengde TV station , as host.
From 1994 to 1995, he worked for China Central Television (CCTV). East, west, north, south "," China music TV "The host.
Since 1995 CCTV-6 Director and host of "Program Preview", host of "Next Week's Movie".

Personal anecdote

He was sickly from an early age
Wang Huan's original name is Wang Wei Because she was weak and ill from a young age, she tried every disease that children should get one by one, and her grandmother said: Change my name and call it Wang Huan. She got her name in the fourth grade. Although weak, Wang Huan's personality is like a boy's, just like her name, jumping and dancing. She knew everything about boys' games, and even posed with a gun in her childhood photos.
Wang Huan
Very nice voice
Another advantage of this beautiful girl with lively nature is that her voice is particularly good. Influenced by her parents, Wang Huan has spoken pure Mandarin since she was a child. Every time the Chinese class to read, she is the teacher must point out the name of the person. Wang Huan, of course, did not know that she was rehearsing for one day becoming a TV host. She just read the text with emotion and cadence, and won a reading contest in the city. Therefore, when Wang Huan was looking forward to becoming a music teacher in the future, she was encouraged to sign up by classmates who knew her specialty well Chengde TV station Announcer recruitment, after a series of trials, Wang Huan wish.
For not being able to become a primary school teacher this matter, Wang Huan has been bitter. In her imagination, a primary school teacher is a particularly idealized profession, and every day with a group of innocent and romantic children together, singing and dancing, teaching them to learn knowledge, which is a beautiful and noble thing Ah.
Like reading and Chinese
Since she was a child, she liked reading aloud very much, so she fell in love with Chinese class. I remember that every text learned during the Chinese class would have a special lesson to read. She especially liked to read the text with a lot of dialogue, and the teacher would ask her to read it in different roles, and each time she would raise her hand so that the teacher could see her. Every time I have such a class, I am extremely excited (at that time, I felt happy, and now I think of using excitement is more appropriate), and I have a special impression until today. Later, I participated in several reading competitions held by the school and the city, and the results were very good.

Death of a character

At 18:58 on July 3, 2013, CCTV Film Channel "Program Preview" director, host, "Next week movie" host Wang Huanyin cancer And leave this world.

Posterity mourn

On July 5, 2013, Wang Huan farewell The ceremony was held in Babaoshan, and her friends, relatives and colleagues came to see her off [1] .